def ir_tensor_l1pca(X, K, A, n_max, num_init, print_flag): dataset_matrix_size = X.shape dataset_matrix_size = list(dataset_matrix_size) # Initialize the unfolding, subspace, and conformity lists. unfolding_ii = [[] for xx in range(len(dataset_matrix_size))] # Unfolding list. Q_ii = [[] for xx in range(len(dataset_matrix_size))] # Subspace list. conf_ii = [[] for xx in range(len(dataset_matrix_size))] # Conformity list. # Calculate the initial subspaces. for ii in range (0, len(dataset_matrix_size)): unfolding_ii[ii] = unfold(X,ii) # Calculate the unfoldings. Q_ii[ii], B, vmax= l1pca_sbfk(unfolding_ii[ii], K[ii], num_init, print_flag) # Calculate the subspaces. # Iterate. for iter_ in range(0, n_max): for ii in range(0, len(A)): # Calculate the norm of the projection of each column of the unfolding. vect_weight = np.linalg.norm(np.matmul(np.matmul(Q_ii[ii],Q_ii[ii].transpose()),unfolding_ii[ii]), axis = 0) # Convert to tensor form and multiply with the corresponding weight conf_ii[ii] = np.array(fold(np.matlib.repmat(vect_weight, dataset_matrix_size[ii],1), ii, X.shape), dtype=float)*A[ii] # Combine the conformity values to form the final conformity tensor. conf_final = zero_one_normalization(sum(conf_ii)) # Calculate the updated L1-PCs. for ii in range(0, len(A)): Q_ii[ii], B, vmax= l1pca_sbfk(unfold(np.multiply(X,conf_final),ii), K[ii], num_init, print_flag) return Q_ii, conf_final
def decompose_three_way(tensor, rank, max_iter=501, verbose=False): # a = np.random.random((rank, tensor.shape[0])) b = np.random.random((rank, tensor.shape[1])) c = np.random.random((rank, tensor.shape[2])) for epoch in range(max_iter): # optimize a input_a = khatri_rao([b.T, c.T]) target_a = tl.unfold(tensor, mode=0).T a = np.linalg.solve(, # optimize b input_b = khatri_rao([a.T, c.T]) target_b = tl.unfold(tensor, mode=1).T b = np.linalg.solve(, # optimize c input_c = khatri_rao([a.T, b.T]) target_c = tl.unfold(tensor, mode=2).T c = np.linalg.solve(, if verbose and epoch % int(max_iter * .2) == 0: res_a = np.square( - target_a) res_b = np.square( - target_b) res_c = np.square( - target_c) print("Epoch:", epoch, "| Loss (C):", res_a.mean(), "| Loss (B):", res_b.mean(), "| Loss (C):", res_c.mean()) return a.T, b.T, c.T
def calculate_tucker_energy(tensor, A): energy_stack = [] for i in range(tensor.ndim): sample_count_i = / tensor.shape[i] sample_coef_i = 1 / (sample_count_i - 1) unfold_i = tl.unfold(tensor, i) tensor_proj_i = tl.tenalg.mode_dot(tensor, A[i].T, i) tensor_proj_unfold_i = tl.unfold(tensor_proj_i, i) full_cov_i = sample_coef_i * unfold_i @ unfold_i.T tensor_proj_cov_i = sample_coef_i * tensor_proj_unfold_i @ tensor_proj_unfold_i.T total_energy_i = np.trace(full_cov_i) expl_energy_i_per_component = -np.sort(-tensor_proj_cov_i.diagonal()) expl_energy_ratio_i_per_component = expl_energy_i_per_component / total_energy_i total_energy_i_per_component = [ total_energy_i for _ in range(len(expl_energy_i_per_component)) ] energy_stack.append([ total_energy_i_per_component, expl_energy_i_per_component, expl_energy_ratio_i_per_component ]) energy_stack = np.array(energy_stack) return energy_stack
