def activate_account(blockchain_id, datastore_pk):
    global sessions

    wk = wallet_keychain.get(blockchain_id)
    assert wk, 'no wallet for {}'.format(blockchain_id)
    testlib.blockstack_client_set_wallet( '0123456789abcdef', wk['payment_privkey'], wk['owner_privkey'], wk['data_privkey'])
    res = testlib.start_api('0123456789abcdef')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API for foo.test: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # sign in and make a token with the given blockchain ID (whose wallet must be currently set)
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(blockchain_id, datastore_pk, '', ['store_read', 'store_write', 'store_admin'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    sessions[blockchain_id] = res['token']

    # export to environment 
    res = setup_env(res['token'], blockchain_id)
    if not res:
        print 'failed to setup env'
        return False

    return True
def core_signin(datastore_pk, blockchain_id):
    global sessions

    # sign in and make a token with the given blockchain ID (whose wallet must be currently set)
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(blockchain_id, datastore_pk, '', ['store_read', 'store_write', 'store_admin'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    sessions[blockchain_id] = res['token']

    # export to environment 
    res = setup_env(res['token'], blockchain_id)
    if not res:
        print 'failed to setup env'
        return False

    datastore_id_res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_get_id( datastore_pk )
    datastore_id = datastore_id_res['datastore_id']
    return datastore_id
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet(
        "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey,
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    # migrate profiles, but no data key in the zone file
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here


    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(
        "foo.test", datastore_pk, '', [
            'names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain',
            'node_read', 'user_read'
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # register the name bar.test. autogenerate the rest
    old_user_zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile(
        'bar.test', None)
    old_user_zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file(old_user_zonefile)

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST',
                                           'name': 'bar.test',
                                           'zonefile': old_user_zonefile_txt,
                                           'make_profile': True
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash)
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register/update to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should have nine confirmations now
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'register')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    reg = res[0]
    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 9:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 9): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # stop the API server

    # advance blockchain

    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 11:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 11): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # make sure the registrar does not process reg/up zonefile replication
    # (i.e. we want to make sure that the zonefile gets processed even if the blockchain goes too fast)

    print 'Wait to verify that we do not remove the zone file just because the tx is confirmed'

    # verify that this is still in the queue
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'register')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    # clear the fault
    print 'Clearing regup replication fault'

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for zonefile to replicate'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    old_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile",
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # zonefile must not have a public key listed
    zonefile_txt = res['response']['zonefile']
    print zonefile_txt

    parsed_zonefile = blockstack_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
    if parsed_zonefile.has_key('txt'):
        print 'have txt records'
        print parsed_zonefile
        return False

    # renew it, but put the *current* owner key as the zonefile's *new* public key
    new_user_zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile(
        'bar.test', wallets[3].pubkey_hex)
    new_user_zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file(new_user_zonefile)

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("POST",
                                           'name': 'bar.test',
                                           'zonefile': new_user_zonefile_txt
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to renew name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # verify in renew queue
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'renew', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should have nine confirmations now
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'renew')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    reg = res[0]
    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 9:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 9): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # stop the API server

    # advance blockchain

    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 11:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 11): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # make the registrar skip the first few steps, so the only thing it does is clear out confirmed updates
    # (i.e. we want to make sure that the renewal's zonefile gets processed even if the blockchain goes too fast)

    # wait a while
    print 'Wait to verify that clearing out confirmed transactions does NOT remove zonefiles'

    # verify that this is still in the queue
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'renew')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    # clear the fault
    print 'Clearing renewal replication fault'

    # now the renewal zonefile should replicate
    print 'Wait for renewal zonefile to replicate'

    # new expire block
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    new_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history",
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for bar.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile",
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # zonefile must have old owner key
    zonefile_txt = res['response']['zonefile']
    parsed_zonefile = blockstack_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
    if not parsed_zonefile.has_key('txt'):
        print 'missing txt'
        print parsed_zonefile
        return False

    found = False
    for txtrec in parsed_zonefile['txt']:
        if txtrec['name'] == 'pubkey' and txtrec[
                'txt'] == 'pubkey:data:{}'.format(wallets[3].pubkey_hex):
            found = True

    if not found:
        print 'missing public key {}'.format(wallets[3].pubkey_hex)
        return False

    # profile lookup must work
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/users/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['text'] = 'failed to get profile for bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    print ''
    print json.dumps(res['response'], indent=4, sort_keys=True)
    print ''

    # verify pushed back
    if old_expire_block + 10 > new_expire_block:
        # didn't go through
        print >> sys.stderr, "Renewal didn't work: %s --> %s" % (
            old_expire_block, new_expire_block)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # for funsies, get the price of .test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/namespaces/test', ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of .test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    test_price = res['response']['satoshis']
    print '\n\n.test costed {} satoshis\n\n'.format(test_price)

    # get the price for bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/names/bar.test', ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    bar_price = res['response']['total_estimated_cost']['satoshis']
    print "\n\nbar.test will cost {} satoshis\n\n".format(bar_price)

    # register the name bar.test. autogenerate the rest 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test'} )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for update to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']
    old_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # renew it
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("POST", "/v1/names", ses, data={'name': 'bar.test'} )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to transfer name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # verify in renew queue
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'renew', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # new expire block
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    new_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for bar.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 4:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # verify pushed back 
    if old_expire_block + 12 >= new_expire_block:
        # didn't go through
        print >> sys.stderr, "Renewal didn't work: %s --> %s" % (old_expire_block, new_expire_block)
        return False
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )
    wallet_keys = blockstack_client.make_wallet_keys( owner_privkey=wallets[3].privkey, data_privkey=wallets[4].privkey, payment_privkey=wallets[5].privkey )
    testlib.blockstack_client_set_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallet_keys['payment_privkey'], wallet_keys['owner_privkey'], wallet_keys['data_privkey'] )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True
    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # sign in and make a token 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, 'http://localhost:8888', ['store_read', 'store_write', 'store_admin'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # export to environment 
    blockstack_client.set_secret("BLOCKSTACK_API_SESSION", res['token'])
    ses = res['token']

    datastore_id_res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_get_id( datastore_pk )
    datastore_id = datastore_id_res['datastore_id']

    # use random data for file 
    file_data = None
    with open('/dev/urandom', 'r') as f:
        file_data =

    # make datastore 
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_create_datastore( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, ['disk'], ses )
    if 'error' in res:
        print "failed to create datastore: {}".format(res['error'])
        return False

    # make directories
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir( "foo.test", datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # make directories again (should fail with EEXIST)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {} (should fail)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir( "foo.test", datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if not res.has_key('errno'):
            print 'no errno in error {}'.format(res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EEXIST:
            print 'wrong errno in error {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # stat directories 
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_DIR_TYPE:
            print 'not a directory: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories 
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        print res
        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # put files 
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile( "foo.test", datastore_pk, dpath, data, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat files
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_FILE_TYPE:
            print 'not a file: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories again 
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2', 'file1', 'file2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3', 'file3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4', 'file4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', ['file5'])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False
    # get files
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # put files again! 
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile( "foo.test", datastore_pk, dpath, data, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files again!
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # remove files
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'deletefile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_deletefile( "foo.test", datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to deletefile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat files (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False
    # get files (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to get {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories, 3rd time 
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # remove directories 
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'rmdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_rmdir( "foo.test", datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to rmdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat directories (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories (should all fail) 
    for dpath, expected in [('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( "foo.test", datastore_id, dpath, None )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to list {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # remove directories again (should fail) 
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'rmdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_rmdir( "foo.test", datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to rmdir twice: {}'.format(res)
            return False

        if res.get('errno') != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno on rmdir: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # root should be empty 
    print 'listdir {}'.format('/')
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( "foo.test", datastore_id, '/', None )
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to listdir /: {}'.format(res['error'])
        return False

    if len(res['children'].keys()) > 0:
        print 'root still has children: {}'.format(res['children'].keys())
        return False

