Ejemplo n.º 1
def UploadDexes(adb, execroot, app_dir, temp_dir, dexmanifest, full_install):
    """Uploads dexes to the device so that the state.

  Does the minimum amount of work necessary to make the state of the device
  consistent with what was built.

    adb: the Adb instance representing the device to install to
    execroot: the execroot
    app_dir: the directory things should be installed under on the device
    temp_dir: a local temporary directory
    dexmanifest: contents of the dex manifest
    full_install: whether to do a full install


    # Fetch the manifest on the device
    dex_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, "dex")

    old_manifest = None

    if not full_install:
        logging.info("Fetching dex manifest from device...")
        old_manifest_contents = adb.Pull("%s/manifest" % dex_dir)
        if old_manifest_contents:
            old_manifest = ParseManifest(old_manifest_contents)
            logging.info("Dex manifest not found on device")

    if old_manifest is None:
        # If the manifest is not found, maybe a previous installation attempt
        # was interrupted. Wipe the slate clean. Do this also in case we do a full
        # installation.
        old_manifest = {}
        adb.Delete("%s/*" % dex_dir)

    new_manifest = ParseManifest(dexmanifest)
    dexes_to_delete = set(old_manifest) - set(new_manifest)

    # Figure out which dexes to upload: those that are present in the new manifest
    # but not in the old one and those whose checksum was changed
    common_dexes = set(new_manifest).intersection(old_manifest)
    dexes_to_upload = set(d for d in common_dexes
                          if new_manifest[d].sha256 != old_manifest[d].sha256)
    dexes_to_upload.update(set(new_manifest) - set(old_manifest))

    if not dexes_to_delete and not dexes_to_upload:
        # If we have nothing to do, don't bother removing and rewriting the manifest
        logging.info("Application dexes up-to-date")

    # Delete the manifest so that we know how to get back to a consistent state
    # if we are interrupted.
    adb.Delete("%s/manifest" % dex_dir)

    # Tuple of (local, remote) files to push to the device.
    files_to_push = []

    # Sort dexes to be uploaded by the zip file they are in so that we only need
    # to open each zip only once.
    dexzips_in_upload = set(new_manifest[d].input_file for d in dexes_to_upload
                            if new_manifest[d].zippath != "-")
    for i, dexzip_name in enumerate(dexzips_in_upload):
        zip_dexes = [
            d for d in dexes_to_upload
            if new_manifest[d].input_file == dexzip_name
        dexzip_tempdir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "dex", str(i))
        with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(execroot, dexzip_name)) as dexzip:
            for dex in zip_dexes:
                zippath = new_manifest[dex].zippath
                dexzip.extract(zippath, dexzip_tempdir)
                                  zippath), "%s/%s" % (dex_dir, dex)))

    # Now gather all the dexes that are not within a .zip file.
    dexes_to_upload = set(d for d in dexes_to_upload
                          if new_manifest[d].zippath == "-")
    for dex in dexes_to_upload:
            (new_manifest[dex].input_file, "%s/%s" % (dex_dir, dex)))

    num_files = len(dexes_to_delete) + len(files_to_push)
    logging.info("Updating %d dex%s...", num_files,
                 "es" if num_files > 1 else "")

    # Delete the dexes that are not in the new manifest
    adb.DeleteMultiple(os.path.join(dex_dir, dex) for dex in dexes_to_delete)

    # Upload all the files.
    upload_walltime_start = time.time()
    fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in files_to_push]
    done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
    upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
    logging.debug("Dex upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)

    # If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
    # can cancel the rest.
    if not_done:
        for f in not_done:

    # If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
    for f in done:

    # If no dex upload failed, upload the manifest. If any upload failed, the
    # exception should have been re-raised above.
    # Call result() to raise the exception if there was one.
    adb.PushString(dexmanifest, "%s/manifest" % dex_dir).result()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def UploadNativeLibs(adb, native_lib_args, app_dir, full_install):
  """Uploads native libraries to the device."""

