Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_web_page_with_user_agent_in_headers(self):
        Test that adding a user agent in the header when calling get_web_page() adds that user agent to the request
        with patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.urllib.request.Request') as MockRequest, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.urllib.request.urlopen') as mock_urlopen, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.get_user_agent') as mock_get_user_agent:
            # GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL and a fake header
            mocked_request_object = MagicMock()
            MockRequest.return_value = mocked_request_object
            mocked_page_object = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value = mocked_page_object
            fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
            user_agent_header = ('User-Agent', 'OpenLP/2.2.0')

            # WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
            returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, header=user_agent_header)

            # THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
            mocked_request_object.add_header.assert_called_with(user_agent_header[0], user_agent_header[1])
            self.assertEqual(1, mocked_request_object.add_header.call_count,
                             'There should only be 1 call to add_header')
            self.assertEqual(0, mock_get_user_agent.call_count, 'get_user_agent should not have been called')
            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(mocked_request_object, timeout=30)
            self.assertEqual(mocked_page_object, returned_page, 'The returned page should be the mock object')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_upgrade_op(self):
        Test that the ``get_upgrade_op`` function creates a MigrationContext and an Operations object
        # GIVEN: Mocked out alembic classes and a mocked out SQLAlchemy session object
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.db.MigrationContext') as MockedMigrationContext, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.Operations') as MockedOperations:
            mocked_context = MagicMock()
            mocked_op = MagicMock()
            mocked_connection = MagicMock()
            MockedMigrationContext.configure.return_value = mocked_context
            MockedOperations.return_value = mocked_op
            mocked_session = MagicMock()
            mocked_session.bind.connect.return_value = mocked_connection

            # WHEN: get_upgrade_op is executed with the mocked session object
            op = get_upgrade_op(mocked_session)

            # THEN: The op object should be mocked_op, and the correction function calls should have been made
            self.assertIs(op, mocked_op,
                          'The return value should be the mocked object')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_get_html_tags_with_user_tags(self):
        FormattingTags class - test the get_html_tags(), add_html_tags() and remove_html_tag() methods.
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.translate') as mocked_translate, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.settings') as mocked_settings, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.formattingtags.json') as mocked_json:
            # GIVEN: Our mocked modules and functions.
            mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda module, string_to_translate: string_to_translate
            mocked_settings.value.return_value = ''
            mocked_json.loads.side_effect = [[], [TAG]]

            # WHEN: Get the display tags.
            old_tags_list = copy.deepcopy(FormattingTags.get_html_tags())

            # WHEN: Add our tag and get the tags again.
            new_tags_list = copy.deepcopy(FormattingTags.get_html_tags())

            # THEN: Lists should not be identical.
            assert old_tags_list != new_tags_list, 'The lists should be different.'

            # THEN: Added tag and last tag should be the same.
            new_tag = new_tags_list.pop()
            assert TAG == new_tag, 'Tags should be identical.'

            # WHEN: Remove the new tag.

            # THEN: The lists should now be identical.
            assert old_tags_list == FormattingTags.get_html_tags(), 'The lists should be identical.'
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_select_image_file_dialog_cancelled(self):
        Test the select image file dialog when the user presses cancel
        # GIVEN: An instance of Theme Form and mocked QFileDialog which returns an empty string (similating a user
        #       pressing cancel)
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.ThemeForm._setup'),\
                      **{'return_value': 'Image Files (*.bmp; *.gif)(*.bmp *.gif)'}),\
                      **{'return_value': ('', '')}) as mocked_get_open_file_name,\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.themeform.translate', **{'return_value': 'Translated String'}),\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.ThemeForm.set_background_page_values') as mocked_set_background_page_values:
            instance = ThemeForm(None)
            mocked_image_file_edit = MagicMock()
            mocked_image_file_edit.text.return_value = '/original_path/file.ext'
            instance.image_file_edit = mocked_image_file_edit

            # WHEN: on_image_browse_button is clicked

            # THEN: The QFileDialog getOpenFileName and set_background_page_values moethods should have been called
            #       with known arguments
            mocked_get_open_file_name.assert_called_once_with(instance, 'Translated String', '/original_path/file.ext',
                                                              'Image Files (*.bmp; *.gif)(*.bmp *.gif);;'
                                                              'All Files (*.*)')
    def test_get_titles_and_notes(self):
        Test PresentationDocument.get_titles_and_notes method
        # GIVEN: A mocked open, get_thumbnail_folder and exists

        with patch('builtins.open', mock_open(read_data='uno\ndos\n')) as mocked_open, \
                patch(FOLDER_TO_PATCH) as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder, \
                patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists:
            mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = 'test'
            mocked_exists.return_value = True

            # WHEN: calling get_titles_and_notes
            result_titles, result_notes = self.document.get_titles_and_notes()

            # THEN: it should return two items for the titles and two empty strings for the notes
            self.assertIs(type(result_titles), list, 'result_titles should be of type list')
            self.assertEqual(len(result_titles), 2, 'There should be two items in the titles')
            self.assertIs(type(result_notes), list, 'result_notes should be of type list')
            self.assertEqual(len(result_notes), 2, 'There should be two items in the notes')
            self.assertEqual(mocked_open.call_count, 3, 'Three files should be opened')
            mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test', 'titles.txt'), encoding='utf-8')
            mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test', 'slideNotes1.txt'), encoding='utf-8')
            mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test', 'slideNotes2.txt'), encoding='utf-8')
            self.assertEqual(mocked_exists.call_count, 3, 'Three files should have been checked')
    def get_titles_and_notes_test(self):
        Test PresentationDocument.get_titles_and_notes method
        # GIVEN: A mocked open, get_thumbnail_folder and exists

        with patch('builtins.open', mock_open(read_data='uno\ndos\n')) as mocked_open, \
                patch(FOLDER_TO_PATCH) as mocked_get_thumbnail_folder, \
                patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.presentationcontroller.os.path.exists') as mocked_exists:
            mocked_get_thumbnail_folder.return_value = 'test'
            mocked_exists.return_value = True

            # WHEN: calling get_titles_and_notes
            result_titles, result_notes = self.document.get_titles_and_notes()

            # THEN: it should return two items for the titles and two empty strings for the notes
            self.assertIs(type(result_titles), list, 'result_titles should be of type list')
            self.assertEqual(len(result_titles), 2, 'There should be two items in the titles')
            self.assertIs(type(result_notes), list, 'result_notes should be of type list')
            self.assertEqual(len(result_notes), 2, 'There should be two items in the notes')
            self.assertEqual(mocked_open.call_count, 3, 'Three files should be opened')
            mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test', 'titles.txt'), encoding='utf-8')
            mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test', 'slideNotes1.txt'), encoding='utf-8')
            mocked_open.assert_any_call(os.path.join('test', 'slideNotes2.txt'), encoding='utf-8')
            self.assertEqual(mocked_exists.call_count, 3, 'Three files should have been checked')
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_get_web_page_with_user_agent_in_headers(self):
        Test that adding a user agent in the header when calling get_web_page() adds that user agent to the request
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.urllib.request.Request') as MockRequest, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.urllib.request.urlopen') as mock_urlopen, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader._get_user_agent') as mock_get_user_agent:
            # GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL and a fake header
            mocked_request_object = MagicMock()
            MockRequest.return_value = mocked_request_object
            mocked_page_object = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value = mocked_page_object
            fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
            user_agent_header = ('User-Agent', 'OpenLP/2.2.0')

            # WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
            returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, header=user_agent_header)

            # THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
                user_agent_header[0], user_agent_header[1])
            self.assertEqual(1, mocked_request_object.add_header.call_count,
                             'There should only be 1 call to add_header')
            self.assertEqual(0, mock_get_user_agent.call_count,
                             '_get_user_agent should not have been called')
            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(mocked_request_object, timeout=30)
            self.assertEqual(mocked_page_object, returned_page,
                             'The returned page should be the mock object')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_get_web_page_update_openlp(self):
        Test that passing "update_openlp" as true to get_web_page calls Registry().get('app').process_events()
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.urllib.request.Request') as MockRequest, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.urllib.request.urlopen') as mock_urlopen, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader._get_user_agent') as mock_get_user_agent, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.Registry') as MockRegistry:
            # GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL
            mocked_request_object = MagicMock()
            MockRequest.return_value = mocked_request_object
            mocked_page_object = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value = mocked_page_object
            mock_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
            mocked_registry_object = MagicMock()
            mocked_application_object = MagicMock()
            mocked_registry_object.get.return_value = mocked_application_object
            MockRegistry.return_value = mocked_registry_object
            fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'

            # WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
            returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, update_openlp=True)

            # THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
                'User-Agent', 'user_agent')
            self.assertEqual(1, mocked_request_object.add_header.call_count,
                             'There should only be 1 call to add_header')
            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(mocked_request_object, timeout=30)
            self.assertEqual(mocked_page_object, returned_page,
                             'The returned page should be the mock object')
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def set_basic_urls_test(self):
        Test the set_urls function with standard defaults
        # GIVEN: A mocked location
        with patch('openlp.core.common.Settings') as mocked_class, \
                patch('openlp.core.utils.AppLocation.get_directory') as mocked_get_directory, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.os') as mocked_os:
            # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_directory()
            mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
            mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
            mocked_get_directory.return_value = 'test/dir'
            mocked_check_directory_exists.return_value = True
            mocked_os.path.normpath.return_value = 'test/dir'

            # WHEN: when the set_urls is called having reloaded the form.
            # THEN: the following screen values should be set
            self.assertEqual(self.form.address_edit.text(), ZERO_URL,
                             'The default URL should be set on the screen')
                             False, 'The Https box should not be enabled')
                             'The Https checked box should note be Checked')
            self.assertEqual(self.form.user_login_group_box.isChecked(), False,
                             'The authentication box should not be enabled')
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def setUp(self):
     self.test_file = BytesIO(
         b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
         b'    <data><div>Test<p>data</p><a>to</a>keep</div></data>\n'
         b'    <data><unsupported>Test<x>data</x><y>to</y>discard</unsupported></data>\n'
     self.open_patcher = patch('builtins.open')
     self.mocked_open = self.open_patcher.start()
     self.critical_error_message_box_patcher = \
     self.mocked_critical_error_message_box = self.critical_error_message_box_patcher.start(
     self.setup_patcher = patch(
     self.translate_patcher = patch(
         side_effect=lambda module, string_to_translate, *args:
     self.mocked_translate = self.translate_patcher.start()
     self.registry_patcher = patch(
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_display_results_cclinumber(self):
        Test displaying song search results sorted by CCLI number with basic song
        # GIVEN: Search results sorted by CCLI number, plus a mocked QtListWidgetItem
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem') as MockedQListWidgetItem, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.QtCore.Qt.UserRole') as MockedUserRole:
            mock_search_results = []
            mock_song = MagicMock()
            mock_song_temp = MagicMock()
            mock_song.id = 1
            mock_song.title = 'My Song'
            mock_song.sort_key = 'My Song'
            mock_song.ccli_number = '12345'
            mock_song.temporary = False
            mock_song_temp.id = 2
            mock_song_temp.title = 'My Temporary'
            mock_song_temp.sort_key = 'My Temporary'
            mock_song_temp.ccli_number = '12346'
            mock_song_temp.temporary = True
            mock_qlist_widget = MagicMock()
            MockedQListWidgetItem.return_value = mock_qlist_widget

            # WHEN: I display song search results sorted by CCLI number

            # THEN: The current list view is cleared, the widget is created, and the relevant attributes set
            MockedQListWidgetItem.assert_called_once_with('12345 (My Song)')
            mock_qlist_widget.setData.assert_called_once_with(MockedUserRole, mock_song.id)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def process_chapters_verse_in_chapter_verse_milestone_test(self):
        Test process_chapters when supplied with an etree element with a verse element nested, when the verse system is
        based on milestones
        with patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.importers.osis.verse_in_chapter', return_value=True), \
                patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.importers.osis.text_in_verse', return_value=False), \
                patch.object(OSISBible, 'set_current_chapter') as mocked_set_current_chapter, \
                patch.object(OSISBible, 'process_verse') as mocked_process_verse:

            # GIVEN: Some test data and an instance of OSISBible
            test_book = MagicMock()
            test_verse = MagicMock()
            test_verse.tail = '\n    '  # Whitespace
            test_verse.text = 'Verse Text'
            test_chapter = MagicMock()
            test_chapter.__iter__.return_value = [test_verse]
            test_chapter.get.side_effect = lambda x: {
                'osisID': '1.2.4',
                'sID': '999'
            importer = OSISBible(MagicMock(), path='.', name='.', filename='')

            # WHEN: Calling process_chapters
            importer.process_chapters(test_book, [test_chapter])

            # THEN: set_current_chapter and process_verse should have been called with the test data
                test_book.name, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_init_db_calls_correct_functions(self):
        Test that the init_db function makes the correct function calls
        # GIVEN: Mocked out SQLAlchemy calls and return objects, and an in-memory SQLite database URL
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.db.create_engine') as mocked_create_engine, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.MetaData') as MockedMetaData, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.sessionmaker') as mocked_sessionmaker, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.scoped_session') as mocked_scoped_session:
            mocked_engine = MagicMock()
            mocked_metadata = MagicMock()
            mocked_sessionmaker_object = MagicMock()
            mocked_scoped_session_object = MagicMock()
            mocked_create_engine.return_value = mocked_engine
            MockedMetaData.return_value = mocked_metadata
            mocked_sessionmaker.return_value = mocked_sessionmaker_object
            mocked_scoped_session.return_value = mocked_scoped_session_object
            db_url = 'sqlite://'

