Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_echelon():
    mat = getTokens("[1, 4, 2;\
                      5, 7, 6;\
                      2, 4, 9]")
    assert row_echelon(mat).__str__(
    ) == "[{1.0},{4.0},{2.0};{0.0},{-13.0},{-4.0};{0.0},{0.0},{6.24}]"

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2, 3, 1;\
                      4, 5, 6, 1;\
                      7, 8, 9, 2]")
    assert row_echelon(mat).__str__(
    ) == "[{1.0},{2.0},{3.0},{1.0};{0.0},{-3.0},{-6.0},{-3.0};{0.0},{0.0},{0.0},{1.0}]"

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2, 3, 1;\
                      4, 5, 6, 1;\
                      7, 8, 9, 1;\
                      2, 3 ,1 ,4]")
    assert row_echelon(mat).__str__(
    ) == "[{1.0},{2.0},{3.0},{1.0};{0.0},{-3.0},{-6.0},{-3.0};{0.0},{0.0},{-3.02},{2.99};{0.0},{0.0},{0.0},{0.0}]"

    mat = getTokens("[6,2,8,26;\
    assert row_echelon(mat).__str__(
    ) == "[{6.0},{2.0},{8.0},{26.0};{0.0},{4.0},{-2.0},{-5.0};{0.0},{0.0},{6.0},{3.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_getVariables():

    varA = getTokens("x")
    assert getVariables([varA]) == ['x']

    varB = getTokens("xy+ xy^2 +yz^3")
    assert getVariables(varB) == ['x', 'y', 'z']
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_inverse():
    mat = getTokens("[5, 7, 9;\
                    4, 3, 8;\
                    7, 5, 6]")
    if mat.isSquare():
        assert mat.inverse().__str__(
        ) == "[{-0.20977011494252873},{0.028735632183908046},{0.27586206896551724};{0.3023255813953489},{-0.3139534883720931},{-0.03779069767441861};{-0.009111617312072894},{0.22779043280182235},{-0.12300683371298407}]"

    mat = getTokens("[4, 5;\
                    7, 3]")
    if mat.isSquare():
        assert mat.inverse().__str__(
        ) == "[{-0.1301859799713877},{0.21745350500715305};{0.303951367781155},{-0.17325227963525833}]"

    mat = getTokens("[4, 5, 6, 8;\
                    3, 25, 4, 6;\
                    5, 1, 8, 4;\
                    1, 3, 5, 8]")
    if mat.isSquare():
        assert mat.inverse().__str__(
        ) == "[{0.49400000000000005},{-0.044000000000000004},{-0.08600000000000001},{-0.42400000000000004};{-0.057142857142857134},{0.049999999999999996},{0.014285714285714284},{0.0047619047619047615};{-0.40131578947368424},{0.03947368421052632},{0.25},{0.2565789473684211};{0.21321177223288548},{-0.03854766474728087},{-0.15067178502879078},{0.01599488163787588}]"

    mat = getTokens("[1,1;1,1]")
    if mat.isSquare():
        assert mat.inverse().__str__() == "-1"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_addoverload():

    matA = getTokens("[ x      , x^2; \
                        3 + x^2, xy ]")
    matB = getTokens("[ y + 1  , x^2; \
                        2 - x^2, xy - 1 ]")
    matSum = matA + matB
    assert matSum.__str__() == "[{x}+{y}+{1.0},2{x}^{2.0};{5.0},2{x}{y}-{1.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_tokensToString():

    # Matrix token to string
    mat = getTokens("[1+x, 2; \
                      3  , 4]")
    assert tokensToString([mat]) == "[1.0 + x,2.0;3.0,4.0]"

    mat = getTokens("[1+x, 2] + [1, y + z^2]")
    assert tokensToString(mat) == "[1.0 + x,2.0] + [1.0,y + z^(2.0)]"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_simplifyMatrix():

    mat = getTokens("[x + y + x, x^2 + x^2; \
                      1 + 4/2  , z^3/z^2  ]")
    matRes = simplifyMatrix(mat)
    assert matRes.__str__() == "[2{x}+{y},2{x}^{2.0};{3.0},{z}]"

    mat = getTokens("[1 + x^2 + 2]")
    matRes = simplifyMatrix(mat)
    assert matRes.__str__() == "[{3.0}+{x}^{2.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_isMatrix():

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2, 3; \
                      x, z, 3]")
    assert isMatrix(mat)

