Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, latent_dim, hidden_dim, x_k, n_steps):
        # x, output, (n, x_k+2)
        self.latent_dim = latent_dim
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.x_k = x_k
        self.n_steps = n_steps
        # z = input, (batch_size, latent_dim)
        self.W_f = T.fmatrix("W_f")  # z, (latent_dim, hidden_dim)
        self.U_f = T.fmatrix("U_f")  # h, (hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
        V_f = T.fmatrix("V_f")  # x, (x_k+2, hidden_dim)
        b_f = T.frow("b_f")  # (hidden_dim,)
        W_i = T.fmatrix()
        U_i = T.fmatrix()
        V_i = T.fmatrix()
        b_i = T.frow()
        W_c = T.fmatrix()
        U_c = T.fmatrix()
        V_c = T.fmatrix()
        b_c = T.frow()
        W_o = T.fmatrix()
        U_o = T.fmatrix()
        V_o = T.fmatrix()
        b_o = T.frow()
        W_x = T.fmatrix()  # x_t, (hidden_dim, x_k+1)
        b_x = T.frow()  # (x_k+1,)
        x = last output (int32)
        h = hidden state
        z = input vector

        # sequences, non-sequences
        def func(_x, _h, _z, _W_f, _U_f, _V_f, _b_f, _W_i, _U_i, _V_i, _b_i,
                 _W_c, _U_c, _V_c, _b_c, _W_o, _U_o, _V_o, _b_o, _W_x, _b_x):
            f = T.nnet.sigmoid(_V_f[_x, :] + T.dot(_z, _W_f) +
                               T.dot(_h, _U_f) + _b_f)
            i = T.nnet.sigmoid(_V_i[_x, :] + T.dot(_z, _W_i) +
                               T.dot(_h, _U_i) + _b_i)
            c = T.tanh(_V_c[_x, :] + T.dot(_z, _W_c) + T.dot(_h, _U_c) + _b_c)
            o = T.nnet.sigmoid(_V_o[_x, :] + T.dot(_z, _W_o) +
                               T.dot(_h, _U_o) + _b_o)
            _h_t = (f * _h) + (i * c)
            _o_t = o * T.tanh(c)
            _x_t = T.argmax(T.dot(_o_t, _W_x) + _b_x, axis=-1) + 1
            switch = T.eq(_x, 1)
            _x_t = switch + ((1 - switch) * _x_t)
            _x_t = T.cast(_x_t, 'int32')
            return _x_t, _h_t

        params = [
            W_f, U_f, V_f, b_f, W_i, U_i, V_i, b_i, W_c, U_c, V_c, b_c, W_o,
            U_o, V_o, b_o, W_x, b_x
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_gpu_opt_wor():
    # We test the case where we put the op on the gpu when the output
    # is moved to the gpu.
    p = tensor.fmatrix()
    u = tensor.fvector()
    n = tensor.iscalar()
    for replace in [False, True]:
        m = multinomial.ChoiceFromUniform(odtype='auto',
                                          replace=replace)(p, u, n)
        assert m.dtype == 'int64', m.dtype

        f = function([p, u, n], m, allow_input_downcast=True,
        assert any([type(node.op) is GPUAChoiceFromUniform
                    for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
        n_samples = 3
        pval = np.arange(10000 * 4, dtype='float32').reshape((10000, 4)) + 0.1
        pval = pval / pval.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
        uval = np.ones(pval.shape[0] * n_samples) * 0.5
        f(pval, uval, n_samples)

        # Test with a row, it was failing in the past.
        r = tensor.frow()
        m = multinomial.ChoiceFromUniform('auto', replace=replace)(r, u, n)
        assert m.dtype == 'int64', m.dtype

        f = function([r, u, n], m, allow_input_downcast=True,
        assert any([type(node.op) is GPUAChoiceFromUniform
                    for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
        pval = np.arange(1 * 4, dtype='float32').reshape((1, 4)) + 0.1
        pval = pval / pval.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
        uval = np.ones_like(pval[:, 0]) * 0.5
        f(pval, uval, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_gpu_opt():
    if not cuda.cuda_available:
        # Skip test if cuda_ndarray is not available.
        from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
        raise SkipTest('Optional package cuda not available')