            # WHEN: We try to initialise the db
            session, metadata = init_db(db_url)

            # THEN: We should see the correct function calls
            mocked_create_engine.assert_called_with(db_url, poolclass=NullPool)
            self.assertIs(session, mocked_scoped_session_object,
                          'The ``session`` object should be the mock')
            self.assertIs(metadata, mocked_metadata,
                          'The ``metadata`` object should be the mock')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_backup_on_upgrade(self):
        Test that we try to backup on a new install
        # GIVEN: Mocked data version and OpenLP version which are different
        old_install = True
        MOCKED_VERSION = {
            'full': '2.2.0-bzr000',
            'version': '2.2.0',
            'build': 'bzr000'
        Settings().setValue('core/application version', '2.0.5')
        self.openlp.splash = MagicMock()
        self.openlp.splash.isVisible.return_value = True
        with patch('openlp.core.get_application_version') as mocked_get_application_version,\
                patch('openlp.core.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question') as mocked_question:
            mocked_get_application_version.return_value = MOCKED_VERSION
            mocked_question.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No

            # WHEN: We check if a backup should be created
            self.openlp.backup_on_upgrade(old_install, True)

            # THEN: It should ask if we want to create a backup
            self.assertEqual(Settings().value('core/application version'), '2.2.0', 'Version should be upgraded!')
            self.assertEqual(mocked_question.call_count, 1, 'A question should have been asked!')
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def paint_event_text_doesnt_fit_test(self):
        Test the paintEvent method when text fits the label
        font = QtGui.QFont()
        metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font)

        with patch('openlp.core.ui.slidecontroller.QtGui.QLabel'), \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.slidecontroller.QtGui.QPainter') as mocked_qpainter:

            # GIVEN: An instance of InfoLabel, with mocked text return, width and rect methods
            info_label = InfoLabel()
            test_string = 'Label Text'
            mocked_rect = MagicMock()
            mocked_text = MagicMock()
            mocked_width = MagicMock()
            mocked_text.return_value = test_string
            info_label.rect = mocked_rect
            info_label.text = mocked_text
            info_label.width = mocked_width

            # WHEN: The instance is narrower than its text, and the paintEvent method is called
            label_width = metrics.boundingRect(test_string).width() - 10
            info_label.width.return_value = label_width

            # THEN: The text should be drawn aligned left with an elided test_string
            elided_test_string = metrics.elidedText(test_string, QtCore.Qt.ElideRight, label_width)
            mocked_qpainter().drawText.assert_called_once_with(mocked_rect(), QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft, elided_test_string)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def paint_event_text_fits_test(self):
        Test the paintEvent method when text fits the label
        font = QtGui.QFont()
        metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(font)

        with patch('openlp.core.ui.slidecontroller.QtGui.QLabel'), \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.slidecontroller.QtGui.QPainter') as mocked_qpainter:

            # GIVEN: An instance of InfoLabel, with mocked text return, width and rect methods
            info_label = InfoLabel()
            test_string = 'Label Text'
            mocked_rect = MagicMock()
            mocked_text = MagicMock()
            mocked_width = MagicMock()
            mocked_text.return_value = test_string
            info_label.rect = mocked_rect
            info_label.text = mocked_text
            info_label.width = mocked_width

            # WHEN: The instance is wider than its text, and the paintEvent method is called
            info_label.width.return_value = metrics.boundingRect(test_string).width() + 10

            # THEN: The text should be drawn centered with the complete test_string
            mocked_qpainter().drawText.assert_called_once_with(mocked_rect(), QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, test_string)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def setUp(self):
     self.test_file = BytesIO(
         b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n'
         b'    <data><div>Test<p>data</p><a>to</a>keep</div></data>\n'
         b'    <data><unsupported>Test<x>data</x><y>to</y>discard</unsupported></data>\n'
     self.open_patcher = patch('builtins.open')
     self.mocked_open = self.open_patcher.start()
     self.critical_error_message_box_patcher = \
     self.mocked_critical_error_message_box = self.critical_error_message_box_patcher.start()
     self.setup_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.BibleDB._setup')
     self.translate_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.translate',
                                    side_effect=lambda module, string_to_translate, *args: string_to_translate)
     self.mocked_translate = self.translate_patcher.start()
     self.registry_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.Registry')
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def parse_csv_file_test(self):
        Test the parse_csv_file() with sample data
        # GIVEN: A mocked csv.reader which returns an iterator with test data
        test_data = [['1', 'Line 1', 'Data 1'], ['2', 'Line 2', 'Data 2'],
                     ['3', 'Line 3', 'Data 3']]
        TestTuple = namedtuple('TestTuple',
                               'line_no line_description line_data')

        with patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.importers.csvbible.get_file_encoding',
                   return_value={'encoding': 'utf-8', 'confidence': 0.99}),\
                patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.importers.csvbible.open', create=True) as mocked_open,\
                      return_value=iter(test_data)) as mocked_reader:

            # WHEN: Calling the CSVBible parse_csv_file method with a file name and TestTuple
            result = CSVBible.parse_csv_file('file.csv', TestTuple)

            # THEN: A list of TestTuple instances with the parsed data should be returned
            self.assertEqual(result, [
                TestTuple('1', 'Line 1', 'Data 1'),
                TestTuple('2', 'Line 2', 'Data 2'),
                TestTuple('3', 'Line 3', 'Data 3')
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_get_data_path(self):
        Test the AppLocation.get_data_path() method
        with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.Settings') as mocked_class, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.AppLocation.get_directory') as mocked_get_directory, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.os') as mocked_os:
            # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_directory()
            mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
            mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
            mocked_get_directory.return_value = os.path.join('test', 'dir')
            mocked_check_directory_exists.return_value = True
            mocked_os.path.normpath.return_value = os.path.join('test', 'dir')

            # WHEN: we call AppLocation.get_data_path()
            data_path = AppLocation.get_data_path()

            # THEN: check that all the correct methods were called, and the result is correct
            mocked_settings.contains.assert_called_with('advanced/data path')
                os.path.join('test', 'dir'))
            self.assertEqual(os.path.join('test', 'dir'), data_path,
                             'Result should be "test/dir"')
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def process_books_test(self):
        Test process books when it completes successfully
        # GIVEN: An instance of CSVBible with the stop_import_flag set to False, and some sample data
        mocked_manager = MagicMock()
        with patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.BibleDB._setup'),\
            importer = CSVBible(mocked_manager,
            importer.find_and_create_book = MagicMock()
            importer.language_id = 10
            importer.stop_import_flag = False
            importer.wizard = MagicMock()

            books = [
                Book('1', '1', '1. Mosebog', '1Mos'),
                Book('2', '1', '2. Mosebog', '2Mos')

