def arc_distance_theano_broadcast_prepare(dtype='float64'): """ Calculates the pairwise arc distance between all points in vector a and b. """ a = tensor.matrix(dtype=str(dtype)) b = tensor.matrix(dtype=str(dtype)) theta_1 = a[:, 0][None, :] theta_2 = b[:, 0][None, :] phi_1 = a[:, 1][:, None] phi_2 = b[:, 1][None, :] temp = (tensor.sin((theta_2 - theta_1) / 2)**2 + tensor.cos(theta_1) * tensor.cos(theta_2) * tensor.sin((phi_2 - phi_1) / 2)**2) distance_matrix = 2 * (tensor.arctan2(tensor.sqrt(temp), tensor.sqrt(1 - temp))) name = "arc_distance_theano_broadcast" rval = theano.function([a, b], distance_matrix, name=name) rval.__name__ = name return rval
def poseDiff2D(startingPose, endingPose): x1, y1, theta1 = endingPose[0], endingPose[1], endingPose[2] x2, y2, theta2 = startingPose[0], startingPose[1], startingPose[2] dx = (x1 - x2)*T.cos(theta2) + (y1 - y2)*T.sin(theta2) dy = -(x1 - x2)*T.sin(theta2) + (y1 - y2)*T.cos(theta2) dtheta = normalizeAngle(theta1 - theta2) return dx, dy, dtheta
def arc_distance_theano_alloc_prepare(dtype='float64'): """ Calculates the pairwise arc distance between all points in vector a and b. """ a = tensor.matrix(dtype=str(dtype)) b = tensor.matrix(dtype=str(dtype)) # Theano don't implement all case of tile, so we do the equivalent with alloc. #theta_1 = tensor.tile(a[:, 0], (b.shape[0], 1)).T theta_1 = tensor.alloc(a[:, 0], b.shape[0], b.shape[0]).T phi_1 = tensor.alloc(a[:, 1], b.shape[0], b.shape[0]).T theta_2 = tensor.alloc(b[:, 0], a.shape[0], a.shape[0]) phi_2 = tensor.alloc(b[:, 1], a.shape[0], a.shape[0]) temp = (tensor.sin((theta_2 - theta_1) / 2)**2 + tensor.cos(theta_1) * tensor.cos(theta_2) * tensor.sin((phi_2 - phi_1) / 2)**2) distance_matrix = 2 * (tensor.arctan2(tensor.sqrt(temp), tensor.sqrt(1 - temp))) name = "arc_distance_theano_alloc" rval = theano.function([a, b], distance_matrix, name=name) rval.__name__ = name return rval
def get_celerite_matrices(self, x, diag): x = tt.as_tensor_variable(x) diag = tt.as_tensor_variable(diag) ar, cr, ac, bc, cc, dc = self.coefficients a = diag + tt.sum(ar) + tt.sum(ac) U = tt.concatenate(( ar[None, :] + tt.zeros_like(x)[:, None], ac[None, :] * tt.cos(dc[None, :] * x[:, None]) + bc[None, :] * tt.sin(dc[None, :] * x[:, None]), ac[None, :] * tt.sin(dc[None, :] * x[:, None]) - bc[None, :] * tt.cos(dc[None, :] * x[:, None]), ), axis=1) V = tt.concatenate(( tt.zeros_like(ar)[None, :] + tt.ones_like(x)[:, None], tt.cos(dc[None, :] * x[:, None]), tt.sin(dc[None, :] * x[:, None]), ), axis=1) dx = x[1:] - x[:-1] P = tt.concatenate(( tt.exp(-cr[None, :] * dx[:, None]), tt.exp(-cc[None, :] * dx[:, None]), tt.exp(-cc[None, :] * dx[:, None]), ), axis=1) return a, U, V, P
def get_uhs_operator(uhs, depth, n_hidden, rhos): """ :param uhs: :param depth: :param n_hidden: :param rhos: can be shared variable or constant of shape (depth, )!! :return: """ # Will use a Fourier matrix (will be O(n^2)...) # Doesn't seem to slow things down much though! exp_phases = [T.cos(uhs), T.sin(uhs)] neg_exp_phases = [T.cos(uhs[:, ::-1]), -T.sin(uhs[:, ::-1])] ones_ = [T.ones((depth, 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX), T.zeros((depth, 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX)] rhos_reshaped = T.reshape(rhos, (depth, 1), ndim=2) rhos_reshaped = T.addbroadcast(rhos_reshaped, 1) eigvals_re = rhos_reshaped * T.concatenate((ones_[0], exp_phases[0], -ones_[0], neg_exp_phases[0]), axis=1) eigvals_im = rhos_reshaped * T.concatenate((ones_[1], exp_phases[1], -ones_[1], neg_exp_phases[1]), axis=1) phase_array = -2 * np.pi * np.outer(np.arange(n_hidden), np.arange(n_hidden)) / n_hidden f_array_re_val = np.cos(phase_array) / n_hidden f_array_im_val = np.sin(phase_array) / n_hidden f_array_re = theano.shared(f_array_re_val.astype(theano.config.floatX), name="f_arr_re") f_array_im = theano.shared(f_array_im_val.astype(theano.config.floatX), name="f_arr_im") a_k =, f_array_re) +, f_array_im) uhs_op = rep_vec(a_k, n_hidden, n_hidden) # shape (depth, 2 * n_hidden - 1) return uhs_op
def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs): # see eq. (1) and sec 3.1 in [1] input, para = inputs num_batch, channels, height, width = input.shape _w = T.cast(width, dtype = self.dtype) _h = T.cast(height, dtype = self.dtype) mat = T.zeros((num_batch, 3, 3), dtype = self.dtype) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 0, 0], const(1.0)) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 1, 1], const(1.0)) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 2, 2], const(1.0)) if self.method == 'perspective': mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 2, 0], (para[:, 0] / 1e4 - 1e-3) * _w) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 2, 1], (para[:, 1] / 1e4 - 1e-3) * _h) elif self.method == 'angle': angle = T.cast(T.argmax(para, axis = 1), dtype = self.dtype) * np.pi / 90 - np.pi / 3.0 # ss = np.sqrt(2.0) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, :, :], T.stacklists([ [T.cos(angle), T.sin(angle), -(T.cos(angle) * _w + T.sin(angle) * _h - _w) / (2.0 * _w)], [-T.sin(angle), T.cos(angle), -(-T.sin(angle) * _w + T.cos(angle) * _h - _h) / (2.0 * _h)], [constv(0, num_batch, self.dtype), constv(0, num_batch, self.dtype), constv(1, num_batch, self.dtype)]]).dimshuffle(2, 0, 1)) # return [mat, _w, _h] elif self.method == 'all': mat = T.reshape(para, [-1, 3, 3]) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 0, 2], mat[:, 0, 2] / T.cast(width, dtype)) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 1, 2], mat[:, 1, 2] / T.cast(height, dtype)) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 2, 0], mat[:, 2, 0] * T.cast(width, dtype)) mat = T.set_subtensor(mat[:, 2, 1], mat[:, 2, 1] * T.cast(height, dtype)) else: raise Exception('method not understood.') return transform_affine(mat, input, self.method, scale_factor = self.scale_factor)
def grad(self, inputs, gradients): M, e = inputs E, f = self(M, e) bM = tt.zeros_like(M) be = tt.zeros_like(M) ecosE = e * tt.cos(E) if not isinstance(gradients[0].type, theano.gradient.DisconnectedType): # Backpropagate E_bar bM = gradients[0] / (1 - ecosE) be = tt.sin(E) * bM if not isinstance(gradients[1].type, theano.gradient.DisconnectedType): # Backpropagate f_bar sinf2 = tt.sin(0.5*f) cosf2 = tt.cos(0.5*f) tanf2 = sinf2 / cosf2 e2 = e**2 ome2 = 1 - e2 ome = 1 - e ope = 1 + e cosf22 = cosf2**2 twoecosf22 = 2 * e * cosf22 factor = tt.sqrt(ope/ome) inner = (twoecosf22+ome) * tt.as_tensor_variable(gradients[1]) bM += factor*(ome*tanf2**2+ope)*inner*cosf22/(ope*ome2) be += -2*cosf22*tanf2/ome2**2*inner*(ecosE-2+e2) return [bM, be]
def _getrz(self,d): r=theano.shared(np.zeros((3,3),dtype='float32')) r=T.set_subtensor(r[2,2],1.0) r=T.set_subtensor(r[0,0],T.cos(d)) r=T.set_subtensor(r[0,1],-T.sin(d)) r=T.set_subtensor(r[1,0],T.sin(d)) r=T.set_subtensor(r[1,1],T.cos(d)) return r
def xyz(R1, theta, R2, phi): theta_ = T.scalar('theta') phi_ = T.scalar('phi') x = R1 * T.cos(theta_) * R2 * T.cos(phi_) y = R2 * T.sin(theta_) * R2 * T.cos(phi_) z = R2 * T.sin(phi_) func = function([theta_, phi_], [x, y, z], allow_input_downcast=True) vals = func(theta, phi) return vals[0].flatten(), vals[1].flatten(), vals[2].flatten()
def xyz2(theta, a, b, m, n1, n2, n3, rho, a2, b2, m2, n4, n5, n6): theta_ = T.scalar('theta') rho_ = T.scalar('rho') R1 = R(theta, a, b, m, n1, n2, n3) R2 = R(rho, a2, b2, m2, n4, n5, n6) x = R1 * T.cos(theta_) * R2 * T.cos(rho_) y = R1 * T.sin(theta_) * R2 * T.cos(rho_) z = R2 * T.sin(rho_) func = function([theta_, rho_], [x, y, z], allow_input_downcast=True) vals = func(theta, rho) return vals[0].flatten(), vals[1].flatten(), vals[2].flatten()
