def run(): import thorpy application = thorpy.Application((600, 600), "ThorPy test") ##thorpy.theme.set_theme("human") #### SIMPLE ELEMENTS #### ghost = thorpy.Ghost() ghost.finish() element = thorpy.Element("Element") element.finish() element, "Element instance:\nMost simple graphical element.") clickable = thorpy.Clickable("Clickable") clickable.finish() clickable.add_basic_help( "Clickable instance:\nCan be hovered and pressed.") draggable = thorpy.Draggable("Draggable") draggable.finish(), "Draggable instance:\nYou can drag it.") #### SIMPLE Setters #### checker_check = thorpy.Checker("Checker") checker_check.finish() checker_check, "Checker instance:\nHere it is of type 'checkbox'.") checker_radio = thorpy.Checker("Radio", typ="radio") checker_radio.finish() checker_radio, "Checker instance:\nHere it is of type 'radio'.") browser = thorpy.Browser("../../", text="Browser") browser.finish() browser.set_prison() browserlauncher = thorpy.BrowserLauncher(browser, name_txt="Browser", file_txt="Nothing selected", launcher_txt="...") browserlauncher.finish() browserlauncher.scale_to_title() browserlauncher, "Browser instance:\nA way for user to find a file or" + "\na folder on the computer.") dropdownlist = thorpy.DropDownListLauncher( name_txt="DropDownListLauncher", file_txt="Nothing selected", titles=[str(i) for i in range(1, 9)]) dropdownlist.finish() dropdownlist.scale_to_title(), "DropDownList:\nDisplay a list of choices.") slider = thorpy.SliderX(120, (5, 12), "Slider: ", typ=float, initial_value=8.4) slider.finish() slider, "SliderX:\nA way for user to select a value." + "\nCan select any type of number (int, float, ..).") slider.set_center inserter = thorpy.Inserter(name="Inserter: ", value="Write here.") inserter.finish() inserter, "Inserter:\nA way for user to insert a value.") text_title = thorpy.make_text("Test Example", 25, (0, 0, 255)) central_box = thorpy.Box("", [ ghost, element, clickable, draggable, checker_check, checker_radio, dropdownlist, browserlauncher, slider, inserter ]) central_box.finish() central_box.add_lift() central_box.set_main_color((200, 200, 255, 120)) background = thorpy.Background(color=(200, 200, 200), elements=[text_title, central_box]) background.finish() menu = thorpy.Menu(background) application.quit()
def apploop(DISPLAY): global display_height, display_width #main app loo pygame.display.set_caption('Planetbox') pygame.display.set_icon(ico) display_width, display_height = DISPLAY.get_size() DISPLAY.fill(RICHBLUE) #display background Bg = Background('../imgs/bg.jpg', [0, 0]) DISPLAY.blit( pygame.transform.scale(Bg.image, (display_width, display_height)), Bg.rect) #display sky preview Skyprev = SkyPrev(DISPLAY) #update pygame.display.update() #thorpy elements #logo logo = pygame.image.load('../imgs/logo300.png') def radius_check(radius, type): if (type == "terrestrial"): if (radius < 300): return 0 else: return 1 elif (type == "ice" or type == "gas"): if (radius < 200): return 0 else: return 1 # checks if the density is ok def density_check(ptype, pmass, prad): # pmass: 10^22 kg, prad: km rad = prad * 100000 # radius in cm vol = (4 / 3) * math.pi * rad * rad * rad # cm3 mass = pmass * pow(10, 25) # g g = mass / vol # g/cm3 if ptype == "terrestrial": if (g < 3.6): # not sure about this one return 0 elif (g > 28): return 1 else: return 2 elif ptype == "gas" or ptype == "ice": if (g < 0.2): # not sure about this one return 0 elif (g > 17): return 1 else: return 2 #Reading inputs functions def read_inserter_func( event): #Reactions functions must take an event as first arg global prad, pmass, pname, pdist try: if (event.el == p_rad): prad = event.el.get_value() prad = int(prad) elif (event.el == p_dist): pdist = event.el.get_value() pdist = float(pdist) elif (event.el == p_mass): pmass = event.el.get_value() pmass = int(pmass) elif (event.el == p_name): pname = event.el.get_value() elif (event.el == p_kind): ptype = event.el.get_value() except: # handling errors AlertBox.AlertBox(1, "valueError") p_rad.set_value("") p_dist.set_value("") p_mass.set_value("") p_rad.unblit_and_reblit() p_dist.unblit_and_reblit() p_mass.unblit_and_reblit() def