    # delete datastore 
    print 'delete datastore'
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_delete_datastore( "foo.test", datastore_pk, ses )
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to delete datastore'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # no more data in disk driver 
    names = os.listdir("/tmp/blockstack-disk/mutable")
    if names != ['foo.test']:
        print 'improper cleanup'
        return False

    testlib.next_block( **kw )
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_client_set_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'store_admin', 'store_read', 'store_write'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # make a datastore 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/stores', ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to create datastore'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the data store id
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/', ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to get store'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    if 'error' in res['response']:
        print 'failed to get datastore'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    datastore_info = res['response']
    datastore_name = datastore_info['datastore_id']

    # get the data store name
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/', ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to get datastore'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    if 'error' in res['response']:
        print 'failed to get datastore'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    datastore_info = res['response']
    datastore_name = datastore_info['datastore_id']

    # make directories
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/stores/{}/directories'.format(datastore_name), ses, path=dpath)
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

    # stat directories 
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/{}/inodes'.format(datastore_name), ses, path=dpath)
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        inode_info = res['response']
        if inode_info['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_DIR_TYPE:
            print 'not a directory: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories 
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/{}/directories'.format(datastore_name), ses, path=dpath)
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        dirinfo = res['response']
        if len(dirinfo.keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, dirinfo)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not dirinfo.has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, dirinfo)
                print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
                return False

    # put files 
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = 'hello {}'.format(os.path.basename(dpath))
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/stores/{}/files'.format(datastore_name), ses, raw_data=data, path=dpath)
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

    # stat files
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/{}/inodes'.format(datastore_name), ses, path=dpath)
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        inode_data = res['response']
        if inode_data['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_FILE_TYPE:
            print 'not a file: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories again 
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2', 'file1', 'file2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3', 'file3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4', 'file4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', ['file5'])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/{}/directories'.format(datastore_name), ses, path=dpath)
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        dirinfo = res['response']
        if len(dirinfo.keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, dirinfo)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not dirinfo.has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, dirinfo)
                return False
    # get files
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/{}/files'.format(datastore_name), ses, path=dpath)
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        filedata = res['raw']
        if filedata != 'hello {}'.format(os.path.basename(dpath)):
            print 'failed to read {}: got "{}"'.format(dpath, filedata)
            return False

    # delete datastore
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("DELETE", "/v1/stores", ses)
    if res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to delete datastore'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # nothing should be here
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/{}/directories'.format(datastore_name), ses, path='/')
    if res['http_status'] != 404:
        print 'got HTTP {} on getting deleted store'.format(res['http_status'])
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # try to preorder another namespace; it should fail
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test2", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to preorder test2'
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at( "foo.test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw)+1)

    # try to reveal; it should fail 
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to reveal test'
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at( "foo.test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw)+1)

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # should succeed
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # should fail, since we have an unusable address
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    if 'error' not in res:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at( "foo.test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw)+1)

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # should work now
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # should fail to re-preorder, since address isn't ready
    res = testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo2.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to preorder foo2.test'
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at( "foo2.test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw)+1)

    # should fail for the same reason: the payment address is not ready
    res = testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to register foo.test'
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at( "foo.test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw)+1)

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # should succeed now that it's confirmed
    res = testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # should fail; address not ready
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to migrate profile'
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at( "foo.test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw)+1)

    for i in xrange(0, 3):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles (should succeed now) 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'wallet_read'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']
    # make zonefile for recipient
    driver_urls ='bar.test', use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
    zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
    zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file( zonefile, origin='bar.test', ttl=3600 )

    # register the name bar.test (no zero-conf, should fail)
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': zonefile_txt, 'owner_address': wallets[4].addr})
    if res['http_status'] == 200:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to register bar.test'
        print res
        return False

    # let's test /v1/wallet/balance
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/wallet/balance', ses)
    if res['http_status'] != 200:
        print '/v1/wallet/balance returned ERR'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
    if res['response']['balance']['satoshis'] > 0:
        print '/v1/wallet/balance accidentally incorporated 0-conf txns in balance register bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res['response'])
        return False

    # let's test /v1/wallet/balance with minconfs=0
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/wallet/balance/0', ses)
    if res['http_status'] != 200:
        print '/v1/wallet/balance/0 returned ERR'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
    if res['response']['balance']['satoshis'] < 1e6:
        print "/v1/wallet/balance/0 didn't incorporate 0-conf txns"
        print json.dumps(res['response'])
        return False

    # register the name bar.test (1-conf, should fail)
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': zonefile_txt, 'owner_address': wallets[4].addr, 'min_confs' : 1})
    if res['http_status'] == 200:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to register bar.test'
        print res
        return False

    # register the name bar.test (zero-conf, should succeed)
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': zonefile_txt, 'owner_address': wallets[4].addr, 'min_confs': 0})
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for transfer to be submitted'

    # wait for transfer to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'transfer', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for transfer to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # should still be registered 
    if res['response']['status'] != 'registered':
        print "register not complete"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 4:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # same zonefile we put?
    if res['response']['zonefile'] != zonefile_txt:
        res['test'] = 'mismatched zonefile, expected\n{}\n'.format(zonefile_txt)
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )
    wallet_keys = blockstack_client.make_wallet_keys( owner_privkey=wallets[3].privkey, data_privkey=wallets[4].privkey, payment_privkey=wallets[5].privkey )
    testlib.blockstack_client_set_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallet_keys['payment_privkey'], wallet_keys['owner_privkey'], wallet_keys['data_privkey'] )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # sign in and make a token 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, 'http://localhost:8888', ['store_read', 'store_write', 'store_admin'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # export to environment 
    blockstack_client.set_secret("BLOCKSTACK_API_SESSION", res['token'])
    ses = res['token']

    datastore_id_res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_get_id( datastore_pk )
    datastore_id = datastore_id_res['datastore_id']

    # use random data for file 
    file_data = None
    with open('/dev/urandom', 'r') as f:
        file_data =

    # make datastore with two storage drivers
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_create_datastore( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, ['disk', 'test'], ses )
    if 'error' in res:
        print "failed to create datastore: {}".format(res['error'])
        return False

    # simulate a failure in the 'test' driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '1')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # make directories (should all fail, since 'test' is offline; however, 'disk' will have worked)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # stat directories (should all fail locally due to ENOENT, since the parent directory will not have been updated)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories (all the ones we tried to create should fail due to ENOENT)
    for dpath, expected in [('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to list {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # restore driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '0')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # make directories (should succeed)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # make directories (should fail with EEXIST)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if not res.has_key('errno'):
            print 'no errno in error {}'.format(res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EEXIST:
            print 'wrong errno in error {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # stat directories (should succeed)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_DIR_TYPE:
            print 'not a directory: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories (should succeed)
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # put files 
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, data, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # simulate a failure in the 'test' driver 
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '1')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # stat files (should succeed)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'stat {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_FILE_TYPE:
            print 'not a file: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories again (should succeed)
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2', 'file1', 'file2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3', 'file3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4', 'file4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', ['file5'])]:
        print 'listdir {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False
    # get files (should succeed and return latest data)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # put files (should succeed with 'disk', but fail overall since we have a failed driver)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'putfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, data, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files (should get the new data, despite the failed service)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # restore test driver 
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '0')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # put files (should succeed now)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, data, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files again! should see results of last put
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # simulate a failure in the 'test' driver 
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '1')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # remove files (should fail since 'test' driver is disabled)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'deletefile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_deletefile( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally failed to deletefile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files (should fail, since the idata was removed from 'disk')
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {} (should fail)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally got {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EREMOTEIO:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # stat files (should still work)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'stat {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(path, res)
            return False