def get_output(self, train=False): rnorm = / np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*self.kappa val = -**2 / (8 * self.kappa**2) dir1 = 4 * (self._outter(self.x, tensor.cos(self.theta)) + self._outter(self.y, tensor.sin(self.theta)))**2 dir2 = (-self._outter(self.x, tensor.sin(self.theta)) + self._outter(self.y, tensor.cos(self.theta)))**2 ex = 1j * ( * self._outter(tensor.cos(self.theta), self.x) + * self._outter(tensor.sin(self.theta), self.y)) output = rnorm * tensor.exp(val * (dir1 + dir2)) * (tensor.exp(ex) - tensor.exp(-self.kappa**2 / 2)) return output
def theano_dynamics(self, x, u): G, L1, L2, M1, M2 = self.extract_constants() # TODO: this is just an approximation dydx = T.alloc(0.0, 4) dydx = T.set_subtensor(dydx[0], x[1]) del_ = x[2]-x[0] den1 = (M1+M2)*L1 - M2*L1*T.cos(del_)*T.cos(del_) dydx = T.set_subtensor(dydx[1], ( M2*L1 * x[1] * x[1] * T.sin(del_) * T.cos(del_) + M2*G * T.sin(x[2]) * T.cos(del_) + M2*L2 * x[3] * x[3] * T.sin(del_) - (M1+M2)*G * T.sin(x[0]))/den1 ) dydx = T.set_subtensor(dydx[2], x[3]) den2 = (L2/L1)*den1 dydx = T.set_subtensor(dydx[3], (-M2*L2 * x[3]*x[3]*T.sin(del_)*T.cos(del_) + (M1+M2)*G * T.sin(x[0])*T.cos(del_) - (M1+M2)*L1 * x[1]*x[1]*T.sin(del_) - (M1+M2)*G * T.sin(x[2]))/den2 + u ) return x + dydx * self.dt
def get_theano_func(): a = tt.dvector("a") v = tt.dvector("v") freq = tt.dscalar("freq") t = tt.dscalar("t") dt = tt.dscalar("dt") tau = tt.dscalar("tau") return theano.function( [a, v, freq, t, dt, tau], a * tt.sin(2.0 * freq * pi * t) + b + v * tt.exp(-dt / tau) + (-a * tt.sin(2.0 * freq * pi * t) - b) * tt.exp(-dt / tau), )
def __init__(self, target, initial_phi, profile_s=None, A0=1.0): = target self.n_pixels = int(target.shape[0] / 2) # target should be 512x512, but SLM pattern calculated should be 256x256. self.intensity_calc = None self.cost = None # placeholder for cost function. if profile_s is None: profile_s = np.ones((self.n_pixels, self.n_pixels)) assert profile_s.shape == (self.n_pixels, self.n_pixels), 'profile_s is wrong shape, should be ({n},{n})'.format(n=self.n_pixels) self.profile_s_r = profile_s.real.astype('float64') self.profile_s_i = profile_s.imag.astype('float64') assert initial_phi.shape == (self.n_pixels**2,), "initial_phi must be a vector of phases of size N^2 (not (N,N)). Shape is " + str(initial_phi.shape) self.A0 = A0 # Set zeros matrix: self.zero_frame = np.zeros((2*self.n_pixels, 2*self.n_pixels), dtype='float64') # Phi and its momentum for use in gradient descent with momentum: self.phi = theano.shared(value=initial_phi.astype('float64'), name='phi') self.phi_rate = theano.shared(value=np.zeros_like(initial_phi).astype('float64'), name='phi_rate') self.S_r = theano.shared(value=self.profile_s_r, name='s_r') self.S_i = theano.shared(value=self.profile_s_i, name='s_i') self.zero_matrix = theano.shared(value=self.zero_frame, name='zero_matrix') # E_in: (n_pixels**2) phi_reshaped = self.phi.reshape((self.n_pixels, self.n_pixels)) self.E_in_r = self.A0 * (self.S_r*T.cos(phi_reshaped) - self.S_i*T.sin(phi_reshaped)) self.E_in_i = self.A0 * (self.S_i*T.cos(phi_reshaped) + self.S_r*T.sin(phi_reshaped)) # E_in padded: (4n_pixels**2) idx_0, idx_1 = get_centre_range(self.n_pixels) self.E_in_r_pad = T.set_subtensor(self.zero_matrix[idx_0:idx_1,idx_0:idx_1], self.E_in_r) self.E_in_i_pad = T.set_subtensor(self.zero_matrix[idx_0:idx_1,idx_0:idx_1], self.E_in_i) # E_out: self.E_out_r, self.E_out_i = fft(self.E_in_r_pad, self.E_in_i_pad) # finally, the output intensity: self.E_out_2 = T.add(T.pow(self.E_out_r, 2), T.pow(self.E_out_i, 2))
def hdist(a, b): lat1 = a[:, 0] * deg2rad lon1 = a[:, 1] * deg2rad lat2 = b[:, 0] * deg2rad lon2 = b[:, 1] * deg2rad dlat = abs(lat1-lat2) dlon = abs(lon1-lon2) al = tensor.sin(dlat/2)**2 + tensor.cos(lat1) * tensor.cos(lat2) * (tensor.sin(dlon/2)**2) d = tensor.arctan2(tensor.sqrt(al), tensor.sqrt(const(1)-al)) hd = const(2) * rearth * d return tensor.switch(tensor.eq(hd, float('nan')), (a-b).norm(2, axis=1), hd)
def symbolic_call(self,x,u): u = TT.clip(u, -self.max_force, self.max_force) #pylint: disable=E1111 dt = self.dt z = TT.take(x,0,axis=x.ndim-1) zdot = TT.take(x,1,axis=x.ndim-1) th = TT.take(x,2,axis=x.ndim-1) thdot = TT.take(x,3,axis=x.ndim-1) u0 = TT.take(u,0,axis=u.ndim-1) th1 = np.pi - th g = 10. mc = 1. # mass of cart mp = .1 # mass of pole muc = .0005 # coeff friction of cart mup = .000002 # coeff friction of pole l = 1. # length of pole def sign(x): return TT.switch(x>0, 1, -1) thddot = -(-g*TT.sin(th1) + TT.cos(th1) * (-u0 - mp * l *thdot**2 * TT.sin(th1) + muc*sign(zdot))/(mc+mp) - mup*thdot / (mp*l)) \ / (l*(4/3. - mp*TT.cos(th1)**2 / (mc + mp))) zddot = (u0 + mp*l*(thdot**2 * TT.sin(th1) - thddot * TT.cos(th1)) - muc*sign(zdot)) \ / (mc+mp) newzdot = zdot + dt*zddot newz = z + dt*newzdot newthdot = thdot + dt*thddot newth = th + dt*newthdot done = (z > self.max_cart_pos) | (z < -self.max_cart_pos) | (th > self.max_pole_angle) | (th < -self.max_pole_angle) ucost = 1e-5*(u**2).sum(axis=u.ndim-1) xcost = 1-TT.cos(th) # notdone = TT.neg(done) #pylint: disable=W0612,E1111 notdone = 1-done costs = TT.stack((done-1)*10., notdone*xcost, notdone*ucost).T #pylint: disable=E1103 newx = TT.stack(newz, newzdot, newth, newthdot).T #pylint: disable=E1103 return [newx,newx,costs,done]
def rotate(angle, axis): """Returns a transform to represent a rotation""" angle = T.as_tensor_variable(angle) axis = T.as_tensor_variable(axis) a = axis radians = angle*np.pi/180.0 s = T.sin(radians) c = T.cos(radians) m = T.alloc(0., 4, 4) m = T.set_subtensor(m[0,0], a[0] * a[0] + (1. - a[0] * a[0]) * c) m = T.set_subtensor(m[0,1], a[0] * a[1] * (1. - c) - a[2] * s) m = T.set_subtensor(m[0,2], a[0] * a[2] * (1. - c) + a[1] * s) m = T.set_subtensor(m[1,0], a[0] * a[1] * (1. - c) + a[2] * s) m = T.set_subtensor(m[1,1], a[1] * a[1] + (1. - a[1] * a[1]) * c) m = T.set_subtensor(m[1,2], a[1] * a[2] * (1. - c) - a[0] * s) m = T.set_subtensor(m[2,0], a[0] * a[2] * (1. - c) - a[1] * s) m = T.set_subtensor(m[2,1], a[1] * a[2] * (1. - c) + a[0] * s) m = T.set_subtensor(m[2,2], a[2] * a[2] + (1. - a[2] * a[2]) * c) m = T.set_subtensor(m[3,3], 1) return Transform(m, m.T)
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs): cosT = T.cos(self.Degree * 3.1415926 / 180.0) sinT = T.sin(self.Degree * 3.1415926 / 180.0) zeros = T.zeros_like(cosT) # zeros = self.Translation theta = T.stack([cosT, sinT, zeros, -sinT, cosT, zeros], axis = 1) return transform_affine(theta, input)
def _step(self,xg_t, xo_t, xc_t, mask_tm1,h_tm1, c_tm1, u_g, u_o, u_c): h_mask_tm1 = mask_tm1 * h_tm1 c_mask_tm1 = mask_tm1 * c_tm1 act = T.tensordot( xg_t + h_mask_tm1, u_g , [[1],[2]]) gate = T.nnet.softmax(act.reshape((-1, act.shape[-1]))).reshape(act.shape) c_tilda = self.activation(xc_t +, u_c)) sigma_se = self.k_parameters[0] sigma_per = self.k_parameters[1] sigma_b_lin = self.k_parameters[2] sigma_v_lin = self.k_parameters[3] sigma_rq = self.k_parameters[4] l_se = self.k_parameters[5] l_per = self.k_parameters[6] l_lin = self.k_parameters[7] l_rq = self.k_parameters[8] alpha_rq = self.k_parameters[9] p_per = self.k_parameters[10] k_se = T.pow(sigma_se,2) * T.exp( -T.pow(c_mask_tm1 - c_tilda,2) / (2* T.pow(l_se,2) + self.EPS)) k_per = T.pow(sigma_per,2) * T.exp( -2*T.pow(T.sin( math.pi*(c_mask_tm1 - c_tilda)/ (p_per + self.EPS) ),2) / ( T.pow(l_per,2) + self.EPS )) k_lin = T.pow(sigma_b_lin,2) + T.pow(sigma_v_lin,2) * (c_mask_tm1 - l_lin) * (c_tilda - l_lin ) k_rq = T.pow(sigma_rq,2) * T.pow( 1 + T.pow( (c_mask_tm1 - c_tilda),2) / ( 2 * alpha_rq * T.pow(l_rq,2) + self.EPS), -alpha_rq) ops = [c_mask_tm1,c_tilda,k_se, k_per, k_lin,k_rq] yshuff = T.as_tensor_variable( ops, name='yshuff').dimshuffle(1,2,0) c_t = (gate.reshape((-1,gate.shape[-1])) * yshuff.reshape((-1,yshuff.shape[-1]))).sum(axis = 1).reshape(gate.shape[:2]) o_t = self.inner_activation(xo_t +, u_o)) h_t = o_t * self.activation(c_t) return h_t, c_t
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs): cosT = T.cos(self.Degree * 3.1415926 / 180.0) sinT = T.sin(self.Degree * 3.1415926 / 180.0) zeros = T.zeros_like(cosT) # zeros = self.Translation finalResult = T.stack([cosT, sinT, zeros, -sinT, cosT, zeros], axis = 1) return finalResult
