Ejemplo n.º 1
class SetPathManager(Component):

    properties = Properties()  #get set up with with a properties instance...

    def process_testmanager_request(self, req):
        if req.method == "POST":

            allTestcases, errors = self.properties.getTestCases(
                self, req)  #fetch the testcases...

            if errors:
                req.hdf['testcase.run.errormessage'] = errors
                return "testRunNotConfigured.cs", None
                req.redirect(req.base_url +
                             "/testmanagement/runs?pathConfiguration=" +
                             self.properties.getTestCasePath(self, req))

            req.hdf['testcases.path.path'] = self.properties.getTestCasePath(
                self, req)
            return "choosePathForTestRun.cs", None

    def get_path(self, req):
        return "testrunbranch"

    def get_descriptive_name(self):
        return "Create Test Run from branch or tag location"

#env: The environment, an instance of the trac.env.Environment class (see trac.env).
#config: The configuration, an instance of the trac.config.Configuration class (see trac.config).
#log: The configured logger, see the Python logging API for more information.
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TestScriptValidator(Component):

    properties = Properties()  #get set up with with a properties instance...

    def process_testmanager_request(self, req, data=None):
        #check for errors in the testcases and configuration, if there are no errors let the user know, and vice versa
            errors = self.properties.validateTestCases(self, req)

            if errors:
                data["errorMessage"] = "error fetching test case list"
                data["errorsList"] = errors
                return "testRunNotConfigured.html", data, None
                    'validate_pathConfiguration'] = self.properties.getTestCasePath(
                        self, req)
                    'validate_urlPath'] = req.base_url + "/testmanagement/runs?pathConfiguration=" + self.properties.getTestCasePath(
                        self, req)
                return "validated.html", data, None
        except Exception, ex:
            data["errorMessage"] = "error fetching test case list"
            data["errorsList"] = str(ex)
            return "testRunNotConfigured.html", data, None
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TestScriptValidator(Component):

    properties = Properties()  #get set up with with a properties instance...

    def process_testmanager_request(self, req):
        #for now let's just re-direct to a query page that shows all open testcases grouped by owner and ordered by milestone
        #query_URL = req.base_url + "/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&testcase_result=&type=testcase&order=milestone&group=owner"
        #req.redirect( query_URL )
        tempTestCaseList = []
        errors = []

        projTemplates = self.properties.getTemplates(self, req)
        if projTemplates != None:
            for name in projTemplates.getTemplateNames():
                name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                testIds = projTemplates.getTestsForTemplate(name)
                if testIds != None:
                    for id in testIds:
                        if id not in tempTestCaseList:

            allTestcases, errors = self.properties.getTestCases(
                self, req)  #fetch the testcases...

            if allTestcases == None:
                return False, None

            for testId in tempTestCaseList:
                if testId in allTestcases:
                        "The test: " + testId +
                        ", in the testtemplates.xml file cannont be matched with a real test case"
            #ok if no testtemplates file exists we should definately flag that.  However rather than bail we could also still validate
            #the existing testcases to make sure they are well formed.
            allTestcases, errors = self.properties.getTestCases(
                self, req)  #fetch the testcases...

            #append the error message saying testtemplates.xml doesn't exist, then exit.
                "No file called testtemplates.xml file found.  This is the file necessary for grouping testcases into predefined test scripts...like a smoke test"

        if errors:
            req.hdf['testcase.run.errormessage'] = errors
            return "testRunNotConfigured.cs", None
            return "validated.cs", None

    def get_path(self, req):
        return "validate"

    def get_descriptive_name(self):
        return "Validate Test Scripts"
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TestScriptValidator(Component):

    properties = Properties()  #get set up with with a properties instance...

    def process_testmanager_request(self, req):
        #check for errors in the testcases and configuration, if there are no errors let the user know, and vice versa
            errors = self.properties.validateTestCases(self, req)

            if errors:
                req.hdf['testcase.run.errormessage'] = errors
                return "testRunNotConfigured.cs", None
                    'testcase.validate.pathConfiguration'] = self.properties.getTestCasePath(
                        self, req)
                    'testcase.validate.urlPath'] = req.base_url + "/testmanagement/runs?pathConfiguration=" + self.properties.getTestCasePath(
                        self, req)
                return "validated.cs", None
        except Exception, ex:
            req.hdf['testcase.run.errormessage'] = str(ex)
            return "testRunNotConfigured.cs", None
Ejemplo n.º 5
class TestRunManager(Component):