def update_Um(m, p, X, G, Us): """ Update and return the U matrix of mode m Input: - m: The mode along which the update will take place - p: AR model order - X: Data in their original form (before decomposition) - G: Core tensors - Us: List containing the U matrices Returns: - new_Um: New U matrix along mode-m """ Bs = [] H = tl.tenalg.kronecker([u.T for u, i in zip(Us[::-1], reversed(range(len(Us)))) if i!= m ]) for t in range(p, X.shape[-1]): unfold_X = tl.unfold(X[..., t], m) dot1 =, H.T) Bs.append(, tl.unfold(G[..., t], m).T )) b = np.sum(Bs, axis=0) U1, _, V1 = np.linalg.svd(b, full_matrices=False) proc1 =, V1) Us[m] = proc1 new_Um =, V1) return new_Um
def CPD(X, R, iterations): np.random.seed(0) X = tl.tensor(X) X1 = tl.unfold(X, 0) X2 = tl.unfold(X, 1) X3 = tl.unfold(X, 2) XV = [X1, X2, X3] A1 = np.random.rand(X.shape[0], R) A2 = np.random.rand(X.shape[1], R) A3 = np.random.rand(X.shape[2], R) A = [A1, A2, A3] lam = [[], [], []] for i in range(iterations): for k in range(3): AO = A[:k] + A[k + 1:] V = np.multiply(np.matmul(AO[0].T, AO[0]), np.matmul(AO[1].T, AO[1])) KR = tl.tenalg.khatri_rao(AO) A[k] = np.matmul(np.matmul(XV[k], KR), np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(V.T, V)), V.T)) lam[k] = np.linalg.norm(A[k], axis=0) A[k] = A[k] / lam[k] return A, lam[0]
def approx_tensor_rank(A, threshold=0.03, ranks_for_imputation=(20, 4, 2, 8, 20), verbose=False): """Compute approximate (matrix) rank of a tensor. Right now this function only supports the calculation of approximte rank of dataset and estimator dimensions. Args: A (np.ndarray): Tensor for which to compute rank. threshold (float): All singular values less than threshold * (largest singular value) will be set to 0 Returns: tuple of int: The approximate rank of A in each dimension. """ dim = len(A.shape) if np.sum(np.isnan(A)): _, _, A, _ = tucker_on_error_tensor(A, ranks=ranks_for_imputation, verbose=verbose) s0 = sp.linalg.svd(tl.unfold(A, mode=0), compute_uv=False) rank0 = len(s0[s0 >= threshold * s0[0]]) s_last = sp.linalg.svd(tl.unfold(A, mode=dim - 1), compute_uv=False) rank_last = len(s_last[s_last >= threshold * s_last[0]]) return (rank0, 4, 2, 8, rank_last)
def TFAI_CP_within_mod(self, X, S_m, S_d, r=3, alpha=0.25, beta=1.0, lam=0.1, tol=1e-7, max_iter=500, seed=0): m = X.shape[0] d = X.shape[1] t = X.shape[2] # initialization np.random.seed(seed) C = np.mat(np.random.rand(m, r)) P = np.mat(np.random.rand(d, r)) D = np.mat(np.random.rand(t, r)) X_1 = np.mat(tl.unfold(X, 0)) X_2 = np.mat(tl.unfold(X, 1)) X_3 = np.mat(tl.unfold(X, 2)) D_C = np.diagflat(S_m.sum(1)) D_P = np.diagflat(S_d.sum(1)) L_C = D_C - S_m L_P = D_P - S_d for i in range(max_iter): G = np.mat(tl.tenalg.khatri_rao([P, D])) output_X_old = tl.fold(np.array(C * G.T), 0, X.shape) C = np.mat( sp.linalg.solve_sylvester( np.array(alpha * L_C + lam * np.mat(np.eye(m))), np.array(G.T * G), X_1 * G)) U = np.mat(tl.tenalg.khatri_rao([C, D])) P = np.mat( sp.linalg.solve_sylvester( np.array(beta * L_P + lam * np.mat(np.eye(d))), np.array(U.T * U), X_2 * U)) B = np.mat(tl.tenalg.khatri_rao([C, P])) D = X_3 * B * np.linalg.inv(B.T * B + lam * np.eye(r)) output_X = tl.fold(np.array(D * B.T), 2, X.shape) err = np.linalg.norm(output_X - output_X_old) / np.linalg.norm(output_X_old) if err < tol: print(i) break predict_X = tl.fold( np.array(C * np.mat(tl.tenalg.khatri_rao([P, D])).T), 0, X.shape) return predict_X