    # restore test driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '0')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # stat files (should still work)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(path, res)
            return False

    # remove files (should work now)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'deletefile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_deletefile( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to deletefile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # put file data (should succeed on both 'disk' and 'test')
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 3 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, data, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files again! should see results of last put
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 3 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # cause 'test' to fail
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '1')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # put file data (should fail, but succeed on 'disk')
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'putfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 4 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, data, ses )
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EREMOTEIO:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # get files again! should see results of last put
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 4 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # restore 'test'
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '0')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # get files again! should see results of last put
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 4 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # remove files (should succeed)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'deletefile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_deletefile( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to deletefile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat files (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False
    # get files (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to get {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories 
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir2', []), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # break 'test'
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '1')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # stat files (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # get files (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4', '/dir1/dir3/dir4/file5']:
        print 'getfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to get {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories 
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir2', []), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # remove directories (should fail, but '/dir2' and '/dir1/dir3/dir4''s idata should be gone)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'rmdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_rmdir( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to rmdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if dpath not in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir2']:
            if res.get('errno') != errno.ENOTEMPTY:
                print 'wrong errno for deleting {}'.format(res)
                return False

    # list directories (should fail for /dir1/dir3/dir4 and /dir2 since its idata got deleted, but it should still work for everyone else)
    for dpath, expected in [('/dir2', []), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to list {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EREMOTEIO:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # these should still work
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4'])]:
        print 'listdir {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected: 
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # restore service
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '0')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # remove directories (should succeed)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'rmdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_rmdir( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to rmdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat directories (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories (should all fail) 
    for dpath, expected in [('/dir2', []), ('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, dpath, ses )
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to list {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # root should be empty 
    print 'listdir {}'.format('/')
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir( 'foo.test', datastore_id, '/', ses )
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to listdir /: {}'.format(res['error'])
        return False

    if len(res['children'].keys()) > 0:
        print 'root still has children: {}'.format(res['children'].keys())
        return False

    # simulate a failure in the 'test' driver 
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '1')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # delete datastore (should fail) 
    print 'delete datastore (expect failure)'
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_delete_datastore( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, ses )
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to delete datastore'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # restore service
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv('BLOCKSTACK_INTEGRATION_TEST_STORAGE_FAILURE', '0')
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    print 'delete datastore'
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_delete_datastore( 'foo.test', datastore_pk, ses )
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to delete datastore'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # no more data in test-disk driver 
    names = os.listdir("/tmp/blockstack-integration-test-storage/mutable")
    if names != ['foo.test']:
        print 'improper cleanup on test'
        return False

    # due to our failed mkdir of /dir1 and /dir2, these
    # will have leaked. Expect 5 entries (including foo.test):
    # an idata and inode header for both dirs
    names = os.listdir("/tmp/blockstack-disk/mutable")
    if len(names) != 5:
        print 'imporper cleanup on disk'
        return False

    if 'foo.test' not in names:
        print 'missing foo.test'
        return False

    testlib.next_block( **kw )
Ejemplo n.º 9
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet(
        "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey,
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    # migrate profiles
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here


    data_pk = wallets[-1].privkey
    data_pub = wallets[-1].pubkey_hex

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(
        "foo.test", datastore_pk, '', [
            'names', 'register', 'update', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain',
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # register the name bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST',
                                       data={'name': 'bar.test'})
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash)
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should have 9 confirmations
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'update')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    reg = res[0]
    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 9:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 9): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # stop the API server

    # advance blockchain

    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 11:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 11): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # make the registrar skip the first few steps, so the only thing it does is clear out confirmed updates
    # (i.e. we want to make sure that the renewal's zonefile gets processed even if the blockchain goes too fast)

    # wait a while
    print 'Wait to verify that clearing out confirmed transactions does NOT remove zonefiles'

    # verify that this is still in the queue
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'update')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    # clear the fault
    print 'Clearing update replication fault'

    # now the renewal zonefile should replicate
    print 'Wait for first zonefile to replicate'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    first_zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # update
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("PUT",
                                       data={'zonefile_hash': '11' * 20})
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'failed to update zonefile hash'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # wait for update to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should have 9 confirmations
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'update')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    reg = res[0]
    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 9:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 9): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # stop the API server

    # advance blockchain

    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 11:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 11): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # make the registrar skip the first few steps, so the only thing it does is clear out confirmed updates
    # (i.e. we want to make sure that the renewal's zonefile gets processed even if the blockchain goes too fast)

    # wait a while
    print 'Wait to verify that clearing out confirmed transactions does NOT remove zonefiles'

    # verify that it is NOT in the queue, since there is no zone file
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'update')
    if 'error' not in res:
        print res
        return False

    # clear the fault
    print 'Clearing update replication fault'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # update set?
    if res['response']['zonefile_hash'] != '11' * 20:
        res['test'] = 'failed to set zonefile hash'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # update with nonstandard zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("PUT",
                                       data={'zonefile': 'hello world'})
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'failed to update zonefile hash'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # wait for third update to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should have 9 confirmations
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'update')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    reg = res[0]
    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 9:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 9): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # stop the API server

    # advance blockchain

    confs = blockstack_client.get_tx_confirmations(reg['tx_hash'])
    if confs != 11:
        print 'wrong number of confs for {} (expected 11): {}'.format(
            reg['tx_hash'], confs)
        return False

    # make the registrar skip the first few steps, so the only thing it does is clear out confirmed updates
    # (i.e. we want to make sure that the renewal's zonefile gets processed even if the blockchain goes too fast)

    # wait a while
    print 'Wait to verify that clearing out confirmed transactions does NOT remove zonefiles'

    # verify that this is still in the queue
    res = testlib.get_queue(ses, 'update')
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    if len(res) != 1:
        print res
        return False

    # clear the fault
    print 'Clearing update replication fault'

    print 'Wait for third update to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    last_zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history",
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 5:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the historic zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        "GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(first_zonefile_hash),
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get first zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # get the latest zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}?raw=1".format(last_zonefile_hash), ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get last zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    if res['raw'] != 'hello world':
        res['test'] = 'Failed to set zonefile data'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # migrate profiles
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here

    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'wallet_write'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # let's set the key to skip the transfer.

    config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
    conf = blockstack_client.get_config(config_path)
    assert conf

    api_pass = conf['api_password']

    new_payment_key = {
        'private_key' : wallets[1].privkey,
        'persist_change' : True

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('PUT', '/v1/wallet/keys/payment', None, api_pass=api_pass,
    if res['http_status'] != 200 or 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to set payment key'
        print res
        return False


    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/wallet/payment_address', None, api_pass = api_pass)
    if res['http_status'] != 200 or 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get payment address'
        print res
        return False
    if res['response']['address'] != wallets[1].addr:
        res['test'] = 'Got wrong payer address, expected {}, got {}'.format(
            wallets[1].addr, res['response']['address'])
        print res
        return False

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('PUT', '/v1/wallet/keys/owner', None, api_pass=api_pass,
    if res['http_status'] != 200 or 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to set owner key'
        print res
        return False

    # make zonefile for recipient
    driver_urls ='bar.test', use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
    zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
    zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file( zonefile, origin='bar.test', ttl=3600 )

    # leaving the call format of this one the same to make sure that our registrar correctly
    #   detects that the requested TRANSFER is superfluous
    # register the name bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': zonefile_txt, 'owner_address': new_addr })
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for transfer to be submitted'

    # wait for transfer to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'transfer', None )
    if res:
        print res
        print "Wrongly issued a TRANSFER"
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for transfer to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # should still be registered
    if res['response']['status'] != 'registered':
        print "register not complete"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # same zonefile we put?
    if res['response']['zonefile'] != zonefile_txt:
        res['test'] = 'mismatched zonefile, expected\n{}\n'.format(zonefile_txt)
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 11
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global wallet_keys, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    wallet_keys = blockstack_client.make_wallet_keys(

