Ejemplo n.º 1
        def pub_head_registration(ud):
            cheek_pose_base_link = self.tf_list.transformPose(
                "/base_link", ud.cheek_pose)
            # find the center of the ellipse given a cheek click
            cheek_transformation = np.mat(
                tf_trans.euler_matrix(2.6 * np.pi / 6, 0, 0, 'szyx'))
            cheek_transformation[0:3, 3] = np.mat([-0.08, -0.04, 0]).T
            cheek_pose = PoseConverter.to_homo_mat(cheek_pose_base_link)
            #b_B_c[0:3,0:3] = np.eye(3)
            norm_xy = cheek_pose[0:2, 2] / np.linalg.norm(cheek_pose[0:2, 2])
            head_rot = np.arctan2(norm_xy[1], norm_xy[0])
                       0:3] = tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, 0, head_rot,
                                                    'sxyz')[0:3, 0:3]
                PoseConverter.to_pose_stamped_msg("/base_link", cheek_pose))
            ell_center = cheek_pose * cheek_transformation
                PoseConverter.to_pose_stamped_msg("/base_link", ell_center))

            # create an ellipsoid msg and command it
            ep = EllipsoidParams()
            ep.e_frame.transform = PoseConverter.to_tf_msg(ell_center)
            ep.height = 0.924
            ep.E = 0.086

            return 'succeeded'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def motion_model(self, f0, f1, stamp, use_kalman=False):
        if not use_kalman:
            # simple `repetition` model
            txn0, rxn0 = f0['pose'][L_POS], f0['pose'][A_POS]
            txn1, rxn1 = f1['pose'][L_POS], f1['pose'][A_POS]
            R0 = tx.euler_matrix(*rxn0)
            R1 = tx.euler_matrix(*rxn1)

            T0 = tx.compose_matrix(angles=rxn0, translate=txn0)
            T1 = tx.compose_matrix(angles=rxn1, translate=txn1)

            Tv = np.dot(T1, vm.inv(T0))  # Tv * T0 = T1
            T2 = np.dot(Tv, T1)

            txn = tx.translation_from_matrix(T2)
            rxn = tx.euler_from_matrix(T2)

            x = f1['pose'].copy()
            P = f1['cov'].copy()
            x[0:3] = txn
            x[9:12] = rxn
            return x, P
            # dt MUST NOT BE None
            self.kf_.x = f0['pose']
            self.kf_.P = f0['cov']
            dt = (f1['stamp'] - f0['stamp'])

            txn, rxn = f1['pose'][L_POS], f1['pose'][A_POS]
            z = np.concatenate([txn, rxn])
            dt = (stamp - f1['stamp'])
            return self.kf_.x.copy(), self.kf_.P.copy()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        super(PisaHand, self).__init__()
            'mesh_file'] = "package://ec_grasp_planner/data/pisa_hand_simple.dae"
        self['mesh_file_scale'] = 0.001

        #self['surface_grasp']['object']['hand_transform'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(tra.translation_matrix([0.0, -0.05, 0.3]),tra.concatenate_matrices(tra.rotation_matrix(math.radians(90.), [0, 0, 1]),tra.rotation_matrix(math.radians(180.), [1, 0, 0])))
            'hand_transform'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(
                tra.translation_matrix([0.010, 0.007, 0.115]))

        #self['surface_grasp']['object']['pregrasp_pose'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(tra.translation_matrix([0, 0, 0.5]),tra.euler_matrix(0, math.pi / 2, 0))
        #self['surface_grasp']['object']['pregrasp_pose'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(tra.translation_matrix([0.4, 0.0, 0.0]),tra.euler_matrix(0, math.pi / 2, 0))
        self['surface_grasp']['object']['hand_pose'] = tra.translation_matrix(
            [0.010, 0.007, 0.115])
        self['surface_grasp']['object']['downward_force'] = 7.
            'pregrasp_transform'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(
                tra.translation_matrix([0.3, -0.03, 0.05]),
                tra.euler_matrix(-math.pi / 2, 0, -math.pi / 2),
                tra.euler_matrix(0, 0, -0.5))

            'post_grasp_transform'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(
                tra.translation_matrix([0, 0, 0.0]),
                tra.rotation_matrix(math.radians(-30.0), [0, 1, 0]))

        self['surface_grasp']['object']['hand_closing_duration'] = 5
        self['surface_grasp']['object']['hand_closing_synergy'] = 5
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def fwd_kin(self, joint_values):  # Expects a 7 x 1 values for joint_values

        joint_values = np.insert(
            joint_values, len(joint_values), 0.0,
            axis=0)  # added 0 at the end for the fixed joint

        T = np.eye(4)
        T_joint = np.zeros([self.numJoints + 1, 4,
                            4])  # +1 for the fixed joint at the end
        # As per Craigs convention, T = Rotx * Trans x * Rotz * Trans z; Franka follows this
        for i in range(self.numJoints + 1):
            Tx = tf_tran.translation_matrix((self.a[i], 0, 0))  # x translation
            Rx = tf_tran.euler_matrix(self.alpha[i], 0, 0,
                                      axes='sxyz')  # x rotation
            aa = tf_tran.concatenate_matrices(Rx, Tx)

            Tz = tf_tran.translation_matrix((0, 0, self.d[i]))  # z translation
            Rz = tf_tran.euler_matrix(0, 0, joint_values[i],
                                      axes='sxyz')  # z rotation
            ab = tf_tran.concatenate_matrices(Rz, Tz)
            ac = tf_tran.concatenate_matrices(aa, ab)
            T = tf_tran.concatenate_matrices(T, ac)
                i, :, :] = T  # gives the transformation of each joint wrt base CS
        return T, T_joint
def publish_transforms():
    T_obj = euler_matrix(0.79, 0.0, 0.79).dot(translation_matrix((0, 1, 1)))
    T_robot = euler_matrix(0, 0.0, 1.5).dot(translation_matrix((0, -1, 0)))

    camera_offset = [0, 0.1, 0.1]

    T_obj_camera = np.linalg.inv(T_robot.dot(
    R_camera = lookAt(translation_from_matrix(T_obj_camera))
    T_camera = translation_matrix(camera_offset).dot(R_camera)

    obj = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped()
    obj.transform.rotation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_matrix(T_obj))
    obj.transform.translation = Vector3(*translation_from_matrix(T_obj))
    obj.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    obj.header.frame_id = "base_frame"
    obj.child_frame_id = "object_frame"
    robot = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped()
    robot.transform.rotation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_matrix(T_robot))
    robot.transform.translation = Vector3(*translation_from_matrix(T_robot))
    robot.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    robot.header.frame_id = "base_frame"
    robot.child_frame_id = "robot_frame"
    camera = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped()
    camera.transform.rotation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_matrix(T_camera))
    camera.transform.translation = Vector3(*translation_from_matrix(T_camera))
    camera.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    camera.header.frame_id = "robot_frame"
    camera.child_frame_id = "camera_frame"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def sendTransform(out_pose):

        out_pose: ros输出格式数据


    mat44_map_laser = tft.euler_matrix(0, 0, out_pose.fuse_tf.map_theta)
    mat44_map_laser[0][3] = out_pose.fuse_tf.map_x
    mat44_map_laser[1][3] = out_pose.fuse_tf.map_y
    mat44_laser_map = la.inv(mat44_map_laser)
    mat44_odom_laser = tft.euler_matrix(0, 0, out_pose.fuse_tf.odom_theta)
    mat44_odom_laser[0][3] = out_pose.fuse_tf.odom_x
    mat44_odom_laser[1][3] = out_pose.fuse_tf.odom_y
    mat44_map_odom = la.inv(np.dot(mat44_odom_laser, mat44_laser_map))
    q = tft.quaternion_from_matrix(mat44_map_odom)
    br = tf2_ros.TransformBroadcaster()
    t = TransformStamped()

    t.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    t.header.frame_id = "map"
    t.child_frame_id = "odom"
    t.transform.translation.x = mat44_map_odom[0][3]
    t.transform.translation.y = mat44_map_odom[1][3]
    t.transform.translation.z = 0.0
    t.transform.rotation.x = q[0]
    t.transform.rotation.y = q[1]
    t.transform.rotation.z = q[2]
    t.transform.rotation.w = q[3]