    # We test the case where we put the op on the gpu when the output
    # is moved to the gpu.
    p = tensor.fmatrix()
    u = tensor.fvector()
    m = multinomial.MultinomialFromUniform('auto')(p, u)
    assert m.dtype == 'float32', m.dtype
    m_gpu = cuda.gpu_from_host(m)

    f = function([p, u], m_gpu, allow_input_downcast=True, mode=get_mode(True))
    assert any([type(node.op) is multinomial.GpuMultinomialFromUniform
                for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
    pval = numpy.arange(10000 * 4, dtype='float32').reshape((10000, 4))+0.1
    pval = pval / pval.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
    uval = numpy.ones_like(pval[:, 0]) * 0.5
    mval = f(pval, uval)

    # Test with a row, it was failing in the past.
    r = tensor.frow()
    m = multinomial.MultinomialFromUniform('auto')(r, u)
    assert m.dtype == 'float32', m.dtype
    m_gpu = cuda.gpu_from_host(m)

    f = function([r, u], m_gpu, allow_input_downcast=True, mode=get_mode(True))
    assert any([type(node.op) is multinomial.GpuMultinomialFromUniform
                for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
    pval = numpy.arange(1 * 4, dtype='float32').reshape((1, 4))+0.1
    pval = pval / pval.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
    uval = numpy.ones_like(pval[:, 0]) * 0.5
    mval2 = f(pval, uval)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_gpu_opt():
    if not cuda.cuda_available:
        # Skip test if cuda_ndarray is not available.
        from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
        raise SkipTest('Optional package cuda not available')

    # We test the case where we put the op on the gpu when the output
    # is moved to the gpu.
    p = tensor.fmatrix()
    u = tensor.fvector()
    m = multinomial.MultinomialFromUniform('auto')(p, u)
    assert m.dtype == 'float32', m.dtype
    m_gpu = cuda.gpu_from_host(m)

    f = function([p, u], m_gpu, allow_input_downcast=True, mode=get_mode(True))
    assert any([type(node.op) is multinomial.GpuMultinomialFromUniform
                for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
    pval = numpy.arange(10000 * 4, dtype='float32').reshape((10000, 4))+0.1
    pval = pval / pval.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
    uval = numpy.ones_like(pval[:, 0]) * 0.5
    mval = f(pval, uval)

    # Test with a row, it was failing in the past.
    r = tensor.frow()
    m = multinomial.MultinomialFromUniform('auto')(r, u)
    assert m.dtype == 'float32', m.dtype
    m_gpu = cuda.gpu_from_host(m)

    f = function([r, u], m_gpu, allow_input_downcast=True, mode=get_mode(True))
    assert any([type(node.op) is multinomial.GpuMultinomialFromUniform
                for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
    pval = numpy.arange(1 * 4, dtype='float32').reshape((1, 4))+0.1
    pval = pval / pval.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
    uval = numpy.ones_like(pval[:, 0]) * 0.5
    mval2 = f(pval, uval)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_gpu_opt():
    # Does have some overlap with test_multinomial_0

    # We test the case where we put the op on the gpu when the output
    # is moved to the gpu.
    p = tensor.fmatrix()
    u = tensor.fvector()
    m = theano.sandbox.multinomial.MultinomialFromUniform('auto')(p, u)
    assert m.dtype == 'float32', m.dtype

    f = function([p, u], m, allow_input_downcast=True, mode=mode_with_gpu)
    assert any([type(node.op) is GPUAMultinomialFromUniform
                for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
    pval = np.arange(10000 * 4, dtype='float32').reshape((10000, 4)) + 0.1
    pval = pval / pval.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
    uval = np.ones_like(pval[:, 0]) * 0.5
    f(pval, uval)

