def __init__(self, win, font, frameRate, version): = win self.font = font self.frameRate = frameRate self.version = version self.width = int( * 0.8) self.height = int( * 0.8) self.x = ( - self.width) / 2.0 self.y = ( - self.height) / 2.0 self.backgroundFade = pygame.Surface( (,, pygame.SRCALPHA) self.backgroundFade.fill((255, 255, 255, 156)) self.aboutBackground = pygame.Rect( 0 + ( - self.width) / 2.0, 0 + ( - self.height) / 2.0, self.width, self.height) self.button_back = Button("Back", (self.x + 20, self.height + self.y - 20), font=self.font) self.button_back.rect.y -= self.button_back.rect.h self.buttons = [self.button_back] self.aboutTitleText = TextBox('About:', (self.x + 20, self.y + 20), width=self.width - 40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.aboutText_1 = TextBox( "ReBel version {}".format(self.version[1:]), (self.x + 20, self.aboutTitleText.y + self.aboutTitleText.h + 7), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.aboutText_2 = TextBox("ReBel is a client-server-based multiuser online ringing software. Developed by Samuel M. Senior and " + \ "open-sourced using the BSD-3-Clause license.", (self.x+20, self.aboutText_1.y+self.aboutText_1.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.aboutText_3 = TextBox( "Source code can be downloaded from ''.", (self.x + 20, self.aboutText_2.y + self.aboutText_2.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.aboutText_4 = TextBox( "The latest release can be downloaded from ''.", (self.x + 20, self.aboutText_3.y + self.aboutText_3.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.aboutText = [ self.aboutTitleText, self.aboutText_1, self.aboutText_2, self.aboutText_3, self.aboutText_4 ]
def __init__(self,screen,cursor, clock, padre): resource.set_images_path(os.path.join("imagenes", "compartir")) self.background = resource.get_image("fondoCompartir.png") imgBtnEnviar = resource.get_image("botonEnviar.png") imgBtnEnviarSelec = resource.get_image("BotonesEnviar_selec.png") self.btnEnviar = Boton.Boton(imgBtnEnviar, imgBtnEnviarSelec, 700,550) self.screen = screen self.clock = clock self.tablero = padre self.mouse = mouse.Mouse() self.cursor = cursor self.inicio = True self.juego = False self.terminar = False self.envio = False self.letreroEnvio = False self.letreroNoEnvio = False self.CamposVacios = False self.tb1 = TextBox(position=(460,250),size=(400,25),textsize=22,editable=False) self.tb2 = TextBox(position=(460,300),size=(400,25),textsize=22,editable=False) self.contendora = textBox2.Contenedora() rutaFuente = os.path.join("fuentes", "PatrickHand-Regular.ttf") self.font = pygame.font.Font(rutaFuente, 22) self.img=self.font.render("Nombre: ",1,(0,0,0)) self.img2=self.font.render("Colegio: ",1,(0,0,0)) self.img3=self.font.render("Mensaje: ",1,(0,0,0)) resource.set_images_path(os.path.join("imagenes")) imgBtnRegresar = resource.get_image("boton_regresar.png") imgBtnRegresarSelec = resource.get_image("boton_regresar_selec.png") self.background2 = resource.get_image("Fondo.jpg", False) self.btnRegresar = Boton.Boton(imgBtnRegresar, imgBtnRegresarSelec, (1200 - 214 - 10), 10) self.msjInicio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir") self.msjVacios = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir2") self.msjNoEnvio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir3") self.msjEnvio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir4")
def generate_textBoxs(self): group = [] posx = self.posx + self.s_left + self.s_text_inter + self.text_sizex for i in range(0, 2): posy = self.posy + self.s_top + (self.items_sizey + self.s_between) * i group.append( TextBox(posx, posy, self.items_sizex, self.items_sizey, color=(176, 184, 196), font_size=self.font_size)) return group[:]
def generate_textBoxs(self): """ Genera el arreglo de TextBoxes """ group = [] posx = self.posx + self.s_left + self.s_text_inter + self.menu_items_sizex for i in range(0, 2): group.append( TextBox(posx, self.posy + self.s_top + (self.items_sizey + self.s_between) * i, self.items_sizex, self.items_sizey, color=(176, 184, 196), font_size=self.font_size)) return group[:]
