Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _create_test_case(self):

        """ Create Test case if testopia test case doesn't exist"""
        path = self._namespace.suite.source


        regex = re.compile("Case.*\d{1,10}|\s.*:(?P<name>.*)(((?:\n|\r\n?).+)+)")

        find = regex.findall(items)
        tp = Testopia("*****@*****.**","password",'http://bugzilla/xmlrpc.cgi')

        plan_id = 1253
        author_id = 1
        isautomated = True
        category_id = 931
        for i in range(0,len(find)):
            alias= str(sys.argv[1].split('.')[0]) + " plan:"+str(plan_id)+" case: "+str(i)
            print "error\n"
            store_case=tp.testcase_store_text(create_case['case_id'],1,"automation","*****@*****.**",find[i][1].replace('\n','<br>'), "Ensure it pass")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    print "Command Line : %s" % argv

            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ho:v", ["help", "output=", "mode=", "build_number="])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        #default values, this will be overwritten by command line args or envronment vars
        #command line args > envronment vars > default values

        #mode can be add_build, write_results, update_test_cases
        mode = "write_result"
        testopia_url = ""
        testopia_xmlrpc_url = None
        testopia_id = "*****@*****.**"
        testopia_password = "******"
        product_name = "PI_SampleProduct"
        environment = "xxxxxxxx"
        build_number = "0000"      
        #replace default value by envronment vars
        logger.info("-------------Environment Variables-------------")
        for (k,v) in os.environ.items():
            logger.info("%-20s : %s" % (k, v))
        if (os.environ.get("BUILD_NUMBER", None) != None):
            build_number = os.environ["BUILD_NUMBER"]
        if (os.environ.get("TESTOPIA_URL", None) != None):
            testopia_url = os.environ["TESTOPIA_URL"]            
        if (os.environ.get("TESTOPIA_ID", None) != None):
            testopia_id = os.environ["TESTOPIA_ID"]          
        if (os.environ.get("TESTOPIA_PASSWORD", None) != None):
            testopia_password = os.environ["TESTOPIA_PASSWORD"]          
        if (os.environ.get("PRODUCT_NAME", None) != None):
            product_name = os.environ["PRODUCT_NAME"]        
        if (os.environ.get("ENVIRONMENT", None) != None):
            environment = os.environ["ENVIRONMENT"]              
        #replace default value by command line args
        for option, value in opts:
            if option == "-v":
                verbose = True
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-o", "--output"):
                output = value
            if option in ("--build_number"):
                build_number = value                
            if option in ("--mode"):
                mode = value  
        logger.info("-------------All Variables After Replace-------------")
        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("mode", mode))

        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("testopia_url", testopia_url))
        #testopia_xmlrpc_url = testopia_url + "bugzilla/xmlrpc.cgi"
        testopia_xmlrpc_url = testopia_url + "xmlrpc.cgi"
        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("testopia_xmlrpc_url", testopia_xmlrpc_url))
        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("testopia_id", testopia_id))        
        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("testopia_password", testopia_password)) 
        #if the build number get from jenkins it will looks like "job/deploy%20build/3/"
        build_number = "PI%s" % (build_number.strip('/').split('/')[-1].zfill(4))
        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("build_number", build_number))
        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("product_name", product_name))
        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("environment", environment))
        logger.info("%-20s : %s" % ("test_cases_result_path", test_cases_result_path))
        logger.info("-------------Start Processing-------------")        
        tp = Testopia(testopia_id, testopia_password, testopia_xmlrpc_url)   
        author_id = get_testopia_author_id(tp, testopia_id)
        logger.info("author '%s' id is %d" % (testopia_id, author_id)) 

        if (product_name == "PI_SampleProduct"):
            product_id = 12
            product_id = get_testopia_product_id(tp, product_name)
        logger.info("product '%s' id is %d" % (product_name, product_id)) 

        if (mode == "add_build") :            
            build_description = "%s auto create this build" % str(datetime.now())
            logger.info("create a build") 
            build = tp.build_create(build_number, product_id, description=build_description)
            logger.info("build : %s" % (build))
        elif (mode == "write_result") :
            build_id = get_testopia_build_id(tp, product_id, build_number)
            logger.info("build '%s' id is %d" % (build_number, build_id)) 
            plan_id = get_testopia_testplan_id(tp, product_id, default_testplan_name)   
            logger.info("testplan '%s' id is %d" % (default_testplan_name, plan_id))         
            environment_id = get_testopia_environment_id(tp, product_id, environment)   
            logger.info("environment '%s' id is %d" % (environment, environment_id))                     
            #create a test run
            test_run_summary = "auto create test run"
            test_run_notes = "%s auto create this run" % str(datetime.now())
            logger.info("create a test run") 
            testrun = tp.testrun_create(build_id, environment_id, plan_id, test_run_summary, author_id, plan_text_version=0, notes=test_run_notes, product_version='unspecified')
            logger.info("testrun : %s" % testrun) 
            csv_reader = csv.reader(open(test_cases_result_path, 'rb'), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
            for row in csv_reader:
                tc_alias = row[0]
                tc_summary = row[1]
                tc_result = row[2]
                #get test case id from alias
                case_id = get_testopia_testcase_id(tp, tc_alias)
                if (case_id != None):             
                    logger.info("test case '%s' id is %d" % (tc_alias, case_id))    
                    #add test case to test run
                    tp.testrun_add_cases(testrun['run_id'], case_id)
                    #update test case result in this run
                    case_run_status_id = get_testopia_caserun_status_id(tp, tc_result)
                    #logger.info("case result '%s' id is %d" % (tc_result, case_run_status_id))   
                    update_case_run = tp.testcaserun_update(testrun['run_id'], case_id, build_id, environment_id, case_run_status_id=case_run_status_id)
                    logger.info("update case result %s(case_run_status_id :%s)" % (tc_result, update_case_run['case_run_status_id']))   
                    logger.error("fail to get test case '%s' id" % tc_alias)                
        elif (mode == "update_test_cases") :                     
            type_id = get_testopia_type_id(tp, "Unit")
            #check is testplan exist
            logger.info("check is testplan '%s' exist" % default_testplan_name)   
            if (tp.testplan_is_exist(product_id, default_testplan_name)):
                logger.info("testplan '%s' is exist" % default_testplan_name) 
                logger.info("testplan '%s' is not exist so create it" % default_testplan_name) 
                tp.testplan_create(default_testplan_name, product_id, author_id, type_id, 'unspecified')
            plan_id = get_testopia_testplan_id(tp, product_id, default_testplan_name)    
            logger.info("testplan '%s' id is %d" % (default_testplan_name, plan_id)) 
            #update test cases to testplan              
            csv_reader = csv.reader(open(test_cases_result_path, 'rb'), delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
            for row in csv_reader:
                tc_alias = row[0]
                tc_summary = row[1]
                if (tp.testcase_is_exist(tc_alias)) :
                    logger.info("testcase '%s' is exist so update it" % tc_alias) 
                    testcase = tp.testcase_update(tc_alias, tc_summary, isautomated=True, case_status_id=2, priority_id=1)
                    logger.debug("testcase : %s" % testcase) 
                else :
                    logger.info("testcase '%s' is not exist so create it" % tc_alias) 
                    testcase = tp.testcase_create(summary=tc_summary, plan_id=plan_id, author_id=author_id, isautomated=True, category_id=1, case_status_id=2, alias=tc_alias, priority_id=1)
                    logger.debug("testcase : %s" % testcase)