            # WHEN: Calling process_books
            result = importer.process_books(books)

            # THEN: translate and find_and_create_book should have been called with both book names.
            # 		The returned data should be a dictionary with both song's id and names.
                [call('1. Mosebog', 2, 10),
                 call('2. Mosebog', 2, 10)])
            self.assertDictEqual(result, {1: '1. Mosebog', 2: '2. Mosebog'})
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def setUp(self):
        Mock out stuff for all the tests
        # Mock self.parent().width()
        self.parent_patcher = patch('openlp.core.ui.lib.listpreviewwidget.ListPreviewWidget.parent')
        self.mocked_parent = self.parent_patcher.start()
        self.mocked_parent.width.return_value = 100

        # Mock Settings().value()
        self.Settings_patcher = patch('openlp.core.ui.lib.listpreviewwidget.Settings')
        self.mocked_Settings = self.Settings_patcher.start()
        self.mocked_Settings_obj = MagicMock()
        self.mocked_Settings_obj.value.return_value = None
        self.mocked_Settings.return_value = self.mocked_Settings_obj

        # Mock self.viewport().width()
        self.viewport_patcher = patch('openlp.core.ui.lib.listpreviewwidget.ListPreviewWidget.viewport')
        self.mocked_viewport = self.viewport_patcher.start()
        self.mocked_viewport_obj = MagicMock()
        self.mocked_viewport_obj.width.return_value = 200
        self.mocked_viewport.return_value = self.mocked_viewport_obj
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def select_image_file_dialog_new_file_test(self):
        Test the select image file dialog when the user presses ok
        # GIVEN: An instance of Theme Form and mocked QFileDialog which returns a file path
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.ThemeForm._setup'),\
                      **{'return_value': 'Image Files (*.bmp; *.gif)(*.bmp *.gif)'}),\
                      **{'return_value': '/new_path/file.ext'}) as mocked_get_open_file_name,\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.themeform.translate', **{'return_value': 'Translated String'}),\
                patch('openlp.core.ui.ThemeForm.set_background_page_values') as mocked_background_page_values:
            instance = ThemeForm(None)
            mocked_image_file_edit = MagicMock()
            mocked_image_file_edit.text.return_value = '/original_path/file.ext'
            instance.image_file_edit = mocked_image_file_edit
            instance.theme = MagicMock()

            # WHEN: on_image_browse_button is clicked

            # THEN: The QFileDialog getOpenFileName and set_background_page_values moethods should have been called
            #       with known arguments and theme.background_filename should be set
            mocked_get_open_file_name.assert_called_once_with(instance, 'Translated String', '/original_path/file.ext',
                                                              'Image Files (*.bmp; *.gif)(*.bmp *.gif);;'
                                                              'All Files (*.*)')
            self.assertEqual(instance.theme.background_filename, '/new_path/file.ext',
                             'theme.background_filename should be set to the path that the file dialog returns')
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def build_html_test(self):
        Test the build_html() function
        # GIVEN: Mocked arguments and function.
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.htmlbuilder.build_background_css') as mocked_build_background_css, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.htmlbuilder.build_footer_css') as mocked_build_footer_css, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.htmlbuilder.build_lyrics_css') as mocked_build_lyrics_css:
            # Mocked function.
            mocked_build_background_css.return_value = ''
            mocked_build_footer_css.return_value = 'dummy: dummy;'
            mocked_build_lyrics_css.return_value = ''
            # Mocked arguments.
            item = MagicMock()
            item.bg_image_bytes = None
            screen = MagicMock()
            is_live = False
            background = None
            plugin = MagicMock()
            plugin.get_display_css.return_value = 'plugin CSS'
            plugin.get_display_javascript.return_value = 'plugin JS'
            plugin.get_display_html.return_value = 'plugin HTML'
            plugins = [plugin]

            # WHEN: Create the html.
            html = build_html(item, screen, is_live, background, plugins=plugins)

            # THEN: The returned html should match.
            self.assertEqual(html, HTML, 'The returned html should match')
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def setUp(self):
     self.registry_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.Registry')
     self.manager_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.Manager')
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_get_html_tags_with_user_tags(self):
        FormattingTags class - test the get_html_tags(), add_html_tags() and remove_html_tag() methods.
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.translate') as mocked_translate, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.settings') as mocked_settings, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.formattingtags.json') as mocked_json:
            # GIVEN: Our mocked modules and functions.
            mocked_translate.side_effect = lambda module, string_to_translate: string_to_translate
            mocked_settings.value.return_value = ''
            mocked_json.loads.side_effect = [[], [TAG]]

            # WHEN: Get the display tags.
            old_tags_list = copy.deepcopy(FormattingTags.get_html_tags())

            # WHEN: Add our tag and get the tags again.
            new_tags_list = copy.deepcopy(FormattingTags.get_html_tags())

            # THEN: Lists should not be identical.
            assert old_tags_list != new_tags_list, 'The lists should be different.'

            # THEN: Added tag and last tag should be the same.
            new_tag = new_tags_list.pop()
            assert TAG == new_tag, 'Tags should be identical.'

            # WHEN: Remove the new tag.

            # THEN: The lists should now be identical.
            assert old_tags_list == FormattingTags.get_html_tags(), 'The lists should be identical.'
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def do_import_memo_validty_test(self):
        Test the :mod:`do_import` module handles invalid memo files correctly
        # GIVEN: A mocked out SongImport class, a mocked out "manager"
        with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.SongImport'), \
            patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.os.path') as mocked_os_path, \
            patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.struct') as mocked_struct:
            mocked_manager = MagicMock()
            importer = EasyWorshipSongImport(mocked_manager, filenames=[])
            mocked_os_path.isfile.return_value = True
            mocked_os_path.getsize.return_value = 0x800
            importer.import_source = 'Songs.DB'

            # WHEN: Unpacking first 35 bytes of Memo file
            struct_unpack_return_values = [(0, 0x700, 2, 0, 0), (0, 0x800, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0x800, 5, 0, 0)]
            mocked_struct.unpack.side_effect = struct_unpack_return_values

            # THEN: do_import should return None having called closed the open files db and memo files.
            for effect in struct_unpack_return_values:
                self.assertIsNone(importer.do_import(), 'do_import should return None when db_size is less than 0x800')
                self.assertEqual(mocked_open().close.call_count, 2,
                                 'The open db and memo files should have been closed')
                self.assertIs(mocked_open().seek.called, False, 'db_file.seek should not have been called.')
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_get_web_page_with_header(self):
        Test that adding a header to the call to get_web_page() adds the header to the request
        with patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.urllib.request.Request') as MockRequest, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.urllib.request.urlopen') as mock_urlopen, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.get_user_agent') as mock_get_user_agent:
            # GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL and a fake header
            mocked_request_object = MagicMock()
            MockRequest.return_value = mocked_request_object
            mocked_page_object = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value = mocked_page_object
            mock_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
            fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
            fake_header = ('Fake-Header', 'fake value')

            # WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
            returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, header=fake_header)

            # THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
            mocked_request_object.add_header.assert_called_with(fake_header[0], fake_header[1])
            self.assertEqual(2, mocked_request_object.add_header.call_count,
                             'There should only be 2 calls to add_header')
            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(mocked_request_object, timeout=30)
            self.assertEqual(mocked_page_object, returned_page, 'The returned page should be the mock object')
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def code_page_to_encoding_test(self):
        Test the :mod:`do_import` converts the code page to the encoding correctly
        # GIVEN: A mocked out SongImport class, a mocked out "manager"
        with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.SongImport'), \
            patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.os.path') as mocked_os_path, \
            patch('builtins.open'), patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.struct') as mocked_struct, \
                patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.retrieve_windows_encoding') as \
            mocked_manager = MagicMock()
            importer = EasyWorshipSongImport(mocked_manager, filenames=[])
            mocked_os_path.isfile.return_value = True
            mocked_os_path.getsize.return_value = 0x800
            importer.import_source = 'Songs.DB'

            # WHEN: Unpacking the code page
            for code_page, encoding in CODE_PAGE_MAPPINGS:
                struct_unpack_return_values = [(0, 0x800, 2, 0, 0), (code_page, )]
                mocked_struct.unpack.side_effect = struct_unpack_return_values
                mocked_retrieve_windows_encoding.return_value = False

                # THEN: do_import should return None having called retrieve_windows_encoding with the correct encoding.
                self.assertIsNone(importer.do_import(), 'do_import should return None when db_size is less than 0x800')
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_display_results_cclinumber(self):
        Test displaying song search results sorted by CCLI number with basic song
        # GIVEN: Search results sorted by CCLI number, plus a mocked QtListWidgetItem
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem') as MockedQListWidgetItem, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.QtCore.Qt.UserRole') as MockedUserRole:
            mock_search_results = []
            mock_song = MagicMock()
            mock_song_temp = MagicMock()
            mock_song.id = 1
            mock_song.title = 'My Song'
            mock_song.sort_key = 'My Song'
            mock_song.ccli_number = '12345'
            mock_song.temporary = False
            mock_song_temp.id = 2
            mock_song_temp.title = 'My Temporary'
            mock_song_temp.sort_key = 'My Temporary'
            mock_song_temp.ccli_number = '12346'
            mock_song_temp.temporary = True
            mock_qlist_widget = MagicMock()
            MockedQListWidgetItem.return_value = mock_qlist_widget

            # WHEN: I display song search results sorted by CCLI number

            # THEN: The current list view is cleared, the widget is created, and the relevant attributes set
            MockedQListWidgetItem.assert_called_once_with('12345 (My Song)')
            mock_qlist_widget.setData.assert_called_once_with(MockedUserRole, mock_song.id)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def write_theme_same_image_test(self):
        Test that we don't try to overwrite a theme background image with itself
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, shutil.copyfile,
        #        theme, check_directory_exists and thememanager-attributes.
        with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.shutil.copyfile') as mocked_copyfile, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            mocked_open.return_value = MagicMock()
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager.old_background_image = None
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            mocked_theme = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode(

            # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to the same image, but the path written slightly different
            file_name1 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church.jpg')
            # Do replacement from end of string to avoid problems with path start
            file_name2 = file_name1[::-1].replace(os.sep, os.sep + os.sep,
            theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_name1, file_name2)

            # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
                             'shutil.copyfile should not be called')
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def test_backup_on_upgrade_first_install(self):
        Test that we don't try to backup on a new install
        # GIVEN: Mocked data version and OpenLP version which are the same
        old_install = False
        MOCKED_VERSION = {
            'full': '2.2.0-bzr000',
            'version': '2.2.0',
            'build': 'bzr000'
        Settings().setValue('core/application version', '2.2.0')
        with patch('openlp.core.get_application_version') as mocked_get_application_version,\
                patch('openlp.core.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question') as mocked_question:
            mocked_get_application_version.return_value = MOCKED_VERSION
            mocked_question.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No

            # WHEN: We check if a backup should be created

            # THEN: It should not ask if we want to create a backup
            self.assertEqual(Settings().value('core/application version'),
                             '2.2.0', 'Version should be the same!')
            self.assertEqual(mocked_question.call_count, 0,
                             'No question should have been asked!')
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def test_do_import_memo_validty(self):
        Test the :mod:`do_import` module handles invalid memo files correctly
        # GIVEN: A mocked out SongImport class, a mocked out "manager"
        with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.SongImport'), \
            patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.os.path') as mocked_os_path, \
            patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.struct') as mocked_struct:
            mocked_manager = MagicMock()
            importer = EasyWorshipSongImport(mocked_manager, filenames=[])
            mocked_os_path.isfile.return_value = True
            mocked_os_path.getsize.return_value = 0x800
            importer.import_source = 'Songs.DB'

            # WHEN: Unpacking first 35 bytes of Memo file
            struct_unpack_return_values = [(0, 0x700, 2, 0, 0), (0, 0x800, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0x800, 5, 0, 0)]
            mocked_struct.unpack.side_effect = struct_unpack_return_values

            # THEN: do_import should return None having called closed the open files db and memo files.
            for effect in struct_unpack_return_values:
                self.assertIsNone(importer.do_import(), 'do_import should return None when db_size is less than 0x800')
                self.assertEqual(mocked_open().close.call_count, 2,
                                 'The open db and memo files should have been closed')
                self.assertIs(mocked_open().seek.called, False, 'db_file.seek should not have been called.')
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def test_check_file_type_no_players(self):
        Test that we don't try to play media when no players available
        # GIVEN: A mocked UiStrings, get_used_players, controller, display and service_item
        with patch('openlp.core.ui.media.mediacontroller.MediaController._get_used_players') as \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.media.mediacontroller.UiStrings') as mocked_uistrings:
            mocked_get_used_players.return_value = ([])
            mocked_ret_uistrings = MagicMock()
            mocked_ret_uistrings.Automatic = 1
            mocked_uistrings.return_value = mocked_ret_uistrings
            media_controller = MediaController()
            mocked_controller = MagicMock()
            mocked_display = MagicMock()
            mocked_service_item = MagicMock()
            mocked_service_item.processor = 1

            # WHEN: calling _check_file_type when no players exists
            ret = media_controller._check_file_type(mocked_controller,

            # THEN: it should return False
                '_check_file_type should return False when no mediaplayers are available.'
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def test_code_page_to_encoding(self):
        Test the :mod:`do_import` converts the code page to the encoding correctly
        # GIVEN: A mocked out SongImport class, a mocked out "manager"
        with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.SongImport'), \
            patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.os.path') as mocked_os_path, \
            patch('builtins.open'), patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.struct') as mocked_struct, \
                patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.retrieve_windows_encoding') as \
            mocked_manager = MagicMock()
            importer = EasyWorshipSongImport(mocked_manager, filenames=[])
            mocked_os_path.isfile.return_value = True
            mocked_os_path.getsize.return_value = 0x800
            importer.import_source = 'Songs.DB'

