Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_batch():
    assert list(Batch()) == []
    assert Batch().is_empty()
    assert not Batch(b={'c': {}}).is_empty()
    assert Batch(b={'c': {}}).is_empty(recurse=True)
    assert not Batch(a=Batch(), b=Batch(c=Batch())).is_empty()
    assert Batch(a=Batch(), b=Batch(c=Batch())).is_empty(recurse=True)
    assert not Batch(d=1).is_empty()
    assert not Batch(a=np.float64(1.0)).is_empty()
    assert len(Batch(a=[1, 2, 3], b={'c': {}})) == 3
    assert not Batch(a=[1, 2, 3]).is_empty()
    b = Batch({'a': [4, 4], 'b': [5, 5]}, c=[None, None])
    assert b.c.dtype == object
    b = Batch(d=[None], e=[starmap], f=Batch)
    assert b.d.dtype == b.e.dtype == object and b.f == Batch
    b = Batch()
    assert b.is_empty()
    b.update(c=[3, 5])
    assert np.allclose(b.c, [3, 5])
    # mimic the behavior of dict.update, where kwargs can overwrite keys
    b.update({'a': 2}, a=3)
    assert 'a' in b and b.a == 3
    assert b.pop('a') == 3
    assert 'a' not in b
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        Batch({1: 2})
    assert Batch(a=[np.zeros((2, 3)), np.zeros((3, 3))]).a.dtype == object
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[np.zeros((3, 2)), np.zeros((3, 3))])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[torch.zeros((2, 3)), torch.zeros((3, 3))])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[torch.zeros((3, 3)), np.zeros((3, 3))])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[1, np.zeros((3, 3)), torch.zeros((3, 3))])
    batch = Batch(a=[torch.ones(3), torch.ones(3)])
    assert torch.allclose(batch.a, torch.ones(2, 3))
    assert torch.allclose(batch.a, torch.ones(4, 3))
    batch = Batch(obs=[0], np=np.zeros([3, 4]))
    assert batch.obs == batch["obs"]
    batch.obs = [1]
    assert batch.obs == [1]
    assert np.allclose(batch.obs, [1, 1])
    assert batch.np.shape == (6, 4)
    assert np.allclose(batch[0].obs, batch[1].obs)
    batch.obs = np.arange(5)
    for i, b in enumerate(batch.split(1, shuffle=False)):
        if i != 5:
            assert b.obs == batch[i].obs
            with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    batch = Batch(a=np.arange(10))
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
    data = [
        (1, False, [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]]),
        (1, True, [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]]),
        (3, False, [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9]]),
        (3, True, [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (5, False, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (5, True, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (7, False, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]),
        (7, True, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (10, False, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (10, True, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (15, False, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (15, True, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (100, False, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
        (100, True, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]),
    for size, merge_last, result in data:
        bs = list(batch.split(size, shuffle=False, merge_last=merge_last))
        assert [bs[i].a.tolist() for i in range(len(bs))] == result
    batch_dict = {'b': np.array([1.0]), 'c': 2.0, 'd': torch.Tensor([3.0])}
    batch_item = Batch({'a': [batch_dict]})[0]
    assert isinstance(batch_item.a.b, np.ndarray)
    assert batch_item.a.b == batch_dict['b']
    assert isinstance(batch_item.a.c, float)
    assert batch_item.a.c == batch_dict['c']
    assert isinstance(batch_item.a.d, torch.Tensor)
    assert batch_item.a.d == batch_dict['d']
    batch2 = Batch(a=[{
        'b': np.float64(1.0),
        'c': np.zeros(1),
        'd': Batch(e=np.array(3.0))}])
    assert len(batch2) == 1
    assert Batch().shape == []
    assert Batch(a=1).shape == []
    assert Batch(a=set((1, 2, 1))).shape == []
    assert batch2.shape[0] == 1
    assert 'a' in batch2 and all([i in batch2.a for i in 'bcd'])
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    assert batch2[0].shape == []
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    assert isinstance(batch2[0].a.c, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(batch2[0].a.b, np.float64)
    assert isinstance(batch2[0].a.d.e, np.float64)
    batch2_from_list = Batch(list(batch2))
    batch2_from_comp = Batch([e for e in batch2])
    assert batch2_from_list.a.b == batch2.a.b
    assert batch2_from_list.a.c == batch2.a.c
    assert batch2_from_list.a.d.e == batch2.a.d.e
    assert batch2_from_comp.a.b == batch2.a.b
    assert batch2_from_comp.a.c == batch2.a.c
    assert batch2_from_comp.a.d.e == batch2.a.d.e
    for batch_slice in [batch2[slice(0, 1)], batch2[:1], batch2[0:]]:
        assert batch_slice.a.b == batch2.a.b
        assert batch_slice.a.c == batch2.a.c
        assert batch_slice.a.d.e == batch2.a.d.e
    batch2.a.d.f = {}
    batch2_sum = (batch2 + 1.0) * 2
    assert batch2_sum.a.b == (batch2.a.b + 1.0) * 2
    assert batch2_sum.a.c == (batch2.a.c + 1.0) * 2
    assert batch2_sum.a.d.e == (batch2.a.d.e + 1.0) * 2
    assert batch2_sum.a.d.f.is_empty()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        batch2 += [1]
    batch3 = Batch(a={
        'c': np.zeros(1),
        'd': Batch(e=np.array([0.0]), f=np.array([3.0]))})
    batch3.a.d[0] = {'e': 4.0}
    assert batch3.a.d.e[0] == 4.0
    batch3.a.d[0] = Batch(f=5.0)
    assert batch3.a.d.f[0] == 5.0
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        batch3.a.d[0] = Batch(f=5.0, g=0.0)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        batch3[0] = Batch(a={"c": 2, "e": 1})
    # auto convert
    batch4 = Batch(a=np.array(['a', 'b']))
    assert batch4.a.dtype == object  # auto convert to object
    batch4.update(a=np.array(['c', 'd']))
    assert list(batch4.a) == ['c', 'd']
    assert batch4.a.dtype == object  # auto convert to object
    batch5 = Batch(a=np.array([{'index': 0}]))
    assert isinstance(batch5.a, Batch)
    assert np.allclose(batch5.a.index, [0])
    batch5.b = np.array([{'index': 1}])
    assert isinstance(batch5.b, Batch)
    assert np.allclose(batch5.b.index, [1])

