Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_twc_forecast(stid, api_key, forecast_date):

    # retrieve api json data
    api_url = 'https://api.weather.com/v3/wx/forecast/daily/5day'
    api_options = {
        'language': 'en-US',
        'format': 'json',
        'units': 'e',
        'apiKey': api_key,
        'icaoCode': stid
    response = requests.get(api_url, params=api_options)
    twc_data = response.json()
    # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        print('twc: got HTTP error when querying API')

    # The data has a 'daypart' section which has a time series of day/night pairs. This is useful for wind and
    # precipitation information, but we have to make some assumptions about the datetime to use it.
    twc_df = pd.DataFrame(twc_data['daypart'][0])
    valid_days = [epoch_time_to_datetime(d) for d in twc_data['validTimeUtc'] for _ in range(2)]
    twc_df['DateTime'] = pd.Series(valid_days) + twc_df['dayOrNight'].apply(dn_to_timedelta)
    if twc_df['dayOrNight'][0] is None:
        twc_df.drop(0, axis=0, inplace=True)

    # Add dew point, fix units, and rename
    twc_df['dewpoint'] = dewpoint_from_t_rh(twc_df['temperature'], twc_df['relativeHumidity'])
    twc_df['windSpeed'] = twc_df['windSpeed'].apply(mph_to_kt)
    column_names_dict = {
          'cloudCover': 'cloud',
          'qpf': 'rain',
          'wxPhraseLong': 'condition'
    twc_df = twc_df.rename(columns=column_names_dict)
    twc_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)

    # Resample to 3-hourly. Carefully consider the QPF.
    offset = twc_df.index[0].hour % 3
    twc_hourly = twc_df.resample('3H', base=offset).interpolate()
    twc_hourly['rain'] = twc_hourly['rain'].apply(lambda x: x / 4.)
    twc_hourly['qpfSnow'] = twc_hourly['qpfSnow'].apply(lambda x: x / 4.)
    twc_hourly['windDirection'] = twc_hourly['windDirection'].round()

    # calculate daily values
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    daily_high = twc_hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].max()
    daily_low = twc_hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].min()
    daily_wind = twc_hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'windSpeed'].max()
    daily_rain = twc_hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end - timedelta(hours=1), 'rain'].sum()

    # create Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(daily_high, daily_low, daily_wind, daily_rain)
    forecast.timeseries.data = twc_hourly.reset_index()

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_accuwx_forecast(config, stid, location_key, api_key, forecast_date):
    Get a Forecast from the AccuWeather API or the cache file.
    :param config:
    :param stid:
    :param location_key:
    :param api_key:
    :param forecast_date:
    # Check if we have a cached file and if it is recent enough
    site_directory = '%s/site_data' % config['THETAE_ROOT']
    cache_file = '%s/%s_accuwx.txt' % (site_directory, stid)
    cache_ok = check_cache_file(config, cache_file)

    # Retrieve data. Looks like only daily temperatures will be of any use right now.
    if not cache_ok:
        api_url = 'http://dataservice.accuweather.com/forecasts/v1/daily/5day/%s' % location_key
        api_options = {'apikey': api_key}
        response = requests.get(api_url, params=api_options)
        accuwx_data = response.json()
        # Raise error if we have invalid HTTP response
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
            print('accuweather: got HTTP error when querying API')
        # Cache the response
        with open(cache_file, 'w') as f:
        accuwx_data = json.load(open(cache_file))

    # Convert to pandas DataFrame, fix time, and get high and low
    accuwx_df = pd.DataFrame(accuwx_data['DailyForecasts'])
    accuwx_df['DateTime'] = np.nan
    for idx in accuwx_df.index:
        accuwx_df.loc[idx, 'DateTime'] = localized_date_to_utc(
            parse_iso(accuwx_df.loc[idx, 'Date'])).replace(hour=0)
    accuwx_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
    high = float(accuwx_df.loc[forecast_date,
    # Low should be for night before. We can also 'guess' that the low could be non-diurnal and halfway between the
    # max and next min.
    low = float(accuwx_df.loc[forecast_date - timedelta(days=1),
    alt_low = 0.5 * (high + float(
        accuwx_df.loc[forecast_date, 'Temperature']['Minimum']['Value']))
    if low - alt_low > 3:
        if config['debug'] > 9:
                'accuweather: warning: setting low down from %0.0f to %0.0f' %
                (low, alt_low))
        low = alt_low

    # Create Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(high, low, None, None)

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_yrno_forecast(stid, state, city, forecast_date):
    Retrieve yr.no forecast for a city, state

    :param stid:
    :param state:
    :param city:
    :param forecast_date:
    yrno_url = 'https://www.yr.no/place/United_States/%s/%s/forecast_hour_by_hour.xml' % (state, city)
    response = requests.get(yrno_url)
    # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        print('nws: got HTTP error when querying for XML file from %s' % yrno_url)

    # Get the XML tree into dictionary form
    hourly_xml = eTree.fromstring(response.text)
    hourly_dict = etree_to_dict(hourly_xml)
    hourly_list = hourly_dict['weatherdata']['forecast']['tabular']['time']
    timezone = hourly_dict['weatherdata']['location']['timezone']['@id']

    # Create a DataFrame for hourly data
    hourly = pd.DataFrame()
    hourly['DateTime'] = [v['@from'] for v in hourly_list]
    hourly['DateTime'] = hourly['DateTime'].apply(parse_iso).apply(lambda x: x.tz_localize(timezone))
    hourly['DateTime'] = hourly['DateTime'].apply(lambda x: x.astimezone('UTC').replace(tzinfo=None))
    hourly['datetime_index'] = hourly['DateTime']
    hourly.set_index('datetime_index', inplace=True)