def perform_CMTF(tOrig=None, mOrig=None, r=10): """ Perform CMTF decomposition. """ if tOrig is None: tOrig, mOrig = createCube() tFac = CPTensor(initialize_cp(np.nan_to_num(tOrig, nan=np.nanmean(tOrig)), r, non_negative=True)) mFac = CPTensor(initialize_cp(np.nan_to_num(mOrig, nan=np.nanmean(mOrig)), r, non_negative=True)) # Pre-unfold selPat = np.all(np.isfinite(mOrig), axis=1) unfolded = tl.unfold(tOrig, 0) missing = np.any(np.isnan(unfolded), axis=0) unfolded = unfolded[:, ~missing] R2X = -1.0 mFac.factors[0] = tFac.factors[0] mFac.factors[1] = np.linalg.lstsq(mFac.factors[0][selPat, :], mOrig[selPat, :], rcond=None)[0].T for ii in range(8000): # Solve for the subject matrix kr = khatri_rao(tFac.factors[1], tFac.factors[2])[~missing, :] kr2 = np.vstack((kr, mFac.factors[1])) unfolded2 = np.hstack((unfolded, mOrig)) tFac.factors[0] = censored_lstsq(kr2, unfolded2.T) mFac.factors[0] = tFac.factors[0] # PARAFAC on other antigen modes for m in [1, 2]: kr = khatri_rao(tFac.factors[0], tFac.factors[3 - m]) unfold = tl.unfold(tOrig, m) tFac.factors[m] = censored_lstsq(kr, unfold.T) # Solve for the glycan matrix fit mFac.factors[1] = np.linalg.lstsq(mFac.factors[0][selPat, :], mOrig[selPat, :], rcond=None)[0].T if ii % 20 == 0: R2X_last = R2X R2X = calcR2X(tOrig, mOrig, tFac, mFac) if R2X - R2X_last < 1e-6: break tFac.normalize() mFac.normalize() # Reorient the later tensor factors tFac.factors, mFac.factors = reorient_factors(tFac.factors, mFac.factors) return tFac, mFac, R2X
def unfold(S,mode): x = S.shape[0] y = S.shape[1] z = S.shape[2] if mode == 0: M=np.zeros((x,y*z)) for i in range(z): M[:,y*i:y*(i+1)] = S[:,:,i] elif mode == 1: M = tl.unfold(np.swapaxes(S,0,2),1) elif mode == 2: M = tl.unfold(np.swapaxes(S,0,1),2) else: pass return M
def svd_init_fac(tensor, rank): """ svd initialization of factor matrices for a given tensor and rank Parameters ---------- tensor : tensor rank : int Returns ------- factors : list of matrices """ factors = [] for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)): # unfolding of a given mode unfolded = tl.unfold(tensor, mode) if rank <= tl.shape(tensor)[mode]: u, s, v = tl.partial_svd( unfolded, n_eigenvecs=rank) # first rank eigenvectors/values (ascendent) else: u, s, v = tl.partial_svd(unfolded, n_eigenvecs=tl.shape(tensor)[mode]) # completed by random columns u = np.append(u, np.random.random( (np.shape(u)[0], rank - tl.shape(tensor)[mode])), axis=1) # sometimes we have singular matrix error for als factors += [u] return (factors)
