def quantized_bprop(self, cost): """ bprop equals: (active_prime) *elem_multiply* error_signal_in * (rep of previous layer) (rep of previous layer) is recoded as self.x during fprop() process. Here we quantize (rep of previous layer) and leave the rest as it is. """ # the lower 2**(integer power) index_low = T.switch(self.x > 0., T.floor(T.log2(self.x)), T.floor(T.log2(-self.x))) sign = T.switch(self.x > 0., 1., -1.) # index_up = index_low + 1 # the upper 2**(integer power) though not used explicitly. p_up = sign * self.x / 2**(index_low) - 1 # percentage of upper index. srng = theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams( self.rng.randint(999999)) index_random = index_low + srng.binomial( n=1, p=p_up, size=T.shape(self.x), dtype=theano.config.floatX) quantized_rep = sign * 2**index_random # there is sth wrong with this self-made backprop: # the code is using BN, but this type of explicitly computation is not considering # gradients caused by BN. # error = self.activation_prime(self.z) * error_signal_in error = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.z) self.dEdW =, error) self.dEdb = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.b) if self.BN == True: self.dEda = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.a)
def quantized_bprop(self, cost): """ bprop for convolution layer equals: ( self.x.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3) (*) T.grad(cost, wrt=#convoutput).dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] ).dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] '(*)'stands for convolution. Here we quantize (rep of previous layer) and leave the rest as it is. """ # the lower 2**(integer power) index_low = T.switch(self.x > 0., T.floor(T.log2(self.x)), T.floor(T.log2(-self.x))) index_low = T.clip(index_low, -4, 3) sign = T.switch(self.x > 0., 1., -1.) #index_up = index_low + 1 # the upper 2**(integer power) though not used explicitly. p_up = sign * self.x / 2**(index_low) - 1 # percentage of upper index. srng = theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams(self.rng.randint(999999)) index_random = index_low + srng.binomial(n=1, p=p_up, size=T.shape(self.x), dtype=theano.config.floatX) quantized_rep = sign * 2**index_random error = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.conv_z) self.dEdW = T.nnet.conv.conv2d( input=quantized_rep.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3), filters=error.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] ).dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] self.dEdb = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.b) if self.BN == True: self.dEda = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.a)
def quantized_bprop(self, cost): """ bprop equals: (active_prime) *elem_multiply* error_signal_in * (rep of previous layer) (rep of previous layer) is recoded as self.x during fprop() process. Here we quantize (rep of previous layer) and leave the rest as it is. """ # the lower 2**(integer power) index_low = T.switch(self.x > 0., T.floor(T.log2(self.x)), T.floor(T.log2(-self.x))) index_low = T.clip(index_low, -4, 3) sign = T.switch(self.x > 0., 1., -1.) #index_up = index_low + 1 # the upper 2**(integer power) though not used explicitly. p_up = sign * self.x / 2**(index_low) - 1 # percentage of upper index. srng = theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams(self.rng.randint(999999)) index_random = index_low + srng.binomial(n=1, p=p_up, size=T.shape(self.x), dtype=theano.config.floatX) quantized_rep = sign * 2**index_random # there is sth wrong with this self-made backprop: # the code is using BN, but this type of explicit computation is not considering # gradients caused by BN. # error = self.activation_prime(self.z) * error_signal_in error = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.z) self.dEdW =, error) #self.dEdW =, error) self.dEdb = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.b) if self.BN == True: self.dEda = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.a)
def binarization(W, H, binary=True, deterministic=False, stochastic=False, srng=None): # (deterministic == True) <-> test-time <-> inference-time if not binary or (deterministic and stochastic): # print("not binary") Wb = W else: # [-1,1] -> [0,1] Wb = hard_sigmoid(W / H) # Wb = T.clip(W/H,-1,1) # Stochastic BinaryConnect if stochastic: print( 'Warning: stochastic is disabled during weight quantization changing to deterministic' ) Wb = T.floor(Wb * 8) / 7 # Deterministic BinaryConnect (round to nearest) else: # print("det") Wb = T.floor(Wb * 8) / 7 # [0, 1] -> [-1, 1] Wb = 2 * Wb - 1 return Wb
def quantized_bprop(self, cost): """ bprop for convolution layer equals: ( self.x.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3) (*) T.grad(cost, wrt=#convoutput).dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] ).dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] '(*)'stands for convolution. Here we quantize (rep of previous layer) and leave the rest as it is. """ # the lower 2**(integer power) index_low = T.switch(self.x > 0., T.floor(T.log2(self.x)), T.floor(T.log2(-self.x))) index_low = T.clip(index_low, -4, 3) sign = T.switch(self.x > 0., 1., -1.) #index_up = index_low + 1 # the upper 2**(integer power) though not used explicitly. p_up = sign * self.x / 2**(index_low) - 1 # percentage of upper index. srng = theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams( self.rng.randint(999999)) index_random = index_low + srng.binomial( n=1, p=p_up, size=T.shape(self.x), dtype=theano.config.floatX) quantized_rep = sign * 2**index_random error = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.conv_z) self.dEdW = T.nnet.conv.conv2d( input=quantized_rep.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3), filters=error.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]).dimshuffle( 1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1] self.dEdb = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.b) if self.BN == True: self.dEda = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.a)
def biLinearInterpolation_Coeffs_tt(x, y, matrix, x0_limit, y0_limit, x1_limit, y1_limit): x_in, y_in = x - x0_limit, y - y0_limit x0 = tt.floor(x_in) x1 = x0 + 1 y0 = tt.floor(y_in) y1 = y0 + 1 x0 = tt.cast(tt.clip(x0, 0, x1_limit), 'int32') x1 = tt.cast(tt.clip(x1, 0, x1_limit), 'int32') y0 = tt.cast(tt.clip(y0, 0, y1_limit), 'int32') y1 = tt.cast(tt.clip(y1, 0, y1_limit), 'int32') Q11 = matrix[y0, x0] Q21 = matrix[y1, x0] Q12 = matrix[y0, x1] Q22 = matrix[y1, x1] den12 = (x0-x1) / (y0-y1) den21 = (x0-x1) / (y1-y0) a0 = Q11 * x1*y1 / den12 + Q12 * x1*y0 / den21 + Q21 * x0*y1 / den21 + Q22 * x0*y0 / den12 a1 = Q11 * y1 / den21 + Q12 * y0 / den12 + Q21 * y1 / den12 + Q22 * y0 / den21 a2 = Q11 * x1 / den21 + Q12 * x1 / den12 + Q21 * x0 / den12 + Q22 * x0 / den21 a3 = Q11 / den12 + Q12 / den21 + Q21 / den21 + Q22 / den12 return a0, a1, a2, a3
def quantize_weights(W, srng=None, bitlimit=None, deterministic=False): """ Exponential quantization :param W: Weights :param srng: random number generator :param bitlimit: limit values to be in power of 2 range, e.g. for values in 2^-22 to 2^9 set it to [-22, 9] :param deterministic: deterministic rounding :return: quantized weights """ bitlimit = [-22, 9] #hardcoded for experiments if srng is None: rng = np.random.RandomState(666) srng = theano.sandbox.rng_mrg.MRG_RandomStreams(rng.randint(999999)) if bitlimit: index_low = T.clip( T.switch(W > 0., T.floor(T.log2(W)), T.floor(T.log2(-W))), bitlimit[0], bitlimit[1]) else: index_low = T.switch(W > 0., T.floor(T.log2(W)), T.floor(T.log2(-W))) sign = T.switch(W > 0., 1., -1.) p_up = sign * W / 2**(index_low) - 1 # percentage of upper index. if deterministic: index_deterministic = index_low + T.switch(p_up > 0.5, 1, 0) quantized_W = sign * 2**index_deterministic else: index_random = index_low + srng.binomial( n=1, p=p_up, size=T.shape(W), dtype=theano.config.floatX) quantized_W = sign * 2**index_random return quantized_W
