Ejemplo n.º 1
def collect_layer_data(layer_obj):
    '''Use scancode to collect data from a layer filesystem. This function will
    create a FileData object for every file found. After scanning, it will
    return a list of FileData objects.
    files = []
    # run scancode against a directory
    command = 'scancode -ilpcu --quiet --timeout 300 --json -'
    full_cmd = get_filesystem_command(layer_obj, command)
    origin_layer = 'Layer: ' + layer_obj.fs_hash[:10]
    result, error = rootfs.shell_command(True, full_cmd)
    if not result:
        logger.error("No scancode results for this layer: %s", str(error))
                                                Notice(str(error), 'error'))
        # make FileData objects for each result
        data = json.loads(result)
        notice = data.get("headers")[0].get("notice")
        headers = layer_obj.extension_info.get("headers", set())
        layer_obj.extension_info["headers"] = headers
        for f in data['files']:
            if f['type'] == 'file' and f['size'] != 0:
    return files
Ejemplo n.º 2
def collect_layer_data(layer_obj):
    '''Use scancode to collect data from a layer filesystem. This function will
    create FileData and Package objects for every File and Package found. After
    scanning, it will return a tuple with a list of FileData and a list of
    Package objects.
    files = []
    packages = []
    # run scancode against a directory
        processes = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
        command = "scancode -ilpcu --quiet --timeout 300 -n {} --json -".format(processes)
    except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
        command = "scancode -ilpcu --quiet --timeout 300 --json -"
    full_cmd = get_filesystem_command(layer_obj, command)
    origin_layer = 'Layer {}'.format(layer_obj.layer_index)
    result, error = rootfs.shell_command(True, full_cmd)
    if not result:
            "No scancode results for this layer: %s", str(error))
            origin_layer, Notice(str(error), 'error'))
        # make FileData objects for each result
        data = json.loads(result)
        add_scancode_headers(layer_obj, data["headers"])
        for f in data['files']:
            if f['type'] == 'file' and f['size'] != 0:
                for package in f['packages']:
    return files, packages
Ejemplo n.º 3
def execute_and_pass(layer_obj, command, is_sudo=False):
    '''Similar to execute_external_command, but the results and the errors
    are stored together in layer_obj's analyzed_output property to be
    post-processed. The result and error will be separated by two new line
    characters \n\n'''
    full_cmd = get_filesystem_command(layer_obj, command)
    result, error = rootfs.shell_command(is_sudo, full_cmd)
    layer_obj.analyzed_output = error.decode('utf-8') + '\n\n' + result.decode(
Ejemplo n.º 4
def pull_image(image_tag_string, no_tls=False):
    """Use skopeo to pull a remote image into the working directory"""
    # Check if skopeo is set up
    # we will assume the docker transport for now
    remote = f'docker://{image_tag_string}'
    local = f'dir:{rootfs.get_working_dir()}'
    logger.debug("Attempting to pull image \"%s\"", image_tag_string)
    if no_tls:
        result, error = rootfs.shell_command(
            False, ['skopeo', 'copy', '--src-tls-verify=false', remote, local])
        result, error = rootfs.shell_command(False,
                                             ['skopeo', 'copy', remote, local])
    if error:
        logger.error("Error when downloading image: \"%s\"", error)
        return None
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def execute_external_command(layer_obj, command, is_sudo=False):
    '''Given an Imagelayer object and a command in the form of a list, execute
    the command and store the results in the ImageLayer object either as
    results or as a Notice object'''
    origin_layer = 'Layer: ' + layer_obj.fs_hash[:10]
    result, error = rootfs.shell_command(is_sudo, command)
    if error:
        logger.error("Error in executing external command: %s", str(error))
                                                Notice(str(error), 'error'))
        return False
    layer_obj.analyzed_output = result.decode()
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
def execute_external_command(layer_obj, command, is_sudo=False):
    '''Given an Imagelayer object and a command in the form of a list, execute
    the command and store the results in the ImageLayer object either as
    results or as a Notice object'''
    origin_layer = 'Layer {}'.format(layer_obj.layer_index)
    result, error = rootfs.shell_command(is_sudo, command)
