Ejemplo n.º 1
def segment_veins(img, test=False):
    to_plot = []
    """ Segmentamos venas """
    img_inverted = skimage.util.invert(img)

    if test:
        to_plot.append(("inverted green channel", img_inverted))

    img_inverted = exposure.equalize_adapthist(img_inverted, clip_limit=0.5)

    if test:
        to_plot.append(("high contrast", img_inverted))

    mask_invert = th.mask_otsu(img_inverted)

    if test:
        to_plot.append(("Global Otsu", th.apply(img, mask_invert)))
    """ creamos mascara para eliminar fondo """
    (ancho, alto) = img.shape

    rr, cc = ellipse(ancho / 2, alto / 2, (ancho / 2) - 5, (alto / 2) - 5)
    mask_background = np.zeros((ancho, alto)) > 0
    mask_background[rr, cc] = 1

    mask_invert = np.logical_and(mask_invert, mask_background)
    mask_invert = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask_invert, 200)

    if test:
        to_plot.append(("Mask without background", mask_invert))

    if test:
        vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 1, 4, 'Veins segmentation')

    return mask_invert, mask_background
Ejemplo n.º 2
def clean(input_file,  thresh_val = [250, 245, 240, 230, 225, 220], 
                window_size = 5, kernel_size = 5):

    # Ensures that both quality and window_size parameters are integers
    window_size = int(window_size)
    kernel_size = int(kernel_size)

    #Checking arguments and raising expected exceptions
    check_arguments(input_file, window_size, kernel_size)

    # Loading the image
    image = input_file
    if isinstance(image, str):
        image = cv.imread(input_file)

    # Applying Grayscale, Gaussian and median blur and erode
    image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    image = cv.GaussianBlur(image, (window_size, window_size), 0)
    image = cv.medianBlur(image, window_size)
    image = cv.erode(image, (kernel_size, kernel_size))

    # Applying threshold list
    results = th.apply(image, thresh_val)

    return results
def closest_prop(img, mask):
    (lbls, num) = label(mask, return_num=True)
    max_mean = 0.0
    max_mask = None

    if num > 1:
        for lb in range(num + 1):
            current_mean = 0
            current = th.apply(img, lbls == lb)
            current_mean = np.sum(current) / np.count_nonzero(current)
            if max_mean < current_mean:
                max_mean = current_mean
                max_mask = current

        return max_mask > 0
        return mask
Ejemplo n.º 4
def clean(input_file, thresh_val = [225, 220, 215, 210, 205, 200],
                        window_size = 3):
        # Ensures that window_size parameter is integer
        window_size = int(window_size)

        # Checking arguments and raising expected exceptions

        # Loading the image
        image = iu.get_image(input_file)
        # Gray-scale and Gaussian Blur
        image = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        image = cv.GaussianBlur(image, (window_size, window_size), 0)

        # Applying threshold list
        results = th.apply(image, thresh_val)

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 5
def handmade_p_tile_method(img, op="disc", test=False):
    if op == "disc" or op == "cup":
        to_plot = []
        img_red = img[:, :, 0]

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Red Channel", img_red))

        img_red = dilation(img_red, disk(3))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Gaussing", img_red))

        img_red = enhance_contrast(img_red, disk(10))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Enhace_contrast", img_red))

        mask = f.hand_made(img_red, 10, 2)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("P-tile", th.apply(img_red, mask)))

        mask = binary_opening(mask, disk(7))
        mask = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 1700)

        if test:
                ("Opening and remove small objects", th.apply(img_red, mask)))

        props = msr.props(img_red, mask)[0]

        minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox
        img_cut = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc]

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Binary opening", th.apply(img_red, mask)))
        if test:
            vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 2, 3, 'P-tile')

    if op == "cup":
        minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox
        img_green = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc, 1]

        to_plot = []

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("green channel", img_green))

        v_mask, _ = segment_veins(img_green, test)

        img_aux = closing(img_green, disk(6))
        img_aux = dilation(img_aux, disk(6))
        img_aux2 = dilation(img_green, disk(3))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("closed + dilated", img_aux))
            to_plot.append(("dilated", img_aux2))

        img_v_closed = th.apply(img_aux, v_mask)
        img_t_dilated = th.apply(img_aux2, v_mask == False)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("veins part", img_v_closed))
            to_plot.append(("target part", img_t_dilated))

        img_green = img_v_closed + img_t_dilated

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("without veins", img_green))

        img_green = dilation(img_green, disk(6))

        img_green = enhance_contrast(img_green, disk(10))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("dilation + contrast", img_green))

        mask = f.hand_made(img_green, 10, 2, smallest=0)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("P-tile", th.apply(img_green, mask)))

        mask1 = mask
        mask = np.zeros(img[:, :, 1].shape)
        mask[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] = mask1

        if test:
            vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 4, 4, 'Otsu Local chain')

    return (mask, img_cut, props)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def otsu_local_method(img, op="disc", test=False):
    if op == "disc" or op == "cup":
        to_plot = []
        img_red = img[:, :, 0]

        img_red = skimage.util.img_as_ubyte(img_red)
        if test:
            to_plot.append(("red_chan", img_red))

        img_red = skimage.filters.gaussian(img_red, 4.2)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("gaussian f", img_red))

        img_red = enhance_contrast(img_red, disk(3))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("enhace_contrast", img_red))
        """ Local Otsu """
        t_loc_otsu = otsu(img_red, disk(20))
        mask = img_red >= t_loc_otsu