    # Test with a row, it was failing in the past.
    r = tensor.frow()
    m = theano.sandbox.multinomial.MultinomialFromUniform('auto')(r, u)
    assert m.dtype == 'float32', m.dtype

    f = function([r, u], m, allow_input_downcast=True, mode=mode_with_gpu)
    assert any([type(node.op) is GPUAMultinomialFromUniform
                for node in f.maker.fgraph.toposort()])
    pval = np.arange(1 * 4, dtype='float32').reshape((1, 4)) + 0.1
    pval = pval / pval.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
    uval = np.ones_like(pval[:, 0]) * 0.5
    f(pval, uval)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_theano(self, data, types):
		data: np.array with the last column as what type of data it is 
		types: the number of types
        self.test = np.zeros((self.units, types))
        self.err = 0

        s = T.frow('s')
        match = function(
            outputs=self._match(s),  # return err, bmu

        # Rescale the test data the same way training data gets rescaled
        samples = data.shape[0]
        data[:, 0:self.features] = (data[:, 0:self.features] -
                                    self.means) / self.stds + 0.5

        for i in range(samples):
            sample = data[i, 0:self.features][None, :]
            index = data[i, -1]

            err, unit = match(sample)
            self.test[unit, index] += 1
            self.err += err

        self.err = self.err / float(self.units)
        print 'error:', self.err
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def test_theano(self, data, types):
		data: np.array with the last column as what type of data it is 
		types: the number of types
		self.test = np.zeros((self.units, types))
		self.err = 0

		s = T.frow('s')
		match = function(
			inputs = [s], 
			outputs = self._match(s), # return err, bmu
			allow_input_downcast = True

		# Rescale the test data the same way training data gets rescaled
		samples = data.shape[0] 
		data[:, 0:self.features] = (data[:, 0:self.features] - self.means)/self.stds + 0.5

		for i in range(samples):
			sample = data[i, 0:self.features][None, :]
			index = data[i, -1]

			err, unit = match(sample)
			self.test[unit, index] += 1 
			self.err += err

		self.err = self.err/float(self.units)
		print 'error:', self.err 
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_broadcast_mismatch(self):
        data = self.rng.rand(2, 3).astype('float32')
        x = f32sc(data)
        print x.broadcastable
        y = tensor.frow('y')
        print y.broadcastable
        cond = theano.tensor.iscalar('cond')

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ifelse, cond, x, y)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ifelse, cond, y, x)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_theano(self, data=None, weights=None, quiet=False):
		data: np.array with the last column as what type of data it is 
		types: the number of types
        s = T.frow('s')
        match = function(
            outputs=self._match(s),  # return err, bmu

        # Rescale the test data the same way training data gets rescaled
        if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and isinstance(weights, np.ndarray):
            tstdata = data
            self.types = len(weights)
            f = h5py.File(self.datafile, 'r')
            tstdata = f[self.tst_route][()]
            tstdata = np.concatenate(
                (tstdata[:, 0:self.features], tstdata[:, -1:]), axis=1)
            weights = f[self.tst_route].attrs['weights']
            tstdata[:, 0:self.features] = (tstdata[:, 0:self.features] -
                                           self.means) / self.stds + 0.5
            self.types = len(weights)
            if not quiet:
                print 'testing on:', f[
                    self.tst_route].attrs['samples'], 'with weights', weights

        self.test = np.zeros((self.units, self.types))
        self.err = 0

        samples = tstdata.shape[0]

        for i in range(samples):
            sample = tstdata[i, 0:self.features][None, :]
            index = tstdata[i, -1]

            err, unit = match(sample)
            self.test[unit, index] += weights[index]
            self.err += err

        self.err = self.err / float(self.units)
        if not quiet:
            print 'error:', self.err

        return np.sum(self.test,
                      axis=-1)  # return the total number of hits in each cell
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def test_theano(self, data = None, weights = None, quiet = False):
		data: np.array with the last column as what type of data it is 
		types: the number of types
		s = T.frow('s')
		match = function(
			inputs = [s], 
			outputs = self._match(s), # return err, bmu
			allow_input_downcast = True

