Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_defaults(self):
        Test default BGP configuration commands.
        with DockerHost('host', start_calico=False, dind=False) as host:
            # TODO: Re-enable or remove after decsision is made on the defaults
            # Check default AS command
            #response = host.calicoctl("get BGPConfiguration -o yaml")
            #bgpcfg = yaml.safe_load(response)
            #self.assertEquals(bgpcfg['items'][0]['spec']['asNumber'], 64512)

            # Set the default AS number.
            update_bgp_config(host, asNum=12345)

            self.assertEquals(get_bgp_spec(host)['asNumber'], 12345)

            with self.assertRaises(CommandExecError):
                update_bgp_config(host, asNum=99999999999999999999999)
            with self.assertRaises(CommandExecError):
                update_bgp_config(host, asNum='abcde')

            # Check BGP mesh command
            if 'nodeToNodeMeshEnabled' in get_bgp_spec(host):
                    get_bgp_spec(host)['nodeToNodeMeshEnabled'], True)

            update_bgp_config(host, nodeMesh=False)
                get_bgp_spec(host)['nodeToNodeMeshEnabled'], False)

            update_bgp_config(host, nodeMesh=True)
                get_bgp_spec(host)['nodeToNodeMeshEnabled'], True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_defaults(self):
        Test default BGP configuration commands.
        with DockerHost('host', start_calico=False, dind=False) as host:
            # As the v3 data model now stands, there is no way to query what
            # the default AS number is, in the absence of any resources.  Also,
            # if you create a BGPConfiguration resource that does not specify
            # an AS number, and then read it back, the output does not include
            # the default AS number.
            # So we can't test the default AS number directly with calicoctl
            # operations.  We can of course test it indirectly: see
            # test_bird_single_route_reflector_default_as in
            # test_single_route_reflector.py.

            # Set the global-default AS number.
            update_bgp_config(host, asNum=12345)

            self.assertEquals(get_bgp_spec(host)['asNumber'], 12345)

            with self.assertRaises(CommandExecError):
                update_bgp_config(host, asNum=99999999999999999999999)
            with self.assertRaises(CommandExecError):
                update_bgp_config(host, asNum='abcde')

            # Check BGP mesh command
            if 'nodeToNodeMeshEnabled' in get_bgp_spec(host):
                    get_bgp_spec(host)['nodeToNodeMeshEnabled'], True)

            update_bgp_config(host, nodeMesh=False)
                get_bgp_spec(host)['nodeToNodeMeshEnabled'], False)

            update_bgp_config(host, nodeMesh=True)
                get_bgp_spec(host)['nodeToNodeMeshEnabled'], True)