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_size_and_build_walls(self):
        # Get size of the ogrid ==============================================
        # Get some useful vectors
        between_vector = self.left_f - self.right_f
        mid_point = self.right_f + between_vector / 2
        target_vector = self.target - mid_point
        self.mid_point = mid_point

        # For rotations of the `between_vector` and the enu x-axis
        b_theta = np.arctan2(between_vector[1], between_vector[0])
        b_rot_mat = trns.euler_matrix(0, 0, b_theta)[:3, :3]

        # Make the endpoints
        rot_buffer = b_rot_mat.dot([20, 0, 0])
        endpoint_left_f = self.left_f + rot_buffer
        endpoint_right_f = self.right_f - rot_buffer

        # Now lets build some wall points ======================================

        if self.left_b is None:
            # For rotations of the `target_vector` and the enu x-axis
            t_theta = np.arctan2(target_vector[1], target_vector[0])
            t_rot_mat = trns.euler_matrix(0, 0, t_theta)[:3, :3]

            rot_channel = t_rot_mat.dot([self.channel_length, 0, 0])
            self.left_b = self.left_f + rot_channel
            self.right_b = self.right_f + rot_channel

        # Now draw contours from the boat to the start gate ====================
        # Get vector from boat to mid_point
        mid_point_vector = self.boat_pos - self.mid_point

        b_theta = np.arctan2(mid_point_vector[1], mid_point_vector[0])
        b_rot_mat = trns.euler_matrix(0, 0, b_theta)[:3, :3]

        rot_buffer = b_rot_mat.dot(
            [np.linalg.norm(mid_point_vector) * 1.5, 0, 0])
        left_cone_point = self.left_f + rot_buffer
        right_cone_point = self.right_f + rot_buffer

        # Define bounds for the grid
        self.x_lower = min(left_cone_point[0], right_cone_point[0],
                           endpoint_left_f[0], endpoint_right_f[0],
                           self.target[0]) - self.edge_buffer
        self.x_upper = max(left_cone_point[0], right_cone_point[0],
                           endpoint_left_f[0], endpoint_right_f[0],
                           self.target[0]) + self.edge_buffer
        self.y_lower = min(left_cone_point[1], right_cone_point[1],
                           endpoint_left_f[1], endpoint_right_f[1],
                           self.target[1]) - self.edge_buffer
        self.y_upper = max(left_cone_point[1], right_cone_point[1],
                           endpoint_left_f[1], endpoint_right_f[1],
                           self.target[1]) + self.edge_buffer

        self.walls = [
            self.left_b, self.left_f, left_cone_point, right_cone_point,
            self.right_f, self.right_b
        print self.walls
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def matrix(self):
   if self.mode == 0:
     R = transformations.euler_matrix(self.phi, self.th, 0)
     R = transformations.euler_matrix(self.phi, 0, self.th)
   T = transformations.translation_matrix([self.x, self.y, self.z])
   M = numpy.dot(T, R)
   return M
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self):
     self.subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("input_odom",
     self.publisher = rospy.Publisher("output_odom", Odometry, queue_size=1)
     self.T_NED_V = TR.euler_matrix(pi, 0, 0, 'rxyz')
     self.T_XAV_UAV = TR.euler_matrix(pi, 0, 0, 'rxyz')
     self.T_XAV_V = TR.identity_matrix()  # the output transform
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(RBOHand2Kuka, self).__init__()

        #old parameters below - must be updated to new convention!
        self['surface_grasp']['initial_goal'] = np.array([
            -0.05864322834179703, 0.4118988657714642, -0.05864200146127985,
            -1.6887810963180838, -0.11728653060066829, -0.8237944986945402, 0
        self['surface_grasp']['pregrasp_pose'] = tra.translation_matrix(
            [0, 0, -0.2])
        self['surface_grasp']['hand_pose'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(
            tra.translation_matrix([0, 0, 0]),
            tra.rotation_matrix(math.radians(0.), [0, 0, 1]))
        self['surface_grasp']['downward_force'] = 7.
        self['surface_grasp']['valve_pattern'] = (np.array([[0.,
                                                             4.1], [0., 0.1],
                                                            [0., 5.], [0., 5.],
                                                            [0., 2.],
                                                            [0., 3.5]]),
                                                  np.array([[1, 0]] * 6))

        self['wall_grasp']['pregrasp_pose'] = tra.translation_matrix(
            [0.05, 0, -0.2])
        self['wall_grasp']['table_force'] = 7.0
        self['wall_grasp']['sliding_speed'] = 0.1
        self['wall_grasp']['up_speed'] = 0.1
        self['wall_grasp']['down_speed'] = 0.1
        self['wall_grasp']['wall_force'] = 10.0
        self['wall_grasp']['angle_of_attack'] = 1.0  #radians
        self['wall_grasp']['object_lift_time'] = 4.5

        self['edge_grasp']['initial_goal'] = np.array([
            -0.05864322834179703, 0.4118988657714642, -0.05864200146127985,
            -1.6887810963180838, -0.11728653060066829, -0.8237944986945402, 0
        self['edge_grasp']['pregrasp_pose'] = tra.translation_matrix(
            [0.2, 0, 0.4])
        self['edge_grasp']['hand_object_pose'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(
            tra.translation_matrix([0, 0, 0.05]),
            tra.rotation_matrix(math.radians(10.), [1, 0, 0]),
            tra.euler_matrix(0, 0, -math.pi / 2.))
        self['edge_grasp']['grasp_pose'] = tra.concatenate_matrices(
            tra.translation_matrix([0, -0.05, 0]),
            tra.rotation_matrix(math.radians(10.), [1, 0, 0]),
            tra.euler_matrix(0, 0, -math.pi / 2.))
        self['edge_grasp']['postgrasp_pose'] = tra.translation_matrix(
            [0, 0, -0.1])
        self['edge_grasp']['downward_force'] = 4.0
        self['edge_grasp']['sliding_speed'] = 0.04
        self['edge_grasp']['valve_pattern'] = (np.array([[0, 0], [0,
                                                                  0], [1, 0],
                                                         [1, 0], [1, 0],
                                                         [1, 0]]),
                                               np.array([[0, 3.0]] * 6))
    def set_tf_apriltag_camera(self, R, t):
        # detected tf: camera-apriltag, camera frame has wrong orientation
        tf_detected = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=np.float64)
        tf_detected[0:3, 0:3] = R
        tf_detected[0:3, 3] = t[:, 0]
        tf_detected[3, 3] = 1

        # correct camera frame and apriltag orientation to conform with specifications
        camera_rot = transformations.euler_matrix(np.pi/2, -np.pi/2, 0, axes="ryzx")  # rotate C to C'
        apriltag_rot = transformations.euler_matrix(np.pi/2, -np.pi/2, 0, axes="rxzy")  # rotate A' to A
        tf_camera_apriltag = camera_rot @ tf_detected @ apriltag_rot  # Tcc' * Tc'a' * Ta'a = Tca

        self.tf_apriltag_camera = np.linalg.inv(tf_camera_apriltag)  # Tac
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def get_size_and_build_walls(self):
        # Get size of the ogrid ==============================================
        # Get some useful vectors
        between_vector = self.left_f - self.right_f
        mid_point = self.right_f + between_vector / 2
        target_vector = self.target - mid_point
        self.mid_point = mid_point

        # For rotations of the `between_vector` and the enu x-axis
        b_theta = np.arctan2(between_vector[1], between_vector[0])
        b_rot_mat = trns.euler_matrix(0, 0, b_theta)[:3, :3]

        # Make the endpoints
        rot_buffer = b_rot_mat.dot([20, 0, 0])
        endpoint_left_f = self.left_f + rot_buffer
        endpoint_right_f = self.right_f - rot_buffer

        # Now lets build some wall points ======================================

        if self.left_b is None:
            # For rotations of the `target_vector` and the enu x-axis
            t_theta = np.arctan2(target_vector[1], target_vector[0])
            t_rot_mat = trns.euler_matrix(0, 0, t_theta)[:3, :3]

            rot_channel = t_rot_mat.dot([self.channel_length, 0, 0])
            self.left_b = self.left_f + rot_channel
            self.right_b = self.right_f + rot_channel