    # Add in the other parameters
    hourly['temperature'] = [c_to_f(to_float(v['temperature']['@value'])) for v in hourly_list]
    hourly['windSpeed'] = [ms_to_kt(to_float(v['windSpeed']['@mps'])) for v in hourly_list]
    hourly['windDirection'] = [to_float(v['windDirection']['@deg']) for v in hourly_list]
    hourly['pressure'] = [to_float(v['pressure']['@value']) for v in hourly_list]
    hourly['condition'] = [v['symbol']['@name'] for v in hourly_list]
    hourly['rain'] = [mm_to_in(to_float(v['precipitation']['@value'])) for v in hourly_list]

    # Aggregate daily values from hourly series
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    hourly_high = hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].max()
    hourly_low = hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].min()
    hourly_wind = hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'windSpeed'].max()
    hourly_rain = hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end - timedelta(hours=1), 'rain'].sum()

    # Create the Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(hourly_high, hourly_low, hourly_wind, hourly_rain)
    forecast.timeseries.data = hourly

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_darksky_forecast(stid, lat, lon, api_key, forecast_date):

    # Retrieve data
    api_url = 'https://api.darksky.net/forecast/%s/%s'
    point = '%0.3f,%0.3f' % (lat, lon)
    api_options = {'exclude': 'currently,minutely,daily,alerts,flags'}
    json_url = api_url % (api_key, point)
    response = requests.get(json_url, params=api_options)
    darksky_data = response.json()
    # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        print('darksky: got HTTP error when querying API')

    # Convert to pandas DataFrame and fix time, units, and columns
    darksky_df = pd.DataFrame(darksky_data['hourly']['data'])
    darksky_df['DateTime'] = np.nan
    for idx in darksky_df.index:
        darksky_df.loc[idx, 'DateTime'] = epoch_time_to_datetime(
            darksky_df.loc[idx, 'time'])  # already UTC
    darksky_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
    column_names_dict = {
        'cloudCover': 'cloud',
        'dewPoint': 'dewpoint',
        'precipIntensity': 'rain',
        'windBearing': 'windDirection',
        'summary': 'condition'
    darksky_df = darksky_df.rename(columns=column_names_dict)
    darksky_df.loc[:, 'cloud'] = 100. * darksky_df.loc[:, 'cloud']
    darksky_df.loc[:, 'windSpeed'] = mph_to_kt(darksky_df.loc[:, 'windSpeed'])
    darksky_df.loc[:, 'windGust'] = mph_to_kt(darksky_df.loc[:, 'windGust'])

    # Calculate daily values
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    daily_high = darksky_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    daily_low = darksky_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    daily_wind = darksky_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'windSpeed'].max()
    daily_rain = darksky_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end -
                                timedelta(hours=1), 'rain'].sum()

    # Create Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(daily_high, daily_low, daily_wind, daily_rain)
    forecast.timeseries.data = darksky_df.reset_index()

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_mosx_forecast(stid, mosx_dir, forecast_date):
    # Retrieve data
    mosx_file = '%s/MOSX_%s_%s.json' % (
        mosx_dir, stid.upper(), datetime.strftime(forecast_date, '%Y%m%d'))
    with open(mosx_file, 'r') as f:
        data = json.load(f)

    # Create a Forecast object and add daily values
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(data['daily']['high'], data['daily']['low'],
                              data['daily']['wind'], data['daily']['precip'])

    # Set the hourly data if it is present. Column names are already set!
    if 'hourly' in data:
        hourly_ds = pd.DataFrame(data['hourly'])
        hourly_ds['DateTime'] = hourly_ds['DateTime'].apply(date_to_datetime)
        forecast.timeseries.data = hourly_ds

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gfs_mos_forecast(stid, forecast_date):
    Do the data retrieval.

    # Generate a Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)

    import numpy as np
    forecast.daily.high = np.round(np.random.rand() * 100.)
    forecast.daily.low = np.round(np.random.rand() * 100.)
    forecast.daily.wind = np.round(np.random.rand() * 40.)
    forecast.daily.rain = np.round(np.random.rand() * 3., 2)

    # Create a dummy pd dataframe to test
    forecast.timeseries.data['DateTime'] = [forecast_date, forecast_date +
    forecast.timeseries.data['temperature'] = [56., 55.]
    forecast.timeseries.data['dewpoint'] = [51., 51.]

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_aeris_forecast(stid, lat, lon, api_id, api_secret, forecast_date):

    # Retrieve data
    api_url = 'https://api.aerisapi.com/forecasts/%s'
    point = '%0.3f,%0.3f' % (lat, lon)
    api_options = {
        'client_id': api_id,
        'client_secret': api_secret,
        'filter': '1hr',
        'plimit': '60',
    json_url = api_url % point
    response = requests.get(json_url, params=api_options)
    aeris_data = response.json()
    # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        print('aeris: got HTTP error when querying API')

    # Convert to pandas DataFrame and fix time, units, and columns
    aeris_df = pd.DataFrame(aeris_data['response'][0]['periods'])
    aeris_df['DateTime'] = np.nan
    for idx in aeris_df.index:
        aeris_df.loc[idx, 'DateTime'] = localized_date_to_utc(
            parse_iso(aeris_df.loc[idx, 'dateTimeISO']))
    aeris_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
    column_names_dict = {
        'avgTempF': 'temperature',
        'avgDewpointF': 'dewpoint',
        'sky': 'cloud',
        'windSpeedMaxKTS': 'windSpeed',
        'windGustKTS': 'windGust',
        'windDirDEG': 'windDirection',
        'precipIN': 'rain',
        'pressureMB': 'pressure',
        'weatherPrimary': 'condition'
    aeris_df = aeris_df.rename(columns=column_names_dict)