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs): cosT = T.cos(self.Degree[:, 0] * 3.1415926 / 180.0) sinT = T.sin(self.Degree[:, 0] * 3.1415926 / 180.0) ones = self.scaling[:, 0] zeros = T.zeros_like(self.translation[:,0]) theta = T.stack([ones * cosT, sinT, self.translation[:,0], -sinT, ones * cosT, self.translation[:,1]], axis = 1) return transform_affine(theta, input)
def create_transport_gradient(self): HL2 = T.sqrt((self.search_direction ** 2).sum(axis=0,keepdims=True)) + np.spacing(np.single(1)) transported = self.last_G - (self.last_G*self.search_direction).sum(axis=0,keepdims=True)/(HL2**2) * \ (self.X*HL2 * T.sin(self.t_prev*HL2) + self.search_direction * (1.0-T.cos(self.t_prev*HL2))) f = theano.function([],[],updates=[(self.last_G,transported)]) return f
def test_opt_gpujoin_joinvectors_elemwise_then_minusone(): # from a bug in gpu normal sampling _a = numpy.asarray([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype='float32') _b = numpy.asarray([5, 6, 7, 8], dtype='float32') a = cuda.shared_constructor(_a) b = cuda.shared_constructor(_b) a_prime = tensor.cos(a) b_prime = tensor.sin(b) c = tensor.join(0, a_prime, b_prime) d = c[:-1] f = theano.function([], d, mode=mode_with_gpu) graph_nodes = f.maker.fgraph.toposort() assert isinstance(graph_nodes[-1].op, cuda.HostFromGpu) assert isinstance(graph_nodes[-2].op, cuda.GpuSubtensor) assert isinstance(graph_nodes[-3].op, cuda.GpuJoin) concat = numpy.concatenate([numpy.cos(_a), numpy.sin(_b)], axis=0) concat = concat[:-1] assert numpy.allclose(numpy.asarray(f()), concat)
def For_MMD_Sub_class(self,target,data,omega,num_FF,Xlabel): Num=T.sum(Xlabel,0) D_num=Xlabel.shape[1] N=data.shape[0] F_times_Omega =, omega)#minibatch_size*n_rff Phi = (self.sf2**0.5 /num_FF**0.5 ) * T.concatenate([T.cos(F_times_Omega), T.sin(F_times_Omega)],1) #各RFFは2N_rffのたてベクトル Phi_total=T.sum(Phi.T,-1)/N #Domain_number*2N_rffの行列 Phi_each_domain, updates = theano.scan(fn=lambda a,b: T.switch(T.neq(b,0), Phi.T*a/b, 0), sequences=[Xlabel.T,Num]) each_Phi=T.sum(Phi_each_domain,-1) #まず自分自身との内積 結果はD次元のベクトル each_domain_sum=T.sum(each_Phi*each_Phi,-1) #全体の内積,Phi_total) #全体とドメインのクロス内積 tot_domain_sum, updates=theano.scan(fn=lambda a: a*Phi_total, sequences=[each_Phi]) #MMDの計算 MMD_central=T.sum(each_domain_sum)+D_num*tot_sum-2*T.sum(tot_domain_sum) return MMD_central
def get_output_for(self, input, **kwargs): #self.translation = T.zeros((n, 2)) #ones = T.exp(self.scaling[:, 0]) ones = T.ones((self.n,)) zeros = T.zeros((self.n,)) cosTx = T.cos(self.DegreeX * 3.1415926 / 180.0) sinTx = T.sin(self.DegreeX * 3.1415926 / 180.0) cosTy = T.cos(self.DegreeY * 3.1415926 / 180.0) sinTy = T.sin(self.DegreeY * 3.1415926 / 180.0) cosTz = T.cos(self.DegreeZ * 3.1415926 / 180.0) sinTz = T.sin(self.DegreeZ * 3.1415926 / 180.0) thetaX = T.stack([ones, zeros, zeros, zeros, zeros, cosTx, -sinTx, zeros, zeros, sinTx, cosTx, zeros, zeros, zeros, zeros, ones], axis = 1) thetaY = T.stack([cosTy, zeros, sinTy, zeros, zeros, ones, zeros, zeros, -sinTy, zeros, cosTy, zeros, zeros, zeros, zeros, ones], axis = 1) thetaZ = T.stack([cosTz, -sinTz, zeros, zeros, sinTz, cosTz, zeros, zeros, zeros, zeros, ones, zeros, zeros, zeros, zeros, ones], axis = 1) return transform_affine(thetaX, thetaY, thetaZ, input)
def beta_noise(rng, input): srng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(rng.randint(999999)) # Beta(.5,.5) multiplicative noise mask = T.cast(T.sin( (np.pi / 2.0) * srng.uniform(size=input.shape, low=0.0, high=1.0) )**2, theano.config.floatX) return mask * input
def _get_position(self, a, t): f = self._get_true_anomaly(t) cosf = tt.cos(f) if self.ecc is None: r = a else: r = a * (1.0 - self.ecc**2) / (1 + self.ecc * cosf) return self._rotate_vector(r * cosf, r * tt.sin(f))
def xyzt_2_param(xyzt): # get individual xyz dx = xyzt[:, 0] # x and y are already between -1 and 1 dy = xyzt[:, 1] # x and y are already between -1 and 1 z = xyzt[:, 2] t = xyzt[:, 3] # compute the resize from the largest scale image dr = (np.cast[floatX](reduc_ratio) * np.cast[floatX] (2.0)**z / np.cast[floatX](max_scale)) # dimshuffle before concatenate params = [dr * T.cos(t), -dr * T.sin(t), dx, dr * T.sin(t), dr * T.cos(t), dy] params = [_p.flatten().dimshuffle(0, 'x') for _p in params] # concatenate to have (1 0 0 0 1 0) when identity transform return T.concatenate(params, axis=1)
def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs): input, degree = inputs cosT = T.cos(degree) sinT = T.sin(degree) zeros = T.zeros_like(cosT) # zeros = self.Translation theta = T.stack([cosT, sinT, zeros, -sinT, cosT, zeros], axis = 1) return transform_affine(theta, input)
def alpha_perfect(self, w, u): alpha = sharedX(1.5) beta = sharedX(0.5) S_var = self.S(alpha,beta) B_var = self.B(alpha,beta) first = T.sin(alpha*(u+B_var)/(T.cos(u)**(1/alpha))) second = T.cos(u-alpha*(u+B_var))/w return S_var*first*(second**((1-alpha)/alpha))
def build_model(peaks, t, y=None, yerr=None, model=None): model = pm.modelcontext(model) n_planets = len(peaks) if yerr is None: yerr = np.random.uniform(0.01, 0.1, len(t)) if y is None: y = yerr * np.random.randn(len(t)) trend = PolynomialTrend("trend", order=3) logs = pm.Normal("logs", mu=-5.0, sd=5.0, testval=-5.0) meanrv = pm.Normal("meanrv", mu=0.0, sd=10.0, testval=0.0) dataset = RVDataset("data", t, y, yerr, logs=logs, trend=trend, meanrv=meanrv) logamps = pm.Uniform("logamps", lower=np.log(min_amp), upper=np.log(max_amp), shape=n_planets, testval=np.log([ np.clip(peak["amp"], min_amp + 1e-2, max_amp - 1e-2) for peak in peaks ])) planets = [] for i, (peak, name) in enumerate(zip(peaks, string.ascii_lowercase[1:])): logP = pm.Uniform(name + ":logP", lower=np.log(min_period), upper=np.log(max_period), testval=np.log(peak["period"])) logK = pm.Deterministic(name + ":logK", logamps[i]) eccen = pm.Beta(name + ":eccen", alpha=0.867, beta=3.03, testval=peak["eccen"]) omegabase = pm.Uniform(name + ":omegabase", -2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, testval=peak["omega"]) omegavec = pm.Deterministic( name + ":omegavec", tt.stack([tt.cos(omegabase), tt.sin(omegabase)])) phibase = pm.Uniform(name + ":phibase", -2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, testval=peak["phase"]) phivec = pm.Deterministic(name + ":phivec", tt.stack([tt.cos(phibase), tt.sin(phibase)])) planets.append( RVPlanet(name, logP, logK, phivec=phivec, eccen=eccen, omegavec=omegavec)) rvmodel = RVModel("rv", dataset, planets) pm.Deterministic("logp", model.logpt) return rvmodel
def backward(self, y): return tt.arctan2(tt.sin(y), tt.cos(y))
def _get_true_anomaly(self, t, _pad=True): M = (self._warp_times(t, _pad=_pad) - self.tref) * self.n if self.ecc is None: return tt.sin(M), tt.cos(M) sinf, cosf = kepler(M, self.ecc + tt.zeros_like(M)) return sinf, cosf
def f(x, u): return tt.stacklists([ x[3] * tt.cos(x[2]), x[3] * tt.sin(x[2]), x[3] * u[0], u[1] - x[3] * friction ])
def _get_true_anomaly(self, t): M = (self._warp_times(t) - self.tref) * self.n if self.ecc is None: return tt.sin(M), tt.cos(M) sinf, cosf = self.kepler_op(M, self.ecc + tt.zeros_like(M)) return sinf, cosf
