Ejemplo n.º 1
def getTickersPolygon(event=None, context=None):
        from tickers import Tickers
        tickers = Tickers()
        result = tickers.getTickersFromPolygon()
        response = {
            "statusCode": 200,
            "body": result
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        response = {
                "statusCode": 404,
                "body": json.dumps(e)

        return response
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getTicker(event=None, context=None):
        from tickers import Tickers
        findTicker = event['query']['ticker']
        tickers = Tickers()
        result = tickers.getTicker(findTicker)
        response = {
            "statusCode": 200,
            "body": result
        return response
    except Exception as e:
        response = {
                "statusCode": 404,
                "body": json.dumps(e)

        return response
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__ (self):
     self.__tickers = Tickers()
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Quotes(object):
    OANDA Ticker Quotes ready to use with Pandas 
    def __init__(self):
        self.__tickers = Tickers()
        self.__hour = Hour()   
        self.__account = Account()
    def dataframe(self,field,*ticker):
        Actual OANDA quotes
        :param field: 'bid', 'ask', 'mid', 'spread', 'all'
        :type: str
        :param ticker: required instruments format OANDA API
        :type: str, tuple or list
        :return: dataFrame object
        quotesTotal = pd.DataFrame()
        for instr in ticker: 
                quotes = self.__tickers._oanda_api.get_prices(instruments = 
                quotes = quotes.get('prices')
                quotes = pd.DataFrame(quotes)
                quotes['mid'] = round((quotes['bid'] + quotes['ask']) / 2,
                quotes.set_index('instrument', inplace = True)
                quotes = quotes[['bid','ask','mid','time']]
                quotes['time'] = pd.to_datetime(quotes['time'])
                quotes['time'] = quotes['time'] + timedelta(hours = 
                quotes['spread'] = round(((quotes['ask'] - quotes['bid']) 
                                / self.__tickers.tick_value(instr)), 1)
                quotesTotal = quotesTotal.append(quotes)
        if field == 'all':
            return quotesTotal
            return quotesTotal[field]
    def ticker_bid (self,ticker) :
        Actual Oanda ticker bid quote
        :param ticker: required instrument format OANDA API
        :type: str
        :return: float
        return float(self.dataframe('bid',ticker).values)
    def ticker_ask (self,ticker) :
        Actual Oanda ticker ask quote
        :param ticker: required instrument format OANDA API
        :type: str
        :return: float
        return float(self.dataframe('ask',ticker).values)
    def ticker_mid (self,ticker) :
        Actual Oanda ticker mid quote
        :param ticker: required instrument format OANDA API
        :type: str
        :return: float

        return float(self.dataframe('mid',ticker).values)
    def ticker_spread (self,ticker) :
        Actual Oanda ticker spread
        :param ticker: required instrument format OANDA API
        :type: str
        :return: float

        return float(self.dataframe('spread',ticker).values)

    def __currency_account_pricing_notUSD(self,pair):
        Return mid quote pairs not included in tickers.dataframe
        included exotic pairs quoted in account base currency NOT USD
        :param pair: instrument or mix of them
        :type: str
        :return: float
        base = pair.split('_') [0]
        quote = pair.split('_') [1]
        #Check if the account currency is in base or quote vs USD -> Bool 
        curr = self.__account.currency
        curr_base = ((curr + '_' + 'USD') in 
        inversed_pair = quote + '_' + base
        #Possibilities and output
        if base == quote:
            return 1
        elif pair in self.__tickers.dataframe.index:
            return self.ticker_mid(pair)
        elif inversed_pair in self.__tickers.dataframe.index:
            return (1 / self.ticker_mid(inversed_pair))
        elif curr_base == True and (('USD'+'_'+base) in 

