Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: opt.py Proyecto: npinto/Theano
def local_structured_dot(node):
    if node.op == sparse._structured_dot:
        a, b = node.inputs
        if a.type.format == 'csc':
            a_val, a_ind, a_ptr, a_shape = csm_properties(a)
            a_nsparse = a_shape[0]
            return [sd_csc(a_val, a_ind, a_ptr, a_nsparse, b)]
        if a.type.format == 'csr':
            a_val, a_ind, a_ptr, a_shape = csm_properties(a)
            return [sd_csr(a_val, a_ind, a_ptr, b)]
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_local_csm_properties_csm():
    data = tensor.vector()
    indices, indptr, shape = (tensor.ivector(), tensor.ivector(),
    mode = theano.compile.mode.get_default_mode()
    mode = mode.including("specialize", "local_csm_properties_csm")
    for CS, cast in [(CSC, sp.csc_matrix), (CSR, sp.csr_matrix)]:
        f = theano.function([data, indices, indptr, shape],
                            csm_properties(CS(data, indices, indptr, shape)),
        assert not any(isinstance(node.op, (CSM, CSMProperties)) for node
                       in f.maker.env.toposort())
        v = cast(random_lil((10, 40),
                            config.floatX, 3))
        f(v.data, v.indices, v.indptr, v.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_local_csm_properties_csm():
    data = tensor.vector()
    indices, indptr, shape = (tensor.ivector(), tensor.ivector(),
    mode = theano.compile.mode.get_default_mode()
    mode = mode.including("specialize", "local_csm_properties_csm")
    for CS, cast in [(CSC, sp.csc_matrix), (CSR, sp.csr_matrix)]:
        f = theano.function([data, indices, indptr, shape],
                            csm_properties(CS(data, indices, indptr, shape)),
        assert not any(isinstance(node.op, (CSM, CSMProperties)) for node
                       in f.maker.env.toposort())
        v = cast(random_lil((10, 40),
                            config.floatX, 3))
        f(v.data, v.indices, v.indptr, v.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: opt.py Proyecto: npinto/Theano
def local_usmm_csx(node):
    """ usmm -> usmm_csc_dense """
    if node.op == usmm:
        alpha, x, y, z = node.inputs

        x_is_sparse_variable = _is_sparse_variable(x)
        y_is_sparse_variable = _is_sparse_variable(y)

        if x_is_sparse_variable and not y_is_sparse_variable:
            if x.type.format == 'csc':
                x_val, x_ind, x_ptr, x_shape = csm_properties(x)
                x_nsparse = x_shape[0]
                dtype_out = scalar.upcast(alpha.type.dtype, x.type.dtype,
                                          y.type.dtype, z.type.dtype)
                if dtype_out not in ('float32', 'float64'):
                    return False
                # Sparse cast is not implemented.
                if y.type.dtype != dtype_out:
                    return False

                return [usmm_csc_dense(alpha, x_val, x_ind, x_ptr,
                                       x_nsparse, y, z)]
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
#layer1 = HebbianAdaptiveLayer(layer0.output,filter_shape,sigma,s1,s2,s2,final_shape,Wi=Wi,Wr=Wr)

layers = [layer0]#, layer1]'''
out = [input_layer.output]#, layer1.output]

inp = T.matrix()
#propagate = theano.function([out],y)

#updates = [(param_i + LR*layer0.state*(x-y)) for param_i in zip(params)]

#update = [(param_i, param_i + LR)]

csc_mat = sparse.csc_matrix('cscMat', dtype='float32')
qq,ww,ee,rr = sparse.csm_properties(csc_mat)
csc_trans = sparse.CSR(qq,ww,ee,rr)
#trans = theano.function([csc_mat],csc_trans)

Wis = []
Wrs = []
states = []
a = sp.csc_matrix(np.asarray([[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]],dtype='float32'))
print sparse.transpose(a).toarray()

old_W = sparse.csc_matrix('old_W',dtype='float32') # Old weight matrix
pop_i = sparse.csc_matrix('pop_i',dtype='float32') # Input layer
pop_j = sparse.csc_matrix('pop_j',dtype='float32') # Output layer
alpha = T.scalar('alpha',dtype='float32')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _create_move_function(self):
        """Creates a Theano function that moves a word to another class.

        tensor.inc_subtensor actually works like numpy.add.at, so we can use it
        to add the count as many times as the word occurs in a class.

        updates = []
        word_id = tensor.scalar('word_id', dtype=self._count_type)
        word_id.tag.test_value = 0
        new_class_id = tensor.scalar('new_class_id', dtype=self._count_type)
        new_class_id.tag.test_value = 0
        old_class_id = self._word_to_class[word_id]

        # word
        word_count = self._word_counts[word_id]
        c_counts = self._class_counts
        c_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(c_counts[old_class_id], -word_count)
        c_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(c_counts[new_class_id], word_count)
        updates.append((self._class_counts, c_counts))