    # None is a valid object and can be stored in Batch
    a = Batch.stack([Batch(a=None), Batch(b=None)])
    assert a.a[0] is None and a.a[1] is None
    assert a.b[0] is None and a.b[1] is None

    # nx.Graph corner case
    assert Batch(a=np.array([nx.Graph(), nx.Graph()], dtype=object)).a.dtype == object
    g1 = nx.Graph()
    g2 = nx.Graph()
    assert Batch(a=np.array([g1, g2])).a.dtype == object
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def collect(
        n_step: Optional[int] = None,
        n_episode: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None,
        random: bool = False,
        render: Optional[float] = None,
        no_grad: bool = True,
    ) -> Dict[str, float]:
        """Collect a specified number of step or episode.

        :param int n_step: how many steps you want to collect.
        :param n_episode: how many episodes you want to collect. If it is an
            int, it means to collect at lease ``n_episode`` episodes; if it is
            a list, it means to collect exactly ``n_episode[i]`` episodes in
            the i-th environment
        :param bool random: whether to use random policy for collecting data,
            defaults to False.
        :param float render: the sleep time between rendering consecutive
            frames, defaults to None (no rendering).
        :param bool no_grad: whether to retain gradient in policy.forward,
            defaults to True (no gradient retaining).

        .. note::

            One and only one collection number specification is permitted,
            either ``n_step`` or ``n_episode``.

        :return: A dict including the following keys

            * ``n/ep`` the collected number of episodes.
            * ``n/st`` the collected number of steps.
            * ``v/st`` the speed of steps per second.
            * ``v/ep`` the speed of episode per second.
            * ``rew`` the mean reward over collected episodes.
            * ``len`` the mean length over collected episodes.
        assert (n_step is not None and n_episode is None and n_step > 0) or (
            n_step is None and n_episode is not None and np.sum(n_episode) > 0
        ), "Only one of n_step or n_episode is allowed in Collector.collect, "
        f"got n_step = {n_step}, n_episode = {n_episode}."
        start_time = time.time()
        step_count = 0
        # episode of each environment
        episode_count = np.zeros(self.env_num)
        # If n_episode is a list, and some envs have collected the required
        # number of episodes, these envs will be recorded in this list, and
        # they will not be stepped.
        finished_env_ids = []
        rewards = []
        whole_data = Batch()
        if isinstance(n_episode, list):
            assert len(n_episode) == self.get_env_num()
            finished_env_ids = [
                i for i in self._ready_env_ids if n_episode[i] <= 0]
            self._ready_env_ids = np.array(
                [x for x in self._ready_env_ids if x not in finished_env_ids])
        while True:
            if step_count >= 100000 and episode_count.sum() == 0:
                    "There are already many steps in an episode. "
                    "You should add a time limitation to your environment!",

            is_async = self.is_async or len(finished_env_ids) > 0
            if is_async:
                # self.data are the data for all environments in async
                # simulation or some envs have finished,
                # **only a subset of data are disposed**,
                # so we store the whole data in ``whole_data``, let self.data
                # to be the data available in ready environments, and finally
                # set these back into all the data
                whole_data = self.data
                self.data = self.data[self._ready_env_ids]