    #    This class creates sets of tickets based on 4 kinds of inputs...
    #    1. version
    #    2. milestone
    #    3. selected users
    #    4. selected testcases

    #    What is a test run?  A test run is a set of testcases for a particular version, milestone and user(s).  The "master" test cases are stored in subversion.
    #    The properties class accesses subversion and provides a list of testcases based on the xml files stored at a particular place as specified in the trac.config file.

    properties = Properties()  #get set up with with a properties instance...

    def process_testmanager_request(self, req):

        req.hdf['testcase.run.basepath'] = req.base_url

        hasTestCases, path = self.properties.hasTestCases(self, req)

        if hasTestCases:
            if req.method == "POST":
                #ok generate some tickets already...
                )  #but first check to make sure they are allowed to create tickets...
                success, errorMessage_orQueryURL = self.generateTracTickets(

                if success:
                    #redirect to trac's custom reporting page with the pre-built query that should show the created test cases (and existing tickets that match the query parameters)

                        'testcase.run.errormessage'] = errorMessage_orQueryURL
                    return "testRunNotConfigured.cs", None

                # Show Test Run Generation Form: allows a manager to assign testruns to QA staff.
                return self.provideDefaultCreateTestRunPage(req)

            #handle when we don't have any test cases...for whatever reason....
                'testcase.run.errormessage'] = "Path in config file is does not exist in subversion...resolved path was: " + path
            return "testRunNotConfigured.cs", None

    def generateTracTickets(self, req):
            ok, it's a post so we know we are supposed to go ahead and create some TRAC tickets...the parameters that we care about are:
            #users ...this will be a list...
            #testtemplates ... this will be a list...
            #testcases  ... this will be a list...
            #version...this will be a string...
            #milestone...this will be a string...
            This method does one of two things.  It will either return: "True, URL" if ticket creation based on user input was succesful or "False, ErrorMessage" if
            the ticket creation failed.           

        #grab the parameters that we care about out of the request object
        testRunDescription = str(req.args.get('testrundescription'))
        users = req.args.get('users')
        testTemplates = req.args.get('testtemplates')
        testcases = req.args.get('testcases')
        version = str(req.args.get('selectedversion'))
        milestone = str(req.args.get('selectedmilestone'))

        #-----------------------------------ERROR CHECKING ON PARAMETERS--------------------------------------------
        if version == None:
            version = ""
        if milestone == None:
            milestone = ""
        if users == None:
            return False, "No users selected for test run"
        if isinstance(users, unicode):
            users = [users.encode('ascii', 'ignore')]

        version = version.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
        milestone = milestone.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()

        if testcases == None:
            testcases = []  #so we don't get a blow up later...
            if testTemplates == None:
                return False, "must select at least one testcase or test template to create a test run"
                return 'errorCreatingTestRun.cs', None
        elif testTemplates == None:
            testTemplates = []

        #create combined testcase list
        testcases = self.createCombinedTestCaseList(testTemplates, testcases,

        allTestcases = self.properties.getTestCases(
            self, req)  #fetch the testcases...
        if allTestcases == None:
            return False, None
        #--------------------------------------------DONE ERROR CHECKING -----------------------------------------------

        #ok this is where we actually create the tickets...
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        for aUser in users:
            for testId in testcases:
                testId = testId.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
                if testId in allTestcases:
                    test = allTestcases[testId]
                    ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
                        'reporter'] = req.authname  #the reporter is whoever is logged in
                    ticket.values['summary'] = "TestID: " + test.getId(
                    ) + " -- " + test.getSummary()
                        'description'] = "''''''Test Details:''''''\n\n" + test.getDescription(
                        ) + "\n\n''''''Expected result:'''''' \n\n" + test.getExpectedResult(
                    ticket.values['type'] = 'testcase'
                    ticket.values['status'] = 'new'
                    ticket.values['action'] = 'create'
                    ticket.values['component'] = test.getComponent()
                    ticket.values['owner'] = aUser
                    ticket.values['version'] = version
                    ticket.values['milestone'] = milestone
                        'keywords'] = "Test_ver" + version + "_mile_" + milestone
                    #self._validate_ticket(req, ticket)   #probably should validate the ticket here.
                    return False, "The test " + testId + " specified in a test template or as the testcaseID in the test file does not exist in the master test list "

