Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _read_slf_header(self, fields):
        """Reads SLF lattice header fields and saves them in member variables.

        :type fields: list of strs
        :param fields: fields, such as name="value"

        for field in fields:
            name, value = _split_slf_field(field)
            if (name == 'UTTERANCE') or (name == 'U'):
                self.utterance_id = value
            elif (name == 'SUBLAT') or (name == 'S'):
                raise InputError("Sub-lattices are not supported.")
            elif name == 'base':
                value = numpy.float64(value)
                if value == 0.0:
                    self._log_scale = None
                    self._log_scale = logprob_type(numpy.log(value))
            elif name == 'lmscale':
                self.lm_scale = logprob_type(value)
            elif name == 'wdpenalty':
                self.wi_penalty = logprob_type(value)
            elif name == 'start':
                self._initial_node_id = int(value)
            elif name == 'end':
            elif (name == 'NODES') or (name == 'N'):
                self._num_nodes = int(value)
            elif (name == 'LINKS') or (name == 'L'):
                self._num_links = int(value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _read_slf_link(self, link_id, fields):
        """Reads SLF lattice link fields and creates such link.

        :type link_id: int
        :param link_id: ID of the link

        :type fields: list of strs
        :param fields: the rest of the link fields after ID

        start_node = None
        end_node = None
        word = None
        ac_logprob = None
        lm_logprob = None

        for field in fields:
            name, value = _split_slf_field(field)
            if (name == 'START') or (name == 'S'):
                start_node = self.nodes[int(value)]
            elif (name == 'END') or (name == 'E'):
                end_node = self.nodes[int(value)]
            elif (name == 'WORD') or (name == 'W'):
                word = value
            elif (name == 'acoustic') or (name == 'a'):
                if self._log_scale is None:
                    ac_logprob = logprob_type(numpy.log(numpy.float64(value)))
                    ac_logprob = logprob_type(value) * self._log_scale
            elif (name == 'language') or (name == 'l'):
                if self._log_scale is None:
                    lm_logprob = logprob_type(numpy.log(numpy.float64(value)))
                    lm_logprob = logprob_type(value) * self._log_scale

        if start_node is None:
            raise InputError(
                "Start node is not specified for link {}.".format(link_id))
        if end_node is None:
            raise InputError(
                "End node is not specified for link {}.".format(link_id))
        link = self._add_link(start_node, end_node)
        link.word = word
        link.ac_logprob = ac_logprob
        link.lm_logprob = lm_logprob

        if link.word is not None and \
           (link.word.startswith('!') or link.word.startswith('#')):
            link.word = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def __init__(self,
            """Constructs a token with given recurrent state and logprobs.

            The constructor won't compute the total logprob. The user is
            responsible for computing it when necessary, to avoid unnecessary

            New tokens will not have recombination hash and total log
            probability set.

            :type history: list of ints
            :param history: word IDs that the token has passed

            :type state: RecurrentState
            :param state: the state of the recurrent layers for a single

            :type ac_logprob: logprob_type
            :param ac_logprob: sum of the acoustic log probabilities of the
                               lattice links

            :type lat_lm_logprob: logprob_type
            :param lat_lm_logprob: sum of the LM log probabilities of the
                                   lattice links

            :type nn_lm_logprob: logprob_type
            :param nn_lm_logprob: sum of the NNLM log probabilities of the
                                  lattice links

            self.history = history
            self.state = [] if state is None else state
            self.ac_logprob = ac_logprob
            self.lat_lm_logprob = lat_lm_logprob
            self.nn_lm_logprob = nn_lm_logprob
            self.recombination_hash = None
            self.graph_logprob = None
            self.total_logprob = None
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, lattice_file):
        """Reads an SLF lattice file.