    # Calculate daily values. Aeris includes period maxima and minima, although they appear just to be hourly values.
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
        daily_high = aeris_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    except KeyError:
        daily_high = aeris_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
        daily_low = aeris_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'minTempF'].min()
    except KeyError:
        daily_low = aeris_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
        daily_wind = aeris_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    except KeyError:
        daily_wind = aeris_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    daily_rain = aeris_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end - timedelta(hours=1),

    # Create Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(daily_high, daily_low, daily_wind, daily_rain)
    forecast.timeseries.data = aeris_df.reset_index()

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_wunderground_forecast(stid, api_key, forecast_date):

    # retrieve api json data
    api_url = 'https://api.wunderground.com/api/%s/hourly/forecast/q/%s.json'
    api_options = {'features': 'hourly,forecast'}
    json_url = api_url % (api_key, stid)
    response = requests.get(json_url, params=api_options)
    wunderground_data = response.json()
    # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        print('wunderground: got HTTP error when querying API')

    # Convert to DataFrame, fix time
    wunderground_df = pd.DataFrame(wunderground_data['hourly_forecast'])
    timezone_df = pd.DataFrame(wunderground_data['forecast']['simpleforecast'])
    timezone = get_timezone(timezone_df['forecastday'])
    time_series = convert_fcttime(wunderground_df['FCTTIME'])  # already UTC

    for column in wunderground_df.columns.values:
        wunderground_df[column] = wunderground_df[column].apply(
    wunderground_df['mslp'] = inhg_to_mb(wunderground_df['mslp'])
    wunderground_df['wspd'] = mph_to_kt(wunderground_df['wspd'])
    wunderground_df['wdir'] = wunderground_df['wdir'].apply(get_wind_degrees)

    column_names_dict = {
        'FCTTIME': 'DateTime',
        'temp': 'temperature',
        'wspd': 'windSpeed',
        'mslp': 'pressure',
        'sky': 'cloud',
        'dewpoint': 'dewpoint',
        'qpf': 'rain',
        'wdir': 'windDirection',
        'wx': 'condition'
    wunderground_df.drop('condition', axis=1, inplace=True)
    wunderground_df = wunderground_df.rename(columns=column_names_dict)
    wunderground_df['DateTime'] = time_series
    wunderground_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)

    # calculate daily values
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    daily_high = wunderground_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    daily_low = wunderground_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    daily_wind = wunderground_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    daily_rain = wunderground_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end -
                                     timedelta(hours=1), 'rain'].sum()

    # create Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(daily_high, daily_low, daily_wind, daily_rain)
    forecast.timeseries.data = wunderground_df.reset_index()

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_gefs_mos_forecast(stid, forecast_date):
    Retrieve GEFS MOS data. 

    :param stid: station ID
    :param forecast_date: datetime of day to forecast
    :return: Forecast object for high, low, precip for next day. No wind.

    # Retrieve the model data
    url = 'http://www.nws.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/mos/getens.pl?sta=%s' % stid
    response = requests.get(url)
    page = response.text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')

    # Lists for tomorrow's ensemble data
    ens_highs = []
    ens_lows = []
    ens_precips = []
    dailys = []

    # 22 total model runs
    pars = soup.find_all('pre')
    for ii in range(0,
                    len(pars) -
                    1):  # last one is operational run... don't use that
        text = pars[ii].text.split()
        # control run
        if ii == 0:
            # get model time
            dates = text[5].split('/')
            hour = int(text[6])
            model_time = datetime(int(dates[2]), int(dates[0]), int(dates[1]),
        # find all of the forecast hours (every 12 hr)
        forecast_hours_tmp = pars[ii].text.split('FHR')[1].split('\n')[0][:-6]
        forecast_hours = list(map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', forecast_hours_tmp)))
        # find all of the temperatures that match the forecast hours
        forecast_temps_tmp = pars[ii].text.split('X/N')[1].split('\n')[0][:-6]
        forecast_temps = list(
            map(int, re.findall(r'-?\d+', forecast_temps_tmp)))
        # find all of the 24 hour precips
        forecast_precip_tmp = pars[ii].text.split('Q24')[1].split('|')[1]
        forecast_precip = list(
            map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', forecast_precip_tmp)))[0:5]

        forecast_dates_utc = []
        temps = []

        for f, forecast_hour in enumerate(forecast_hours):
            # append forecast time, but subtract 1 hour so the 00Z time is for the correct date
                (model_time + timedelta(hours=forecast_hour - 1)).date())
        forecast_dates_utc = np.array(forecast_dates_utc)
        temps = np.array(temps)
        valid_dates = np.where((forecast_dates_utc == forecast_date.date()))[0]
        # the 24 hour precip for the next day is always the first value

        # Add each member to the list of Daily objects, for writing to a file
        daily = Daily(stid, forecast_date)
        daily.model = 'GEFS MOS %d' % ii
        daily.set_values(ens_highs[-1], ens_lows[-1], None, ens_precips[-1])

    # Get ensemble mean
    high_mean = np.round(np.mean(ens_highs))
    low_mean = np.round(np.mean(ens_lows))
    precip_mean = np.round(np.mean(ens_precips), 2)

    # Create ensemble mean Forecast object
    mean_forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    mean_forecast.daily.set_values(high_mean, low_mean, None, precip_mean)

    return mean_forecast, dailys
Ejemplo n.º 10
def bufr_surface_parser(config, model, stid, forecast_date, bufr_file_name):
    By Luke Madaus. Modified by jweyn and joejoezz.
    Parse surface data from a bufkit file.