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    # migrate profiles
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here


    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # sign in and make a token
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(
        "foo.test", datastore_pk, 'http://localhost:8888',
        ['store_read', 'store_write', 'store_admin'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # export to environment
    blockstack_client.set_secret("BLOCKSTACK_API_SESSION", res['token'])
    ses = res['token']

    datastore_id_res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_get_id(datastore_pk)
    datastore_id = datastore_id_res['datastore_id']

    # use random data for file
    file_data = None
    with open('/dev/urandom', 'r') as f:
        file_data =

    # make datastore with two storage drivers
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_create_datastore('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                  ['disk', 'test'], ses)
    if 'error' in res:
        print "failed to create datastore: {}".format(res['error'])
        return False

    # simulate a failure in the 'test' driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # make directories (should all fail, since 'test' is offline; however, 'disk' will have worked)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                     dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # stat directories (should all fail locally due to ENOENT, since the parent directory will not have been updated)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories (all the ones we tried to create should fail due to ENOENT)
    for dpath, expected in [('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to list {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # restore driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # make directories (should succeed)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                     dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # make directories (should fail with EEXIST)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                     dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if not res.has_key('errno'):
            print 'no errno in error {}'.format(res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EEXIST:
            print 'wrong errno in error {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # stat directories (should succeed)
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_DIR_TYPE:
            print 'not a directory: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories (should succeed)
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # put files
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_pk, dpath,
                                                       data, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # simulate a failure in the 'test' driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # stat files (should succeed)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'stat {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_FILE_TYPE:
            print 'not a file: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories again (should succeed)
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2', 'file1', 'file2']),
                            ('/dir1', ['dir3', 'file3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4', 'file4']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', ['file5'])]:
        print 'listdir {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # get files (should succeed and return latest data)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # put files (should succeed with 'disk', but fail overall since we have a failed driver)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'putfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_pk, dpath,
                                                       data, ses)
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to putfile {}: {}'.format(
                dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files (should get the new data, despite the failed service)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # restore test driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # put files (should succeed now)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_pk, dpath,
                                                       data, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files again! should see results of last put
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # simulate a failure in the 'test' driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # remove files (should fail since 'test' driver is disabled)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'deletefile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_deletefile(
            'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally failed to deletefile {}: {}'.format(
                dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files (should fail, since the idata was removed from 'disk')
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {} (should fail)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally got {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EREMOTEIO:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # stat files (should still work)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'stat {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(path, res)
            return False

    # restore test driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # stat files (should still work)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(path, res)
            return False

    # remove files (should work now)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'deletefile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_deletefile(
            'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to deletefile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # put file data (should succeed on both 'disk' and 'test')
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 3 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_pk, dpath,
                                                       data, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files again! should see results of last put
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 3 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # cause 'test' to fail
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # put file data (should fail, but succeed on 'disk')
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'putfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 4 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_pk, dpath,
                                                       data, ses)
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EREMOTEIO:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # get files again! should see results of last put
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 4 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # restore 'test'
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # get files again! should see results of last put
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 4 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # remove files (should succeed)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'deletefile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_deletefile(
            'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to deletefile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat files (should all fail)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # get files (should all fail)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to get {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']),
                            ('/dir2', []), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # break 'test'
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # stat files (should all fail)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # get files (should all fail)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to get {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']),
                            ('/dir2', []), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # remove directories (should fail, but '/dir2' and '/dir1/dir3/dir4''s idata should be gone)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'rmdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_rmdir('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                     dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to rmdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if dpath not in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir2']:
            if res.get('errno') != errno.ENOTEMPTY:
                print 'wrong errno for deleting {}'.format(res)
                return False

    # list directories (should fail for /dir1/dir3/dir4 and /dir2 since its idata got deleted, but it should still work for everyone else)
    for dpath, expected in [('/dir2', []), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to list {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.EREMOTEIO:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # these should still work
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4'])]:
        print 'listdir {} (should still work)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # restore service
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # remove directories (should succeed)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'rmdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_rmdir('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                     dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to rmdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat directories (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories (should all fail)
    for dpath, expected in [('/dir2', []), ('/dir1', ['dir3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to list {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # root should be empty
    print 'listdir {}'.format('/')
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                   '/', ses)
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to listdir /: {}'.format(res['error'])
        return False

    if len(res['children'].keys()) > 0:
        print 'root still has children: {}'.format(res['children'].keys())
        return False

    # simulate a failure in the 'test' driver
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # delete datastore (should fail)
    print 'delete datastore (expect failure)'
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_delete_datastore('foo.test', datastore_pk,
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to delete datastore'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # restore service
    res = testlib.blockstack_test_setenv(
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to setenv: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    print 'delete datastore'
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_delete_datastore('foo.test', datastore_pk,
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to delete datastore'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # no more data in test-disk driver
    names = os.listdir("/tmp/blockstack-integration-test-storage/mutable")
    if names != ['foo.test']:
        print 'improper cleanup on test'
        return False

    # due to our failed mkdir of /dir1 and /dir2, these
    # will have leaked. Expect 5 entries (including foo.test):
    # an idata and inode header for both dirs
    names = os.listdir("/tmp/blockstack-disk/mutable")
    if len(names) != 5:
        print 'imporper cleanup on disk'
        return False

    if 'foo.test' not in names:
        print 'missing foo.test'
        return False

def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    data_pk = wallets[-1].privkey
    data_pub = wallets[-1].pubkey_hex
    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'transfer', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']
    # register the name bar.test 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test'})
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for update to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # transfer it
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("PUT", "/v1/names/bar.test/owner", ses, data={'owner': wallets[7].addr})
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to transfer name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # wait for transfer to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'transfer', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'waiting for transfer to get confirmed'

    # poll 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to query name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    # new owner?
    if not res['response'].has_key('address'):
        res['test'] = 'No address given'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    address_testnet = virtualchain.address_reencode(str(res['response']['address']), network='testnet')
    if address_testnet != wallets[7].addr:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to transfer name to new address {}'.format(wallets[7].addr)
        res['owner_address_testnet'] = address_testnet
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 4:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[3].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles, but no data key in the zone file 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", zonefile_has_data_key=False, proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'user_read'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # register the name bar.test. autogenerate the rest 
    old_user_zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', None)
    old_user_zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file(old_user_zonefile)

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': old_user_zonefile_txt, 'make_profile': True} )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register/update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for zonefile to replicate'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    old_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # zonefile must not have a public key listed
    zonefile_txt = res['response']['zonefile']
    print zonefile_txt

    parsed_zonefile = blockstack_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
    if parsed_zonefile.has_key('txt'):
        print 'have txt records'
        print parsed_zonefile
        return False

    # renew it, but put the *current* owner key as the zonefile's *new* public key
    new_user_zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', wallets[3].pubkey_hex )
    new_user_zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file(new_user_zonefile)

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("POST", "/v1/names", ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': new_user_zonefile_txt} )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to renew name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # verify in renew queue
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'renew', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # new expire block
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
    print res
    new_expire_block = res['response']['expire_block']

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for bar.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # zonefile must have old owner key
    zonefile_txt = res['response']['zonefile']
    parsed_zonefile = blockstack_zones.parse_zone_file(zonefile_txt)
    if not parsed_zonefile.has_key('txt'):
        print 'missing txt'
        print parsed_zonefile
        return False

    found = False
    for txtrec in parsed_zonefile['txt']:
        if txtrec['name'] == 'pubkey' and txtrec['txt'] == 'pubkey:data:{}'.format(wallets[3].pubkey_hex):
            found = True

    if not found:
        print 'missing public key {}'.format(wallets[3].pubkey_hex)
        return False

