Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_depth_0(self, msgsteiner):
        Run Forest with depth = 0; msgsteiner fails and test_util.run_forest raises an error

        msgsteiner - fixture object with the value of --msgpath parsed by conftest.py
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['D'] = 0
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
            test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)
        assert 'Forest did not generate the optimal forest file' in excinfo.value.message
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_w_missing(self, msgsteiner):
        ''' Run Forest with w missing from the configuration file and check
        that Forest does not produce an output subnetwork

        msgsteiner - fixture object with the value of --msgpath parsed by conftest.py
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
            test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)
        # Forest will not raise an Exception, it simply exits if w is missing
        # Have to check for missing output files to determine whether it exited
        assert 'Forest did not generate the optimal forest file' in excinfo.value.message
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_w_1(self, msgsteiner):
        ''' Run Forest with w=1 and check optimal subnetwork

        msgsteiner - fixture object with the value of --msgpath parsed by conftest.py
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['w'] = 1
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)
        # Check that the DiGraph has the expected properties
        # Undirected edges are loaded as a pair of directed edges
        assert graph.order() == 3, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 3, "Unexpected number of edges"

        # Check that the DiGraph has the expected edges
        assert graph.has_edge('A','C')
        assert graph.has_edge('C','A')
        assert graph.has_edge('C','D')

        # Check that the optimal forest has the correct objective function
        # value, using isclose to allow for minor floating point variation
        # Objective function: 2.0
        # Excluded prizes: 0
        # Edge costs: 1.0
        # Number of trees * w: 1 * 1.0 = 1.0
        assert isclose(2.0, objective, rtol=0, atol=1e-5), 'Incorrect objective function value'
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_beta_2(self, msgsteiner):
        See test_beta_1; beta = 2 is enough to overcome the hub penalty so that the hub at A is chosen:
          p'(A) = 2*5 - 2*4 = 2
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 2
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

            assert graph.order() == 5, "Unexpected number of nodes"
            assert graph.size() == 4, "Unexpected number of edges"
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'B')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'C')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'D')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'E')
            # Check that the optimal forest has the correct objective function
            # value, using isclose to allow for minor floating point variation
            # Objective function: 1.4
            # Excluded prizes: 0
            # Edge costs: 0.4
            # Number of trees * w: 1 * 1.0 = 1.0
            assert isclose(1.4, objective, rtol=0, atol=1e-5), 'Incorrect objective function value'
        except AssertionError as e:
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_beta_1(self, msgsteiner):
        In p'(v) = beta * p(v) - mu * deg(v), beta = 1 is too small to overcome the hub penalty with mu = 2:
          p'(A) = 1*5 - 2*4 = -3

        We expect forest to use the more costly edges BC and CD in its network instead
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 1
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

            assert graph.order() == 4, "Unexpected number of nodes"
            assert graph.size() == 2, "Unexpected number of edges"
            assert graph.has_edge('B', 'C')
            assert graph.has_edge('D', 'E')
            # Check that the optimal forest has the correct objective function
            # value, using isclose to allow for minor floating point variation
            # Objective function: 0.8
            # Excluded prizes: -3.0
            # Edge costs: 1.8
            # Number of trees * w: 2 * 1.0 = 2.0
            assert isclose(0.8, objective, rtol=0, atol=1e-5), 'Incorrect objective function value'

        except AssertionError as e:
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_beta_026(self, msgsteiner):
        Run Forest with beta = 0.26

        See test_beta_024; this value of beta makes it worth while to obtain prizes for C and D;
        we expect the following network:

        A   B
         \   \
          C   D

        note an undirected edge ab in a digraph is represented by the network containing both edges ab and ba
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 0.26
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

        assert graph.order() == 4
        assert graph.size() == 4

        assert graph.has_edge('A', 'C')
        assert graph.has_edge('C', 'A')
        assert graph.has_edge('B', 'D')
        assert graph.has_edge('D', 'B')