    # Open bufkit file
    infile = open(bufr_file_name, 'r', newline='')

    # define variables
    dateTime = []
    temperature = []
    dewpoint = []
    windSpeed = []
    windDirection = []
    rain = []
    pressure = []

    block_lines = []
    inblock = False
    for line in infile:
        if re.search(r'SELV', line):
            try:  # jweyn
                elev = re.search(r'SELV = -?(\d{1,4})', line).groups()[0]  # jweyn: -?
                elev = float(elev)
                elev = 0.0
        if line.startswith('STN YY'):
            # We've found the line that starts the header info
            inblock = True
        elif inblock:
            # Keep appending lines until we start hitting numbers
            if re.search(r'\d{6}', line):
                inblock = False

    # Build an re search pattern based on this
    # We know the first two parts of the section are station id num and date
    re_string = r"(\d{6}|\w{4}) (\d{6})/(\d{4})"
    # Now compute the remaining number of variables
    dum_num = len(block_lines[0].split()) - 2
    for n in range(dum_num):
        re_string = re_string + r" (-?\d{1,4}.\d{2})"
    re_string = re_string + '\r\n'
    for line in block_lines[1:]:
        dum_num = len(line.split())
        for n in range(dum_num):
            re_string = re_string + r'(-?\d{1,4}.\d{2}) '
        re_string = re_string[:-1]  # Get rid of the trailing space
        re_string = re_string + '\r\n'

    # Compile this re_string for more efficient re searches
    block_expr = re.compile(re_string)

    # Now get corresponding indices of the variables we need
    full_line = ''
    for r in block_lines:
        full_line = full_line + r[:-2] + ' '
    # Now split it
    varlist = re.split(r'[ /]', full_line)

    # Now loop through all blocks that match the search pattern we defined above
    blocknum = -1

    for block_match in block_expr.finditer(infile.read()):
        blocknum += 1
        # Split out the match into each component number
        vals = list(block_match.groups())
        # Check for missing values
        for v in range(len(vals)):
            if vals[v] == -9999.:
                vals[v] = np.nan
        # Set the time
        dt = '20' + vals[varlist.index('YYMMDD')] + vals[varlist.index('HHMM')]
        validtime = datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y%m%d%H%M')

        # End loop if we are more than 60 hours past the start of the forecast date
        if validtime > forecast_date + timedelta(hours=60):

        # Append values at this time step
        uwind = ms_to_kt(vals[varlist.index('UWND')])
        vwind = ms_to_kt(vals[varlist.index('VWND')])
        speed, dir = wind_uv_to_speed_dir(uwind, vwind)
        if 'P01M' in varlist:
            # This condition only applies to FV3 model: save 3 hr precipitation instead of 1 hour


    # first element of rain should be zero (sometimes it is -9999.99)
    rain[0] = '0.0'

    # Make into dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        'temperature': temperature,
        'dewpoint': dewpoint,
        'windSpeed': windSpeed,
        'windDirection': windDirection,
        'rain': rain,
        'pressure': pressure,
        'dateTime': dateTime
    }, index=dateTime)

    # Convert to forecast object
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)

    # Find forecast start location in timeseries
        # unlike the mos code, we always use the 'include'
        iloc_start_include = df.index.get_loc(forecast_start)
    except BaseException as e:
        print('bufkit: error getting start time index for %s; check data' % model)

    # Create forecast object and save timeseries
    forecast = Forecast(stid, model, forecast_date)
    forecast.timeseries.data = df

    # Find forecast end location in time series and save daily values if it exists
    if df.index[-1] >= forecast_end:
        iloc_end = df.index.get_loc(forecast_end)
        high = int(np.round(df.iloc[iloc_start_include:iloc_end]['temperature'].max()))
        low = int(np.round(df.iloc[iloc_start_include:iloc_end]['temperature'].min()))
        max_wind = int(np.round(df.iloc[iloc_start_include:iloc_end]['windSpeed'].max()))
        total_rain = np.sum(df.iloc[iloc_start_include + 1:iloc_end]['rain'])
        forecast.daily.set_values(high, low, max_wind, total_rain)
        if config['debug'] > 9:
            print('bufkit warning: model %s does not extend to end of forecast period; omitting daily values' % model)

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_ukmet_forecast(stid, ukmet_code, forecast_date):
    Retrieve UKMET data. 

    :param stid: station ID
    :param ukmet_code: site-specific URL code from ukmet.codes
    :param forecast_date: datetime of day to forecast
    :return: Forecast object for high, low, max wind for next 6Z--6Z. No precip.
    # Retrieve the model data
    url = 'https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/%s' % ukmet_code
    req = Request(url, headers=hdr)
    response = urlopen(req)
    page = response.read().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')

    # Find UTC offset and current time in HTML
    utcoffset = int(soup.find(id='country').text.split('-')[1][0:2])
    epoch = float(soup.find("td", {"id": "firstTimeStep"})['data-epoch'])
    utcnow = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch)

    # Store daily variables
    days = []
    highs = []  # this can be overwritten by hourly
    lows = []  # this can be overwritten by hourly
    winds = []  # this comes from hourly

    # Pull in daily data using li tabs
    tabids = ['tabDay1', 'tabDay2', 'tabDay3']
    for ids in tabids:
        pars = soup.find(id=ids)
        days.append(datetime.strptime(pars['data-date'], '%Y-%m-%d'))
                pars.findAll("span", {"title": "Maximum daytime temperature"
                             {"title": "Minimum nighttime temperature"