def discrete_grads(loss,network,LR): global update_type,best_params,H,N,th # th is a parameter that controls the nonlinearity of state transfer probability W_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(network, discrete=True) #Get all the weight parameters layers = lasagne.layers.get_all_layers(network) W_grads = [] for layer in layers: params = layer.get_params(discrete=True) if params: W_grads.append(theano.grad(loss, wrt=layer.W)) #Here layer.W = weight_tune(param) updates = lasagne.updates.adam(loss_or_grads=W_grads,params=W_params,learning_rate=LR) for param, parambest in izip(W_params, best_params) : L = 2*H/pow(2,N) #state step length in Z_N a=random.random() #c is a random variable with binary value if a<0.85: c = 1 else: c = 0 b=random.random() state_rand = T.round(b*pow(2,N))*L-H #state_rand is a random state in the discrete weight space Z_N delta_W1 =c*(state_rand-parambest)#parambest would transfer to state_rand with probability of a, or keep unmoved with probability of 1-a delta_W1_direction = T.cast(T.sgn(delta_W1),theano.config.floatX) dis1=T.abs_(delta_W1) #the absolute distance k1=delta_W1_direction*T.floor(dis1/L) #the integer part v1=delta_W1-k1*L #the decimal part Prob1= T.abs_(v1/L) #the transfer probability Prob1 = T.tanh(th*Prob1) #the nonlinear tanh() function accelerates the state transfer delta_W2 = updates[param] - param delta_W2_direction = T.cast(T.sgn(delta_W2),theano.config.floatX) dis2=T.abs_(delta_W2) #the absolute distance k2=delta_W2_direction*T.floor(dis2/L) #the integer part v2=delta_W2-k2*L #the decimal part Prob2= T.abs_(v2/L) #the transfer probability Prob2 = T.tanh(th*Prob2) #the nonlinear tanh() function accelerates the state transfer srng = RandomStreams(lasagne.random.get_rng().randint(1, 2147462579)) Gate1 = T.cast(srng.binomial(n=1, p=Prob1, size=T.shape(Prob1)), theano.config.floatX) # Gate1 is a binary variable with probability of Prob1 to be 1 Gate2 = T.cast(srng.binomial(n=1, p=Prob2, size=T.shape(Prob2)), theano.config.floatX) # Gate2 is a binary variable with probability of Prob2 to be 1 delta_W1_new=(k1+delta_W1_direction*Gate1)*L #delta_W1_new = k*L where k is an integer updates_param1 = T.clip(parambest + delta_W1_new,-H,H) updates_param1 = weight_tune(updates_param1,-H,H) #fine tuning for guaranteeing each element strictly constrained in the discrete space delta_W2_new=(k2+delta_W2_direction*Gate2)*L #delta_W2_new = k*L where k is an integer updates_param2 = T.clip(param + delta_W2_new,-H,H) updates_param2 = weight_tune(updates_param2,-H,H) #fine tuning for guaranteeing each element strictly constrained in the discrete space # if update_type<100, the weight probabilistically tranfers from parambest to state_rand, which helps to search the global minimum # elst it would probabilistically transfer from param to a state nearest to updates[param] updates[param]= T.switch(,100), updates_param1, updates_param2) return updates
def eval_volume_at_3d_coordinates_in_theano(volume, coords, strides=None): """ Evaluates the data volume at given coordinates using trilinear interpolation. This function is a Theano version of `learn2track.utils.eval_volume_at_3d_coordinates`. Parameters ---------- volume : 3D array or 4D array Data volume. coords : ndarray of shape (N, 3) 3D coordinates where to evaluate the volume data. strides : tuple Strides of the volume (for speedup). Default: detected automatically. References ---------- [1] """ if volume.ndim == 3: print( "eval_volume_at_3d_coordinates_in_theano with volume.ndim == 3 has not been tested." ) indices = T.cast((coords[:, None, :] + idx).reshape((-1, 3)), dtype="int32") P = volume[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], indices[:, 2]].reshape( (coords.shape[0], -1)).T # P = advanced_indexing(volume, indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], indices[:, 2], strides=strides).reshape((coords.shape[0], -1)).T d = coords - T.floor(coords) dx, dy, dz = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] Q1 = T.stack([ T.ones_like(dx), d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2], dx * dy, dy * dz, dx * dz, dx * dy * dz ], axis=0) values = T.sum(P *, Q1), axis=0) return values elif volume.ndim == 4: indices = T.floor((coords[:, None, :] + idx).reshape((-1, 3))) P = advanced_indexing(volume, indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1], indices[:, 2], strides=strides).reshape( (coords.shape[0], 8, volume.shape[-1])).T d = coords - T.floor(coords) dx, dy, dz = d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2] Q1 = T.stack([ T.ones_like(dx), d[:, 0], d[:, 1], d[:, 2], dx * dy, dy * dz, dx * dz, dx * dy * dz ], axis=0) values = T.sum(P *, Q1), axis=1).T return values
def ShiftConv(w_t_g, s_t, N): shift = 2.*s_t-1. Z = T.mod(shift+N, N) simj = 1 - (Z - T.floor(Z)) imj = T.mod(T.arange(N) + T.iround(T.floor(Z)),N) w_t_g_roll_1 = T.roll(w_t_g, -T.iround(T.floor(Z))) w_t_g_roll_2 = T.roll(w_t_g, -(T.iround(T.floor(Z))+1)) w_t_s = w_t_g_roll_1*simj + w_t_g_roll_2*(1-simj) return w_t_s
def _interpolate(im, x, y, out_height, out_width): # *_f are floats num_batch, height, width, channels = im.shape height_f = T.cast(height, theano.config.floatX) width_f = T.cast(width, theano.config.floatX) # clip coordinates to [-1, 1] x = T.clip(x, -1, 1) y = T.clip(y, -1, 1) # scale coordinates from [-1, 1] to [0, width/height - 1] x = (x + 1) / 2 * (width_f - 1) y = (y + 1) / 2 * (height_f - 1) # obtain indices of the 2x2 pixel neighborhood surrounding the coordinates; # we need those in floatX for interpolation and in int64 for indexing. for # indexing, we need to take care they do not extend past the image. x0_f = T.floor(x) y0_f = T.floor(y) x1_f = x0_f + 1 y1_f = y0_f + 1 x0 = T.cast(x0_f, 'int64') y0 = T.cast(y0_f, 'int64') x1 = T.cast(T.minimum(x1_f, width_f - 1), 'int64') y1 = T.cast(T.minimum(y1_f, height_f - 1), 'int64') # The input is [num_batch, height, width, channels]. We do the lookup in # the flattened input, i.e [num_batch*height*width, channels]. We need # to offset all indices to match the flat version dim2 = width dim1 = width*height base = T.repeat( T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int64')*dim1, out_height*out_width) base_y0 = base + y0*dim2 base_y1 = base + y1*dim2 idx_a = base_y0 + x0 idx_b = base_y1 + x0 idx_c = base_y0 + x1 idx_d = base_y1 + x1 # use indices to lookup pixels for all samples im_flat = im.reshape((-1, channels)) Ia = im_flat[idx_a] Ib = im_flat[idx_b] Ic = im_flat[idx_c] Id = im_flat[idx_d] # calculate interpolated values wa = ((x1_f-x) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wb = ((x1_f-x) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wc = ((x-x0_f) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wd = ((x-x0_f) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') output = T.sum([wa*Ia, wb*Ib, wc*Ic, wd*Id], axis=0) assert str(output.dtype) == theano.config.floatX, str(output.dtype) return output
def _interpolate(im, x, y, out_height, out_width): # *_f are floats num_batch, height, width, channels = im.shape height_f = T.cast(height, theano.config.floatX) width_f = T.cast(width, theano.config.floatX) # scale indices from [-1, 1] to [0, width/height]. x = (x + 1) / 2 * width_f y = (y + 1) / 2 * height_f # Clip indices to ensure they are not out of bounds. max_x = width_f - 1 max_y = height_f - 1 x0 = T.clip(x, 0, max_x) x1 = T.clip(x + 1, 0, max_x) y0 = T.clip(y, 0, max_y) y1 = T.clip(y + 1, 0, max_y) # We need floatX for interpolation and int64 for indexing. x0_f = T.floor(x0) x1_f = T.floor(x1) y0_f = T.floor(y0) y1_f = T.floor(y1) x0 = T.cast(x0, 'int64') x1 = T.cast(x1, 'int64') y0 = T.cast(y0, 'int64') y1 = T.cast(y1, 'int64') # The input is [num_batch, height, width, channels]. We do the lookup in # the flattened input, i.e [num_batch*height*width, channels]. We need # to offset all indices to match the flat version dim2 = width dim1 = width*height base = T.repeat( T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int64')*dim1, out_height*out_width) base_y0 = base + y0*dim2 base_y1 = base + y1*dim2 idx_a = base_y0 + x0 idx_b = base_y1 + x0 idx_c = base_y0 + x1 idx_d = base_y1 + x1 # use indices to lookup pixels for all samples im_flat = im.reshape((-1, channels)) Ia = im_flat[idx_a] Ib = im_flat[idx_b] Ic = im_flat[idx_c] Id = im_flat[idx_d] # calculate interpolated values wa = ((x1_f-x) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wb = ((x1_f-x) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wc = ((x-x0_f) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wd = ((x-x0_f) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') output = T.sum([wa*Ia, wb*Ib, wc*Ic, wd*Id], axis=0) return output
