Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_local_gpu_elemwise():
    Test local_gpu_elemwise when there is a dtype upcastable to float32
    a = tensor.bmatrix()
    b = tensor.fmatrix()
    c = tensor.fmatrix()

    a_v = (numpy.random.rand(4, 5) * 10).astype("int8")
    b_v = (numpy.random.rand(4, 5) * 10).astype("float32")
    c_v = (numpy.random.rand(4, 5) * 10).astype("float32")

    # Due to optimization order, this composite is created when all
    # the op are on the gpu.
    f = theano.function([a, b, c], a + b + c, mode=mode_with_gpu)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, GpuElemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    assert sum(type(node.op) == tensor.Elemwise for node in topo) == 0
    utt.assert_allclose(f(a_v, b_v, c_v), a_v + b_v + c_v)

    # Now test with the composite already on the cpu before we move it
    # to the gpu
    a_s = theano.scalar.int8()
    b_s = theano.scalar.float32()
    c_s = theano.scalar.float32()
    out_s = theano.scalar.Composite([a_s, b_s, c_s], [a_s + b_s + c_s])
    out_op = tensor.Elemwise(out_s)
    f = theano.function([a, b, c], out_op(a, b, c), mode=mode_with_gpu)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, GpuElemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    assert sum(type(node.op) == tensor.Elemwise for node in topo) == 0
    utt.assert_allclose(f(a_v, b_v, c_v), a_v + b_v + c_v)

    return  # Not yet implemeted
    # Test multiple output
    a_s = theano.scalar.float32()
    a = tensor.fmatrix()
    from theano.scalar.basic import identity

    out_s = theano.scalar.Composite([a_s, b_s, c_s], [identity(a_s), identity(c_s), identity(b_s)])
    outs_op = tensor.Elemwise(out_s)
    f = theano.function([a, b, c], outs_op(a, b, c), mode=mode_with_gpu)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, GpuElemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    assert sum(type(node.op) == tensor.Elemwise for node in topo) == 0
    out = f(a_v, b_v, c_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[0], a_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[1], c_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[2], b_v)

    # Test multiple output
    out_s = theano.scalar.Composite([a_s, b_s, c_s], [a_s + b_s, a_s * b_s])
    outs_op = tensor.Elemwise(out_s)
    f = theano.function([a, b, c], outs_op(a, b, c), mode=mode_with_gpu)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, GpuElemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    assert sum(type(node.op) == tensor.Elemwise for node in topo) == 0
    out = f(a_v, b_v, c_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[0], a_v + b_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[1], a_v * c_v)

    # Test non-contiguous input
    c = gpuarray_shared_constructor(numpy.asarray(c_v, dtype="float32"))
    f = theano.function([a, b], outs_op(a[::2], b[::2], c[::2]), mode=mode_with_gpu)
    out = f(a_v, b_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[0], a_v[::2] + b_v[::2])
    utt.assert_allclose(out[1], a_v[::2] * c_v[::2])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_local_gpu_elemwise_0():
    Test local_gpu_elemwise_0 when there is a dtype upcastable to float32
    a = tensor.bmatrix()
    b = tensor.fmatrix()
    c = tensor.fmatrix()

    a_v = (numpy.random.rand(4, 5) * 10).astype("int8")
    b_v = (numpy.random.rand(4, 5) * 10).astype("float32")
    c_v = (numpy.random.rand(4, 5) * 10).astype("float32")

    # Due to optimization order, this composite is created when all
    # the op are on the gpu.
    f = theano.function([a, b, c], a + b + c, mode=mode_with_gpu)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, cuda.GpuElemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, tensor.Elemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    utt.assert_allclose(f(a_v, b_v, c_v), a_v + b_v + c_v)

    # Now test with the composite already on the cpu before we move it
    # to the gpu
    a_s = theano.scalar.int8()
    b_s = theano.scalar.float32()
    c_s = theano.scalar.float32()
    out_s = theano.scalar.Composite([a_s, b_s, c_s], [a_s + b_s + c_s])
    out_op = tensor.Elemwise(out_s)
    f = theano.function([a, b, c], out_op(a, b, c), mode=mode_with_gpu)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, cuda.GpuElemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, tensor.Elemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    utt.assert_allclose(f(a_v, b_v, c_v), a_v + b_v + c_v)

    # Test multiple output
    a_s = theano.scalar.float32()
    a = tensor.fmatrix()
    from theano.scalar.basic import identity
    out_s = theano.scalar.Composite(
        [a_s, b_s, c_s],
        [identity(a_s), identity(c_s),
    outs_op = tensor.Elemwise(out_s)
    f = theano.function([a, b, c], outs_op(a, b, c), mode=mode_with_gpu)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, cuda.GpuElemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, tensor.Elemwise) for node in topo) == 0
    out = f(a_v, b_v, c_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[0], a_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[1], c_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[2], b_v)

    # Test multiple output
    out_s = theano.scalar.Composite([a_s, b_s, c_s], [a_s + b_s, a_s * c_s])
    outs_op = tensor.Elemwise(out_s)
    f = theano.function([a, b, c], outs_op(a, b, c), mode=mode_with_gpu)
    topo = f.maker.fgraph.toposort()
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, cuda.GpuElemwise) for node in topo) == 1
    assert sum(isinstance(node.op, tensor.Elemwise) for node in topo) == 0
    out = f(a_v, b_v, c_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[0], a_v + b_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[1], a_v * c_v)

    # Test non-contiguous input
    c = cuda.shared_constructor(c_v)
    f = theano.function([a, b],
                        outs_op(a[::2], b[::2], c[::2]),
    out = f(a_v, b_v)
    utt.assert_allclose(out[0], a_v[::2] + b_v[::2])
    utt.assert_allclose(out[1], a_v[::2] * c_v[::2])