def setUp(self): self.cmp = [2, 1, 3, 5, 1, 1] try: self.x = IntList() except NameError: return 1 self.x[:] = self.cmp
class TestIntList(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cmp = [2, 1, 3, 5, 1, 1] try: self.x = IntList() except NameError: return 1 self.x[:] = self.cmp def test_init(self): x = IntList() def test_append(self): self.x.append(3) def test_contains(self): assert 2 in self.x def test_count(self): self.assertEqual(self.x.count(1), 3) def test_delitem(self): del (self.x[0]) del (self.cmp[0]) self.assertSequenceEqual(self.x, self.cmp) def test_extend(self): self.x.extend([3, 4, 5]) self.cmp.extend([3, 4, 5]) self.assertSequenceEqual(self.x, self.cmp) def test_getitem(self): self.assertEqual(self.x[0], 2) def test_index(self): ind = self.x.index(3) self.assertEqual(ind, 2) def test_insert(self): self.x.insert(0, 0) self.assertEqual(self.x[0], 0) def test_iter(self): i = 0 for x_item in self.x: self.assertEqual(x_item, self.cmp[i]) i += 1 def test_len(self): self.assertEqual(len(self.x), len(self.cmp)) def test_pop(self): self.assertEqual(self.x.pop(), 1) # pop the last item self.assertEqual(self.x.pop(2), 3) # pop the second item def test_remove(self): self.x.remove(2) self.assertEqual(self.x[0], 1) def test_reverse(self): self.cmp.reverse() self.x.reverse() self.assertSequenceEqual(self.x, self.cmp) def test_setitem(self): self.x[1] = 2048 self.assertEqual(self.x[1], 2048) def test_slice(self): x = IntList() x[:] = [1, 2, 3] def test_sort(self): self.cmp.sort() self.x.sort() self.assertSequenceEqual(self.x, self.cmp)