		# Rescale the test data the same way training data gets rescaled
		if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and isinstance(weights, np.ndarray):
			tstdata = data 
			self.types = len(weights)
			f = h5py.File(self.datafile, 'r')
			tstdata = f[self.tst_route][()]
			tstdata = np.concatenate((tstdata[:, 0:self.features], tstdata[:, -1:]), axis = 1)
			weights = f[self.tst_route].attrs['weights']		
			tstdata[:, 0:self.features] = (tstdata[:, 0:self.features] - self.means)/self.stds + 0.5
			self.types = len(weights)
			if not quiet:
				print 'testing on:', f[self.tst_route].attrs['samples'], 'with weights', weights

		self.test = np.zeros((self.units, self.types))
		self.err = 0

		samples = tstdata.shape[0] 

		for i in range(samples):
			sample = tstdata[i, 0:self.features][None, :]
			index = tstdata[i, -1]

			err, unit = match(sample)
			self.test[unit, index] += weights[index]
			self.err += err

		self.err = self.err/float(self.units)
		if not quiet:
			print 'error:', self.err 

		return np.sum(self.test, axis = -1) # return the total number of hits in each cell
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def train_theano(self, quiet=False, razor=True):
		A method that takes an np.array, scales it to have zero mean and unit standard deviation, and train the map on the data
        # -----
        # Define symbolic variables and compile the functions
        # -----

        broadscalar = T.TensorType('float32', (True, True))
        s = T.frow('s')
        w = broadscalar('w')
        win = T.frow('win')

        match = function(
            outputs=self._match(s),  # return err, bmu

        update_map = function(inputs=[s, w, win],
                              updates=self._update_map(s, w, win),

        update_params = function(inputs=[],

        # ----
        # Load training data
        # ----

        f = h5py.File(self.datafile, 'r')
        trndata = f[self.trn_route][()]
        weights = f[self.trn_route].attrs['weights']

        trndata = np.concatenate(
            (trndata[:, 0:self.features], trndata[:, -1:]), axis=1)

        self.means = np.mean(trndata[:, 0:self.features], axis=0)
        self.stds = np.std(trndata[:, 0:self.features], axis=0)
        trndata[:, 0:self.features] = (trndata[:, 0:self.features] -
                                       self.means) / self.stds + 0.5

        # -----
        # Training starts here
        # -----

        samples = trndata.shape[0]
        self.fires = np.zeros(
            (samples, 2))  # One for index of the neuron that fired and

        print '-------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'Training starts....'
        print 'Number of samples:', samples, 'with weights:', weights
        print 'Epochs: {0:2d}, Sigma: ({1:4f}, {2:4f}), Lrate: ({3:4f}, {4:4f}), Threshold: {5:3d}'.format(
            self.epochs, self.sigma_i, self.sigma_f, self.lrate_i,
            self.lrate_f, self.threshold)

        total_time = 0

        for e in range(self.epochs):

            if not quiet:
                print '[ epoch: {0:5d}]'.format(e)
                print '		sigma:{0:5f}	lrate:{1:5f}'.format(
                    self.sigma.get_value(), self.lrate.get_value())
            start = time.mktime(time.localtime())
            ordering = np.random.permutation(samples)

            for i in ordering:

                sample = trndata[i, 0:self.features][None, :]
                weight = np.array([[trndata[i, -1]]])

                error, unit = match(sample)

                if self.fires[i, 0] == unit:
                    self.fires[i, 1] += 1

                    self.fires[i, 0] = unit
                    self.fires[i, 1] = 0

                if self.fires[i, 1] < self.threshold:
                    winner = self.grid.get_value()[unit][None, :]
                    update_map(sample, weight, winner)

            end = time.mktime(time.localtime())
            total_time += (end - start)
            if not quiet:
                print '		stable samples:{0:5d}'.format(
                    np.sum(self.fires[:, 1] >= self.threshold))
                print '		time stamp:{0:5f}'.format(end - start)

        print 'average time per epoch: {0:5f}'.format(total_time /
        print 'average time per sample: {0:5f}'.format(total_time /
                                                       (self.epochs * samples))
        print '-------------------------------------------------------'
Ejemplo n.º 12
	def train_theano(self, quiet = False, razor = True): 