        # Check that the optimal forest has the correct objective function
        # value, using isclose to allow for minor floating point variation
        # Objective function: 0.5
        # Excluded prizes: 0
        # Edge costs: 0.5
        # Number of trees * w: 0 * 2 = 0
        assert isclose(0.5, objective, rtol=0, atol=1e-5), 'Incorrect objective function value'
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_beta_1(self, msgsteiner):
        In p'(v) = beta * p(v) - mu * deg(v), beta = 1 is too small to overcome the hub penalty with mu = 2:
          p'(A) = 1*5 - 2*4 = -3

        We expect forest to use the more costly edges BC and CD in its network instead
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 1
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params,

            assert graph.order() == 4, "Unexpected number of nodes"
            assert graph.size() == 2, "Unexpected number of edges"

            assert graph.has_edge('B', 'C')
            assert graph.has_edge('D', 'E')

            # Check that the optimal forest has the correct objective function
            # value, using isclose to allow for minor floating point variation
            # Objective function: 0.8
            # Excluded prizes: -3.0
            # Edge costs: 1.8
            # Number of trees * w: 2 * 1.0 = 2.0
            assert isclose(0.8, objective, rtol=0,
                           atol=1e-5), 'Incorrect objective function value'

        except AssertionError as e:
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_beta_2(self, msgsteiner):
        See test_beta_1; beta = 2 is enough to overcome the hub penalty so that the hub at A is chosen:
          p'(A) = 2*5 - 2*4 = 2
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 2
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params,

            assert graph.order() == 5, "Unexpected number of nodes"
            assert graph.size() == 4, "Unexpected number of edges"

            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'B')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'C')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'D')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'E')

            # Check that the optimal forest has the correct objective function
            # value, using isclose to allow for minor floating point variation
            # Objective function: 1.4
            # Excluded prizes: 0
            # Edge costs: 0.4
            # Number of trees * w: 1 * 1.0 = 1.0
            assert isclose(1.4, objective, rtol=0,
                           atol=1e-5), 'Incorrect objective function value'

        except AssertionError as e:
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_depth_3_w_1(self, msgsteiner):
        When the solver is constrained by depth, it still picks up net positive nodes.
          This results in a different network than if the solver is not constrained by depth.

        Note behavior of the following tests for comparison (which we do not repeat in this class):
          TestW#test_w_1, which has w = 1 and D = 5
            we are not constrained by depth and we pick A - C -> D
          TestDepth#test_depth_10, which has w = 0 and D = 10
            there is no forest penalty, so the optimal network is the same as this one
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['D'] = 3
        params['w'] = 1
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

        # Check that the DiGraph has the expected properties
        # Undirected edges are loaded as a pair of directed edges
        assert graph.order() == 4, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 4, "Unexpected number of edges"

        # Check that the DiGraph has the expected edges
        assert graph.has_edge('A','C')
        assert graph.has_edge('C','A')
        assert graph.has_edge('B','D')
        assert graph.has_edge('D','B')
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_depth_3_w_1(self, msgsteiner):
        When the solver is constrained by depth, it still picks up net positive nodes.
          This results in a different network than if the solver is not constrained by depth.

        Note behavior of the following tests for comparison (which we do not repeat in this class):
          TestW#test_w_1, which has w = 1 and D = 5
            we are not constrained by depth and we pick A - C -> D
          TestDepth#test_depth_10, which has w = 0 and D = 10
            there is no forest penalty, so the optimal network is the same as this one
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['D'] = 3
        params['w'] = 1
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params,

        # Check that the DiGraph has the expected properties
        # Undirected edges are loaded as a pair of directed edges
        assert graph.order() == 4, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 4, "Unexpected number of edges"

        # Check that the DiGraph has the expected edges
        assert graph.has_edge('A', 'C')
        assert graph.has_edge('C', 'A')
        assert graph.has_edge('B', 'D')
        assert graph.has_edge('D', 'B')
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_depth_2(self, msgsteiner):
        Run Forest with depth = 2; while this depth is valid, it results in no edges
          because the depth parameter is used as a strict inequality and there is a dummy node
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['D'] = 2
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params,

        assert graph.order() == 0, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 0, "Unexpected number of edges"
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_beta_024(self, msgsteiner):
        Run Forest with beta = 0.24

