Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_multi_listen(isnt):
    """Tests the explicit monitor setup using the 'multiple.cfg' file in the
    current directory.
    from os import path
    if isnt:
        argv = [
            "py.test", "COM2", "COM4", "-virtual", "-listen", "-config",
            path.join("tests", "ntmultiple.cfg")
        strport = "/dev/tty.{}"
        argv = [
            strport.format("lscom-mr"), "-virtual", "-listen", "-config",
            path.join("tests", "multiple.cfg")
    args = get_sargs(argv)
    from liveserial.livemon import run
    vardir = run(args, 2)

    #Make sure that the relevant objects were created and run properly.
    assert "feed" in vardir
    assert "com" in vardir
    assert "logger" in vardir

    assert all(vardir["feed"].has_new_data.values())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_logging(tmpdir, isnt):
    """Tests logging when the config specifies special column names and
    restricts which columns to use.
    #For this test, we only use the averaging method (which is the default).
    sub = tmpdir.join("configlog")
    if isnt:
        argv = [
            "py.test", "COM2", "-virtual", "-logdir",
            str(sub), "-logfreq", "1.5", "-auto"
        argv = [
            "py.test", "/dev/tty.lscom-r", "-virtual", "-logdir",
            str(sub), "-logfreq", "1.5", "-auto"
    args = get_sargs(argv)

    from liveserial.livemon import run
    vardir = run(args, 4, True)
    assert "logger" in vardir
    assert "com" in vardir

    nfiles = 0
    for sfile in sub.listdir():
        #The size of the file is in bytes. The header is at least 11 and
        #each line should be around 30 (depending on encoding). We expect
        #lots of lines from 3 seconds worth of logging.
        assert sfile.stat().size > 120
        nfiles += 1

        with sfile.open() as f:
            header = f.readline()
            value = f.readline()

        if sfile.basename == "weight.csv":
            assert header.strip().split(',')[-1] == "Weight"
            assert len(value.split(',')) == 2

        if sfile.basename == "cardio.csv":
            assert header.strip() == "Time,Value 1,Value 2"
            assert len(value.split(',')) == 3

    #Also make sure that we have a file for every sensor.
    assert nfiles == len(vardir["logger"].csvdata)
    assert "plotter" in vardir
    assert "feed" in vardir
    assert len(vardir["plotter"].ts) == len(vardir["feed"].cur_data)
    linecount = sum([len(v) for v in vardir["plotter"]._vindices.values()])
    assert len(vardir["plotter"].ys) == linecount
    assert all([len(q) > 0 for q in vardir["plotter"].ts.values()])
    assert all([len(q) > 0 for q in vardir["plotter"].ys.values()])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_auto(isnt, tmpdir):
    """Tests the automatic monitor setup for aggregate sensors using the
    'aggregate.cfg' file in the tests directory.

    from os import path
    sub = tmpdir.join("aggregate")
    if isnt:
        argv = ["py.test", "auto",
                "-config", path.join("tests", "ntaggregate.cfg"),
                "-logdir", str(sub), "-logfreq", "1.5"]
        argv = ["py.test", "auto", "-config",
                path.join("tests", "aggregate.cfg"),
                "-logdir", str(sub), "-logfreq", "1.5"]

    args = get_sargs(argv)
    from liveserial.livemon import run
    vardir = run(args, 4, True)
    #Make sure that the relevant objects were created and run properly.
    assert "feed" in vardir
    assert "com" in vardir
    assert "logger" in vardir
    assert "plotter" in vardir

    assert all(vardir["feed"].has_new_data.values())
    assert "total" in vardir["feed"].cur_data
    assert len(vardir["plotter"].ts) == len(vardir["feed"].cur_data)
    assert ("total", 1) in vardir["plotter"].ys
    assert len(vardir["plotter"].ys[("total", 1)]) > 0
    assert ("total", 2) in vardir["plotter"].ys

    nfiles = 0
    for sfile in sub.listdir():
        assert sfile.stat().size > 120
        nfiles += 1