            return ((1 / self.ticker_mid('USD'+'_'+base)) * 
                    (1 / self.ticker_mid(curr + '_' + 'USD')))
        elif curr_base == True and ((base+'_'+'USD') in 
            return (self.ticker_mid(base+'_'+'USD') *  
                    (1 / self.ticker_mid(curr + '_' + 'USD')))
        elif curr_base == False and (('USD'+'_'+base) in 
            return ((1 / self.ticker_mid('USD'+'_'+base)) * 
                    (self.ticker_mid('USD' + '_' + 
                    self.__account.currency )))
        elif curr_base == False and ((base+'_'+'USD') in 
            return (self.ticker_mid(base+'_'+'USD') *  
                    (self.ticker_mid('USD' + '_' + 
                    self.__account.currency )))
        #A pair not quoted in USD
        elif (curr_base == False or True) and ((base+'_'+'USD') not in 
            #Not quoted in USD, searching quoted ticker
            reference = self.__tickers.dataframe.loc[
                    self.__tickers.dataframe['base'] == base].index.values[0] 
            quote_ref = reference.split('_') [1]
            if (quote_ref+'_'+quote) in self.__tickers.dataframe.index:
                return (self.ticker_mid(reference) * 
                return (self.ticker_mid(reference) * 
                        (1 / self.ticker_mid(quote+'_'+quote_ref)))
    def __currency_account_pricing_USD(self,pair):
        Return mid quote pairs not included in tickers.dataframe
        included exotic pairs quoted in account base currency (USD acc currency)
        :param pair: instrument or mix of them
        :type: str
        :return: float
        base = pair.split('_') [0]
        quote = pair.split('_') [1]
        inversed_pair = quote + '_' + base
        #Possibilities and output
        if base == quote:
            return 1
        elif pair in self.__tickers.dataframe.index:
            return self.ticker_mid(pair)
        elif inversed_pair in self.__tickers.dataframe.index:
            return (1 / self.ticker_mid(inversed_pair))
        #A pair not quoted in USD
            #Ticker dataframe
            df = self.__tickers.dataframe
            #Not quoted in USD, searching quoted ticker
            reference = df.loc[
                    df['base'] == base].index.values[0] 
            quote_ref = reference.split('_') [1]
            if (quote_ref+'_'+quote) in self.__tickers.dataframe.index:
                return (self.ticker_mid(reference) * 
                return (self.ticker_mid(reference) * 
                        (1 / self.ticker_mid(quote+'_'+quote_ref)))
    def currency_account_pricing(self, *pair):
        Return mid quote pairs not included in tickers.dataframe
        included exotic pairs quoted in account base currency
        :param pair: instrument or mix of them
        :type: str, list, tuple or index
        :return: dataframe object
        curr = self.__account.currency
        df_total = pd.DataFrame()
        if curr != 'USD':
            for instr in pair:
                df = pd.DataFrame({'ticker': instr, 
                            'quote': [self.__currency_account_pricing_notUSD(instr)]}) 
                df.set_index('ticker',inplace = True)
                df_total = df_total.append(df)
            return df_total
            for instr in pair:
                df = pd.DataFrame({'ticker': instr, 
                            'quote': [self.__currency_account_pricing_USD(instr)]}) 
                df.set_index('ticker',inplace = True)
                df_total = df_total.append(df)
            return df_total
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.__tickers = Tickers()
     self.__hour = Hour()   
     self.__account = Account()
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     self.__hour = Hour()
     self.__tickers = Tickers()
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     self.__quotes = Quotes()
     self.__tickers = Tickers()
     self.__account = Account()
Ejemplo n.º 8
class Units(object):
    Units calculation class
    def __init__(self):
        self.__quotes = Quotes()
        self.__tickers = Tickers()
        self.__account = Account()
    def ticker(self, ticker, pips, amount):
        Returns units calculated according an currency account amount
        :param: ticker
        :type: str
        :param: pips
        :type: int
        :param: amount (account currency)
        :type: float
        :return: int
        #Define variables
        quote = ticker.split('_')[1]
        #It is not available EUR_XXX quotes but we can get this value
        # doing (1 / XXX_EUR)
        curr = self.__account.currency

        if curr == 'USD':
            position_risk_quote = (amount * (1 / 
                                quote + '_' +  self.__account.currency)))

            position_risk_quote = (amount * (1 / 
                                quote + '_' +  self.__account.currency)))

        pip_value_quote = position_risk_quote / pips
        units = (pip_value_quote * (1 / 
        return int(round(units,0))
    def dataframe(self, *args):
        Returns units calculated dataframe format
            units.dataframe( 300, *(tickers, pips))
            tickers, pips -> list, tuple or dataframe index
        df_total = pd.DataFrame()
        for instr, pips, amount  in zip(*args):
            units = self.ticker(instr,pips, amount)
            df_output = pd.DataFrame({'ticker': instr, 
                                      'units': [units]})            
            df_output.set_index('ticker',inplace = True)
            df_total = df_total.append(df_output)
        return df_total
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):

