Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_no_reported_statistics():
    'Look at the log file and report if it contains a statistics line'

    with LogCapture() as l_cap:
                  .Select(lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets")
                          .pt() / 1000.0)
        assert str(l_cap).find('TFileAccessTracer   INFO    Sending') == -1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_flatten_array():
    # A very simple flattening of arrays
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .SelectMany('lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets")')
                            .Select('lambda j: j.pt()/1000.0'))
    assert abs(training_df.iloc[0]['col1'] - 52.02462890625) < 0.001  # type: ignore ()
    assert int(training_df.iloc[0]['col1']) != int(training_df.iloc[1]['col1'])  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_event_info_includes():
    'Make sure event info is pulling in the correct includes'
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .Select(lambda e: e.EventInfo("EventInfo"))
                            .Select(lambda e: e.runNumber()))
    assert len(training_df) == 10
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_first_object_in_event():
    # Make sure First puts it if statement in the right place.
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .Select(lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets")
                                    .pt() / 1000.0)
    assert int(training_df.iloc[0]['col1']) == 52  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_single_column_output():
    # And a power operator
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .SelectMany(lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets"))
                            .Select(lambda j: j.pt() ** 2))
    assert int(training_df.iloc[0]['col1']) == 2706562012  # type: ignore
    assert int(training_df.iloc[0]['col1']) != int(training_df.iloc[1]['col1'])  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_simple_dict_output():
    # A very simple flattening of arrays, and the binary division operator
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .SelectMany(lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets"))
                            .Select(lambda j: {
                                'JetPt': j.pt() / 1000.0
    assert abs(training_df.iloc[0]['JetPt'] - 52.02462890625) < 0.001  # type: ignore ()
    assert int(training_df.iloc[0]['JetPt']) != int(training_df.iloc[1]['JetPt'])  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_first_object_in_event_with_where():
    # Make sure First puts it's if statement in the right place.
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .Select(lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets")
                                    .Select(lambda j: j.pt() / 1000.0)
                                    .Where(lambda jpt: jpt > 10.0)
    assert int(training_df.iloc[0]['col1']) == 52  # type: ignore
    assert len(training_df) == 10
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_select_first_of_array():
    # The hard part is that First() here does not return a single item, but, rather, an array that
    # has to be aggregated over.
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .Select(lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets")
                                    .Select(lambda _: e.Tracks("InDetTrackParticles"))
    assert training_df.iloc[0]['col1'] == 394
    assert training_df.iloc[1]['col1'] == 387
    assert training_df.iloc[-1]['col1'] == 381
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_not_in_where():
    # THis is a little tricky because the First there is actually running over one jet in the event. Further, the Where
    # on the number of tracks puts us another level down. So it is easy to produce code that compiles, but the First's if statement
    # is very much in the wrong place.
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .Select(lambda e: e.Jets("AntiKt4EMTopoJets")
                                    .Select(lambda j: e.Tracks("InDetTrackParticles")
                                    .Where(lambda t: not (t.pt() > 1000.0)))
    assert training_df.iloc[0]['col1'] == 258
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_md_job_options():
    '''Run object corrections as we go
    Based on the following code:
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                                'metadata_type': 'add_job_script',
                                'name': 'sys_error_tool',
                                'script': [
                                    "# Set up the systematics loader/handler service:",
                                    "from AnaAlgorithm.DualUseConfig import createService",
                                    "from AnaAlgorithm.AlgSequence import AlgSequence",
                                    "calibrationAlgSeq = AlgSequence()",
                                    "sysService = createService( 'CP::SystematicsSvc', 'SystematicsSvc', sequence = calibrationAlgSeq )",
                                    "sysService.sigmaRecommended = 1",
                                    "# Add sequence to job",
                                'metadata_type': 'add_job_script',
                                'name': 'pileup_tool',
                                'script': [
                                    "from AsgAnalysisAlgorithms.PileupAnalysisSequence import makePileupAnalysisSequence",
                                    "pileupSequence = makePileupAnalysisSequence( 'mc' )",
                                    "pileupSequence.configure( inputName = 'EventInfo', outputName = 'EventInfo_%SYS%' )",
                                    "# print( pileupSequence ) # For debugging",
                                    "calibrationAlgSeq += pileupSequence",
                                'depends_on': ['sys_error_tool']
                                'metadata_type': 'add_job_script',
                                'name': 'jet_corrections',
                                'script': [
                                    "jetContainer = 'AntiKt4EMTopoJets'",
                                    "from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetAnalysisSequence import makeJetAnalysisSequence",
                                    "jetSequence = makeJetAnalysisSequence( 'mc', jetContainer, enableCutflow=True, enableKinematicHistograms=True )",
                                    "jetSequence.configure( inputName = jetContainer, outputName = 'AnalysisJetsBase_%SYS%' )",
                                    "calibrationAlgSeq += jetSequence",
                                    "# print( jetSequence ) # For debugging",
                                    "# Include, and then set up the jet analysis algorithm sequence:",
                                    "from JetAnalysisAlgorithms.JetJvtAnalysisSequence import makeJetJvtAnalysisSequence",
                                    "jvtSequence = makeJetJvtAnalysisSequence( 'mc', jetContainer, enableCutflow=True )",
                                    "jvtSequence.configure( inputName = { 'eventInfo' : 'EventInfo_%SYS%',",
                                    "                                     'jets'      : 'AnalysisJetsBase_%SYS%' },",
                                    "                       outputName = { 'jets'      : 'AnalysisJets_%SYS%' },",
                                    "                       affectingSystematics = { 'jets' : jetSequence.affectingSystematics() } )",
                                    "calibrationAlgSeq += jvtSequence",
                                    "# print( jvtSequence ) # For debugging",
                                    "calibrationAlgSeq.addSelfToJob( job )",  # TODO: Can I do this earlier?
                                    "print(job) # for debugging",
                                'depends_on': ['pileup_tool']
                            # TODO: get the sequence above running (add to the job)
                            # TODO: Make sure we correct the proper container, and see if the jet energy changes as expected.
                            .SelectMany(lambda e: e.Jets("AnalysisJets_NOSYS"))
                            .Select(lambda j: {
                                'JetPt': j.pt() / 1000.0
    assert abs(training_df.iloc[0]['JetPt'] - 50.10308984375) < 0.001  # type: ignore ()
    assert int(training_df.iloc[0]['JetPt']) != int(training_df.iloc[1]['JetPt'])  # type: ignore
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_truth_particles():
    training_df = as_pandas(f_single
                            .Select(lambda e: e.TruthParticles('TruthParticles').Count()))
    assert training_df.iloc[0]['col1'] == 1450