            # restore the state and the input data
            last_state = self.data.state
            if isinstance(last_state, Batch) and last_state.is_empty():
                last_state = None
            self.data.update(state=Batch(), obs_next=Batch(), policy=Batch())

            # calculate the next action
            if random:
                spaces = self._action_space
                result = Batch(
                    act=[spaces[i].sample() for i in self._ready_env_ids])
                if no_grad:
                    with torch.no_grad():  # faster than retain_grad version
                        result = self.policy(self.data, last_state)
                    result = self.policy(self.data, last_state)

            state = result.get("state", Batch())
            # convert None to Batch(), since None is reserved for 0-init
            if state is None:
                state = Batch()
            self.data.update(state=state, policy=result.get("policy", Batch()))
            # save hidden state to policy._state, in order to save into buffer
            if not (isinstance(state, Batch) and state.is_empty()):
                self.data.policy._state = self.data.state

            self.data.act = to_numpy(result.act)
            if self._action_noise is not None:
                assert isinstance(self.data.act, np.ndarray)
                self.data.act += self._action_noise(self.data.act.shape)

            # step in env
            if not is_async:
                obs_next, rew, done, info = self.env.step(self.data.act)
                # store computed actions, states, etc
                    whole_data, self._ready_env_ids, self.data, self.env_num)
                # fetch finished data
                obs_next, rew, done, info = self.env.step(
                    self.data.act, id=self._ready_env_ids)
                self._ready_env_ids = np.array([i["env_id"] for i in info])
                # get the stepped data
                self.data = whole_data[self._ready_env_ids]
            # move data to self.data
            self.data.update(obs_next=obs_next, rew=rew, done=done, info=info)

            if render:

            # add data into the buffer
            if self.preprocess_fn:
                result = self.preprocess_fn(**self.data)  # type: ignore

            for j, i in enumerate(self._ready_env_ids):
                # j is the index in current ready_env_ids
                # i is the index in all environments
                if self.buffer is None:
                    # users do not want to store data, so we store
                    # small fake data here to make the code clean
                    self._cached_buf[i].add(obs=0, act=0, rew=rew[j], done=0)

                if done[j]:
                    if not (isinstance(n_episode, list)
                            and episode_count[i] >= n_episode[i]):
                        episode_count[i] += 1
                            np.sum(self._cached_buf[i].rew, axis=0)))
                        step_count += len(self._cached_buf[i])
                        if self.buffer is not None:
                        if isinstance(n_episode, list) and \
                                episode_count[i] >= n_episode[i]:
                            # env i has collected enough data, it has finished
            obs_next = self.data.obs_next
            if sum(done):
                env_ind_local = np.where(done)[0]
                env_ind_global = self._ready_env_ids[env_ind_local]
                obs_reset = self.env.reset(env_ind_global)
                if self.preprocess_fn:
                    obs_reset = self.preprocess_fn(
                        obs=obs_reset).get("obs", obs_reset)
                obs_next[env_ind_local] = obs_reset
            self.data.obs = obs_next
            if is_async:
                # set data back
                whole_data = deepcopy(whole_data)  # avoid reference in ListBuf
                    whole_data, self._ready_env_ids, self.data, self.env_num)
                # let self.data be the data in all environments again
                self.data = whole_data
            self._ready_env_ids = np.array(
                [x for x in self._ready_env_ids if x not in finished_env_ids])
            if n_step:
                if step_count >= n_step:
                if isinstance(n_episode, int) and \
                        episode_count.sum() >= n_episode:
                if isinstance(n_episode, list) and \
                        (episode_count >= n_episode).all():

        # finished envs are ready, and can be used for the next collection
        self._ready_env_ids = np.array(
            self._ready_env_ids.tolist() + finished_env_ids)

        # generate the statistics
        episode_count = sum(episode_count)
        duration = max(time.time() - start_time, 1e-9)
        self.collect_step += step_count
        self.collect_episode += episode_count
        self.collect_time += duration
        return {
            "n/ep": episode_count,
            "n/st": step_count,
            "v/st": step_count / duration,
            "v/ep": episode_count / duration,
            "rew": np.mean(rewards),
            "rew_std": np.std(rewards),
            "len": step_count / episode_count,
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def collect(
        n_step: Optional[int] = None,
        n_episode: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None,  # 多少个episodes
        random: bool = False,
        render: Optional[float] = None,
        no_grad: bool = True,
    ) -> Dict[str, float]:
        """Collect a specified number of step or episode.