        If ``lattice_file`` is ``None``, creates an empty lattice (useful for

        :type lattice_file: file object
        :param lattice_file: a file in SLF lattice format


        # No log conversion by default. "None" means the lattice file uses
        # linear probabilities.
        self._log_scale = logprob_type(1.0)

        self._initial_node_id = None
        self._final_node_ids = []

        if lattice_file is None:
            self._num_nodes = 0
            self._num_links = 0

        self._num_nodes = None
        self._num_links = None
        for line in lattice_file:
            fields = _split_slf_line(line)
            if (self._num_nodes is not None) and (self._num_links is not None):

        if self.wi_penalty is not None:
            if self._log_scale is None:
                self.wi_penalty = numpy.log(self.wi_penalty)
                self.wi_penalty *= self._log_scale

        self.nodes = [self.Node(node_id) for node_id in range(self._num_nodes)]

        for line in lattice_file:
            fields = _split_slf_line(line)
            if not fields:
            name, value = _split_slf_field(fields[0])
            if name == 'I':
                self._read_slf_node(int(value), fields[1:])
            elif name == 'J':
                self._read_slf_link(int(value), fields[1:])

        if len(self.links) != self._num_links:
            raise InputError(
                "Number of links in SLF lattice doesn't match the "
                "LINKS field.")

        if self._initial_node_id is not None:
            self.initial_node = self.nodes[self._initial_node_id]
            # Find the node with no incoming links.
            self.initial_node = None
            for node in self.nodes:
                if len(node.in_links) == 0:
                    self.initial_node = node
            if self.initial_node is None:
                raise InputError("Could not find initial node in SLF lattice.")

        final_nodes_found = 0
        for node in self.nodes:
            if node.id in self._final_node_ids or len(node.out_links) == 0:
                node.final = True
                final_nodes_found += 1

        if final_nodes_found == 0:
            raise InputError("Could not find final node in SLF lattice.")
        elif final_nodes_found > 1:
            # Peter: Not sure if multiple final nodes are allowed, but for now raise an input error. The
            # decoder supports multiple final nodes no problem
            raise InputError("More then one final node in SLF lattice.")

        # If word identity information is not present in node definitions then
        # it must appear in link definitions.
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def decode(self, lattice):
        """Propagates tokens through given lattice and returns a list of tokens
        in the final nodes.

        Propagates tokens at a node to every outgoing link by creating a copy of
        each token and updating the language model scores according to the link.

        The function returns two lists. The first list contains the final
        tokens, sorted in the descending order of total log probability. I.e.
        the first token in the list represents the best path through the
        lattice. The second list contains the tokens that were dropped during
        recombination. This is needed for constructing a new rescored lattice.

        :type lattice: Lattice
        :param lattice: a word lattice to be decoded

        :rtype: a tuple of two lists of LatticeDecoder.Tokens
        :returns: a list of the final tokens sorted by probability (most likely
                  token first), and a list of the tokens that were dropped
                  during recombination

        if self._lm_scale is not None:
            lm_scale = logprob_type(self._lm_scale)
        elif lattice.lm_scale is not None:
            lm_scale = logprob_type(lattice.lm_scale)
            lm_scale = logprob_type(1.0)

        if self._wi_penalty is not None:
            wi_penalty = logprob_type(self._wi_penalty)
        elif lattice.wi_penalty is not None:
            wi_penalty = logprob_type(lattice.wi_penalty)
            wi_penalty = logprob_type(0.0)

        tokens = [list() for _ in lattice.nodes]
        recomb_tokens = []
        initial_state = RecurrentState(self._network.recurrent_state_size)
        initial_token = self.Token(history=(self._sos_id, ),
        initial_token.recompute_total(self._nnlm_weight, lm_scale, wi_penalty,
        lattice.initial_node.best_logprob = initial_token.total_logprob

        sorted_nodes = lattice.sorted_nodes()
        self._nodes_processed = 0
        final_tokens = []
        for node in sorted_nodes:
            stats = self._prune(node, sorted_nodes, tokens, recomb_tokens)

            num_new_tokens = 0
            node_tokens = tokens[node.id]
            assert node_tokens
            if node.final:
                new_tokens = self._propagate(node_tokens, None, lm_scale,
                num_new_tokens += len(new_tokens)
            for link in node.out_links:
                new_tokens = self._propagate(node_tokens, link, lm_scale,
                # If there are lots of tokens in the end node, prune already to
                # conserve memory.
                if self._max_tokens_per_node is not None and \
                   len(tokens[link.end_node.id]) > self._max_tokens_per_node * 2:
                    self._prune(link.end_node, sorted_nodes, tokens,
                num_new_tokens += len(new_tokens)
            stats['new'] = num_new_tokens

            self._nodes_processed += 1
            self._log_stats(stats, node.id, len(sorted_nodes))

        if len(final_tokens) == 0:
            raise InputError("Could not reach a final node of word lattice.")

        final_tokens = self._sorted_recombined_tokens(final_tokens,
        return final_tokens, recomb_tokens
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, network, decoding_options, profile=False):
        """Creates a Theano function that computes the output probabilities for
        a single time step.