        # Now draw contours from the boat to the start gate ====================
        # Get vector from boat to mid_point
        mid_point_vector = self.boat_pos - self.mid_point

        b_theta = np.arctan2(mid_point_vector[1], mid_point_vector[0])
        b_rot_mat = trns.euler_matrix(0, 0, b_theta)[:3, :3]

        rot_buffer = b_rot_mat.dot([np.linalg.norm(mid_point_vector) *  1.5, 0, 0])
        left_cone_point = self.left_f + rot_buffer
        right_cone_point = self.right_f + rot_buffer

        # Define bounds for the grid
        self.x_lower = min(left_cone_point[0], right_cone_point[0],
                           endpoint_left_f[0], endpoint_right_f[0], self.target[0]) - self.edge_buffer
        self.x_upper = max(left_cone_point[0], right_cone_point[0],
                           endpoint_left_f[0], endpoint_right_f[0], self.target[0]) + self.edge_buffer
        self.y_lower = min(left_cone_point[1], right_cone_point[1],
                           endpoint_left_f[1], endpoint_right_f[1], self.target[1]) - self.edge_buffer
        self.y_upper = max(left_cone_point[1], right_cone_point[1],
                           endpoint_left_f[1], endpoint_right_f[1], self.target[1]) + self.edge_buffer

        self.walls = [self.left_b, self.left_f, left_cone_point, right_cone_point, self.right_f, self.right_b]
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self):
     self.subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("vicon",
     self.reference_pub = rospy.Publisher("reference",
     self.ext_att_pub = rospy.Publisher("external_attitude",
     self.T_V_NED = TR.euler_matrix(pi, 0, 0, 'rxyz')
     # self.T_XAV_V = TR.identity_matrix() # from subscriber callback
     self.T_UAV_XAV = TR.euler_matrix(pi, 0, 0, 'rxyz')
     self.T_UAV_NED = TR.identity_matrix()  # the output transform
Ejemplo n.º 14
def pull_obj2robot(pose, angle, delta_spring, object):
    mesh, vertices = object.transform_object(pose, type="PoseStamped")
    pose2d, placement = get2dpose_object(pose, object)
    ripi = pose2d[0:2]
    #1. define nominal orientation of gripper for pullin
    T_gripper_nominal_world = tfm.euler_matrix(0, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, 'rxyz')
    #2. rotate gripper by desired angle of gripper(sampling different solutions) + orientation of object about z axis
    T_transform = tfm.euler_matrix(0, 0, angle + pose2d[2], 'rxyz')
    gripper_nominal_pose_world = pose_from_matrix(T_gripper_nominal_world,
                                                  "PoseStamped", "yumi_body")
    pose_transform = pose_from_matrix(T_transform, "PoseStamped", "yumi_body")
    gripper_final_pose_world = transform_pose(gripper_nominal_pose_world,
    gripper_final_pose_world.pose.position.x = ripi[0]
    gripper_final_pose_world.pose.position.y = ripi[1]
    gripper_final_pose_world.pose.position.z = mesh.max_[2] - mesh.min_[
        2] + delta_spring
    #3. move gripper closer to edge (to get tactile imprint)
    gripper_poses = [gripper_final_pose_world, gripper_final_pose_world]
    poses_tip_world = deepcopy(gripper_poses)
    pose2d, stable_placement = get2dpose_object(pose, object)
    pose_proposals_base = proposals_base_from_object_pose(object, pose)
    pose_transform_frameB = unit_pose()
    if placement == 0:
        pose_transform_frameB.pose.position.x -= 0.09 / 2
    elif placement == 2:
        pose_transform_frameB.pose.position.z -= 0.02
    elif placement == 3:
        pose_transform_frameB.pose.position.z += 0.03
    elif placement == 1:
        pose_transform_frameB.pose.position.x += 0.02
        pose_transform_frameB.pose.position.z += 0.0
    elif placement == 4:
        pose_transform_frameB.pose.position.z += 0.02
    gripper_final_pose_world = transform_pose_intermediate_frame(
        gripper_final_pose_world, pose, pose_transform_frameB)

    #4 pull at corner
    # face_id, dict_faces = get_object_convex_face_id(gripper_poses,
    #                                                 object,
    #                                                 stable_placement,
    #                                                 pose_proposals_base,
    #                                                 arm="r")
    # corner_point_list = dict_faces['faces'][face_id]
    # gripper_final_pose_world.pose.position.x = corner_point_list[0][0]
    # gripper_final_pose_world.pose.position.y = corner_point_list[0][1]

    return gripper_final_pose_world
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_move_out_of_collision(self):
   env = orpy.Environment()
   body = env.GetKinBody('lego0')
   Tinit = body.GetTransform()
   def move_until_collision(step, direction, timeout=1.0):
     start_time = time.time()
     Tcollision = body.GetTransform()
     while not env.CheckCollision(body):
       Tcollision[:3,3] += step*np.array(direction)
       if time.time()-start_time > timeout:
         return False
     return True
   # Move down into collision with the table
   self.assertTrue( move_until_collision(0.005, [0, -1, 0]) )
   result = criros.raveutils.move_out_of_collision(env, body, max_displacement=0.006)
   self.assertTrue( move_until_collision(0.005, [0, -1, 0]) )
   result = criros.raveutils.move_out_of_collision(env, body, max_displacement=0.001)
   # Show we can cope with tilted objects
   move_until_collision(0.005, [0, -1, 0])
   Toffset = tr.euler_matrix(np.deg2rad(10), 0, 0)
   Tbody = body.GetTransform()
   Tnew = np.dot(Tbody, Toffset)
   result = criros.raveutils.move_out_of_collision(env, body, max_displacement=0.015)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def to_pose2d(pos):
    # pos = N?x3x4 transformation matrix
    # 2d rotation requires (-y) component
    # 2d translation requires (z, -x) component
    # == test ==
    # -- opt 1 : einsum --
    T_pre = tx.euler_matrix(-np.pi/2,0,-np.pi/2) #4x4
    T_0i  = tx.inverse_matrix(np.concatenate((pos[0], [[0,0,0,1]]), axis=0)) #4x4
    T_cam  = np.stack([np.concatenate((p, [[0,0,0,1]]), axis=0) for p in pos], axis=0)
    pos_n = np.einsum('ij,jk,nkl,lm->nim', T_pre, T_0i, T_cam, T_pre.T) # normalized position
    res = []
    for p in pos_n:
        t = tx.translation_from_matrix(p)
        q = tx.euler_from_matrix(p)
        res.append([ t[0], t[1], q[-1] ])
    res = np.stack(res, axis=0)
    return res
    # --------------------

    # -- opt 2 : no einsum --
    #T_pre = tx.euler_matrix(-np.pi/2,0,-np.pi/2) #4x4
    #T_0i  = tx.inverse_matrix(np.concatenate((pos[0], [[0,0,0,1]]), axis=0)) #4x4
    #T_cam  = np.stack([np.concatenate((p, [[0,0,0,1]]), axis=0) for p in pos], axis=0)
    #res = []
    #for p in pos:
    #    T_cam  = np.concatenate((p, [[0,0,0,1]]), axis=0)
    #    T_base = T_pre.dot(T_0i).dot(T_cam).dot(T_pre.T)
    #    t = tx.translation_from_matrix(T_base)
    #    q = tx.euler_from_matrix(T_base)
    #    res.append([t[0], t[1], q[-1]])
    #res = np.stack(res, axis=0)
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 17
def lookup_tag(tag_number):
	""" Returns the AR tag position in world coordinates 

	tag_number : int
		AR tag number

	:obj:`autolab_core.RigidTransform` AR tag position in world coordinates
	to_frame = 'ar_marker_{}'.format(tag_number)