    # profile lookup must work 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/users/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['text'] = 'failed to get profile for bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    print ''
    print json.dumps(res['response'], indent=4, sort_keys=True)
    print ''

    # verify pushed back 
    if old_expire_block + 10 > new_expire_block:
        # didn't go through
        print >> sys.stderr, "Renewal didn't work: %s --> %s" % (old_expire_block, new_expire_block)
        return False
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo1.test", wallets[2].privkey,
    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo2.test", wallets[2].privkey,
    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo3.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    working_dir = testlib.get_working_dir(**kw)

    sub_zf_template = '$ORIGIN {}\n$TTL 3600\n_http._tcp URI 10 1 ""\n{}'
    zf_template = '$ORIGIN {}\n$TTL 3600\n_http._tcp URI 10 1 ""\n_resolver URI 10 1 ""\n{}'
    zf_default_url = '_file URI 10 1 "file://' + working_dir + '/{}"'
    zf_default_url_2 = '_file URI 20 1 "file://' + working_dir + '/{}"'

    subdomain_zonefiles = {

    zonefiles = {
            subdomains.make_subdomain_txt('bar.foo1.test', 'foo1.test',
                                          wallets[4].addr, 0,
            subdomains.make_subdomain_txt('bar.foo2.test', 'foo2.test',
                                          wallets[4].addr, 0,
            subdomains.make_subdomain_txt('bar.foo3.test', 'foo3.test',
                                          wallets[4].addr, 0,


    # sign and put profiles
    for subd in ['bar.foo1.test', 'bar.foo2.test', 'bar.foo3.test']:
        profile_data = {
            'type': 'Person',
            'name': subd,
        profile_jwt = testlib.blockstack_make_profile(profile_data,
        path = os.path.join(working_dir, subd)
        with open(path, 'w') as f:

    # whois
    for i in xrange(1, 4):
        name = 'foo{}.test'.format(i)

        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_whois(name)
        if 'error' in res:
            print res
            return False

        if not res.has_key('zonefile_hash') or res[
                'zonefile_hash'] != storage.get_zonefile_data_hash(
            print res
            return False

        if res['owner_address'] != wallets[3].addr:
            print res
            return False

        # upload zonefile
        assert testlib.blockstack_put_zonefile(zonefiles[name])

    subdomain_zonefiles_2 = {

    zonefiles = {
            subdomains.make_subdomain_txt('bar.foo1.test', 'foo1.test',
                                          wallets[4].addr, 1,
            subdomains.make_subdomain_txt('bar.foo2.test', 'foo2.test',
                                          wallets[4].addr, 1,
            subdomains.make_subdomain_txt('bar.foo3.test', 'foo3.test',
                                          wallets[4].addr, 1,

    # update zone files
        'foo1.test', storage.get_zonefile_data_hash(zonefiles['foo1.test']),
        'foo2.test', storage.get_zonefile_data_hash(zonefiles['foo2.test']),
        'foo3.test', storage.get_zonefile_data_hash(zonefiles['foo3.test']),

    assert testlib.blockstack_put_zonefile(zonefiles['foo1.test'])
    assert testlib.blockstack_put_zonefile(zonefiles['foo2.test'])
    assert testlib.blockstack_put_zonefile(zonefiles['foo3.test'])

    # kick off subdomain indexing

    # start API daemon
    print 'starting API daemon'
    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet(
        "0123456789abcdef", wallets[0].privkey, wallets[1].privkey,

    # authenticate
    pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", pk, '', [
        'names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read',
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # query each subdomain
    proxy = testlib.make_proxy()

    # test 301 redirects.
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET',
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to query non-registered name.'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
    if res['http_status'] != 301:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get a redirect.'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    for i in xrange(1, 4):
        fqn = '{}.test'.format(i)

        # test REST whois
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/names/{}'.format(fqn),
        if 'error' in res:
            res['test'] = 'Failed to query name'
            print json.dumps(res)
            return False

        if res['http_status'] != 200 and res['http_status'] != 404:
            res['test'] = 'HTTP status {}, response = {} on name lookup'.format(
                res['http_status'], res['response'])
            print json.dumps(res)
            return False

        if res['response']['zonefile'] != subdomain_zonefiles[fqn]:
            print 'wrong zone file'
            print res
            print 'expected'
            print zonefiles['foo{}.test'.format(i)]
            return False

        if res['response']['status'] != 'registered_subdomain':
            print 'wrong status'
            print res
            return False

        # test CLI lookup
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_lookup(fqn)
        if 'error' in res:
            print res
            return False

        print res
        if res['profile'] != {'type': 'Person', 'name': fqn}:
            print 'wrong profile'
            print res['profile']
            return False

        # test REST lookup
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/users/{}".format(fqn),
        if 'error' in res:
            res['test'] = 'Failed to query name profile'
            print json.dumps(res)
            return False

        if res['http_status'] != 200 and res['http_status'] != 404:
            res['test'] = 'HTTP status {}, response = {} on name profile lookup'.format(
                res['http_status'], res['response'])
            print json.dumps(res)
            return False

        print res
        if res['response'] != {'type': 'Person', 'name': fqn}:
            print 'wrong profile on REST call'
            print res
            return False

        # test CLI lookup by address
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_get_names_owned_by_address(
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to get subdomains owned by {}'.format(
            print res
            return False

        if fqn not in res:
            print '{} not in list'.format(fqn)
            print res
            return False

        # test REST lookup by address
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
            'GET', '/v1/addresses/bitcoin/{}'.format(wallets[4].addr), ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            res['test'] = 'Failed to query names owned by address'
            print json.dumps(res)
            return False

        if res['http_status'] != 200 and res['http_status'] != 404:
            res['test'] = 'HTTP status {}, response = {} on address lookup'.format(
                res['http_status'], res['response'])
            print json.dumps(res)
            return False

        if fqn not in res['response']['names']:
            print '{} not in REST list'.format(fqn)
            print res
            return False

        # test REST get name history
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET',
        if 'error' in res:
            res['test'] = 'Failed to query subdomain history'
            print json.dumps(res)
            return False

        if res['http_status'] != 200 and res['http_status'] != 404:
            res['test'] = 'HTTP status {}, response = {} on subdomain history lookup'.format(
                res['http_status'], res['response'])
            print json.dumps(res)
            return False

        blocks = res['response']
        if len(blocks.keys()) != 2:
            print 'expected two updates'
            print blocks
            return False

        # get each historic zone file
        for block_height in blocks:
            for prev_state in blocks[block_height]:
                value_hash = prev_state['value_hash']
                res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
                    'GET', '/v1/names/{}/zonefile/{}'.format(fqn, value_hash),
                if 'error' in res:
                    print 'failed to query zone file {} for {}'.format(
                        value_hash, fqn)
                    print json.dumps(res)
                    return False

    # reindex
    assert testlib.check_subdomain_db(**kw)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet(
        "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey,
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()


    # migrate profiles
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here


    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(datastore_pk, '', [
        'names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read',
        'store_admin', 'store_read', 'store_write'
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # make a datastore
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/stores', ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to create datastore'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the data store id
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/', ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to get store'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    if 'error' in res['response']:
        print 'failed to get datastore'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    datastore_info = res['response']
    datastore_name = datastore_info['datastore_id']

    # get the data store name
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/stores/', ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to get datastore'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    if 'error' in res['response']:
        print 'failed to get datastore'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    datastore_info = res['response']
    datastore_name = datastore_info['datastore_id']

    # make directories
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

    # stat directories
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        inode_info = res['response']
        if inode_info[
                'type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_DIR_TYPE:
            print 'not a directory: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        dirinfo = res['response']
        if len(dirinfo.keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, dirinfo)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not dirinfo.has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(
                    child, dirinfo)
                print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
                return False

    # put files
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = 'hello {}'.format(os.path.basename(dpath))
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