  native_libs = ConvertNativeLibs(native_lib_args)
  libs = set()
  if native_libs:
    abi = FindAbi(adb.GetAbi(), native_libs.keys())
    if abi:
      libs = native_libs[abi]

  basename_to_path = {}
  install_checksums = {}
  for lib in sorted(libs):
    install_checksums[os.path.basename(lib)] = Checksum(lib)
    basename_to_path[os.path.basename(lib)] = lib

  device_manifest = None
  if not full_install:
    device_manifest = adb.Pull("%s/native/native_manifest" % app_dir)

  device_checksums = {}
  if device_manifest is None:
    # If we couldn't fetch the device manifest or if this is a non-incremental
    # install, wipe the slate clean
    adb.Delete("%s/native" % app_dir)
    # Otherwise, parse the manifest. Note that this branch is also taken if the
    # manifest is empty.
    for manifest_line in device_manifest.split("\n"):
      if manifest_line:
        name, checksum = manifest_line.split(" ")
        device_checksums[name] = checksum

  libs_to_delete = set(device_checksums) - set(install_checksums)
  libs_to_upload = set(install_checksums) - set(device_checksums)
  common_libs = set(install_checksums).intersection(set(device_checksums))
  libs_to_upload.update([l for l in common_libs
                         if install_checksums[l] != device_checksums[l]])

  libs_to_push = [(basename_to_path[lib], "%s/native/%s" % (app_dir, lib))
                  for lib in libs_to_upload]

  if not libs_to_delete and not libs_to_push and device_manifest is not None:
    logging.info("Native libs up-to-date")

  num_files = len(libs_to_delete) + len(libs_to_push)
  logging.info("Updating %d native lib%s...",
               num_files, "s" if num_files != 1 else "")

  adb.Delete("%s/native/native_manifest" % app_dir)

  if libs_to_delete:
        "%s/native/%s" % (app_dir, lib) for lib in libs_to_delete])

  upload_walltime_start = time.time()
  fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in libs_to_push]
  done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
  upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
  logging.debug("Native library upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)

  # If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
  # can cancel the rest.
  if not_done:
    for f in not_done:

  # If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
  for f in done:

  install_manifest = [
      name + " " + checksum for name, checksum in install_checksums.iteritems()]
                 "%s/native/native_manifest" % app_dir).result()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def UploadDexes(adb, execroot, app_dir, temp_dir, dexmanifest, full_install):
  """Uploads dexes to the device so that the state.

  Does the minimum amount of work necessary to make the state of the device
  consistent with what was built.

    adb: the Adb instance representing the device to install to
    execroot: the execroot
    app_dir: the directory things should be installed under on the device
    temp_dir: a local temporary directory
    dexmanifest: contents of the dex manifest
    full_install: whether to do a full install


  # Fetch the manifest on the device
  dex_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, "dex")

  old_manifest = None

  if not full_install:
    logging.info("Fetching dex manifest from device...")
    old_manifest_contents = adb.Pull("%s/manifest" % dex_dir)
    if old_manifest_contents:
      old_manifest = ParseManifest(old_manifest_contents)
      logging.info("Dex manifest not found on device")

  if old_manifest is None:
    # If the manifest is not found, maybe a previous installation attempt
    # was interrupted. Wipe the slate clean. Do this also in case we do a full
    # installation.
    old_manifest = {}
    adb.Delete("%s/*" % dex_dir)

  new_manifest = ParseManifest(dexmanifest)
  dexes_to_delete = set(old_manifest) - set(new_manifest)

  # Figure out which dexes to upload: those that are present in the new manifest
  # but not in the old one and those whose checksum was changed
  common_dexes = set(new_manifest).intersection(old_manifest)
  dexes_to_upload = set(d for d in common_dexes
                        if new_manifest[d].sha256 != old_manifest[d].sha256)
  dexes_to_upload.update(set(new_manifest) - set(old_manifest))

  if not dexes_to_delete and not dexes_to_upload:
    # If we have nothing to do, don't bother removing and rewriting the manifest
    logging.info("Application dexes up-to-date")

  # Delete the manifest so that we know how to get back to a consistent state
  # if we are interrupted.
  adb.Delete("%s/manifest" % dex_dir)

  # Tuple of (local, remote) files to push to the device.
  files_to_push = []

  # Sort dexes to be uploaded by the zip file they are in so that we only need
  # to open each zip only once.
  dexzips_in_upload = set(new_manifest[d].input_file for d in dexes_to_upload
                          if new_manifest[d].zippath != "-")
  for i, dexzip_name in enumerate(dexzips_in_upload):
    zip_dexes = [
        d for d in dexes_to_upload if new_manifest[d].input_file == dexzip_name]
    dexzip_tempdir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "dex", str(i))
    with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(execroot, dexzip_name)) as dexzip:
      for dex in zip_dexes:
        zippath = new_manifest[dex].zippath
        dexzip.extract(zippath, dexzip_tempdir)
            (os.path.join(dexzip_tempdir, zippath), "%s/%s" % (dex_dir, dex)))

