Ejemplo n.º 1
    def default_hparams():
        r"""Returns a dictionary of default hyperparameters:

        .. code-block:: python

                # (1) Hyperparameters specific to text dataset
                "dataset": {
                    "files": [],
                    "compression_type": None,
                    "vocab_file": "",
                    "embedding_init": {},
                    "delimiter": None,
                    "max_seq_length": None,
                    "length_filter_mode": "truncate",
                    "pad_to_max_seq_length": False,
                    "bos_token": "<BOS>"
                    "eos_token": "<EOS>"
                    "other_transformations": [],
                    "variable_utterance": False,
                    "utterance_delimiter": "|||",
                    "max_utterance_cnt": 5,
                    "data_name": None,
                # (2) General hyperparameters
                "num_epochs": 1,
                "batch_size": 64,
                "allow_smaller_final_batch": True,
                "shuffle": True,
                "shuffle_buffer_size": None,
                "shard_and_shuffle": False,
                "num_parallel_calls": 1,
                "prefetch_buffer_size": 0,
                "max_dataset_size": -1,
                "seed": None,
                "name": "mono_text_data",
                # (3) Bucketing
                "bucket_boundaries": [],
                "bucket_batch_sizes": None,
                "bucket_length_fn": None,


        1. For the hyperparameters in the :attr:`"dataset"` field:

          `"files"`: str or list
              A (list of) text file path(s).

              Each line contains a single text sequence.

          `"compression_type"`: str, optional
              One of `None` (no compression), ``"ZLIB"``, or ``"GZIP"``.

          `"vocab_file"`: str
              Path to vocabulary file. Each line of the file should contain
              one vocabulary token.

              Used to create an instance of :class:`~texar.torch.data.Vocab`.

          `"embedding_init"`: dict
              The hyperparameters for pre-trained embedding loading and

              The structure and default values are defined in

          `"delimiter"`: str, optional
              The delimiter to split each line of the text files into tokens.
              If `None` (default), behavior will be equivalent to `str.split()`,
              i.e. split on any blank character.

          `"max_seq_length"`: int, optional
              Maximum length of output sequences. Data samples exceeding the
              length will be truncated or discarded according to
              :attr:`"length_filter_mode"`. The length does not include
              any added :attr:`"bos_token"` or :attr:`"eos_token"`. If
              `None` (default), no filtering is performed.

          `"length_filter_mode"`: str
              Either ``"truncate"`` or ``"discard"``. If ``"truncate"``
              (default), tokens exceeding :attr:`"max_seq_length"` will be
              If ``"discard"``, data samples longer than
              :attr:`"max_seq_length"` will be discarded.

          `"pad_to_max_seq_length"`: bool
              If `True`, pad all data instances to length
              Raises error if :attr:`"max_seq_length"` is not provided.

          `"bos_token"`: str
              The Begin-Of-Sequence token prepended to each sequence.

              Set to an empty string to avoid prepending.

          `"eos_token"`: str
              The End-Of-Sequence token appended to each sequence.

              Set to an empty string to avoid appending.

          `"other_transformations"`: list
              A list of transformation functions or function names/paths to
              further transform each single data instance.

              (More documentations to be added.)

          `"variable_utterance"`: bool
              If `True`, each line of the text file is considered to contain
              multiple sequences (utterances) separated by

              For example, in dialog data, each line can contain a series of
              dialog history utterances. See the example in
              `examples/hierarchical_dialog` for a use case.

              .. warning::
                  Variable utterances is not yet supported. This option (and
                  related ones below) will be ignored.

          `"utterance_delimiter"`: str
              The delimiter to split over utterance level. Should not be the
              same with :attr:`"delimiter"`. Used only when
              :attr:`"variable_utterance"` is `True`.

          `"max_utterance_cnt"`: int
              Maximally allowed number of utterances in a data instance.
              Extra utterances are truncated out.

          `"data_name"`: str
              Name of the dataset.

        2. For the **general** hyperparameters, see
        :meth:`texar.torch.data.DataBase.default_hparams` for details.

        3. **Bucketing** is to group elements of the dataset
        together by length and then pad and batch. For bucketing

          `"bucket_boundaries"`: list
              An int list containing the upper length boundaries of the

              Set to an empty list (default) to disable bucketing.

          `"bucket_batch_sizes"`: list
              An int list containing batch size per bucket. Length should be
              `len(bucket_boundaries) + 1`.

              If `None`, every bucket will have the same batch size specified
              in :attr:`batch_size`.

          `"bucket_length_fn"`: str or callable
              Function maps dataset element to ``int``, determines
              the length of the element.

              This can be a function, or the name or full module path to the
              function. If function name is given, the function must be in the
              :mod:`texar.torch.custom` module.

              If `None` (default), length is determined by the number of
              tokens (including BOS and EOS if added) of the element.