    # stat files
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        inode_data = res['response']
        if inode_data[
                'type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_FILE_TYPE:
            print 'not a file: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories again
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2', 'file1', 'file2']),
                            ('/dir1', ['dir3', 'file3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4', 'file4']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', ['file5'])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        dirinfo = res['response']
        if len(dirinfo.keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, dirinfo)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not dirinfo.has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(
                    child, dirinfo)
                return False

    # get files
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['http_status'])
            return False

        filedata = res['raw']
        if filedata != 'hello {}'.format(os.path.basename(dpath)):
            print 'failed to read {}: got "{}"'.format(dpath, filedata)
            return False

    # delete datastore
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("DELETE", "/v1/stores", ses)
    if res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to delete datastore'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # nothing should be here
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
    if res['http_status'] != 404:
        print 'got HTTP {} on getting deleted store'.format(res['http_status'])
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet(
        "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey,
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    # migrate profiles
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here


    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(
        "foo.test", datastore_pk, '', [
            'names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain',
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # for funsies, get the price of .test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/namespaces/test',
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of .test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    test_price = res['response']['satoshis']
    print '\n\n.test costed {} satoshis\n\n'.format(test_price)

    # get the price for bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/names/bar.test', ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    bar_price = res['response']['total_estimated_cost']['satoshis']
    print "\n\nbar.test will cost {} satoshis\n\n".format(bar_price)

    # make zonefile for recipient
    driver_urls =
        'bar.test', use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
    zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile(
        'bar.test', wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
    zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file(zonefile,

    # register the name bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST',
                                           'name': 'bar.test',
                                           'zonefile': zonefile_txt,
                                           'owner_address': wallets[4].addr
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash)
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):

    print 'Wait for transfer to be submitted'

    # wait for transfer to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'transfer', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):

    print 'Wait for transfer to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # should still be registered
    if res['response']['status'] != 'registered':
        print "register not complete"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history",
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 4:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        "GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # same zonefile we put?
    if res['response']['zonefile'] != zonefile_txt:
        res['test'] = 'mismatched zonefile, expected\n{}\n'.format(
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 17
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here

    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'wallet_write'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # my own KEYS

    owner_key = new_key

    config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
    conf = blockstack_client.get_config(config_path)
    assert conf

    api_pass = conf['api_password']

    payment_key = wallets[1].privkey
    payer = wallets[1].addr

    # make zonefile for recipient
    driver_urls ='bar.test', use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
    zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
    zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file( zonefile, origin='bar.test', ttl=3600 )

    postage = {'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': zonefile_txt, 'owner_address': new_addr,
               'payment_key' : payment_key, 'owner_key' : owner_key}

    # leaving the call format of this one the same to make sure that our registrar correctly
    #   detects that the requested TRANSFER is superfluous
    # register the name bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data=postage)
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for transfer to be submitted'

    # wait for transfer to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'transfer', None )
    if res:
        print "Wrongly issued a TRANSFER"
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for transfer to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # should still be registered
    if res['response']['status'] != 'registered':
        print "register not complete"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # same zonefile we put?
    if res['response']['zonefile'] != zonefile_txt:
        res['test'] = 'mismatched zonefile, expected\n{}\n'.format(zonefile_txt)
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    ### Now, we'll do it again, but this time, we're going to CHANGE THE KEY in the middle of registrations.
    ### to test the different paths, I'll start 3 registrations:
    # 1 has submitted preorder
    # 1 has submitted register
    # 1 has submitted update
    ### And then I'll issue a change-key

    # make zonefile for recipients
    zonefiles = []
    postages = []
    for i in [1,2,3]:
        name = "tricky{}.test".format(i)
        driver_urls =, use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
        zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile(name, wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
        zf_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file( zonefile, origin=name, ttl=3600 )
            {'name': name, 'zonefile' : zf_txt, 'owner_address': new_addr,
             'payment_key' : payment_key, 'owner_key' : owner_key})

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data=postages[0])
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register tricky1.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']
    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data=postages[1])
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register tricky2.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data=postages[2])
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register tricky3.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    for i in xrange(0, 1):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'tricky1.test', 'update', None)
    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'tricky2.test', 'register', None)
    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'tricky3.test', 'preorder', None)

    # let's go crazy.
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('PUT', '/v1/wallet/keys/owner', None, api_pass=api_pass,
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('PUT', '/v1/wallet/keys/payment', None, api_pass=api_pass,
    if res['http_status'] != 200 or 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to set owner key'
        print res
        return False

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # wake up registrar, submit register
    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # wake up registrar, submit update
    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # wake up registrar, propogate zonefile
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    data_pk = wallets[-1].privkey
    data_pub = wallets[-1].pubkey_hex
    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'revoke', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # register the name bar.test 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test'})
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for update to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # present?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/names?page=0', ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'failed to list names'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    names = res['response']
    if names != ['bar.test', 'foo.test']:
        res['test'] = 'invalid names response: got {}'.format(names)
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # revoke it
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("DELETE", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 202:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to transfer name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # verify in revoke queue
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'revoke', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # poll 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to query name'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    # revoked?
    if res['response']['status'] != 'revoked':
        res['test'] = 'name not revoked'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 4:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get revoke history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the historic zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 19
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet(
        "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey,
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # try to preorder another namespace; it should fail
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test2", wallets[1].addr,
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to preorder test2'
        return False

    # try to reveal; it should fail
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal(
        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to reveal test'
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at("test2", testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 1)
    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at("test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 1)

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should succeed
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal(
        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should fail, since we have an unusable address
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)
    if 'error' not in res:
        print res
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at("test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 1)

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should work now
    res = testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False


    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should fail to re-preorder, since address isn't ready
    res = testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo2.test", wallets[2].privkey,
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to preorder foo2.test'
        return False

                               testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 1)

    # should fail for the same reason: the payment address is not ready
    res = testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to register foo.test'
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at("foo.test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 1)

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should succeed now that it's confirmed
    res = testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,
    if 'error' in res:
        print res
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # should fail; address not ready
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' not in res:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to migrate profile'
        return False

    testlib.expect_snv_fail_at("foo.test", testlib.get_current_block(**kw) + 1)

    for i in xrange(0, 3):

    # migrate profiles (should succeed now)
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(
        "foo.test", datastore_pk, '', [
            'names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain',
            'node_read', 'wallet_read'
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # make zonefile for recipient
    driver_urls =
        'bar.test', use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
    zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile(
        'bar.test', wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
    zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file(zonefile,

    # register the name bar.test (no zero-conf, should fail)
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST',
                                           'name': 'bar.test',
                                           'zonefile': zonefile_txt,
                                           'owner_address': wallets[4].addr
    if res['http_status'] == 200:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to register bar.test'
        print res
        return False

    # let's test /v1/wallet/balance
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/wallet/balance', ses)
    if res['http_status'] != 200:
        print '/v1/wallet/balance returned ERR'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
    if res['response']['balance']['satoshis'] > 0:
        print '/v1/wallet/balance accidentally incorporated 0-conf txns in balance register bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res['response'])
        return False

    # let's test /v1/wallet/balance with minconfs=0
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/wallet/balance/0', ses)
    if res['http_status'] != 200:
        print '/v1/wallet/balance/0 returned ERR'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
    if res['response']['balance']['satoshis'] < 1e6:
        print "/v1/wallet/balance/0 didn't incorporate 0-conf txns"
        print json.dumps(res['response'])
        return False

    # register the name bar.test (1-conf, should fail)
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST',
                                           'name': 'bar.test',
                                           'zonefile': zonefile_txt,
                                           'owner_address': wallets[4].addr,
                                           'min_confs': 1
    if res['http_status'] == 200:
        print 'accidentally succeeded to register bar.test'
        print res
        return False

