Ejemplo n.º 1
class LsiClassifier(AbstractRules):
    def __init__(self, loader_obj):
        self.model_types = [("lsi", None)]
        self.model = loader_obj
        self.tknz = TokenizerApply(self.model)
        self.tkz_model = self.tknz.model_tokenize()
        self.et_vectors = self.tkz_model.application_field["texts"]
        self.coeffs = self.tkz_model.application_field["coeff"]
        self.tags = self.tkz_model.application_field["tags"]
        self.index = Similarity(

    def rules_apply(self, texts):
        text_vectors = self.tknz.texts_processing(texts)
        texts_tags_similarity = []
        for num, text_vector in enumerate(text_vectors):
            trues = [(tg, True) for tg, scr, cf in list(
                zip(self.tags, self.index[text_vector], self.coeffs))
                     if scr > cf]
            falses = [(tg, False) for tg, scr, cf in list(
                zip(self.tags, self.index[text_vector], self.coeffs))
                      if scr < cf]
            texts_tags_similarity.append((num, trues + falses))
        return texts_tags_similarity
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SiameseNnDoc2VecClassifier(AbstractRules):
    def __init__(self, loader_obj):
        self.model_types = [("siamese_lstm_d2v", None)]
        self.model = loader_obj
        self.tknz = TokenizerApply(self.model)
        self.tkz_model = self.tknz.model_tokenize()

    def rules_apply(self, texts):
        text_vectors = self.tknz.texts_processing(texts)
        et_vectors = self.tkz_model.application_field["texts"]
        coeffs = self.tkz_model.application_field["coeff"]
        tags = self.tkz_model.application_field["tags"]

        decisions = []
        vcs_arr = np.array(et_vectors)

        global graph
        graph = tf.get_default_graph()

        for num, text_vector in enumerate(text_vectors):
            tx_tensor = np.array(
                [text_vector for i in range(vcs_arr.shape[0])])
            tx_tensor = tx_tensor.reshape(vcs_arr.shape[0], vcs_arr.shape[1],
            vcs_arr = vcs_arr.reshape(vcs_arr.shape[0], vcs_arr.shape[1], 1)
            with graph.as_default():
                scores = self.model.classificator_algorithms[
                    "siamese_lstm_model"].predict([tx_tensor, vcs_arr])
            trues = [(tg, True) for scr, cf, tg in zip(scores, coeffs, tags)
                     if scr < cf]
            falses = [(tg, False) for scr, cf, tg in zip(scores, coeffs, tags)
                      if scr > cf]
            decisions.append((num, trues + falses))

        return decisions
Ejemplo n.º 3
class SimpleRules(AbstractRules):
    def __init__(self, loader_obj):
        self.model_types = [("simple_rules", None)]
        self.functions_dict = {
            "include_and": self.include_and,
            "include_or": self.include_or,
            "exclude_and": self.exclude_and,
            "exclude_or": self.exclude_or,
            "include_str": self.include_str,
            "include_str_p": self.include_str_p,
            "exclude_str_p": self.exclude_str_p,
            "intersec_share": self.intersec_share
        self.model = loader_obj
        self.tokenizer = TokenizerApply(self.model)
        self.tknz_model = self.tokenizer.model_tokenize()

    def rules_apply(self, texts):
        decisions = []
        # применим правило к токенизированным текстам:
        for num, tknz_tx in enumerate(self.tokenizer.texts_processing(texts)):
            decisions_temp = []
            model_params = list(
            # grouping rules with the same tag
            model_params_grouped = [(x, list(y)) for x, y in groupby(
                sorted(model_params, key=lambda x: x[0]), key=lambda x: x[0])]
            # оценка результатов применения правил для каждого тега (в каждой группе):
            for group, rules_list in model_params_grouped:
                decision = True
                for tg, rule, tknz_etalon, coeff in rules_list:
                    decision = decision and self.functions_dict[rule](
                        tknz_etalon, tknz_tx, coeff)
                decisions_temp.append((group, decision))
            decisions.append((num, decisions_temp))
        return decisions

    def include_and(self, tokens_list, text_list, coeff=0.0):
        for token in tokens_list:
            if token not in text_list:
                return False
        return True

    def include_or(self, tokens_list, text_list, coeff=0.0):
        for token in tokens_list:
            if token in text_list:
                return True
        return False

    def exclude_and(self, tokens_list, text_list, coeff=0.0):
        for token in tokens_list:
            if token in text_list:
                return False
        return True

    def exclude_or(self, tokens_list, text_list, coeff=0.0):
        for token in tokens_list:
            if token not in text_list:
                return True
        return False

    def intersec_share(self, tokens_list, text_list, intersec_coeff=0.7):
        intersec_tks = intersection(tokens_list, text_list)
        if len(intersec_tks) / len(tokens_list) > intersec_coeff:
            return True
            return False

    # функция, анализирующая на вхождение в текст строки (последовательности токенов, а не токенов по-отдельности)
    def include_str(self, tokens_str, text_str, coeff=0.0):
        if tokens_str in text_str:
            return True
            return False

    def exclude_str(self, tokens_str, text_str, coeff=0.0):
        if tokens_str not in text_str:
            return True
            return False

    def include_str_p(self, tokens_list: list, txt_list: list, coeff):
        length = len(tokens_list)
        txts_split = [
            txt_list[i:i + length] for i in range(0, len(txt_list), 1)
            if len(txt_list[i:i + length]) == length
        for tx_l in txts_split:
            if strings_similarities(
                    ' '.join(tokens_list),
                    ' '.join(tx_l)) >= coeff:  # self.sims_score:
                return True
        return False

    def exclude_str_p(self, tokens_list: list, txt_list: list, coeff):
        length = len(tokens_list)
        txts_split = [
            txt_list[i:i + length] for i in range(0, len(txt_list), 1)
            if len(txt_list[i:i + length]) == length
        for tx_l in txts_split:
            if strings_similarities(
                    ' '.join(tokens_list),
                    ' '.join(tx_l)) >= coeff:  # self.sims_score:
                return False
        return True