def run(self): """ - create 'concurrency' number of threads - per thread call pre() - sync threads, start timer - per thread call core() 'iteration' number of times', tic() - stop timer - per thread, call post, close threads - eval once """ threads = [] concurrency = int(self.bench_cfg['concurrency']) self._start() for tid in range(0, concurrency):[tid] = {}[tid]['event_1'] = rut.Event()[tid]['event_2'] = rut.Event()[tid]['event_3'] = rut.Event()[tid]['event_4'] = rut.Event()[tid]['event_5'] = rut.Event() self.start[tid] = time.time() self.times[tid] = list() t = rut.Thread(self._thread, tid) threads.append(t) for t in threads: t.start() # wait for all threads to start up and initialize self.t_init = time.time() rut.lout("\n> " + "=" * concurrency) rut.lout("\n> ") for tid in range(0, concurrency):[tid]['event_1'].wait() # start workload in all threads self.t_start = time.time() for tid in range(0, concurrency):[tid]['event_2'].set() # wait for all threads to finish core test for tid in range(0, concurrency):[tid]['event_3'].wait() self.t_stop = time.time() # start shut down rut.lout("\n< " + "-" * concurrency) rut.lout("\n< ") for tid in range(0, concurrency):[tid]['event_4'].set() # wait for all threads to finish shut down for tid in range(0, concurrency):[tid]['event_5'].wait()
def _start (self) : self.start = dict() self.times = dict() self.idx = 0 rut.lout ("\n") rut.lout ("benchmark : %s (%s)\n" % (, self.bench_cfg['tags'])) rut.lout ("concurrency : %s\n" % self.bench_cfg['concurrency']) rut.lout ("iterations : %s\n" % self.bench_cfg['iterations']) sys.stdout.flush ()
def _start(self): self.start = dict() self.times = dict() self.idx = 0 rut.lout("\n") rut.lout("benchmark : %s (%s)\n" % (, self.bench_cfg['tags'])) rut.lout("concurrency : %s\n" % self.bench_cfg['concurrency']) rut.lout("iterations : %s\n" % self.bench_cfg['iterations']) sys.stdout.flush()
def eval(self, error=None): import numpy times = list() for tid in self.times: times += self.times[tid][1:] # import pprint # pprint.pprint (times) if len(times) < 1: raise ValueError( "min 1 timing value required for benchmark evaluation (%d)" % len(times)) concurrency = int(self.bench_cfg['concurrency']) tags = ' '.join(self.bench_cfg['tags']) out = "\n" top = "" tab = "" num = "" out += "Results :\n" numpy_times = numpy.array(times) vtot = self.t_stop - self.t_start vini = self.t_start - self.t_init vn = len(times) vsum = sum(times) vmin = min(times) vmax = max(times) if len(times): vmean = numpy_times.mean() vsdev = numpy_times.std() else: vmean = 0.0 vsdev = 0.0 vrate = vn / vtot bdat = "benchmark.%s.dat" % ( out += " name : %s\n" % ( out += " tags : %s\n" % (tags) out += " threads : %8d iters : %8d\n" % (concurrency, vn) out += " init : %8.2fs min : %8.2fs\n" % (vini, vmin) out += " total : %8.2fs max : %8.2fs\n" % (vtot, vmax) out += " rate : %8.2f/s mean : %8.2fs\n" % (vrate, vmean) out += " sdev : %8.2fs\n" % (vsdev) num = "# %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %8s %8s %9s %10s %10s" \ % (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) top = "# %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %8s %8s %9s %10s %10s" \ % ('n', 'threads', 'init', 'tot', 'min', 'max', 'mean', \ 'std-dev', 'rate', 'name', 'tags') tab = " " \ "%7d " \ "%7d " \ "%7.2f " \ "%7.2f " \ "%7.2f " \ "%7.2f " \ "%8.3f " \ "%8.3f " \ "%9.3f " \ "%10s " \ "%10s " \ % (vn, concurrency, vini, vtot, vmin, vmax, vmean, vsdev, vrate,, tags) rut.lout("\n%s" % out) create_top = True try: statinfo = os.stat(bdat) if statinfo.st_size > 0: create_top = False except: pass f = open(bdat, "a+") if create_top: f.write("%s\n" % num) f.write("%s\n" % top) f.write("%s\n" % tab)