FPS = 50 fpsClock=pygame.time.Clock() gameTable = (0, 10, 100, 100) fontObj = pygame.font.Font(None, 32) # 현재 디렉토리로부터 myfont.ttf 폰트 파일을 로딩한다. 텍스트 크기를 32로 한다 dieSurface = fontObj.render('YOU DIED', True, RED) grass = pygame.image.load("youwin.png") dictimg = pygame.image.load("book.png") gameover = pygame.image.load("heart.png") dictimg = pygame.transform.scale(dictimg, (80, 30)) heartimg = pygame.image.load("heart.png") heartimg = pygame.transform.scale(heartimg, (30, 30)) textBox = TextBox() shiftDown = False = [310, 400] def main_window(speed, difficulty): word = Word('E') width, height = 640, 480 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Mole Game") screen.fill(GREEN) running = True wordsLst = [] # [word || block_index || timer] mainTimer = 100 - speed
def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480),pygame.SWSURFACE) pygame.key.set_repeat(100, 100) '''TEST''' g=Gui() #g.enableDirtyRect() g.optimizeDraw() i=PygameInput() Image.mImageLoader=PygameImageLoader() gr=PygameGraphics() gr.setTarget(screen) f=ImageFont("C:\Python25\Projects\Guichan\consolefont.bmp") #f=ImageFont("consolefont.bmp") f.setColorkey( Color(255,0,255) ) f.setGlyphSpacing(2) f2=PygameFont("C:\Python25\Projects\Guichan\LiberationMono-Regular.ttf",14,Color(0,0,0,255)) #f2=PygameFont("C:\Python25\Projects\Guichan\Caracteres L1.ttf",13,Color(0,0,0,255)) f2.setGlyphSpacing(1) Widget.setGlobalFont(f2) c=Container() c.setOpaque(False) c.setPosition(0,0) c.setSize(640,480) c.setBaseColor( Color(255,0,0,255) ) a=ActionListener() a.action=action b, b2=Button("YEY!"), Button("WHa?") b.setPosition(0,50) b.setActionEventId("Button 1") b.addActionListener(a) b2.setPosition(100,100) b2.setActionEventId("Button 2") b2.addActionListener(a) b2.setBaseColor( Color(200,200,200) ) b2.setCaption("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$%^&*()") w,w2=Window("Hey over here!"), Window("Trapped in a window!") wColor=w.getBaseColor() wColor.a=200 w.setBaseColor(wColor) w.setTextColor(Color(255,0,255)) xyz=Button("XYZ") xyz.setTextColor(Color(0,255,255)) pb=ProgressBar(100.0) pb.setBaseColor( Color(255,255,0) ) pb.setForegroundColor( Color(0,255,255) ) pb.setSize(100, 20) pb.setPosition(300, 300) pb.setValue(50.0) c.add(w,0,100) c.add(b) c.add(b2) c.add(xyz,10,10) c.add(pb) check=Checkbox("Ye what? GET BACK HERE BOY!") check.setActionEventId("Checkbox") check.addActionListener(a) text=TextField("Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey") text.setBackgroundColor( Color(255,255,255,255) ) text.setMaxSize(150) text2=TextBox("Hey, HeyTrapped in a window!\nWhat's goin' onTrapped in a window!\ntodays???Trapped in a window!") text2.setTabSize(10) sc=ScrollArea(text2) sc.setSize(200,100) rBox=Container() r1=RadioButton("1984","Dystopia") r2=RadioButton("Fahrenheit 451","Dystopia") r3=RadioButton("Brave New World","Dystopia") rBox.add(r1,0,0) rBox.add(r2,0,r1.getY()+r1.getHeight()) rBox.add(r3,0,r2.getY()+r2.getHeight()) label=Label("WE AIN'T GOT IT") ico_image=Image.load("C:\Python25\Projects\Guichan\May.bmp") ico=Icon(ico_image) lb=ListBox( List_ListModel(["Bollocks!","Never!","Cuppa tea, mate?","Hello!","Goodbye!","OK Computer!","Oh Inverted World!","How To Disappear Completely!","Hold Still!","It Takes A Train To Cry!","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I",]) ) sc2=ScrollArea(lb) sc2.setSize(125,100) lb.setWidth(110) slider=Slider(0,100) slider.setOrientation(Slider.Orientation.VERTICAL) slider.setSize(15,100) slider.setActionEventId("Slider") #slider.addActionListener(a) ib=ImageButton(ico_image) ta=TabbedArea() c.add(w2) ta.addTab("Text",[ (text,0,0), (sc,0,50) ]) ta.addTab("Check",check) ta.addTab("Radio",rBox) ta.addTab("List",[ (sc2,0,0) ]) ta.addTab("Label",label) ta.addTab("Icon",[ (ico,0,0), (ib,100,0) ]) ta.addTab("Slider",slider) ta.setSize(300,300) w2.add(ta,0,0) g.setGraphics(gr) w2.resizeToContent() w.setSize(300,300) g.setInput(i) g.setTop(c) clock=pygame.time.Clock() g.mDirtyRect.addRect( Rectangle(0,0,640,480) ) done=False while done == False: clock.tick(0) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type==KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: c.remove(b) c.remove(b2) done=True elif event.key == K_RETURN: w=Window("It'a window!") w.add(Checkbox("Kool thing")) w.resizeToContent() c.add(w, 10, 10) elif event.key == K_LEFT: pb.setValue( pb.getValue()-1.0 ) elif event.key == K_RIGHT: pb.setValue( pb.getValue()+1.0 ) if event.type == ACTIVEEVENT: if event.gain == 1: g.mDirtyRect.addRect( Rectangle(0,0,640,480) ) i.pushInput(event) g.logic() b2.setCaption( str( int(clock.get_fps()) ) ) fRect=GuichanToPygameDirtyRect(g.mDirtyRect.getList()) #for ix in fRect: screen.fill((255,0,0),ix) screen.fill((255,0,0)) g.draw() #pygame.display.update( GuichanToPygameDirtyRect(g.mDirtyRect.getList()) ) pygame.display.update() g.mDirtyRect.clearList()