		A method that takes an np.array, scales it to have zero mean and unit standard deviation, and train the map on the data
		# -----
		# Define symbolic variables and compile the functions
		# -----

		broadscalar = T.TensorType('float32', (True, True))
		s = T.frow('s')
		w = broadscalar('w')
		win = T.frow('win')

		match = function(
			inputs = [s], 
			outputs = self._match(s), # return err, bmu
			allow_input_downcast = True

		update_map = function(
			inputs = [s, w, win], 
			outputs = [], 
			updates = self._update_map(s, w, win),
			allow_input_downcast = True

		update_params = function(
			inputs = [],
			outputs = [],
			updates = self._update_params(),
			allow_input_downcast = True

		# ----
		# Load training data
		# ----
		f = h5py.File(self.datafile, 'r')
		trndata = f[self.trn_route][()]
		weights = f[self.trn_route].attrs['weights']

		trndata = np.concatenate((trndata[:, 0:self.features], trndata[:, -1:]), axis = 1)

		self.means = np.mean(trndata[:, 0:self.features], axis = 0)
		self.stds = np.std(trndata[:, 0:self.features], axis = 0)
		trndata[:, 0:self.features] = (trndata[:, 0:self.features] - self.means)/self.stds + 0.5

		# ----- 
		# Training starts here 
		# ----- 

		samples = trndata.shape[0]
		self.fires = np.zeros((samples, 2)) # One for index of the neuron that fired and 

		print '-------------------------------------------------------'
		print 'Training starts....'
		print 'Number of samples:', samples, 'with weights:', weights
		print 'Epochs: {0:2d}, Sigma: ({1:4f}, {2:4f}), Lrate: ({3:4f}, {4:4f}), Threshold: {5:3d}'.format(self.epochs, self.sigma_i, self.sigma_f, self.lrate_i, self.lrate_f, self.threshold)

		total_time = 0

		for e in range(self.epochs):

			if not quiet:
				print '[ epoch: {0:5d}]'.format(e)
				print '		sigma:{0:5f}	lrate:{1:5f}'.format(self.sigma.get_value(), self.lrate.get_value())
			start = time.mktime(time.localtime())
			ordering = np.random.permutation(samples)
			for i in ordering:

				sample = trndata[i, 0:self.features][None, :]
				weight = np.array([[trndata[i, -1]]])
				error, unit = match(sample)
				if self.fires[i, 0] == unit:
					self.fires[i, 1] += 1
					self.fires[i, 0] = unit
					self.fires[i, 1] = 0
				if self.fires[i, 1] < self.threshold: 
					winner = self.grid.get_value()[unit][None, :]
					update_map(sample, weight, winner)
			end = time.mktime(time.localtime())
			total_time += (end - start)
			if not quiet:
				print '		stable samples:{0:5d}'.format(np.sum(self.fires[:, 1] >= self.threshold))
				print '		time stamp:{0:5f}'.format(end - start)

