Ejemplo n.º 1
def my_cws_corpus():
    data_root = test_data_path()
    corpus_path = os.path.join(data_root, 'my_cws_corpus.txt')
    if not os.path.isfile(corpus_path):
        with open(corpus_path, 'w') as out:
            out.write('''商品 和 服务
商品 和服 物美价廉
服务 和 货币''')
    return corpus_path
Ejemplo n.º 2
            wordnet.add(i, Vertex.newPunctuationInstance(
                sent[i - 1:j - 1]))  # 填充[i, j)之间的空白行
            i = j
            i += len(vertexes[i][-1].realWord)

    return wordnet

def viterbi(wordnet):
    nodes = wordnet.getVertexes()
    # 前向遍历
    for i in range(0, len(nodes) - 1):
        for node in nodes[i]:
            for to in nodes[i + len(node.realWord)]:
                to.updateFrom(node)  # 根据距离公式计算节点距离,并维护最短路径上的前驱指针from
    # 后向回溯
    path = []  # 最短路径
    f = nodes[len(nodes) - 1].getFirst()  # 从终点回溯
    while f:
        path.insert(0, f)
        f = f.getFrom()  # 按前驱指针from回溯
    return [v.realWord for v in path]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    corpus_path = my_cws_corpus()
    model_path = os.path.join(test_data_path(), 'my_cws_model')
    train_bigram(corpus_path, model_path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
# 《自然语言处理入门》8.4.3 基于角色标注的机构名识别
import os
import sys
# 得到当前根目录
o_path = os.getcwd()  # 返回当前工作目录
sys.path.append(o_path)  # 添加自己指定的搜索路径
from pyhanlp import *
from ngram_segment import DijkstraSegment
import pku
from test_utility import test_data_path

EasyDictionary = JClass('com.hankcs.hanlp.corpus.dictionary.EasyDictionary')
NTDictionaryMaker = JClass(
Sentence = JClass('com.hankcs.hanlp.corpus.document.sentence.Sentence')
MODEL = test_data_path() + "/ns"

def train(corpus, model):
    dictionary = EasyDictionary.create(HanLP.Config.CoreDictionaryPath)  # 核心词典
    maker = NTDictionaryMaker(dictionary)  # 训练模块
    maker.train(corpus)  # 在语料库上训练
    maker.saveTxtTo(model)  # 输出HMM到txt

def load(model):
    HanLP.Config.PlaceDictionaryPath = model + ".txt"  # data/test/ns.txt
    HanLP.Config.PlaceDictionaryTrPath = model + ".tr.txt"  # data/test/ns.tr.txt
    segment = DijkstraSegment().enableOrganizationRecognize(
        True).enableCustomDictionary(False)  # 该分词器便于调试
    return segment
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: msr.py Proyecto: HBU/NLP_PPT
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-# Author:hankcs# Date: 2018-06-08 15:35
# 3.2.2 微软亚洲研究院语料库 MSR
import os

from test_utility import ensure_data, test_data_path

sighan05 = ensure_data(
msr_dict = os.path.join(sighan05, 'gold', 'msr_training_words.utf8')
msr_train = os.path.join(sighan05, 'training', 'msr_training.utf8')
msr_model = os.path.join(test_data_path(), 'msr_cws')
msr_test = os.path.join(sighan05, 'testing', 'msr_test.utf8')
msr_output = os.path.join(sighan05, 'testing', 'msr_bigram_output.txt')
msr_gold = os.path.join(sighan05, 'gold', 'msr_test_gold.utf8')
Ejemplo n.º 5
# David 2020.6.18 测试未通过:Ambiguous overloads found for constructor
import sys
import os
# 得到当前根目录
o_path = os.getcwd()  # 返回当前工作目录
sys.path.append(o_path)  # 添加自己指定的搜索路径

from pyhanlp import *
from book.ch03.E_331_demo_corpus_loader import my_cws_corpus
from test_utility import test_data_path

CRFLexicalAnalyzer = JClass('com.hankcs.hanlp.model.crf.CRFLexicalAnalyzer')

TXT_CORPUS_PATH = my_cws_corpus()
TEMPLATE_PATH = test_data_path() + "/cws-template.txt"
CRF_MODEL_PATH = test_data_path() + "/crf-cws-model"
CRF_MODEL_TXT_PATH = test_data_path() + "/crf-cws-model.txt"

def train_or_load(corpus_txt_path=TXT_CORPUS_PATH,
    if os.path.isfile(model_txt_path):  # 已训练,直接加载
        segmenter = CRFLexicalAnalyzer(model_txt_path)
        return segmenter
        segmenter = CRFLexicalAnalyzer(None)  # 创建空白分词器
        segmenter.convertCorpus(corpus_txt_path, TSV_CORPUS_PATH)  # 执行转换
        segmenter.dumpTemplate(TEMPLATE_PATH)  # 导出特征模板
        # 交给CRF++训练
        print("语料已转换为 %s ,特征模板已导出为 %s" % (TSV_CORPUS_PATH, TEMPLATE_PATH))