class Compartir(object): def __init__(self,screen,cursor, clock, padre): resource.set_images_path(os.path.join("imagenes", "compartir")) self.background = resource.get_image("fondoCompartir.png") imgBtnEnviar = resource.get_image("botonEnviar.png") imgBtnEnviarSelec = resource.get_image("BotonesEnviar_selec.png") self.btnEnviar = Boton.Boton(imgBtnEnviar, imgBtnEnviarSelec, 700,550) self.screen = screen self.clock = clock self.tablero = padre self.mouse = mouse.Mouse() self.cursor = cursor self.inicio = True self.juego = False self.terminar = False self.envio = False self.letreroEnvio = False self.letreroNoEnvio = False self.CamposVacios = False self.tb1 = TextBox(position=(460,250),size=(400,25),textsize=22,editable=False) self.tb2 = TextBox(position=(460,300),size=(400,25),textsize=22,editable=False) self.contendora = textBox2.Contenedora() rutaFuente = os.path.join("fuentes", "PatrickHand-Regular.ttf") self.font = pygame.font.Font(rutaFuente, 22) self.img=self.font.render("Nombre: ",1,(0,0,0)) self.img2=self.font.render("Colegio: ",1,(0,0,0)) self.img3=self.font.render("Mensaje: ",1,(0,0,0)) resource.set_images_path(os.path.join("imagenes")) imgBtnRegresar = resource.get_image("boton_regresar.png") imgBtnRegresarSelec = resource.get_image("boton_regresar_selec.png") self.background2 = resource.get_image("Fondo.jpg", False) self.btnRegresar = Boton.Boton(imgBtnRegresar, imgBtnRegresarSelec, (1200 - 214 - 10), 10) self.msjInicio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir") self.msjVacios = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir2") self.msjNoEnvio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir3") self.msjEnvio = MensajeEmergente.MensajeInicial(30, "Compartir4") def enviarDatos(self): if(self.tb1.text=="-" or self.tb1.text=="|" or self.tb1.text=="" or self.tb2.text=="-" or self.tb2.text=="|" or self.tb2.text==""): pass else: try: url = '' payload = {'Nombre':self.tb1.text, 'Msg':self.contendora.texto(), 'Valor':self.valor, 'Colegio':self.tb2.text, 'Actividad':self.actividad, 'Fecha'"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")} headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} r =, data = json.dumps(payload), headers = headers) self.envio = True except Exception as e: # Se alista todo para una nueva conexion self.envio = False def reiniciar(self): self.inicio = True self.juego = False self.terminar = False self.envio = False self.letreroEnvio = False self.letreroNoEnvio = False self.CamposVacios = False self.tb1.reiniciar() self.tb2.reiniciar() self.contendora.reiniciar() def run(self,valor,actividad): self.valor = valor self.actividad = actividad self.reiniciar() self.tb1.text = self.tablero.personaje.nombre self.tb2.text = self.tablero.personaje.colegio while not self.terminar: for event in pygame.event.get(): if self.juego: self.tb1.Event(event) self.tb2.Event(event) self.contendora.Event(event) if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if self.cursor.colliderect(self.btnRegresar.rect): self.tablero.sonido2.stop() self.terminar = True if self.juego and self.cursor.colliderect(self.btnEnviar.rect): if self.tb1.text.strip() =="" or self.tb2.text.strip() == "" or self.contendora.texto().strip() == "": self.juego = False self.CamposVacios = True else: self.juego = False self.enviarDatos() if self.envio: self.letreroEnvio = True else: self.letreroNoEnvio = True if self.cursor.colliderect(self.msjInicio.btn.rect) and self.inicio: self.msjInicio.visible = False self.inicio = False self.juego = True elif (self.letreroEnvio and