	tag_pos = None
	while not tag_pos:
			t = listener.getLatestCommonTime(from_frame, to_frame)
			# print(rospy.Time.now())
			# t = rospy.Time.now()
			tag_pos, tag_rot = listener.lookupTransform(from_frame, to_frame, t)
	# if not listener.frameExists(from_frame) or not listener.frameExists(to_frame):
	#     print 'Frames not found'
	#     print 'Did you place AR marker {} within view of the baxter left hand camera?'.format(tag_number)
	#     exit(0)
	angles = tfs.euler_from_quaternion(tag_rot)
	# print(angles)
	trans  = tfs.euler_matrix(*angles)
	print(RigidTransform(trans[:3, :3], tag_pos))
	return RigidTransform(trans[:3, :3], tag_pos)
    def Aruco_marker_detector(self):
        """ Use the build in python library to detect the aruco marker and its coordinates """
        img = self.frame.copy() 
        # Detect the markers in the image
        markerCorners, markerIds, rejectedCandidates = cv.aruco.detectMarkers(img, self.dictionary, parameters=self.parameters)
        # Get the transformation matrix to the marker
        if markerCorners:

            markerSize = 2.0
            axisLength = 3.0

            rvecs, tvecs, _ = cv.aruco.estimatePoseSingleMarkers(markerCorners, markerSize, self.K, self.distCoeffs)
            # Draw the axis on the marker
            frame_out = cv.aruco.drawAxis( img, self.K, self.distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs, axisLength)
            rotMat = tr.euler_matrix(np.pi / 2.0, 0, 0)
            rotMat = rotMat[0:3, 0:3]
            tvecs = np.matmul(rotMat, tvecs[0][0].T)
            rotMat, _ = cv.Rodrigues(rvecs)
            eul = tr.euler_from_matrix(rotMat)

            yaw_angle = self.pos[3] - eul[2] 

            # Publish the position of the marker
            marker_pos = PT()
            marker_pos.position.x = tvecs[0]
            marker_pos.position.y = - tvecs[2]
            marker_pos.position.z = tvecs[1]
            marker_pos.yaw = eul[2]  * np.pi / 180.0

            # Publish the image with the detected marker
            self.aruco_marker_img_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame_out, "bgr8"))  
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def d_spiral_point(self,
        Sprials a point using discrete moves
        This produces a generator
        point = np.array(point)
        if direction == 'ccw':
            angle_incrment = 2 * np.pi / granularity
            angle_incrment = -2 * np.pi / granularity
        sprinkles = transformations.euler_matrix(0, 0, angle_incrment)[:3, :3]

        # Find first point to go to using boat rotation
        next_point = np.append(normalize(self.position[:2] - point[:2]),
                               0)  # Doing this in 2d
        radius_increment = meters_per_rev / granularity
        for i in range(granularity * revolutions + 1):
            new = point + radius * next_point
            radius += radius_increment

            yield self.set_position(new).look_at(point).yaw_left(theta_offset)
            next_point = sprinkles.dot(next_point)

        yield self.set_position(new).look_at(point).yaw_left(theta_offset)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def prepare_trajectory(trajectory: np.ndarray, robot_pose: Pose,
                       robot_model: rtb.DHRobot,
                       model_pose: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:

    robot_orientation = Quaternion(robot_pose.orientation[0],
    robot_position = Point(robot_pose.position[0], robot_pose.position[1],

    robot_euler = T.euler_from_quaternion(
        (robot_orientation.x, robot_orientation.y, robot_orientation.z,

    robot_transformation = T.euler_matrix(robot_euler[0], robot_euler[1],

    robot_transformation[0, 3] = robot_position.x
    robot_transformation[1, 3] = robot_position.y
    robot_transformation[2, 3] = robot_position.z
    robot_transformation = np.linalg.inv(robot_transformation)

    transformed_trajectory = []
    for i in range(len(trajectory)):
        projected_point = robot_transformation.dot(
            np.concatenate((trajectory[i], 1), axis=None)) / 1000
        projected_point = model_pose.dot(projected_point)[:-1]
        ik_result, fail, err = robot_model.ikine(
            sm.SE3(projected_point[0], projected_point[1], projected_point[2]))
        transformed_trajectory += [ik_result]

    return np.array(transformed_trajectory)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def eulerAnglesToRotationMatrix(theta):
    """Calculates rotation matrix given euler angles in 'xyz' sequence
    :param theta: list of 3 euler angles
    :return: 3x3 rotation matrix equivalent to the given euler angles
    return euler_matrix(theta[0], theta[1], theta[2], axes="sxyz")[:3, :3]
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def generate_ep(self):
     cart_cur = self.cart_arm.get_end_effector_pose()
     if self.step_ind < self.num_steps:
         self.cart_cur_goal = self.trajectory[self.step_ind]
         self.step_ind += 1
         self.cart_cur_goal = self.cart_goal
     self.cart_err = self.cart_arm.ep_error(cart_cur, self.cart_cur_goal)
     #self.cart_err[np.where(np.fabs(self.cart_err) < self.err_goal_thresh * 0.6)] = 0.0
     cart_control = np.array([
         for pidc, cart_err_i in zip(self.controllers, self.cart_err)
     cep_pos_cur, cep_rot_cur = self.cart_arm.get_ep()
     cep_pos_new = cep_pos_cur - cart_control[:3, 0]
     cart_rot_control = np.mat(
         tf_trans.euler_matrix(cart_control[3, 0], cart_control[4, 0],
                               cart_control[5, 0]))[:3, :3]
     cep_rot_new = cep_rot_cur * cart_rot_control.T
     ep_new = (cep_pos_new, cep_rot_new)
     if self.debug:
         print "=" * 50
         print "cart_cur", cart_cur
         print "-" * 50
         print "cur goal", self.cart_cur_goal
         print "-" * 50
         print "err", self.cart_err
         print "-" * 50
         print "cart_control", cart_control
     return EPStopConditions.CONTINUE, ep_new
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def plot_frame(self,
                   xyz_rotation=(0, 0, 0),
        """Plots the location of each marker in the specified frame
        #Get the frame
        if frame_num is not None:
            frame = self._get_frames()[:, :, frame_num]
            frame = self.read()[0][:, :, 0]

        # Apply any desired rotation
        rot_matrix = transformations.euler_matrix(*xyz_rotation)[0:3, 0:3]
        frame = rot_matrix.dot(frame.T).T
        xs = frame[:, 0]
        ys = frame[:, 1]
        zs = frame[:, 2]

        #Make the plot
        figure = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 10))
        axes = figure.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        markers = ['r'] * self.get_num_points()
        if mark_num is not None:
            markers[mark_num] = 'b'
        axes.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=markers, marker='o', s=60)
        axes.auto_scale_xyz([-0.35, 0.35], [-0.35, 0.35], [-0.35, 0.35])
        axes.set_xlabel('X (m)')
        axes.set_ylabel('Y (m)')
        axes.set_zlabel('Z (m)')
Ejemplo n.º 24
def main():
    if True:
        ctrl_switcher = ControllerSwitcher()
            'r', '%s_arm_controller',
            '$(find hrl_pr2_arms)/params/joint_traj_params_electric.yaml')
            'r', '%s_joint_controller_low',
            '$(find hrl_pr2_arms)/params/joint_traj_params_electric_low.yaml')
        r_arm_js = create_pr2_arm('r',
        q = [
            -0.34781704, 0.27341079, -1.75392154, -2.08626393, -3.43756314,
            -1.82146607, -1.85187734
        r_arm_js.set_ep(q, 3)
            'r', '%s_cart_low_rfh',
            '$(find kelsey_sandbox)/params/j_transpose_low_rfh.yaml')

    r_arm = create_pr2_arm('r', PR2ArmCartesianPostureBase)
    vel_ctrl = PR2ArmCartVelocityController(r_arm)
    #vel_frame = tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, -np.pi/2, 0)[:3,:3]
    #vel_ctrl.move_velocity(velocity_rot=vel_frame, velocity=0.005, is_translation=False)
    vel_frame = tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, 0, np.pi / 2)[:3, :3]
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def circle_point(self, point, radius, granularity=8, theta_offset=0):
        Circle a point whilst looking at it
        This produces a generator, so for use:

            circle = navigator.move.circle_point([1,2,0], 5)
            for p in circle:
                yield p.go()

        point = np.array(point)
        angle_incrment = 2 * np.pi / granularity
        sprinkles = transformations.euler_matrix(0, 0, angle_incrment)[:3, :3]

