Ejemplo n.º 1
    def render_rap(self, msg_id, words):
        # Make the length of words fit the melody
        notes = sum(1 for pitch, beats in self._melody if pitch != REST)
        diff = notes - len(words)
        if diff < 0:
            words = words[:diff]
            words = words + ['la'] * diff

        delay = 0
        offsets = {}
        word_index = 0
        word_count = len(words)
        word_delays = []
        word_paths = []

        pool = ThreadPool(min(word_count, self._thread_pool))

        for pitch, beats in self._melody:
            duration = beats * self._spb

            if pitch != REST:
                word = words[word_index]
                word_path = '/tmp/%s-%s.wav' % (msg_id, word_index)
                ssml = '<s><prosody pitch="%sHz" range="x-low">%s</prosody></s>' \
                    % (pitch, word)
                def task(word_id, ssml, word_path):
                    offsets[word_id] = self._swift.tts_file(ssml, word_path)
                pool.queue_task(task, (word_index, ssml, word_path))
                word_index += 1

            delay += duration

            if word_index == word_count:
                # Break here, rather than inside the if statement above, so that
                # that delay is updated and equals the duration of the rap.


        if not word_index:
            # Didn't render any words!

        # Mix the rap and the backing track
        mix_path = '/tmp/%s-mix.wav' % msg_id
        sox_args = [self.sox_path, '-M'] + word_paths \
            + [self._backing_sample, mix_path, 'delay'] \
            + [str(delay + offsets[i]) for i, delay in enumerate(word_delays)] \
            + ['remix',
                ','.join(str(channel) for channel in range(1, word_count + 2)),
        print(' '.join(sox_args))

        return mix_path
class LinkExtractorTPool(object):
    """                                    TO BE FIXED                         """
    def __init__(self, feed=True):
        #Thread pool
        if feed:
            self.__tpool = ThreadPool(100)
            #ETREE queue for the parsed xhtml(s) to be stored
            self.__etree_q = Queue.Queue()
            self.__site_links_q = Queue.Queue()
            self.__media_links_q = Queue.Queue()
            self.__scripts_links_q = Queue.Queue()
            self.__undefined_links_q = Queue.Queue()
            #Define a default queue returned with the iterator or callable instance of this Class  
            self.__call_q = self.__etree_q 
        #XPath objects for extracting the URL Types
        self.__extract_site_urls = etree.XPath("/html/body//a/@href")
        self.__extract_media_urls = etree.XPath("//src")
        self.__extract_scripts_urls = etree.XPath("//src")
        self._url_href = re.compile('<a href="([^"]+)"')
    def __iter__(self):
        """Be careful when use the LinkExtractor as iterator"""
        return self
    def next(self):
        """Be careful: class as 'Iterator' returns etrees queue, by default, 
        or the one defined but the proper function bellow"""
            print "GET ITER"
            return self.__call_q.get(timeout=1) #timeout maybe should be trimmed 
        except Queue.Empty:
            print "EMPTY ITER" 
            raise StopIteration 
    def __call__(self):
        """Be careful: class as 'Callable' returns etrees queue, by default, 
        or the one defined but the proper function bellow"""
            return self.__call_q.get(timeout=1) #timeout maybe should be trimmed
        except Queue.Empty:
            return False 
    def feed(self, xhtml):
        self.__tpool.dispatch(self.__parseto_xtree, xhtml, self.__callback_chain)
    def l_feed(self, xhtml_l):
        if isinstance(xhtml_l, list):
            self.__tpool.map(self.__parseto_xtree,  self.__callback_chain, xhtml_l)
            raise Exception("LinkExtractor.l_feed() Error: List() argument was expected")
    def __callback_chain(self, etree):
        #Put the etree to the etree-queue for getting all the URLs available
        #Find Links to other site and put them in the queue 
        site_links = self.__site_links(etree)
        if site_links: 
        #Find Links of media and put them in the queue
        media_links = self.__media_links(etree)
        if media_links:
        #Find Links of scripts and put them in the queue
        script_links = self.__media_links(etree)
        if script_links:
        undefined_links = self.__undefined_links(etree)
        if undefined_links:
    def all_links(self, etree):
        links = list()
        for link in etree.iterlinks():
    def sites_links(self, xhtml): 
        url_l = self._url_href.findall(xhtml['xhtml_s'])
        for i, url in enumerate(url_l):
            if url.find('#') > -1:
                url = ""
            prsd_url = urlparse(url)
            if not prsd_url.netloc:
                url_l[i] = xhtml['base_url'] + url
        return url_l
    def media_links(self, xhtml):
        return None #to be Fixed
    def scripts_links(self, xhtml):
        return None #to be Fixed
    def undefined_links(self, xhtml):
        return None #to be fixed
    def __site_links(self, etree):
        return self.__extract_site_urls(etree)
    def __media_links(self, etree):
        return None #to be Fixed
    def __scripts_links(self, etree):
        return None #to be Fixed
    def __undefined_links(self, etree):
        return None #to be Fixed
    def __ret_q(self, q):
        """A callable for iterators to return the content of Queues"""
        if q.empty():
            return True 
            return q.get()
    def all_links_iter(self):
            etree = self.__etree_q.get(2)
        except Queue.Empty:
            return StopIteration
            return etree.iterlinks()
    def sites_links_iter(self):
        self.__call_q = self.__site_links_q
        return self
    def media_links_iter(self):
        self.__call_q = self.__media_links_q
        return self  
    def scripts_links_iter(self):
        self.__call_q = self.__scripts_links_q
        return self
    def undefined_links_iter(self):
        self.__call_q = self.__undefined_links_q
        return self
    def close(self):