def week_modulation( new_cases_inferred, week_modulation_type="abs_sine", pr_mean_weekend_factor=0.7, pr_sigma_weekend_factor=0.2, week_end_days=(6, 7), model=None, save_in_trace=True, ): """ Parameters ---------- new_cases_inferred week_modulation_type pr_mean_weekend_factor pr_sigma_weekend_factor week_end_days model Returns ------- """ model = modelcontext(model) shape_modulation = list(model.shape_sim) diff_data_sim = model.diff_data_sim shape_modulation[0] -= diff_data_sim date_begin_sim = model.date_begin_sim len_L2 = () if model.ndim_sim == 1 else model.shape_sim[1] week_end_factor, _ = hierarchical_normal( "weekend_factor", "sigma_weekend_factor", pr_mean=pr_mean_weekend_factor, pr_sigma=pr_sigma_weekend_factor, len_L2=len_L2, ) if week_modulation_type == "step": modulation = np.zeros(shape_modulation[0]) for i in range(shape_modulation[0]): date_curr = date_begin_sim + datetime.timedelta(days=i + diff_data_sim + 1) if date_curr.isoweekday() in week_end_days: modulation[i] = 1 elif week_modulation_type == "abs_sine": offset_rad = pm.VonMises("offset_modulation_rad", mu=0, kappa=0.01) offset = pm.Deterministic("offset_modulation", offset_rad / (2 * np.pi) * 7) t = np.arange(shape_modulation[0]) date_begin = date_begin_sim + datetime.timedelta(days=diff_data_sim + 1) weekday_begin = date_begin.weekday() t -= weekday_begin # Sunday is zero modulation = 1 - tt.abs_(tt.sin(t / 7 * np.pi + offset_rad / 2)) if model.ndim_sim == 2: modulation = tt.shape_padaxis(modulation, axis=-1) multiplication_vec = np.ones( shape_modulation) - (1 - week_end_factor) * modulation new_cases_inferred_eff = new_cases_inferred * multiplication_vec if save_in_trace: pm.Deterministic("new_cases", new_cases_inferred_eff) return new_cases_inferred_eff
# yをxに関して微分 gy2 = T.grad(cost=y, wrt=x) # 微分係数を求める関数を定義 f = theano.function(inputs=[x], outputs=gy2) print(theano.pp(f.maker.fgraph.outputs[0])) print(f(2)) print(f(3)) print(f(4)) # y = sin(x)を微分 # 微分される数式のシンボルを定義 y = T.sin(x) # yをxに関して微分 gy = T.grad(cost=y, wrt=x) # 微分係数を求める関数を定義 f = theano.function(inputs=[x], outputs=gy) print(theano.pp(f.maker.fgraph.outputs[0])) print(f(0)) print(f(np.pi / 2)) print(f(np.pi)) # y = (x-4)(x^2+6)を微分 y = (x - 4) * (x**2 + 6) gy = T.grad(cost=y, wrt=x)
def forward(self, x): return tt.concatenate(( tt.shape_padleft(tt.sin(x)), tt.shape_padleft(tt.cos(x)) ), axis=0)
def get_apodization(self, nyquist): x = (np.pi * self.f) / (2 * nyquist) return tt.sqr((tt.sin(x)/x))
def gTrig2(m, v, angi, D=None): ''' Replaces angle dimensions with their complex representation. i.e. if x[i] is an angle ( i in angi ), then x[i] will be replaced with cos[x[i]] and sin[x[i]]. Since the input is a gaussian distribution, the output mean and covariance are computed via moment matching ''' if D is None: D = m.shape[0] if isinstance(angi, list) or isinstance(angi, tuple): angi = np.array(angi, dtype=np.int32) idx = tt.arange(D) na_dims = (1 - tt.eq(idx, angi[:, None])).prod(0).nonzero()[0] Da = 2 * angi.size Dna = na_dims.size Ma = tt.zeros((Da, )) Va = tt.zeros((Da, Da)) Ca = tt.zeros((D, Da)) # compute the mean mi = m[angi] vi = v[angi, :][:, angi] vii = v[angi, angi] exp_vii_h = tt.exp(-vii / 2) Ma = tt.set_subtensor(Ma[::2], exp_vii_h * tt.sin(mi)) Ma = tt.set_subtensor(Ma[1::2], exp_vii_h * tt.cos(mi)) # compute the entries in the augmented covariance matrix vii_c = vii.dimshuffle(0, 'x') vii_r = vii.dimshuffle('x', 0) lq = -0.5 * (vii_c + vii_r) q = tt.exp(lq) exp_lq_p_vi = tt.exp(lq + vi) exp_lq_m_vi = tt.exp(lq - vi) mi_c = mi.dimshuffle(0, 'x') mi_r = mi.dimshuffle('x', 0) U1 = (exp_lq_p_vi - q) * (tt.sin(mi_c - mi_r)) U2 = (exp_lq_m_vi - q) * (tt.sin(mi_c + mi_r)) U3 = (exp_lq_p_vi - q) * (tt.cos(mi_c - mi_r)) U4 = (exp_lq_m_vi - q) * (tt.cos(mi_c + mi_r)) Va = tt.set_subtensor(Va[::2, ::2], U3 - U4) Va = tt.set_subtensor(Va[1::2, 1::2], U3 + U4) U12 = U1 + U2 Va = tt.set_subtensor(Va[::2, 1::2], U12) Va = tt.set_subtensor(Va[1::2, ::2], U12.T) Va = 0.5 * Va # inv times input output covariance Is = 2 * tt.arange(angi.size) Ic = Is + 1 Ca = tt.set_subtensor(Ca[angi, Is], Ma[1::2]) Ca = tt.set_subtensor(Ca[angi, Ic], -Ma[::2]) # construct mean vectors ( non angle dimensions come first, # then angle dimensions) Mna = m[na_dims] M = tt.concatenate([Mna, Ma]) # construct the corresponding covariance matrices # just the blocks for the non angle dimensions and the angle dimensions # separately V = tt.zeros((Dna + Da, Dna + Da)) Vna = v[na_dims, :][:, na_dims] V = tt.set_subtensor(V[:Dna, :Dna], Vna) V = tt.set_subtensor(V[Dna:, Dna:], Va) # fill in the cross covariances q =[na_dims, :] V = tt.set_subtensor(V[:Dna, Dna:], q) V = tt.set_subtensor(V[Dna:, :Dna], q.T) return [M, V, Ca]
mu=rv2_dupont, observed=d.dupont2[1], sd=get_err(d.dupont2[2], logjit_dupont), ) # get the astrometric predictions # since there is only one measurement no jitter rho_model, theta_model = orbit.get_relative_angles(d.anthonioz[0], parallax) # arcsec # evaluate the astrometric likelihood functions pm.Normal("obs_rho", mu=rho_model, observed=d.anthonioz[1], sd=d.anthonioz[2]) theta_diff = tt.arctan2(tt.sin(theta_model - d.anthonioz[3]), tt.cos(theta_model - d.anthonioz[3])) # wrap-safe pm.Normal("obs_theta", mu=theta_diff, observed=0.0, sd=d.anthonioz[4]) # iterate through the list of free_RVs in the model to get things like # ['logKAa_interval__', etc...] then use a regex to strip away # the transformations (in this case, _interval__ and _angle__) # \S corresponds to any character that is not whitespace # sample_vars = [re.sub("_\S*__", "", for var in model.free_RVs] all_vars = [ for var in model.unobserved_RVs if ("_interval__" not in and ("_angle__" not in and ( "_lowerbound__" not in ]
import theano import theano.tensor as tt import numpy x = tt.matrix('x') y = tt.matrix('y') z = tt.matrix('z') output = (z.T * (tt.cos(x)**2 + tt.sin(x)**2)).sum(1) f = theano.function([x, y, z], output) print theano.printing.debugprint(f) xx = numpy.ones((5, 5), dtype='float64') print f(xx, xx, xx)
def logp(self, value): upper = self.upper lower = self.lower return pymc3.distributions.dist_math.bound( tt.log(tt.sin(value) / self.norm), lower <= value, value <= upper)
def forward(self, inputtensor): inputimage = inputtensor[0] return (T.concatenate( [T.sin(inputimage), T.cos(inputimage)], axis=1), )
C2 = 0.0 sin_omc = T.zeros(len(fixed_ephem)) elif local_trend_type[npl][ng-1] == "quadratic": C2 = pm.Normal("C2", mu=0.0, sd=2*ttv_rms_amp[npl]) sin_omc = T.zeros(len(fixed_ephem)) elif local_trend_type[npl][ng-1] == "sinusoid": C2 = 0.0 freq = pm.Normal("freq", mu=sin_priors[npl][0], sd=0.1*sin_priors[npl][0]) A = pm.Normal("A", mu=0, sd=ttv_rms_amp[npl], testval=sin_priors[npl][1]) B = pm.Normal("B", mu=0, sd=ttv_rms_amp[npl], testval=sin_priors[npl][2]) sin_omc = pm.Deterministic("sin_omc", A*T.sin(2*pi*freq*fixed_ephem) + B*T.cos(2*pi*freq*fixed_ephem)) else: raise ValueError("local_trend_type must be 'linear', 'quadratic', or 'sinusoid'") # hierarchical (hyper)parameters if USE_HBM: log_pop_var = pm.Normal('log_pop_var', mu=2*np.log(ttv_rms_amp[npl]), sd=np.log(4)) pop_sd = pm.Deterministic('pop_sd', T.sqrt(T.exp(log_pop_var))) else:
def forward(self, inputtensor): inputimage = inputtensor[0] return (T.sin(self.a[0] * inputimage), )
def __init__(self, period=None, a=None, t0=None, t_periastron=None, incl=None, b=None, duration=None, ecc=None, omega=None, sin_omega=None, cos_omega=None, Omega=None, m_planet=0.0, m_star=None, r_star=None, rho_star=None, ror=None, m_planet_units=None, rho_star_units=None, model=None, contact_points_kwargs=None, **kwargs): add_citations_to_model(self.