    # Pull in hourly data
    # This requires PhantomJS to pull out additional HTML code
    driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(
    driver.get(url + '#?date=2017-09-21')
    source = driver.page_source
    soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'html.parser')

    dateTime = []
    temperature = []
    temperature_c = []
    dewpoint = []
    windSpeed = []
    windGust = []
    windDirection = []
    humidity = []  # this is temporary--converted to dew point below

    divids = [
        'divDayModule0', 'divDayModule1', 'divDayModule2', 'divDayModule3'
    for i, divs in enumerate(divids):
        day0 = datetime.strptime(
            soup.find("div", {"id": "divDayModule0"})['data-content-id'],
        day1 = (day0 + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        pars = soup.find(id=divs)
        divdate = datetime.strptime(pars['data-content-id'], '%Y-%m-%d').date()
        hourels = pars.findAll("tr",
                               {"class": "weatherTime"})[0].find_all('td')
        for ii, ele in enumerate(hourels):
            if ele.text == 'Now':
                dtmp = datetime(divdate.year, divdate.month, divdate.day,
                dateTime.append(dtmp + timedelta(hours=utcoffset))
        tempels = pars.findAll("tr", {"class": "weatherTemp"})[0].findAll(
            "i", {"class": "icon icon-animated"})
        for ele in tempels:
        # relative humidity for conversion to dew point
        humels = pars.findAll("tr",
                              {"class": "weatherHumidity"})[0].text.split()
        for ele in humels:
        # add wind
        speedels = pars.findAll("i", {"data-type": "windSpeed"})
        for ele in speedels:
            windSpeed.append(np.round(mph_to_kt(ele['data-value-raw']), 2))
        gustels = pars.findAll("span", {"class": "gust"})
        for ele in gustels:
        direls = pars.findAll("span", {"class": "direction"})
        for ele in direls:

    # Convert T and humidity to dewpt
    for ii, rh in enumerate(humidity):
        td_tmp = dewpoint_from_t_rh(temperature_c[ii], rh)

    # Make into dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            'temperature': temperature,
            'dewpoint': dewpoint,
            'windSpeed': windSpeed,
            'windGust': windGust,
            'windDirection': windDirection,
            'dateTime': dateTime

    # Correct the highs and lows with the hourly data, find max wind speed
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    for d in range(0, len(days)):
            # unlike the mos code, we always use the 'include'
            iloc_start_include = df.index.get_loc(forecast_start)
        except BaseException:
            print('ukmet: error getting start time index in db; check data.')
            iloc_end = df.index.get_loc(forecast_end)
        except BaseException:
            print('ukmet: error getting end time index in db; check data.')
        raw_high = df.iloc[iloc_start_include:iloc_end]['temperature'].max()
        raw_low = df.iloc[iloc_start_include:iloc_end]['temperature'].min()
        if raw_high > highs[d]:
            highs[d] = raw_high
        if raw_low < lows[d]:
            lows[d] = raw_low
        forecast_start = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
        forecast_end = forecast_end + timedelta(days=1)

    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, days[0])
    forecast.timeseries.data = df
    forecast.daily.set_values(highs[0], lows[0], winds[0], None)

    # # Make list of forecast objects for future days--currently not implemented
    # forecast = []
    # for i in range(0,len(days)):
    #     forecast_tmp = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, days[i])
    #     forecast_tmp.daily.date = days[i]
    #     forecast_tmp.daily.high = highs[i]
    #     forecast_tmp.daily.low = lows[i]
    #     forecast.append(forecast_tmp)

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_usl_forecast(config, stid, run, forecast_date):

    # Retrieve data
    api_url = 'http://www.microclimates.org/forecast/%s/%s.html'
    run_date = (forecast_date - timedelta(days=1)).replace(hour=int(run))
    get_url = api_url % (stid, datetime.strftime(run_date, '%Y%m%d_%H'))
        response = urlopen(get_url)
    except HTTPError:
        if config['debug'] > 9:
            print("usl: forecast for %s at run time %s doesn't exist" %
                  (stid, run_date))
    usl_data = response.read().decode('utf-8')

    # Create a DataFrame
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    usl_df = pd.DataFrame(
        index=pd.date_range(forecast_start, forecast_end, freq='1H'))
    columns = [
        'temperature', 'dewpoint', 'humidity', 'soilTemperature',
        'windDirection', 'windSpeed', 'cloud', 'netRadiation', 'rain'
    for column in columns:
        usl_df[column] = np.nan

    # Parse the values
    info = usl_data.split('<tr>')
    date_index = 0
    for block in info:
        # Daily values, if that's the appropriate block
        if re.search('&deg;F</td>', block):
            split_block = block.split('<td>')
                high = int(
                    re.search('(-?\d{1,3})', split_block[1]).groups()[0])
                low = int(re.search('(-?\d{1,3})', split_block[2]).groups()[0])
                max_wind = int(
                    re.search('(\d{1,3})', split_block[3]).groups()[0])
                precip = float(
                    re.search('(\d{1,3}.\d{2})', split_block[4]).groups()[0])
        # Hourly values
        block = re.sub('<th scope="row" class="nobg3">', '', block)
        block = re.sub('<th scope="row" class="nobg">', '', block)
        block = re.sub('</th>', ',', block)
        block = re.sub('</td>', ',', block)
        block = re.sub('</tr>', '', block)
        block = re.sub('<td>', '', block)
        block = re.sub('<td class="hr3">', '', block)
        block = re.sub('\n', '', block)
        if re.search('Time', block):
        values = block.split(',')[
            1:-1]  # Omit time and an extra space at the end
        values = [v.strip() for v in values]  # Remove white space
        for v in range(len(values)):  # Convert numbers to float
                values[v] = float(values[v])
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
            if values[v] == '':
                values[v] = np.nan
            usl_df.loc[usl_df.index[date_index], :] = values
            date_index += 1
        except (IndexError, ValueError):