def gpu_sthosvd( tensor: torch.Tensor, core_size: List[int] ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor], List[torch.Tensor]]: """ GPU Seqeuntially Truncated Higher Order SVD. Parameters ---------- tensor : torch.Tensor, arbitrarily dimensional tensor core_size : list of int Returns ------- torch.Tensor core tensor List[torch.Tensor] list of singular vectors List[torch.Tensor] list of singular vectors """ intermediate = tensor singular_vectors, singular_values = [], [] for mode in range(len(tensor.shape)): to_unfold = intermediate svec, sval, _ = gpu_tsvd(tl.unfold(to_unfold, mode), core_size[mode]) intermediate = tl.tenalg.mode_dot(intermediate, svec.t(), mode) singular_vectors.append(svec) singular_values.append(sval) return intermediate, singular_vectors, singular_values
def MLSVD(A, truncated=False, compute_core_tensor=True): ''' Multi-Linear Singular Value Decomposition Parameters ---------- A : Tensor of order n, Tensor to decompose truncated False or int, Whether to compute truncated SVD. Defaults to False. Yields ------- [U1,U2,...,Un] : list of matrices, List of mode n singular vectors of A ''' U = [] if truncated is False: truncated = -1 ## Compute orthogonal matrices for o in range(len(A.shape)): unfolded = tl.unfold(A, o) U.append(la.svd(unfolded)[0][:, :truncated]) if compute_core_tensor: ## Compute core tensor B = tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(A, U, modes=range(len(A.shape)), transpose=True) return B, U else: return U
def get_Binary_FactorU(Tx, Ty, U_list, mode_j, I_j, lambda_regula): """ Estimate current factor matrix U with L2 penalty in Binary detection model; It is for one-time estimation only Tx: Input Tensor Ty: Response Tensor mode_j: j-th mode I_j: j-th mode dimension lambda_regula: regularization parameter for the L2 penalty Notice that in Binary case, both Tx and Ty are single tensor """ Phi = Phi_mode(Ty, mode_j) temptensor = Tx[0] C_prod = tl.unfold(multi_mode_dot(temptensor, U_list), mode_j) res = np.multiply(Phi.T, C_prod) a = np.shape(res) for i in range(a[0]): for j in range(a[1]): if res[i, j] >= 1: Phi[j, i] = 0 # We want to change elements in Phi.T, so have to reverse index # Forcing phi_{ij} to be zero, we can actually remove the gradient coming from non_sv loss G = F_MM(Tx, mode_j, U_list) Iden = np.diag(np.ones(I_j)) leftMM =, G.T) + 0.5 * lambda_regula * Iden LMM = np.linalg.pinv(leftMM) RMM =, Phi) U_new =, RMM) return U_new.T
def encode(self, data): if len(data.shape) == 2: data = data[np.newaxis, ...] input_a = tl.tenalg.khatri_rao([self.factor, self.factor]) target_a = tl.unfold(data, mode=0).T return np.squeeze( np.linalg.solve(,
def set_tensor_matricization(x, mode=0): matricization = [] for sample in x: matricization.append(tl.unfold(sample, mode)) return np.asarray(matricization)
def run_aca_full(): N = 200 C_list = [] ranks = np.array([N, N, N]) tensor = np.asarray(utilis.get_B_one(N)) for mode in range(3): if mode == 0: # Start with original matrix Core_mat = tl.unfold(tensor, mode) else: Core_mat = tl.unfold(Core_ten, mode) C, U, R = aca_fun.aca_full_pivoting(Core_mat, 10e-5) ranks[mode] = U.shape[0] print(f'Current ranks: {ranks}') Core_ten = tl.fold(, R), mode, ranks) C_list.append(C)