def _interpolate(im, x, y, out_height, out_width): # *_f are floats num_batch, height, width, channels = im.shape height_f = T.cast(height, 'float32') width_f = T.cast(width, 'float32') zero = T.zeros([], dtype='int64') max_y = im.shape[1] - 1 max_x = im.shape[2] - 1 # scale indices from [-1, 1] to [0, width/height]. x = (x + 1.0)*(width_f) / 2.0 y = (y + 1.0)*(height_f) / 2.0 x0 = T.cast(T.floor(x), 'int64') x1 = x0 + 1 y0 = T.cast(T.floor(y), 'int64') y1 = y0 + 1 # Clip indicies to ensure they are not out of bounds. x0 = T.clip(x0, zero, max_x) x1 = T.clip(x1, zero, max_x) y0 = T.clip(y0, zero, max_y) y1 = T.clip(y1, zero, max_y) # The input is [num_batch, height, width, channels]. We do the lookup in # the flattened input, i.e [num_batch*height*width, channels]. We need # to offset all indices to match the flat version dim2 = width dim1 = width*height base = _repeat( T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int32')*dim1, out_height*out_width) base_y0 = base + y0*dim2 base_y1 = base + y1*dim2 idx_a = base_y0 + x0 idx_b = base_y1 + x0 idx_c = base_y0 + x1 idx_d = base_y1 + x1 # use indices to lookup pixels for all samples im_flat = im.reshape((-1, channels)) Ia = im_flat[idx_a] Ib = im_flat[idx_b] Ic = im_flat[idx_c] Id = im_flat[idx_d] # calculate interpolated values x0_f = T.cast(x0, 'float32') x1_f = T.cast(x1, 'float32') y0_f = T.cast(y0, 'float32') y1_f = T.cast(y1, 'float32') wa = ((x1_f-x) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wb = ((x1_f-x) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wc = ((x-x0_f) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wd = ((x-x0_f) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') output = T.sum([wa*Ia, wb*Ib, wc*Ic, wd*Id], axis=0) return output
def MASK_blanking(x_i): # Find indicies of first and last non-zero value in x_i idxs = T.nonzero(x_i)[0][[1, -1]] # Diff = no of non zero values no_values = idxs[1] - idxs[0] # Move index inside by proportion of no of values idxs0 = T.cast(T.floor(idxs[0] + no_values * blank_proportion), 'int32') idxs1 = T.cast(T.floor(idxs[1] - no_values * blank_proportion), 'int32') # Return a vector that has a tighter mask than x_i return T.set_subtensor(T.zeros_like(x_i)[idxs0:idxs1], T.alloc(1., idxs1-idxs0))
def _interpolate(self, im, x, y, downsample_factor): # constants num_batch, height, width, channels = im.shape height_f = T.cast(height, floatX) width_f = T.cast(width, floatX) out_height = T.cast(height_f // downsample_factor, 'int64') out_width = T.cast(width_f // downsample_factor, 'int64') zero = T.zeros([], dtype='int64') max_y = T.cast(im.shape[1] - 1, 'int64') max_x = T.cast(im.shape[2] - 1, 'int64') # scale indices from [-1, 1] to [0, width/height] x = (x + 1.0)*(width_f) / 2.0 y = (y + 1.0)*(height_f) / 2.0 # do sampling x0 = T.cast(T.floor(x), 'int64') x1 = x0 + 1 y0 = T.cast(T.floor(y), 'int64') y1 = y0 + 1 x0 = T.clip(x0, zero, max_x) x1 = T.clip(x1, zero, max_x) y0 = T.clip(y0, zero, max_y) y1 = T.clip(y1, zero, max_y) dim2 = width dim1 = width*height base = self._repeat( T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int32')*dim1, out_height*out_width) base_y0 = base + y0*dim2 base_y1 = base + y1*dim2 idx_a = base_y0 + x0 idx_b = base_y1 + x0 idx_c = base_y0 + x1 idx_d = base_y1 + x1 # use indices to lookup pixels in the flat # image and restore channels dim im_flat = im.reshape((-1, channels)) Ia = im_flat[idx_a] Ib = im_flat[idx_b] Ic = im_flat[idx_c] Id = im_flat[idx_d] # and finanly calculate interpolated values x0_f = T.cast(x0, floatX) x1_f = T.cast(x1, floatX) y0_f = T.cast(y0, floatX) y1_f = T.cast(y1, floatX) wa = ((x1_f-x) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wb = ((x1_f-x) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wc = ((x-x0_f) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wd = ((x-x0_f) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') output = T.sum([wa*Ia, wb*Ib, wc*Ic, wd*Id], axis=0) return output
def _interpolate(im, x, y, downsample_factor): # constants num_batch, height, width, channels = im.shape height_f = T.cast(height, floatX) width_f = T.cast(width, floatX) out_height = T.cast(height_f // downsample_factor, 'int64') out_width = T.cast(width_f // downsample_factor, 'int64') zero = T.zeros([], dtype='int64') max_y = T.cast(im.shape[1] - 1, 'int64') max_x = T.cast(im.shape[2] - 1, 'int64') # scale indices from [-1, 1] to [0, width/height] x = (x + 1.0) * (width_f) / 2.0 y = (y + 1.0) * (height_f) / 2.0 # do sampling x0 = T.cast(T.floor(x), 'int64') x1 = x0 + 1 y0 = T.cast(T.floor(y), 'int64') y1 = y0 + 1 x0 = T.clip(x0, zero, max_x) x1 = T.clip(x1, zero, max_x) y0 = T.clip(y0, zero, max_y) y1 = T.clip(y1, zero, max_y) dim2 = width dim1 = width * height base = SpatialTransformer._repeat( T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int32') * dim1, out_height * out_width) base_y0 = base + y0 * dim2 base_y1 = base + y1 * dim2 idx_a = base_y0 + x0 idx_b = base_y1 + x0 idx_c = base_y0 + x1 idx_d = base_y1 + x1 # use indices to lookup pixels in the flat # image and restore channels dim im_flat = im.reshape((-1, channels)) Ia = im_flat[idx_a] Ib = im_flat[idx_b] Ic = im_flat[idx_c] Id = im_flat[idx_d] # and finanly calculate interpolated values x0_f = T.cast(x0, floatX) x1_f = T.cast(x1, floatX) y0_f = T.cast(y0, floatX) y1_f = T.cast(y1, floatX) wa = ((x1_f - x) * (y1_f - y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wb = ((x1_f - x) * (y - y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wc = ((x - x0_f) * (y1_f - y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') wd = ((x - x0_f) * (y - y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') output = T.sum([wa * Ia, wb * Ib, wc * Ic, wd * Id], axis=0) return output
def _interpolate(im, x, y, out_height, out_width, dtype = 'float32'): # *_f are floats num_batch, height, width, channels = im.shape height_f = T.cast(height, dtype = dtype) width_f = T.cast(width, dtype = dtype) # scale coordinates from [-1, 1] to [0, width/height - 1] idx = ((x >= 0) & (x <= 1) & (y >= 0) & (y <= 1)).nonzero()[0] # x = (x + 1) / 2 * (width_f - 1) # y = (y + 1) / 2 * (height_f - 1) x = x * (width_f - 1) y = y * (height_f - 1) # obtain indices of the 2x2 pixel neighborhood surrounding the coordinates; # we need those in floatX for interpolation and in int64 for indexing. for # indexing, we need to take care they do not extend past the image. x0_f = T.floor(x) y0_f = T.floor(y) x1_f = x0_f + 1 y1_f = y0_f + 1 x0 = T.cast(x0_f, 'int64') y0 = T.cast(y0_f, 'int64') x1 = T.cast(T.minimum(x1_f, width_f - 1), 'int64') y1 = T.cast(T.minimum(y1_f, height_f - 1), 'int64') # The input is [num_batch, height, width, channels]. We do the lookup in # the flattened input, i.e [num_batch*height*width, channels]. We need # to offset all indices to match the flat version dim2 = width dim1 = width*height base = T.repeat( T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int64')*dim1, out_height*out_width) base_y0 = base + y0*dim2 base_y1 = base + y1*dim2 idx_a = base_y0 + x0 idx_b = base_y1 + x0 idx_c = base_y0 + x1 idx_d = base_y1 + x1 # use indices to lookup pixels for all samples im_flat = im.reshape((-1, channels)) Ia = im_flat[idx_a[idx]] Ib = im_flat[idx_b[idx]] Ic = im_flat[idx_c[idx]] Id = im_flat[idx_d[idx]] # calculate interpolated values wa = ((x1_f-x) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x')[idx, :] wb = ((x1_f-x) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x')[idx, :] wc = ((x-x0_f) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x')[idx, :] wd = ((x-x0_f) * (y-y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x')[idx, :] output = T.sum([wa*Ia, wb*Ib, wc*Ic, wd*Id], axis=0) # out = T.zeros_like(((x1_f-x) * (y1_f-y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x')) out = T.zeros_like(im_flat) return T.set_subtensor(out[idx, :], output)