    # Fix a couple of things
    usl_df['DateTime'] = usl_df.index
    for index in usl_df.index:
        usl_df.loc[index, 'windDirection'] = wind_dir_to_deg(
            usl_df.loc[index, 'windDirection'])
    usl_df['humidity'] = usl_df['humidity'].apply(remove_last_char)
    usl_df['cloud'] = usl_df['cloud'].apply(remove_last_char)

    # Create Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(high, low, max_wind, precip)
    forecast.timeseries.data = usl_df

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_owm_forecast(stid, lat, lon, api_key, forecast_date):

    # Retrieve data
    api_url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast'
    api_options = {
        'APPID': api_key,
        'lat': lat,
        'lon': lon,
        'units': 'imperial',
    response = requests.get(api_url, params=api_options)
    owm_data = response.json()
    # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        print('openweathermap: got HTTP error when querying API')

    # Convert to pandas DataFrame and fix time
    owm_df = pd.DataFrame(owm_data['list'])
    owm_df['DateTime'] = np.nan
    for idx in owm_df.index:
        owm_df.loc[idx, 'DateTime'] = date_to_datetime(owm_df.loc[idx,
    owm_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)

    # OWM has a column 'main' which contains some parameters at all times. Get all of those.
    for parameter in owm_df.loc[owm_df.index[0], 'main'].keys():
        owm_df[parameter] = owm_df['main'].apply(get_parameter,
                                                 args=(parameter, ))

    # Get some other special parameters
    # Make sure the 'rain' parameter exists (if no rain in forecast, the column is missing)
    if 'rain' not in owm_df:
        owm_df = owm_df.assign(**{'rain': 0.0})
        owm_df.loc[:, 'rain'] = mm_to_in(owm_df['rain'].apply(get_parameter,
                                                              args=('3h', )))
    owm_df['condition'] = owm_df['weather'].apply(get_parameter,
                                                  args=('description', ),
    owm_df['windSpeed'] = mph_to_kt(owm_df['wind'].apply(get_parameter,
                                                         args=('speed', )))
    owm_df['windDirection'] = owm_df['wind'].apply(get_parameter,
                                                   args=('deg', ))
    owm_df['cloud'] = owm_df['clouds'].apply(get_parameter, args=('all', ))
    owm_df['dewpoint'] = np.nan
    for idx in owm_df.index:
        owm_df.loc[idx, 'dewpoint'] = dewpoint_from_t_rh(
            owm_df.loc[idx, 'temp'], owm_df.loc[idx, 'humidity'])

    # Rename remaining columns for default schema
    column_names_dict = {
        'temp': 'temperature',
    owm_df = owm_df.rename(columns=column_names_dict)

    # Calculate daily values. OWM includes period maxima and minima. Note that rain in OWM is cumulative for the LAST
    # 3 hours.
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
        daily_high = owm_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temp_max'].max()
    except KeyError:
        daily_high = owm_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
        daily_low = owm_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temp_min'].min()
    except KeyError:
        daily_low = owm_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end,
    daily_wind = owm_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'windSpeed'].max()
    daily_rain = np.nanmax([
        owm_df.loc[forecast_start + timedelta(hours=3):forecast_end,
                   'rain'].sum(), 0.0

    # Create Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(daily_high, daily_low, daily_wind, daily_rain)
    forecast.timeseries.data = owm_df.reset_index()

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_mos_forecast(stid, mos_model, init_date, forecast_date):
    Retrieve MOS data. No unit conversions, yay!

    :param stid: station ID
    :param mos_model: model name ('GFS' or 'NAM')
    :param init_date: datetime of model initialization
    :param forecast_date: datetime of day to forecast
    :return: Forecast object for forecast_date
    # Create forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)

    # Retrieve the model data
    base_url = 'http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/mos/csv.php?station=%s&runtime=%s&model=%s'
    formatted_date = init_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d%%20%H:00')
    url = base_url % (stid, formatted_date, mos_model)
    response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
    # Create pandas DataFrame
    df = pd.read_csv(response.raw, index_col=False)
    # Raise exception if DataFrame is empty
    if len(df.index) == 0:
        raise ValueError('mos: error: empty DataFrame; data missing.')
    date_index = pd.Index(pd.to_datetime(df['ftime'])).tz_localize(None)
    df['datetime'] = date_index
    # Remove duplicate rows
    df = df.drop_duplicates()
    # Fix rain
    df['q06'] = df['q06'].apply(qpf_interpreter)

    # Format the DataFrame for the default schema
    # Dictionary for renaming columns
    ts = df.copy()
    names_dict = {
        'datetime': 'DateTime',
        'tmp': 'temperature',
        'dpt': 'dewpoint',
        'wsp': 'windSpeed',
        'wdr': 'windDirection',
        'q06': 'rain'
    col_names = list(map(''.join, ts.columns.values))
    for col in col_names:
        if col not in names_dict.keys():
            ts = ts.drop(col, axis=1)
    # Set the timeseries
    forecast.timeseries.data = ts.rename(columns=names_dict)