        :param int n_step: how many steps you want to collect.
        :param n_episode: how many episodes you want to collect. If it is an
            int, it means to collect at lease ``n_episode`` episodes; if it is
            a list, it means to collect exactly ``n_episode[i]`` episodes in
            the i-th environment
        :param bool random: whether to use random policy for collecting data,
            defaults to False.
        :param float render: the sleep time between rendering consecutive
            frames, defaults to None (no rendering).
        :param bool no_grad: whether to retain gradient in policy.forward,
            defaults to True (no gradient retaining).

        .. note::

            One and only one collection number specification is permitted,
            either ``n_step`` or ``n_episode``.

        :return: A dict including the following keys

            * ``n/ep`` the collected number of episodes.
            * ``n/st`` the collected number of steps.
            * ``v/st`` the speed of steps per second.
            * ``v/ep`` the speed of episode per second.
            * ``rew`` the mean reward over collected episodes.
            * ``len`` the mean length over collected episodes.
        assert (n_step is not None and n_episode is None and n_step > 0) or (
            n_step is None and n_episode is not None and np.sum(n_episode) > 0
        ), "Only one of n_step or n_episode is allowed in Collector.collect, "
        f"got n_step = {n_step}, n_episode = {n_episode}."
        start_time = time.time()
        step_count = 0
        # episode of each environment
        episode_count = np.zeros(self.env_num)
        # If n_episode is a list, and some envs have collected the required
        # number of episodes, these envs will be recorded in this list, and
        # they will not be stepped.

        finished_env_ids = []
        rewards = []
        whole_data = Batch()
        if isinstance(n_episode, list):
            assert len(n_episode) == self.get_env_num()
            finished_env_ids = [
                i for i in self._ready_env_ids if n_episode[i] <= 0
            self._ready_env_ids = np.array(
                [x for x in self._ready_env_ids if x not in finished_env_ids])
        right, wrong = 0., 0.
        mate_num = 0.
        right_index = defaultdict(int)
        while True:
            if step_count >= 100000 and episode_count.sum() == 0:
                    "There are already many steps in an episode. "
                    "You should add a time limitation to your environment!",

            is_async = self.is_async or len(finished_env_ids) > 0
            if is_async:
                # self.data are the data for all environments in async(异步的)
                # simulation or some envs have finished,
                # **only a subset of data are disposed**,
                # so we store the whole data in ``whole_data``, let self.data
                # to be the data available in ready environments, and finally
                # set these back into all the data
                whole_data = self.data
                self.data = self.data[self._ready_env_ids]

            # restore the state and the input data
            last_state = self.data.state
            if isinstance(last_state, Batch) and last_state.is_empty():
                last_state = None
            self.data.update(state=Batch(), obs_next=Batch(), policy=Batch())
            # print("self.data: ", self.data)
            # print("know: ", self.env.goal_num)
            # calculate the next action
            # print("self.data.obs: ", self.data.obs.shape)
            if random:
                spaces = self._action_space
                result = Batch(
                    act=[spaces[i].sample() for i in self._ready_env_ids])
                if no_grad:
                    with torch.no_grad():  # faster than retain_grad version
                        result = self.policy(self.data, last_state)
                    result = self.policy(self.data, last_state)

            # print("result: ", result['logits'].size())
            # print("really: ", self.env.goal_num)
            state = result.get("state", Batch())
            # convert None to Batch(), since None is reserved for 0-init
            if state is None:
                state = Batch()
            self.data.update(state=state, policy=result.get("policy", Batch()))
            # save hidden state to policy._state, in order to save into buffer
            if not (isinstance(state, Batch) and state.is_empty()):
                self.data.policy._state = self.data.state

            self.data.act = to_numpy(result.act)
            if self._action_noise is not None:
                assert isinstance(self.data.act, np.ndarray)
                self.data.act += self._action_noise(self.data.act.shape)

