Ejemplo n.º 1
  def __init__(self, value, scope=None, type_spec=None):
    """Creates an instance of a value embedded in a lambda executor.

    The internal representation of a value can take one of the following
    supported forms:

    * An instance of `executor_value_base.ExecutorValue` that represents a
      value embedded in the target executor (functional or non-functional).

    * An as-yet unprocessed instance of `pb.Computation` that represents a
      function yet to be invoked (always a value of a functional type; any
      non-functional constructs should be processed on the fly).

    * A coroutine callable in Python that accepts a single argument that must
      be an instance of `LambdaExecutorValue` (or `None`), and that returns a
      result that is also an instance of `LambdaExecutorValue`. The associated
      type signature is always functional.

    * A single-level tuple (`anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple`) of instances
      of this class (of any of the supported forms listed here).

      value: The internal representation of a value, as specified above.
      scope: An optional scope for computations. Only allowed if `value` is an
        unprocessed instance of `pb.Computation`, otherwise it must be `None`
        (the scope is meaningless in other cases).
      type_spec: An optional type signature, only allowed if `value` is a
        callable that represents a function (in which case it must be an
        instance of `computation_types.FunctionType`), otherwise it  must be
        `None` (the type is implied in other cases).
    if isinstance(value, executor_value_base.ExecutorValue):
      type_spec = value.type_signature  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
    elif isinstance(value, pb.Computation):
      if scope is not None:
        py_typecheck.check_type(scope, LambdaExecutorScope)
      type_spec = type_utils.get_function_type(
    elif callable(value):
      py_typecheck.check_type(type_spec, computation_types.FunctionType)
      py_typecheck.check_type(value, anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple)
      type_elements = []
      for k, v in anonymous_tuple.iter_elements(value):
        py_typecheck.check_type(v, LambdaExecutorValue)
        type_elements.append((k, v.type_signature))
      type_spec = computation_types.NamedTupleType([
          (k, v) if k is not None else v for k, v in type_elements
    self._value = value
    self._scope = scope
    self._type_signature = type_spec
Ejemplo n.º 2
  async def _evaluate(self, comp, scope=None):
    """Evaluates or partially evaluates `comp` in `scope`.

      comp: An instance of `pb.Computation` to process.
      scope: An optional `LambdaExecutorScope` to process it in, or `None` if
        there's no surrounding scope (the computation is self-contained).

      An instance of `LambdaExecutorValue` that isn't unprocessed (i.e., the
      internal representation directly in it isn't simply `comp` or any
      other instance of`pb.Computation`). The result, however, does not have,
      and often won't be processed completely; it suffices for this function
      to make only partial progress.
    py_typecheck.check_type(comp, pb.Computation)
    if scope is not None:
      py_typecheck.check_type(scope, LambdaExecutorScope)
    which_computation = comp.WhichOneof('computation')
    if which_computation in ['tensorflow', 'intrinsic', 'data', 'placement']:
      return LambdaExecutorValue(await self._target_executor.create_value(
    elif which_computation == 'lambda':

      def _make_comp_fn(scope, result, name, type_spec):

        async def _comp_fn(arg):
          return await self._evaluate(result,
                                      LambdaExecutorScope({name: arg}, scope))

        return LambdaExecutorValue(_comp_fn, type_spec=type_spec)

      comp_lambda = getattr(comp, 'lambda')
      type_spec = type_utils.get_function_type(
      return _make_comp_fn(scope, comp_lambda.result,
                           comp_lambda.parameter_name, type_spec)
    elif which_computation == 'reference':
      return scope.resolve_reference(comp.reference.name)
    elif which_computation == 'call':
      if comp.call.argument.WhichOneof('computation') is not None:
        arg = LambdaExecutorValue(comp.call.argument, scope=scope)
        arg = None
      return await self.create_call(
          LambdaExecutorValue(comp.call.function, scope=scope), arg=arg)
    elif which_computation == 'selection':
      which_selection = comp.selection.WhichOneof('selection')
      return await self.create_selection(
          await self.create_call(
              LambdaExecutorValue(comp.selection.source, scope=scope)),
          **{which_selection: getattr(comp.selection, which_selection)})
    elif which_computation == 'tuple':
      names = [str(e.name) if e.name else None for e in comp.tuple.element]
      values = []
      for e in comp.tuple.element:
        val = LambdaExecutorValue(e.value, scope=scope)
        if (isinstance(val.type_signature, computation_types.FunctionType) and
            val.type_signature.parameter is None):
          val = self.create_call(val)

          async def _async_identity(x):
            return x

          val = _async_identity(val)
      values = await asyncio.gather(*values)
      return await self.create_tuple(
          anonymous_tuple.AnonymousTuple(list(zip(names, values))))
    elif which_computation == 'block':
      for loc in comp.block.local:
        value = LambdaExecutorValue(loc.value, scope)
        scope = LambdaExecutorScope({loc.name: value}, scope)
      return await self._evaluate(comp.block.result, scope)
      raise NotImplementedError(
          'Unsupported computation type "{}".'.format(which_computation))