Ejemplo n.º 1
def thread_test(fn, args):
    from threading import Thread as Worker
    start = time()
    procs = [Worker(target=fn, args=args) for _ in range(workers)]

    any(p.start() for p in procs)  # start the workers
    any(p.join() for p in procs)  # wait for the workers to finish
    return start
Ejemplo n.º 2
def multiprocessing_test(fn, args):
    from multiprocessing import Process as Worker
    start = time()
    procs = [Worker(target=fn, args=args) for _ in range(workers)]

    any(p.start() for p in procs)  # start the workers
    any(p.join() for p in procs)  # wait for the workers to finish
    return start
Ejemplo n.º 3
def thread_pool_exe_test(fn, args):
    from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor as Worker
    from concurrent.futures import as_completed
    start = time()
    with Worker(max_workers=workers, thread_name_prefix="Perform") as exe:
        futures = {exe.submit(fn, *args): job for job in range(workers)}
        for future in as_completed(futures):
    return start
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def run(self):
     """function to run"""
     t_name = threading.currentThread().getName()
     p_name = multiprocessing.current_process().name
     print('[%s|%s] waiting for cancel happen' % (p_name, t_name))
     new_t = Worker(target=rogue_resource)
     new_t.daemon = True
     #ret = self.cancel.wait(timeout=2)
     if new_t.is_alive():
         print('it is still running ....')
         return False
         return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
            if c == "set":
                registers[chunks[1]] = y
            elif c == "add":
                registers[chunks[1]] += y
            elif c == "mul":
                registers[chunks[1]] *= y
            elif c == "mod":
                registers[chunks[1]] %= y
            elif c == "jgz" and x > 0:
                pc += y - 1
        pc += 1

    if pid == 1:

if __name__ == "__main__":

    with open("18_input.txt") as f:
        instructions = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]

    q0 = Queue()
    q1 = Queue()
    p1 = Worker(target=program, args=(instructions, q0, q1, 0))
    p2 = Worker(target=program, args=(instructions, q1, q0, 1))

Ejemplo n.º 6
def start_worker(Worker, listen_sock):
    worker = Worker(target=server_loop, args=(listen_sock, ))
    worker.daemon = True
    return worker
Ejemplo n.º 7
    :param cycles: The number of iterations to perform
    logger = log_to_stderr()
    logger.debug("starting worker: %d" % os.getpid())

        count  = 0
        client = ModbusTcpClient(host)
        while count < cycles:
            result = client.read_holding_registers(10, 1).getRegister(0)
            count += 1
    except: logger.exception("failed to run test successfully")
    logger.debug("finished worker: %d" % os.getpid())

# run our test and check results
# We shard the total number of requests to perform between the number of
# threads that was specified. We then start all the threads and block on
# them to finish. This may need to switch to another mechanism to signal
# finished as the process/thread start up/shut down may skew the test a bit.
args  = (host, int(cycles * 1.0 / workers))
procs = [Worker(target=single_client_test, args=args) for _ in range(workers)]
start = time()
any(p.start() for p in procs)   # start the workers
any(p.join()  for p in procs)   # wait for the workers to finish
stop  = time()
print "%d requests/second" % ((1.0 * cycles) / (stop - start))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main(args):
    M, R, V, ma = init_model(args)

    input_basename = basename(args.input_filename)

    splitter = do_splitter(literal_eval(args.delimiter))

    unk_index = V[literal_eval(args.unk)]
    v_reader = lambda w: V[w] if w in V else unk_index

    i2w = {v: k for k, v in V.items()}

    initial_basename = basename(args.initial_model)
    args.saved_model = args.save_format.format(initial_basename,
                                               input_basename, len(V),
                                               args.dim, args.param)
    evaluated_model = initial_basename

    for variable in sorted(vars(args)):
        print(variable + ":", vars(args)[variable])

    print_flush("Building functions ...")
    cost_f, update_f, getter_f = build_functions(M, ma, args, R)

    if args.random:
        print_flush("Reading \"" + args.input_filename + "\" ...")
        with open(args.input_filename) as input_f:
            train_database = [l.strip() for l in input_f.buffer]
        print_flush(len(train_database), "samples. Done\n")

    print("[sample\tentropy\tsample/sec\tmatrix cutoff\treadout cutoff]")

    global halted
    halted = Value('i', 0)

    eval_epoch = False
    first_training = True
    for i in range(args.epoch + int(args.do_eval)):
        if i == args.epoch:
            eval_epoch = True
            first_training = False
        elif i == 0:
            first_training = True
            eval_epoch = False
            first_training = False
            eval_epoch = False

        if eval_epoch:
            print("Evaluating: \"" + evaluated_model + "\"")
            f = cost_f
        if first_training:
            print("Training: \"" + args.saved_model + "\"")
            f = update_f
        if not eval_epoch and args.random:
            print_flush("[Shuffle ...", file=sys.stderr)
            print("Done]", file=sys.stderr)

        if args.random:
            dataset_reader = iter(train_database)
            input_f = open(args.input_filename)
            dataset_reader = (l.strip() for l in input_f.buffer)

        input_queue_recv, input_queue_send = Pipe()
        reader = Worker(target=reader_process,
                        args=(input_queue_send, dataset_reader, splitter,
                              v_reader, args))
        print("[Epoch %d]" % (i + 1), file=sys.stderr)
            worker_process(input_queue_recv, f, getter_f, args, i2w,
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            halted.value = 1

        if halted.value > 0:
            print("Halted", file=sys.stderr)
            return 1
        if eval_epoch:
            return 0
        if not args.save_at_end or i == args.epoch - 1:
            save_model(getter_f, args.saved_model, i2w, ma.positions)
            evaluated_model = args.saved_model
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
from __future__ import print_function
from Queue import Queue as Jobs
from threading import Thread as Worker
from random import randint as assign_job
from time import sleep as work  # the job is spleeping!

def gowork(worker_id, jobs):
    job_count = 0
    while True:
        job_id, job_time = jobs.get()
        print('worker {} is working with job {}.'.format(worker_id, job_id))
        job_count += 1
        print('worker {} finished job {}.'.format(worker_id, job_id))
        print('worker {} have done {} jobs.'.format(worker_id, job_count))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    jobs = Jobs()
    for job_id in range(10):
        job = job_id, assign_job(1, 5)
    for worker_id in range(3):
        worker = Worker(target=gowork, args=(worker_id, jobs))
        worker.daemon = True
    print('all jobs is done!')
Ejemplo n.º 10
                count += 1
        logger.exception("failed to run test successfully")
    logger.debug("finished worker: %d" % os.getpid())

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# run our test and check results
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# We shard the total number of requests to perform between the number of
# threads that was specified. We then start all the threads and block on
# them to finish. This may need to switch to another mechanism to signal
# finished as the process/thread start up/shut down may skew the test a bit.

# RTU 32 requests/second @9600
# TCP 31430 requests/second

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = (host, int(cycles * 1.0 / workers))
    procs = [Worker(target=single_client_test, args=args)
             for _ in range(workers)]
    start = time()
    any(p.start() for p in procs)   # start the workers
    any(p.join() for p in procs)   # wait for the workers to finish
    stop = time()
    print("%d requests/second" % ((1.0 * cycles) / (stop - start)))
    print("time taken to complete %s cycle by "
          "%s workers is %s seconds" % (cycles, workers, stop-start))