def _interpolate_bicubic(im, x, y, out_height, out_width): # *_f are floats num_batch, height, width, channels = im.shape height_f = T.cast(height, theano.config.floatX) width_f = T.cast(width, theano.config.floatX) grid = _meshgrid(out_height, out_width) x_grid_flat = grid[0].flatten() y_grid_flat = grid[1].flatten() # clip coordinates to [-1, 1] x = T.clip(x, -1, 1) y = T.clip(y, -1, 1) # scale coordinates from [-1, 1] to [0, width/height - 1] x = (x + 1) / 2 * (width_f - 1) y = (y + 1) / 2 * (height_f - 1) x0_f = T.floor(x) y0_f = T.floor(y) x0 = T.cast(x0_f, "int64") y0 = T.cast(y0_f, "int64") # return T.concatenate(((x0-x).dimshuffle(0, 'x')**2, 0.0*dg2(x.dimshuffle(0, 'x')), 0.0*dg2(x0.dimshuffle(0, 'x'))), 1) offsets = np.arange(-1, 3).astype(int) dim2 = width dim1 = width * height base = T.repeat(T.arange(num_batch, dtype="int64") * dim1, out_height * out_width) # Need to convert (x, y) to linear def _flat_idx(xx, yy, dim2=dim2): return base + yy * dim2 + xx y_locs = [y0 + offset for offset in offsets] ys = [T.clip(loc, 0, height - 1) for loc in y_locs] def _cubic_interp_dim(im_flat, other_idx): """Cubic interpolation along a dimension """ neighbor_locs = [x0 + offset for offset in offsets] neighbor_idx = [T.clip(nloc, 0, width - 1) for nloc in neighbor_locs] xidxs = neighbor_idx yidxs = [other_idx] * len(neighbor_idx) neighbor_idxs = [_flat_idx(xidx, yidx) for xidx, yidx in zip(xidxs, yidxs)] values = [im_flat[idx] for idx in neighbor_idxs] weights = [_cubic_conv_weights(dg2(nloc) - x).dimshuffle(0, "x") for nloc in neighbor_locs] # Interpolate along x direction out = T.sum([dg2(v) * w for w, v in zip(weights, values)], axis=0) / T.sum(weights, axis=0) return out im_flat = im.reshape((-1, channels)) ims = [_cubic_interp_dim(im_flat, yidx) for yidx in ys] yweights = [_cubic_conv_weights(dg2(yloc) - y).dimshuffle(0, "x") for yloc in y_locs] out = T.sum( [v * _cubic_conv_weights(dg2(yloc) - y).dimshuffle(0, "x") for v, yloc in zip(ims, y_locs)], axis=0 ) / T.sum(yweights, axis=0) return out
def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs): # For each ROI R = [batch_index x1 y1 x2 y2]: max pool over R input = inputs[0] boxes = inputs[1] batch = T.shape(input)[0] channels = T.shape(input)[1] height = T.shape(input)[2] width = T.shape(input)[3] num_boxes = T.shape(boxes)[0] output = T.zeros((batch * num_boxes, channels, self.num_features)) for idbb, bb in enumerate(range(num_boxes)): batch_ind = bb[0] pool_list = [] #for pool_dim in self.pool_dims: start_w = T.clip(T.floor(bb[1] * self.sp_scale), 0, width) start_h = T.clip(T.floor(bb[2] * self.sp_scale), 0, heigth) end_w = T.clip(T.ceil(bb[3] * self.sp_scale), 0, width) end_h = T.clip(T.ceil(bb[4] * self.sp_scale), 0, height) w = T.max(end_w - start_w + 1, 1) h = T.amx(end_h - start_h + 1, 1) start_samples_y, start_sample_x = T.floor( _meshgrid(start_h, end_h, pool_dims + 1, start_w, end_w, pool_dims + 1)) end_samples_y, end_sample_x = T.ceil( _meshgrid(start_h, end_h, pool_dims + 1, start_w, end_w, pool_dims + 1)) input[batch_ind, :, np.floor(py):np.ceil(samples_y[idy + 1]), np.floor(px):np.ceil(samples_x[idx + 1])] #T.max() #for idx,px in enumerate(samples_x[:-1]): # for idy,py in enumerate(samples_y[:-1]): # (pool.dnn_pool( input[batch_ind,:,np.floor(py):np.ceil(samples_y[idy+1]),np.floor(px):np.ceil(samples_x[idx+1])],(0,0),(None,None),'max', (0,0) )).flatten(2) #sz_w = ( w - 1 ) // pool_dim #sz_h = ( h - 1 ) // pool_dim #str_h = w // pool_dim #str_w = h // pool_dim #pool = dnn.dnn_pool( input[bb[0],:,start_h:end_h+1,start_w:end_w+1], (sz_h,sz_w), (str_h,str_w), 'max', (0,0) ).flatten(2) pool_list.append(pool) output[idbb] = T.transpose(T.concatenate( pool_list, axis=1)) #not efficient but for the moment is ok! #if everything is correct this vector should be ordered as in fast RCNN return output
def t_noise3d(v, perm, grad3): x = v[0] y = v[1] z = v[2] skew_factor = (x + y + z) * 1.0 / 3.0 i = T.floor(x + skew_factor) j = T.floor(y + skew_factor) k = T.floor(z + skew_factor) unskew_factor = (i + j + k) * 1.0 / 6.0 x0 = x - (i - unskew_factor) y0 = y - (j - unskew_factor) z0 = z - (k - unskew_factor) vertices = T.switch(, y0), T.switch(, z0), vertices_options[0], T.switch(, z0), vertices_options[1], vertices_options[2])), T.switch(, z0), vertices_options[3], T.switch(, z0), vertices_options[4], vertices_options[5]))) x1 = x0 - vertices[0][0] + 1.0 / 6.0 y1 = y0 - vertices[0][1] + 1.0 / 6.0 z1 = z0 - vertices[0][2] + 1.0 / 6.0 x2 = x0 - vertices[1][0] + 1.0 / 3.0 y2 = y0 - vertices[1][1] + 1.0 / 3.0 z2 = z0 - vertices[1][2] + 1.0 / 3.0 x3 = x0 - 0.5 y3 = y0 - 0.5 z3 = z0 - 0.5 ii = T.bitwise_and(i.astype('int32'), 255) jj = T.bitwise_and(j.astype('int32'), 255) kk = T.bitwise_and(k.astype('int32'), 255) gi0 = perm[ii + perm[jj + perm[kk].astype('int32')].astype('int32')] % 12 gi1 = perm[ii + vertices[0][0] + perm[jj + vertices[0][1] + perm[ kk + vertices[0][2]].astype('int32')].astype('int32')] % 12 gi2 = perm[ii + vertices[1][0] + perm[jj + vertices[1][1] + perm[ kk + vertices[1][2]].astype('int32')].astype('int32')] % 12 gi3 = perm[ii + 1 + perm[jj + 1 + perm[kk + 1].astype('int32')].astype('int32')] % 12 t0 = 0.5 - x0**2 - y0**2 - z0**2 n0 = T.switch(, 0), 0.0, t0**4 *[gi0.astype('int32')], [x0, y0, z0])) t1 = 0.5 - x1**2 - y1**2 - z1**2 n1 = T.switch(, 0), 0.0, t1**4 *[gi1.astype('int32')], [x1, y1, z1])), t2 = 0.5 - x2**2 - y2**2 - z2**2 n2 = T.switch(, 0), 0.0, t2**4 *[gi2.astype('int32')], [x2, y2, z2])) t3 = 0.5 - x3**2 - y3**2 - z3**2 n3 = T.switch(, 0), 0.0, t3**4 *[gi3.astype('int32')], [x3, y3, z3])) return 23.0 * (n0 + n1 + n2 + n3)
def process(self, input, tparams, BNparams): b, f, h0, w0 = input.shape result = [] for h, w in self.pymamid: win_h = T.ceil(h0 / h).astype('int32') win_w = T.ceil(w0 / w).astype('int32') str_h = T.floor(h0 / h).astype('int32') str_w = T.floor(w0 / w).astype('int32') result.append(dnn_pool( img=input, ws=(win_h, win_w), mode=self.mode, stride=(str_h, str_w), pad=(0, 0)).reshape([b, -1])) return T.concatenate(result, axis=1)
def pool_2d_nxn_regions(inputs, output_size, mode='max'): """ Performs a pooling operation that results in a fixed size: output_size x output_size. Used by SpatialPyramidPoolingLayer. Refer to appendix A in [1] Parameters ---------- inputs : a tensor with 4 dimensions (N x C x H x W) output_size: integer The output size of the pooling operation mode : string Pooling mode, one of 'max', 'average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad' Defaults to 'max'. Returns a list of tensors, for each output bin. The list contains output_size*output_size elements, where each element is a 3D tensor (N x C x 1) References ---------- .. [1] He, Kaiming et al (2015): Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition. """ if mode == 'max': pooling_op = T.max elif mode in ['average_inc_pad', 'average_exc_pad']: pooling_op = T.mean else: msg = "Mode must be either 'max', 'average_inc_pad' or " msg += "'average_exc_pad'. Got '{0}'" raise ValueError(msg.format(mode)) h, w = inputs.shape[2:] result = [] n = float(output_size) for row in range(output_size): for col in range(output_size): start_h = T.floor(row / n * h).astype('int32') end_h = T.ceil((row + 1) / n * h).astype('int32') start_w = T.floor(col / n * w).astype('int32') end_w = T.ceil((col + 1) / n * w).astype('int32') pooling_region = inputs[:, :, start_h:end_h, start_w:end_w] this_result = pooling_op(pooling_region, axis=(2, 3)) result.append(this_result.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')) return result
def blockify( inp, block_size = (1, 1), step_size = (1, 1), direction = (1, 1), padding = False): input_size = T.shape(inp) if padding: b0 = T.ceil((input_size[0] - block_size[0]) / step_size[0]) + 1 b1 = T.ceil((input_size[1] - block_size[1]) / step_size[1]) + 1 else: b0 = T.floor((input_size[0] - block_size[0]) / step_size[0]) + 1 b1 = T.floor((input_size[1] - block_size[1]) / step_size[1]) + 1 num_blocks = b0 * b1 for b in range(num_blocks):
def _interpolate_bicubic(im, x, y, out_height, out_width): # *_f are floats num_batch, height, width, channels = im.shape height_f = T.cast(height, theano.config.floatX) width_f = T.cast(width, theano.config.floatX) grid = _meshgrid(out_height, out_width) x_grid_flat = grid[0].flatten() y_grid_flat = grid[1].flatten() # clip coordinates to [-1, 1] x = T.clip(x, -1, 1) y = T.clip(y, -1, 1) # scale coordinates from [-1, 1] to [0, width/height - 1] x = (x + 1) / 2 * (width_f - 1) y = (y + 1) / 2 * (height_f - 1) x0_f = T.floor(x) y0_f = T.floor(y) x0 = T.cast(x0_f, 'int64') y0 = T.cast(y0_f, 'int64') #return T.concatenate(((x0-x).dimshuffle(0, 'x')**2, 0.0*dg2(x.dimshuffle(0, 'x')), 0.0*dg2(x0.dimshuffle(0, 'x'))), 1) offsets = np.arange(-1, 3).astype(int) dim2 = width dim1 = width*height base = T.repeat( T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int64')*dim1, out_height*out_width) # Need to convert (x, y) to linear def _flat_idx(xx, yy, dim2=dim2): return base + yy * dim2 + xx y_locs = [y0 + offset for offset in offsets] ys = [T.clip(loc, 0, height - 1) for loc in y_locs] def _cubic_interp_dim(im_flat, other_idx): """Cubic interpolation along a dimension """ neighbor_locs = [x0 + offset for offset in offsets] neighbor_idx = [T.clip(nloc, 0, width - 1) for nloc in neighbor_locs] xidxs = neighbor_idx yidxs = [other_idx] * len(neighbor_idx) neighbor_idxs = [_flat_idx(xidx, yidx) for xidx, yidx in zip(xidxs, yidxs)] values = [im_flat[idx] for idx in neighbor_idxs] weights = [_cubic_conv_weights(dg2(nloc) - x).dimshuffle(0, 'x') for nloc in neighbor_locs] # Interpolate along x direction out = T.sum([dg2(v) * w for w, v in zip(weights, values)], axis=0) / T.sum(weights, axis=0) return out im_flat = im.reshape((-1, channels)) ims = [_cubic_interp_dim(im_flat, yidx) for yidx in ys] yweights = [_cubic_conv_weights(dg2(yloc) - y).dimshuffle(0, 'x') for yloc in y_locs] out = T.sum([v * _cubic_conv_weights(dg2(yloc) - y).dimshuffle(0, 'x') for v, yloc in zip(ims, y_locs)], axis=0) / T.sum(yweights, axis=0) return out