		print 'average time per epoch: {0:5f}'.format(total_time/float(self.epochs))
		print 'average time per sample: {0:5f}'.format(total_time/(self.epochs * samples))
		print '-------------------------------------------------------'
def decoder(latent_dim, hidden_dim, x_k, n_steps):
    # x, output, (n, x_k+2)
    z = T.fmatrix("z")  # (n, latent_dim)
    W_f = T.fmatrix("W_f")  # z, (latent_dim, hidden_dim)
    U_f = T.fmatrix("U_f")  # h, (hidden_dim, hidden_dim)
    V_f = T.fmatrix("V_f")  # x, (x_k+2, hidden_dim)
    b_f = T.frow("b_f")  # (hidden_dim,)
    W_i = T.fmatrix()
    U_i = T.fmatrix()
    V_i = T.fmatrix()
    b_i = T.frow()
    W_c = T.fmatrix()
    U_c = T.fmatrix()
    V_c = T.fmatrix()
    b_c = T.frow()
    W_o = T.fmatrix()
    U_o = T.fmatrix()
    V_o = T.fmatrix()
    b_o = T.frow()
    W_x = T.fmatrix()  # x_t, (hidden_dim, x_k+1)
    b_x = T.frow()  # (x_k+1,)
    x = last output (int32)
    h = hidden state
    z = input vector

    # sequences, non-sequences
    def func(_x, _h, _z, _W_f, _U_f, _V_f, _b_f, _W_i, _U_i, _V_i, _b_i, _W_c,
             _U_c, _V_c, _b_c, _W_o, _U_o, _V_o, _b_o, _W_x, _b_x):
        f = T.nnet.sigmoid(_V_f[_x, :] + T.dot(_z, _W_f) + T.dot(_h, _U_f) +
        i = T.nnet.sigmoid(_V_i[_x, :] + T.dot(_z, _W_i) + T.dot(_h, _U_i) +
        c = T.tanh(_V_c[_x, :] + T.dot(_z, _W_c) + T.dot(_h, _U_c) + _b_c)
        o = T.nnet.sigmoid(_V_o[_x, :] + T.dot(_z, _W_o) + T.dot(_h, _U_o) +
        _h_t = (f * _h) + (i * c)
        _o_t = o * T.tanh(c)
        _x_t = T.argmax(T.dot(_o_t, _W_x) + _b_x, axis=-1) + 1
        switch = T.eq(_x, 1)
        _x_t = switch + ((1 - switch) * _x_t)
        _x_t = T.cast(_x_t, 'int32')
        return _x_t, _h_t

    params = [
        W_f, U_f, V_f, b_f, W_i, U_i, V_i, b_i, W_c, U_c, V_c, b_c, W_o, U_o,
        V_o, b_o, W_x, b_x

    def sample_params():
        e = 1e-2
        _W_f = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (latent_dim, hidden_dim))
        _U_f = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (hidden_dim, hidden_dim))
        _V_f = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (x_k + 2, hidden_dim))
        _b_f = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (1, hidden_dim))
        _W_i = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (latent_dim, hidden_dim))
        _U_i = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (hidden_dim, hidden_dim))
        _V_i = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (x_k + 2, hidden_dim))
        _b_i = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (1, hidden_dim))
        _W_c = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (latent_dim, hidden_dim))
        _U_c = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (hidden_dim, hidden_dim))
        _V_c = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (x_k + 2, hidden_dim))
        _b_c = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (1, hidden_dim))
        _W_o = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (latent_dim, hidden_dim))
        _U_o = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (hidden_dim, hidden_dim))
        _V_o = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (x_k + 2, hidden_dim))
        _b_o = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (1, hidden_dim))
        _W_x = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (hidden_dim, x_k + 1))
        _b_x = np.random.uniform(-e, e, (1, x_k + 1))
        params = [
            _W_f, _U_f, _V_f, _b_f, _W_i, _U_i, _V_i, _b_i, _W_c, _U_c, _V_c,
            _b_c, _W_o, _U_o, _V_o, _b_o, _W_x, _b_x
        return [p.astype(np.float32) for p in params]

    n = z.shape[0]
    outputs_info = [{
        'initial': T.zeros((n, ), dtype='int32')
    }, {
        'initial': T.zeros((n, hidden_dim), dtype='float32')
    x, h = theano.scan(func,
                       non_sequences=[z] + params,
    # print("X: {}".format(x))
    x = T.transpose(x, (1, 0))
    h = T.transpose(h, (1, 0, 2))
    return z, params, [x - 1, h], sample_params
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def train_theano(self, data):
		A method that takes an np.array, scales it to have zero mean and unit standard deviation, and train the map on the data
		data: np.array with the last column being weights
        # -----
        # Define symbolic variables and compile the functions
        # -----

