Ejemplo n.º 1
def make_synthetic_observation(srcmodel_file, expmap_file, bgmap_file, maskmap_file, outfile, targ_cts=2000):
    Take a synthetic sb model and turn it into a "observation" by
    applying an exposure map, bg image and mask.

    'srcmodel' - model of the source poissonized in units [cts],
                 normed to required total cts
    'expmap' - exposure map
    'bgmap' - background map (smooth, units cts)
    'maskmap' - mask

    # load images
    expmap, hdr = load_fits_im(expmap_file)
    bgmap, hdr = load_fits_im(bgmap_file)
    maskmap, hdr = load_fits_im(maskmap_file, 1) # mask is in ext1
    srcmodel, hdr = load_fits_im(srcmodel_file)

    # trim sizes if necessary (should be needed only in case of manual
    # testing) and works only in the (most typical) case of
    # 1row/column difference

    if srcmodel.shape[0] == expmap.shape[0]-2:
        expmap = trim_fftconvolve(expmap)
    if srcmodel.shape[0] == bgmap.shape[0]-2:
        bgmap = trim_fftconvolve(bgmap)
    if srcmodel.shape[0] == maskmap.shape[0]-2:
        maskmap = trim_fftconvolve(maskmap)

    # prepare the transforms
    output_im = srcmodel
    bgmap_poi = bgmap * maskmap     # get rid of artifacts
    output_im_poi = srcmodel * expmap # model should be in cts/s/pix, this
                                      # way you get cts/pix as in
                                      # obsercvations

    print 'Number of total cts :: ', sum(output_im_poi)

        # would be better to limit to r500
        print 'Norming to expected total cts :: ', targ_cts
        output_im_poi = targ_cts * output_im_poi / sum(output_im_poi)
    except Exception, e:
        print 'source image is empty!'
	raise e
Ejemplo n.º 2
def v06_psf_2d_lmfit_profile(pars,distmatrix,bgrid,r500,instrument, theta, energy,
    Fits the surface brightness profile by creating a 2D model of the
    image - v06 model (without the central beta model) x psf
    No bg.
    Also allows to return directly residuals.
    USE_ERROR=True             # debug option

    # make first a 2D image
    model_image = make_2d_v06_psf(pars, distmatrix, bgrid, r500,
                                  instrument, theta, energy)

    # FIXME: is this necessary for each step?
    # trim distmatrix size to image post convolution
    distmatrix = roll(roll(distmatrix,2,axis=0),2,axis=1)
    distmatrix = trim_fftconvolve(distmatrix)

    # profile extraction
    r_length = r500             # factor out r500
    r = arange(1.0, r_length+1, 1.0)

    (profile, geometric_area) = extract_profile_fast2(model_image, distmatrix, bgrid)
    model_profile = profile[0:r_length] / geometric_area[0:r_length]    # trim the corners

    # print '*'*30
    # print len(r), len(model_profile)
    # print len(profile[0:r_length]), r_length
    # # print len(data_profile[0:r_length]), len(model_profile), r500, r_length
    # print '*'*30

    if data_profile == None:
        # return (r, model_profile, geometric_area)
        return (r, model_profile)
        residuals = data_profile - model_profile
        # is this biasing?
        if USE_ERROR: residuals = residuals / data_profile_err

        print "full resid :: ", sum(residuals)

        # return residuals
        return residuals
Ejemplo n.º 3
def make_2d_beta_psf(pars, imsize, xsize_obj, ysize_obj, instrument, im_psf, APPLY_PSF, DO_ZERO_PAD):
    Creates a 2D image of a beta model convolved with psf
    # FIXME: the _object coordinates are not needed anymore
    # hdr = pyfits.getheader('pn-test.fits')
    # FIXME: would be better to create a fits header from scratch

    xcen  = pars['xcen'].value
    ycen  = pars['ycen'].value
    norm  = pars['norm_'+instrument].value
    rcore = pars['rcore'].value
    beta  = pars['beta'].value

    im_beta = make_2d_beta(imsize, xcen, ycen, norm, rcore, beta)

    # hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(im_beta, hdr)    # extension - array, header
    # hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])                  # list all extensions here
    # hdulist.writeto('tmpa.fits', clobber=True)

    # if DO_ZERO_PAD: im_beta = zero_pad_image(im_beta, xsize_obj)

    # hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(im_beta, hdr)    # extension - array, header
    # hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])                  # list all extensions here
    # hdulist.writeto('tmp0.fits', clobber=True)

    im_output = im_beta

    if APPLY_PSF:
        # create PSF
        # im_psf = make_2d_king_old(imsize, xcen, ycen, instrument, theta, energy)
        # im_psf = psf[instrument]

        # convolve
        im_output = fftconvolve(im_beta.astype(float), im_psf.astype(float), mode = 'same')
        im_output = trim_fftconvolve(im_output)

    return im_output
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_2d_v06_psf(pars, distmatrix, bgrid, r500, instrument, im_psf):
    Creates a 2D image of a vikhlinin et al. 2006 model convolved with psf.
    # APPLY_PSF = True

    rc = pars['rc'].value
    rs = pars['rs'].value
    n0  = pars['n0_'+instrument].value
    alpha = pars['alpha'].value
    beta = pars['beta'].value
    gamma = pars['gamma'].value
    epsilon = pars['epsilon'].value

    im_output = make_2d_v06(distmatrix, bgrid, r500, rc, rs, n0,
                            alpha, beta, gamma, epsilon)

    # convolve
    im_output = fftconvolve(im_output.astype(float),
                            im_psf.astype(float), mode = 'same')
    im_output = trim_fftconvolve(im_output)

    return im_output
Ejemplo n.º 5
def v06_psf_2d_lmfit_profile_joint(pars,distmatrix,bgrid, rfit,
                                   instruments, psf_dict,
    Fits the surface brightness profile by creating a 2D model of the
    image - v06 model (without the central beta model) x psf for a
    combinaiton of instruments
    No bg.  Also allows to return directly
    USE_ERROR=True             # debug option

    # setup dictionaries
    model_image = {}
    profile = {}
    geometric_area = {}
    model_profile = {}

    # profile extraction
    r = arange(1.0, rfit+1, 1.0)

    # make first a 2D image
    for instrument in instruments:
        model_image[instrument] = make_2d_v06_psf(pars, distmatrix, bgrid, rfit,
                                                  instrument, psf_dict[instrument])

        # FIXME: is this necessary for each step? - would require to
        # have 2 distance matrices!  trim distmatrix size to image
        # post convolution
        distmatrix = roll(roll(distmatrix,2,axis=0),2,axis=1)
        distmatrix = trim_fftconvolve(distmatrix)

        (profile[instrument], geometric_area[instrument]) = \
             extract_profile_fast2(model_image[instrument], distmatrix, bgrid)

        # trim the corners
        model_profile[instrument] = profile[instrument][0:rfit] / geometric_area[instrument][0:rfit]

        # FIXME: bin here

    if data_profile == None:
        # return (r, model_profile, geometric_area)
        return (r, model_profile)
        # combine the likelihoods
        residuals = 0.0
        for instrument in instruments:
            residuals_inst = abs(data_profile[instrument] - model_profile[instrument])
            # is this biasing?
            if USE_ERROR: residuals_inst = residuals_inst / data_profile_err[instrument]

            print instrument, "resid :: ", sum(residuals_inst)
            residuals = residuals + residuals_inst

        print pars['n0_'+instruments[0]].value, pars['alpha'].value, pars['beta'].value, pars['epsilon'].value, pars['rc'].value, pars['rs'].value

        print "full resid :: ", sum(residuals), "Chisqr :: ", sum(residuals**2)
        print '='*35
        return residuals