Ejemplo n.º 1
def _is_even_lowered_execute(inputs, backend):
  prog = test_programs.is_even_function_calls()
  alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(prog)
  lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
  return list(vm.execute(
      lowered, [inputs],
      max_stack_depth=int(max(inputs)) + 3, backend=backend))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _fibonacci_lowered_execute(inputs, backend):
  prog = test_programs.fibonacci_function_calls()
  alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(prog)
  lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
  return list(vm.execute(
      lowered, [inputs],
      max_stack_depth=15, backend=backend))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testProductTypeInferenceNumpy(self):
     inputs = np.array([4, 5], dtype=np.int64)
     outputs = np.array(([6, 7], [7, 8]), dtype=np.int64)
     prog = test_programs.synthetic_pattern_variable_program(
     typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [inputs], NP_BACKEND)
     expected_prog = test_programs.synthetic_pattern_variable_program()
     self.assertSameTypes(expected_prog, typed)
     alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
     lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
     self.assertAllEqual(outputs, _execute(lowered, inputs, 15, NP_BACKEND))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testAutoBatchingEvenOddNumpy(self):
   for inputs, outputs in ([5], [False]), ([5, 6, 8, 9],
                                           [False, True, True, False]):
     inputs = np.array(inputs, dtype=np.int64)
     outputs = np.array(outputs, dtype=np.bool_)
     prog = even_odd_program()
     # print(prog)
     typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [inputs], NP_BACKEND)
     # print(typed)
     alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
     lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
     # print(lowered)
     self.assertAllEqual(outputs, _execute(lowered, inputs, 15, NP_BACKEND))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testAutoBatchingFibonacciTF(self):
   for inputs, outputs in ([5], [8]), ([5, 6, 8, 9], [8, 13, 34, 55]):
     inputs = np.array(inputs, dtype=np.int32)
     outputs = np.array(outputs, dtype=np.int32)
     prog = fibonacci_program()
     # print(prog)
     inputs_t = tf.constant(inputs, dtype=np.int32)
     typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [inputs_t], TF_BACKEND)
     # print(typed)
     alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
     lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
     # print(lowered)
         outputs, self.evaluate(_execute(lowered, inputs_t, 15, TF_BACKEND)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testFibonacciTypeInferenceTF(self, dtype):
   for inputs, outputs in ([5], [8]), ([5, 6, 8, 9], [8, 13, 34, 55]):
     inputs = np.array(inputs, dtype=dtype)
     outputs = np.array(outputs, dtype=dtype)
     tf1.logging.debug('tf.fib {} {} {}'.format(
         dtype, inputs.shape, outputs.shape))
     inputs_t = tf.constant(inputs, dtype=dtype)
     prog = test_programs.fibonacci_function_calls(include_types=False)
     typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [inputs_t], TF_BACKEND)
     expected_prog = test_programs.fibonacci_function_calls(dtype=dtype)
     self.assertSameTypes(expected_prog, typed)
     alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
     lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
         outputs, self.evaluate(_execute(lowered, inputs_t, 15, TF_BACKEND)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def program_lowered(self, main, sig=None, backend=None):
        """Constructs a lowered `instructions.Program` for this `Context`.

    This constructs the program with `self.program(main)`, and the performs type
    inference, optimization, and lowering, to emit a result that can be executed
    (or staged) by the auto-batching VM.

    The point of having this as a method in its own right is that it caches the
    compilation on the types of the arguments.

    If either `sig` or `backend` are omitted or `None`, type inference is
    skipped.  The result is not executable, but it can be enlightening to

      main: Python string name of the function that should be the entry point.
      sig: A `list` of (patterns of) `instructions.TensorType` aligned with
        the formal parameters to `main`.
      backend: Backend implementation.