        #ok blow away the session vars incase someone trys to refresh the created test run page...no need to recreate all the tickets again...
        #thanks to the haxs in the reporty.py module...
        for var in ('users', 'testcases', 'testtemplates', 'milestone',
            if req.session.has_key(var):
                del req.session[var]

        #redirect to a custom query report showing the created tickets
        return True, req.base_url + "/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&testcase_result=&version=" + version + "&milestone=" + milestone + "&type=testcase&order=priority&group=owner"

    def createCombinedTestCaseList(self, testTemplates, testcases, req):
        #ok we are expecting lists to be returned for testcase,templates,and users...but if only one user is returned that's no good so check to see if we are dealing with a list or unicode string
        if isinstance(testcases, unicode):
            testcases = [testcases.encode('ascii', 'ignore')]
        if isinstance(testTemplates, unicode):
            testTemplates = [testTemplates.encode('ascii', 'ignore')]

        if len(testTemplates) < 1:
            return testcases  #hopefully testcases isn't < 1 as well...
            projTemplates = self.properties.getTemplates(self, req)
            tempTestCaseList = []
            for name in testTemplates:
                name = name.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                testIds = projTemplates.getTestsForTemplate(name)
                if testIds != None:
                    for id in testIds:
                        if id not in tempTestCaseList:

            #ok now add any additional testcases
            if testcases != None:
                for test in testcases:
                    if test not in tempTestCaseList:

            return tempTestCaseList

    def provideDefaultCreateTestRunPage(self, req):
            this method will retrive a list of users, milestones, versions, testcases, and test templates.
            Test case information and test template information comes from subversion while version and user information comes from TRAC.
        testcaseNames = []
        testcaseTemplates = []

        #ok now let's extract out of testcases what we need which is mostly testcase ids and template names..

        testcases = self.properties.getTestCases(self,
                                                 req)  #fetch the testcases...

        if testcases == None:
            #there was an error of some kind fetching the testcases...
            return "testRunNotConfigured.cs", None

        for key, testcase in testcases.iteritems():

        templates = self.properties.getTemplates(self, req)
        templateNames = []
        if templates != None:
            templateNames = templates.getTemplateNames()

        sprints = self.properties.getMilestones(self, req)
        )  #this is so there is a blank in the drop down select...default is none...
        versions = self.properties.getVersions(self, req)
        versions.append("")  #ditto

        req.hdf['testcase.run.users'] = self.properties.getKnownUserNamesOnly(
            self, req)
        req.hdf['testcase.run.testcases'] = testcaseNames
        req.hdf['testcase.run.testtemplates'] = templateNames
        req.hdf['testcase.run.sprints'] = sprints
        req.hdf['testcase.run.versions'] = versions

        return 'testRuns.cs', None

    def get_path(self, req):
        return "runs"

    def get_descriptive_name(self):
        return "Test Runs"
Ejemplo n.º 6
class TestRunManager(Component):

    #    This class creates sets of tickets based on 4 kinds of inputs...
    #    1. version
    #    2. milestone
    #    3. selected users
    #    4. selected testcases

    #    What is a test run?  A test run is a set of testcases for a particular version, milestone and user(s).  The "master" test cases are stored in subversion.
    #    The properties class accesses subversion and provides a list of testcases based on the xml files stored at a particular place as specified in the trac.config file.

    properties = Properties()  #get set up with with a properties instance...

    def process_testmanager_request(self, req, data):
        hasTestCases, testCaseSVNpath, errors = self.properties.hasTestCases(
            self, req)
        data["hasTestCases"] = hasTestCases
        data["testrun_svn_path"] = testCaseSVNpath

        if hasTestCases:
            if req.method == "POST":
                #ok generate some tickets already...
                )  #but first check to make sure they are allowed to create tickets...
                success, errorMessage_orQueryURL = self.generateTracTickets(

                if success:
                    #redirect to trac's custom reporting page with the pre-built query that should show the created test cases (and existing tickets that match the query parameters)