def test_aca_func(): # check whether functional matrizitation is identical with original one N = 50 for obj in ["B1", "B2"]: C_list = [] ranks = np.array([N, N, N]) for mode in range(3): if mode == 0: if obj == "B1": functional_generator = aca_fun.mode_m_matricization_fun( aca_fun.b1, N, N, N) C, U, R = aca_fun.aca_partial_pivoting( functional_generator, N, N * N, N, 10e-4 / 3) tensor = np.asarray(utilis.get_B_one(N)) else: functional_generator = aca_fun.mode_m_matricization_fun( aca_fun.b2, N, N, N) C, U, R = aca_fun.aca_partial_pivoting( functional_generator, N, N * N, N, 10e-4 / 3) tensor = np.asarray(utilis.get_B_two(N)) else: Core_mat = tl.unfold(Core_ten, mode) C, U, R = aca_fun.aca_full_pivoting(Core_mat, 10e-4 / 3) ranks[mode] = U.shape[0] Core_ten = tl.fold(, R), mode, ranks) C_list.append(C) recon = utilis.reconstruct_tensor(C_list, Core_ten, tensor) error = utilis.frobenius_norm_tensor(recon - tensor) assert (error < 10e-4 * utilis.frobenius_norm_tensor(tensor))
def tt_als(T, cores, omega): if len(cores) <= 1: return cores new_cores = [] for core in cores: new_cores.append(core.get_tensor()) new_cores[0] = new_cores[0].unsqueeze(0) new_cores[-1] = new_cores[-1].unsqueeze(-1) for s in range(len(cores)): B = tensor_connect(new_cores, s) B_mat = tl.unfold(B, 1) T_mat = tl.unfold(T.get_tensor(), s) omega_mat = tl.unfold(omega, s) ranks = (B.shape[-1], B.shape[0]) new_cores[s] = tt_als_step(B_mat, new_cores[s], T_mat, omega_mat, 0.01, ranks) return put_mps(new_cores)[0]
def reshape_expectation(z, ranks, mode): Lm = ranks[mode] Ln = int( / Lm) Z = np.zeros((len(z), Lm, Ln)) # mode-m matricize E[z(t)] for t, zt in enumerate(z): Z[t] = unfold(zt.reshape(ranks), mode) return Z
def run_hosvd(X,ranks): arms = [] core = X for mode in range(X.ndim): U,_,_ = randomized_svd(tl.unfold(X,mode),ranks[mode]) arms.append(U) core = tl.tenalg.mode_dot(core, U.T,mode) return core, arms
def falrtc(c, T, K, Omega): X = T a = abs(np.random.standard_normal(3)) a /= sum(a) m = a / 100000 L = np.sum(m) Z = T W = T B = 0 for k in range(K): while True: theta = (1 + mt.sqrt(1 + 4 * L * B)) / (2 * L) W = (theta / L) / (B + theta / L) * Z + B / (B + theta / L) * X # compute f_mu(X), f_mu(W), and gradient of f_mu(W) fx = 0 fw = 0 fxp = 0 gw = np.zeros(X.shape) for i in range(3): [trunkX, sigX] = truncate_op(tl.unfold(X, i), m[i] / a[i]) [trunkW, sigW] = truncate_op(tl.unfold(W, i), m[i] / a[i]) fx += np.sum(sigX) fw += np.sum(sigW) gw += tl.fold((a[i] * a[i] / m[i]) * trunkW, i, W.shape) # replace the known pixels with zeros in gw for nr in range(X.shape[0]): for nc in range(X.shape[1]): if all(Omega[nr, nc, :] != 0): gw[nr, nc, :] = 0 if fx <= fw - (LA.norm(gw)**2) / (2 * L): break Xp = W - gw / L for r in range(3): [_, sig_fxp] = truncate_op(tl.unfold(Xp, r), m[r] / a[r]) fxp += np.sum(sig_fxp) if fxp <= fw - (LA.norm(gw)**2) / (2 / L): X = Xp break L = L / c Z = Z - theta * gw B = B + theta return X
def Phi_mode(Y, mode_j): """ Phi vector in the algorithm Given a list of reponse tensors y_i, return a column vector, each element is y_j unfold at mode j We should form it as matrix not tensor, so take np array """ temp = [tl.unfold(i, mode_j) for i in Y] ans = np.hstack(tuple(temp)) return ans.T
def trunc_hosvd(self, tensor): A = [] ranks = np.repeat(self.R, tensor.ndim) if isinstance(self.R, int) else self.R for i in range(tensor.ndim): unfold_i = tl.unfold(tensor, i) u, _, _ = svds(unfold_i, k=ranks[i], tol=self.tol) A.append(u) A = np.array(A) G = tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(tensor, A, transpose=True) return G, A
def run_exp(tensor, k, mode=1, method='normal', iteration=100, var_reduction='geomedian'): ''' :tensor: generated tensor :k: reduced dimension :iteration: total run of iterations ''' assert method in ['TRP', 'normal'] assert var_reduction in ['average', 'geomedian', None] shape = list(tensor.shape) del shape[mode] if method == 'TRP': rp = Merp(n=shape, k=k, tensor=True) else: rp = Merp(n=shape, k=k, tensor=False) # unfold tensor X = tl.unfold(tensor, mode=1) relative_errs = [] for _ in range(iteration): if var_reduction is None: rp.regenerate_omega() reduced_X = rp.transform(X) # qr decomposition q, _ = np.linalg.qr(reduced_X, mode='reduced') # calculate relative error err = np.linalg.norm(np.matmul(np.matmul(q, q.T), X) - X, ord='fro') del q else: X_hats = [] for _ in range(5): rp.regenerate_omega() reduced_X = rp.transform(X) # qr decomposition q, _ = np.linalg.qr(reduced_X, mode='reduced') X_hats.append(np.matmul(np.matmul(q, q.T), X)) del q avg_X_hat = average_mat(X_hats, var_reduction) del X_hats # calculate relative error err = np.linalg.norm(avg_X_hat - X, ord='fro') relative_err = err / np.linalg.norm(X, ord='fro') relative_errs.append(relative_err) return sorted(relative_errs)
def tmacTT(T, K, Omega): X = T U = [] V = [] un = [] for n in range(3): un.append(tl.unfold(X, n)) rank = LA.matrix_rank(un[n]) U.append(np.ones([un[n].shape[0], rank])) V.append(np.ones([rank, un[n].shape[1]])) for k in range(K): for i in range(3): un[i] = tl.unfold(X, i) U[i] = np.matmul(un[i], np.matrix.transpose(V[i])) U_t = np.matrix.transpose(U[i]) V[i] = np.matmul(np.matmul(LA.pinv(np.matmul(U_t, U[i])), U_t), un[i]) un[i] = np.matmul(U[i], V[i]) X = update(un, T, Omega) return X
def CPDMWUTime(X, F, sketching_rates, lamb, eps, nu, Hinit, max_time, sample_interval=0.5): weights = np.array([1] * len(sketching_rates)) / (len(sketching_rates)) dim_1, dim_2, dim_3 = X.shape A, B, C = Hinit[0], Hinit[1], Hinit[2] X_unfold = [tl.unfold(X, m) for m in range(3)] norm_x = norm(X) I = np.eye(F) PP = tl.kruskal_to_tensor((np.ones(F), [A, B, C])) error = np.linalg.norm(X - PP)**2 / norm_x NRE_A = {0: error} start = time.time() sketching_rates_selected = {} now = time.time() itr = 1 with tqdm(position=0) as pbar: while now - start < max_time: s = sketching_weight(sketching_rates, weights) # Solve Ridge Regression for A,B,C A, B, C = update_factors(A, B, C, X_unfold, I, lamb, s, F) # Update weights p = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=eps) if p == 1 and len(sketching_rates) > 1: update_weights(A, B, C, X_unfold, I, norm_x, lamb, weights, sketching_rates, F, nu, eps) now = time.time() PP = tl.kruskal_to_tensor((np.ones(F), [A, B, C])) error = np.linalg.norm(X - PP)**2 / norm_x elapsed = now - start NRE_A[elapsed] = error sketching_rates_selected[elapsed] = s pbar.set_description( "iteration: {} t: {:.5f} s: {} error: {:.5f} rates: {}". format(itr, elapsed, s, error, sketching_rates)) itr += 1 pbar.update(1) return A, B, C, NRE_A, sketching_rates_selected