            # step in env
            # print(self.env_num)
            # print("is_async: ", is_async)
            # print("in collect data.act: ", self.data.act)
            # print('f**k', self.env.goal_num)
            # print('self.data: ', type(self.data.act))
            # print(self.data.act)
            # 实在不行就在这里修改一下action吧
            if not is_async:
                obs_next, rew, done, info = self.env.step(self.data.act)
                # print("kk: ", self.env.goal_num)
                # store computed actions, states, etc
                _batch_set_item(whole_data, self._ready_env_ids, self.data,
                # fetch finished data
                obs_next, rew, done, info = self.env.step(
                    self.data.act, id=self._ready_env_ids)
                self._ready_env_ids = np.array([i["env_id"] for i in info])
                # get the stepped data
                self.data = whole_data[self._ready_env_ids]
            # move data to self.data
            # print("in every step info: ",info)
            # print("self.data: ", type(self.data))
            # self.data.update(obs_next=obs_next, rew=rew, done=done, info=info)  # 暂时还不能更新info,得要在更新obs的地方更新info
            self.data.update(obs_next=obs_next, rew=rew,
                             done=done)  # 暂时还不能更新info,得要在更新obs的地方更新info
            # print("what? ", done)
            # print("action: ", self.data.act)
            if render:
            # print('Updatea: ', self.env.goal_num)
            # add data into the buffer
            if self.preprocess_fn:
                result = self.preprocess_fn(**self.data)  # type: ignore

            # print("self._ready_env_ids: ", self._ready_env_ids)
            # print('len: ', [len(self._cached_buf[i]) for i in self._ready_env_ids])
            # print("",self.data)
            for j, i in enumerate(self._ready_env_ids):
                # print(i,j)
                # j is the index in current ready_env_ids
                # i is the index in all environments
                if self.buffer is None:
                    # users do not want to store data, so we store
                    # small fake data here to make the code clean
                        obs=0, act=0, rew=rew[j],
                        done=0)  # 每一个env都有一个cached_bug收集已经经历过的状态
                        **self.data[j])  # 增加,并非覆盖,所以过程中的所有采样都会被采样到
                # print("maybe: ", self.env.goal_num)
                # print("buffer: ")
                # print(self.buffer)
                # print("done: ",done)
                if done[j]:
                    if not (isinstance(n_episode, list)
                            and episode_count[i] >= n_episode[i]):
                        episode_count[i] += 1
                                np.sum(self._cached_buf[i].rew, axis=0)))
                        step_count += len(self._cached_buf[i])
                        if self.buffer is not None:
                        if isinstance(n_episode, list) and \
                                episode_count[i] >= n_episode[i]:
                            # env i has collected enough data, it has finished
                    # print("right? ", info[j]['right'])
                    # print("two: ", self.env.goal_num)
                    mate_num += info[j]['mate_num']
                    # print("mate_num:", mate_num)
                    if info[j]['right']:
                        right += 1
                        right_index[info[j]['ans']] += 1
                        wrong += 1
                    # print("really?", i, j)
                    # print("three: ", self.env.goal_num)
                    # print("after done: ", self.data['obs_next'])
            obs_next = self.data.obs_next
            self.data.info = info
            if sum(done):  ##在这里会自动更新一个新的state
                env_ind_local = np.where(done)[0]
                env_ind_global = self._ready_env_ids[env_ind_local]
                # print("env_ind_global: ", env_ind_global)
                obs_reset = self.env.reset(env_ind_global)
                self.data['info']['history'][env_ind_local] = np.where(
                    obs_reset != 0, np.ones_like(obs_reset),
                self.data['info']['turn'][env_ind_local] = np.zeros(
                # print("Data: ", self.data)
                # print("obs_reset: ",obs_reset)
                if self.preprocess_fn:
                    obs_reset = self.preprocess_fn(obs=obs_reset).get(
                        "obs", obs_reset)
                obs_next[env_ind_local] = obs_reset
            self.data.obs = obs_next
            if is_async:
                # set data back
                whole_data = deepcopy(whole_data)  # avoid reference in ListBuf
                _batch_set_item(whole_data, self._ready_env_ids, self.data,
                # let self.data be the data in all environments again
                self.data = whole_data
            self._ready_env_ids = np.array(
                [x for x in self._ready_env_ids if x not in finished_env_ids])
            if n_step:
                if step_count >= n_step:
                if isinstance(n_episode, int) and \
                        episode_count.sum() >= n_episode:
                if isinstance(n_episode, list) and \
                        (episode_count >= n_episode).all():

        # finished envs are ready, and can be used for the next collection
        self._ready_env_ids = np.array(self._ready_env_ids.tolist() +