        self.__tickers = Tickers()
        self.__candles = Candles()
        self.__quotes = Quotes()
Ejemplo n.º 10
class Indicators(object):
    Trading Indicators
    def __init__(self):

        self.__tickers = Tickers()
        self.__candles = Candles()
        self.__quotes = Quotes()

    def sma(self, periods, granularity, applyTo, *ticker):
        Simple Moving Average
        :param periods: number of Simple Moving Average periods
        :type: int
        :param granularity: OANDA Timeframes:
                  “S5” - 5 seconds
                  “S10” - 10 seconds
                  “S15” - 15 seconds
                  “S30” - 30 seconds
                  “M1” - 1 minute
                  “M2” - 2 minutes
                  “M3” - 3 minutes
                  “M4” - 4 minutes
                  “M5” - 5 minutes
                  “M10” - 10 minutes
                  “M15” - 15 minutes
                  “M30” - 30 minutes
                  “H1” - 1 hour
                  “H2” - 2 hours
                  “H3” - 3 hours
                  “H4” - 4 hours
                  “H6” - 6 hours
                  “H8” - 8 hours
                  “H12” - 12 hours
                  “D” - 1 Day
                  “W” - 1 Week
                  “M” - 1 Month
        :type: str
        :param applyTo: close, open, high, low or volume
        :type: str
        :param ticker: required instruments format OANDA API
        :type: str, tuple or list
        :return: dataFrame object
        if applyTo in ['close', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'volume']:

            ibsDf = pd.DataFrame()

            for instr in ticker:

                df = self.__candles.dataframe(periods, granularity, False,
                df = df[applyTo]
                df = df.rolling(periods, center=False).mean()
                df = {
                    instr: (round(float(df.tail(1).values),
                df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df, 'index')
                ibsDf = ibsDf.append(df)

            ibsDf.columns = ('ticker', 'sma')
            ibsDf.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)

            return ibsDf


            raise ValueError("Please enter 'close','open','high','low'"
                             "or 'volume'")

    def ema(self, periods, granularity, applyTo, *ticker):
        Exponential Moving Average
        :param periods: number of Simple Moving Average periods
        :type: int
        :param granularity: OANDA Timeframes:
                  “S5” - 5 seconds
                  “S10” - 10 seconds
                  “S15” - 15 seconds
                  “S30” - 30 seconds
                  “M1” - 1 minute
                  “M2” - 2 minutes
                  “M3” - 3 minutes
                  “M4” - 4 minutes
                  “M5” - 5 minutes
                  “M10” - 10 minutes
                  “M15” - 15 minutes
                  “M30” - 30 minutes
                  “H1” - 1 hour
                  “H2” - 2 hours
                  “H3” - 3 hours
                  “H4” - 4 hours
                  “H6” - 6 hours
                  “H8” - 8 hours
                  “H12” - 12 hours
                  “D” - 1 Day
                  “W” - 1 Week
                  “M” - 1 Month
        :type: str
        :param applyTo: close, open, high, low or volume
        :type: str
        :param ticker: required instruments format OANDA API
        :type: str, tuple or list
        :return: dataFrame object
        if applyTo in ['close', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'volume']:

            ibsDf = pd.DataFrame()

            for instr in ticker:
                df = self.__candles.dataframe(periods, granularity, False,
                df = df[applyTo]
                df = df.ewm(span=periods, min_periods=periods - 1).mean()
                df = {
                    instr: (round(float(df.tail(1).values),
                df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df, 'index')
                ibsDf = ibsDf.append(df)

            ibsDf.columns = ('ticker', 'ema')
            ibsDf.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)

            return ibsDf


            raise ValueError("Please enter 'close','open','high','low'"
                             "or 'volume'")