    # register the name bar.test (zero-conf, should succeed)
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST',
                                           'name': 'bar.test',
                                           'zonefile': zonefile_txt,
                                           'owner_address': wallets[4].addr,
                                           'min_confs': 0
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash)
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    print 'Wait for transfer to be submitted'

    # wait for transfer to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'transfer', None)
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):

    print 'Wait for transfer to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # should still be registered
    if res['response']['status'] != 'registered':
        print "register not complete"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history",
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 4:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        "GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # same zonefile we put?
    if res['response']['zonefile'] != zonefile_txt:
        res['test'] = 'mismatched zonefile, expected\n{}\n'.format(
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'update'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # for funsies, get the price of .test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/namespaces/test', ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of .test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    test_price = res['response']['satoshis']
    print '\n\n.test costed {} satoshis\n\n'.format(test_price)

    # get the price for bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/names/bar.test', ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    bar_price = res['response']['total_estimated_cost']['satoshis']
    print "\n\nbar.test will cost {} satoshis\n\n".format(bar_price)

    # register the name bar.test. autogenerate the rest 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test'} )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for update to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for bar.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # now, let's set a new zonefile
    zf_str = "$ORIGIN bar.test\n$TTL 3600\nmy_vote TXT \"045a501e341fbf1b403ce3a6e66836a3a40a\""
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("PUT", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/", ses,
                                       ses, data={'zonefile' : zf_str})

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 4):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/?raw=1", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    if res['raw'] != zf_str:
        print "Zonefile wasn't updated."
        print "Expected: {}".format(zf_str)
        print "Received: {}".format(res['response']['zonefile'])
def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read', 'wallet_write'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # for funsies, get the price of .test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/namespaces/test', ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of .test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    test_price = res['response']['satoshis']
    print '\n\n.test costed {} satoshis\n\n'.format(test_price)

    # get the price for bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/names/bar.test', ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    bar_price = res['response']['total_estimated_cost']['satoshis']
    print "\n\nbar.test will cost {} satoshis\n\n".format(bar_price)

    # let's set the key to skip the transfer.

    config_dir = os.path.dirname(config_path)
    conf = blockstack_client.get_config(config_path)
    assert conf

    api_pass = conf['api_password']

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('PUT', '/v1/wallet/keys/owner', None, api_pass=api_pass,
    if res['http_status'] != 200 or 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to set owner key'
        print res
        return False

    # make zonefile for recipient
    driver_urls ='bar.test', use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
    zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile('bar.test', wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
    zonefile_txt = blockstack_zones.make_zone_file( zonefile, origin='bar.test', ttl=3600 )

    # leaving the call format of this one the same to make sure that our registrar correctly
    #   detects that the requested TRANSFER is superfluous
    # register the name bar.test 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test', 'zonefile': zonefile_txt, 'owner_address': new_addr })
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for transfer to be submitted'

    # wait for transfer to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'transfer', None )
    if res:
        print "Wrongly issued a TRANSFER"
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for transfer to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # should still be registered 
    if res['response']['status'] != 'registered':
        print "register not complete"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for foo.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # same zonefile we put?
    if res['response']['zonefile'] != zonefile_txt:
        res['test'] = 'mismatched zonefile, expected\n{}\n'.format(zonefile_txt)
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    ### Now, we'll do it again, but this time, we're going to CHANGE THE KEY in the middle of registrations.
    ### to test the different paths, I'll start 3 registrations:
    # 1 has submitted preorder
    # 1 has submitted register
    # 1 has submitted update
    ### And then I'll issue a change-key

    # make zonefile for recipients
    zonefiles = []
    for i in [1,2,3]:
        name = "tricky{}.test".format(i)
        driver_urls =, use_only=['dht', 'disk'])
        zonefile = blockstack_client.zonefile.make_empty_zonefile(name, wallets[4].pubkey_hex, urls=driver_urls)
        zonefiles.append(blockstack_zones.make_zone_file( zonefile, origin=name, ttl=3600 ))

    # leaving the call format of this one the same to make sure that our registrar correctly
    #   detects that the requested TRANSFER is superfluous
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        'POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name':'tricky1.test', 'zonefile':zonefiles[0], 'owner_address':new_addr})
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register tricky1.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']
    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        'POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name':'tricky2.test', 'zonefile':zonefiles[1], 'owner_address':new_addr})
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register tricky2.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
        'POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name':'tricky3.test', 'zonefile':zonefiles[2], 'owner_address':new_addr})
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register tricky3.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    for i in xrange(0, 1):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'tricky1.test', 'update', None)
    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'tricky2.test', 'register', None)
    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'tricky3.test', 'preorder', None)

    # let's go crazy.
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('PUT', '/v1/wallet/keys/owner', None, api_pass=api_pass,
    if res['http_status'] != 200 or 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to set owner key'
        print res
        return False

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # wake up registrar, submit register
    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # wake up registrar, submit update
    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # wake up registrar, propogate zonefile
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet(
        "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey,
    wallet_keys_2 = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet(
        "0123456789abcdef", wallets[9].privkey, wallets[7].privkey,

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,
    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("bar.test", wallets[6].privkey,

    testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,
    testlib.blockstack_name_register("bar.test", wallets[6].privkey,

    # migrate profiles
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    res = testlib.migrate_profile("bar.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize bar.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here


    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    data_pk = wallets[-1].privkey
    data_pub = wallets[-1].pubkey_hex

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make an index file
    index_file_path = "/tmp/"
    with open(index_file_path, "w") as f:


    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # register an application under foo.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_publish("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register foo.test/bar app'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # activate bar.test

    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # sign in
    pk = 'ce100586279d3b127b7dcc137fcc2f18b272bb2b43bdaea3584d0ea17087ec0201'
    pubk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(pk).public_key().to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", pk, "",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to signin: {}'.format(res['error'])
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/ping", ses)
    if res['http_status'] != 200:
        print "failed to GET /api/v1/ping"
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True
        return False

    if res['response']['status'] != 'alive':
        print "failed to GET /api/v1/ping"
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True
        return False

    # access index.html
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call(
            wallets[4].pubkey_hex), ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to GET /v1/resources?name=/index.html'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    if res['raw'] != index_file_data:
        print 'expected {}\ngot {}\n'.format(index_file_data, res['raw'])
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make a session 
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", datastore_pk, '', ['names', 'register', 'prices', 'zonefiles', 'blockchain', 'node_read'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    # for funsies, get the price of .test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/namespaces/test', ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of .test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    test_price = res['response']['satoshis']
    print '\n\n.test costed {} satoshis\n\n'.format(test_price)

    # get the price for bar.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('GET', '/v1/prices/names/bar.test', ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get price of bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    bar_price = res['response']['total_estimated_cost']['satoshis']
    print "\n\nbar.test will cost {} satoshis\n\n".format(bar_price)

    # register the name bar.test. autogenerate the rest 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call('POST', '/v1/names', ses, data={'name': 'bar.test'} )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register user'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    print res
    tx_hash = res['response']['transaction_hash']

    # wait for preorder to get confirmed...
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'preorder', tx_hash )
    if not res:
        return False

    # wait for the preorder to get confirmed
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # wait for register to go through 
    print 'Wait for register to be submitted'

    # wait for the register to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'register', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    print 'Wait for update to be submitted'

    # wait for update to get confirmed 
    for i in xrange(0, 6):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )

    res = testlib.verify_in_queue(ses, 'bar.test', 'update', None )
    if not res:
        return False

    for i in xrange(0, 12):
        testlib.next_block( **kw )
    print 'Wait for update to be confirmed'

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test", ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name bar.test'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    zonefile_hash = res['response']['zonefile_hash']

    # do we have the history for the name?
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/history", ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = "Failed to get name history for bar.test"
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # valid history?
    hist = res['response']
    if len(hist.keys()) != 3:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get update history'
        res['history'] = hist
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        return False