            # WHEN: Unpacking the code page
            for code_page, encoding in CODE_PAGE_MAPPINGS:
                struct_unpack_return_values = [(0, 0x800, 2, 0, 0), (code_page, )]
                mocked_struct.unpack.side_effect = struct_unpack_return_values
                mocked_retrieve_windows_encoding.return_value = False

                # THEN: do_import should return None having called retrieve_windows_encoding with the correct encoding.
                self.assertIsNone(importer.do_import(), 'do_import should return None when db_size is less than 0x800')
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def setUp(self):
     Patch and set up the mocks required.
     self.add_copyright_patcher = patch(
         'openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.%s.%s.add_copyright' %
         (self.importer_module_name, self.importer_class_name))
     self.add_verse_patcher = patch(
         'openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.%s.%s.add_verse' %
         (self.importer_module_name, self.importer_class_name))
     self.finish_patcher = patch(
         'openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.%s.%s.finish' %
         (self.importer_module_name, self.importer_class_name))
     self.add_author_patcher = patch(
         'openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.%s.%s.add_author' %
         (self.importer_module_name, self.importer_class_name))
     self.song_import_patcher = patch(
         'openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.%s.SongImport' %
     self.mocked_add_copyright = self.add_copyright_patcher.start()
     self.mocked_add_verse = self.add_verse_patcher.start()
     self.mocked_finish = self.finish_patcher.start()
     self.mocked_add_author = self.add_author_patcher.start()
     self.mocked_song_importer = self.song_import_patcher.start()
     self.mocked_manager = MagicMock()
     self.mocked_import_wizard = MagicMock()
     self.mocked_finish.return_value = True
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def setUp(self):
     Set up the patches and mocks need for all tests.
     self.mock_plugin = MagicMock()
     self.temp_folder = mkdtemp()
     self.mock_plugin.settings_section = self.temp_folder
     self.powerpoint_document_stop_presentation_patcher = patch(
     self.presentation_document_get_temp_folder_patcher = patch(
     self.presentation_document_setup_patcher = patch(
     self.mock_powerpoint_document_stop_presentation = self.powerpoint_document_stop_presentation_patcher.start(
     self.mock_presentation_document_get_temp_folder = self.presentation_document_get_temp_folder_patcher.start(
     self.mock_presentation_document_setup = self.presentation_document_setup_patcher.start(
     self.mock_controller = MagicMock()
     self.mock_presentation = MagicMock()
     self.mock_presentation_document_get_temp_folder.return_value = 'temp folder'
     self.file_name = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'presentations',
     self.real_controller = PowerpointController(self.mock_plugin)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def write_theme_diff_images_test(self):
        Test that we do overwrite a theme background image when a new is submitted
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, shutil.copyfile,
        #        theme, check_directory_exists and thememanager-attributes.
        with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.shutil.copyfile') as mocked_copyfile, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            mocked_open.return_value = MagicMock()
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager.old_background_image = None
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            mocked_theme = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode(

            # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to different images
            file_name1 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church.jpg')
            file_name2 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church2.jpg')
            theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_name1, file_name2)

            # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
                            'shutil.copyfile should be called')
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def setUp(self):
     self.registry_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.bibleimport.Registry')
     self.manager_patcher = patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db.Manager')
    def pyodbc_exception_test(self):
        Test that exceptions raised by pyodbc are handled
        # GIVEN: A mocked out SongImport class, a mocked out pyodbc module, a mocked out translate method,
        #       a mocked "manager" and a mocked out log_error method.
        with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.worshipcenterpro.SongImport'), \
                patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.worshipcenterpro.pyodbc.connect') as mocked_pyodbc_connect, \
                patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.worshipcenterpro.translate') as mocked_translate:
            mocked_manager = MagicMock()
            mocked_log_error = MagicMock()
            mocked_translate.return_value = 'Translated Text'
            importer = WorshipCenterProImport(mocked_manager, filenames=[])
            importer.log_error = mocked_log_error
            importer.import_source = 'import_source'
            pyodbc_errors = [pyodbc.DatabaseError, pyodbc.IntegrityError, pyodbc.InternalError, pyodbc.OperationalError]
            mocked_pyodbc_connect.side_effect = pyodbc_errors

            # WHEN: Calling the do_import method
            for effect in pyodbc_errors:
                return_value = importer.do_import()

                # THEN: do_import should return None, and pyodbc, translate & log_error are called with known calls
                self.assertIsNone(return_value, 'do_import should return None when pyodbc raises an exception.')
                mocked_pyodbc_connect.assert_called_with('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=import_source')
                                                    'Unable to connect the WorshipCenter Pro database.')
                mocked_log_error.assert_called_with('import_source', 'Translated Text')
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def init_db_calls_correct_functions_test(self):
        Test that the init_db function makes the correct function calls
        # GIVEN: Mocked out SQLAlchemy calls and return objects, and an in-memory SQLite database URL
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.db.create_engine') as mocked_create_engine, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.MetaData') as MockedMetaData, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.sessionmaker') as mocked_sessionmaker, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.db.scoped_session') as mocked_scoped_session:
            mocked_engine = MagicMock()
            mocked_metadata = MagicMock()
            mocked_sessionmaker_object = MagicMock()
            mocked_scoped_session_object = MagicMock()
            mocked_create_engine.return_value = mocked_engine
            MockedMetaData.return_value = mocked_metadata
            mocked_sessionmaker.return_value = mocked_sessionmaker_object
            mocked_scoped_session.return_value = mocked_scoped_session_object
            db_url = 'sqlite://'

            # WHEN: We try to initialise the db
            session, metadata = init_db(db_url)

            # THEN: We should see the correct function calls
            mocked_create_engine.assert_called_with(db_url, poolclass=NullPool)
            mocked_sessionmaker.assert_called_with(autoflush=True, autocommit=False, bind=mocked_engine)
            self.assertIs(session, mocked_scoped_session_object, 'The ``session`` object should be the mock')
            self.assertIs(metadata, mocked_metadata, 'The ``metadata`` object should be the mock')
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def set_certificate_urls_test(self):
        Test the set_urls function with certificate available
        # GIVEN: A mocked location
        with patch('openlp.core.common.Settings') as mocked_class, \
                patch('openlp.core.utils.AppLocation.get_directory') as mocked_get_directory, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.os') as mocked_os:
            # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_directory()
            mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
            mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
            mocked_get_directory.return_value = TEST_PATH
            mocked_check_directory_exists.return_value = True
            mocked_os.path.normpath.return_value = TEST_PATH

