Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_tf_gate_wrapper_gate_inheritance_parametrized(g):
    inst = g(0.01)(q(0))
    wrapped = tf_gate_wrapper(inst)
    unitary = cirq.unitary(inst)
    wrapped = tf_gate_wrapper(inst, tf.complex64)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        tf_inst = sess.run(wrapped._tensor)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cirq.unitary(inst), tf_inst)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_tf_gate_wrapper_tensor_inputs():
    # TODO
    init_t = np.pi / 2
    t = tf.Variable(init_t)
    inst = cirq.YPowGate(exponent=t)(q(0))
    wrapped = tf_gate_wrapper(inst)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_tf_gate_wrapper_parity_gate():
    for g in [cirq.ZZPowGate]:
        inst = g(exponent=3.84)(q(0), q(1))
        wrapped = tf_gate_wrapper(inst)
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            tf_inst = sess.run(wrapped._tensor).reshape((4, 4))
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cirq.unitary(inst), tf_inst)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_tf_gate_wrapper_gate_inheritance(g):
    """Wrapping a gate instance with a wrapper base class."""
    inst = g(q(0))
    wrapped = tf_gate_wrapper(inst, tf.complex64)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        tf_inst = sess.run(wrapped._tensor)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cirq.unitary(inst), tf_inst)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def simulate_sweep(
            program: Union[circuits.Circuit],
            params: study.Sweepable,
            qubit_order: ops.QubitOrderOrList = ops.QubitOrder.DEFAULT,
            initial_state: Any = None) -> List[tf.Tensor]:
        """Simulates the supplied Circuit or Schedule.

        Note: This differs from cirq.WaveFunctionSimulator in the return
        type, which is List[tf.tensor] instead of List[SimulationTrialResult].

        This method returns a result which allows access to the entire
        wave function. In contrast to simulate, this allows for sweeping
        over different parameter values.

            program: The circuit or schedule to simulate.
            params: Parameters to run with the program.
            qubit_order: Determines the canonical ordering of the qubits. This
                is often used in specifying the initial state, i.e. the
                ordering of the computational basis states.
            initial_state: The initial state for the simulation. The form of
                this state depends on the simulation implementation.  See
                documentation of the implementing class for details.

            List of wavefunctions for this run, one for each possible parameter
        # 1. checking/promotion of initial state to track qubits
        # TODO: enforce sizing on initial_state; don't want any stray/missing qubits
        if initial_state is None:
            initial_state = np.zeros((2**len(program.all_qubits()), ))
            initial_state[0] = 1
        if isinstance(initial_state, np.ndarray):
            initial_qubits = range(int(np.log2(initial_state.shape[0])))
            # enforce tensor shape 2,2,2,2,...
            initial_state = initial_state.reshape((2, ) * len(initial_qubits))
            state = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=initial_state,
            # fixme: util here:
            # state = TFWaveFunctionSimulatorState(state, initial_qubits)

        # TODO: gather a set of all qubits acted on in this circuit

        # FIXME: initialize buffer variable
        # buf = tf.Variable(tf.zeros_like(state, dtype=self._dtype), name='buffer')
        # Moment-wise construction of a set of matrices to apply wall
        self.ops = []
        self.indices = []
        for moment in program:
            # FIXME: empty moment?
            for op in moment.operations:
                self.ops.append(tf_gate_wrapper(op, dtype=self._dtype))
                self.indices.append([q.x for q in op.qubits])

        param_resolvers = study.to_resolvers(params)
        trial_results = []
        qubit_order = ops.QubitOrder.as_qubit_order(qubit_order)
        for param_resolver in param_resolvers:

            # prepare to iteratively construct graph down the line of ops
            state_and_buff = _StateAndBuffer(state, None)  # initializer
            for op, inds in zip(self.ops, self.indices):
                # can't flush the buffer!!
                # buf = tf.assign(tf.get_variable(name='buffer'), tf.zeros_like(state, dtype=self._dtype))
                buf = tf.zeros_like(state, dtype=self._dtype)
                state_and_buff = _StateAndBuffer(state_and_buff.state, buf)
                state_and_buff = self._simulate_unitary(
                    op, state_and_buff, inds)

            # TODO: actually make sweep usable by supplying parameters here..?
            # trial_results.append(
            #     SimulationTrialResult(
            #         params=param_resolver,
            #         measurements={},
            #         final_simulator_state=state_and_buff.state))

        return trial_results
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_tf_gate_wrapper_single_qubit_eigengate(g):
    inst = g(exponent=3.84)(q(0), q(1))
    wrapped = tf_gate_wrapper(inst)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        tf_inst = sess.run(wrapped._tensor).reshape((4, 4))
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cirq.unitary(inst), tf_inst)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_tf_gate_wrapper_single_qubit_eigengate(g):
    inst = g(exponent=1.5)(q(0))
    wrapped = tf_gate_wrapper(inst, tf.complex64)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        tf_inst = sess.run(wrapped._tensor)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cirq.unitary(inst), tf_inst)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_tf_gate_wrapper_gate_inheritance(g):
    inst = g(q(0), q(1))
    wrapped = tf_gate_wrapper(inst, tf.complex64)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        tf_inst = sess.run(wrapped._tensor).reshape((4, 4))
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(cirq.unitary(inst), tf_inst)