Ejemplo n.º 1
def match(command):
    if 'command not found' in command.output:
        command_name = _get_command_name(command)
        return which(command_name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
from therandy.utils import which

apt_available = bool(which('apt-get'))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def match(command):
    return ('ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError)'
            in command.output and 'Unknown command' in command.output)

def _get_unknown_command(command):
    return re.findall(r'Unknown command (.*)$', command.output)[0]

def _get_all_commands():
    proc = subprocess.Popen(['gem', 'help', 'commands'],

    for line in proc.stdout.readlines():
        line = line.decode()

        if line.startswith('    '):
            yield line.strip().split(' ')[0]

if which('gem'):
    _get_all_commands = cache(which('gem'))(_get_all_commands)

def get_new_command(command):
    unknown_command = _get_unknown_command(command)
    all_commands = _get_all_commands()
    return replace_command(command, unknown_command, all_commands)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def match(command):
    if 'not found' in command.output or 'not installed' in command.output:
        executable = _get_executable(command)
        return not which(executable) and get_package(executable)
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
from therandy.utils import which

nix_available = bool(which('nix'))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def match(command):
    return (not which(command.script_parts[0])
            and 'not found' in command.output and os.path.isfile('gradlew'))
Ejemplo n.º 7
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from therandy.utils import memoize, which
from therandy.shells import shell

enabled_by_default = bool(which('lsof'))

patterns = [r"bind on address \('.*', (?P<port>\d+)\)",
            r'Unable to bind [^ ]*:(?P<port>\d+)',
            r"can't listen on port (?P<port>\d+)",
            r'listen EADDRINUSE [^ ]*:(?P<port>\d+)']

def _get_pid_by_port(port):
    proc = Popen(['lsof', '-i', ':{}'.format(port)], stdout=PIPE)
    lines = proc.stdout.read().decode().split('\n')
    if len(lines) > 1:
        return lines[1].split()[1]
        return None

def _get_used_port(command):
    for pattern in patterns:
        matched = re.search(pattern, command.output)
        if matched:
            return matched.group('port')

Ejemplo n.º 8
import re
import subprocess
from therandy.utils import replace_command, for_app, which, cache
from therandy.specific.sudo import sudo_support

def match(command):
    return 'is not a docker command' in command.output

def get_docker_commands():
    proc = subprocess.Popen('docker', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    lines = [line.decode('utf-8') for line in proc.stdout.readlines()]
    lines = dropwhile(lambda line: not line.startswith('Commands:'), lines)
    lines = islice(lines, 1, None)
    lines = list(takewhile(lambda line: line != '\n', lines))
    return [line.strip().split(' ')[0] for line in lines]

if which('docker'):
    get_docker_commands = cache(which('docker'))(get_docker_commands)

def get_new_command(command):
    wrong_command = re.findall(
        r"docker: '(\w+)' is not a docker command.", command.output)[0]
    return replace_command(command, wrong_command, get_docker_commands())
Ejemplo n.º 9
def match(command):
    return (not which(command.script_parts[0])
            and ('not found' in command.output
                 or 'is not recognized as' in command.output)
            and bool(get_close_matches(command.script_parts[0],
Ejemplo n.º 10
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from therandy.utils import memoize, eager, which

npm_available = bool(which('npm'))

def get_scripts():
    """Get custom npm scripts."""
    proc = Popen(['npm', 'run-script'], stdout=PIPE)
    should_yeild = False
    for line in proc.stdout.readlines():
        line = line.decode()
        if 'available via `npm run-script`:' in line:
            should_yeild = True

        if should_yeild and re.match(r'^  [^ ]+', line):
            yield line.strip().split(' ')[0]
Ejemplo n.º 11
from therandy.utils import which

dnf_available = bool(which('dnf'))
Ejemplo n.º 12
from therandy.utils import (cache, for_app, replace_argument, replace_command,

    'list': ['versions', 'install --list'],
    'remove': ['uninstall'],

def match(command):
    return 'pyenv: no such command' in command.output

def get_pyenv_commands():
    proc = Popen(['pyenv', 'commands'], stdout=PIPE)
    return [line.decode('utf-8').strip() for line in proc.stdout.readlines()]

if which('pyenv'):
    get_pyenv_commands = cache(which('pyenv'))(get_pyenv_commands)

def get_new_command(command):
    broken = re.findall(r"pyenv: no such command `([^']*)'", command.output)[0]
    matched = [replace_argument(command.script, broken, common_typo)
               for common_typo in COMMON_TYPOS.get(broken, [])]
    matched.extend(replace_command(command, broken, get_pyenv_commands()))
    return matched