        # Find first point to go to using boat rotation
        next_point = np.append(normalize(self.nav.pose[0][:2] - point[:2]),
                               0)  # Doing this in 2d
        for i in range(granularity + 1):
            new = point + radius * next_point
            yield self.set_position(new).look_at(point).yaw_left(
            )  # Remember this is a generator - not a twisted yield
            next_point = sprinkles.dot(next_point)

        yield self.set_position(new).look_at(point).yaw_left(theta_offset)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def test_frame3_rpy(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw):
     r2 = euler_matrix(roll, pitch, yaw)
     r2[0, 3] = x
     r2[1, 3] = y
     r2[2, 3] = z
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(w.compile_and_execute(w.frame_rpy, [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw]),
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def place(self, x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma, approach):
        # find pre-place pose
        T_grasp = euler_matrix(radians(alpha),
        T_grasp[:3, 3] = np.array([x, y, z])
        T_trans = np.identity(4)
        T_trans[2, 3] = -approach

        T_pre_grasp = np.dot(T_grasp, T_trans)
        alpha_pre, beta_pre, gamma_pre = euler_from_matrix(T_pre_grasp)
        alpha_pre, beta_pre, gamma_pre = (degrees(alpha_pre),
        x_pre, y_pre, z_pre = T_pre_grasp[:3, 3]

        # move to pre-place
        if (self.move(x_pre, y_pre, z_pre, alpha_pre, beta_pre, gamma_pre) and
                # move to place
                self.move(x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma) and
                # open gripper
                self.open_gripper() and
                # move back to pre-grasp
                self.move(x_pre, y_pre, z_pre, alpha_pre, beta_pre,
            rospy.loginfo("Place finished")
            return True
            rospy.logerr("Place failed")
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 28
def transform_frame(vec, orient, att, frame_id):

    vec = numpy.array(vec)

    if frame_id == 'aruco_map':
        # from 'aruco_map' to 'main_camera'
        rmat, j = Rodrigues(orient)
        vec = rmat.dot(vec)
    elif frame_id == 'main_camera':

    # from 'main_camera' to 'fcu'
    a = camera_angle
    vec[0], vec[1], vec[2] = vec[1] * math.cos(a) + vec[2] * math.sin(
        a), -vec[0], vec[2] * math.cos(a) - vec[1] * math.sin(a)

    # from 'fcu' to 'fcu_horiz'
    roll, pitch = att[0], att[1]
    rmat = euler_matrix(roll, pitch, 0, 'rxyz')
    rmat = rmat[0:3, 0:3]
    vec = rmat.dot(vec)

    return list(vec)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def _extract_twist_msg(twist_msg):
     pos = [twist_msg.linear.x, twist_msg.linear.y, twist_msg.linear.z]
     rot_euler = [twist_msg.angular.x, twist_msg.angular.y, twist_msg.angular.z]
     quat = tf_trans.quaternion_from_euler(*rot_euler, axes='sxyz')
     homo_mat = np.mat(tf_trans.euler_matrix(*rot_euler))
     homo_mat[:3,3] = np.mat([pos]).T
     return homo_mat, quat, rot_euler
Ejemplo n.º 30
def calc_transformation_matrix(x, y, z, rotx, roty, rotz):
    # return transformation matrix based on translation and rotation components
    r_mat = transformations.euler_matrix(radians(rotz), radians(rotx),
                                         radians(roty), 'rzxy')
    t_mat = transformations.translation_matrix((x, y, z))

    return numpy.dot(t_mat, r_mat)
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def generate_ep(self):
        cart_cur = self.cart_arm.get_end_effector_pose()
        if self.step_ind < self.num_steps:
            self.cart_cur_goal = self.trajectory[self.step_ind]
            self.step_ind += 1
            self.cart_cur_goal = self.cart_goal
        self.cart_err = self.cart_arm.ep_error(cart_cur, self.cart_cur_goal)
#self.cart_err[np.where(np.fabs(self.cart_err) < self.err_goal_thresh * 0.6)] = 0.0
        cart_control = np.array([pidc.update_state(cart_err_i) for pidc, cart_err_i in 
                                zip(self.controllers, self.cart_err)])
        cep_pos_cur, cep_rot_cur = self.cart_arm.get_ep()
        cep_pos_new = cep_pos_cur - cart_control[:3,0]
        cart_rot_control = np.mat(tf_trans.euler_matrix(cart_control[3,0], cart_control[4,0], 
        cep_rot_new = cep_rot_cur * cart_rot_control.T
        ep_new = (cep_pos_new, cep_rot_new)
        if self.debug:
            print "="*50
            print "cart_cur", cart_cur
            print "-"*50
            print "cur goal", self.cart_cur_goal
            print "-"*50
            print "err", self.cart_err
            print "-"*50
            print "cart_control", cart_control
        return EPStopConditions.CONTINUE, ep_new
    def publish_state(self, t):
        state_msg = TransformStamped()
        t_ned_imu = tft.translation_matrix(self.model.get_position())
        R_ned_imu = tft.quaternion_matrix(self.model.get_orientation())
        T_ned_imu = tft.concatenate_matrices(t_ned_imu, R_ned_imu)
        #rospy.loginfo("T_ned_imu = \n" + str(T_ned_imu))
        if self.T_imu_vicon is None:
            # grab the static transform from imu to vicon frame from param server:
            frames = rospy.get_param("frames", None)
            ypr = frames['vicon_to_imu']['rotation']
            q_vicon_imu = tft.quaternion_from_euler(*[radians(x) for x in ypr], axes='rzyx') # xyzw
            R_vicon_imu = tft.quaternion_matrix(q_vicon_imu)
            t_vicon_imu = tft.translation_matrix(frames['vicon_to_imu']['translation'])
#            rospy.loginfo(str(R_vicon_imu))
#            rospy.loginfo(str(t_vicon_imu))
            self.T_vicon_imu = tft.concatenate_matrices(t_vicon_imu, R_vicon_imu)
            self.T_imu_vicon = tft.inverse_matrix(self.T_vicon_imu)
            self.T_enu_ned = tft.euler_matrix(radians(90), 0, radians(180), 'rzyx')
        # we have /ned -> /imu, need to output /enu -> /vicon:
        T_enu_vicon = tft.concatenate_matrices(self.T_enu_ned, T_ned_imu, self.T_imu_vicon )
        state_msg.header.stamp  = t
        state_msg.header.frame_id = "/enu"
        state_msg.child_frame_id = "/simflyer1/flyer_vicon"
        stt = state_msg.transform.translation
        stt.x, stt.y, stt.z = T_enu_vicon[:3,3]
        stro = state_msg.transform.rotation
        stro.x, stro.y, stro.z, stro.w = tft.quaternion_from_matrix(T_enu_vicon)
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def _makePreGraspPose(self, boxMat, axis):
     if axis==0: #x axis
         alpha = 0
         gamma = 0
     else: #y axis
         alpha = pi/2
         gamma = -pi/2
     ik_request = PositionIKRequest()
     ik_request.ik_link_name = self.toolLinkName
     with self._joint_state_lock:
         ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state = copy.deepcopy(self._joint_states)
     ik_request.pose_stamped = PoseStamped()
     ik_request.pose_stamped.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     ik_request.pose_stamped.header.frame_id = self.frameID
     beta = pi/2
     while beta < 3*pi/2:
         rotationMatrix = transformations.euler_matrix(alpha, beta, gamma, 'rzyz')
         distance = self.preGraspDistance + self.gripperFingerLength
         preGraspMat = transformations.translation_matrix([0,0,-distance])
         fullMat = transformations.concatenate_matrices(boxMat, rotationMatrix, preGraspMat)
         p = transformations.translation_from_matrix(fullMat)
         q = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(fullMat)
         print "trying {} radians".format(beta)
             self._ik_server(ik_request, Constraints(), rospy.Duration(5.0))
         except rospy.service.ServiceException:
             beta += 0.1
             if ik_resp.error_code.val > 0:
                 return beta
                 #print ik_resp.error_code.val
                 beta += 0.01
     rospy.logerr('No way to pick this up. All IK solutions failed.')
     return 7 * pi / 6
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def test_frame3_rpy(self, x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw):
     r1 = np.array(spw.frame_rpy(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw)).astype(float)
     r2 = euler_matrix(roll, pitch, yaw)
     r2[0, 3] = x
     r2[1, 3] = y
     r2[2, 3] = z
     self.assertTrue(np.isclose(r1, r2).all(), msg='\n{} != \n{}'.format(r1, r2))
 def calculate_joints(self, position):
     self.joint_angle_matricies = []
     for angle in position:
         self.joint_angle_matricies.append(transformations.euler_matrix(0, 0, angle))
     T_c = [np.identity(4)]
     tf_msg = TFMessage() 
     for index in xrange(len(self.urdf_transform_matricies)):
         urdf_transform_matrix = self.urdf_transform_matricies[index]
         joint_angle_matrix = self.joint_angle_matricies[index]
         transform_matrix = np.dot(urdf_transform_matrix, joint_angle_matrix)
         tf_stamp = TransformStamped()
         tf_stamp.child_frame_id = self.urdf_transforms[index].child_frame_id
         tf_stamp.header.frame_id = self.urdf_transforms[index].header.frame_id
         if index in (8, 10): #sets parent of fingers to link6
             index = 6
         T_c.append(np.dot(T_c[index], transform_matrix))
         tf_stamp.transform = msgify(Transform, T_c[-1])
         #tf_stamp.transform = msgify(Transform, transform_matrix)
         #print transforms.header
         #print link_states.name[-1]
         #print link_states.pose[-1]
         #print '-----------------------------------------------'
     return tf_msg
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def __init__(self, MPC1):
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.MPC = MPC1
        self.RATE = rospy.get_param('/rate', 50)