self.cursor.colliderect(self.msjEnvio.btn.rect)) or (self.letreroNoEnvio and self.cursor.colliderect(self.msjNoEnvio.btn.rect)): self.terminar = True self.tablero.sonido2.stop() elif self.CamposVacios and self.cursor.colliderect(self.msjVacios.btn.rect): self.msjVacios.visible = False self.juego = True self.CamposVacios = False self.screen.fill((0,0,0)) self.screen.blit(self.background2,(0,0)) self.screen.blit(self.background,(0,0)) self.screen.blit(self.img,(380,245)) self.screen.blit(self.img2,(380,295)) self.screen.blit(self.img3,(380,340)) self.tb1.Draw(self.screen) self.tb2.Draw(self.screen) self.contendora.draw(self.screen) self.cursor.update() if self.inicio: self.msjInicio.visible = True self.btnRegresar.update(self.screen, self.cursor) self.msjInicio.update(self.screen, self.cursor) elif self.juego: self.btnRegresar.update(self.screen, self.cursor) self.btnEnviar.update(self.screen, self.cursor) elif self.letreroEnvio: self.msjEnvio.update(self.screen, self.cursor) self.msjEnvio.visible = True self.btnRegresar.update(self.screen, self.cursor) elif self.letreroNoEnvio: self.msjNoEnvio.update(self.screen, self.cursor) self.msjNoEnvio.visible = True self.btnRegresar.update(self.screen, self.cursor) elif self.CamposVacios: self.msjVacios.update(self.screen, self.cursor) self.msjVacios.visible = True self.btnRegresar.update(self.screen, self.cursor) self.clock.tick(60) pygame.display.update()
def openTextBox(self, label): self.state = "inTextBox" self.imageStorage = self.image self.textBox = TextBox(label,(600,600), (15,15), self.theFont, self.imgFolder) self.image.fill((0,0,0)) self.image.blit(self.textBox.getImage(), self.textBox.getRect())
class RecipeReciever(Sprite): def __init__(self, mode, imgdir, ingParser): Sprite.__init__(self) self.fields = [["Title","Instructions","IngredientList","Description","Rating"], [True,True,True,True,True]] self.focus = None self.allTextBoxes = [] self.allButtons = [] self.recipeDict = {} self.belowTextBorder = 50 self.imgFolder = imgdir ## we might need to create this in the main program # when we implement the database of keywords # so we can pass them to the parser withotu passing them here first # but for now this is ok self.ingredientParser = ingParser # store None so we can know wether to erase it or not self.imageCreated = False self.state = "awaitingInput" if not pygame.font.get_init(): pygame.font.init() #self.theFont = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) self.theFont = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", 15) if mode == "addRecipePage": self.createImage() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() def createImage(self): if self.imageCreated: self.image.fill((0,0,0)) self.allTextBoxes = [] self.allButtons = [] totalHeight = 10 i = 0 doneCount = 0 #print "FIELDS:", self.fields[0] #print " ", self.fields[1] #tally the height for f in self.fields[0]: self.allTextBoxes.append(TextBlock(f + ":", f + ":", self.theFont, totalHeight)) if self.fields[1][i]: self.allButtons.append(Button(self.imgFolder, "textButton", (self.allTextBoxes[i].getImage().get_width() + 15, totalHeight), f, -1)) self.allButtons[i].addText("Add Data") else: self.allButtons.append(Button(self.imgFolder, "checkBox", (self.allTextBoxes[i].getImage().get_width() + 15, totalHeight), "nothing", -1)) doneCount += 1 totalHeight += self.allTextBoxes[i].getImage().get_height() + self.belowTextBorder i+=1 totalHeight += 120 self.image = pygame.Surface((400, totalHeight)) for button in self.allButtons: self.image.blit(button.getImage(), button.getRect()) for text in self.allTextBoxes: self.image.blit(text.getImage(), text.getRect()) if doneCount >= 5: doneButton = Button(self.imgFolder, "textButton", (150, totalHeight - 100), "submitRecipe", -1) doneButton.addText("Submit Recipe") self.allButtons.append(doneButton) self.image.blit(doneButton.getImage(), doneButton.getRect()) self.imageCreated = True def isClicked(self, xy): # need to scale the xy value to be relative to the recipeReciever window x,y = xy x -= self.rect.left y -= xy = x,y ## awaitingInput is the main screen with all the various buttons if self.state == "awaitingInput": found = False for button in