        Creates the function self._step_function that takes as input a set of
        word sequences and the current recurrent states. It uses the previous
        states and word IDs to compute the output distributions, and computes
        the probabilities of the target words.

        All invocations of ``decode()`` will use the given NNLM weight and LM
        scale when computing the total probability. If LM scale is not given,
        uses the value provided in the lattice files. If it's not provided in a
        lattice file either, performs no scaling of LM log probabilities.

        ``decoding_options`` should countain the following elements:

        nnlm_weight : float
          weight of the neural network probabilities when interpolating with the
          lattice probabilities

        lm_scale : float
          if other than ``None``, the decoder will scale language model log
          probabilities by this factor; otherwise the scaling factor will be
          read from the lattice file

        wi_penalty : float
          penalize word insertion by adding this value to the total log
          probability of a token as many times as there are words

        unk_penalty : float
          if set to other than None, used as <unk> token score

        use_shortlist : bool
          if set to ``True``, <unk> token probability is distributed among the
          out-of-shortlist words according to their unigram probabilities

        unk_from_lattice : bool
          if set to ``True``, the probability for <unk> tokens is taken from the
          lattice alone

        linear_interpolation : bool
          if set to ``True``, use linear instead of (pseudo) log-linear
          interpolation of language model probabilities

        max_tokens_per_node : int
          if set to other than None, leave only this many tokens at each node

        beam : float
          if set to other than None, prune tokens whose total log probability is
          further than this from the best token at each point in time

        recombination_order : int
          number of words to consider when deciding whether two tokens should be
          recombined, or ``None`` for the entire word history

        prune_extra_limit : float
          if set, adjust the beam and max_tokens_per_node pruning relative to
          the number of tokens; the limits are divided by the number of tokens
          and multiplied by this factor

        abs_min_beam : float
          when using prune_extra_limit, this is the minimum that the beam will
          be adjusted to

        abs_min_max_tokens : float
          when using prune_extra_limit, this is the minimum that the maximum
          number of tokens will be adjusted to

        :type network: Network
        :param network: the neural network object

        :type decoding_options: dict
        :param decoding_options: a dictionary of decoding options (see above)

        :type profile: bool
        :param profile: if set to True, creates a Theano profile object

        self._network = network
        self._vocabulary = network.vocabulary
        self._nnlm_weight = logprob_type(decoding_options['nnlm_weight'])
        self._lm_scale = decoding_options['lm_scale']
        self._wi_penalty = decoding_options['wi_penalty']
        self._unk_penalty = decoding_options['unk_penalty']
        self._unk_from_lattice = decoding_options['unk_from_lattice']
        self._linear_interpolation = decoding_options['linear_interpolation']
        self._max_tokens_per_node = decoding_options['max_tokens_per_node']
        self._beam = decoding_options['beam']
        if self._beam is not None:
            self._beam = logprob_type(self._beam)
        self._recombination_order = decoding_options['recombination_order']
        self._prune_extra_limit = decoding_options.get('prune_extra_limit',
        self._abs_min_beam = decoding_options.get('abs_min_beam', 0)
        self._abs_min_max_tokens = decoding_options.get(
            'abs_min_max_tokens', 0)
        if self._prune_extra_limit is None:
            self._abs_min_beam = self._abs_min_max_tokens = 0

        if decoding_options['use_shortlist'] and \
            oos_logprobs = numpy.log(self._vocabulary.get_oos_probs())
            self._oos_logprobs = oos_logprobs.astype(theano.config.floatX)
            self._oos_logprobs = None

        self._sos_id = self._vocabulary.word_to_id['<s>']
        self._eos_id = self._vocabulary.word_to_id['</s>']
        self._unk_id = self._vocabulary.word_to_id['<unk>']

        inputs = [
            network.input_word_ids, network.input_class_ids,

        outputs = [tensor.log(network.target_probs())]

        # Ignore unused input, because is_training is only used by dropout
        # layer.
        self._step_function = theano.function(inputs,