def file(): theme = getTheme() tag = request.form.get('folder') path = setFilePath(tag) writeLog("Getting path") writeLog("Path: " + path) shortPath = setShortFilePath(tag) writeLog("Getting Short Path") writeLog("Short Path: " + shortPath) if request.method == 'POST': writeLog("Method is POST") if "upload" in request.form: writeLog("Calling Upload Function") upload(tag) elif "view" in request.form: writeLog("Calling View Function") path = setFilePath(tag) files = dir_listing(path) if tag == None: tag = "Documents" return render_template('upload.html', files=files, path=tag, shortPath=shortPath, theme=theme)
def manager(self): self.managerList += [ Manager(HorizontalContainer( [OneTimeButton(label="Continuar", on_release=self.nextWindow)]), window=self, batch=self.batch, theme=getTheme(), anchor=ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, offset=(-80, 5), is_movable=False) ] self.managerList += [ Manager(VerticalContainer([ Checkbox(label="El CPU Inicia ", on_press=self.setCPUStarts, is_pressed=self.CPUStarts), Checkbox(label="El CPU es blancas", on_press=self.setCPUPlayWhite, is_pressed=self.CPUPlayWhite), Label(""), Label("Enroque de negras"), Checkbox(label="Lado de la Reina ", on_press=self.setBlackQueenCastling, is_pressed=self.blackQueenCastling), Checkbox(label="Lado del Rey ", on_press=self.setBlackKingCastling, is_pressed=self.blackKingCastling), Label(""), Label("Enroque de blancas"), Checkbox(label="Lado de la Reina ", on_press=self.setWhiteQueenCastling, is_pressed=self.whiteQueenCastling), Checkbox(label="Lado del Rey ", on_press=self.setWhiteKingCastling, is_pressed=self.whiteKingCastling) ]), window=self, batch=self.batch, theme=getTheme(), anchor=ANCHOR_RIGHT, offset=(-50, -95), is_movable=False) ]
def music(): # These functions are a straight ripped from and modified for music player functionality theme = getTheme() mtag = request.form.get('folder') path = setFilePathMusic(mtag) if request.method == 'POST': if "upload" in request.form: upload(mtag) elif "view" in request.form: path = setFilePathMusic(mtag) files = dir_listing_music(path) if mtag == None: tag = "Music" theme = getTheme() return render_template('music.html', files=files, path=tag, theme=theme)
def manager(self): Manager(Label(""), window=self, batch=self.batch, theme=getTheme()) Manager(Frame(self.document), window=self, batch=self.batch, theme=getTheme(), anchor=ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT, offset=(-10, -75), is_movable=False) Manager(HorizontalContainer([ OneTimeButton(label="Guardar", on_release=self.saveGame), OneTimeButton(label="Volver", on_release=self.onclose) ]), window=self, batch=self.batch, theme=getTheme(), anchor=ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT, offset=(-50, 15), is_movable=False) self.document.set_text("")
def noteFunctions(): theme = getTheme() ans = request.form['tag'] # determine which submit button was pressed if ans == "Save": filename = request.form['filename'] data = request.form['notepad'] NoteClass.saveNote(filename, data) return render_template('note.html', text=data, fn=filename, theme=theme) if ans == "Load": filename = request.form['filename'] data = NoteClass.loadNote(filename) return render_template('note.html', text=data, fn=filename, theme=theme) if ans == "reset": return render_template('note.html', text="New Note", fn="Enter filename for save", theme=theme)
def notepad(): theme = getTheme() return render_template('note.html', text="New Note", fn="Enter filename for save", theme=theme)
def my_form_post(): theme = getTheme() text = request.form['txt'] new_text = "You entered the word " + text return render_template('home.html', new_text=new_text, theme=theme)
def calc(): theme = getTheme() inp = request.form['display'] # pull expression from text field result = CalcClass.calculation(inp) return render_template('calc.html', result=result, theme=theme) # sends result to page
def calcpage(): theme = getTheme() return render_template('calc.html', theme=theme)
def about(): theme = getTheme() return render_template('about.html', theme=theme)
def hello_world(): theme = getTheme() return render_template('home.html', theme=theme)
def game(): theme = getTheme() return render_template('game.html', theme=theme)
def news(): theme = getTheme() return render_template('news.html', theme=theme)