                        "errorMessage"] = "There is a configuration problem...issues listed below"
                    data["errorsList"] = errorMessage_orQueryURL
                    return "testRunNotConfigured.html", data, None

            elif errors != None:
                #self.env.log.info( "ARG!")
                    "errorMessage"] = "There is a configuration problem...issues listed below"
                data["errorsList"] = errors
                return "testRunNotConfigured.html", data, None

                # Show Test Run Generation Form: allows a manager to assign testruns to QA staff.
                    "it wasn't a post....so we know where we are....trying to generate the default page"
                template, data, content_type = self.provideDefaultCreateTestRunPage(
                    req, data)
                return template, data, content_type

            return "testRunNotConfigured.html", data, None
            #handle when we don't have any test cases...for whatever reason....
            #req.hdf['testcase.run.errormessage'] = "Path in config file is does not exist in subversion...resolved path was: " + path
            #return "testRunNotConfigured.cs", None

        return "testrun.html", data, None

    def get_path(self, req):
        return "runs"

    def get_descriptive_name(self):
        return "Create Test Run from main line"

    def provideDefaultCreateTestRunPage(self, req, data):
            this method will retrive a list of users, milestones, versions, testcases, and test templates.
            Test case information and test template information comes from subversion while version and user information comes from TRAC.
        testcaseNames = []
        testcaseTemplates = []

        #ok now let's extract out of testcases what we need which is mostly testcase ids and template names..

        testcases, errors = self.properties.getTestCases(
            self, req)  #fetch the testcases...

        self.env.log.info("TESTCASES" + repr(testcases) + " ERRORS : " +

        self.env.log.info("LENGTH OF TESTCASES : " + str(len(testcases)))

        if testcases == None or len(errors) > 0:
                "errorMessage"] = "No test cases found or other error...see list below if any"
            data["errorsList"] = errors
            return "testRunNotConfigured.html", data, None

        for key, testcase in testcases.iteritems():
            self.env.log.info("Added test case id : " + testcase.getId() +
                              " to the list ")


        templates = self.properties.getTemplates(self, req)
        templateNames = []
        if templates != None:
            templateNames = templates.getTemplateNames()

        milestones = self.properties.getMilestones(self, req)
        )  #this is so there is a blank in the drop down select...default is none...
        versions = self.properties.getVersions(self, req)
        versions.append("")  #ditto

            "KNOWN USERS : " +
            repr(self.properties.getKnownUserNamesOnly(self, req)))

        data['testrun_users'] = self.properties.getKnownUserNamesOnly(
            self, req)
        data['testrun_testcases'] = testcaseNames
        data['testrun_testtemplates'] = templateNames
        data['testrun_versions'] = versions
        data['testrun_milestones'] = milestones
            'testrun_validatePath'] = req.base_url + "/testmanagement/validate?pathConfiguration=" + self.properties.getTestCasePath(
                self, req)

        return "testrun.html", data, None

    def generateTracTickets(self, req):
            ok, it's a post so we know we are supposed to go ahead and create some TRAC tickets...the parameters that we care about are:
            #users ...this will be a list...
            #testtemplates ... this will be a list...
            #testcases  ... this will be a list...
            #version...this will be a string...
            #milestone...this will be a string...
            This method does one of two things.  It will either return: "True, URL" if ticket creation based on user input was succesful or "False, ErrorMessage" if
            the ticket creation failed.           

        #grab the parameters that we care about out of the request object
        testRunKeyWord = str(req.args.get('testrun_keyword'))
        users = req.args.get('testrun_users')
        testTemplates = req.args.get('testrun_selectedtemplates')
        testcases = req.args.get('testrun_selectedtestcases')
        version = str(req.args.get('testrun_selectedversion'))
        milestone = str(req.args.get('testrun_selectedmilestone'))
        testConfiguration = str(req.args.get('testrun_testconfiguration'))

        #-----------------------------------ERROR CHECKING ON PARAMETERS--------------------------------------------
        #it might make sense to create a new method to validate the parameters passed in but for now we'll leave it.

        if testRunKeyWord == None:
            testRunKeyWord = ""
        testRunKeyWord = self.properties.trimOutAnyProblemStrings(
        )  #this is manually typed in...so it's probably a good idea to look for sqlInjection etc...