def eval (self, error=None) : import numpy times = list() for tid in self.times : times += self.times[tid][1:] # import pprint # pprint.pprint (times) if len(times) < 1 : raise ValueError ("min 1 timing value required for benchmark evaluation (%d)" % len(times)) concurrency = int(self.bench_cfg['concurrency']) tags = ' '.join (self.bench_cfg['tags']) out = "\n" top = "" tab = "" num = "" out += "Results :\n" numpy_times = numpy.array (times) vtot = self.t_stop - self.t_start vini = self.t_start - self.t_init vn = len (times) vsum = sum (times) vmin = min (times) vmax = max (times) if len (times) : vmean = numpy_times.mean () vsdev = numpy_times.std () else : vmean = 0.0 vsdev = 0.0 vrate = vn / vtot bdat = "benchmark.%s.dat" % ( out += " name : %s\n" % ( out += " tags : %s\n" % (tags) out += " threads : %8d iters : %8d\n" % (concurrency, vn) out += " init : %8.2fs min : %8.2fs\n" % (vini, vmin ) out += " total : %8.2fs max : %8.2fs\n" % (vtot, vmax ) out += " rate : %8.2f/s mean : %8.2fs\n" % (vrate, vmean) out += " sdev : %8.2fs\n" % ( vsdev) num = "# %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %8s %8s %9s %10s %10s" \ % (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) top = "# %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %7s %8s %8s %9s %10s %10s" \ % ('n', 'threads', 'init', 'tot', 'min', 'max', 'mean', \ 'std-dev', 'rate', 'name', 'tags') tab = " " \ "%7d " \ "%7d " \ "%7.2f " \ "%7.2f " \ "%7.2f " \ "%7.2f " \ "%8.3f " \ "%8.3f " \ "%9.3f " \ "%10s " \ "%10s " \ % (vn, concurrency, vini, vtot, vmin, vmax, vmean, vsdev, vrate,, tags) rut.lout ("\n%s" % out) create_top = True try : statinfo = os.stat (bdat) if statinfo.st_size > 0 : create_top = False except : pass f = open (bdat, "a+") if create_top : f.write ("%s\n" % num) f.write ("%s\n" % top) f.write ("%s\n" % tab)
def run (self) : """ - create 'concurrency' number of threads - per thread call pre() - sync threads, start timer - per thread call core() 'iteration' number of times', tic() - stop timer - per thread, call post, close threads - eval once """ threads = [] concurrency = int(self.bench_cfg['concurrency']) self._start () for tid in range (0, concurrency) :[tid] = {}[tid]['event_1'] = rut.Event ()[tid]['event_2'] = rut.Event ()[tid]['event_3'] = rut.Event ()[tid]['event_4'] = rut.Event ()[tid]['event_5'] = rut.Event () self.start [tid] = time.time () self.times [tid] = list() t = rut.Thread (self._thread, tid) threads.append (t) for t in threads : t.start () # wait for all threads to start up and initialize self.t_init = time.time () rut.lout ("\n> " + "="*concurrency) rut.lout ("\n> ") for tid in range (0, concurrency) :[tid]['event_1'].wait () # start workload in all threads self.t_start = time.time () for tid in range (0, concurrency) :[tid]['event_2'].set () # wait for all threads to finish core test for tid in range (0, concurrency) :[tid]['event_3'].wait () self.t_stop = time.time () # start shut down rut.lout ("\n< " + "-"*concurrency) rut.lout ("\n< ") for tid in range (0, concurrency) :[tid]['event_4'].set () # wait for all threads to finish shut down for tid in range (0, concurrency) :[tid]['event_5'].wait ()