        # word, word X
        data, indices, indptr, _ = sparse.csm_properties(self._ww_counts_csr)
        right_word_ids = indices[indptr[word_id]:indptr[word_id + 1]]
        counts = data[indptr[word_id]:indptr[word_id + 1]]
        selector = tensor.neq(right_word_ids, word_id).nonzero()
        right_word_ids = right_word_ids[selector]
        counts = counts[selector]

        cw_counts = self._cw_counts
        cw_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(
            cw_counts[old_class_id, right_word_ids], -counts)
        cw_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(
            cw_counts[new_class_id, right_word_ids], counts)
        right_class_ids = self._word_to_class[right_word_ids]
        cc_counts = self._cc_counts
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(
            cc_counts[old_class_id, right_class_ids], -counts)
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(
            cc_counts[new_class_id, right_class_ids], counts)

        # word X, word
        data, indices, indptr, _ = sparse.csm_properties(self._ww_counts)
        left_word_ids = indices[indptr[word_id]:indptr[word_id + 1]]
        counts = data[indptr[word_id]:indptr[word_id + 1]]
        selector = tensor.neq(left_word_ids, word_id).nonzero()
        left_word_ids = left_word_ids[selector]
        counts = counts[selector]

        wc_counts = self._wc_counts
        wc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(
            wc_counts[left_word_ids, old_class_id], -counts)
        wc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(
            wc_counts[left_word_ids, new_class_id], counts)
        left_class_ids = self._word_to_class[left_word_ids]
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(
            cc_counts[left_class_ids, old_class_id], -counts)
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(
            cc_counts[left_class_ids, new_class_id], counts)

        # word, word
        count = self._ww_counts[word_id, word_id]
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cc_counts[old_class_id, old_class_id],
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cc_counts[new_class_id, new_class_id],
        cw_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cw_counts[old_class_id, word_id],
        cw_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cw_counts[new_class_id, word_id],
        wc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(wc_counts[word_id, old_class_id],
        wc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(wc_counts[word_id, new_class_id],
        updates.append((self._cc_counts, cc_counts))
        updates.append((self._cw_counts, cw_counts))
        updates.append((self._wc_counts, wc_counts))

        w_to_c = self._word_to_class
        w_to_c = tensor.set_subtensor(w_to_c[word_id], new_class_id)
        updates.append((self._word_to_class, w_to_c))

        self._move = theano.function([word_id, new_class_id], [],
Ejemplo n.º 7
x = sparse.csc_matrix(name='x', dtype='float32')
y = sparse.dense_from_sparse(x)
z = sparse.csc_from_dense(y)

# 2.2 Properties and Construction
# Although sparse variables do not allow direct to their properties, this
# can be accomplished using the csm_properties function. This will return
# a tuple of one-dimensional tensor variables that represents the internal
# characteristics of the sparse matrix.

# In order to reconstruct a sparse matrix from some properties, the
# function CSC and CSR can be used. This will create the sparse matrix in
# desired format. As an example, the following code reconstructs a csc
# matrix into a csr one.
x = sparse.csc_matrix(name='x', dtype='int64')
data, indices, indptr, shape = sparse.csm_properties(x)
y = sparse.CSR(data, indices, indptr, shape)
f = theano.function([x], y)
a = sp.csc_matrix(np.asarray([[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]))  #, dtype='int64'
print a.toarray()
print f(a).toarray()
# The last example shows that one format can be obtained from transposition
# of the other. Indeed, when calling the transpose function, the sparse
# characteristics of the resulting matrix cannot be the same as the one
# provided as input.

# 2.3 Structured Operation
# Several ops are set to make use of the very peculiar structure of the
# sparse matrices. These ops are said to be structured and simply do not
# perform any computations on the zero elements of the sparse matrix. They
# can be though as being applied only to the data attribute of the latter.
Ejemplo n.º 8
# pylint: disable = bad-whitespace, invalid-name, no-member, bad-continuation, assignment-from-no-return

# if shape[0] > shape[1], use csr. Otherwise, use csc
# but, not all ops are available for both yet
# so use the one that has what you need

# to and fro

x = sparse.csc_matrix(name='x', dtype='float32')
y = sparse.dense_from_sparse(x)
z = sparse.csc_from_dense(y)

# resconstruct a csc from a csr

x = sparse.csc_matrix(name='x', dtype='int64')
data, indices, indptr, shape = sparse.csm_properties(x)
y = sparse.CSR(data, indices, indptr, shape)
f = theano.function([x], y)
a = sp.csc_matrix(np.asarray([[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]))
print a.toarray()
print f(a).toarray()