        # generate the statistics
        episode_count = sum(episode_count)
        duration = max(time.time() - start_time, 1e-9)
        self.collect_step += step_count
        self.collect_episode += episode_count
        self.collect_time += duration
        # print(self.env_num == 2, right + wrong)
        return {
            "n/ep": episode_count,
            "n/st": step_count,
            "v/st": step_count / duration,
            "v/ep": episode_count / duration,
            "rew": np.mean(rewards),
            "rew_std": np.std(rewards),
            "len": step_count / episode_count,
            "hit_rate": right / (right + wrong),
            "class_rate": right_index,
            'mate_num': mate_num
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_batch():
    assert list(Batch()) == []
    assert Batch().is_empty()
    assert not Batch(b={'c': {}}).is_empty()
    assert Batch(b={'c': {}}).is_empty(recurse=True)
    assert not Batch(a=Batch(), b=Batch(c=Batch())).is_empty()
    assert Batch(a=Batch(), b=Batch(c=Batch())).is_empty(recurse=True)
    assert not Batch(d=1).is_empty()
    assert not Batch(a=np.float64(1.0)).is_empty()
    assert len(Batch(a=[1, 2, 3], b={'c': {}})) == 3
    assert not Batch(a=[1, 2, 3]).is_empty()
    b = Batch()
    assert b.is_empty()
    b.update(c=[3, 5])
    assert np.allclose(b.c, [3, 5])
    # mimic the behavior of dict.update, where kwargs can overwrite keys
    b.update({'a': 2}, a=3)
    assert b.a == 3
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        Batch({1: 2})
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[np.zeros((2, 3)), np.zeros((3, 3))])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[np.zeros((3, 2)), np.zeros((3, 3))])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[torch.zeros((2, 3)), torch.zeros((3, 3))])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[torch.zeros((3, 3)), np.zeros((3, 3))])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Batch(a=[1, np.zeros((3, 3)), torch.zeros((3, 3))])
    batch = Batch(a=[torch.ones(3), torch.ones(3)])
    assert torch.allclose(batch.a, torch.ones(2, 3))
    batch = Batch(obs=[0], np=np.zeros([3, 4]))
    assert batch.obs == batch["obs"]
    batch.obs = [1]
    assert batch.obs == [1]
    assert np.allclose(batch.obs, [1, 1])
    assert batch.np.shape == (6, 4)
    assert np.allclose(batch[0].obs, batch[1].obs)
    batch.obs = np.arange(5)
    for i, b in enumerate(batch.split(1, shuffle=False)):
        if i != 5:
            assert b.obs == batch[i].obs
            with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    batch_dict = {'b': np.array([1.0]), 'c': 2.0, 'd': torch.Tensor([3.0])}
    batch_item = Batch({'a': [batch_dict]})[0]
    assert isinstance(batch_item.a.b, np.ndarray)
    assert batch_item.a.b == batch_dict['b']
    assert isinstance(batch_item.a.c, float)
    assert batch_item.a.c == batch_dict['c']
    assert isinstance(batch_item.a.d, torch.Tensor)
    assert batch_item.a.d == batch_dict['d']
    batch2 = Batch(a=[{
        'b': np.float64(1.0),
        'c': np.zeros(1),
        'd': Batch(e=np.array(3.0))
    assert len(batch2) == 1
    assert Batch().shape == []
    assert Batch(a=1).shape == []
    assert batch2.shape[0] == 1
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    assert batch2[0].shape == []
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    assert isinstance(batch2[0].a.c, np.ndarray)
    assert isinstance(batch2[0].a.b, np.float64)
    assert isinstance(batch2[0].a.d.e, np.float64)
    batch2_from_list = Batch(list(batch2))
    batch2_from_comp = Batch([e for e in batch2])
    assert batch2_from_list.a.b == batch2.a.b
    assert batch2_from_list.a.c == batch2.a.c
    assert batch2_from_list.a.d.e == batch2.a.d.e
    assert batch2_from_comp.a.b == batch2.a.b
    assert batch2_from_comp.a.c == batch2.a.c
    assert batch2_from_comp.a.d.e == batch2.a.d.e
    for batch_slice in [batch2[slice(0, 1)], batch2[:1], batch2[0:]]:
        assert batch_slice.a.b == batch2.a.b
        assert batch_slice.a.c == batch2.a.c
        assert batch_slice.a.d.e == batch2.a.d.e
    batch2_sum = (batch2 + 1.0) * 2
    assert batch2_sum.a.b == (batch2.a.b + 1.0) * 2
    assert batch2_sum.a.c == (batch2.a.c + 1.0) * 2
    assert batch2_sum.a.d.e == (batch2.a.d.e + 1.0) * 2
    batch3 = Batch(a={
        'c': np.zeros(1),
        'd': Batch(e=np.array([0.0]), f=np.array([3.0]))
    batch3.a.d[0] = {'e': 4.0}
    assert batch3.a.d.e[0] == 4.0
    batch3.a.d[0] = Batch(f=5.0)
    assert batch3.a.d.f[0] == 5.0
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        batch3.a.d[0] = Batch(f=5.0, g=0.0)
    # auto convert
    batch4 = Batch(a=np.array(['a', 'b']))
    assert batch4.a.dtype == np.object  # auto convert to np.object
    batch4.update(a=np.array(['c', 'd']))
    assert list(batch4.a) == ['c', 'd']
    assert batch4.a.dtype == np.object  # auto convert to np.object
    batch5 = Batch(a=np.array([{'index': 0}]))
    assert isinstance(batch5.a, Batch)
    assert np.allclose(batch5.a.index, [0])
    batch5.b = np.array([{'index': 1}])
    assert isinstance(batch5.b, Batch)
    assert np.allclose(batch5.b.index, [1])