        broadscalar = T.TensorType('float32', (True, True))
        s = T.frow('s')
        w = broadscalar('w')
        win = T.frow('win')

        match = function(
            outputs=self._match(s),  # return err, bmu

        update_map = function(inputs=[s, w, win],
                              updates=self._update_map(s, w, win),

        update_params = function(inputs=[],

        # -----
        # Training starts here
        # -----

        # Preprocess the data
        scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(data[:, 0:self.features])
        data[:, 0:self.features] = scaler.transform(
            data[:, 0:self.features]) + 0.5
        self.means = scaler.mean_
        self.stds = scaler.std_

        samples = data.shape[0]
        self.fires = np.zeros(
            (samples, 2))  # One for index of the neuron that fired and

        print 'Training starts....'
        print 'Number of samples:', samples

        for e in range(self.epochs):

            print 'epoch:', e
            print 'sigma:', self.sigma.get_value()
            print 'lrate:', self.lrate.get_value()

            start = time.mktime(time.localtime())
            ordering = np.random.permutation(samples)

            for i in ordering:

                sample = data[i, 0:self.features][None, :]
                weight = np.array([[data[i, -1]]])

                error, unit = match(sample)

                if self.fires[i, 0] == unit:
                    self.fires[i, 1] += 1

                    self.fires[i, 0] = unit
                    self.fires[i, 1] = 0

                if self.fires[i, 1] < self.threshold:
                    winner = self.grid.get_value()[unit][None, :]
                    update_map(sample, weight, winner)

            print 'number of stable samples:', np.sum(
                self.fires[:, 1] >= self.threshold)
            end = time.mktime(time.localtime())
            print 'time stamp:', end - start
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def train_theano(self, data): 

		A method that takes an np.array, scales it to have zero mean and unit standard deviation, and train the map on the data
		data: np.array with the last column being weights
		# -----
		# Define symbolic variables and compile the functions
		# -----

		broadscalar = T.TensorType('float32', (True, True))
		s = T.frow('s')
		w = broadscalar('w')
		win = T.frow('win')

		match = function(
			inputs = [s], 
			outputs = self._match(s), # return err, bmu
			allow_input_downcast = True

		update_map = function(
			inputs = [s, w, win], 
			outputs = [], 
			updates = self._update_map(s, w, win),
			allow_input_downcast = True

		update_params = function(
			inputs = [],
			outputs = [],
			updates = self._update_params(),
			allow_input_downcast = True

		# ----- 
		# Training starts here 
		# ----- 

		# Preprocess the data 
		scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(data[:, 0:self.features])
		data[:, 0:self.features] = scaler.transform(data[:, 0:self.features]) + 0.5
		self.means = scaler.mean_
		self.stds = scaler.std_

		samples = data.shape[0]
		self.fires = np.zeros((samples, 2)) # One for index of the neuron that fired and 

		print 'Training starts....'
		print 'Number of samples:', samples

		for e in range(self.epochs):

			print 'epoch:', e
			print 'sigma:', self.sigma.get_value()
			print 'lrate:', self.lrate.get_value() 

			start = time.mktime(time.localtime())
			ordering = np.random.permutation(samples)
			for i in ordering:

				sample = data[i, 0:self.features][None, :]
				weight = np.array([[data[i, -1]]])
				error, unit = match(sample)
				if self.fires[i, 0] == unit:
					self.fires[i, 1] += 1
					self.fires[i, 0] = unit
					self.fires[i, 1] = 0
				if self.fires[i, 1] < self.threshold: 
					winner = self.grid.get_value()[unit][None, :]
					update_map(sample, weight, winner)
			print 'number of stable samples:', np.sum(self.fires[:, 1] >= self.threshold)
			end = time.mktime(time.localtime())
			print 'time stamp:', end - start