    # Now do the daily forecast part
    df = df.set_index('datetime')
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    # Some parameters need to include the forecast start; others, like total rain and 6-hour maxes, don't
        iloc_start_include = df.index.get_loc(forecast_start)
        iloc_start_exclude = iloc_start_include + 1
    except BaseException:
        print('mos.py: error getting start time index in db; check data.')
        iloc_end = df.index.get_loc(forecast_end) + 1
    except BaseException:
        print('mos.py: error getting end time index in db; check data.')
    raw_high = df.iloc[iloc_start_include:iloc_end]['tmp'].max()
    raw_low = df.iloc[iloc_start_include:iloc_end]['tmp'].min()
    nx_high = df.iloc[iloc_start_exclude:iloc_end]['n_x'].max()
    nx_low = df.iloc[iloc_start_exclude:iloc_end]['n_x'].min()
    # Set the daily
    forecast.daily.set_values(np.nanmax([raw_high, nx_high]), np.nanmin([raw_low, nx_low]),

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_climacell_forecast(stid, lat, lon, api_key, forecast_date):

    # Retrieve data
    api_url = 'https://api.climacell.co/v3/weather/forecast/hourly'
    api_options = {
    response = requests.get(api_url, params=api_options)
    # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        print('climacell: got HTTP error when querying API')
    clima_data = response.json()

    # Convert to pandas DataFrame and fix time, units, and columns
    clima_df = pd.DataFrame(clima_data)
    # Drop lat, lon and get values
    clima_df.drop(['lat', 'lon'], axis=1, inplace=True)
    clima_df = clima_df.apply(lambda y: y.apply(lambda x: x['value']))
    column_names_dict = {
        'observation_time': 'DateTime',
        'temp': 'temperature',
        'cloud_cover': 'cloud',
        'precipitation': 'rain',
        'baro_pressure': 'pressure',
        'wind_speed': 'windSpeed',
        'wind_gust': 'windGust',
        'wind_direction': 'windDirection',
        'weather_code': 'condition'
    clima_df = clima_df.rename(columns=column_names_dict)
    clima_df['DateTime'] = clima_df['DateTime'].apply(
        lambda x: localized_date_to_utc(pd.Timestamp(x)))
    clima_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)

    # Calculate daily values
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    daily_high = clima_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].max()
    daily_low = clima_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].min()
    daily_wind = clima_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'windSpeed'].max()
    daily_rain = clima_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end - timedelta(hours=1),

    # Create Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(daily_high, daily_low, daily_wind, daily_rain)
    forecast.timeseries.data = clima_df.reset_index()

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: nws.py Proyecto: jweyn/theta-e
def get_nws_forecast(config, stid, lat, lon, forecast_date):
    Retrieve current NWS forecast for a point location.

    :param config:
    :param stid: str: station ID
    :param lat: float: latitude
    :param lon: float: longitude
    :param forecast_date: datetime:
    hourly_url = 'http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=%f&lon=%f&FcstType=digitalDWML'
    response = requests.get(hourly_url % (lat, lon))
    # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
        print('nws: got HTTP error when querying for XML file from %s' %
              (hourly_url % (lat, lon)))

    hourly_xml = eTree.fromstring(response.text)
    hourly_dict = etree_to_dict(hourly_xml)

    # Create a DataFrame for hourly data
    hourly = pd.DataFrame()
    hourly['DateTime'] = hourly_dict['dwml']['data']['time-layout'][
    # De-localize the starting time so we can do an explicit datetime comparison
    hourly['DateTime'] = [
        for j in range(len(hourly['DateTime']))
    hourly['DateTime'] = [
        for j in range(len(hourly['DateTime']))
    hourly['datetime_index'] = hourly['DateTime']
    hourly.set_index('datetime_index', inplace=True)
    parameters = hourly_dict['dwml']['data']['parameters']

    # Get the temperatures
    for element in parameters['temperature']:
        if element['@type'] == 'hourly':
            hourly['temperature'] = xml_to_values(element['value'])
        elif element['@type'] == 'dew point':
            hourly['dewPoint'] = xml_to_values(element['value'])
    # Get the winds
    for element in parameters['wind-speed']:
        if element['@type'] == 'sustained':
            hourly['windSpeed'] = xml_to_values(element['value'])
            hourly['windSpeed'] = mph_to_kt(hourly['windSpeed'])
        elif element['@type'] == 'gust':
            hourly['windGust'] = xml_to_values(element['value'])
            hourly['windGust'] = mph_to_kt(hourly['windGust'])
    # Get other parameters
    hourly['cloud'] = xml_to_values(parameters['cloud-amount']['value'])
    hourly['windDirection'] = xml_to_values(parameters['direction']['value'])
    hourly['rain'] = xml_to_values(parameters['hourly-qpf']['value'])
        hourly['condition'] = xml_to_condition(

    # Aggregate daily values from hourly series
    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)
    hourly_high = hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].max()
    hourly_low = hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].min()
    hourly_wind = hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'windSpeed'].max()
    hourly_rain = hourly.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end - timedelta(hours=1),

    # Create the Forecast object
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.daily.set_values(hourly_high, hourly_low, hourly_wind,
    forecast.timeseries.data = hourly

    # Now do the daily data from the Forecast API
    api_url = 'https://api.weather.gov/points'
    point = '%0.3f,%0.3f' % (lat, lon)
    # Retrieve daily forecast
    daily_url = '%s/%s/forecast' % (api_url, point)
    response = requests.get(daily_url)
    # Test for an error HTTP response. If there is an error response, omit the daily part.
        daily_data = response.json()
    except BaseException as e:
        if config['debug'] > 0:
            print("nws: warning: no daily values used for %s ('%s')" %
                  (stid, str(e)))
        return forecast