    # None is a valid object and can be stored in Batch
    a = Batch.stack([Batch(a=None), Batch(b=None)])
    assert a.a[0] is None and a.a[1] is None
    assert a.b[0] is None and a.b[1] is None
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def collect(
        n_step: Optional[int] = None,
        n_episode: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None,
        random: bool = False,
        render: Optional[float] = None,
        no_grad: bool = True,
    ) -> Dict[str, float]:
        """Collect a specified number of step or episode.

        :param int n_step: how many steps you want to collect.
        :param n_episode: how many episodes you want to collect. If it is an
            int, it means to collect at lease ``n_episode`` episodes; if it is
            a list, it means to collect exactly ``n_episode[i]`` episodes in
            the i-th environment
        :param bool random: whether to use random policy for collecting data,
            defaults to ``False``.
        :param float render: the sleep time between rendering consecutive
            frames, defaults to ``None`` (no rendering).
        :param bool no_grad: whether to retain gradient in policy.forward,
            defaults to ``True`` (no gradient retaining).

        .. note::

            One and only one collection number specification is permitted,
            either ``n_step`` or ``n_episode``.

        :return: A dict including the following keys

            * ``n/ep`` the collected number of episodes.
            * ``n/st`` the collected number of steps.
            * ``v/st`` the speed of steps per second.
            * ``v/ep`` the speed of episode per second.
            * ``rew`` the mean reward over collected episodes.
            * ``len`` the mean length over collected episodes.
        assert (n_step is not None and n_episode is None and n_step > 0) or (
            n_step is None and n_episode is not None and np.sum(n_episode) > 0
        ), "Only one of n_step or n_episode is allowed in Collector.collect, "
        f"got n_step = {n_step}, n_episode = {n_episode}."
        start_time = time.time()
        step_count = 0
        # episode of each environment
        # 每一个环境进行的episode次数
        episode_count = np.zeros(self.env_num)
        # If n_episode is a list, and some envs have collected the required
        # number of episodes, these envs will be recorded in this list, and
        # they will not be stepped.
        # 如果有的环境中已经达到了迭代的轮次,那么它们将不再被运行。
        finished_env_ids = []
        reward_total = 0.0
        whole_data = Batch()
        list_n_episode = False
        # 多环境不同episode初始化处理
        if n_episode is not None and not np.isscalar(n_episode):
            assert len(n_episode) == self.get_env_num()
            # 标记为多环境运行不同episode
            list_n_episode = True
            finished_env_ids = [
                i for i in self._ready_env_ids if n_episode[i] <= 0
            self._ready_env_ids = np.array(
                [x for x in self._ready_env_ids if x not in finished_env_ids])
        while True:
            if step_count >= 100000 and episode_count.sum() == 0:
                    'There are already many steps in an episode. '
                    'You should add a time limitation to your environment!',

            # 如果本身设计的就是异步运行,或者一些环境运行已结束,则启动异步收集
            is_async = self.is_async or len(finished_env_ids) > 0
            if is_async:
                # self.data are the data for all environments in async
                # simulation or some envs have finished,
                # **only a subset of data are disposed**,
                # so we store the whole data in ``whole_data``, let self.data
                # to be the data available in ready environments, and finally
                # set these back into all the data
                whole_data = self.data
                self.data = self.data[self._ready_env_ids]

            # restore the state and the input data
            last_state = self.data.state
            if isinstance(last_state, Batch) and last_state.is_empty():
                last_state = None
            self.data.update(state=Batch(), obs_next=Batch(), policy=Batch())