__citations__, model=model) self.jacobians = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(None)) daordtau = None if ecc is None and duration is not None: if r_star is None: r_star = as_tensor_variable(1.0) if b is None: raise ValueError( "'b' must be provided for a circular orbit with a " "'duration'") aor, daordtau = get_aor_from_transit_duration(duration, period, b, ror=ror) a = r_star * aor duration = None # Parameters if m_planet_units is not None: warnings.warn( "The `m_planet_units` argument has been deprecated. " "Use `with_unit` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) m_planet = with_unit(m_planet, m_planet_units) if rho_star_units is not None: warnings.warn( "The `rho_star_units` argument has been deprecated. " "Use `with_unit` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) rho_star = with_unit(rho_star, rho_star_units) inputs = _get_consistent_inputs(a, period, rho_star, r_star, m_star, m_planet) ( self.a, self.period, self.rho_star, self.r_star, self.m_star, self.m_planet, ) = inputs self.m_total = self.m_star + self.m_planet self.n = 2 * np.pi / self.period self.a_star = self.a * self.m_planet / self.m_total self.a_planet = -self.a * self.m_star / self.m_total # Track the Jacobian between the duration and a if daordtau is not None: dadtau = self.r_star * daordtau self.jacobians["duration"]["a"] = dadtau self.jacobians["duration"]["a_star"] = (dadtau * self.m_planet / self.m_total) self.jacobians["duration"]["a_planet"] = (-dadtau * self.m_star / self.m_total) # rho = 3 * pi * (a/R)**3 / (G * P**2) # -> drho / d(a/R) = 9 * pi * (a/R)**2 / (G * P**2) self.jacobians["duration"]["rho_star"] = ( 9 * np.pi * (self.a / self.r_star)**2 * daordtau * gcc_per_sun / (G_grav * self.period**2)) self.K0 = self.n * self.a / self.m_total # Set up the contact points calculation if contact_points_kwargs is None: self.contact_points = contact_points else: self.contact_points = ContactPoints(**contact_points_kwargs) if Omega is None: self.Omega = None else: self.Omega = as_tensor_variable(Omega) self.cos_Omega = tt.cos(self.Omega) self.sin_Omega = tt.sin(self.Omega) # Eccentricity if ecc is None: self.ecc = None self.M0 = 0.5 * np.pi + tt.zeros_like(self.n) incl_factor = 1 else: self.ecc = as_tensor_variable(ecc) if omega is not None: if sin_omega is not None and cos_omega is not None: raise ValueError( "either 'omega' or 'sin_omega' and 'cos_omega' can be " "provided") = as_tensor_variable(omega) self.cos_omega = tt.cos( self.sin_omega = tt.sin( elif sin_omega is not None and cos_omega is not None: self.cos_omega = as_tensor_variable(cos_omega) self.sin_omega = as_tensor_variable(sin_omega) = tt.arctan2(self.sin_omega, self.cos_omega) else: raise ValueError("both e and omega must be provided") opsw = 1 + self.sin_omega E0 = 2 * tt.arctan2( tt.sqrt(1 - self.ecc) * self.cos_omega, tt.sqrt(1 + self.ecc) * opsw, ) self.M0 = E0 - self.ecc * tt.sin(E0) ome2 = 1 - self.ecc**2 self.K0 /= tt.sqrt(ome2) incl_factor = (1 + self.ecc * self.sin_omega) / ome2 # The Jacobian for the transform cos(i) -> b self.dcosidb = self.jacobians["b"]["cos_incl"] = (incl_factor * self.r_star / self.a) if b is not None: if incl is not None or duration is not None: raise ValueError( "only one of 'incl', 'b', and 'duration' can be given") self.b = as_tensor_variable(b) self.cos_incl = self.dcosidb * self.b self.incl = tt.arccos(self.cos_incl) elif incl is not None: if duration is not None: raise ValueError( "only one of 'incl', 'b', and 'duration' can be given") self.incl = as_tensor_variable(incl) self.cos_incl = tt.cos(self.incl) self.b = self.cos_incl / self.dcosidb elif duration is not None: if self.ecc is None: raise ValueError( "fitting with duration only works for eccentric orbits") self.duration = as_tensor_variable(to_unit(duration, c = tt.sin(np.pi * self.duration * incl_factor / self.period) c2 = c * c aor = self.a_planet / self.r_star esinw = self.ecc * self.sin_omega self.b = tt.sqrt( (aor**2 * c2 - 1) / (c2 * esinw**2 + 2 * c2 * esinw + c2 - self.ecc**4 + 2 * self.ecc**2 - 1)) self.b *= 1 - self.ecc**2 self.cos_incl = self.dcosidb * self.b self.incl = tt.arccos(self.cos_incl) else: zla = tt.zeros_like(self.a) self.incl = 0.5 * np.pi + zla self.cos_incl = zla self.b = zla if t0 is not None and t_periastron is not None: raise ValueError("you can't define both t0 and t_periastron") if t0 is None and t_periastron is None: t0 = tt.zeros_like(self.period) if t0 is None: self.t_periastron = as_tensor_variable(t_periastron) self.t0 = self.t_periastron + self.M0 / self.n else: self.t0 = as_tensor_variable(t0) self.t_periastron = self.t0 - self.M0 / self.n self.tref = self.t_periastron - self.t0 self.sin_incl = tt.sin(self.incl)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """3.ipynb Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at """ import numpy import theano import theano.tensor as T t = T.dscalar("t") x1 = 5 * T.cos(2 * t) - 2 y1 = 5 * T.sin(2 * t) x2 = 10 * T.cos(t) - 2 y2 = 10 * T.sin(t) # ヘロンの公式 a = T.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2) b = T.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2) c = T.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2) s = (a + b + c) / 2 S = T.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) # tで微分 dS = T.grad(S, t) f = theano.function([t], dS) g = theano.function([t], S)
def normal(self, size, avg=0.0, std=1.0, ndim=None, dtype=None, nstreams=None): """ :param size: Can be a list of integers or Theano variables (ex: the shape of another Theano Variable) :param dtype: The output data type. If dtype is not specified, it will be inferred from the dtype of low and high, but will be at least as precise as floatX. :param nstreams: Number of streams. """ # We need an even number of ]0,1[ samples. Then we split them # in two halves. First half becomes our U1's for Box-Muller, # second half our U2's. See Wikipedia page: # avg = as_tensor_variable(avg) std = as_tensor_variable(std) if dtype is None: dtype = scal.upcast(config.floatX, avg.dtype, std.dtype) avg = cast(avg, dtype) std = cast(std, dtype) evened = False constant = False if isinstance(size, tuple) and all( [isinstance(i, (numpy.integer, int)) for i in size]): constant = True # Force dtype because it defaults to float when size is empty n_samples =, dtype='int64') if n_samples % 2 == 1: n_samples += 1 evened = True else: #if even, don't change, if odd, +1 n_samples = prod(size) + (prod(size) % 2) flattened = self.uniform(size=(n_samples, ), dtype=dtype, nstreams=nstreams) if constant: U1 = flattened[:n_samples // 2] U2 = flattened[n_samples // 2:] else: U1 = flattened[:prod(flattened.shape) // 2] U2 = flattened[prod(flattened.shape) // 2:] #normal_samples = zeros_like(flattened) sqrt_ln_U1 = sqrt(-2.0 * log(U1)) # TypeError: 'TensorVariable' object does not support item assignment # so this doesn't work... #normal_samples[:n_samples/2] = sqrt_ln_U1 * cos(2.0*numpy.pi*U2) #normal_samples[n_samples/2:] = sqrt_ln_U1 * sin(2.0*numpy.pi*U2) # so trying this instead first_half = sqrt_ln_U1 * cos( numpy.array(2.0 * numpy.pi, dtype=dtype) * U2) second_half = sqrt_ln_U1 * sin( numpy.array(2.0 * numpy.pi, dtype=dtype) * U2) normal_samples = join(0, first_half, second_half) final_samples = None if evened: final_samples = normal_samples[:-1] elif constant: final_samples = normal_samples else: final_samples = normal_samples[:prod(size)] if not size: # Force the dtype to be int64, otherwise reshape complains size = tensor.constant(size, dtype='int64') final_samples = final_samples.reshape(size) final_samples = avg + std * final_samples assert final_samples.dtype == dtype return final_samples