  # Now gather all the dexes that are not within a .zip file.
  dexes_to_upload = set(
      d for d in dexes_to_upload if new_manifest[d].zippath == "-")
  for dex in dexes_to_upload:
        (new_manifest[dex].input_file, "%s/%s" % (dex_dir, dex)))

  num_files = len(dexes_to_delete) + len(files_to_push)
  logging.info("Updating %d dex%s...", num_files, "es" if num_files > 1 else "")

  # Delete the dexes that are not in the new manifest
  adb.DeleteMultiple(os.path.join(dex_dir, dex) for dex in dexes_to_delete)

  # Upload all the files.
  upload_walltime_start = time.time()
  fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in files_to_push]
  done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
  upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
  logging.debug("Dex upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)

  # If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
  # can cancel the rest.
  if not_done:
    for f in not_done:

  # If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
  for f in done:

  # If no dex upload failed, upload the manifest. If any upload failed, the
  # exception should have been re-raised above.
  # Call result() to raise the exception if there was one.
  adb.PushString(dexmanifest, "%s/manifest" % dex_dir).result()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def UploadNativeLibs(adb, native_lib_args, app_dir, full_install):
    """Uploads native libraries to the device."""

    native_libs = ConvertNativeLibs(native_lib_args)
    libs = set()
    if native_libs:
        abi = FindAbi(adb.GetAbi(), native_libs.keys())
        if abi:
            libs = native_libs[abi]

    basename_to_path = {}
    install_checksums = {}
    for lib in sorted(libs):
        install_checksums[os.path.basename(lib)] = Checksum(lib)
        basename_to_path[os.path.basename(lib)] = lib

    device_manifest = None
    if not full_install:
        device_manifest = adb.Pull(
            targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", "native_manifest"))

    device_checksums = {}
    if device_manifest is None:
        # If we couldn't fetch the device manifest or if this is a non-incremental
        # install, wipe the slate clean
        adb.Delete(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native"))
        # Otherwise, parse the manifest. Note that this branch is also taken if the
        # manifest is empty.
        for manifest_line in device_manifest.split("\n"):
            if manifest_line:
                name, checksum = manifest_line.split(" ")
                device_checksums[name] = checksum

    libs_to_delete = set(device_checksums) - set(install_checksums)
    libs_to_upload = set(install_checksums) - set(device_checksums)
    common_libs = set(install_checksums).intersection(set(device_checksums))
        l for l in common_libs if install_checksums[l] != device_checksums[l]

    libs_to_push = [(basename_to_path[lib],
                     targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", lib))
                    for lib in libs_to_upload]

    if not libs_to_delete and not libs_to_push and device_manifest is not None:
        logging.info("Native libs up-to-date")

    num_files = len(libs_to_delete) + len(libs_to_push)
    logging.info("Updating %d native lib%s...", num_files,
                 "s" if num_files != 1 else "")

    adb.Delete(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", "native_manifest"))

    if libs_to_delete:
            targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", lib) for lib in libs_to_delete

    upload_walltime_start = time.time()
    fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in libs_to_push]
    done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
    upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
    logging.debug("Native library upload walltime: %s seconds",

    # If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
    # can cancel the rest.
    if not_done:
        for f in not_done:

    # If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
    for f in done:

    install_manifest = [
        name + " " + checksum for name, checksum in install_checksums.items()
                   targetpath.join(app_dir, "native",
Ejemplo n.º 5
def UploadNativeLibs(adb, native_lib_args, app_dir, full_install):
  """Uploads native libraries to the device."""

  native_libs = ConvertNativeLibs(native_lib_args)
  libs = set()
  if native_libs:
    abi = FindAbi(adb.GetAbi(), native_libs.keys())
    if abi:
      libs = native_libs[abi]

  basename_to_path = {}
  install_checksums = {}
  for lib in sorted(libs):
    install_checksums[os.path.basename(lib)] = Checksum(lib)
    basename_to_path[os.path.basename(lib)] = lib

  device_manifest = None
  if not full_install:
    device_manifest = adb.Pull(
        targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", "native_manifest"))

  device_checksums = {}
  if device_manifest is None:
    # If we couldn't fetch the device manifest or if this is a non-incremental
    # install, wipe the slate clean
    adb.Delete(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native"))