def _interpolate(input_, warpgrid_x, warpgrid_y): num_batch, height, width, channels = input_.shape height_f = T.cast(height, theano.config.floatX) width_f = T.cast(width, theano.config.floatX) x, y = warpgrid_x, warpgrid_y x0_f = T.floor(x) y0_f = T.floor(y) x1_f = x0_f + 1 y1_f = y0_f + 1 # 1 clip out of boundary points x0 = T.clip(x0_f, 0, width_f - 1) x1 = T.clip(x1_f, 0, width_f - 1) y0 = T.clip(y0_f, 0, height_f - 1) y1 = T.clip(y1_f, 0, height_f - 1) x0, x1, y0, y1 = (T.cast(v, 'int64') for v in (x0, x1, y0, y1)) # 2 convert to indexing in flatten vector dim2 = width dim1 = width * height base = T.repeat(T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int64') * dim1, height * width) base_y0 = base + y0 * dim2 base_y1 = base + y1 * dim2 idx_a = base_y0 + x0 idx_b = base_y1 + x0 idx_c = base_y0 + x1 idx_d = base_y1 + x1 # 3 indexing and sum im_flat = T.reshape(input_, (-1, channels)) Ia = im_flat[idx_a] #[num_batch*height*width, channels] Ib = im_flat[idx_b] Ic = im_flat[idx_c] Id = im_flat[idx_d] wa = T.repeat(((x1_f - x) * (y1_f - y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x'), channels, axis=1) wb = T.repeat(((x1_f - x) * (y - y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x'), channels, axis=1) wc = T.repeat(((x - x0_f) * (y1_f - y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x'), channels, axis=1) wd = T.repeat(((x - x0_f) * (y - y0_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x'), channels, axis=1) res = wa * Ia + wb * Ib + wc * Ic + wd * Id return res
def binlinear_sampling(img, x, y, df): # constants num_batch, height, width, channels = img.shape f_height = T.cast(height, 'float32') f_width = T.cast(width, 'float32') o_height = T.cast(f_height // downsample_factor, 'int64') o_width = T.cast(f_width // downsample_factor, 'int64') zero = T.zeros([], dtype='int64') y_max = T.cast(img.shape[1] - 1, 'int64') x_max = T.cast(img.shape[2] - 1, 'int64') o_x = (x + 1.0) * (f_width) / 2.0 o_y = (y + 1.0) * (f_height) / 2.0 x0 = T.cast(T.floor(o_x), 'int64') x1 = x0 + 1 y0 = T.cast(T.floor(o_y), 'int64') y1 = y0 + 1 x_floor = T.clip(x0, zero, x_max) x_ceil = T.clip(x1, zero, x_max) y_floor = T.clip(y0, zero, y_max) y_ceil = T.clip(y1, zero, y_max) dim1 = width * height dim2 = width base = rept(T.arange(num_batch, dtype='int32') * dim1, o_height * o_width) base_y_floor = base + y_floor * dim2 base_y_ceil = base + y_ceil * dim2 idxa = base_y_floor + x_floor idxb = base_y_ceil + x_floor idxc = base_y_floor + x_ceil idxd = base_y_ceil + x_ceil img_flat = img.reshape((-1, channels)) I_a = img_flat[idxa] I_b = img_flat[idxb] I_c = img_flat[idxc] I_d = img_flat[idxd] # and finanly calculate interpolated values xf_f = T.cast(x_floor, 'float32') xc_f = T.cast(x_ceil, 'float32') yf_f = T.cast(y_floor, 'float32') yc_f = T.cast(y_ceil, 'float32') w_a = ((xc_f - x) * (yc_f - y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') w_b = ((xc_f - x) * (y - yf_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') w_c = ((x - xf_f) * (yc_f - y)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') w_d = ((x - xf_f) * (y - yf_f)).dimshuffle(0, 'x') output = T.sum([w_a * I_a, w_b * I_b, w_c * I_c, w_d * I_d], axis=0) return output
def discretized_gaussian(mean, logvar, binsize, sample=None): scale = T.exp(.5*logvar) if sample is None: _y = G.rng_curand.normal(size=mean.shape) sample = mean + scale * _y #sample from the actual logistic sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample _sample = (T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize - mean)/scale def _erf(x): return T.erf(x/T.sqrt(2.)) logp = T.log( _erf(_sample + binsize/scale) - _erf(_sample) + 1e-7) + T.log(.5) logp = logp.flatten(2).sum(axis=1) #raise Exception() entr = (.5 * (T.log(2 * math.pi) + 1 + logvar)).flatten(2).sum(axis=1) return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, logvar=logvar)
def discretized_logistic(mean, logscale, binsize, sample=None): scale = T.exp(logscale) if sample is None: u = G.rng_curand.uniform(size=mean.shape) _y = T.log(-u/(u-1)) #inverse CDF of the logistic sample = mean + scale * _y #sample from the actual logistic sample = T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize #discretize the sample _sample = (T.floor(sample/binsize)*binsize - mean)/scale logps = T.log( T.nnet.sigmoid(_sample + binsize/scale) - T.nnet.sigmoid(_sample) + 1e-7) logp = logps.flatten(2).sum(axis=1) #raise Exception() entr = logscale.flatten(2) entr = entr.sum(axis=1) + 2. * entr.shape[1].astype(G.floatX) return RandomVariable(sample, logp, entr, mean=mean, logscale=logscale, logps=logps)
def sample(self, X): mu = X[0] sig = X[1] coeff = X[2] n_noise = T.cast(T.floor(coeff.shape[-1] * self.p_noise), 'int32') mu = T.concatenate( [mu, T.zeros((mu.shape[0], n_noise*sig.shape[1]/coeff.shape[-1]))], axis=1 ) mu = mu.reshape((mu.shape[0], mu.shape[1]/coeff.shape[-1], coeff.shape[-1])) sig = sig.reshape((sig.shape[0], sig.shape[1]/coeff.shape[-1], coeff.shape[-1])) idx = predict( self.theano_rng.multinomial( pvals=coeff, dtype=coeff.dtype ), axis=1 ) mu = mu[T.arange(mu.shape[0]), :, idx] sig = sig[T.arange(sig.shape[0]), :, idx] sample = self.theano_rng.normal(size=mu.shape, avg=mu, std=sig, dtype=mu.dtype) return sample
def compute_hard_windows(self, image_shape, location, scale): # find topleft(front) and bottomright(back) corners for each patch a = location - 0.5 * (T.cast(self.patch_shape, theano.config.floatX) / scale) b = location + 0.5 * (T.cast(self.patch_shape, theano.config.floatX) / scale) # grow by three patch pixels a -= self.kernel.k_sigma_radius(self.cutoff, scale) b += self.kernel.k_sigma_radius(self.cutoff, scale) # clip to fit inside image and have nonempty window a = T.clip(a, 0, image_shape - 1) b = T.clip(b, a + 1, image_shape) if self.batched_window: # take the bounding box of all windows; now the slices # will have the same length for each sample and scan can # be avoided. comes at the cost of typically selecting # more of the input. a = a.min(axis=0, keepdims=True) b = b.max(axis=0, keepdims=True) # make integer a = T.cast(T.floor(a), 'int16') b = T.cast(T.ceil(b), 'int16') return a, b
def _histogram(x, nbin=20, xlim=(0, 1)): y = T.floor((x - xlim[0]) * nbin / (xlim[1] - xlim[0])) hist = T.stack([ T.cast(T.eq(y, b), T.config.floatX).sum() for b in range(nbin) ]) return hist / hist.sum()
def compute_sub_all_scores(self, start_end): plu = softmax([start_end], self.trained_items.T))[:, :-1] # (n_batch, n_item) length = T.max(T.sum(self.tes_masks[start_end], axis=1)) # 253 cidx = T.arange(length).reshape( (1, length)) + self.tra_accum_lens[start_end][:, 0].reshape( (len(start_end), 1)) cl = T.sum(self.trained_items[self.tra_context_masks[cidx]], axis=2) # n_batch x seq_length x n_size cl = cl.dimshuffle(1, 2, 0) pb = self.trained_branch[ self.routes] # (n_item x 4 x tree_depth x n_size) shp0, shp1, shp2 = self.lrs.shape lrs = self.lrs.reshape((shp0, shp1, shp2, 1, 1)) pr_bc =, cl) br = sigmoid(pr_bc * lrs) * T.ceil( abs(pr_bc)) # (n_item x 4 x tree_depth x seq_length x n_batch) path =, axis=2) * self.probs.reshape((shp0, shp1, 1, 1)) del cl, pb, br, lrs # paths = - path) + path), axis=1) # (n_item x seq_length x n_batch) paths = T.sum(path, axis=1) paths = T.floor(1 - paths) + paths p = paths[:-1].T * plu.reshape( (plu.shape[0], 1, plu.shape[1])) # (n_batch x n_item) # p = plu.reshape((plu.shape[0], 1, plu.shape[1])) * T.ones((plu.shape[0], length, plu.shape[1])) return T.reshape(p, (p.shape[0] * p.shape[1], p.shape[2])).eval()