#### LINEAR REGRESSION USING THEANO import theano import theano.tensor as T import theano.tensor.nnet as nnet import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import colors y_train = y2 X_train = x2 x = T.dscalar() fx = T.exp(T.sin(x**2)) f = theano.function(inputs=[x], outputs=[fx]) fp = T.grad(fx, wrt=x) fprime = theano.function([x], fp) x = T.dvector() y = T.dscalar() def layer(x, w): b = np.array([1], dtype=theano.config.floatX) new_x = T.concatenate([x, b]) m =, new_x) #theta1: 3x3 * x: 3x1 = 3x1 ;;; theta2: 1x4 * 4x1 h = nnet.sigmoid(m) return h
def __init__(self, period=None, a=None, t0=None, t_periastron=None, incl=None, b=None, duration=None, ecc=None, omega=None, Omega=None, m_planet=0.0, m_star=None, r_star=None, rho_star=None, m_planet_units=None, rho_star_units=None, model=None, contact_points_kwargs=None, **kwargs): add_citations_to_model(self.__citations__, model=model) self.gcc_to_sun = ((constants.M_sun / constants.R_sun**3).to( u.g /**3).value) self.au_to_R_sun = ( / constants.R_sun).value self.G_grav =**3 / u.M_sun /**2).value self.kepler_op = KeplerOp(**kwargs) # Parameters # self.period = tt.as_tensor_variable(period) self.m_planet = tt.as_tensor_variable(m_planet) if m_planet_units is not None: self.m_planet *= (1 * m_planet_units).to(u.M_sun).value self.a, self.period, self.rho_star, self.r_star, self.m_star = self._get_consistent_inputs( a, period, rho_star, r_star, m_star, rho_star_units) self.m_total = self.m_star + self.m_planet self.n = 2 * np.pi / self.period self.a_star = self.a * self.m_planet / self.m_total self.a_planet = -self.a * self.m_star / self.m_total self.K0 = self.n * self.a / self.m_total # Set up the contact points calculation if contact_points_kwargs is None: contact_points_kwargs = dict() if Omega is None: self.Omega = None else: self.Omega = tt.as_tensor_variable(Omega) self.cos_Omega = tt.cos(self.Omega) self.sin_Omega = tt.sin(self.Omega) # Eccentricity self.contact_points_op = ContactPointsOp(**contact_points_kwargs) if ecc is None: self.ecc = None self.M0 = 0.5 * np.pi + tt.zeros_like(self.n) incl_factor = 1 else: self.ecc = tt.as_tensor_variable(ecc) if omega is None: raise ValueError("both e and omega must be provided") = tt.as_tensor_variable(omega) self.cos_omega = tt.cos( self.sin_omega = tt.sin( opsw = 1 + self.sin_omega E0 = 2 * tt.arctan2( tt.sqrt(1 - self.ecc) * self.cos_omega, tt.sqrt(1 + self.ecc) * opsw, ) self.M0 = E0 - self.ecc * tt.sin(E0) ome2 = 1 - self.ecc**2 self.K0 /= tt.sqrt(ome2) incl_factor = (1 + self.ecc * self.sin_omega) / ome2 if b is not None: if incl is not None or duration is not None: raise ValueError("only one of 'incl', 'b', and 'duration' can " "be given") self.b = tt.as_tensor_variable(b) self.cos_incl = incl_factor * self.b * self.r_star / self.a_planet self.incl = tt.arccos(self.cos_incl) elif incl is not None: if duration is not None: raise ValueError("only one of 'incl', 'b', and 'duration' can " "be given") self.incl = tt.as_tensor_variable(incl) self.cos_incl = tt.cos(self.incl) self.b = (self.a_planet * self.cos_incl / (incl_factor * self.r_star)) elif duration is not None: if self.ecc is None: raise ValueError("fitting with duration only works for " "eccentric orbits") self.duration = tt.as_tensor_variable(duration) c = tt.sin(np.pi * self.duration * incl_factor / self.period) c2 = c * c aor = self.a_planet / self.r_star esinw = self.ecc * self.sin_omega self.b = tt.sqrt( (aor**2 * c2 - 1) / (c2 * esinw**2 + 2 * c2 * esinw + c2 - self.ecc**4 + 2 * self.ecc**2 - 1)) self.b *= 1 - self.ecc**2 self.cos_incl = incl_factor * self.b * self.r_star / self.a_planet self.incl = tt.arccos(self.cos_incl) else: zla = tt.zeros_like(self.a) self.incl = 0.5 * np.pi + zla self.cos_incl = zla self.b = zla if t0 is not None and t_periastron is not None: raise ValueError("you can't define both t0 and t_periastron") if t0 is None and t_periastron is None: t0 = 0.0 if t0 is None: self.t_periastron = tt.as_tensor_variable(t_periastron) self.t0 = self.t_periastron + self.M0 / self.n else: self.t0 = tt.as_tensor_variable(t0) self.t_periastron = self.t0 - self.M0 / self.n self.tref = self.t_periastron self.sin_incl = tt.sin(self.incl)
def bengio_RNN(n_input, n_hidden, n_output, input_type='real', out_every_t=False, loss_function='CE'): #Initialize states #This is the matrix from input -> hidden V = initialize_matrix(n_input, 2 * n_hidden, 'V') print V print V.get_value() #Matrix from hidden -> out U = initialize_matrix(2 * n_hidden, n_output, "U") print U #Now the output bias. No input bias? U_bias_values = np.zeros((n_output, 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX) U_bias = theano.shared(U_bias_values, name='U Bias') #Now the hidden state hidden_bias_mean = 0 #The hidden_to_hidden matrix is a list of the different weight matrices hidden_bias, h_0, hidden_to_hidden_matrix = initialize_complex_RNN_layer( n_hidden, 0, "H") #Don't actually understand what this is for swap_re_im = np.concatenate((np.arange(n_hidden, 2 * n_hidden), np.arange(n_hidden))) print swap_re_im theta = hidden_to_hidden_matrix[0] reflection = hidden_to_hidden_matrix[1] index_permute_long = hidden_to_hidden_matrix[2] #This is the set of all params. h_0 is the initial parameters for h_0. parameters = [V, U, hidden_bias, reflection, U_bias, theta, h_0] #for i_layer in xrange(2,n_layers+1): # Wvparams = initialize_unitary #I am not doing multiple layers right now x, y = initialize_data_nodes(loss_function, input_type, out_every_t) #These are structued to be sequences, non-sequences def recurrence(x_t, y_t, ymask_t, h_prev, cost_prev, acc_prev, V, hidden_bias, out_bias, U, *argv): # h_prev is of size n_batch x n_layers*2*n_hidden Wparams = argv[0:3] argv = argv[3:] print "Testing recurrence..." print n_hidden #print h_prev.get_value() h_prev_layer1 = h_prev[:, 0:2 * n_hidden] hidden_lin_output = times_unitary(h_prev_layer1, n_hidden, swap_re_im, Wparams) msg = theano.printing.Print('T')(x_t) #if (input_type=='categorical'): data_lin_output = V[T.cast(x_t, 'int32')] #else: # data_lin_output =,V) lin_output = data_lin_output #Non linearity modulus = T.sqrt(1e-5 + lin_output**2 + lin_output[:, swap_re_im]**2) firstval = modulus + T.tile(hidden_bias, [2]).dimshuffle('x', 0) rescale = T.maximum(firstval, 0.) / (modulus + 1e-5) h_t = lin_output * rescale if (out_every_t): lin_output =, U) + out.bias.dimshuffle('x', 0) cost_t, acc_t = compute_cost_t(lin_output, loss_function, y_t) else: cost_t = theano.shared(np.float32(0.0)) acc_t = theano.shared(np.float32(0.0)) return h_t, cost_t, acc_t, msg h_0_batch = T.tile(h_0, [x.shape[1], 1]) non_sequences = [V, hidden_bias, U_bias, U] + hidden_to_hidden_matrix if (out_every_t): print "My x: ", x print x.shape sequences = [ x, y, T.tile(theano.shared(np.ones((1, 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX)), [x.shape[0], 1, 1]) ] else: sequences = [ x, T.tile(theano.shared(np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX)), [x.shape[0], 1, 1]), T.tile(theano.shared(np.ones((1, 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX)), [x.shape[0], 1, 1]) ] #outputs_info = [h_0_batch,theano.shared(np.float32(0,0)),theano.shared(np.float32(0.0))] outputs_info = [ h_0_batch, theano.shared(np.float32(0.0)), theano.shared(np.float32(0.0)) ] print "Ready for scan:" print recurrence print sequences print non_sequences print outputs_info print "N Hidden: ", n_hidden print "H prev: ", non_sequences[1].get_value() [hidden_states, cost_steps, acc_steps], updates = theano.scan(fn=recurrence, sequences=sequences, non_sequences=non_sequences, outputs_info=outputs_info) if (cost_transform == 'magTimesPhase'): cosPhase = T.cos(lin_output) sinPhase = T.sin(lin_output) linMag = np.sqrt(10**(x / 10.0) - 1e-5) yest_real = linMag * cosPhase yest_imag = linMag * sinPhase yest = T.concatenate([yest_real, yest_imag], axis=2) mse = (yest - y)**2 cost_steps = T.mean(mse * ymask[:, :, 0].dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x'), axis=2) elif cost_transform is not None: # assume that cost_transform is an inverse DFT followed by synthesis windowing lin_output_real = lin_output[:, :, :n_output] lin_output_imag = lin_output[:, :, n_output:] lin_output_sym_real = T.concatenate( [lin_output_real, lin_output_real[:, :, n_output - 2:0:-1]], axis=2) lin_output_sym_imag = T.concatenate( [-lin_output_imag, lin_output_imag[:, :, n_output - 2:0:-1]], axis=2) lin_output_sym = T.concatenate( [lin_output_sym_real, lin_output_sym_imag], axis=2) yest_xform =, cost_transform) # apply synthesis window yest_xform = yest_xform * cost_weight.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0) y_real = y[:, :, :n_output] y_imag = y[:, :, n_output:] y_sym_real = T.concatenate([y_real, y_real[:, :, n_output - 2:0:-1]], axis=2) y_sym_imag = T.concatenate([-y_imag, y_imag[:, :, n_output - 2:0:-1]], axis=2) y_sym = T.concatenate([y_sym_real, y_sym_imag], axis=2) y_xform =, cost_transform) # apply synthesis window y_xform = y_xform * cost_weight.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0) mse = (y_xform - yest_xform)**2 cost_steps = T.mean(mse * ymask[:, :, 0].dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x'), axis=2) cost = cost_steps.mean() accuracy = acc_steps.mean() costs = [cost, accuracy] return [x, y], parameters, costs