def T2(): X, Y, Y2 = [], [], [] for rg in range(1, size): F_res, error = tensor_svp_solve(F, mask, delta=1.5, max_iterations=iters, k=(rg, rg, rg), taker_iters=10000, epsilon=0.01, R=tensor) X.append(rg) R_hat1 = tl.unfold(F_res, 0) Y.append(calc_unobserved_rmse2(R1, R_hat1, tl.unfold(1 - mask, 0))) Y2.append(calc_unobserved_rmse2(T1, R_hat1, tl.unfold(1 - mask, 0))) sb.lineplot(X, Y) sb.lineplot(X, Y2) exit(0)
def fuc(): Image, X, known, a, Mi, Yi, imSize, ArrSize, p, K = init() for k in range(K): # compute Mi tensors(Step1) for i in range(ArrSize[3]): temp1 = shrinkage( tl.unfold(X, mode=i) + tl.unfold(np.squeeze(Yi[:, :, :, i]), mode=i) / p, a[i] / p) temp = tl.fold(temp1, i, imSize) Mi[:, :, :, i] = temp # Update X(Step2) X = np.sum(Mi - Yi / p, ArrSize[3]) / ArrSize[3] X = ReplaceInd(X, known, Image) # Update Yi tensors (Step 3) for i in range(ArrSize[3]): Yi[:, :, :, i] = np.squeeze( Yi[:, :, :, i]) - p * (np.squeeze(Mi[:, :, :, i]) - X) # Modify rho to help convergence(Step 4) p = 1.2 * p return X
def one_ntd_step_mu(tensor, ranks, in_core, in_factors, beta, norm_tensor, fixed_modes, normalize, mode_core_norm): """ One step of Multiplicative Uodate applied for every mode of the tensor and on the core. """ # Copy core = in_core.copy() factors = in_factors.copy() # Generating the mode update sequence modes_list = [mode for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if mode not in fixed_modes] for mode in modes_list: factors[mode] = mu.mu_betadivmin(factors[mode], tl.unfold(tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(core, factors, skip = mode), mode), tl.unfold(tensor,mode), beta) core = mu.mu_tensorial(core, factors, tensor, beta) if normalize[-1]: unfolded_core = tl.unfold(core, mode_core_norm) for idx_mat in range(unfolded_core.shape[0]): if tl.norm(unfolded_core[idx_mat]) != 0: unfolded_core[idx_mat] = unfolded_core[idx_mat] / tl.norm(unfolded_core[idx_mat], 2) core = tl.fold(unfolded_core, mode_core_norm, core.shape) # # Adding the l1 norm value to the reconstruction error # sparsity_error = 0 # for index, sparse in enumerate(sparsity_coefficients): # if sparse: # if index < len(factors): # sparsity_error += 2 * (sparse * np.linalg.norm(factors[index], ord=1)) # elif index == len(factors): # sparsity_error += 2 * (sparse * tl.norm(core, 1)) # else: # raise NotImplementedError("TODEBUG: Too many sparsity coefficients, should have been raised before.") reconstructed_tensor = tl.tenalg.multi_mode_dot(core, factors) cost_fct_val = beta_div.beta_divergence(tensor, reconstructed_tensor, beta) return core, factors, cost_fct_val
def mach_td(X, rank, p): X_s = np.zeros(X.shape).flatten() for idx, v in enumerate(X.flatten()): coinToss = random.uniform(0,1) if coinToss <= p: X_s[idx] = v/p X_s = X_s.reshape(X.shape) factors = [] for i in range(X.ndim): if rank[i] < X.shape[i]: A_s = sa.csr_matrix(tensorly.unfold(X_s,i)) #print(A_s.nnz) factors.append(sla.svds(A_s, k=rank[i], return_singular_vectors='u')[0]) else: U, _, _ = la.svd(tensorly.unfold(X_s,i), full_matrices=False) factors.append(U) core = ta.multi_mode_dot(X_s,factors, transpose=True) return core, factors