def __theano_train__(self, n_size): """ Pr(l|u, C(l)) = Pr(l|u) * Pr(l|C(l)) Pr(u, l, t) = Pr(l|u, C(l)) if C(l) exists, Pr(l|u) otherwise. $Theta$ = argmax Pr(u, l, t) """ tra_mask = T.ivector() seq_length = T.sum(tra_mask) # 有效长度 wl = T.concatenate((self.wl, self.wl_m)) tidx, cidx, bidx, userid = T.ivector(), T.imatrix(), T.itensor3( ), T.iscalar() pb = self.pb[bidx] # (seq_length x 4 x depth x n_size) lrs = self.lrs[tidx] # (seq_length x 4 x depth) # user preference xu = self.xu[userid] plu = softmax(, self.wl.T)) # geographical influence cl = T.sum(wl[cidx], axis=1) # (seq_length x n_size) cl = cl.reshape((cl.shape[0], 1, 1, cl.shape[1])) br = sigmoid(T.sum(pb[:seq_length] * cl, axis=3) * lrs[:seq_length]) * T.ceil(abs(T.mean(cl, axis=3))) path =, axis=2) * self.probs[tidx][:seq_length] # paths = + path), axis=1) paths = T.sum(path, axis=1) paths = T.floor(1 - paths) + paths # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cost, gradients, learning rate, l2 regularization lr, l2 = self.alpha_lambda[0], self.alpha_lambda[1] seq_l2_sq = T.sum([T.sum(par**2) for par in [xu, self.wl]]) upq = -1 * T.sum(T.log(plu[tidx[:seq_length]] * paths)) / seq_length seq_costs = (upq + 0.5 * l2 * seq_l2_sq) seq_grads = T.grad(seq_costs, self.params) seq_updates = [(par, par - lr * gra) for par, gra in zip(self.params, seq_grads)] pars_subs = [(self.xu, xu), (self.pb, pb)] seq_updates.extend([ (par, T.set_subtensor(sub, sub - lr * T.grad(seq_costs, sub))) for par, sub in pars_subs ]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- uidx = T.iscalar() # T.iscalar()类型是 TensorType(int32, ) self.seq_train = theano.function( inputs=[uidx], outputs=upq, updates=seq_updates, givens={ userid: uidx, tidx: self.tra_target_masks[uidx], cidx: self.tra_context_masks[T.arange(self.tra_accum_lens[uidx][0], self.tra_accum_lens[uidx][1])], bidx: self.routes[self.tra_target_masks[uidx]], tra_mask: self.tra_masks[uidx] # tra_mask_cot: self.tra_masks_cot[T.arange(self.tra_accum_lens[uidx][0], self.tra_accum_lens[uidx][1])] })
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs): p = self.p k = self.k nbatches = input.shape[0] x_len = self.x_len # x_len = 30 # x = input.reshape((nbatches, x_len)) x = input.reshape((nbatches, x_len)) p_floor = T.floor(p) p_ceil = T.ceil(p) # Deltas p_delta = p - p_floor ep_delta = T.exp(k*-p_delta) p2_delta = 1 - p_delta ep2_delta = T.exp(k*-p2_delta) p0_delta = 1 + p_delta ep0_delta = T.exp(k*-p0_delta) ep_sum = ep_delta + ep2_delta + ep0_delta perm1 = x[:, (T.cast(p_floor, 'int32'))%x_len] perm2 = x[:, (T.cast(p_ceil, 'int32')+1)%x_len] perm0 = x[:, (T.cast(p_floor, 'int32')-1)%x_len] perm1_factor = ep_delta * perm1 perm2_factor = ep2_delta * perm2 perm3_factor = ep0_delta * perm0 res = (perm1_factor + perm2_factor + perm3_factor) / ep_sum return res.reshape(input.shape)
def create_learning_rate_func(solver_params): base = tt.fscalar('base') gamma = tt.fscalar('gamma') power = tt.fscalar('power') itrvl = tt.fscalar('itrvl') iter = tt.scalar('iter') if solver_params['lr_type']=='inv': lr_ = base * tt.pow(1 + gamma * iter, -power) lr = t.function( inputs=[iter, t.Param(base, default=solver_params['base']), t.Param(gamma, default=solver_params['gamma']), t.Param(power, default=solver_params['power'])], outputs=lr_) elif solver_params['lr_type']=='fixed': lr_ = base lr = t.function( inputs=[iter, t.Param(base, default=solver_params['base'])], outputs=lr_, on_unused_input='ignore') elif solver_params['lr_type']=='episodic': lr_ = base / (tt.floor(iter/itrvl) + 1) lr = t.function( inputs=[iter, t.Param(base, default=solver_params['base']), t.Param(itrvl, default=solver_params['interval'])], outputs=lr_, on_unused_input='ignore') return lr
def inv(self, output): output = (output.dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x',3,'x',4,'x') .repeat(self.pool_shape[0], axis=7), .repeat(self.pool_shape[1], axis=5), .repeat(self.pool_shape[2], axis=3)) if self.depooler == 'random': unpooled = ( self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]//self.pool_shape[0], self.pool_shape[0], self.input_shape[3]//self.pool_shape[1], self.pool_shape[1], self.input_shape[4]//self.pool_shape[2], self.pool_shape[2]) pooled = ( self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]//self.pool_shape[0], 1, self.input_shape[3]//self.pool_shape[1], 1, self.input_shape[4]//self.pool_shape[2], 1) output_mask = self.theano_rng.uniform(size=unpooled, dtype=theano.config.floatX) output_mask = output_mask / output_mask.max(axis=7).max(axis=5).max(axis=3).dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x',3,'x',4,'x') output_mask = T.floor(output_mask) return (output_mask * output).reshape(self.input_shape) else: output = self.depooler(output, axis=3)
def build_graph(self): # theano variables iw_b = T.lmatrix('iw_b') ic_b = T.ltensor3('ic_b') it_b = T.lmatrix('it_b') il_b = T.lmatrix('il_b') v_b = T.lmatrix('v_b') # valid action mask y_b = T.lvector('y_b') # index of the correct action from oracle steps = T.lscalar('steps') # num_of steps lr = self.args.learn_rate * self.args.decay**T.cast( T.floor(steps / 2000.), 'float32') iw, ic, it, il, = self.get_actor(False) iw_avg, ic_avg, it_avg, il_avg, self.actor_avg = self.get_actor(True) actor_prob = L.get_output(self.actor_avg, { iw_avg: iw_b, ic_avg: ic_b, it_avg: it_b, il_avg: il_b }, deterministic=True) actor_rest = actor_prob * T.cast( v_b, theano.config.floatX ) # mask the probabilities of invalid actions to 0 actor_pred = T.argmax(actor_rest, 1) self.actor_predict = theano.function([v_b, iw_b, ic_b, it_b, il_b], actor_pred, on_unused_input='ignore') y_hat = L.get_output(, { iw: iw_b, ic: ic_b, it: it_b, il: il_b }, deterministic=False) xent = T.mean(lasagne.objectives.categorical_crossentropy(y_hat, y_b)) reg = lasagne.regularization.regularize_network_params( L.get_all_layers(, lasagne.regularization.l2) cost = xent + self.args.reg_rate * reg correct = T.eq(T.argmax(y_hat, 1), y_b).sum() params = L.get_all_params( avg_params = L.get_all_params(self.actor_avg) grads = T.grad(cost, params) if self.args.grad_norm: grads, norm = lasagne.updates.total_norm_constraint( grads, self.args.grad_norm, return_norm=True) updates = lasagne.updates.momentum(grads, params, lr, self.args.momentum) updates = apply_moving_average(params, avg_params, updates, steps, 0.9999) inputs = [steps, y_b, v_b, iw_b, ic_b, it_b, il_b] self.train_actor_supervised = theano.function(inputs, [correct, cost], updates=updates, on_unused_input='ignore')
def dog_output(input_image): _,channels,height,width=input_image.shape conv_output = T.nnet.conv2d(input_image, dog_W, filter_flip=False, border_mode='half', subsample=(1, 1)) time_steps=32 conv_output2=conv_output[:,::-1,:,:] dog_maps=conv_output - conv_output2 #,0)*dog_maps dog_maps = T.switch(dog_maps>0.0, dog_maps, 0.0) dog_maps_neq_Zero=T.neq(T.reshape(dog_maps,(batch_size*height*width*channels*2,)),0) # dog_maps=T.floor(dog_maps*time_steps) dog_maps=T.switch(dog_maps<time_steps-1,dog_maps,time_steps-1) dog_maps=T.cast(dog_maps,'int32') # dog_maps = time_steps-1-dog_maps # dog_maps = T.reshape(dog_maps,(batch_size*height*width*channels*2,)) # output = T.zeros((time_steps,batch_size*height*width*channels*2)) # # # output = T.set_subtensor(output[dog_maps,T.arange(output.shape[1])],dog_maps_neq_Zero) # output = T.reshape(output,[time_steps,batch_size,channels*2,height,width]) # #print(dog_maps[:].eval()) return dog_maps
def get_stencil(self, t, r=None, texp=None): if r is None or texp is None: return tt.shape_padright(t) z = tt.zeros_like(self.a) r = tt.as_tensor_variable(r) R = self.r_star + z hp = 0.5 * self.period if self.ecc is None: # Equation 14 from Winn (2010) k = r / self.r_star arg1 = tt.square(1 + k) - tt.square(self.b) arg2 = tt.square(1 - k) - tt.square(self.b) factor = R / (self.a * self.sin_incl) hdur1 = hp * tt.arcsin(factor * tt.sqrt(arg1)) / np.pi hdur2 = hp * tt.arcsin(factor * tt.sqrt(arg2)) / np.pi ts = [-hdur1, -hdur2, hdur2, hdur1] flag = z else: M_contact1 = self.contact_points_op(self.a, self.ecc, self.cos_omega, self.sin_omega, self.cos_incl + z, self.sin_incl + z, R + r) M_contact2 = self.contact_points_op(self.a, self.ecc, self.cos_omega, self.sin_omega, self.cos_incl + z, self.sin_incl + z, R - r) flag = M_contact1[2] + M_contact2[2] ts = [ tt.mod( (M_contact1[0] - self.M0) / self.n + hp, self.period) - hp, tt.mod( (M_contact2[0] - self.M0) / self.n + hp, self.period) - hp, tt.mod( (M_contact2[1] - self.M0) / self.n + hp, self.period) - hp, tt.mod( (M_contact1[1] - self.M0) / self.n + hp, self.period) - hp ] start = self.period * tt.floor((tt.min(t) - self.t0) / self.period) end = self.period * (tt.ceil((tt.max(t) - self.t0) / self.period) + 1) start += self.t0 end += self.t0 tout = [] for i in range(4): if z.ndim < 1: tout.append(ts[i] + tt.arange(start, end, self.period)) else: tout.append( theano.scan( fn=lambda t0, s0, e0, p0: t0 + tt.arange(s0, e0, p0), sequences=[ts[i], start, end, self.period], )[0].flatten()) ts = tt.sort(tt.concatenate(tout)) return ts, flag