# "structured" operations
# act only on (originally) nonzero elements

x = sparse.csc_matrix(name='x', dtype='float32')
y = sparse.structured_add(x, 2)
f = theano.function([x], y)
a = sp.csc_matrix(
    np.asarray([[0, 0, -1], [0, -2, 1], [3, 0, 0]], dtype='float32'))
print a.toarray()
Ejemplo n.º 9
tI = T.ivector()
bla = sparse.construct_sparse_from_list(tsize, tV, tI)

v = ones(2).astype(float32)
i = arange(2)
j = arange(2)
m = sp.csc_matrix( (v, (i,j)), shape=(4,2))

tdata = T.vector()
tindices = T.ivector()
tindptr = T.ivector()
tshape = T.ivector()
x = sparse.csc_matrix()
a,b,c,d = sparse.csm_properties(x)
print a.eval({x:m})
print b.eval({x:m})
print c.eval({x:m})
print d.eval({x:m})

tm = sparse.CSC(tdata, tindices, tindptr, tshape)

shape = array([5,3]).astype(int32)
indices = array( [0,2,4] ).astype(int32)
indptr = arange(4).astype(int32)
data = ones(3).astype(float32)
m2 = tm.eval( {tdata:data, tindices:indices, tindptr:indptr, tshape:shape})

ty = T.ivector()
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _create_move_function(self):
        """Creates a Theano function that moves a word to another class.

        tensor.inc_subtensor actually works like numpy.add.at, so we can use it
        to add the count as many times as the word occurs in a class.

        updates = []
        word_id = tensor.scalar('word_id', dtype=self._count_type)
        new_class_id = tensor.scalar('new_class_id', dtype=self._count_type)
        old_class_id = self._word_to_class[word_id]

        # word
        word_count = self._word_counts[word_id]
        c_counts = self._class_counts
        c_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(c_counts[old_class_id], -word_count)
        c_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(c_counts[new_class_id], word_count)
        updates.append((self._class_counts, c_counts))

        # word, word X
        data, indices, indptr, _ = sparse.csm_properties(self._ww_counts_csr)
        right_word_ids = indices[indptr[word_id]:indptr[word_id + 1]]
        counts = data[indptr[word_id]:indptr[word_id + 1]]
        selector = tensor.neq(right_word_ids, word_id).nonzero()
        right_word_ids = right_word_ids[selector]
        counts = counts[selector]

        cw_counts = self._cw_counts
        cw_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cw_counts[old_class_id,right_word_ids], -counts)
        cw_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cw_counts[new_class_id,right_word_ids], counts)
        right_class_ids = self._word_to_class[right_word_ids]
        cc_counts = self._cc_counts
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cc_counts[old_class_id,right_class_ids], -counts)
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cc_counts[new_class_id,right_class_ids], counts)

        # word X, word
        data, indices, indptr, _ = sparse.csm_properties(self._ww_counts)
        left_word_ids = indices[indptr[word_id]:indptr[word_id + 1]]
        counts = data[indptr[word_id]:indptr[word_id + 1]]
        selector = tensor.neq(left_word_ids, word_id).nonzero()
        left_word_ids = left_word_ids[selector]
        counts = counts[selector]

        wc_counts = self._wc_counts
        wc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(wc_counts[left_word_ids,old_class_id], -counts)
        wc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(wc_counts[left_word_ids,new_class_id], counts)
        left_class_ids = self._word_to_class[left_word_ids]
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cc_counts[left_class_ids,old_class_id], -counts)
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cc_counts[left_class_ids,new_class_id], counts)

        # word, word
        count = self._ww_counts[word_id,word_id]
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cc_counts[old_class_id,old_class_id], -count)
        cc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cc_counts[new_class_id,new_class_id], count)
        cw_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cw_counts[old_class_id,word_id], -count)
        cw_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(cw_counts[new_class_id,word_id], count)
        wc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(wc_counts[word_id,old_class_id], -count)
        wc_counts = tensor.inc_subtensor(wc_counts[word_id,new_class_id], count)
        updates.append((self._cc_counts, cc_counts))
        updates.append((self._cw_counts, cw_counts))
        updates.append((self._wc_counts, wc_counts))

        w_to_c = self._word_to_class
        w_to_c = tensor.set_subtensor(w_to_c[word_id], new_class_id)
        updates.append((self._word_to_class, w_to_c))

        self._move = theano.function(
            [word_id, new_class_id],
Ejemplo n.º 11
tsize = T.matrix()
tV = T.matrix()
tI = T.ivector()
bla = sparse.construct_sparse_from_list(tsize, tV, tI)

v = ones(2).astype(float32)
i = arange(2)
j = arange(2)
m = sp.csc_matrix((v, (i, j)), shape=(4, 2))

tdata = T.vector()
tindices = T.ivector()
tindptr = T.ivector()
tshape = T.ivector()
x = sparse.csc_matrix()
a, b, c, d = sparse.csm_properties(x)
print a.eval({x: m})
print b.eval({x: m})
print c.eval({x: m})
print d.eval({x: m})

tm = sparse.CSC(tdata, tindices, tindptr, tshape)

shape = array([5, 3]).astype(int32)
indices = array([0, 2, 4]).astype(int32)
indptr = arange(4).astype(int32)
data = ones(3).astype(float32)
m2 = tm.eval({tdata: data, tindices: indices, tindptr: indptr, tshape: shape})

ty = T.ivector()