def build_graph(x, depth=5): z = x for d in range(depth): z = tensor.sin(-z + 1) return z
def passage(self,F,omega,W,num_FF): F_times_Omega =, omega)#minibatch_size*n_rff Phi = (self.sf2**0.5 /num_FF**0.5 ) * T.concatenate([T.cos(F_times_Omega), T.sin(F_times_Omega)],1),W) return F_next
def SIR_with_change_points(new_cases_obs, change_points_list, date_begin_simulation, num_days_sim, diff_data_sim, N, priors_dict=None, weekends_modulated=False, weekend_modulation_type='step', student_nu=4): """ Parameters ---------- new_cases_obs : list or array Timeseries (day over day) of newly reported cases (not the total number) change_points_list : list of dicts List of dictionaries, each corresponding to one change point. Each dict can have the following key-value pairs. If a pair is not provided, the respective default is used. * pr_mean_date_begin_transient : datetime.datetime, NO default * pr_median_lambda : number, same as default priors, below * pr_sigma_lambda : number, same as default priors, below * pr_sigma_date_begin_transient : number, 3 * pr_median_transient_len : number, 3 * pr_sigma_transient_len : number, 0.3 date_begin_simulation: datetime.datetime The begin of the simulation data num_days_sim : integer Number of days to forecast into the future diff_data_sim : integer Number of days that the simulation-begin predates the first data point in `new_cases_obs`. This is necessary so the model can fit the reporting delay. Set this parameter to a value larger than what you expect to find for the reporting delay. N : number The population size. For Germany, we used 83e6 priors_dict : dict Dictionary of the prior assumptions Possible key-value pairs (and default values) are: * pr_beta_I_begin : number, default = 100 * pr_median_lambda_0 : number, default = 0.4 * pr_sigma_lambda_0 : number, default = 0.5 * pr_median_mu : number, default = 1/8 * pr_sigma_mu : number, default = 0.2 * pr_median_delay : number, default = 8 * pr_sigma_delay : number, default = 0.2 * pr_beta_sigma_obs : number, default = 10 * week_end_days : tuple, default = (6,7) * pr_mean_weekend_factor : number, default = 0.7 * pr_sigma_weekend_factor :number, default = 0.17 weekends_modulated : bool Whether to add the prior that cases are less reported on week ends. Multiplies the new cases numbers on weekends by a number between 0 and 1, given by a prior beta distribution. The beta distribution is parametrised by pr_mean_weekend_factor and pr_sigma_weekend_factor weekend_modulation_type : 'step' or 'abs_sine': whether the weekends are modulated by a step function, which only multiplies the days given by week_end_days by the week_end_factor, or whether the whole week is modulated by an abs(sin(x)) function, with an offset with flat prior. Returns ------- : pymc3.Model Returns an instance of pymc3 model with the change points """ if priors_dict is None: priors_dict = dict() default_priors = dict(pr_beta_I_begin=100, pr_median_lambda_0=0.4, pr_sigma_lambda_0=0.5, pr_median_mu=1 / 8, pr_sigma_mu=0.2, pr_median_delay=8, pr_sigma_delay=0.2, pr_beta_sigma_obs=10, week_end_days=(6, 7), pr_mean_weekend_factor=0.7, pr_sigma_weekend_factor=0.17) default_priors_change_points = dict( pr_median_lambda=default_priors["pr_median_lambda_0"], pr_sigma_lambda=default_priors["pr_sigma_lambda_0"], pr_sigma_date_begin_transient=3, pr_median_transient_len=3, pr_sigma_transient_len=0.3, pr_mean_date_begin_transient=None, ) if not weekends_modulated: del default_priors['week_end_days'] del default_priors['pr_mean_weekend_factor'] del default_priors['pr_sigma_weekend_factor'] for prior_name in priors_dict.keys(): if prior_name not in default_priors: raise RuntimeError(f"Prior with name {prior_name} not known") for change_point in change_points_list: for prior_name in change_point.keys(): if prior_name not in default_priors_change_points: raise RuntimeError(f"Prior with name {prior_name} not known") for prior_name, value in default_priors.items(): if prior_name not in priors_dict: priors_dict[prior_name] = value print(f"{prior_name} was set to default value {value}") for prior_name, value in default_priors_change_points.items(): for i_cp, change_point in enumerate(change_points_list): if prior_name not in change_point: change_point[prior_name] = value print( f"{prior_name} of change point {i_cp} was set to default value {value}" ) if (diff_data_sim < priors_dict["pr_median_delay"] + 3 * priors_dict["pr_median_delay"] * priors_dict["pr_sigma_delay"]): print( "WARNING: diff_data_sim could be to small compared to the prior delay" ) if num_days_sim < len(new_cases_obs) + diff_data_sim: raise RuntimeError( "Simulation ends before the end of the data. Increase num_days_sim." ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Model and prior implementation # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # with pm.Model() as model: # all pm functions now apply on the model instance # true cases at begin of loaded data but we do not know the real number I_begin = pm.HalfCauchy(name="I_begin", beta=priors_dict["pr_beta_I_begin"]) # fraction of people that are newly infected each day lambda_list = [] lambda_list.append( pm.Lognormal( name="lambda_0", mu=np.log(priors_dict["pr_median_lambda_0"]), sigma=priors_dict["pr_sigma_lambda_0"], )) for i, cp in enumerate(change_points_list): lambda_list.append( pm.Lognormal( name=f"lambda_{i + 1}", mu=np.log(cp["pr_median_lambda"]), sigma=cp["pr_sigma_lambda"], )) # list of start dates of the transient periods of the change points tr_begin_list = [] dt_before = date_begin_simulation for i, cp in enumerate(change_points_list): dt_begin_transient = cp["pr_mean_date_begin_transient"] if dt_before is not None and dt_before > dt_begin_transient: raise RuntimeError( "Dates of change points are not temporally ordered") prior_mean = ( dt_begin_transient - date_begin_simulation ).days - 1 # convert the provided date format (argument) into days (a number) tr_begin = pm.Normal( name=f"transient_begin_{i}", mu=prior_mean, sigma=cp["pr_sigma_date_begin_transient"], ) tr_begin_list.append(tr_begin) dt_before = dt_begin_transient # same for transient times tr_len_list = [] for i, cp in enumerate(change_points_list): tr_len = pm.Lognormal( name=f"transient_len_{i}", mu=np.log(cp["pr_median_transient_len"]), sigma=cp["pr_sigma_transient_len"], ) tr_len_list.append(tr_len) # build the time-dependent spreading rate lambda_t_list = [lambda_list[0] * tt.ones(num_days_sim)] lambda_before = lambda_list[0] for tr_begin, tr_len, lambda_after in zip(tr_begin_list, tr_len_list, lambda_list[1:]): lambda_t = smooth_step_function( start_val=0, end_val=1, t_begin=tr_begin, t_end=tr_begin + tr_len, t_total=num_days_sim, ) * (lambda_after - lambda_before) lambda_before = lambda_after lambda_t_list.append(lambda_t) lambda_t = sum(lambda_t_list) # fraction of people that recover each day, recovery rate mu mu = pm.Lognormal( name="mu", mu=np.log(priors_dict["pr_median_mu"]), sigma=priors_dict["pr_sigma_mu"], ) # delay in days between contracting the disease and being recorded delay = pm.Lognormal( name="delay", mu=np.log(priors_dict["pr_median_delay"]), sigma=priors_dict["pr_sigma_delay"], ) # prior of the error of observed cases sigma_obs = pm.HalfCauchy("sigma_obs", beta=priors_dict["pr_beta_sigma_obs"]) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # training the model with loaded data provided as argument # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # S_begin = N - I_begin S, I, new_I = _SIR_model(lambda_t=lambda_t, mu=mu, S_begin=S_begin, I_begin=I_begin, N=N) new_cases_inferred = delay_cases( new_I_t=new_I, len_new_I_t=num_days_sim, len_out=num_days_sim - diff_data_sim, delay=delay, delay_diff=diff_data_sim, ) if weekends_modulated: week_end_factor = pm.Beta( 'weekend_factor', mu=priors_dict['pr_mean_weekend_factor'], sigma=priors_dict['pr_sigma_weekend_factor']) if weekend_modulation_type == 'step': modulation = np.zeros(num_days_sim - diff_data_sim) for i in range(num_days_sim - diff_data_sim): date_curr = date_begin_simulation + datetime.timedelta( days=i + diff_data_sim + 1) if date_curr.isoweekday() in priors_dict['week_end_days']: modulation[i] = 1 elif weekend_modulation_type == 'abs_sine': offset_rad = pm.VonMises('offset_modulation_rad', mu=0, kappa=0.01) offset = pm.Deterministic('offset_modulation', offset_rad / (2 * np.pi) * 7) t = np.arange(num_days_sim - diff_data_sim) date_begin = date_begin_simulation + datetime.timedelta( days=diff_data_sim + 1) weekday_begin = date_begin.weekday() t -= weekday_begin # Sunday is zero modulation = 1 - tt.abs_( tt.sin(t / 7 * np.pi + offset_rad / 2)) multiplication_vec = np.ones(num_days_sim - diff_data_sim) - ( 1 - week_end_factor) * modulation new_cases_inferred_eff = new_cases_inferred * multiplication_vec else: new_cases_inferred_eff = new_cases_inferred # likelihood of the model: # observed cases are distributed following studentT around the model. # we want to approximate a Poisson distribution of new cases. # we choose nu=4 to get heavy tails and robustness to outliers. # num_days_data = new_cases_obs.shape[-1] pm.StudentT( name="_new_cases_studentT", nu=student_nu, mu=new_cases_inferred_eff[:num_days_data], sigma=tt.abs_(new_cases_inferred[:num_days_data] + 1)**0.5 * sigma_obs, # +1 and tt.abs to avoid nans observed=new_cases_obs, ) # add these observables to the model so we can extract a time series of them # later via e.g. `model.trace['lambda_t']` pm.Deterministic("lambda_t", lambda_t) pm.Deterministic("new_cases", new_cases_inferred_eff) pm.Deterministic("new_cases_raw", new_cases_inferred) return model
def sin(x): return T.sin(x)
def sin(var, name=None): """Implement element-wise sin""" _tensor = T.sin(var.unwrap()) return Tensor(tensor=_tensor, shape=var.shape, name=name)
# -*- coding=utf8 -*- """ a simple example to show how to user theano """ import theano.tensor as T from theano import function x = T.dscalar('x') y = 0.5 * x * x + x * T.sin(x) dy = T.grad(y, x) func = function(inputs=[x], outputs=dy) start = 5.0 iter_num = 10000 rate = 0.01 for i in xrange(iter_num): d = func(start) if d < 0.005: break start -= rate * d print start
def __init__(self, model): #### theano params learnrate=T.scalar('lr') imgin=T.vector('imgin') ang=T.vector('orient') #### load model sz=self.boxsz=model["boxsz"] sym=str(model["sym"]).lower() balls_pos=np.asarray(model["center"],dtype=theano.config.floatX) balls_wt=np.asarray(model["weight"],dtype=theano.config.floatX) ballzero = theano.shared(value=balls_pos, name='balls', borrow=True) weight = theano.shared(value=balls_wt, name='wts', borrow=True) wts=T.nnet.sigmoid(weight) nballs=len(balls_pos) ### motion vector of the balls mov_vec= np.zeros((nballs,3),dtype=theano.config.floatX) movvec=theano.shared(value=mov_vec, name="move_vec", borrow=True) cfval=np.array(0,dtype=theano.config.floatX) conf=theano.shared(value=cfval, name="conf", borrow=True) ball=ballzero+conf*movvec ### deal with symmetry.. painfully... nsym=Transform.get_nsym(sym) if sym!="c1": if sym.startswith('d'): asym=[] for i in range(nsym/2): a=6.28/(nsym/2)*i asym.append(T.stacklists( [ball[:,0]*T.cos(a)-ball[:,1]*T.sin(a), ball[:,0]*T.sin(a)+ball[:,1]*T.cos(a), ball[:,2]])) asym.append(T.stacklists( [ball[:,0]*T.cos(a)-ball[:,1]*T.sin(a), -(ball[:,0]*T.sin(a)+ball[:,1]*T.cos(a)), -ball[:,2]])) #print asym[0].T.eval() balls=T.concatenate(asym,axis=1).T nballs*=nsym if sym.startswith('c'): asym=[] for i in range(nsym): a=6.28/(nsym)*i asym.append(T.stacklists( [ball[:,0]*T.cos(a)-ball[:,1]*T.sin(a), ball[:,0]*T.sin(a)+ball[:,1]*T.cos(a), ball[:,2]])) #print asym[0].T.eval() balls=T.concatenate(asym,axis=1).T nballs*=nsym ww=[wts for i in range(nsym)] wtss=T.concatenate(ww,axis=0) else: balls=ball wtss=wts print(balls.shape.eval()) print(wtss.shape.eval()) #numpy2pdb(balls.eval(), "tmp.pdb") #exit() ### get the 3d density map for initial tunning ind_np=np.indices((sz,sz,sz)).astype(theano.config.floatX) ind_np=np.transpose(ind_np,axes=(3,2,1,0)) ind=theano.shared(value=ind_np,borrow=True) def make_3d(p,w,den,ind): d=(ind-p)**2 v=w*T.exp(-T.sum(d,axis=3)/(model["width"])) den+=v return den map_3d_all,update=theano.scan(fn=make_3d, outputs_info=T.zeros((sz,sz,sz)), sequences=[balls+sz/2,wtss], non_sequences=ind, ) map_3d=map_3d_all[-1] #map_3d=map_3d.dimshuffle([2,1,0]) self.target_map=T.tensor3('tar_map') self.map_err=T.sum((self.target_map-map_3d)**2) map_grad_w=T.grad(self.map_err, weight) self.map_update_w=[(weight,weight-map_grad_w*learnrate)] map_grad_p=T.grad(self.map_err, ballzero) self.map_update_p=[(ballzero,ballzero-map_grad_p*learnrate)] ### make rotation matrix azp=ang[2]+3.14/2 altp=3.14-ang[1] phip=6.28-ang[0] matrix=[(T.cos(phip)*T.cos(azp) - T.cos(altp)*T.sin(azp)*T.sin(phip)), (T.cos(phip)*T.sin(azp) + T.cos(altp)*T.cos(azp)*T.sin(phip)), (T.sin(altp)*T.sin(phip)), (-T.sin(phip)*T.cos(azp) - T.cos(altp)*T.sin(azp)*T.cos(phip)), (-T.sin(phip)*T.sin(azp) + T.cos(altp)*T.cos(azp)*T.cos(phip)), (T.sin(altp)*T.cos(phip)), (T.sin(altp)*T.sin(azp)), (-T.sin(altp)*T.cos(azp)), T.cos(altp)] mat=T.stacklists(matrix).T.reshape((3,3)),mat)#+sz/2 tx=ang[5] ty=ang[4] newpos=T.inc_subtensor(newpos[:,0],tx) newpos=T.inc_subtensor(newpos[:,1],ty) mirror=ang[3] newpos=T.set_subtensor(newpos[:,1], newpos[:,1]*mirror) newpos=newpos+sz/2 #newpos[:,1]+=ty ### gird for 2d images grid_x =T.arange(sz).astype(theano.config.floatX) grid_x=grid_x.repeat(sz,axis=0).reshape((sz,sz)) grid_y=grid_x.copy().T ### now make 2d projections iy=T.arange(nballs) def make_img(iy,r,x,y,pos, wt): ret=r+ wt[iy] *T.exp((-(x-pos[iy,0])**2 -(y-pos[iy,1])**2)/(15)) return ret img,update=theano.scan(fn=make_img, outputs_info=T.zeros((sz,sz)), sequences=[iy], non_sequences=[grid_x,grid_y,newpos,wtss], ) out=img[-1]#[:-1] xx=out.flatten() zz=imgin.flatten() L = T.sum(xx*zz)/T.sqrt(T.sum(xx**2))/T.sqrt(T.sum(zz**2)) cost=-L#T.mean(L) grad_conf=T.grad(cost, conf) self.update_conf=[(conf, conf-learnrate*grad_conf)] self.grad_ballpos=T.grad(cost, ballzero) self.imgin=imgin self.orientin=ang self.balls=balls self.cost=cost self.learnrate=learnrate self.map3d=map_3d self.conf=conf #self.updates=updates #self.updates_ang=updates_ang self.out=out self.weight=weight self.ballzero=ballzero self.movvec=movvec
Da2 = pm.Normal('Da2',0, 1, shape=len(f2_)) a0 = pm.Deterministic('a0', sigmaA * Da0 + mod.A0(f0_, [numax, w, A, V1, V2])) a1 = pm.Deterministic('a1', sigmaA * Da1 + mod.A1(f1_, [numax, w, A, V1, V2])) a2 = pm.Deterministic('a2', sigmaA * Da2 + mod.A2(f2_, [numax, w, A, V1, V2])) h0 = pm.Deterministic('h0', 2*tt.sqr(a0)/np.pi/g0) h1 = pm.Deterministic('h1', 2*tt.sqr(a1)/np.pi/g1) h2 = pm.Deterministic('h2', 2*tt.sqr(a2)/np.pi/g2) # Mode splitting xsplit = pm.HalfNormal('xsplit', sigma=2.0, testval = init['xsplit']) cosi = pm.Uniform('cosi', 0., 1., testval = init['cosi']) i = pm.Deterministic('i', tt.arccos(cosi)) split = pm.Deterministic('split', xsplit/tt.sin(i)) # Background treatment aphi = pm.MvNormal('aphi', mu=aphi_, chol=aphi_cholesky, testval=aphi_, shape=len(aphi_)) bphi = pm.Normal('bphi', mu=bphi_, sigma=bphi_sigma, testval=bphi_, shape=len(bphi_)) # Construct model fit = mod.model([f0, f1, f2, g0, g1, g2, h0, h1, h2, split, i, aphi, bphi]) like = pm.Gamma('like', alpha=1., beta=1./fit, observed=p) # In[ ]: for RV in pm_model.basic_RVs: