Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_get_host_info(self, client):
     host = steps.create_host_w_default_provider(client, utils.random_string())
     actual = steps.read_host(client, host['id'])
     with allure.step('Check created host with the data from the API'):
         del actual['status']
         del host['status']
         assert actual == host
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_shouldnt_create_host_config_when_config_is_number(self, client):
     """Should not create host configuration when config string is number
     host = steps.create_host_w_default_provider(client, utils.random_string())
     config = random.randint(100, 999)
     with allure.step('Try to create the host configuration with a number'):
         with pytest.raises(coreapi.exceptions.ErrorMessage) as e:
             client.host.config.history.create(host_id=host['id'], config=config)
     with allure.step('Check error should not be just one int or float'):
         err.JSON_ERROR.equal(e, 'should not be just one int or float')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_shouldnt_create_host_config_when_config_not_json_string(self, client):
     """Should not create host configuration when config string is not json
     host = steps.create_host_w_default_provider(client, utils.random_string())
     config = utils.random_string()
     with allure.step('Try to create the host config from non-json string'):
         with pytest.raises(coreapi.exceptions.ErrorMessage) as e:
             client.host.config.history.create(host_id=host['id'], config=config)
     with allure.step('Check error config should not be just one string'):
         err.JSON_ERROR.equal(e, 'config should not be just one string')
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_get_default_host_config(self, client):
     # Get a default host config and validate it with json schema
     host = steps.create_host_w_default_provider(client, utils.random_string())
     config_json = {}
     with allure.step('Get default configuration from host'):
         config = client.host.config.current.list(host_id=host['id'])
     if config:
         config_json = json.loads(json.dumps(config))
     schema = json.load(open(SCHEMAS + '/config_item_schema.json'))
     with allure.step('Check config'):
         assert validate(config_json, schema) is None
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_config_history_url_must_point_to_the_host_config(self, client):
     host = steps.create_host_w_default_provider(client, utils.random_string())
     config = {"str-key": "{1bbb}", "required": 158, "option": 8080, "sub": {"sub1": 2},
               "credentials": {"sample_string": "txt", "read_only_initiated": {}}}
     i = 0
     with allure.step('Create host history'):
         while i < random.randint(0, 10):
             i += 1
         history = client.host.config.history.list(host_id=host['id'])
     with allure.step('Check host history'):
         for conf in history:
             assert ('host/{0}/config/'.format(host['id']) in conf['url']) is True
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_get_hostcomponent_list(self, client):  # invalid case, random component takes in circle
     cluster = steps.create_cluster(client)
     service = steps.read_service(client, get_random_service(client)['id'])
     cluster_svc = client.cluster.service.create(cluster_id=cluster['id'],
     components = client.cluster.service.component.list(cluster_id=cluster['id'],
     # create mapping between cluster and hosts, then create hostcomponent on host
     hostcomponent_list = []
     for fqdn in utils.random_string_list():
         host = steps.create_host_w_default_provider(client, fqdn)
         steps.add_host_to_cluster(client, host, cluster)
         component = random.choice(components)['id']
         hostcomponent_list.append({"host_id": host['id'], "service_id": cluster_svc['id'],
                                    "component_id": component})
     expected_hostcomponent_list = client.cluster.hostcomponent.create(
         cluster_id=cluster['id'], hc=hostcomponent_list)
     actual_hs_list = client.cluster.hostcomponent.list(cluster_id=cluster['id'])
     with allure.step('Check created data with data from API'):
         assert actual_hs_list == expected_hostcomponent_list
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def create_host(self, fqdn):
     steps.create_host_w_default_provider(self._client, fqdn)
     return fqdn
Ejemplo n.º 8
def host(client):
    host_bundle = utils.get_data_dir(__file__, 'host_bundle_on_any_level')
    steps.upload_bundle(client, host_bundle)
    return steps.create_host_w_default_provider(client, 'localhost')