          .. warning::
              Bucketing is not yet supported. These options will be ignored.

        hparams = TextDataBase.default_hparams()
        hparams["name"] = "mono_text_data"
            "dataset": _default_mono_text_dataset_hparams()
        return hparams
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def default_hparams():
        r"""Returns a dictionary of default hyperparameters:

        .. code-block:: python

                # (1) Hyperparams specific to text dataset
                "datasets": []
                # (2) General hyperparams
                "num_epochs": 1,
                "batch_size": 64,
                "allow_smaller_final_batch": True,
                "shuffle": True,
                "shuffle_buffer_size": None,
                "shard_and_shuffle": False,
                "num_parallel_calls": 1,
                "prefetch_buffer_size": 0,
                "max_dataset_size": -1,
                "seed": None,
                "name": "multi_aligned_data",


        1. "datasets" is a list of `dict` each of which specifies a
           dataset which can be text, scalar or Record. The :attr:`"data_name"`
           field of each dataset is used as the name prefix of the data fields
           from the respective dataset. The :attr:`"data_name"` field of each
           dataset should not be the same.

           i) For scalar dataset, the allowed hyperparameters and default
              values are the same as the "dataset" field of
              :meth:`texar.torch.data.ScalarData.default_hparams`. Note that
              :attr:`"data_type"` must be explicitly specified
              (either "int" or "float").

           ii) For Record dataset, the allowed hyperparameters and default
               values are the same as the "dataset" field of
               :meth:`texar.torch.data.RecordData.default_hparams`. Note that
               :attr:`"data_type"` must be explicitly specified ("record").

           iii) For text dataset, the allowed hyperparameters and default
                values are the same as the "dataset" filed of
                :meth:`texar.torch.data.MonoTextData.default_hparams`, with
                several extra hyperparameters:

                `"data_type"`: str
                    The type of the dataset, one of {"text", "int", "float",
                    "record"}. If set to "int" or "float", the dataset is
                    considered to be a scalar dataset. If set to
                    "record", the dataset is considered to be a Record

                    If not specified or set to "text", the dataset is
                    considered to be a text dataset.

                `"vocab_share_with"`: int, optional
                    Share the vocabulary of a preceding text dataset with
                    the specified index in the list (starting from 0). The
                    specified dataset must be a text dataset, and must have
                    an index smaller than the current dataset.

                    If specified, the vocab file of current dataset is
                    ignored. Default is `None` which disables the vocab

                `"embedding_init_share_with"`: int, optional
                    Share the embedding initial value of a preceding text
                    dataset with the specified index in the list (starting
                    from 0). The specified dataset must be a text dataset,
                    and must have an index smaller than the current dataset.

                    If specified, the :attr:`"embedding_init"` field of the
                    current dataset is ignored. Default is `None` which
                    disables the initial value sharing.

                `"processing_share_with"`: int, optional
                    Share the processing configurations of a preceding text
                    dataset with the specified index in the list (starting
                    from 0). The specified dataset must be a text dataset,
                    and must have an index smaller than the current dataset.

                    If specified, relevant field of the current dataset are
                    ignored, including `delimiter`, `bos_token`,
                    `eos_token`, and "other_transformations". Default is
                    `None` which disables the processing sharing.

        2. For the **general** hyperparameters, see
        :meth:`texar.torch.data.DataBase.default_hparams` for details.

        hparams = TextDataBase.default_hparams()
        hparams["name"] = "multi_aligned_data"
        hparams["datasets"] = []
        return hparams
    def default_hparams():
        r"""Returns a dictionary of default hyperparameters.

        .. code-block:: python

                # (1) Hyperparams specific to text dataset
                "source_dataset": {
                    "files": [],
                    "compression_type": None,
                    "vocab_file": "",
                    "embedding_init": {},
                    "delimiter": None,
                    "max_seq_length": None,
                    "length_filter_mode": "truncate",
                    "pad_to_max_seq_length": False,
                    "bos_token": None,
                    "eos_token": "<EOS>",
                    "other_transformations": [],
                    "variable_utterance": False,
                    "utterance_delimiter": "|||",
                    "max_utterance_cnt": 5,
                    "data_name": "source",
                "target_dataset": {
                    # ...
                    # Same fields are allowed as in "source_dataset" with the
                    # same default values, except the
                    # following new fields/values:
                    "bos_token": "<BOS>"
                    "vocab_share": False,
                    "embedding_init_share": False,
                    "processing_share": False,
                    "data_name": "target"
                # (2) General hyperparams
                "num_epochs": 1,
                "batch_size": 64,
                "allow_smaller_final_batch": True,
                "shuffle": True,
                "shuffle_buffer_size": None,
                "shard_and_shuffle": False,
                "num_parallel_calls": 1,
                "prefetch_buffer_size": 0,
                "max_dataset_size": -1,
                "seed": None,
                "name": "paired_text_data",
                # (3) Bucketing
                "bucket_boundaries": [],
                "bucket_batch_sizes": None,
                "bucket_length_fn": None,


        1. Hyperparameters in the :attr:`"source_dataset"` and
           :attr:`"target_dataset"` fields have the same definition as those
           in :meth:`texar.torch.data.MonoTextData.default_hparams`, for source
           and target text, respectively.

           For the new hyperparameters in :attr:`"target_dataset"`:

           `"vocab_share"`: bool
               Whether to share the vocabulary of source.
               If `True`, the vocab file of target is ignored.

           `"embedding_init_share"`: bool
               Whether to share the embedding initial value of source. If
               `True`, :attr:`"embedding_init"` of target is ignored.

              :attr:`"vocab_share"` must be true to share the embedding
              initial value.

           `"processing_share"`: bool
               Whether to share the processing configurations of source,
               including `"delimiter"`, `"bos_token"`, `"eos_token"`, and

        2. For the **general** hyperparameters, see
           :meth:`texar.torch.data.DatasetBase.default_hparams` for details.

        3. For **bucketing** hyperparameters, see
           :meth:`texar.torch.data.MonoTextData.default_hparams` for details,
           except that the default `"bucket_length_fn"` is the maximum sequence
           length of source and target sequences.

           .. warning::
               Bucketing is not yet supported. These options will be ignored.

        hparams = TextDataBase.default_hparams()
        hparams["name"] = "paired_text_data"
        return hparams