import time import thing # Create the pi thing. pi_thing = thing.PiThing() # Print the current switch state. switch = pi_thing.read_switch() print('Switch status: {0}'.format(switch)) # Now loop forever blinking the LED and reading temp/humidity. print('Looping with LED blinking (Ctrl-C to quit)...') while True: # Blink the LED. pi_thing.set_led(True) time.sleep(0.5) pi_thing.set_led(False) time.sleep(0.5) # Get temp & humidity and print them out. humidity = pi_thing.get_humidity() temperature = pi_thing.get_temperature() print('Humidity: {0:0.2F}% Temperature: {1:0.2F}C'.format( humidity, temperature))
import thing import time pi_thing = thing.PiThing() #nesne olusuturuldu. switch = pi_thing.read_switch() print('Switch Durumu >> {0}'.format(switch)) print('Led yanip sonecek cikis icin ctrl + C tusuna basiniz!') while True: pi_thing.set_led(True) time.sleep(0.5) pi_thing.set_led(False) time.sleep(0.5)