    def ibs(self, periods, granularity, *ticker):
        Internal Bar Strength
            IBS =  (Close – Low) / (High – Low) * 100
        :param periods: number of IBS periods
        :type: int
        :param granularity: OANDA Timeframes:
                  “S5” - 5 seconds
                  “S10” - 10 seconds
                  “S15” - 15 seconds
                  “S30” - 30 seconds
                  “M1” - 1 minute
                  “M2” - 2 minutes
                  “M3” - 3 minutes
                  “M4” - 4 minutes
                  “M5” - 5 minutes
                  “M10” - 10 minutes
                  “M15” - 15 minutes
                  “M30” - 30 minutes
                  “H1” - 1 hour
                  “H2” - 2 hours
                  “H3” - 3 hours
                  “H4” - 4 hours
                  “H6” - 6 hours
                  “H8” - 8 hours
                  “H12” - 12 hours
                  “D” - 1 Day
                  “W” - 1 Week
                  “M” - 1 Month
        :type: str
        :param ticker: required instruments format OANDA API
        :type: str, tuple or list
        :return: dataFrame object
        ibsDf = pd.DataFrame()

        for instr in ticker:

            df = self.__candles.dataframe(periods, granularity, False, instr)
            df_max = df['high'].max()
            df_min = df['low'].min()
            df_close = df['close'].tail(1).values
            ibs = ((df_close - df_min) / (df_max - df_min)) * 100
            ibs = int(ibs)
            ibsDict = {instr: ibs}
            df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ibsDict, 'index')
            ibsDf = ibsDf.append(df)

        ibsDf.columns = ('ticker', 'ibs')
        ibsDf.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)

        return ibsDf

    def boll_bands(self, periods, granularity, applyTo, stdDev, *ticker):
        Bollinger Bands with Simple Moving Average
        :param periods: number of Simple Moving Average periods
        :type: int
        :param granularity: OANDA Timeframes:
                  “S5” - 5 seconds
                  “S10” - 10 seconds
                  “S15” - 15 seconds
                  “S30” - 30 seconds
                  “M1” - 1 minute
                  “M2” - 2 minutes
                  “M3” - 3 minutes
                  “M4” - 4 minutes
                  “M5” - 5 minutes
                  “M10” - 10 minutes
                  “M15” - 15 minutes
                  “M30” - 30 minutes
                  “H1” - 1 hour
                  “H2” - 2 hours
                  “H3” - 3 hours
                  “H4” - 4 hours
                  “H6” - 6 hours
                  “H8” - 8 hours
                  “H12” - 12 hours
                  “D” - 1 Day
                  “W” - 1 Week
                  “M” - 1 Month
        :type: str
        :param applyTo: close, open, high, low or volume
        :type: str
        :stdDev : is a number of standard deviations to include in the envelope.
        :type: float
        :param ticker: required instruments format OANDA API
        :type: str, tuple or list
        :return: dataFrame object
        bbDf = pd.DataFrame()

        for instr in ticker:

            df = self.__candles.dataframe(int(periods * 2), granularity, False,
            df['sma'] = (df[applyTo].rolling(periods,
            df['std'] = df[applyTo].rolling(periods, center=False).std()
            df['upBand'] = (df['sma'] + (df['std'] * stdDev)).round(5)
            df['dnBand'] = (df['sma'] - (df['std'] * stdDev)).round(5)
            df.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)
            df = df[['dnBand', 'sma', 'upBand']].tail(1)
            bbDf = bbDf.append(df)

        return bbDf

    def atr(self, periods, granularity, kind, *ticker):
        Average True Range
        :param periods: number of Exponential Moving Average periods
        :type: int
        :param granularity: OANDA Timeframes:
                  “S5” - 5 seconds
                  “S10” - 10 seconds
                  “S15” - 15 seconds
                  “S30” - 30 seconds
                  “M1” - 1 minute
                  “M2” - 2 minutes
                  “M3” - 3 minutes
                  “M4” - 4 minutes
                  “M5” - 5 minutes
                  “M10” - 10 minutes
                  “M15” - 15 minutes
                  “M30” - 30 minutes
                  “H1” - 1 hour
                  “H2” - 2 hours
                  “H3” - 3 hours
                  “H4” - 4 hours
                  “H6” - 6 hours
                  “H8” - 8 hours
                  “H12” - 12 hours
                  “D” - 1 Day
                  “W” - 1 Week
                  “M” - 1 Month
        :type: str
        :param kind: 'raw' or 'pips' format
        :type: str
        :param ticker: required instruments format OANDA API
        :type: str, tuple or list
        :return: dataFrame object
        atrDf = pd.DataFrame()

        for instr in ticker:

            df = self.__candles.dataframe(periods * 2, granularity, False,
            df1 = df['close'].shift(1)
            df1.name = ('close1')
            df = pd.concat([df, df1], axis=1)
            df['range1'] = df['high'] - df['low']
            df['range2'] = abs(df['close1'] - df['high'])
            df['range3'] = abs(df['close1'] - df['low'])
            df['atr'] = df[['range1', 'range2', 'range3']].max(axis=1)
            df.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)
            df['atr'] = df['atr'].ewm(span=periods,
                                      min_periods=periods - 1).mean()
            df = df['atr']
            df = df.tail(1).round(self.__tickers.pip_decimals(instr))
            atrDict = {instr: float(df.values)}
            df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(atrDict, 'index')
            atrDf = atrDf.append(df)

        atrDf.columns = ('ticker', 'atr')
        atrDf.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)

        if kind == 'raw':

            return atrDf

        elif kind == 'pips':

            atrDf = (atrDf['atr'] /
            return atrDf


            raise ValueError("Please type 'raw' or 'pips'")

    def atr_channels(self, periods, granularity, multiple, *ticker):
        ATR Channels
        :param periods: number of Simple Moving Average periods
        :type: int
        :param granularity: OANDA Timeframes:
                  “S5” - 5 seconds
                  “S10” - 10 seconds
                  “S15” - 15 seconds
                  “S30” - 30 seconds
                  “M1” - 1 minute
                  “M2” - 2 minutes
                  “M3” - 3 minutes
                  “M4” - 4 minutes
                  “M5” - 5 minutes
                  “M10” - 10 minutes
                  “M15” - 15 minutes
                  “M30” - 30 minutes
                  “H1” - 1 hour
                  “H2” - 2 hours
                  “H3” - 3 hours
                  “H4” - 4 hours
                  “H6” - 6 hours
                  “H8” - 8 hours
                  “H12” - 12 hours
                  “D” - 1 Day
                  “W” - 1 Week
                  “M” - 1 Month
        :type: str
        :multiple : is a number of ATRs to include in the envelope.
        :type: float
        :param ticker: required instruments format OANDA API
        :type: str, tuple or list
        :return: dataFrame object
        atrChDf = pd.DataFrame()

        for instr in ticker:

            df = self.__candles.dataframe(int(periods * 2), granularity, False,
            df['typicalPrice'] = ((df['high'] + df['low'] + df['close']) /

            df['range'] = df['high'] - df['low']

            df['smaTP'] = (df['typicalPrice'].rolling(periods,
            df['smaRange'] = (df['range'].rolling(periods,

            df['upChan'] = df['smaTP'] + (df['smaRange'] * multiple)
            df['dnChan'] = df['smaTP'] - (df['smaRange'] * multiple)

            df.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)
            df = df[['dnChan', 'smaTP', 'upChan']].tail(1)
            atrChDf = atrChDf.append(df)

        return atrChDf

    def max_min_quotes(self, periods, granularity, kind, *ticker):
        Returns max or min of a defined period of time
        :param :periods
        :type: int
        :param :granularity:
              “D” - 1 Day
              “W” - 1 Week
              “M” - 1 Month
        :type: str
        :param: ticker
        :type: str, list, tuple or index
        :param: kind - 'max' or 'min'
        :type: str
        :return: dataframe object
        if granularity not in ['D', 'W', 'M']:
            raise ValueError("Granularity must be 'D', 'W' or 'M' values")

        if kind not in ['max', 'min']:
            raise ValueError("Kind must be 'max' or 'min' values")

        df_total = pd.DataFrame()

        for instr in ticker:

            df = self.__candles.dataframe((periods * 2), granularity, False,
            df = df.loc[df['complete'] == True].copy()

            choice_dict = {'max': 'high', 'min': 'low'}

            if kind == 'min':

                df['max_min'] = df[choice_dict[kind]].rolling(
                    periods, center=False).min()

            elif kind == 'max':

                df['max_min'] = df[choice_dict[kind]].rolling(
                    periods, center=False).max()

            max_min = float(df['max_min'].tail(1))

            df_output = pd.DataFrame({'ticker': instr, 'max_min': [max_min]})
            df_output.set_index('ticker', inplace=True)

            df_total = df_total.append(df_output)

        return df_total