def generate_forward_diffusion_sample(self, X_noiseless): """ Corrupt a training image with t steps worth of Gaussian noise, and return the corrupted image, as well as the mean and covariance of the posterior q(x^{t-1}|x^t, x^0). """ X_noiseless = X_noiseless.reshape( (-1, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width)) n_images = X_noiseless.shape[0].astype('int16') rng = Random().theano_rng # choose a timestep in [1, self.trajectory_length-1]. # note the reverse process is fixed for the very # first timestep, so we skip it. # TODO for some reason random_integer is missing from the Blocks # theano random number generator. t = T.floor(rng.uniform(size=(1,1), low=1, high=self.trajectory_length, dtype=theano.config.floatX)) t_weights = self.get_t_weights(t) N = rng.normal(size=(n_images, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width), dtype=theano.config.floatX) # noise added this time step beta_forward = self.get_beta_forward(t) # decay in noise variance due to original signal this step alpha_forward = 1. - beta_forward # compute total decay in the fraction of the variance due to X_noiseless alpha_arr = 1. - self.beta_arr alpha_cum_forward_arr = T.extra_ops.cumprod(alpha_arr).reshape((self.trajectory_length,1)) alpha_cum_forward =, alpha_cum_forward_arr) # total fraction of the variance due to noise being mixed in beta_cumulative = 1. - alpha_cum_forward # total fraction of the variance due to noise being mixed in one step ago beta_cumulative_prior_step = 1. - alpha_cum_forward/alpha_forward # generate the corrupted training data X_uniformnoise = X_noiseless + (rng.uniform(size=(n_images, self.n_colors, self.spatial_width, self.spatial_width), dtype=theano.config.floatX)-T.constant(0.5,dtype=theano.config.floatX))*T.constant(self.uniform_noise,dtype=theano.config.floatX) X_noisy = X_uniformnoise*T.sqrt(alpha_cum_forward) + N*T.sqrt(1. - alpha_cum_forward) # compute the mean and covariance of the posterior distribution mu1_scl = T.sqrt(alpha_cum_forward / alpha_forward) mu2_scl = 1. / T.sqrt(alpha_forward) cov1 = 1. - alpha_cum_forward/alpha_forward cov2 = beta_forward / alpha_forward lam = 1./cov1 + 1./cov2 mu = ( X_uniformnoise * mu1_scl / cov1 + X_noisy * mu2_scl / cov2 ) / lam sigma = T.sqrt(1./lam) sigma = sigma.reshape((1,1,1,1)) = 'mu q posterior' = 'sigma q posterior' = 'X_noisy' = 't' return X_noisy, t, mu, sigma
def _warp_times(self, t): delta = tt.shape_padleft(t) / tt.shape_padright(self.period, t.ndim) delta += tt.shape_padright(self._base_time, t.ndim) ind = tt.cast(tt.floor(delta), "int64") dt = tt.stack([ttv[tt.clip(ind[i], 0, ttv.shape[0]-1)] for i, ttv in enumerate(self.ttvs)], -1) return tt.shape_padright(t) + dt
def inv(self, output): output = (output.dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x',3,'x') .repeat(self.pool_shape[1], axis=5) .repeat(self.pool_shape[0], axis=3)) if self.depooler == 'random': unpooled = ( self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]//self.pool_shape[0], self.pool_shape[0], self.input_shape[3]//self.pool_shape[1], self.pool_shape[1]) pooled = ( self.input_shape[0], self.input_shape[1], self.input_shape[2]//self.pool_shape[0], 1, self.input_shape[3]//self.pool_shape[1], 1) output_mask = self.theano_rng.uniform(size=unpooled, dtype=theano.config.floatX) output_mask = output_mask / output_mask.max(axis=5).max(axis=3).dimshuffle(0,1,2,'x',3,'x') output_mask = T.floor(output_mask) return (output_mask * output).reshape(self.input_shape) else: output = self.depooler(output, axis=5) output = self.depooler(output, axis=3) return output
def discrete_grads(loss,network,LR): global update_type,best_params,H,N,th # th is a parameter that controls the nonlinearity of state transfer probability W_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(network, discrete=True) #Get all the weight parameters layers = lasagne.layers.get_all_layers(network) W_grads = [] for layer in layers: params = layer.get_params(discrete=True) if params: W_grads.append(theano.grad(loss, wrt=layer.W)) #Here layer.W = weight_tune(param) updates = lasagne.updates.adam(loss_or_grads=W_grads,params=W_params,learning_rate=LR) for param, parambest in izip(W_params, best_params) : L = 2*H/pow(2,N) #state step length in Z_N a=random.random() #c is a random variable with binary value if a<0.85: c = 1 else: c = 0 b=random.random() state_rand = T.round(b*pow(2,N))*L-H #state_rand is a random state in the discrete weight space Z_N delta_W1 =c*(state_rand-parambest)#parambest would transfer to state_rand with probability of a, or keep unmoved with probability of 1-a delta_W1_direction = T.cast(T.sgn(delta_W1),theano.config.floatX) dis1=T.abs_(delta_W1) #the absolute distance k1=delta_W1_direction*T.floor(dis1/L) #the integer part v1=delta_W1-k1*L #the decimal part Prob1= T.abs_(v1/L) #the transfer probability Prob1 = T.tanh(th*Prob1) #the nonlinear tanh() function accelerates the state transfer
def matrix_noise3d(input_vectors, perm, grad3, vertex_table): skew_factors = (input_vectors[:, 0] + input_vectors[:, 1] + input_vectors[:, 2]) * 1.0 / 3.0 skewed_vectors = T.floor(input_vectors + skew_factors[:, np.newaxis]) unskew_factors = (skewed_vectors[:, 0] + skewed_vectors[:, 1] + skewed_vectors[:, 2]) * 1.0 / 6.0 offsets_0 = input_vectors - (skewed_vectors - unskew_factors[:, np.newaxis]) vertex_table_x_index =[:, 0], offsets_0[:, 1]) vertex_table_y_index =[:, 1], offsets_0[:, 2]) vertex_table_z_index =[:, 0], offsets_0[:, 2]) simplex_vertices = vertex_table[ vertex_table_x_index, vertex_table_y_index, vertex_table_z_index].reshape((input_vectors.shape[0], 2, 3)) offsets_1 = offsets_0 - simplex_vertices[:, 0] + 1.0 / 6.0 offsets_2 = offsets_0 - simplex_vertices[:, 1] + 1.0 / 3.0 offsets_3 = offsets_0 - 0.5 masked_skewed_vectors = T.bitwise_and(skewed_vectors.astype('int32'), 255) gi0s = perm[masked_skewed_vectors[:, 0] + perm[ masked_skewed_vectors[:, 1] + perm[ masked_skewed_vectors[:, 2]].astype('int32')].astype('int32')] % 12 gi1s = perm[masked_skewed_vectors[:, 0] + simplex_vertices[:, 0, 0] + perm[ masked_skewed_vectors[:, 1] + simplex_vertices[:, 0, 1] + perm[ masked_skewed_vectors[:, 2] + simplex_vertices[:, 0, 2]].astype('int32')].astype('int32')] % 12 gi2s = perm[masked_skewed_vectors[:, 0] + simplex_vertices[:, 1, 0] + perm[ masked_skewed_vectors[:, 1] + simplex_vertices[:, 1, 1] + perm[ masked_skewed_vectors[:, 2] + simplex_vertices[:, 1, 2]].astype('int32')].astype('int32')] % 12 gi3s = perm[masked_skewed_vectors[:, 0] + 1 + perm[ masked_skewed_vectors[:, 1] + 1 + perm[ masked_skewed_vectors[:, 2] + 1].astype('int32')].astype('int32')] % 12 n0s = calculate_gradient_contribution(offsets_0, gi0s, grad3) n1s = calculate_gradient_contribution(offsets_1, gi1s, grad3) n2s = calculate_gradient_contribution(offsets_2, gi2s, grad3) n3s = calculate_gradient_contribution(offsets_3, gi3s, grad3) return 23.0 * (n0s + n1s + n2s + n3s)
def quantizeNormalizedWeightStochastic(w,B,scale,srng): #ref is -1 to 1 promoted = (w/scale)*T.pow(2.0,B-1.0) floored = T.floor(promoted) diff = promoted-floored toAdd = T.switch(srng.binomial(size=w.shape,p=diff),1.0,0.0) stochasticed = promoted+toAdd return scale*T.minimum(1.0-T.pow(2.0,1.0-B),stochasticed*T.pow(2.0,1.0-B))
def get_output_for( self, inputs ,**kwargs ): # For each ROI R = [batch_index x1 y1 x2 y2]: max pool over R input = inputs[0] boxes = inputs[1] batch = T.shape (input)[0] channels = T.shape (input)[1] height = T.shape( input )[2] width = T.shape( input )[3] num_boxes = T.shape(boxes)[0] output = T.zeros((batch * num_boxes , channels, self.num_features)) for idbb,bb in enumerate(range(num_boxes)): batch_ind = bb[0] pool_list = [] #for pool_dim in self.pool_dims: start_w = T.clip(T.floor(bb[1] * self.sp_scale),0,width) start_h = T.clip(T.floor(bb[2] * self.sp_scale),0,heigth) end_w = T.clip(T.ceil(bb[3] * self.sp_scale),0,width) end_h = T.clip(T.ceil(bb[4] * self.sp_scale),0,height) w = T.max(end_w - start_w +1,1) h = T.amx(end_h - start_h +1,1) start_samples_y,start_sample_x = T.floor(_meshgrid(start_h,end_h,pool_dims+1,start_w,end_w,pool_dims+1)) end_samples_y,end_sample_x = T.ceil(_meshgrid(start_h,end_h,pool_dims+1,start_w,end_w,pool_dims+1)) input[batch_ind,:,np.floor(py):np.ceil(samples_y[idy+1]),np.floor(px):np.ceil(samples_x[idx+1])] #T.max() #for idx,px in enumerate(samples_x[:-1]): # for idy,py in enumerate(samples_y[:-1]): # (pool.dnn_pool( input[batch_ind,:,np.floor(py):np.ceil(samples_y[idy+1]),np.floor(px):np.ceil(samples_x[idx+1])],(0,0),(None,None),'max', (0,0) )).flatten(2) #sz_w = ( w - 1 ) // pool_dim #sz_h = ( h - 1 ) // pool_dim #str_h = w // pool_dim #str_w = h // pool_dim #pool = dnn.dnn_pool( input[bb[0],:,start_h:end_h+1,start_w:end_w+1], (sz_h,sz_w), (str_h,str_w), 'max', (0,0) ).flatten(2) pool_list.append( pool ) output[idbb] = T.transpose(T.concatenate( pool_list, axis=1 )) #not efficient but for the moment is ok! #if everything is correct this vector should be ordered as in fast RCNN return output
