Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _inverse(self, y):
     with tf.control_dependencies(self._maybe_assert_valid_y(y)):
         concentration = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.concentration)
         reciprocal_concentration = tf.math.reciprocal(concentration)
         z = -tfp_math.lambertw(reciprocal_concentration * tf.math.exp(
             reciprocal_concentration + tf.math.log(y))) * concentration
         # Due to numerical instability, when y approaches 1, this expression
         # can be less than -1. We clip the value to prevent that.
         z = tf.clip_by_value(z, -1., np.inf)
         return -tf.math.log1p(z) / self.rate
 def _inverse_log_det_jacobian(self, y):
     """Returns log of the Jacobian determinant of the inverse function."""
     # Jacobian is log(W_delta(y, delta) / y) - log(1 + W(delta * y^2)).
     # Note that W_delta(y, delta) / y >= 0, since they share the same sign.
     # For numerical stability use log(abs()) - log(abs()).
     # See also Eq (11) and (31) of
     # https://www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/2015/909231/
     log_jacobian_term_nonzero = (
         tf.math.log(tf.abs(_w_delta_squared(y, delta=self._tailweight))) -
         tf.math.log(tf.abs(y)) -
         tf.math.log(1. + tfp_math.lambertw(self._tailweight * y**2)))
     # If y = 0 the expression becomes log(0/0) - log(1 + 0), and the first term
     # equals log(1) = 0.  Hence, for y = 0 the whole expression equals 0.
     return tf.where(tf.equal(y, 0.0), tf.zeros_like(y),
def _w_delta_squared(z, delta):
    """Applies W_delta transformation to the input.

  For a given z, `W_delta(z) = sign(z) * (W(delta * z^2)/delta)^0.5`. This
  transformation is defined in Equation (9) of [1].

    z: Input of the transformation.
    delta: Parameter delta of the transformation.

    The transformed Tensor with same shape and same dtype as `z`.
    delta = tf.convert_to_tensor(delta, dtype=z.dtype)
    z = tf.broadcast_to(z, ps.broadcast_shape(ps.shape(z), ps.shape(delta)))
    wd = tf.sign(z) * tf.sqrt(tfp_math.lambertw(delta * z**2) / delta)
    return tf.where(tf.equal(delta, 0.0), z, wd)