        if version == None:
            version = ""
        if milestone == None:
            milestone = ""
        if users == None:
            return False, "No users selected for test run"

        #check to see if the user, templates or testcases parameters is a str/unicode or a list (well if it isn't a unicode or str then it is a list)
        if isinstance(users, unicode):
            users = [users]

        if isinstance(users, str):
            users = [TracText.to_unicode(users)]

        if isinstance(testcases, unicode):
            testcases = [testcases]

        if isinstance(testcases, str):
            testcases = [testcases]

        if isinstance(testTemplates, unicode):
            testTemplates = [testTemplates]

        if isinstance(testTemplates, str):
            testTemplates = [TracText.to_unicode(testTemplates)]

        version = TracText.to_unicode(version).strip()
        milestone = TracText.to_unicode(milestone).strip()

        if testcases == None:
            testcases = []  #so we don't get a blow up later...
            if testTemplates == None:
                return False, "must select at least one testcase or test template to create a test run"

        elif testTemplates == None:
            testTemplates = []

        #--------------------------------------------DONE ERROR CHECKING -----------------------------------------------

        #create combined testcase list
        testcases = self.createCombinedTestCaseList(testTemplates, testcases,

        allTestcases, errors = self.properties.getTestCases(
            self, req)  #fetch the testcases...
        if errors:
            return False, errors

        if allTestcases == None:
            return False, None

        #one last validation step
        errorMessages = []
        for aUser in users:
            for testId in testcases:
                testId = TracText.to_unicode(testId).strip()
                if testId in allTestcases:
                    self.env.log.info("Testcase : " + testId +
                                      "  not found in master list ")
                        "The test: " + testId +
                        ", doesn't match it's file name or you've specified it wrong in the testtemplates.xml file"

        if errorMessages:
            return False, errorMessages

        #ok this is where we actually create the tickets...
        db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
        for aUser in users:
            for testId in testcases:
                testId = testId.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
                if testId in allTestcases:

                    test = allTestcases[testId]
                    ticket = Ticket(self.env, db=db)
                        'reporter'] = req.authname  #the reporter is whoever is logged in
                    ticket.values['summary'] = "TestID: " + test.getId(
                    ) + " -- " + testConfiguration
                        'description'] = "''''''Test Details:''''''\n\n" + test.getDescription(
                        ) + "\n\n''''''Expected result:'''''' \n\n" + test.getExpectedResult(
                    ticket.values['type'] = 'testcase'
                    ticket.values['status'] = 'new'
                    ticket.values['action'] = 'create'
                    ticket.values['component'] = test.getComponent()
                    ticket.values['owner'] = aUser
                    ticket.values['version'] = version
                    ticket.values['milestone'] = milestone
                    ticket.values['keywords'] = testRunKeyWord
                    #self._validate_ticket(req, ticket)   #probably should validate the ticket here.
                    return False, "The test " + testId + " specified in a test template or as the testcaseID in the test file does not exist in the master test list "

        #ok blow away the session vars incase someone trys to refresh the created test run page...no need to recreate all the tickets again...
        #thanks to the haxs in the reporty.py module...
        for var in ('users', 'testcases', 'testtemplates', 'milestone',
            if req.session.has_key(var):
                del req.session[var]

        #redirect to a custom query report showing the created tickets
        return True, req.base_url + "/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&status=accepted&testcase_result=&version=" + version + "&milestone=" + milestone + "&type=testcase&order=priority&group=owner"

    def createCombinedTestCaseList(self, testTemplates, testcases, req):

        if len(testTemplates) < 1:
            return testcases  #hopefully testcases isn't < 1 as well...
            projTemplates = self.properties.getTemplates(self, req)
            tempTestCaseList = []
            for name in testTemplates:
                name = TracText.to_unicode(name)
                name = self.properties.trimOutAnyProblemStrings(name)
                testIds = projTemplates.getTestsForTemplate(name)
                if testIds != None:
                    for id in testIds:
                        if id not in tempTestCaseList:

            #ok now add any additional testcases
            if testcases != None:
                for test in testcases:
                    if test not in tempTestCaseList:

            return tempTestCaseList