    # get the zonefile
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/names/bar.test/zonefile/{}".format(zonefile_hash), ses )
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to get name zonefile'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 24
def scenario(wallets, **kw):

    global wallet_keys, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    wallet_keys = blockstack_client.make_wallet_keys(

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder("test", wallets[1].addr,

        "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4,
        [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 10, 10,

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready("test", wallets[1].privkey)

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    testlib.blockstack_name_register("foo.test", wallets[2].privkey,

    # migrate profiles
    res = testlib.migrate_profile("foo.test",
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here


    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # sign in and make a token
    datastore_pk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(wallets[-1].privkey).to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin(
        "foo.test", datastore_pk, '',
        ['store_read', 'store_write', 'store_admin'])
    if 'error' in res:
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # export to environment
    blockstack_client.set_secret("BLOCKSTACK_API_SESSION", res['token'])
    ses = res['token']

    datastore_id_res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_get_id(datastore_pk)
    datastore_id = datastore_id_res['datastore_id']

    # use random data for file
    file_data = None
    with open('/dev/urandom', 'r') as f:
        file_data =

    # make datastore with two storage drivers
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_create_datastore('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                  ['disk', 'test'], ses)
    if 'error' in res:
        print "failed to create datastore: {}".format(res['error'])
        return False

    # make directories
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'mkdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_mkdir('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                     dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to mkdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat directories
    for dpath in ['/dir1', '/dir2', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir1/dir3/dir4']:
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_DIR_TYPE:
            print 'not a directory: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,

        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # put files
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_pk, dpath,
                                                       data, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat files
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'stat {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res['type'] != blockstack_client.schemas.MUTABLE_DATUM_FILE_TYPE:
            print 'not a file: {}, {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

    # list directories again
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2', 'file1', 'file2']),
                            ('/dir1', ['dir3', 'file3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4', 'file4']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', ['file5'])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # get files
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # put files again!
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'putfile {}'.format(dpath)
        data = '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_putfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_pk, dpath,
                                                       data, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to putfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # get files again!
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to getfile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if res != '{} hello 2 {}'.format(file_data, dpath):
            print 'failed to read {}'.format(dpath)
            return False

    # remove files
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'deletefile {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_deletefile(
            'foo.test', datastore_pk, dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to deletefile {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat files (should all fail)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # get files (should all fail)
    for dpath in [
            '/file1', '/file2', '/dir1/file3', '/dir1/dir3/file4',
        print 'getfile {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_getfile('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to get {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories, 3rd time
    for dpath, expected in [('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']), ('/dir1', ['dir3']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']), ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to listdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

        if len(res['children'].keys()) != len(expected):
            print 'invalid directory: expected:\n{}\ngot:\n{}\n'.format(
                expected, res)
            return False

        for child in expected:
            if not res['children'].has_key(child):
                print 'invalid directory: missing {} in {}'.format(child, res)
                return False

    # remove directories
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'rmdir {}'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_rmdir('foo.test', datastore_pk,
                                                     dpath, ses)
        if 'error' in res:
            print 'failed to rmdir {}: {}'.format(dpath, res['error'])
            return False

    # stat directories (should all fail)
    for dpath in ['/dir1/dir3/dir4', '/dir1/dir3', '/dir2', '/dir1']:
        print 'stat {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_stat('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                    dpath, ses)
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to stat {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # list directories (should all fail)
    for dpath, expected in [('/dir1', ['dir3']), ('/dir1/dir3', ['dir4']),
                            ('/dir1/dir3/dir4', [])]:
        print 'listdir {} (expect failure)'.format(dpath)
        res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test',
                                                       datastore_id, dpath,
        if 'error' not in res or 'errno' not in res:
            print 'accidentally succeeded to list {}: {}'.format(dpath, res)
            return False

        if res['errno'] != errno.ENOENT:
            print 'wrong errno: {}'.format(res)
            return False

    # root should be empty
    print 'listdir {}'.format('/')
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_datastore_listdir('foo.test', datastore_id,
                                                   '/', ses)
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to listdir /: {}'.format(res['error'])
        return False

    if len(res['children'].keys()) > 0:
        print 'root still has children: {}'.format(res['children'].keys())
        return False

    # delete datastore
    print 'delete datastore'
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_delete_datastore('foo.test', datastore_pk,
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to delete datastore'
        print json.dumps(res)
        return False

    # no more data in disk driver
    names = os.listdir("/tmp/blockstack-disk/mutable")
    if names != ['foo.test']:
        print 'improper cleanup'
        return False

    # no more data in test-disk driver
    names = os.listdir("/tmp/blockstack-integration-test-storage/mutable")
    if names != ['foo.test']:
        print 'improper cleanup'
        return False

def scenario( wallets, **kw ):

    global wallet_keys, wallet_keys_2, error, index_file_data, resource_data

    wallet_keys = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    wallet_keys_2 = testlib.blockstack_client_initialize_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[9].privkey, wallets[7].privkey, wallets[8].privkey )

    test_proxy = testlib.TestAPIProxy()
    blockstack_client.set_default_proxy( test_proxy )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_preorder( "test", wallets[1].addr, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_reveal( "test", wallets[1].addr, 52595, 250, 4, [6,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 10, 10, wallets[0].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_namespace_ready( "test", wallets[1].privkey )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.blockstack_name_preorder( "bar.test", wallets[6].privkey, wallets[7].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "foo.test", wallets[2].privkey, wallets[3].addr )
    testlib.blockstack_name_register( "bar.test", wallets[6].privkey, wallets[7].addr )
    testlib.next_block( **kw )

    # migrate profiles 
    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "foo.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize foo.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    res = testlib.migrate_profile( "bar.test", proxy=test_proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys_2 )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to initialize bar.test profile'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # tell serialization-checker that value_hash can be ignored here
    testlib.next_block( **kw )
    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    data_pk = wallets[-1].privkey
    data_pub = wallets[-1].pubkey_hex
    config_path = os.environ.get("BLOCKSTACK_CLIENT_CONFIG", None)

    # make an index file 
    index_file_path = "/tmp/"
    with open(index_file_path, "w") as f:

    testlib.blockstack_client_set_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[5].privkey, wallets[3].privkey, wallets[4].privkey )
    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # register an application under foo.test
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_publish("foo.test", "", "node_read", index_file_path, password="******" )
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to register foo.test/bar app'
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    # activate bar.test
    testlib.blockstack_client_set_wallet( "0123456789abcdef", wallets[9].privkey, wallets[7].privkey, wallets[8].privkey )
    res = testlib.start_api("0123456789abcdef")
    if 'error' in res:
        print 'failed to start API: {}'.format(res)
        return False

    # sign in 
    pk = 'ce100586279d3b127b7dcc137fcc2f18b272bb2b43bdaea3584d0ea17087ec0201'
    pubk = keylib.ECPrivateKey(pk).public_key().to_hex()
    res = testlib.blockstack_cli_app_signin("foo.test", pk, "", ["node_read"])
    if 'error' in res:
        res['test'] = 'Failed to signin: {}'.format(res['error'])
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True

    ses = res['token']

    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/ping", ses)
    if res['http_status'] != 200:
        print "failed to GET /api/v1/ping"
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True
        return False

    if res['response']['status'] != 'alive':
        print "failed to GET /api/v1/ping"
        print json.dumps(res, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
        error = True
        return False
    # access index.html 
    res = testlib.blockstack_REST_call("GET", "/v1/resources/foo.test/{}".format(wallets[4].pubkey_hex), ses)
    if 'error' in res or res['http_status'] != 200:
        print 'failed to GET /v1/resources?name=/index.html'
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    if res['raw'] != index_file_data:
        print 'expected {}\ngot {}\n'.format(index_file_data, res['raw'])
        print json.dumps(res)
        error = True
        return False

    testlib.next_block( **kw )