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                      1, 3; \
    assert mat == []  # not a matrix; returns empty matrix
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_multi_variable_solve():
    mat = getTokens("[1, 2, 3, 1;\
                      4, 5, 6, 1;\
                      7, 8, 2, 2]")
    assert gauss_elim(mat).__str__(
    ) == "[{-1.14};{1.2799999999999998};{-0.14285714285714285}]"

    mat = getTokens("[6,2,8,26;\
    assert gauss_elim(mat).__str__() == "[{4.0};{-1.0};{0.5}]"
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_scalarDivMatrix():

    mat = getTokens("[4, 2]")
    const = 2
    matSum = scalarDiv(const, mat)
    assert matSum.__str__() == "[{2.0},{1.0}]"

    mat = getTokens("[48,36;\
    const = 6
    matSum = scalarDiv(const, mat)
    assert matSum.__str__() == "[{8.0},{6.0};{4.0},{-0.5}]"
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_areTokensEqual():

    varA = getTokens("3xy")
    varB = getTokens("3yx")
    varC = getTokens("3yz")
    assert areTokensEqual(varA, varB)
    assert not areTokensEqual(varA, varC)

    opA = Operator()
    opA.value = '+'
    opB = Plus()
    assert areTokensEqual(opA, opB)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_scalarMultMatrix():

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2]")
    const = 2
    matSum = scalarMult(const, mat)
    assert matSum.__str__() == "[{2.0},{4.0}]"

    mat = getTokens("[2,4;\
    const = 2
    matSum = scalarMult(const, mat)
    assert matSum.__str__() == "[{4.0},{8.0};{-10.0},{14.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_tokensToLatex():

    # Matrix token to latex
    mat = getTokens("[1+x, 2; \
                      3  , 4]")
    assert tokensToLatex([
    ]) == "\\begin{bmatrix}{1.0}+{x}&{2.0}\\\\{3.0}&{4.0}\\end{bmatrix}"

    mat = getTokens("[1+x, 2] + [1, y + z^2]")
    assert tokensToLatex(
    ) == "\\begin{bmatrix}{1.0}+{x}&{2.0}\\end{bmatrix}+\\begin{bmatrix}{1.0}&{y}+{z}^{2.0}\\end{bmatrix}"
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_isEqual():

    matA = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                      x, z]")
    matB = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                      x, z]")

    assert isEqual(matA, matB)

    matA = getTokens("[2, x, 1; \
                       3, y, z]")
    matB = getTokens("[1, 2; 2, 3]")
    assert not isEqual(matA, matB)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_multiplyCheck():

    matA = getTokens("[2, x; \
                       3, y; \
                       3, y]")
    matB = getTokens("[2, x; \
                       3, y]")
    assert multiplyCheck(matA, matB)

    matA = getTokens("[2, x, 1; \
                       3, y, z]")
    matB = getTokens("[1, 2; 2, 3]")
    assert not multiplyCheck(matA, matB)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_dimCheck():

    matA = getTokens("[2, x; \
                       3, y]")
    matB = getTokens("[1, 2, x; \
                       2, 3, y]")
    assert not dimCheck(matA, matB)

    matA = getTokens("[2, x; \
                       3, y]")
    matB = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                       2, 3]")
    assert dimCheck(matA, matB)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_cofactor():
    mat = getTokens('[1,2;3,4]')
    if mat.isSquare():
        assert str(mat.cofactor()) == '[{4.0},{-3.0};{-2.0},{1.0}]'
    mat = getTokens('[1,2,3;0,4,5;1,0,6]')
    if mat.isSquare():
        assert str(mat.cofactor(
        )) == '[{24.0},{5.0},{-4.0};{-12.0},{3.0},{2.0};{-2.0},{-5.0},{4.0}]'
    mat = getTokens('[1,2,3,4;5,6,7,8;9,10,11,12;13,14,15,16]')
    if mat.isSquare():
        assert str(
        ) == '[{0},{0},{0},{0};{0},{0},{0},{0};{0},{0},{0},{0};{0},{0},{0},{0}]'
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_addMatrix():

    matA = getTokens("[2x + y, 2x]")
    matB = getTokens("[-x, -x]")
    matSum = addMatrix(matA, matB)
    # assert matSum.__str__() == "[2{x}+{y}]"  # BUG: Strange simplification for matSum

    matA = getTokens("[ x      , x^2; \
                        3 + x^2, xy ]")
    matB = getTokens("[ y + 1  , x^2; \
                        2 - x^2, xy - 1 ]")
    matSum = addMatrix(matA, matB)
    assert matSum.__str__() == "[{x}+{y}+{1.0},2{x}^{2.0};{5.0},2{x}{y}-{1.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_getVariables():

    varA = getTokens("x")
    assert getVariables([varA]) == ['x']

    varB = getTokens("xy+ xy^2 +yz^3")
    assert getVariables(varB) == ['x', 'y', 'z']

    varC = getTokens("x + sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(2*z)*2 + tanh(z) + e^2")
    # FIXME: getVariables() in visma.io.checks
    # varC = getTokens("x + sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(2*z)*2 + tanh(z) + e^2")
    # assert getVariables(varC) == ['x', 'y', 'z']
    assert getVariables(varC) == ['x']
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_isSquare():

    mat = getTokens("[1, 0, 3; \
                      2, 1, 2]")
    assert not mat.isSquare()

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                      x, z]")
    assert mat.isSquare()