        self.dt = 0.0
        self.time_start = 0.0
        self.end = False

        self.pose_init = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.flag = True

        "Desired values setup"
        # rotation matrix [4x4] from `world` frame to `body`
        self.bTw = tftr.euler_matrix(-np.pi, 0.0, 0.0, 'rxyz')

        # # in `world` frame
        # self.A = rospy.get_param('/A', 90.0)    # [degrees]
        # self.pose_des = rospy.get_param('/pose_des', [0.5, 0.0, 2.0])

        # # in 'body' frame
        # self.pose_des = self.transform_pose(self.pose_des)

        self.rot_z_des = 0.0

        "ROS stuff"
        self.pub_cmd_vel = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel",
        self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry,
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def calc_transformation(self, name, relative_to=None):
        calc_from_joint = False
        if relative_to:
            if relative_to in self.urdf.link_map:
                parent_link_name = relative_to
            elif relative_to in self.urdf.joint_map:
                parent_link_name = self.urdf.joint_map[name].parent
                calc_from_joint = True
            parent_link_name = self.urdf.get_root()

        calc_to_joint = False
        if name in self.urdf.link_map:
            child_link_name = name
        elif name in self.urdf.joint_map:
            child_link_name = self.urdf.joint_map[name].child
            calc_to_joint = True

        chains = self.urdf.get_chain(parent_link_name, child_link_name,
                                     joints=True, links=True)
        if calc_from_joint:
            chains = chains[1:]
        if calc_to_joint:
            chains = chains[:-1]

        poses = []
        for name in chains:
            if name in self.urdf.joint_map:
                joint = self.urdf.joint_map[name]
                if joint.origin is not None:
            elif name in self.urdf.link_map:
                link = self.urdf.link_map[name]
                if link.visual is not None and link.visual.origin is not None:
        m = np.dot(T.translation_matrix((0,0,0)),
        for p in poses:
            n = np.dot(T.translation_matrix(tuple(p.xyz)),
            m = np.dot(m, n)
        t = T.translation_from_matrix(m)
        q = T.quaternion_from_matrix(m)
        return tuple(t), (q[3], q[0], q[1], q[2])
Ejemplo n.º 38
def get_path(buoy_l, buoy_r):
    # Vector between the two buoys
    between_vector = buoy_r.position - buoy_l.position

    # Rotate that vector to point through the buoys
    r = trns.euler_matrix(0, 0, np.radians(90))[:3, :3]
    direction_vector = r.dot(between_vector)
    direction_vector /= np.linalg.norm(direction_vector)

    return between_vector, direction_vector
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def fromROSPose2DModel(self, model):
   self.type = model.type
   self.pose = LocalPose()
   matrix = euler_matrix(0.0, 0.0, model.pose.theta)
   matrix[0][3] = model.pose.x
   matrix[1][3] = model.pose.y
   self.pose.pose = fromMatrix(matrix)
   self.geometry_type = 'POSE2D'
   geometry_string = 'POINT(%f %f %f)' % (model.pose.x, model.pose.y, 0.0)
   self.geometry =  WKTElement(geometry_string)
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def pose_to_matrix(self, ps):
     trans = np.matrix([-ps.pose.position.x,
     r, p, y = euler_from_quaternion([ps.pose.orientation.x,
     rot = np.matrix(euler_matrix(-r, -p, -y)[:3, :3]).T
     return rot, trans
Ejemplo n.º 41
	def test_to_tf(self):
		tb = tb_angles(45,-5,24)
		for yaw in self.yaw:
			for pitch in self.pitch:
				for roll in self.roll:
					tb = tb_angles(yaw,pitch,roll)
					m = tb.to_tf()
					m2 = tft.euler_matrix(yaw * pi / 180, pitch * pi / 180, roll * pi / 180, 'rzyx')
					self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m, m2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (m,m2))
Ejemplo n.º 42
def MsgToPose(msg):

	#Parse the ROS message to a 4x4 pose format

	#Get translation and rotation (from Euler angles)
	pose = transformations.euler_matrix(msg.roll,msg.pitch,msg.yaw) 

        pose[0,3] = msg.pt.x
        pose[1,3] = msg.pt.y
        pose[2,3] = msg.pt.z
	return pose
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def get_rot_matrix(self, rev=False):
        frm, to = 'ardrone/odom', 'ardrone/ardrone_base_bottomcam'
        if rev:
            frm, to = to, frm

        self.tf.waitForTransform(frm, to, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(3))
        trans, rot = self.tf.lookupTransform(frm, to, rospy.Time(0))

        x, y, z = euler_from_quaternion(rot)
        yaw = euler_from_quaternion(rot, axes='szxy')[0]

        return yaw, np.array(euler_matrix(-x, -y, z))
        def pub_head_registration(ud):
            cheek_pose_base_link = self.tf_list.transformPose("/base_link", ud.cheek_pose)
            # find the center of the ellipse given a cheek click
            cheek_transformation = np.mat(tf_trans.euler_matrix(2.6 * np.pi/6, 0, 0, 'szyx'))
            cheek_transformation[0:3, 3] = np.mat([-0.08, -0.04, 0]).T
            cheek_pose = PoseConverter.to_homo_mat(cheek_pose_base_link)
            #b_B_c[0:3,0:3] = np.eye(3)
            norm_xy = cheek_pose[0:2, 2] / np.linalg.norm(cheek_pose[0:2, 2])
            head_rot = np.arctan2(norm_xy[1], norm_xy[0])
            cheek_pose[0:3,0:3] = tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, 0, head_rot, 'sxyz')[0:3,0:3]
            self.cheek_pub.publish(PoseConverter.to_pose_stamped_msg("/base_link", cheek_pose))
            ell_center = cheek_pose * cheek_transformation
            self.ell_center_pub.publish(PoseConverter.to_pose_stamped_msg("/base_link", ell_center))

            # create an ellipsoid msg and command it 
            ep = EllipsoidParams()
            ep.e_frame.transform = PoseConverter.to_tf_msg(ell_center)
            ep.height = 0.924
            ep.E = 0.086

            return 'succeeded'
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def place_generator(self):

        place_pose = PoseStamped()
        place_pose.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME
        place_pose.pose.position.x = 0.57
        place_pose.pose.position.y = 0.16
        place_pose.pose.position.z = 0.56
        place_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0

        P = transformations.quaternion_matrix(
        P[0, 3] = place_pose.pose.position.x
        P[1, 3] = place_pose.pose.position.y
        P[2, 3] = place_pose.pose.position.z

        places = []
        yaw_angles = [0, 1, 57, -1, 57, 3, 14]
        x_vals = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15]
        z_vals = [0.05, 0.1, 0.15]
        for y in yaw_angles:
            G = transformations.euler_matrix(0, 0, y)

