Ejemplo n.º 1
 def details(self, company_id, *args, **kwargs):
         company = CompanyAlchemy.get_validated_company(company_id)
     except NoResultFound:
         raise HTTPNotFound()
     except Exception as exc:
         logging.getLogger(__name__).log(logging.ERROR, exc)
         raise HTTPNotFound()
         return dict(company=company)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def details(self, offer_id, *args, **kwargs):
         job = JobAlchemy.get_job_offer(offer_id)
     except NoResultFound:
         raise HTTPNotFound()
     except Exception as exc:
         logging.getLogger(__name__).log(logging.ERROR, exc)
         raise HTTPNotFound()
         return dict(job=job, sources=SOURCES)
 def _lookup(self, model_name, *args):
     model_name = model_name[:-1]
         model = self.config.models[model_name]
     except KeyError:
         raise HTTPNotFound().exception
     config = self.config.lookup_controller_config(model_name)
     controller = self._make_controller(config, self.session)
     return controller, args
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _find_object(obj, remainder, notfound_handlers):
    parent = None
    while True:
        if obj is None:
            raise HTTPNotFound().exception


        if _iscontroller(obj):
            return obj, parent, remainder

        if not remainder or (len(remainder) == 1 and remainder[0] == ''):
            if isinstance(remainder, tuple):
                remainder = list(remainder)
            index = getattr(obj, 'index', None)
            if _iscontroller(index):
                return index, obj, remainder

        default, lookup = _get_notfound_handlers(obj)

        if default:
            notfound_handlers.append(('default', default, obj, remainder))

        if lookup and remainder and not (len(remainder) == 1 and
                                         (remainder[0] == '')):
            notfound_handlers.append(('lookup', lookup, obj, remainder))

        #what causes this condition?
        if not remainder:
            raise HTTPNotFound().exception

        parent = obj

            obj = getattr(obj, remainder[0].encode("utf-8"), None)
            remainder = remainder[1:]
            # this can happen when parts of the path
            # contain non-ascii-characters.
            # If that's the case, we throw HTTPNotFound
            # and let a potential default-handler deal
            # with the issue
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            raise HTTPNotFound().exception
Ejemplo n.º 5
class RootController(TGController):
    CACHE_EXPIRE = 7 * 86400  # 7 Days

    depotmiddleware = DepotMiddleware(HTTPNotFound(), '/pages')

    def _default(self, page=None, *args, **kw):
        page = model.FlatPage.by_slug(page)
        if page is None:
            abort(404, 'Page not found')

        permission = page.required_permission
        if permission and permission != 'public':
            if permission == 'not_anonymous':
                predicate = predicates.not_anonymous()
                predicate = predicates.has_permission(permission)

            if not predicate.is_met(request.environ):
                abort(403, 'Forbidden')

            userid = request.identity['user'].user_id
            userid = None

        override_template(RootController._default, page.template)

        hooks.notify('flatpages.before_render_page', (page, ))

        return dict(page=page,
                        'expire': self.CACHE_EXPIRE,
                        '%s-%s-%s' % (page.slug, page.updated_at, userid)

    def flatfiles(self, *args, **kwargs):
        r = Request.blank('/pages/flatfiles/' + '/'.join(args))
        return r.get_response(self.depotmiddleware)

    def manage(self):
        return FlatPagesAdminController()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _lookup(self, model_name, *args):
        model_name = model_name[:-1]
            model = self.config.models[model_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise HTTPNotFound()

            controller = self.controllers_cache[model_name]
        except KeyError:
            config = self.config.lookup_controller_config(model_name)

            menu_items = None
            if self.config.include_left_menu:
                menu_items = self.config.models

            controller = self.controllers_cache[
                model_name] = self.make_controller(config,

        return controller, args
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _find_restful_dispatch(obj, parent, remainder):

    if not inspect.isclass(obj) and not isinstance(obj, RestController):
        return obj, remainder

    request_method = method = request.method.lower()