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                      1, 3; \
                      1, 4]")
    assert not mat.isSquare()
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_isIdentity():

    mat = getTokens("[1, 0; \
                      0, 1]")
    assert mat.isIdentity()

    mat = getTokens("[1+x, 0+y; \
                      0, 1]")
    assert not mat.isIdentity()

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                      1, 3; \
                      1, 4]")
    assert not mat.isIdentity()
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_traceMat():

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2, 3; \
                      3, 4, 7; \
                      4, 6, 9]")
    trace = mat.traceMat()
    assert tokensToString(trace) == "14.0"

    mat = getTokens("[7, 5; \
                      2, 0]")
    trace = mat.traceMat()
    assert tokensToString(trace) == "7.0"
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_scalarSubMatrix():

    mat = getTokens("[8,6;\
    const = 2
    matSub = scalarSub(const, mat)
    assert matSub.__str__() == "[{6.0},{6.0};{1.0},{7.0}]"

    mat = getTokens("[5,8,2;\
    const = 10
    matSub = scalarSub(const, mat)
    assert matSub.__str__(
    ) == "[{-5.0},{8.0},{2.0};{12.0},{20.0},{9.0};{4.0},{17.0},{-3.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_scalarAddMatrix():

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                    2,  1]")
    const = 2
    matSum = scalarAdd(const, mat)
    assert matSum.__str__() == "[{3.0},{2.0};{2.0},{3.0}]"

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2, 3;\
                        4, 5, 6;\
                        7, 8, 9]")
    const = 3
    matSum = scalarAdd(const, mat)
    assert matSum.__str__(
    ) == "[{4.0},{2.0},{3.0};{4.0},{8.0},{6.0};{7.0},{8.0},{12.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_transposeMat():

    mat = getTokens("[1, 3; \
                      2, 6]")
    matTranspose = mat.transposeMat()
    assert matTranspose.__str__() == "[{1.0},{2.0};{3.0},{6.0}]"

    mat = getTokens("[5,8,2;\
    matTranspose = mat.transposeMat()
    assert matTranspose.__str__(
    ) == "[{5.0},{12.0},{4.0};{8.0},{30.0},{17.0};{2.0},{9.0},{7.0}]"

    mat = getTokens("[5,8,2;\
    matTranspose = mat.transposeMat()
    assert matTranspose.__str__() == "[{5.0},{2.0};{8.0},{3.0};{2.0},{4.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_determinant():
    mat = getTokens('[1,2;3,4]')
    if mat.isSquare():
        a = ''
        for i in mat.determinant():
            a += i.__str__()
        assert a == "{-2.0}"
    mat = getTokens('[1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]')
    if mat.isSquare():
        a = ''
        for i in mat.determinant():
            a += i.__str__()
        assert a == "{0}"
    mat = getTokens('[1]')
    if mat.isSquare():
        a = ''
        for i in mat.determinant():
            a += i.__str__()
        assert a == "{1.0}"
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_isDiagonal():

    mat = getTokens("[1, 0; \
                      0, z]")
    assert mat.isDiagonal()

    mat = getTokens("[1+x, 0+y; \
                      0, z]")
    assert not mat.isDiagonal()

    mat = getTokens("[1, 2; \
                      1, 3; \
                      1, 4]")
    assert not mat.isDiagonal()

    mat = DiagMat([3, 3], [[Constant(1)], [Constant(5)], [Constant(2)]])
    assert mat.isDiagonal()

    mat = IdenMat([2, 2])
    assert mat.isDiagonal()
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_isTokenInToken():

    varA = getTokens("x^3")
    varB = getTokens("xy^2")
    varC = Expression(getTokens("1 + w + x"))
    varD = Expression(getTokens("w + y"))
    assert isTokenInToken(varA, varB)
    assert isTokenInToken(varA, varC)
    assert not isTokenInToken(varA, varD)

    varA = getTokens("xy^2")
    varB = getTokens("x^(2)y^(4)z")
    varC = getTokens("yx^0.5")
    varD = getTokens("xy^(3)z")
    varE = getTokens("2")
    assert isTokenInToken(varA, varB)
    assert isTokenInToken(varA, varC)
    assert not isTokenInToken(varA, varD)
    assert not isTokenInToken(varA, varE)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_suboverload():

    matA = getTokens("[y, 2x]")
    matB = getTokens("[-x, -x]")
    matSub = matA - matB
    assert matSub.__str__() == "[{y}--1.0{x},3.0{x}]"
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_strMatrix():

    mat = getTokens("[1+x, 2; \
                      3  , 4]")
    assert mat.__str__() == "[{1.0}+{x},{2.0};{3.0},{4.0}]"
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_subMatrix():

    matA = getTokens("[y, 2x]")
    matB = getTokens("[-x, -x]")
    matSub = subMatrix(matA, matB)
    assert matSub.__str__() == "[{y}--1.0{x},3.0{x}]"