Ejemplo n.º 1
def instances():
    lengths = numpy.asarray([5, 4], dtype="int32")
    keys = numpy.arange(9, dtype="uint64")
    values = numpy.ones(9, dtype="float32")
    X = (keys, values, lengths)
    y = numpy.asarray([0, 2], dtype="int32")
    return X, to_categorical(y, n_classes=3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_characters_loss(ops, docs, prediction, nr_char):
    """Compute a loss based on a number of characters predicted from the docs."""
    target_ids = numpy.vstack([doc.to_utf8_array(nr_char=nr_char) for doc in docs])
    target_ids = target_ids.reshape((-1,))
    target = ops.asarray(to_categorical(target_ids, n_classes=256), dtype="f")
    target = target.reshape((-1, 256 * nr_char))
    diff = prediction - target
    loss = (diff ** 2).sum()
    d_target = diff / float(prediction.shape[0])
    return loss, d_target
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_dummy_data(n_samples, n_tags, n_vocab, length_mean, length_variance):
    Xs = []
    Ys = []
    for _ in range(n_samples):
        length = numpy.random.normal(size=1,
                                     scale=length_variance) + length_mean
        shape = (max(1, int(length)), )
        X = numpy.random.uniform(0, n_vocab - 1, shape)
        Y = numpy.random.uniform(0, n_tags - 1, shape)
        assert X.size, length
        assert Y.size, length
        Xs.append(X.reshape((-1, 1)).astype("i"))
    return Xs, Ys