Ejemplo n.º 1
    def wait_for_completion(self):
        message_type = c_word()
        message_id = c_word()
        message_data = c_dword()

        kcdc.CC_WaitForMessage(self._serialno, byref(message_type), byref(message_id), byref(message_data))
        while int(message_type.value) != 2 or int(message_id.value) != 0:
            kcdc.CC_WaitForMessage(self._serialno, byref(message_type), byref(message_id), byref(message_data))
Ejemplo n.º 2
MOT_TravelModes = c_int

# enum MOT_LimitsSoftwareApproachPolicy
DisallowIllegalMoves = c_short(0x00)
AllowPartialMoves = c_short(0x01)
AllowAllMoves = c_short(0x02)
MOT_LimitsSoftwareApproachPolicy = c_short

# enum MOT_HomeLimitSwitchDirection
MOT_LimitSwitchDirectionUndefined = c_short(0x00)
MOT_ReverseLimitSwitch = c_short(0x01)
MOT_ForwardLimitSwitch = c_short(0x02)
MOT_HomeLimitSwitchDirection = c_short

# enum MOT_LimitSwitchModes
MOT_LimitSwitchModeUndefined = c_word(0x00)
MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitch = c_word(0x01)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContact = c_word(0x02)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContact = c_word(0x03)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnHome = c_word(0x04)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnHome = c_word(0x05)
MOT_PMD_Reserved = c_word(0x06)
MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitchSwapped = c_word(0x81)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContactSwapped = c_word(0x82)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContactSwapped = c_word(0x83)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnHomeSwapped = c_word(0x84)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnHomeSwapped = c_word(0x85)
MOT_LimitSwitchModes = c_word

# enum MOT_LimitSwitchSWModes
MOT_LimitSwitchSWModeUndefined = c_word(0)
MOT_DirectionSense = c_short

# enum MOT_JogModes
MOT_JogModeUndefined = c_short(0x00)
MOT_Continuous = c_short(0x01)
MOT_SingleStep = c_short(0x02)
MOT_JogModes = c_short

# enum MOT_StopModes
MOT_StopModeUndefined = c_short(0x00)
MOT_Immediate = c_short(0x01)
MOT_Profiled = c_short(0x02)
MOT_StopModes = c_short

# enum MOT_ButtonModes
MOT_ButtonModeUndefined = c_word(0x00)
MOT_JogMode = c_word(0x01)
MOT_Preset = c_word(0x02)
MOT_ButtonModes = c_word

# enum MOT_LimitSwitchModes
MOT_LimitSwitchModeUndefined = c_word(0x00)
MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitch = c_word(0x01)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContact = c_word(0x02)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContact = c_word(0x03)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnHome = c_word(0x04)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnHome = c_word(0x05)
MOT_PMD_Reserved = c_word(0x06)
MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitchSwapped = c_word(0x81)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContactSwapped = c_word(0x82)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContactSwapped = c_word(0x83)
Ejemplo n.º 4
MOT_HomeLimitSwitchDirection = c_short

# enum MOT_JogModes
MOT_JogModeUndefined = c_short(0x00)
MOT_Continuous = c_short(0x01)
MOT_SingleStep = c_short(0x02)
MOT_JogModes = c_short

# enum MOT_StopModes
MOT_StopModeUndefined = c_short(0x00)
MOT_Immediate = c_short(0x01)
MOT_Profiled = c_short(0x02)
MOT_StopModes = c_short

# enum MOT_ButtonModes
MOT_ButtonModeUndefined = c_word(0x00)
MOT_JogMode = c_word(0x01)
MOT_Preset = c_word(0x02)
MOT_ButtonModes = c_word

# enum MOT_VelocityProfileModes
MOT_Trapezoidal = c_word(0x00)
MOT_SCurve = c_word(0x02)
MOT_VelocityProfileModes = c_word

# enum MOT_LimitSwitchModes
MOT_LimitSwitchModeUndefined = c_word(0x00)
MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitch = c_word(0x01)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContact = c_word(0x02)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContact = c_word(0x03)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnHome = c_word(0x04)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def wait_for_completion(self, id="homed", MAX_WAIT_TIME=5):
        A blocking function to ensure a task has been finished.

        Used to for the following functions: homing, moving, stopping, or 
        updating limits. The id parameter must be specificed for the correct 
        operation ("homed", "moved", "stopped", or "limit_updated").

        If the task is not finished after MAX_WAIT_TIME, a RuntimeError is
        raised. If the id is "homed", MAX_WAIT_TIME is ignored.

        id : str, optional
            must be either "homed", "moved", "stopped", or "limit_updated"
            (default is "homed").
        MAX_WAIT_TIME : int, optional
            The maximum time to wait for the task to complete. Defaults to 5 
            seconds. Ignored if id is "homed" or if value is 0.

            If the task is not finished after MAX_WAIT_TIME seconds.
        log.debug("Entering `wait_for_completion()`")
        # TODO: "id" is a reserved keyword in Python. Change this!
        message_type = c_word()
        message_id = c_word()
        message_data = c_dword()

        cond = self.CONDITIONS.index(id)
        log.debug(f"Condition index: {cond} - {id} ")

        # If the motor is already stopped, perhaps because it reached a limit,
        # it will wait forever for a message! So just return.
        if id == "stopped":
            if not self.is_moving():
                log.debug("Exiting `wait_for_completion()`")
        elif id == "homed":
            # Homing might take a while.
            MAX_WAIT_TIME = 0

        while kcdc.CC_MessageQueueSize(self._serialno) <= 0:
            log.debug(f"Waiting for message (KDC101 '{self.serialno}')")

        log.debug("Entering wait loop")
        start = time.time()
        while int(message_type.value) != 2 or int(message_id.value) != cond:
            end = time.time()
            if (end - start > MAX_WAIT_TIME) and (MAX_WAIT_TIME != 0):
                log.debug(f"Message queue size: {kcdc.CC_MessageQueueSize(self._serialno)}")
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Waited for {MAX_WAIT_TIME} seconds for {id} to complete. "
                    f"Message type: {message_type.value}, Message ID: {message_id.value}")

            if kcdc.CC_MessageQueueSize(self._serialno) <= 0:
                log.debug(f"Waiting for message (KDC101 '{self.serialno}')")
        log.debug("Exiting `wait_for_completion()`")
KMOT_WheelDirectionSense = c_short

# enum MOT_JogModes
MOT_JogModeUndefined = c_short(0x00)
MOT_Continuous = c_short(0x01)
MOT_SingleStep = c_short(0x02)
MOT_JogModes = c_short

# enum MOT_StopModes
MOT_StopModeUndefined = c_short(0x00)
MOT_Immediate = c_short(0x01)
MOT_Profiled = c_short(0x02)
MOT_StopModes = c_short

# enum MOT_ButtonModes
MOT_ButtonModeUndefined = c_word(0x00)
MOT_JogMode = c_word(0x01)
MOT_Preset = c_word(0x02)
MOT_ButtonModes = c_word

# enum MOT_LimitSwitchModes
MOT_LimitSwitchModeUndefined = c_word(0x00)
MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitch = c_word(0x01)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContact = c_word(0x02)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContact = c_word(0x03)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnHome = c_word(0x04)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnHome = c_word(0x05)
MOT_PMD_Reserved = c_word(0x06)
MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitchSwapped = c_word(0x81)
MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContactSwapped = c_word(0x82)
MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContactSwapped = c_word(0x83)