reset_simulation(): simulation.Planets = [] simulation.PlanetsCord = [] SkyPrev(DISPLAY) # pressing add planet btn reaction def readPlanet(): global prad, pmass, pname, ptype, simulation, pdist ptype = p_kind.get_selected().get_text() den_val = density_check(ptype, pmass, prad) rad_val = radius_check(prad, ptype) if den_val == 0 or den_val == 1: # wrong density AlertBox.AlertBox(den_val, "density") elif rad_val == 0: # radius too small AlertBox.AlertBox(rad_val, "radius") else: #print(ptype) # create a new planet # clean the inserters p_rad.set_value("") p_rad.unblit_and_reblit() p_dist.set_value("") p_dist.unblit_and_reblit() p_mass.set_value("") p_mass.unblit_and_reblit() p_name.set_value("") p_name.unblit_and_reblit() planet = Planet.Planet(prad, pmass, ptype, pdist, pname) simulation.AddPlanet(planet) # update preview SkyPrev(DISPLAY) def startExplorer(): #print("Starting explorer...") planetExp.pe_main() def startSimulation(): #simulation.CreateMoons() #print("Starting simulation...") print(simulation.PrintPlanets()) simulation_gui.create(simulation) # add button: adds planet to a list and updates prev addBtn = thorpy.make_button("Add planet", func=readPlanet) addBtn.set_size((120, 20)) addBtn.set_main_color(RICHBLUE) addBtn.set_font_color(WHITE) # new window: starts simulation startBtn = thorpy.make_button("Start simulation", func=startSimulation) startBtn.set_size((120, 20)) startBtn.set_main_color(RICHBLUE) startBtn.set_font_color(WHITE) # explore planets: lets u choose a planet and prints info about it and moons simulation prevBtn = thorpy.make_button("Explore the planets", func=startExplorer) prevBtn.set_size((120, 20)) prevBtn.set_main_color(RICHBLUE) prevBtn.set_font_color(WHITE) # reset simulation resBtn = thorpy.make_button("Reset simulation", func=reset_simulation) resBtn.set_size((120, 20)) resBtn.set_main_color(RICHBLUE) resBtn.set_font_color(WHITE) # radius input p_rad_txt = thorpy.OneLineText(text="Radius of the planet(km):") p_rad = thorpy.Inserter(name="", value="", size=(100, 20)) radReact = thorpy.Reaction(reacts_to=thorpy.constants.THORPY_EVENT, reac_func=read_inserter_func, event_args={ "id": thorpy.constants.EVENT_INSERT, "el": p_rad }) p_rad.add_reaction(radReact) # distance to the sun input p_dist_txt = thorpy.OneLineText(text="Distance to the sun (AU):") p_dist = thorpy.Inserter(name="", value="", size=(100, 20)) distReact = thorpy.Reaction(reacts_to=thorpy.constants.THORPY_EVENT, reac_func=read_inserter_func, event_args={ "id": thorpy.constants.EVENT_INSERT, "el": p_dist }) p_dist.add_reaction(distReact) # name input p_name_txt = thorpy.OneLineText(text="Name of the planet: ") p_name = thorpy.Inserter(name="", value="", size=(100, 20)) nameReact = thorpy.Reaction(reacts_to=thorpy.constants.THORPY_EVENT, reac_func=read_inserter_func, event_args={ "id": thorpy.constants.EVENT_INSERT, "el": p_name }) p_name.add_reaction(nameReact) # mass input p_mass_txt = thorpy.OneLineText(text="Mass of the planet (10^22 kg):") p_mass = thorpy.Inserter(name="", value="", size=(100, 20)) massReact = thorpy.Reaction(reacts_to=thorpy.constants.THORPY_EVENT, reac_func=read_inserter_func, event_args={ "id": thorpy.constants.EVENT_INSERT, "el": p_mass }) p_mass.add_reaction(massReact) # type of planet input radio_txt = thorpy.make_text("Type of the planet: ") radios = [ thorpy.Checker("gas", type_="radio"), thorpy.Checker("ice", type_="radio"), thorpy.Checker("terrestrial", type_="radio") ] p_kind = thorpy.RadioPool(radios, first_value=radios[1], always_value=True) # title above the preview prev_txt = thorpy.make_text("Preview of the planetary system: ", 24, WHITE) prev_txt.set_font("Ubuntu.ttf") prev_txt.set_topleft((420, 200)) # blit thingies entries = [ p_rad_txt, p_rad, p_mass_txt, p_mass, p_dist_txt, p_dist, p_name_txt, p_name ] txts = [radio_txt] buttons = [addBtn, prevBtn, startBtn, resBtn] elements = entries + txts + radios + buttons boxBtn = thorpy.Box.make(elements=elements) boxBtn.set_main_color(WHITE) boxBtn.set_size((260, 500)), elements, align="center") menu = thorpy.Menu(elements=[prev_txt, boxBtn]) for element in