            # calculate the next action
            # print(type(self.data.obs))
            if random:
                spaces = self._action_space
                result = Batch(
                    act=[spaces[i].sample() for i in self._ready_env_ids])
                if no_grad:
                    with torch.no_grad():  # faster than retain_grad version
                        result = self.policy(self.data, last_state)
                    result = self.policy(self.data, last_state)
            # 在RNN的RL方法中使用state
            state = result.get('state', Batch())
            # convert None to Batch(), since None is reserved for 0-init
            # 这行代码可以删除???
            if state is None:
                state = Batch()
            self.data.update(state=state, policy=result.get('policy', Batch()))
            # save hidden state to policy._state, in order to save into buffer
            if not (isinstance(state, Batch) and state.is_empty()):
                self.data.policy._state = self.data.state

            self.data.act = to_numpy(result.act)
            if self._action_noise is not None:  # noqa
                self.data.act += self._action_noise(self.data.act.shape)

            # step in env
            if not is_async:
                obs_next, rew, done, info = self.env.step(self.data.act)
                # store computed actions, states, etc
                # 把self.data中得到的新的值赋给whole_data
                _batch_set_item(whole_data, self._ready_env_ids, self.data,
                # print(self._ready_env_ids, 1)
                # fetch finished data
                obs_next, rew, done, info = self.env.step(
                    self.data.act, id=self._ready_env_ids)
                # print(self._ready_env_ids, 2)
                # 这行代码可以删除???
                self._ready_env_ids = np.array([i['env_id'] for i in info])
                # get the stepped data
                self.data = whole_data[self._ready_env_ids]
            # move data to self.data
            self.data.update(obs_next=obs_next, rew=rew, done=done, info=info)

            if render:

            # 在加入buffer之前对数据进行预处理
            if self.preprocess_fn:
                result = self.preprocess_fn(**self.data)

            # add data into the buffer
            # 首先将这一step的数据存储到对应的_cached_buf中,如果当前这一step对应了一个done状态,那么则清空对应的_cached_buf将其加入到buffer中
            for j, i in enumerate(self._ready_env_ids):
                # j is the index in current ready_env_ids
                # i is the index in all environments
                if self.buffer is None:
                    # users do not want to store data, so we store
                    # small fake data here to make the code clean
                    self._cached_buf[i].add(obs=0, act=0, rew=rew[j], done=0)

                if done[j]:
                    if not (list_n_episode
                            and episode_count[i] >= n_episode[i]):
                        episode_count[i] += 1
                        reward_total += np.sum(self._cached_buf[i].rew, axis=0)
                        step_count += len(self._cached_buf[i])
                        if self.buffer is not None:
                        if list_n_episode and \
                                episode_count[i] >= n_episode[i]:
                            # env i has collected enough data, it has finished
            # 更新当前状态
            obs_next = self.data.obs_next
            # 如果有已完结状态,则将对应的环境reset()
            if sum(done):
                env_ind_local = np.where(done)[0]
                env_ind_global = self._ready_env_ids[env_ind_local]
                obs_reset = self.env.reset(env_ind_global)
                if self.preprocess_fn:
                    obs_next[env_ind_local] = self.preprocess_fn(
                        obs=obs_reset).get('obs', obs_reset)
                    obs_next[env_ind_local] = obs_reset
            self.data.obs = obs_next
            if is_async:
                # set data back
                whole_data = deepcopy(whole_data)  # avoid reference in ListBuf
                _batch_set_item(whole_data, self._ready_env_ids, self.data,
                # let self.data be the data in all environments again
                self.data = whole_data
            self._ready_env_ids = np.array(
                [x for x in self._ready_env_ids if x not in finished_env_ids])
            if n_step:
                if step_count >= n_step:
                if isinstance(n_episode, int) and \
                        episode_count.sum() >= n_episode:
                if isinstance(n_episode, list) and \
                        (episode_count >= n_episode).all():

        # finished envs are ready, and can be used for the next collection
        self._ready_env_ids = np.array(self._ready_env_ids.tolist() +

        # generate the statistics
        episode_count = sum(episode_count)
        duration = max(time.time() - start_time, 1e-9)
        self.collect_step += step_count
        self.collect_episode += episode_count
        self.collect_time += duration
        # average reward across the number of episodes
        reward_avg = reward_total / episode_count
        if np.asanyarray(reward_avg).size > 1:  # non-scalar reward_avg
            reward_avg = self._rew_metric(reward_avg)
        return {
            'n/ep': episode_count,
            'n/st': step_count,
            'v/st': step_count / duration,
            'v/ep': episode_count / duration,
            'rew': reward_avg,
            'len': step_count / episode_count,