      prog: An `instructions.Program` representing the batched computation
        defined by all the functions decorated with `batch` in this `Context` so
        far.  Suitable for execution or staging on real data by the
        auto-batching VM.
        module = self.module()
        prog = module.program(main)
        if self._lowering_cache is not None:
            key, result = self._lowering_cache
            if key == (module, main, sig, backend):
                return result
                # Clear the module and compile caches as well, because of b/119122199
                self._module = None
                self._compile_cache = None
                module = self.module()
                prog = module.program(main)
        if sig is not None and backend is not None:
            typed = ab_type_inference.infer_types_from_signature(
                prog, sig, backend)
            typed = prog
        alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
        lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
        result = stack.fuse_pop_push(lowered)
        self._lowering_cache = ((module, main, sig, backend), result)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def testAutoBatchingMultivalueTF(self):
   input_ = np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=np.int64)
   output = ((np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=np.int64),
              np.array([3, 3, 3], dtype=np.int64)),
             np.array([4, 4, 4], dtype=np.int64),
             (np.array([5, 5, 5], dtype=np.int64),
              np.array([6, 6, 6], dtype=np.int64)))
   prog = synthetic_pattern_program()
   # print(prog)
   input_t = tf.constant(input_, dtype=np.int64)
   typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [input_t], TF_BACKEND)
   # print(typed)
   alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
   lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
   # print(lowered)
   for expected, obtained in instructions.pattern_zip(
       output, self.evaluate(_execute(lowered, input_t, 15, TF_BACKEND))):
     self.assertAllEqual(expected, obtained)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def testIsEvenTypeInferenceTF(self, dtype):
   for inputs, outputs in [([1], [False]),
                           ([5, 6, 0, 3], [False, True, True, False])]:
     inputs = np.array(inputs, dtype=dtype)
     outputs = np.array(outputs, dtype=np.bool)
     tf1.logging.debug('tf.even {} {} {}'.format(
         dtype, inputs.shape, outputs.shape))
     inputs_t = tf.constant(inputs, dtype=dtype)
     prog = test_programs.is_even_function_calls(include_types=False)
     typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [inputs_t], TF_BACKEND)
     expected_prog = test_programs.is_even_function_calls(dtype=dtype)
     self.assertSameTypes(expected_prog, typed)
     alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
     lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
             lowered, inputs_t, int(np.max(inputs)) + 3, TF_BACKEND)))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def testFibonacciTypeInferenceNumpy(self, dtype):
   for inputs, outputs in ([5], [8]), ([5, 6, 8, 9], [8, 13, 34, 55]):
     inputs = np.array(inputs, dtype=dtype)
     outputs = np.array(outputs, dtype=dtype)
     tf1.logging.debug('np.fib {} {} {}'.format(
         dtype, inputs.shape, outputs.shape))
     prog = test_programs.fibonacci_function_calls(include_types=False)
     typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [inputs], NP_BACKEND)
     expected_prog = test_programs.fibonacci_function_calls(dtype=dtype)
     # We can only assert on the int64/float64 cases because numpy does
     # not match-cast types on arithmetic with constants.
     # i.e. (np.int32(0) - 1).dtype == np.int64
         expected_prog, typed, check_dtypes=dtype(0).nbytes == 8)
     alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
     lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
         outputs, _execute(lowered, inputs, 15, NP_BACKEND))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def testIsEvenTypeInferenceNumpy(self, dtype):
   for inputs, outputs in [([1], [False]),
                           ([5, 6, 0, 3], [False, True, True, False])]:
     inputs = np.array(inputs, dtype=dtype)
     outputs = np.array(outputs, dtype=np.bool)
     tf1.logging.debug('np.even {} {} {}'.format(
         dtype, inputs.shape, outputs.shape))
     prog = test_programs.is_even_function_calls(include_types=False)
     typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [inputs], NP_BACKEND)
     expected_prog = test_programs.is_even_function_calls(dtype=dtype)
     # We can only assert on the int64/float64 cases because numpy does
     # not match-cast types on arithmetic with constants.
     # i.e. (np.int32(0) - 1).dtype == np.int64
         expected_prog, typed, check_dtypes=dtype(0).nbytes == 8)
     alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
     lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
         _execute(lowered, inputs, int(np.max(inputs)) + 3, NP_BACKEND))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def testAutoBatchingFibonacciNumpy(self):
   for inputs, outputs in ([5], [8]), ([5, 6, 8, 9], [8, 13, 34, 55]):
     # This test doesn't pass with int32 input types, because (apparently)
     # numpy can't tell the difference between an ndarray of shape () and known
     # dtype, and a scalar (literal) whose dtype needs to be inferred.
     # To wit:
     #   (np.zeros((), dtype=np.int32) - 1).dtype == np.int64
     # because that's somehow the best numpy can do, even though
     #   (np.zeros([6], dtype=np.int32) - 1).dtype == np.int32
     # Needless to say, this messes up type inference for programs like
     # Fibonacci whose unbatched input shape is scalar.
     inputs = np.array(inputs, dtype=np.int64)
     outputs = np.array(outputs, dtype=np.int64)
     prog = fibonacci_program()
     # print(prog)
     typed = type_inference.infer_types(prog, [inputs], NP_BACKEND)
     # print(typed)
     alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(typed)
     lowered = lowering.lower_function_calls(alloc)
     # print(lowered)
     self.assertAllEqual(outputs, _execute(lowered, inputs, 15, NP_BACKEND))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def _is_even_stackless_execute(inputs, backend):
    prog = test_programs.is_even_function_calls()
    alloc = allocation_strategy.optimize(prog)
    return stackless.execute(alloc, backend, None, inputs)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def assertAllocates(self, expected, prog):
     allocated = allocation_strategy.optimize(prog)
     self.assertEqual(expected, allocated.var_alloc)