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Otsu local", th.apply(img_red, mask)))

        mask = binary_opening(mask, disk(2))
        mask = binary_closing(mask, disk(4))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("binary open-close", th.apply(img_red, mask)))
        """ Chusing brightest region """
        mask = msr.closest_prop(img_red, mask)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("brightest region", th.apply(img_red, mask)))

        maskfinal = binary_closing(mask, disk(20))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("binary closing", th.apply(img_red, maskfinal)))

        img_red = th.apply(img_red, maskfinal)

        props = msr.props(img_red, maskfinal)[0]

        minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox
        img_cut = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc]

        if test:
            vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 3, 3, 'Otsu Local chain')

    if op == "cup":
        minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox
        img_green = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc, 1]

        to_plot = []

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("green channel", img_green))

        v_mask, _ = segment_veins(img_green, test)

        img_aux = closing(img_green, disk(6))
        img_aux = dilation(img_aux, disk(6))
        img_aux2 = dilation(img_green, disk(3))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("closed + dilated", img_aux))
            to_plot.append(("dilated", img_aux2))

        img_v_closed = th.apply(img_aux, v_mask)
        img_t_dilated = th.apply(img_aux2, v_mask == False)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("veins part", img_v_closed))
            to_plot.append(("target part", img_t_dilated))

        img_green = img_v_closed + img_t_dilated

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("img_green", img_green))
        """ Local Otsu """
        t_loc_otsu = otsu(img_green, disk(20))
        mask = img_green >= t_loc_otsu
        mask = msr.closest_prop(img_green, mask)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Otsu local", th.apply(img_green, mask)))

        mask1 = mask
        mask = np.zeros(img[:, :, 1].shape)
        mask[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] = mask1

        if test:
            vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 2, 4, 'cup')

    return (mask, img_cut, props)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def sobel_watershed_method(img, op="disc", veins=False, test=False):
    if op == "disc" or op == "cup":
        to_plot = []
        img_red = img[:, :, 0]

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Red Channel", img_red))

        img_red = skimage.util.img_as_ubyte(img_red)

        img_red = skimage.filters.gaussian(img_red, 0.1)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Gaussian Filter", img_red))

        img_red = enhance_contrast(img_red, disk(6))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Enhace Contrast", img_red))

        elevation_map = sobel(img_red)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("gradientes", elevation_map))

        markers = np.zeros_like(img_red)

        s2 = f.target_set_mean(img_red, 8.5)

        markers[img_red < 150] = 1
        markers[img_red > s2] = 2

        seg_img = segmentation.watershed(elevation_map, markers)

        mask = (seg_img - 1) > 0

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Sobel + WaterShed", seg_img))

        mask = binary_opening(mask, disk(2))
        mask = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 400)

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Removing small objects", th.apply(img_red, mask)))

        mask = binary_closing(mask, disk(6))

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("Closing Region", th.apply(img[:, :, 0], mask)))

        mask = skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(mask, 1700)

        if test:
                ("Removing Big Objects", th.apply(img[:, :, 0], mask)))

        mask = binary_closing(mask, disk(6))
        mask = msr.closest_prop(img[:, :, 0], mask)

        if test:
                ("Removing non brighter region", th.apply(img[:, :, 0], mask)))

        mask = binary_dilation(mask, disk(3))
        mask = binary_closing(mask, disk(12))

        if test:
                ("Dilate result region", th.apply(img[:, :, 0], mask)))

        props = msr.props(img_red, mask)[0]

        minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox
        img_cut = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc]

        if test:
            vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 3, 4, 'Sobel Watershed')

    if op == "cup":
        minr, minc, maxr, maxc = props.bbox
        img_green = img[minr:maxr, minc:maxc, 1]

        to_plot = []
        columns = 1

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("green channel", img_green))

        if not veins:
            columns = 4
            v_mask, _ = segment_veins(img_green, test)

            img_aux = closing(img_green, disk(6))
            img_aux = dilation(img_aux, disk(6))
            img_aux2 = dilation(img_green, disk(3))

            if test:
                to_plot.append(("closed + dilated", img_aux))
                to_plot.append(("dilated", img_aux2))

            img_v_closed = th.apply(img_aux, v_mask)
            img_t_dilated = th.apply(img_aux2, v_mask == False)

            if test:
                to_plot.append(("veins part", img_v_closed))
                to_plot.append(("target part", img_t_dilated))

            img_green = img_v_closed + img_t_dilated

            if test:
                to_plot.append(("without veins", img_green))

        img_green = dilation(img_green, disk(6))
        img_green = enhance_contrast(img_green, disk(10))

        elevation_map = sobel(img_green)
        markers = np.zeros_like(img_green)

        s2 = f.target_set_mean(img_green, 8.5)

        markers[img_green < 150] = 1
        markers[img_green > s2] = 2

        seg_img = segmentation.watershed(elevation_map, markers)

        mask = (seg_img - 1) > 0

        if test:
            to_plot.append(("P-tile", th.apply(img_green, mask)))

        mask1 = mask
        mask = np.zeros(img[:, :, 1].shape)
        mask[minr:maxr, minc:maxc] = mask1

        if test:
            vi.plot_multy(to_plot, 2, columns, 'cup')

    return (mask, img_cut, props)