menu.get_population(): element.surface = DISPLAY boxBtn.set_topleft((40, 50)) boxBtn.blit() boxBtn.update() prev_txt.blit() prev_txt.update() DISPLAY.blit(logo, (390, 20)) pygame.display.flip() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() quit() if event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: DISPLAY = pygame.display.set_mode( event.dict['size'], pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.RESIZABLE) DISPLAY.blit( pygame.transform.scale(Bg.image, event.dict['size']), (0, 0)) display_width, display_height = event.dict['size'] apploop(DISPLAY) pygame.display.flip() menu.react(event)
def run(): application = thorpy.Application((800, 600), "ThorPy Overview") element = thorpy.Element("Element"), "Element:\nMost simple graphical element.") clickable = thorpy.Clickable("Clickable"), "Clickable:\nCan be hovered and pressed.") draggable = thorpy.Draggable("Draggable"), "Draggable:\nYou can drag it.") checker_check = thorpy.Checker("Checker") checker_radio = thorpy.Checker("Radio", type_="radio") browser = thorpy.Browser("../../", text="Browser") browserlauncher = thorpy.BrowserLauncher.make(browser, const_text="Choose file:", var_text="") browserlauncher.max_chars = 20 #limit size of browser launcher dropdownlist = thorpy.DropDownListLauncher( const_text="Choose number:", var_text="", titles=[str(i) * i for i in range(1, 9)]) dropdownlist.scale_to_title() dropdownlist.max_chars = 20 #limit size of drop down list slider = thorpy.SliderX(80, (5, 12), "Slider: ", type_=float, initial_value=8.4) inserter = thorpy.Inserter(name="Inserter: ", value="Write here.") quit = thorpy.make_button("Quit", func=thorpy.functions.quit_menu_func) title_element = thorpy.make_text("Overview example", 22, (255, 255, 0)) elements = [ element, clickable, draggable, checker_check, checker_radio, dropdownlist, browserlauncher, slider, inserter, quit ] central_box = thorpy.Box(elements=elements) central_box.fit_children(margins=(30, 30)) #we want big margins #center on screen central_box.add_lift() #add a lift (useless since box fits children) central_box.set_main_color( (220, 220, 220, 180)) #set box color and opacity background = thorpy.Background.make(, elements=[title_element, central_box]) menu = thorpy.Menu(background) application.quit()
def fill_radio_buttons(self): for txt in self.radio_butt_text: rad = thorpy.Checker(txt, type_="radio") rad.finish() self.radio_buttons.append(rad)
text = thorpy.make_text("Some text", 12, (0, 0, 255)) line = thorpy.Line(200, "h") #horizontal line of width = 200px element = thorpy.Element("Element"), "Element:\nMost simple graphical element.") clickable = thorpy.Clickable("Clickable"), "Clickable:\nCan be hovered and pressed.") draggable = thorpy.Draggable("Draggable"), "Draggable:\nYou can drag it.") checker_check = thorpy.Checker("Checker") checker_radio = thorpy.Checker("Radio", type_="radio") browser = thorpy.Browser("../../", text="Browser") browserlauncher = thorpy.BrowserLauncher(browser, const_text="Choose file:", var_text="") browserlauncher.max_chars = 15 #limit size of browser launcher dropdownlist = thorpy.DropDownListLauncher( const_text="Choose:", var_text="", titles=[str(i) * i for i in range(1, 9)]) dropdownlist.scale_to_title()
import thorpy ap = thorpy.Application((300, 300)) #format of a Pool : thorpy.Pool(elements, first_value, always_value) # <first_value> can be None, and is the element that is 'on' at the beginning # <always_value>=True means that there must always be an element which is 'on' #make radios radios = [thorpy.Checker("radio" + str(i), type_="radio") for i in range(4)] radio_pool = thorpy.RadioPool(radios, first_value=radios[2], always_value=True) #make togglable buttons buttons = [thorpy.Togglable("togglable" + str(i)) for i in range(4)] togglable_pool = thorpy.TogglablePool(buttons, first_value=buttons[1], always_value=False) #cosmetic separation line line = thorpy.Line(200, "h") bck = thorpy.Background.make((220, 220, 255), elements=radios + [line] + buttons) menu = thorpy.Menu(bck) ap.quit()
def add_checker(self, nombre): self.checkers[nombre] = thorpy.Checker(nombre, value=False)