        with sfile.open() as f:
            header = f.readline()
            value = f.readline()

        if sfile.basename == "weight.csv":
            assert header.strip().split(',')[-1] == "Weight"
            assert len(value.split(',')) == 2

        if sfile.basename == "total.csv":
            assert header.strip() == "Time,isum,fsum"
            assert len(value.split(',')) == 3
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_legend():
    """Makes sure that the legend is being examined in the config files and
    added to the plot.
    argv = ["py.test", "auto"]
    args = get_sargs(argv)

    from liveserial.livemon import run
    vardir = run(args, 2, True)
    assert "logger" in vardir
    assert "com" in vardir
    assert "plotter" in vardir
    assert any([len(v) > 1 for v in vardir["plotter"]._vindices.values()])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_auto(isnt):
    """Tests the automatic monitor setup using the 'sensors.cfg' file in the
    current directory.
    argv = ["py.test", "auto", "-virtual", "-listen", "-auto"]
    args = get_sargs(argv)
    from liveserial.livemon import run
    vardir = run(args, 2)
    #Make sure that the relevant objects were created and run properly.
    assert "feed" in vardir
    assert "com" in vardir
    assert "logger" in vardir

    assert all(vardir["feed"].has_new_data.values())
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_explicit(isnt):
    """Tests the automatic monitor setup when an explicit path is provided to a
    configuration file.
    from os import path
    if isnt:
        argv = [
            "py.test", "COM2", "-virtual", "-listen", "-config",
            path.join("tests", "ntexception.cfg")
        argv = [
            "py.test", "/dev/tty.lscom-r", "-virtual", "-listen", "-config",
            path.join("tests", "exception.cfg")
    args = get_sargs(argv)
    from liveserial.livemon import run
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        vardir = run(args, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_multi_logplot(isnt, tmpdir):
    """Tests the simultaneous logging and plotting from multiple ports with
    multiple sensors per port.
    from os import path
    sub = tmpdir.mkdir("multilog")
    if isnt:
        argv = [
            "py.test", "COM2", "COM4", "-virtual", "-logdir",
            str(sub), "-config",
            path.join("tests", "ntmultiple.cfg")
        strport = "/dev/tty.{}"
        argv = [
            strport.format("lscom-mr"), "-virtual", "-logdir",
            str(sub), "-config",
            path.join("tests", "multiple.cfg")
    args = get_sargs(argv)

    from liveserial.livemon import run
    vardir = run(args, 5, True)
    assert "logger" in vardir
    assert "com" in vardir

    nfiles = 0
    for sfile in sub.listdir():
        #The size of the file is in bytes. The header is at least 11 and
        #each line should be around 30 (depending on encoding). We expect
        #lots of lines from 3 seconds worth of logging.
        assert sfile.stat().size > 120
        nfiles += 1

        with sfile.open() as f:
            header = f.readline()
            value = f.readline()

        if sfile.basename == "weight.csv":
            assert header.strip().split(',')[-1] == "Weight"
            assert len(value.split(',')) == 2

        if sfile.basename == "cardio.csv":
            assert header.strip() == "Time,Value 1,Value 2"
            assert len(value.split(',')) == 3

        if sfile.basename == "ppg.csv":
            assert header.strip().split(',')[-1] == "PPG"
            assert len(value.split(',')) == 2

        if sfile.basename == "seat.csv":
            assert header.strip() == "Time,Value 1"
            assert len(value.split(',')) == 2

    #Also make sure that we have a file for every sensor.
    assert nfiles == len(vardir["logger"].csvdata)
    assert "plotter" in vardir
    assert "feed" in vardir
    assert len(vardir["plotter"].ts) == len(vardir["feed"].cur_data)
    assert len(vardir["plotter"].ys) == len(vardir["feed"].cur_data)
    assert all([len(q) > 0 for q in vardir["plotter"].ts.values()])
    assert all([len(q) > 0 for q in vardir["plotter"].ys.values()])