            G[0, 3] = 0.0  # offset about x
            G[1, 3] = 0.0  # about y
            G[2, 3] = 0.0  # about z

            for z in z_vals:
                for x in x_vals:

                    TM = np.dot(P, G)
                    pl = deepcopy(place_pose)
                    pl.pose.position.x = TM[0, 3] + x
                    pl.pose.position.y = TM[1, 3]
                    pl.pose.position.z = TM[2, 3] + z

                    quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(TM)
                    pl.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
                    pl.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
                    pl.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
                    pl.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
                    pl.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME

        return places
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def orient_division(self, grid, point, angle_offset_mult=1):
        """ Returns a position to go to on the other side of the line """
        angle_offset = 1 * angle_offset_mult  # rads

        point = np.array(point)
        r_pos = self.navigator.pose[0][:2] - point[:2]
        angle = np.arctan2(*r_pos[::-1]) - angle_offset
        center = np.array(grid.shape) / 2

        line_pt2 = trns.euler_matrix(0, 0, angle)[:3, :3].dot(np.array([1E3, 0, 0]))
        cv2.line(grid, tuple(center), tuple(line_pt2[:2].astype(np.int32)), 255, 2)

        # Let's put ourselves on the other side of that there line
        return self.generate_target(angle, r_pos) + point[:2]
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def _MsgToPose(msg):
        Parse the ROS message to a 4x4 pose format
        @param msg The ros message containing a pose
        @return A 4x4 transformation matrix containing the pose
        as read from the message
        # Get translation and rotation (from Euler angles)
        pose = transformations.euler_matrix(msg.roll * 0.0, msg.pitch * 0.0, msg.yaw * 0.0)

        pose[0, 3] = msg.pt.x
        pose[1, 3] = msg.pt.y
        pose[2, 3] = msg.pt.z

        return pose
Ejemplo n.º 48
	def __init__(self):
		rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/local_position/pose", PoseStamped, self.localCb)
		rospy.Subscriber("/itech_ros/mavros_offboard/enu", PoseStamped, self.enuCb)
		self.localEnuPub = rospy.Publisher(util.topicName("mavros_local_pose_fusion", "local_enu"), PoseStamped, queue_size=10)
		self.offsetPub = rospy.Publisher(util.topicName("mavros_local_pose_fusion", "offset"), PointStamped, queue_size=10)
		self.offset = None
		self.localPose = PoseModel()
		self.localEnuPose = PoseModel()
		#tick posee are the poses at the time that we get positioning data.
		self.enuTickPose = PoseModel()
		self.localTickPose = PoseModel()
		self.r = euler_matrix(0, 0, math.pi/-2)
Ejemplo n.º 49
def pose_relative_rot(pose, r=0., p=0., y=0., degrees=True):
    """Return a pose rotated relative to a given pose."""
    ps = deepcopy(pose) 
    if degrees:
        r = math.radians(r)
        p = math.radians(p)
        y = math.radians(y)
    des_rot_mat = tft.euler_matrix(r,p,y) 
    q_ps = [ps.pose.orientation.x, 
    state_rot_mat = tft.quaternion_matrix(q_ps) 
    final_rot_mat = np.dot(state_rot_mat, des_rot_mat) 
    ps.pose.orientation = Quaternion(
    return ps
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def post_grasp(self, new_pose, obj_idx, fl):

        ######### GRASP OBJECT/ REMOVE FROM SCENE ######.

        if fl == "true":
            self.aro = obj_idx
            self.aro = None

        ### POST GRASP RETREAT ###
        M1 = transformations.quaternion_matrix(
        M1[0, 3] = new_pose.pose.position.x
        M1[1, 3] = new_pose.pose.position.y
        M1[2, 3] = new_pose.pose.position.z

        M2 = transformations.euler_matrix(0, 0, 0)

        M2[0, 3] = 0.0  # offset about x
        M2[1, 3] = 0.0  # about y
        M2[2, 3] = 0.25  # about z

        T1 = np.dot(M2, M1)
        npo = deepcopy(new_pose)
        npo.pose.position.x = T1[0, 3]
        npo.pose.position.y = T1[1, 3]
        npo.pose.position.z = T1[2, 3]

        quat = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(T1)
        npo.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
        npo.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
        npo.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
        npo.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
        npo.header.frame_id = REFERENCE_FRAME
Ejemplo n.º 51
	def test_create_matrix(self):
		for yaw in self.yaw:
			for pitch in self.pitch:
				for roll in self.roll:
					m = tft.euler_matrix(yaw * pi / 180., pitch * pi / 180., roll * pi / 180., 'rzyx')
					tb = tb_angles(m)
					self.assertTbEqual(tb, yaw, pitch, roll)
					m2 = m[0:3,0:3]
					tb = tb_angles(m2)
					self.assertTbEqual(tb, yaw, pitch, roll)
					m3 = np.mat(m)
					tb = tb_angles(m3)
					self.assertTbEqual(tb, yaw, pitch, roll)
					m4 = m.tolist()
					tb = tb_angles(m4)
					self.assertTbEqual(tb, yaw, pitch, roll)
Ejemplo n.º 52
	def test_to_mat(self):
		tb = tb_angles(45,-5,24)
		m1 = tb.matrix
		m1a = tb.matrix
		self.assertIs(m1, m1a)
		m2 = tb.to_matrix()
		for yaw in self.yaw:
			for pitch in self.pitch:
				for roll in self.roll:
					tb = tb_angles(yaw,pitch,roll)
					m = tb.matrix
					self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.det(m), 1)
					m2 = tft.euler_matrix(yaw * pi / 180, pitch * pi / 180, roll * pi / 180, 'rzyx')[0:3,0:3]
					self.assertTrue(np.allclose(m, m2),msg='%s and %s not close!' % (m,m2))
def publish_pointestimates(servoang):
    global X_points, Kc, MSG
    # MSG[9]=726
    # servoang=0
    t = np.mat("-1.6991; 51.3061; -83.5694")
    t[2, :] = t[2, :] + MSG[9]
    # print t
    R = euler_matrix(0.0022, 0.003 + ((servoang) / 180.0 * pi), -0.2652, "rzyx")
    R = R[0:3, 0:3].T
    # print R
    # print t
    t = R * t
    # print t
    T = np.bmat("R t")
    x = Kc * T * X_points
    x[0, :] = x[0, :] / x[2, :]
    x[1, :] = x[1, :] / x[2, :]
    x[2, :] = x[2, :] / x[2, :]
    # print x
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def publish_pose(self, header, results, img):
        msg = PoseArray(header=header)
        for r in results:
            pose = r["face_origin"]
            pose_2d = r['face_2d_origin']
            ori = r["pose"]
            mat = T.euler_matrix(-ori[0], -ori[1], -ori[2])
            rotmat = mat[:3, :3]
            quat = T.quaternion_from_matrix(mat)
            quat = T.quaternion_multiply(
                [0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5], quat)

            pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
            pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
            pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
            pose.orientation.w = quat[3]

            if self.visualize:
                zvec = np.array([0, 0, 1], np.float32)
                yvec = np.array([0, 1, 0], np.float32)
                xvec = np.array([1, 0, 0], np.float32)
                zvec = _project_plane_yz(rotmat.dot(zvec)) * 50.0
                yvec = _project_plane_yz(rotmat.dot(yvec)) * 50.0
                xvec = _project_plane_yz(rotmat.dot(xvec)) * 50.0

                face_2d_center = np.array([pose_2d.position.x, pose_2d.position.y])
                img = _draw_line(img, face_2d_center,
                                 face_2d_center + zvec, (255, 0, 0), 3)
                img = _draw_line(img, face_2d_center,
                                 face_2d_center + yvec, (0, 255, 0), 3)
                img = _draw_line(img, face_2d_center,
                                 face_2d_center + xvec, (0, 0, 255), 3)

        if self.visualize:
            img_msg = self.cv_bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, "bgr8")
            img_msg.header = header
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def d_spiral_point(self, point, radius, granularity=8, revolutions=1, direction='ccw', theta_offset=0, meters_per_rev=0):
        Sprials a point using discrete moves
        This produces a generator
        point = np.array(point)
        if direction == 'ccw':
            angle_incrment = 2 * np.pi / granularity
            angle_incrment = -2 * np.pi / granularity
        sprinkles = transformations.euler_matrix(0, 0, angle_incrment)[:3, :3]