self.allButtons: if not button.getIdentity() == "nothing": if button.getRect().collidepoint(xy): if not button.getIdentity() == "submitRecipe": self.openTextBox(button.getIdentity()) else: ## send the recipe back to the main program return self.recipeDict elif self.state == "inTextBox": infoReturned = self.textBox.isClicked(xy) if not (infoReturned == None): if self.textBox.getIdentity() == "IngredientList": ## in case s is one giant string, as it probably will be # we need to break it up into individual lines, # based on the split characters, which seem to be # /n for python but /r for everything else ## need to create some kind of error catching here as well # and everywhere just in case there is illegal input # but we will do that later #print "info Returned: " #print infoReturned ## the general format is this: # ingredientParser.passString(infoReturned) # info returned is a giant block of text # subdivided by /r/n or /n, into individual lines # each containing an ingredient ## result = ingredientParser.parse() # this returns the progress of the ingredientParser # for example, if the parser is stuck on something # it will put in its "message" field info regarding # asking clarification of the user, which can then # be handled by the GUI # -- otherwise this will return an "done" which is # then tells the GUI to get the finishedMessage self.ingredientParser.passString(infoReturned) result = self.ingredientParser.parse() while (not (result == "done")): result = self.ingredientParser.parse() # this data needs to be in the form # name?(, modifiers) amount unitString ## NOT IN INGREDIENT OBJECT FORM! infoReturned = self.ingredientParser.getFinishedIngredientList() #print #print #print "the new info returned:" #print infoReturned fieldName = "IngredientList" #ping!!! ## make a GUI Error here (bad InputError) or something # that when they enter ingredients it checks they # are of the right format... or throws an error # and pulls up the AlertBox (which we have yet to make) # that tells the user of their mistake. # this alert box also should be the same class that confirms # deleting recipes and such... ## from now on, we should always clarify in comments what is being # returned in complex situations like this # recipeDict goes back to the main program, whereupon # Main send the dictionary to Recipe.fromDictionary(recipeDict) # which then goes to Ingredient.fromString() self.recipeDict[self.textBox.getIdentity()] = infoReturned i = self.fields[0].index(self.textBox.getIdentity()) self.fields[1][i] = False self.createImage() self.state = "awaitingInput" def recieveClipboardPaste(self, string): if self.state == "inTextBox": self.textBox.addText(string) self.image.blit(self.textBox.getImage(), self.textBox.getRect()) def openTextBox(self, label): self.state = "inTextBox" self.imageStorage = self.image self.textBox = TextBox(label,(600,600), (15,15), self.theFont, self.imgFolder) self.image.fill((0,0,0)) self.image.blit(self.textBox.getImage(), self.textBox.getRect()) def scroll(self, dy): pass
def __init__(self, win, font, frameRate): = win self.font = font self.frameRate = frameRate self.width = int( * 0.8) self.height = int( * 0.8) self.x = ( - self.width) / 2.0 self.y = ( - self.height) / 2.0 self.backgroundFade = pygame.Surface((,, pygame.SRCALPHA) self.backgroundFade.fill((255, 255, 255, 156)) self.helpBackground = pygame.Rect(0 + ( - self.width) / 2.0, 0 + ( - self.height) / 2.0, self.width, self.height) self.button_back = Button("Back", (self.x + 20, self.height + self.y - 20), font=self.font) self.button_back.rect.y -= self.button_back.rect.h # self.button_serverPage = Button("Server", (self.x + self.width - 20, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_serverPage.rect.x -= self.button_serverPage.rect.w # self.button_ringingPage = Button("Ringing", (self.button_serverPage.x - self.button_serverPage.rect.w - 10, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_ringingPage.rect.x -= self.button_ringingPage.rect.w # self.buttons = [self.button_back, self.button_ringingPage, self.button_serverPage] self.serverTitleText = TextBox('Server Help:', (self.x+20, self.y+self.button_serverPage.rect.h+20), width=self.width-40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.serverSubTitleText = TextBox('Connecting to a server:', (self.x+20, self.serverTitleText.y+self.serverTitleText.