        This value of beta is just below the 0.25 value of beta which sets the prize benefit 
        of C and D equal to the cost of obtaining those prizes through edges AC and BD: we expect
        an empty network again
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 0.24
        graph = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

        assert graph.order() == 0, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 0, "Unexpected number of edges"
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_beta_0(self, msgsteiner):
        Run Forest with beta = 0 and check optimal subnetwork

        In p'(v) = beta * p(v) - mu * deg(v), beta = 0 implies that an empty graph is the optimal network

        msgsteiner - fixture object with the value of --msgpath parsed by conftest.py
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 0
        graph = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

        assert graph.order() == 0, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 0, "Unexpected number of edges"
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_depth_10(self, msgsteiner):
        Run forest with depth = 10; the results are the same as in test_depth_3
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['D'] = 3
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params,

        # Check that the DiGraph has the expected properties
        # Undirected edges are loaded as a pair of directed edges
        assert graph.order() == 4, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 4, "Unexpected number of edges"

        # Check that the DiGraph has the expected edges
        assert graph.has_edge('A', 'C')
        assert graph.has_edge('C', 'A')
        assert graph.has_edge('B', 'D')
        assert graph.has_edge('D', 'B')
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_beta_2(self, msgsteiner):
        See test_beta_1; beta = 2 is enough to overcome the hub penalty so that the hub at A is chosen:
          p'(A) = 2*5 - 2*4 = 2
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 2
        graph = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

            assert graph.order() == 5, "Unexpected number of nodes"
            assert graph.size() == 4, "Unexpected number of edges"
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'B')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'C')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'D')
            assert graph.has_edge('A', 'E')
        except AssertionError as e:
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_beta_1(self, msgsteiner):
        In p'(v) = beta * p(v) - mu * deg(v), beta = 1 is too small to overcome the hub penalty with mu = 2:
          p'(A) = 1*5 - 2*4 = -3

        We expect forest to use the more costly edges BC and CD in its network instead
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 1
        graph = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

            assert graph.order() == 4, "Unexpected number of nodes"
            assert graph.size() == 2, "Unexpected number of edges"
            assert graph.has_edge('B', 'C')
            assert graph.has_edge('D', 'E')
        except AssertionError as e:
            raise e
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_beta_024(self, msgsteiner):
        Run Forest with beta = 0.24

        This value of beta is just below the 0.25 value of beta which sets the prize benefit 
        of C and D equal to the cost of obtaining those prizes through edges AC and BD: we expect
        an empty network again
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 0.24
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

        assert graph.order() == 0, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 0, "Unexpected number of edges"

        # Check that the optimal forest has the correct objective function
        # value, using isclose to allow for minor floating point variation
        # Objective function: 0.48
        # Excluded prizes: 0.48
        # Edge costs: 0
        # Number of trees * w: 0
        assert isclose(0.48, objective, rtol=0, atol=1e-5), 'Incorrect objective function value'
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_beta_0(self, msgsteiner):
        Run Forest with beta = 0 and check optimal subnetwork

        In p'(v) = beta * p(v) - mu * deg(v), beta = 0 implies that an empty graph is the optimal network

        msgsteiner - fixture object with the value of --msgpath parsed by conftest.py
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 0
        graph, objective = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

        assert graph.order() == 0, "Unexpected number of nodes"
        assert graph.size() == 0, "Unexpected number of edges"

        # Check that the optimal forest has the correct objective function
        # value, using isclose to allow for minor floating point variation
        # Objective function: 0
        # Excluded prizes: 0
        # Edge costs: 0
        # Number of trees * w: 0
        assert isclose(0, objective, rtol=0, atol=1e-5), 'Incorrect objective function value'
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_beta_026(self, msgsteiner):
        Run Forest with beta = 0.26

        See test_beta_024; this value of beta makes it worth while to obtain prizes for C and D;
        we expect the following network:

        A   B
         \   \
          C   D

        note an undirected edge ab in a digraph is represented by the network containing both edges ab and ba
        params = copy.deepcopy(conf_params)
        params['b'] = 0.26
        graph = test_util.run_forest(msgsteiner, params, forest_opts)

        assert graph.order() == 4
        assert graph.size() == 4

        assert graph.has_edge('A', 'C')
        assert graph.has_edge('C', 'A')
        assert graph.has_edge('B', 'D')
        assert graph.has_edge('D', 'B')