    if error:
        msg = error.decode('utf-8')
        logger.error("Error in executing external command: %s", msg)
                                                Notice(msg, 'error'))
        return False
    layer_obj.analyzed_output = result.decode('utf-8')
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def invoke_live(snippet_list, prereqs, method):
    """Given a list of commands to run, invoke the commands and return
    the result. The prereqs object should"""
    # we first create a single command from the snippet list
    command = snippets_to_script(snippet_list)
    logger.debug("Invoking command: %s", command)
    # we then insert this command into our unshare script
    script_path = create_script(command, prereqs, method)
    if method == 'container':
        full_cmd = ['unshare', '-mpf', '-r', script_path]
    if method == 'host':
        full_cmd = ['unshare', '-pf', '-r', script_path]
    # invoke the script and remove it
    output, error = rootfs.shell_command(False, full_cmd)
    return output, error
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_image_digest(image_tag_string):
    """Use skopeo to get the remote image's digest"""
    # check if skopeo is set up
    remote = f'docker://{image_tag_string}'
    logger.debug("Inspecting remote image \"%s\"", image_tag_string)
    result, error = rootfs.shell_command(False, ['skopeo', 'inspect', remote])
    if error or not result:
        logger.error("Unable to retrieve image digest")
        return None, None
    result_string = json.loads(result)
    digest_string = result_string.get("Digest")
    if not digest_string:
        logger.error("No image digest available")
        return None, None
    digest_list = digest_string.split(":")
    return digest_list[0], digest_list[1]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def collect_layer_data(layer_obj):
    '''Use scancode to collect data from a layer filesystem. This function will
    create a FileData object for every file found. After scanning, it will
    return a list of FileData objects.
    files = []
    # run scancode against a directory
    command = 'scancode -ilpcu --quiet --json -'
    full_cmd = get_filesystem_command(layer_obj, command)
    origin_layer = 'Layer: ' + layer_obj.fs_hash[:10]
    result, error = rootfs.shell_command(True, full_cmd)
    if not result:
        logger.error("No scancode results for this layer: %s", str(error))
                                                Notice(str(error), 'error'))
        # make FileData objects for each result
        data = json.loads(result)
        for f in data['files']:
            if f['type'] == 'file':
                # scancode records paths from the target directory onwards
                # which in tern's case is tern.utils.constants.untar_dir
                # removing that portion of the file path
                fspath = f['path'].replace(constants.untar_dir + os.path.sep,
                fd = FileData(f['name'], fspath, f['date'], f['file_type'])
                if f['licenses']:
                    fd.licenses = [l['short_name'] for l in f['licenses']]
                fd.license_expressions = f['license_expressions']
                if f['copyrights']:
                    fd.copyrights = [c['value'] for c in f['copyrights']]
                if f['urls']:
                    fd.urls = [u['url'] for u in f['urls']]
                fd.packages = f['packages']
                fd.authors = [a['value'] for a in f['authors']]
                if f['scan_errors']:
                    # for each scan error make a notice
                    for err in f['scan_errors']:
                            'File: ' + fd.path, Notice(err, 'error'))
    return files
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run_on_image(image_obj, command):
    '''Scancode errors out when it fails to scan any file it is given even
    if it is successful with other files. Hence we cannot use the available
    run_on_image function in the passthrough module. Instead we will check
    if a json object was returned or not'''
    if not command:
        logger.error("No command to execute. No report will be generated")
        return False
    for layer in image_obj.layers:
        layer.files_analyzed = True
        full_cmd = get_filesystem_command(layer, command)
        origin_layer = 'Layer: ' + layer.fs_hash[:10]
        result, error = rootfs.shell_command(True, full_cmd)
        if not result:
                "No scancode results for this layer: %s", str(error))
                origin_layer, Notice(str(error), 'error'))
        layer.analyzed_output = result.decode()
    return True