        # Find first point to go to using boat rotation
        next_point = np.append(normalize(self.position[:2] - point[:2]), 0)  # Doing this in 2d
        radius_increment = meters_per_rev / granularity
        for i in range(granularity * revolutions + 1):
            new = point + radius * next_point
            radius += radius_increment

            yield self.set_position(new).look_at(point).yaw_left(theta_offset)
            next_point = sprinkles.dot(next_point)

        yield self.set_position(new).look_at(point).yaw_left(theta_offset)
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def circle_point(self, point, radius, granularity=8, theta_offset=0):
        Circle a point whilst looking at it
        This produces a generator, so for use:

            circle = navigator.move.circle_point([1,2,0], 5)
            for p in circle:
                yield p.go()

        point = np.array(point)
        angle_incrment = 2 * np.pi / granularity
        sprinkles = transformations.euler_matrix(0, 0, angle_incrment)[:3, :3]

        # Find first point to go to using boat rotation
        next_point = np.append(normalize(self.nav.pose[0][:2] - point[:2]), 0)  # Doing this in 2d

        for i in range(granularity + 1):
            new = point + radius * next_point
            yield self.set_position(new).look_at(point).yaw_left(theta_offset)  # Remember this is a generator - not a twisted yield
            next_point = sprinkles.dot(next_point)

        yield self.set_position(new).look_at(point).yaw_left(theta_offset)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 def search_IK(self, pose, q_guess, sigma=0.6, sample_size=10,
               search_penalties=[10, 10, 8, 5, 2, 2, 1]):
     q_samples = []
     q_diffs = []
     for i in range(sample_size):
         if i != 0:
             rot_vals = np.random.normal(0, sigma, 3)
             rot_vals = [0]*3
         rot_vals = np.clip(rot_vals, -np.pi, np.pi)
         rand_rot = tf_trans.euler_matrix(*rot_vals)
         new_pose = pose.copy()
         new_pose[:3,:3] = rand_rot[:3,:3] * new_pose[:3,:3]
         cur_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
         q_sample = self.IK(new_pose, q_guess)
         if q_sample is None:
         q_diffs.append(np.sum(np.array(search_penalties) * 
                               self.angle_difference(q_guess, q_sample)))
     if len(q_samples) == 0:
         return None
     return q_samples[np.argmin(q_diffs)]
Ejemplo n.º 58
def main():
    if True:
        ctrl_switcher = ControllerSwitcher()
        ctrl_switcher.carefree_switch('r', '%s_arm_controller', 
                           '$(find hrl_pr2_arms)/params/joint_traj_params_electric.yaml')
        ctrl_switcher.carefree_switch('r', '%s_joint_controller_low', 
                           '$(find hrl_pr2_arms)/params/joint_traj_params_electric_low.yaml')
        r_arm_js = create_pr2_arm('r', PR2ArmJointTrajectory, controller_name='%s_joint_controller_low')
        q = [-0.34781704,  0.27341079, -1.75392154, -2.08626393, -3.43756314, -1.82146607, -1.85187734]
        r_arm_js.set_ep(q, 3) 
        ctrl_switcher.carefree_switch('r', '%s_cart_low_rfh',
                                      '$(find kelsey_sandbox)/params/j_transpose_low_rfh.yaml')

    r_arm = create_pr2_arm('r', PR2ArmCartesianPostureBase)
    vel_ctrl = PR2ArmCartVelocityController(r_arm)
    #vel_frame = tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, -np.pi/2, 0)[:3,:3]
    #vel_ctrl.move_velocity(velocity_rot=vel_frame, velocity=0.005, is_translation=False)
    vel_frame = tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, 0, np.pi/2)[:3,:3]
    vel_ctrl.move_velocity(velocity_rot=vel_frame, velocity=0.10, is_translation=False)
 def update(self, dt):
     # The following model is completely arbitrary and should not be taken to be representative of
     # real vehicle performance!
     # But, it should be good enough to test out control modes etc.
     yaw_cmd, pitch_cmd, roll_cmd, alt_cmd, motor_enable = self.u
     cur_yaw, cur_pitch, cur_roll = tft.euler_from_quaternion(self.get_orientation(), 'rzyx')
     # Feedback control: attitude angles track inputs exactly; altitude is input to
     # PID controller for thrust
     if motor_enable:
         thrust = self.thrust_cmd
         # accelerations due to pitch/roll in body frame:
         pitch_clipped, pwas_clipped = clip(pitch_cmd, -50, 50)
         roll_clipped, rwas_clipped = clip(roll_cmd, -50, 50)
         yaw_cmd = yaw_cmd
         thrust = 0.0
         yaw_cmd = degrees(cur_yaw)
         pitch_clipped = degrees(cur_pitch)
         roll_clipped = degrees(cur_roll)
         pwas_clipped = rwas_clipped = False
     # Propagate dynamics
     # Velocity
     accel_thrust = thrust*THRUST_SCALING/MASS
     if pwas_clipped or rwas_clipped:
         rospy.logwarn('Pitch and/or roll clipped! Pre-clip values %f %f' % (pitch_cmd, roll_cmd))
     accel_body = np.array([-sin(radians(pitch_clipped))*accel_thrust, 
                           0.0]) # vertical accel will be added in inertial frame
     # rotate body frame accelerations into inertial frame, and add drag and vertical forces:
     Ryaw = tft.euler_matrix(cur_yaw, 0, 0, 'rzyx')
     accel_inertial_lateral = np.dot(Ryaw[:3,:3], accel_body)
     cur_velocity = self.get_velocity()
     accel_inertial = accel_inertial_lateral + \
                         np.array([- LINEAR_DRAG*cur_velocity[0]
                                   - QUADRATIC_DRAG*np.sign(cur_velocity[0])*(cur_velocity[0]**2),
                                   - LINEAR_DRAG*cur_velocity[1]
                                   - QUADRATIC_DRAG*np.sign(cur_velocity[1])*(cur_velocity[1]**2),
                                   GRAVITY - accel_thrust*cos(radians(pitch_clipped))*cos(radians(roll_clipped))])
     velocity = cur_velocity + accel_inertial*dt
     # Position
     position = self.get_position() + velocity*dt
     position[2] = min(0, position[2]) # can't go lower than the ground
     # Angles
     if position[2] == 0.0 and velocity[2] > 0:
         # On the ground..
         velocity = np.zeros(3)
         orientation = tft.quaternion_from_euler(radians(yaw_cmd), 0, 0, 'rzyx')
         # assume perfect yaw rate, and pitch and roll tracking:
         orientation = tft.quaternion_from_euler(radians(yaw_cmd), radians(pitch_clipped), radians(roll_clipped), 'rzyx')
     # Angular rate
     # from J. Diebel, "Representing attitude: Euler angles, unit quaternions, and rotation vectors," 2006
     q_cur = np.array((orientation[3],) + tuple(orientation[:3])) # convert to wxyz 
     q_prev = np.array((self.prev_orientation[3],) + tuple(self.prev_orientation[:3])) # convert to wxyz
     if dt > EPS:
         q_dot = (q_cur - q_prev)/dt
         q_dot = np.zeros(4)  
     Wprime = np.array([[-q_cur[1],  q_cur[0],  q_cur[3], -q_cur[2]],
                        [-q_cur[2], -q_cur[3],  q_cur[0],  q_cur[1]],
                        [-q_cur[3],  q_cur[2], -q_cur[1],  q_cur[0]]])
     ang_vel_body = 2*np.dot(Wprime,q_dot)
     # Assemble new state vector
     self.x = np.concatenate([position, velocity, q_cur, ang_vel_body])
     # Save for future finite differences
     self.prev_orientation = orientation[:] # be sure to copy not reference...
Ejemplo n.º 60
def homo_mat_from_2d(x, y, rot):
    mat2d = np.mat(tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, 0, rot))
    mat2d[0,3] = x
    mat2d[1,3] = y
    return mat2d