    # From Android 28 onwards, `adb push` creates directories with insufficient
    # permissions, resulting in errors when pushing files. `adb shell mkdir`
    # works correctly however, so we create the directory here.
    # See https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/issues/77 for more information.
    adb.Mkdir(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native"))
    # Otherwise, parse the manifest. Note that this branch is also taken if the
    # manifest is empty.
    for manifest_line in device_manifest.split("\n"):
      if manifest_line:
        name, checksum = manifest_line.split(" ")
        device_checksums[name] = checksum

  libs_to_delete = set(device_checksums) - set(install_checksums)
  libs_to_upload = set(install_checksums) - set(device_checksums)
  common_libs = set(install_checksums).intersection(set(device_checksums))
  libs_to_upload.update([l for l in common_libs
                         if install_checksums[l] != device_checksums[l]])

  libs_to_push = [(basename_to_path[lib], targetpath.join(
      app_dir, "native", lib)) for lib in libs_to_upload]

  if not libs_to_delete and not libs_to_push and device_manifest is not None:
    logging.info("Native libs up-to-date")

  num_files = len(libs_to_delete) + len(libs_to_push)
  logging.info("Updating %d native lib%s...",
               num_files, "s" if num_files != 1 else "")

  adb.Delete(targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", "native_manifest"))

  if libs_to_delete:
        [targetpath.join(app_dir, "native", lib) for lib in libs_to_delete])

  upload_walltime_start = time.time()
  fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in libs_to_push]
  done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
  upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
  logging.debug("Native library upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)

  # If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
  # can cancel the rest.
  if not_done:
    for f in not_done:

  # If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
  for f in done:

  install_manifest = [
      name + " " + checksum for name, checksum in install_checksums.items()]
                 targetpath.join(app_dir, "native",
Ejemplo n.º 6
def UploadNativeLibs(adb, native_lib_args, app_dir):
  """Uploads native libraries to the device."""

  native_libs = ConvertNativeLibs(native_lib_args)
  libs = set()
  if native_libs:
    abi = adb.GetAbi()
    if abi not in native_libs:
      logging.warn("No native libs for device ABI '%s'. Available ABIs: %s",
                   abi, ", ".join(native_libs))
      libs = native_libs[abi]

  basename_to_path = {}
  install_checksums = {}
  for lib in sorted(libs):
    install_checksums[os.path.basename(lib)] = Checksum(lib)
    basename_to_path[os.path.basename(lib)] = lib

  device_manifest = adb.Pull("%s/native/native_manifest" % app_dir)
  device_checksums = {}
  if device_manifest:
    for name, checksum in [l.split(" ") for l in device_manifest.split("\n")]:
      device_checksums[name] = checksum

  libs_to_delete = set(device_checksums) - set(install_checksums)
  libs_to_upload = set(install_checksums) - set(device_checksums)
  common_libs = set(install_checksums).intersection(set(device_checksums))
  libs_to_upload.update([l for l in common_libs
                         if install_checksums[l] != device_checksums[l]])

  libs_to_push = [(basename_to_path[lib], "%s/native/%s" % (app_dir, lib))
                  for lib in libs_to_upload]

  if not libs_to_delete and not libs_to_push and device_manifest is not None:
    logging.info("Native libs up-to-date")

  num_files = len(libs_to_delete) + len(libs_to_push)
  logging.info("Updating %d native lib%s...",
               num_files, "s" if num_files != 1 else "")

  adb.Delete("%s/native/native_manifest" % app_dir)

  if libs_to_delete:
        "%s/native/%s" % (app_dir, lib) for lib in libs_to_delete])

  upload_walltime_start = time.time()
  fs = [adb.Push(local, remote) for local, remote in libs_to_push]
  done, not_done = futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
  upload_walltime = time.time() - upload_walltime_start
  logging.debug("Native library upload walltime: %s seconds", upload_walltime)

  # If there is anything in not_done, then some adb call failed and we
  # can cancel the rest.
  if not_done:
    for f in not_done:

  # If any adb call resulted in an exception, re-raise it.
  for f in done:

  install_manifest = [
      name + " " + checksum for name, checksum in install_checksums.iteritems()]
                 "%s/native/native_manifest" % app_dir).result()