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.serverText_1 = TextBox("In 'Your Name' enter your name.", (self.x+20, self.serverSubTitleText.y+self.serverSubTitleText.h+7), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText_2 = TextBox("In 'Server IP' enter the public IP of the server as told by the person running the server, or the local IP of the " + \ "server if on the same network, or leave it blank if you are on the same machine as the one runnning the server.", (self.x+20, self.serverText_1.y+self.serverText_1.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText_3 = TextBox("Leave 'Server Port' as the default value if the person running the server hasn't changed it, " + \ "otherwise change it to the number they give.", (self.x+20, self.serverText_2.y+self.serverText_2.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText_4 = TextBox("Once these details have been entered click 'Connect to Server'. If you are able to connect to the " + \ "server successfully a 'Connected' message will appear, if not a 'Server Offline' message will appear. " + "If you can't connect make sure to check your internet connection, the server IP, and the server port.", (self.x+20, self.serverText_3.y+self.serverText_3.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText_5 = TextBox("To reconnect to a server or to connect to a new one go back to the home screen, enter in the " + \ "details of the new server (or leave the original details in if reconnecting), then click 'Connect " + "to Server' and then click 'Start Ringing' like normal.", (self.x+20, self.serverText_4.y+self.serverText_4.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.serverText = [self.serverTitleText, self.serverSubTitleText, self.serverText_1, self.serverText_2, self.serverText_3, self.serverText_4, self.serverText_5] self.ringingTitleText = TextBox('Ringing Help:', (self.x+20, self.y+self.button_serverPage.rect.h+20), width=self.width-40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.ringingSubTitleText_1 = TextBox('Ringing Keys:', (self.x+20, self.ringingTitleText.y+self.ringingTitleText.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.ringingText_1 = TextBox("By default bells 1 and 2 are set as the ringable and are rung with the 'j' and 'f' keys.", (self.x+20, self.ringingSubTitleText_1.y+self.ringingSubTitleText_1.h+7), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingText_2 = TextBox("All the bells can be configured to be rung and can be set to use any letter or number key. The key bindings are " + \ "set in the 'Options' menu found in the ringing screen.", (self.x+20, self.ringingText_1.y+self.ringingText_1.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingText_3 = TextBox("The bell you set as your first bell will be placed at the bottom of the ringing circle, just to the right of the " + \ "center.", (self.x+20, self.ringingText_2.y+self.ringingText_2.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingSubTitleText_2 = TextBox('Bell Tunings and Scales:', (self.x+20, self.ringingText_3.y+self.ringingText_3.h+16), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.ringingText_4 = TextBox("By default the bells are in the key of C and are generated from a size 15 handbell in C. The key of the bells can " + \ "changed by shifting them by both an integer number of semitones and an integer number of octaves. Currently this " + \ "can only be done by manually changing the config file.", (self.x+20, self.ringingSubTitleText_2.y+self.ringingSubTitleText_2.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingText_5 = TextBox("The bells are tuned to a major scale by default though they can also be changed to natural, harmonic, and melodic " + \ "minor scales. Currently this can only be done manually changing the config file.", (self.x+20, self.ringingText_4.y+self.ringingText_4.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.ringingText = [self.ringingTitleText, self.ringingSubTitleText_1, self.ringingText_1, self.ringingText_2, self.ringingText_3]#,