            # WHEN: when the set_urls is called having reloaded the form.
            # THEN: the following screen values should be set
                             True, 'The Http group box should be enabled')
                             False, 'The Https checked box should be Checked')
                             True, 'The Https box should be enabled')
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def test_get_web_page(self):
        Test that the get_web_page method works correctly
        with patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.urllib.request.Request') as MockRequest, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.urllib.request.urlopen') as mock_urlopen, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.get_user_agent') as mock_get_user_agent, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.Registry') as MockRegistry:
            # GIVEN: Mocked out objects and a fake URL
            mocked_request_object = MagicMock()
            MockRequest.return_value = mocked_request_object
            mocked_page_object = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value = mocked_page_object
            mock_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
            fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'

            # WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
            returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url)

            # THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
            mocked_request_object.add_header.assert_called_with('User-Agent', 'user_agent')
            self.assertEqual(1, mocked_request_object.add_header.call_count,
                             'There should only be 1 call to add_header')
            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(mocked_request_object, timeout=30)
            self.assertEqual(0, MockRegistry.call_count, 'The Registry() object should have never been called')
            self.assertEqual(mocked_page_object, returned_page, 'The returned page should be the mock object')
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def test_get_web_page_with_header(self):
        Test that adding a header to the call to get_web_page() adds the header to the request
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.urllib.request.Request') as MockRequest, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.urllib.request.urlopen') as mock_urlopen, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader._get_user_agent') as mock_get_user_agent:
            # GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL and a fake header
            mocked_request_object = MagicMock()
            MockRequest.return_value = mocked_request_object
            mocked_page_object = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value = mocked_page_object
            mock_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
            fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'
            fake_header = ('Fake-Header', 'fake value')

            # WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
            returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, header=fake_header)

            # THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
                fake_header[0], fake_header[1])
            self.assertEqual(2, mocked_request_object.add_header.call_count,
                             'There should only be 2 calls to add_header')
            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(mocked_request_object, timeout=30)
            self.assertEqual(mocked_page_object, returned_page,
                             'The returned page should be the mock object')
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def test_get_web_page(self):
        Test that the get_web_page method works correctly
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.urllib.request.Request') as MockRequest, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader.urllib.request.urlopen') as mock_urlopen, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.webpagereader._get_user_agent') as mock_get_user_agent, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.Registry') as MockRegistry:
            # GIVEN: Mocked out objects and a fake URL
            mocked_request_object = MagicMock()
            MockRequest.return_value = mocked_request_object
            mocked_page_object = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value = mocked_page_object
            mock_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
            fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'

            # WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
            returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url)

            # THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
                'User-Agent', 'user_agent')
            self.assertEqual(1, mocked_request_object.add_header.call_count,
                             'There should only be 1 call to add_header')
            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(mocked_request_object, timeout=30)
                0, MockRegistry.call_count,
                'The Registry() object should have never been called')
            self.assertEqual(mocked_page_object, returned_page,
                             'The returned page should be the mock object')
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def test_get_web_page_update_openlp(self):
        Test that passing "update_openlp" as true to get_web_page calls Registry().get('app').process_events()
        with patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.urllib.request.Request') as MockRequest, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.urllib.request.urlopen') as mock_urlopen, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.get_user_agent') as mock_get_user_agent, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.httputils.Registry') as MockRegistry:
            # GIVEN: Mocked out objects, a fake URL
            mocked_request_object = MagicMock()
            MockRequest.return_value = mocked_request_object
            mocked_page_object = MagicMock()
            mock_urlopen.return_value = mocked_page_object
            mock_get_user_agent.return_value = 'user_agent'
            mocked_registry_object = MagicMock()
            mocked_application_object = MagicMock()
            mocked_registry_object.get.return_value = mocked_application_object
            MockRegistry.return_value = mocked_registry_object
            fake_url = 'this://is.a.fake/url'

            # WHEN: The get_web_page() method is called
            returned_page = get_web_page(fake_url, update_openlp=True)

            # THEN: The correct methods are called with the correct arguments and a web page is returned
            mocked_request_object.add_header.assert_called_with('User-Agent', 'user_agent')
            self.assertEqual(1, mocked_request_object.add_header.call_count,
                             'There should only be 1 call to add_header')
            mock_urlopen.assert_called_with(mocked_request_object, timeout=30)
            self.assertEqual(mocked_page_object, returned_page, 'The returned page should be the mock object')
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def test_write_theme_same_image(self):
        Test that we don't try to overwrite a theme background image with itself
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, shutil.copyfile,
        #        theme, check_directory_exists and thememanager-attributes.
        with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.shutil.copyfile') as mocked_copyfile, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            mocked_open.return_value = MagicMock()
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager.old_background_image = None
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            mocked_theme = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode()

            # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to the same image, but the path written slightly different
            file_name1 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church.jpg')
            # Do replacement from end of string to avoid problems with path start
            file_name2 = file_name1[::-1].replace(os.sep, os.sep + os.sep, 2)[::-1]
            theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_name1, file_name2)

            # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
            self.assertFalse(mocked_copyfile.called, 'shutil.copyfile should not be called')
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def test_write_theme_diff_images(self):
        Test that we do overwrite a theme background image when a new is submitted
        # GIVEN: A new theme manager instance, with mocked builtins.open, shutil.copyfile,
        #        theme, check_directory_exists and thememanager-attributes.
        with patch('builtins.open') as mocked_open, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.shutil.copyfile') as mocked_copyfile, \
                patch('openlp.core.ui.thememanager.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists:
            mocked_open.return_value = MagicMock()
            theme_manager = ThemeManager(None)
            theme_manager.old_background_image = None
            theme_manager.generate_and_save_image = MagicMock()
            theme_manager.path = ''
            mocked_theme = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.theme_name = 'themename'
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml = MagicMock()
            mocked_theme.extract_formatted_xml.return_value = 'fake_theme_xml'.encode()

            # WHEN: Calling _write_theme with path to different images
            file_name1 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church.jpg')
            file_name2 = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'church2.jpg')
            theme_manager._write_theme(mocked_theme, file_name1, file_name2)

            # THEN: The mocked_copyfile should not have been called
            self.assertTrue(mocked_copyfile.called, 'shutil.copyfile should be called')
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def test_set_basic_urls(self):
        Test the set_urls function with standard defaults
        # GIVEN: A mocked location
        with patch('openlp.core.common.Settings') as mocked_class, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_directory') as mocked_get_directory, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.os') as mocked_os:
            # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_directory()
            mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
            mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
            mocked_get_directory.return_value = 'test/dir'
            mocked_check_directory_exists.return_value = True
            mocked_os.path.normpath.return_value = 'test/dir'