    #conventional hack for handling methods which are not supported by most browsers
    params = request.params
    if '_method' in params:
        if params['_method']:
            method = params['_method'].lower()

    if remainder and remainder[-1] == '':
        remainder = remainder[:-1]
    if remainder:
        remainder_len = len(remainder)
        #dispatch is finished, and we are where we need to be
        if remainder_len <= 2 and remainder[-1] in ['new', 'edit']:
            if method == 'get':
                method = remainder[-1]
            if method == 'edit' and len(remainder) <= 2:
                remainder = remainder[:-1]
            if method == 'new' and len(remainder) == 1:
                remainder = remainder[:-1]
        elif remainder_len <= 2 and remainder[-1] == 'delete':
            method = 'delete'
            if remainder_len <= 2:
                remainder = remainder[:-1]

        #handles put and post for parental relations
        elif remainder_len >= 2 and (method == 'post' or method
                                     == 'put') and hasattr(obj, 'get_one'):
            func = getattr(obj, 'get_one')
            arg_len = len(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]) - 1
            new_remainder = remainder[arg_len:]
            if len(new_remainder) > 0 and hasattr(obj, new_remainder[0]):
                return _find_restful_dispatch(*_find_object(
                    getattr(obj, new_remainder[0]), new_remainder[1:], []))
            elif hasattr(obj, remainder[0]):
                return _find_restful_dispatch(*_find_object(
                    getattr(obj, remainder[0]), remainder[1:], []))
                raise HTTPNotFound().exception
        #handles new and edit for parental relations
        if remainder and hasattr(
                obj, remainder[0]) and remainder[0] not in ['new', 'edit']:
            #revert the dispatch back to object_dispatch
            if inspect.isclass(obj):
                obj = obj()
            return _find_restful_dispatch(
                *_find_object(getattr(obj, remainder[0]), remainder[1:], []))

    #support for get_all and get_one methods
    if not remainder and method == 'get' and hasattr(
            obj, 'get_all') and hasattr(
                obj.get_all, 'decoration') and obj.get_all.decoration.exposed:
        method = 'get_all'
    if len(remainder) > 0 and method == 'get' and hasattr(
            obj, 'get_one') and hasattr(
                obj.get_all, 'decoration') and obj.get_one.decoration.exposed:
        if len(remainder) == 1:
            method = 'get_one'
            func = getattr(obj, 'get_one')
            arg_len = len(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]) - 1
            remainder = remainder[arg_len:]
            if len(remainder) > 0 and hasattr(obj, remainder[0]):
                return _find_restful_dispatch(*_find_object(
                    getattr(obj, remainder[0]), remainder[1:], []))
            elif hasattr(obj, 'get_one') and inspect.getargspec(
                method = 'get_one'
                raise HTTPNotFound().exception

    #support for get_delete and post_delete methods
    if request_method == 'get' and method == 'delete' and hasattr(
            obj, 'get_delete') and hasattr(
                'decoration') and obj.get_delete.decoration.exposed:
        method = 'get_delete'
    if request_method == 'post' and method == 'delete' and hasattr(
            obj, 'post_delete') and hasattr(
                'decoration') and obj.post_delete.decoration.exposed:
        method = 'post_delete'

    if hasattr(obj, method):
        possible_rest_method = getattr(obj, method)
        if hasattr(possible_rest_method,
                   'decoration') and possible_rest_method.decoration.exposed:

            if inspect.isclass(obj):
                obj = obj()
            #attach the parent class so the inner class has access to it's members
            obj.parent = parent
            obj = getattr(obj, method)
            raise HTTPNotFound().exception
    elif isinstance(obj, RestController):
        raise HTTPNotFound().exception

    return obj, remainder
Ejemplo n.º 8
This module also contains the standard ObjectDispatch
class which provides the ordinary TurboGears mechanism.

from urllib import url2pathname
from inspect import ismethod, isclass, getargspec
from warnings import warn
import pylons
import mimetypes
from pylons.controllers import WSGIController
from tg.exceptions import HTTPNotFound
from tg.i18n import setup_i18n
from tg.util import odict

HTTPNotFound = HTTPNotFound().exception

class DispatchState(object):
    This class keeps around all the pertainent info for the state
    of the dispatch as it traverses through the tree.  This allows
    us to attach things like routing args and to keep track of the
    path the controller takes along the system.
    def __init__(self, url_path, params):
        self.url_path = url_path
        self.controller_path = odict()
        self.routing_args = {}
        self.method = None
        self.remainder = None
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def new(self, *args, **kwargs):
     raise HTTPNotFound()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def post(self, *args, **kw):
     raise HTTPNotFound()
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def post_delete(self, *args, **kw):
     raise HTTPNotFound()