def __init__(self, win, font, config, frameRate): = win self.font = font self.config = config self.frameRate = frameRate self.bellKeysUpdated = False self.width = int( * 0.8) self.height = int( * 0.8) self.x = ( - self.width) / 2.0 self.y = ( - self.height) / 2.0 self.backgroundFade = pygame.Surface( (,, pygame.SRCALPHA) self.backgroundFade.fill((255, 255, 255, 156)) self.optionsBackground = pygame.Rect( 0 + ( - self.width) / 2.0, 0 + ( - self.height) / 2.0, self.width, self.height) self.button_back = Button("Cancel", (self.x + 20, self.height + self.y - 20), font=self.font) self.button_back.rect.y -= self.button_back.rect.h # self.button_save = Button( "Save", (self.x + self.width - 20, self.height + self.y - 20), font=self.font) self.button_save.rect.x -= self.button_save.rect.w self.button_save.rect.y -= self.button_save.rect.h # self.button_other = Button("Other", (self.x + self.width - 20, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_other.rect.x -= self.button_other.rect.w # self.button_tuning = Button( "Tuning", (self.button_other.x - self.button_other.rect.w - 10, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_tuning.rect.x -= self.button_tuning.rect.w # self.button_keys = Button( "keys", (self.button_tuning.x - self.button_tuning.rect.w - 10, self.y + 20), font=self.font) self.button_keys.rect.x -= self.button_keys.rect.w # self.buttons = [ self.button_back, self.button_save ] #, self.button_keys, self.button_tuning, self.button_other] self.keysTitleText = TextBox( 'Keys Options:', (self.x + 20, self.y + self.button_keys.rect.h + 20), width=self.width - 40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.keysSubTitleText_1 = TextBox( 'Bell Keys:', (self.x + 20, self.keysTitleText.y + self.keysTitleText.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.keysText_1 = TextBox( "In the 'Ringable Bells' row of boxes enter in the bell numbers of the bells that you want to ring.", (self.x + 20, self.keysSubTitleText_1.y + self.keysSubTitleText_1.h + 7), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.keysText_2 = TextBox( "In the 'Key Press' row of boxes enter in the keys you want to press to ring each bell.", (self.x + 20, self.keysText_1.y + self.keysText_1.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.keysText_3 = TextBox( "Each 'Key Press' box corresponds to the 'Ringable Bell' box above it.", (self.x + 20, self.keysText_2.y + self.keysText_2.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.keysText_4 = TextBox("Only numbers can be entered into the 'Ringable Bell' boxes and only letters and numbers can be entered " + \ "into the 'Key Press' boxes.", (self.x+20, self.keysText_3.y+self.keysText_3.h+10), width=self.width-40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.keysText = [ self.keysTitleText, self.keysSubTitleText_1, self.keysText_1, self.keysText_2, self.keysText_3, self.keysText_4 ] self.tuningTitleText = TextBox( 'Tuning Options:', (self.x + 20, self.y + self.button_tuning.rect.h + 20), width=self.width - 40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.tuningSubTitleText_1 = TextBox( 'Octave and Semitone Shift:', (self.x + 20, self.tuningTitleText.y + self.tuningTitleText.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.tuningText_1 = TextBox("... still to do...", (self.x + 20, self.tuningSubTitleText_1.y + self.tuningSubTitleText_1.h + 7), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.tuningText = [ self.tuningTitleText, self.tuningSubTitleText_1, self.tuningText_1 ] self.otherTitleText = TextBox( 'Other Options:', (self.x + 20, self.y + self.button_other.rect.h + 20), width=self.width - 40, backgroundColour=(150, 150, 150), font=self.font, fontSize='large') self.otherSubTitleText_1 = TextBox( '...:', (self.x + 20, self.otherTitleText.y + self.otherTitleText.h + 10), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='small') self.otherText_1 = TextBox("... still to do...", (self.x + 20, self.otherSubTitleText_1.y + self.otherSubTitleText_1.h + 7), width=self.width - 40, font=self.font, fontSize='tiny') self.otherText = [ self.otherTitleText, self.otherSubTitleText_1, self.otherText_1 ]