    # Daily values: convert to DataFrame
    daily = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(daily_data['properties']['periods'])
    # Change the wind to its max value
    daily['windSpeed'] = daily['windSpeed'].apply(wind_speed_interpreter)
    # De-localize the starting time so we can do an explicit datetime comparison
    daily['startTime'] = [
        for j in range(len(daily['startTime']))
    daily['startTime'] = [
        for j in range(len(daily['startTime']))
    daily.set_index('startTime', inplace=True)
        daily_high = daily.loc[forecast_date + timedelta(hours=6),
    except KeyError:
        daily_high = np.nan
        daily_low = daily.loc[forecast_date - timedelta(hours=6),
    except KeyError:
        daily_low = np.nan
    daily_wind = mph_to_kt(

    # Update the Forecast object
    forecast.daily.set_values(np.nanmax([hourly_high, daily_high]),
                              np.nanmin([hourly_low, daily_low]),
                              np.nanmax([hourly_wind, daily_wind]),

    return forecast
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_ukmet_forecast(config, stid, lat, lon, api_id, api_secret,
    json_url = 'https://api-metoffice.apiconnect.ibmcloud.com/metoffice/production/v0/forecasts/point'
    headers = {
        'x-ibm-client-id': api_id,
        'x-ibm-client-secret': api_secret,
        'accept': "application/json"

    api_options = {
        'excludeParameterMetaData': 'false',
        'includeLocationName': 'false',
        'latitude': lat,
        'longitude': lon,

    # Get hourly forecast data
    # Check if we have a cached hourly file and if it is recent enough
    site_directory = '%s/site_data' % config['THETAE_ROOT']
    cache_file = '%s/%s_ukmet_hourly.txt' % (site_directory, stid)
    cache_ok = check_cache_file(config, cache_file, interval=4)

    if not cache_ok:
        response = requests.get('%s/hourly' % json_url,
        ukmet_data_hourly = response.json()
        # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
            print('ukmet: got HTTP error when querying API for hourly data')
        # Cache the response
        with open(cache_file, 'w') as f:
        ukmet_data_hourly = json.load(open(cache_file))

    # model run date--currently not using this but might be of interest later
    model_run_date = ukmet_data_hourly['features'][0]['properties'][

    ukmet_df = pd.DataFrame(
    ukmet_df['DateTime'] = ukmet_df['time'].apply(
        pd.to_datetime).apply(lambda x: x.replace(tzinfo=None))
    ukmet_df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)

    # rename columns
    column_names_dict = {
        'screenTemperature': 'temperature',
        'screenDewPointTemperature': 'dewpoint',
        'windSpeed10m': 'windSpeed',
        'windGustSpeed10m': 'windGust',
        'windDirectionFrom10m': 'windDirection',
        'rain',  # Assume constant in hour. parameter totalPrecipAmount no longer exists.
        'mslp': 'pressure',
    ukmet_df = ukmet_df.rename(columns=column_names_dict)

    # drop columns that we are not using
        'feelsLikeTemperature', 'probOfPrecipitation',
        'screenRelativeHumidity', 'significantWeatherCode', 'totalSnowAmount',
        'uvIndex', 'visibility'

    # correct units
    ukmet_df['pressure'] /= 100.
    ukmet_df['temperature'] = c_to_f(ukmet_df['temperature'])
    ukmet_df['dewpoint'] = c_to_f(ukmet_df['dewpoint'])
    ukmet_df['windSpeed'] = ms_to_kt(ukmet_df['windSpeed'])
    ukmet_df['windGust'] = ms_to_kt(ukmet_df['windGust'])
    ukmet_df['rain'] = mm_to_in(ukmet_df['rain'])

    # Create Forecast object, save timeseries
    forecast = Forecast(stid, default_model_name, forecast_date)
    forecast.timeseries.data = ukmet_df.reset_index()

    forecast_start = forecast_date.replace(hour=6)
    forecast_end = forecast_start + timedelta(days=1)

    # Now use the daily API to find daily values
    # Check if we have a cached daily file and if it is recent enough
    site_directory = '%s/site_data' % config['THETAE_ROOT']
    cache_file = '%s/%s_ukmet_daily.txt' % (site_directory, stid)
    cache_ok = check_cache_file(config, cache_file, interval=4)

    have_daily_values = True
    if not cache_ok:
        response = requests.get('%s/daily' % json_url,
        ukmet_data_daily = response.json()
        # Raise error for invalid HTTP response
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
                'ukmet warning: got HTTP error when querying API for daily data; using hourly values'
            have_daily_values = False
        # Cache the response
        with open(cache_file, 'w') as f:
        ukmet_data_daily = json.load(open(cache_file))

    # extract daily values for the forecast date
    if have_daily_values:
        ukmet_df_daily = pd.DataFrame(
        ukmet_df_daily.set_index('time', inplace=True)
        ukmet_df_daily.index = pd.to_datetime(ukmet_df_daily.index)
        daily_forecast = ukmet_df_daily.loc[forecast_date]
        daytime_max = c_to_f(daily_forecast['dayMaxScreenTemperature'])
        nighttime_min = c_to_f(daily_forecast['nightMinScreenTemperature'])
        daytime_max = -1000.
        nighttime_min = 1000.

    # compare hourly temperature to daily--update if needed
    daily_high = ukmet_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].max()
    if daytime_max > daily_high:
        daily_high = daytime_max

    daily_low = ukmet_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'temperature'].min()
    if nighttime_min < daily_low:
        daily_low = nighttime_min

    daily_wind = ukmet_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end, 'windSpeed'].max()
    daily_rain = ukmet_df.loc[forecast_start:forecast_end - timedelta(hours=1),

    forecast.daily.set_values(daily_high, daily_low, daily_wind, daily_rain)

    return forecast