            # WHEN: when the set_urls is called having reloaded the form.
            # THEN: the following screen values should be set
            self.assertEqual(self.form.address_edit.text(), ZERO_URL, 'The default URL should be set on the screen')
            self.assertEqual(self.form.https_settings_group_box.isEnabled(), False,
                             'The Https box should not be enabled')
            self.assertEqual(self.form.https_settings_group_box.isChecked(), False,
                             'The Https checked box should note be Checked')
            self.assertEqual(self.form.user_login_group_box.isChecked(), False,
                             'The authentication box should not be enabled')
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def test_set_certificate_urls(self):
        Test the set_urls function with certificate available
        # GIVEN: A mocked location
        with patch('openlp.core.common.Settings') as mocked_class, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_directory') as mocked_get_directory, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.check_directory_exists') as mocked_check_directory_exists, \
                patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.os') as mocked_os:
            # GIVEN: A mocked out Settings class and a mocked out AppLocation.get_directory()
            mocked_settings = mocked_class.return_value
            mocked_settings.contains.return_value = False
            mocked_get_directory.return_value = TEST_PATH
            mocked_check_directory_exists.return_value = True
            mocked_os.path.normpath.return_value = TEST_PATH

            # WHEN: when the set_urls is called having reloaded the form.
            # THEN: the following screen values should be set
            self.assertEqual(self.form.http_settings_group_box.isEnabled(), True,
                             'The Http group box should be enabled')
            self.assertEqual(self.form.https_settings_group_box.isChecked(), False,
                             'The Https checked box should be Checked')
            self.assertEqual(self.form.https_settings_group_box.isEnabled(), True,
                             'The Https box should be enabled')
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def setUp(self):
     self.os_patcher = patch('openlp.core.lib.filedialog.os')
     self.qt_gui_patcher = patch('openlp.core.lib.filedialog.QtWidgets')
     self.ui_strings_patcher = patch('openlp.core.lib.filedialog.UiStrings')
     self.mocked_os = self.os_patcher.start()
     self.mocked_qt_gui = self.qt_gui_patcher.start()
     self.mocked_ui_strings = self.ui_strings_patcher.start()
     self.mocked_parent = MagicMock()
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def setUp(self):
     Set up the components need for all tests.
     with patch('openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.mediaitem.MediaManagerItem._setup'),\
         self.media_item = BibleMediaItem(None, MagicMock())
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def setUp(self):
     Set up the components need for all tests.
     Registry().register('service_manager', MagicMock())
     Registry().register('main_window', MagicMock())
     with patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.mediaitem.MediaManagerItem._setup'), \
         self.media_item = PresentationMediaItem(None, MagicMock, MagicMock())
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def setUp(self):
     self.registry = Registry()
     # Mock cursor busy/normal methods.
     self.app.set_busy_cursor = MagicMock()
     self.app.set_normal_cursor = MagicMock()
     self.app.args = []
     Registry().register('application', self.app)
     # Mock classes and methods used by mainwindow.
     with patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.SettingsForm') as mocked_settings_form, \
             patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.ImageManager') as mocked_image_manager, \
             patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.LiveController') as mocked_live_controller, \
             patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.PreviewController') as mocked_preview_controller, \
             patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.OpenLPDockWidget') as mocked_dock_widget, \
             patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.QtWidgets.QToolBox') as mocked_q_tool_box_class, \
             patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.QtWidgets.QMainWindow.addDockWidget') as mocked_add_dock_method, \
             patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.ThemeManager') as mocked_theme_manager, \
             patch('openlp.core.ui.mainwindow.Renderer') as mocked_renderer:
         self.mocked_settings_form = mocked_settings_form
         self.mocked_image_manager = mocked_image_manager
         self.mocked_live_controller = mocked_live_controller
         self.mocked_preview_controller = mocked_preview_controller
         self.mocked_dock_widget = mocked_dock_widget
         self.mocked_q_tool_box_class = mocked_q_tool_box_class
         self.mocked_add_dock_method = mocked_add_dock_method
         self.mocked_theme_manager = mocked_theme_manager
         self.mocked_renderer = mocked_renderer
         self.main_window = MainWindow()
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def db_file_import_test(self):
        Test the actual import of real song database files and check that the imported data is correct.

        # GIVEN: Test files with a mocked out SongImport class, a mocked out "manager", a mocked out "import_wizard",
        #       and mocked out "author", "add_copyright", "add_verse", "finish" methods.
        with patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.SongImport'), \
                patch('openlp.plugins.songs.lib.importers.easyworship.retrieve_windows_encoding') as \
            mocked_retrieve_windows_encoding.return_value = 'cp1252'
            mocked_manager = MagicMock()
            mocked_import_wizard = MagicMock()
            mocked_add_author = MagicMock()
            mocked_add_verse = MagicMock()
            mocked_finish = MagicMock()
            mocked_title = MagicMock()
            mocked_finish.return_value = True
            importer = EasyWorshipSongImportLogger(mocked_manager)
            importer.import_wizard = mocked_import_wizard
            importer.stop_import_flag = False
            importer.add_author = mocked_add_author
            importer.add_verse = mocked_add_verse
            importer.title = mocked_title
            importer.finish = mocked_finish
            importer.topics = []

            # WHEN: Importing each file
            importer.import_source = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, 'Songs.DB')
            import_result = importer.do_import()

            # THEN: do_import should return none, the song data should be as expected, and finish should have been
            #       called.
            self.assertIsNone(import_result, 'do_import should return None when it has completed')
            for song_data in SONG_TEST_DATA:
                title = song_data['title']
                author_calls = song_data['authors']
                song_copyright = song_data['copyright']
                ccli_number = song_data['ccli_number']
                add_verse_calls = song_data['verses']
                verse_order_list = song_data['verse_order_list']
                self.assertIn(title, importer._title_assignment_list, 'title for %s should be "%s"' % (title, title))
                for author in author_calls:
                if song_copyright:
                    self.assertEqual(importer.copyright, song_copyright)
                if ccli_number:
                    self.assertEqual(importer.ccli_number, ccli_number,
                                     'ccli_number for %s should be %s' % (title, ccli_number))
                for verse_text, verse_tag in add_verse_calls:
                    mocked_add_verse.assert_any_call(verse_text, verse_tag)
                if verse_order_list:
                    self.assertEqual(importer.verse_order_list, verse_order_list,
                                     'verse_order_list for %s should be %s' % (title, verse_order_list))
Ejemplo n.º 55
 def setUp(self):
     Set up the components need for all tests.
     with patch('openlp.plugins.media.lib.mediaitem.MediaManagerItem.__init__'),\
         self.media_item = MediaMediaItem(None, MagicMock())
         self.media_item.settings_section = 'media'
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def setUp(self):
     self.mocked_main_window = MagicMock()
     Registry().register('application', MagicMock())
     Registry().register('service_list', MagicMock())
     Registry().register('main_window', self.mocked_main_window)
     Registry().register('live_controller', MagicMock())
     mocked_plugin = MagicMock()
     with patch('openlp.plugins.images.lib.mediaitem.MediaManagerItem._setup'), \
         self.media_item = ImageMediaItem(None, mocked_plugin)
         self.media_item.settings_section = 'images'