def raymarch(img, left_over, i, step_size, orig, rd, res, shape_params): pos = orig + rd*step_size*i voxel_indices = T.floor(pos*res) pruned = T.clip(voxel_indices,0,res-1) p_int = T.cast(pruned, 'int32') indices = T.reshape(p_int, (width*height,3)) value = shape_params[indices[:,0],indices[:,1],indices[:,2]] / nsteps return (img + value * left_over, {left_over : (1-value)*left_over, i : i+1})
def quantized_bprop(self, cost): index_low = T.switch(self.varin > 0., T.floor(T.log2(self.varin)), T.floor(T.log2(-self.varin)) ) index_low = T.clip(index_low, -4, 3) sign = T.switch(self.varin > 0., 1., -1.) # the upper 2**(integer power) though not used explicitly. # index_up = index_low + 1 # percentage of upper index. p_up = sign * self.varin / 2**(index_low) - 1 index_random = index_low + self.srng.binomial( n=1, p=p_up, size=T.shape(self.varin), dtype=theano.config.floatX) quantized_rep = sign * 2**index_random error = T.grad(cost=cost, wrt=self.varfanin) self.dEdW =, error)
def gen_img(shape_params, rotation_matrix, width, height, nsteps, res): raster_space = gen_fragcoords(width, height) rd, ro = make_ro(rotation_matrix, raster_space, width, height) a = 0 - ro # c = 0 b = 1 - ro # c = 1 nmatrices = rotation_matrix.shape[0] tn = T.reshape(a, (nmatrices, 1, 1, 3))/rd tf = T.reshape(b, (nmatrices, 1, 1, 3))/rd tn_true = T.minimum(tn,tf) tf_true = T.maximum(tn,tf) # do X tn_x = tn_true[:,:,:,0] tf_x = tf_true[:,:,:,0] tmin = 0.0 tmax = 10.0 t0 = tmin t1 = tmax t02 = T.switch(tn_x > t0, tn_x, t0) t12 = T.switch(tf_x < t1, tf_x, t1) # y tn_x = tn_true[:,:,:,1] tf_x = tf_true[:,:,:,1] t03 = T.switch(tn_x > t02, tn_x, t02) t13 = T.switch(tf_x < t12, tf_x, t12) #z tn_x = tn_true[:,:,:,2] tf_x = tf_true[:,:,:,2] t04 = T.switch(tn_x > t03, tn_x, t03) t14 = T.switch(tf_x < t13, tf_x, t13) # Shift a little bit to avoid numerial inaccuracies t04 = t04*1.001 t14 = t14*0.999 nvoxgrids = shape_params.shape[0] left_over = T.ones((nvoxgrids, nmatrices * width * height,)) step_size = (t14 - t04)/nsteps orig = T.reshape(ro, (nmatrices, 1, 1, 3)) + rd * T.reshape(t04,(nmatrices, width, height, 1)) xres = yres = zres = res orig = T.reshape(orig, (nmatrices * width * height, 3)) rd = T.reshape(rd, (nmatrices * width * height, 3)) step_sz = T.reshape(step_size, (nmatrices * width * height,1)) for i in range(nsteps): # print "step", i pos = orig + rd*step_sz*i voxel_indices = T.floor(pos*res) pruned = T.clip(voxel_indices,0,res-1) p_int = T.cast(pruned, 'int32') indices = T.reshape(p_int, (nmatrices*width*height,3)) attenuation = shape_params[:, indices[:,0],indices[:,1],indices[:,2]] left_over = left_over*T.exp(-attenuation*T.flatten(step_sz)) img = left_over pixels = T.reshape(img, (nvoxgrids, nmatrices, width, height)) mask = t14>t04 return T.switch(t14>t04, pixels, T.ones_like(pixels)), rd, ro, tn_x, T.ones((nvoxgrids, nmatrices * width * height,)), orig, shape_params
def get_hidden_values(self, input, batch_size): self.indices_high = T.ceil(self.indices).astype('int8') self.indices_low = T.floor(self.indices).astype('int8') self.factors_high = self.W[self.indices_high] self.factors_low = self.W[self.indices_low] self.factors = (self.factors_high - self.factors_low) * (self.indices - self.indices_low) / \ (self.indices_high - self.indices_low + 1E-5) + self.factors_low self.output = T.sum(self.x * T.transpose(self.factors).dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1), axis=2) / \ (self.length + 1.0).dimshuffle(0, 'x')
def apply_sampling(source_grid,img,o_height,o_width): n_batch,n_channel,i_height,i_width = img.shape # # 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 # source_grid_row = source_grid[:,0,:].reshape((n_batch,1,-1)).repeat(n_channel,axis=1).flatten() # # 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 # source_grid_col = source_grid[:,1,:].reshape((n_batch,1,-1)).repeat(n_channel,axis=1).flatten() source_grid_row = source_grid[:,1,:].flatten() source_grid_col = source_grid[:,0,:].flatten() # (,2,3)),T.stack([T.ones((10,1)).flatten(),T.ones((10,1)).flatten(),T.ones((10,1)).flatten()]))[:,0,:]*2 # +,2,3)),T.stack([T.ones((10,1)).flatten(),T.ones((10,1)).flatten(),T.ones((10,1)).flatten()]))[:,1,:]).eval().shape # batch1 row1 row2 row3 ... batch2 row1 ... img = img.dimshuffle((0,2,3,1)).reshape((-1,n_channel)).astype(theano.config.floatX) source_grid_row=(source_grid_row+1.0)/2.0*(i_height-1.0) source_grid_col=(source_grid_col+1.0)/2.0*(i_width-1.0) source_grid_row_floor=T.floor(source_grid_row).astype('int64') source_grid_col_floor=T.floor(source_grid_col).astype('int64') source_grid_row_ceil=T.clip(source_grid_row_floor+1,0,i_height-1).astype('int64') source_grid_col_ceil=T.clip(source_grid_col_floor+1,0,i_width-1).astype('int64') # output = img[source_grid_row*i_width+source_grid_col].reshape((n_batch,n_channel,o_width,o_height)) batch_base=(T.arange(n_batch)*(i_height*i_width)).repeat(o_height*o_width).astype('int64') # bilinear interpolation output_nw = img[source_grid_row_floor*i_width+source_grid_col_floor+batch_base,:] output_ne = img[source_grid_row_floor*i_width+source_grid_col_ceil+batch_base,:] output_sw = img[source_grid_row_ceil*i_width+source_grid_col_floor+batch_base,:] output_se = img[source_grid_row_ceil*i_width+source_grid_col_ceil+batch_base,:] weight_nw = ((source_grid_row_ceil-source_grid_row)*(source_grid_col_ceil-source_grid_col)).reshape((-1,1)).repeat(n_channel,axis=1) weight_ne = -((source_grid_row_ceil-source_grid_row)*(source_grid_col_floor-source_grid_col)).reshape((-1,1)).repeat(n_channel,axis=1) weight_sw = -((source_grid_row_floor-source_grid_row)*(source_grid_col_ceil-source_grid_col)).reshape((-1,1)).repeat(n_channel,axis=1) weight_se = ((source_grid_row_floor-source_grid_row)*(source_grid_col_floor-source_grid_col)).reshape((-1,1)).repeat(n_channel,axis=1) output =(output_nw*weight_nw+output_ne*weight_ne+output_sw*weight_sw+output_se*weight_se) output = T.reshape(output,(n_batch,o_height,o_width,n_channel)).dimshuffle((0,3,1,2)) # source_grid_row=((source_grid_row+1.0)/2.0*(i_height-1.0)).astype('int16') # source_grid_col=((source_grid_col+1.0)/2.0*(i_width-1.0)).astype('int16') # output = img[source_grid_row*i_width+source_grid_col].reshape((n_batch,n_channel,o_height,o_width)) return output.astype(theano.config.floatX)
def ShiftConv(w_t_g, s_t, N, num_shifts): # pad = (num_shifts//2, (num_shifts-1)//2) # w_t_g_pd_ = T.concatenate([w_t_g[(-pad[0]-1):-1], w_t_g, w_t_g[:(pad[1])]]) # w_t_g_pd = w_t_g_pd_.dimshuffle('x','x','x', 0) # filter = s_t.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 'x', 0) # convolution = T.nnet.conv2d(w_t_g_pd, filter, # input_shape=(1, 1, 1, N + pad[0] + pad[1]), # filter_shape=(1, 1, 1, num_shifts), # subsample=(1, 1), # border_mode='valid') # w_t_s = convolution[0, 0, 0, :] shift = 2.*s_t-1. Z = T.mod(shift+N, N) simj = 1 - (Z - T.floor(Z)) imj = T.mod(T.arange(N) + T.iround(T.floor(Z)),N) w_t_g_roll_1 = T.roll(w_t_g, -T.iround(T.floor(Z))) w_t_g_roll_2 = T.roll(w_t_g, -(T.iround(T.floor(Z))+1)) w_t_s = w_t_g_roll_1*simj + w_t_g_roll_2*(1-simj) return w_t_s
def rrf(self, val, scale): if(self.rr<=0): return val #r= T.cast(T.round(val*self.rr),dtype=config.floatX)/self.rr #r=T.clip(r,-1,1) if self.prob_round: # round 'val' probabilistically between -scale and scale with self.rr number of possible values q = T.abs_(1.0/scale * val * self.rr) p = q-T.floor(q) r = T.sgn(val) * (T.floor(q)+self.rng.binomial(size=val.shape, n=1, p=p)) / self.rr * scale r = T.clip(r, -scale, scale) # print q, p, r else: # deterministic rounding of 'val' between -scale and scale with self.rr number of possible values r= T.round(val*self.rr)/self.rr r=T.clip(r, -scale, scale) return T.cast(r, dtype=config.floatX)