Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setUpClass(cls):
     filename = join(data_dir(), 'random.h5')
     cls.datastore = HDFDataStore(filename)
     cls.keys = ['/building1/elec/meter{:d}'.format(i) for i in range(1,6)]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setUpClass(cls):
     filename = join(data_dir(), 'co_test.h5')
     cls.dataset = DataSet(filename)
 def setUpClass(cls):
     filename = join(data_dir(), 'co_test.h5')
     cls.dataset = DataSet(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_LatentBayesianMelding_correctness(self):
     Created on Friday January 1 20:27:27 2016
     @author: Mingjun Zhong, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
     Email: [email protected]
     1) the NILMTK: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Toolkit, 
     2) the (free academic) MOSEK license: 
      [1] Mingjun Zhong, Nigel Goddard and Charles Sutton. 
      Latent Bayesian melding for integrating individual and population models.
      In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28, 2015.
      [2] Mingjun Zhong, Nigel Goddard and Charles Sutton. 
      Signal Aggregate Constraints in Additive Factorial HMMs, 
      with Application to Energy Disaggregation.
      In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 27, 2014.
     1)  The optimization problems described in the papers were transformed to
         a second order conic programming (SOCP) which suits the MOSEK solver; 
         I should write a technical report for this.
     2)  Any questions please drop me an email.
     ############# some global variables ##########################
     # Sampling time was 2 minutes
     sample_seconds = 120
     ####### Select a house: this is the house 2 in UKDALE #########
     # This is a demo for applying Latent Bayesian Melding to energy disaggregation.
     # The HES data were used for training the model parameters, and the population
     # models. This demo shows how to use the LBM to disaggregate the mains readings
     # of a day in UKDALE.
     # Note that since HES data were read every 2 minutes, so UKDALE data were 
     # resampled to 2 minutes.
     # Note that all the readings were tranferred to the unit: deciwatt-hour, 
     # which is identical to the unit of HES data. 
     # Note that this demo is only for a chunk (=a day).
     # This should be easy to amend for all the data you want to disaggregate.
     ## This is the building information: dataset/building_number/date
     building_information = 'ukdale/building2/2013-06-08'
     # Read the data from h5 file.
     # meterdata is a DataFrame and its columns are: 1) appliance readings;
     # 2) the mains readings; 3) the synthetic mains readings which are the sum
     # of all the appliance readings.
     meterdata = self.meterdata_ukdale['meterdata']
     # Map the keywords of appliances between HES and UKDALE
     appliance_map = {'cooker':"('cooker', 1)",
                      'kettle':"('kettle', 1)",
                      'dishwasher':"('dish washer', 1)",
                      'toaster':"('toaster', 1)",
                      'washingmachine':"('washing machine', 1)",
                      'fridgefreezer':"('fridge', 1)", 
                      'microwave':"('microwave', 1)"}
     ########### Appliances to be disaggregated: not all of the appliance #########
     meterlist = ['cooker', 'kettle', 'dishwasher','toaster',
                  'washingmachine','fridgefreezer', 'microwave']
     ## the ground truth reading for those appliances to be disaggregated ########
     appliancedata = meterdata
     groundTruthApplianceReading = pd.DataFrame(index=meterdata.index)
     for meter in appliance_map:
         groundTruthApplianceReading[meter] = meterdata[appliance_map[meter]]
         appliancedata = appliancedata.drop(appliance_map[meter],axis=1)    
     ## the sum of other meter readings which will not be disaggregated
     groundTruthApplianceReading['othermeters'] = appliancedata.sum(axis=1)
     ## The mains readings to be disaggregated ###
     mains = meterdata['mains']
     #### declare an instance for lbm ################################
     fhmm = FHMM_Relaxed()
     # to obtain the model parameters trained by using HES data
     individual_model = fhmm.import_model(meterlist,join(data_dir(), 'appliance_model_induced_density.json'))
     # use lbm to disaggregate mains readings into appliances
     results = fhmm.disaggregate_chunk(mains)
     # the inferred appliance readings
     infApplianceReading=results['inferred appliance energy']       
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def setUpClass(cls):
     filename_meterdata_ukdale = join(data_dir(), 'meterdata_ukdale.h5')
     cls.meterdata_ukdale = HDFStore(filename_meterdata_ukdale)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def setUpClass(cls):
     filename = join(data_dir(), 'random_csv')
     cls.datastore = CSVDataStore(filename)
     cls.keys = ['/building1/elec/meter{:d}'.format(i) for i in range(1, 6)]
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def setUpClass(cls):
     filename = join(data_dir(), "random_csv")
     cls.datastore = CSVDataStore(filename)
     cls.keys = ["/building1/elec/meter{:d}".format(i) for i in range(1, 6)]