async def play(client: Client, message_: Message): audio = ( or message_.reply_to_message.voice) if message_.reply_to_message else None res = await message_.reply_text("🔄 Processing...") if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: raise DurationLimitError( f"Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed, the provided video is {audio.duration / 60} minute(s)" ) file_name = audio.file_id + audio.file_name.split(".")[-1] file = await convert(await else: messages = [message_] text = "" offset = None length = None if message_.reply_to_message: messages.append(message_.reply_to_message) for message in messages: if offset: break if message.entities: for entity in message.entities: if entity.type == "url": text = message.text or message.caption offset, length = entity.offset, entity.length break if offset == None: await res.edit_text("❕ You did not give me anything to play.") return url = text[offset:offset+length] file =await convert(download(url)) if in tgcalls.GroupsOn: position = sira.add(, file) await res.edit_text(f"#️⃣ Queued at position {position}.") else: await res.edit_text("▶️ Playing...") res.delete m = await client.send_photo(, photo="", caption=f"Playing Your song Via Devil music bot.", ) tgcalls.setsong(, file)
async def ytp(client: Client, message_: Message): requested_by = message_.from_user.first_name text = message_.text.split(" ", 1) query = text[1] res = await message_.reply_text(f"Searching 🔍🔎🔍🔎 for `{query}` on You Tube") try: results = YoutubeSearch(query, max_results=1).to_dict() link = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" title = results[0]["title"] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] duration = results[0]["duration"] views = results[0]["views"] except Exception as e: await res.edit( "Found Literally Nothing!, You Should Work On Your English." ) is_playing = False print(str(e)) return file = await convert(download(link)) if in tgcalls.GroupsOn: position = sira.add(, file) await res.edit_text(f"#️⃣ Queued at position {position}.") else: await res.edit_text("▶️ Playing...") tgcalls.setsong(, file) await res.edit("Processing Thumbnail.") await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) res.delete m = await client.send_photo(, caption=f"Playing `{query}` Via YouTube", photo="final.png", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton("watch on Youtube", url=link)]] ), parse_mode="markdown", ) os.remove("final.png")
async def jiosaavn(client: Client, message_: Message): requested_by = message_.from_user.first_name text = message_.text.split(" ", 1) query = text[1] res = await message_.reply_text(f"Searching 🔍🔎🔍🔎 for `{query}` on jio saavn") try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get( f"{query}" ) as resp: r = json.loads(await resp.text()) sname = r[0]["song"] slink = r[0]["media_url"] ssingers = r[0]["singers"] sthumb = r[0]["image"] sduration = int(r[0]["duration"]) except Exception as e: await res.edit( "Found Literally Nothing!, You Should Work On Your English." ) print(str(e)) is_playing = False return file= await convert( if in tgcalls.GroupsOn: position = sira.add(, file) await res.edit_text(f"#️⃣ Queued at position {position}.") else: await res.edit_text("▶️ Playing...") tgcalls.setsong(, file) await res.edit("Processing Thumbnail.") await generate_cover_square(requested_by, sname, ssingers, sduration, sthumb) await res.delete() m = await client.send_photo(, caption=f"Playing {sname} Via Jiosaavn", photo="final.png", ) os.remove("final.png")
async def deezer(client: Client, message_: Message): requested_by = message_.from_user.first_name text = message_.text.split(" ", 1) queryy = text[1] res = await message_.reply_text(f"Searching 🔍🔎🔍🔎 for `{queryy}` on deezer") try: arq = ARQ("") r = await arq.deezer(query=queryy, limit=1) title = r[0]["title"] duration = int(r[0]["duration"]) thumbnail = r[0]["thumbnail"] artist = r[0]["artist"] url = r[0]["url"] except: await res.edit( "Found Literally Nothing, You Should Work On Your English!" ) is_playing = False return f= await convert( await res.edit("Generating Thumbnail") await generate_cover_square(requested_by, title, artist, duration, thumbnail) if in tgcalls.GroupsOn: await res.edit("adding in queue") position = sira.add(, fi) await res.edit_text(f"#️⃣ Queued at position {position}.") else: await res.edit_text("▶️ Playing...") tgcalls.setsong(, file) await res.delete() m = await client.send_photo(, photo="final.png", caption=f"Playing [{title}]({url}) Via Deezer." ) os.remove("final.png")