Ejemplo n.º 1
    def getImageATLatLon(self, lat, lon):
        image = self.loadTileSet(lat, lon)
        x, y = tilenames.latlon2pixels(lat, lon, self.zoom)
        x *= self.tileSize
        y *= self.tileSize
        sx = image.size[0]
        sy = image.size[1]
        tsx = self.w
        tsy = self.h
        offx = self.tileSize / 2 - x
        offy = self.tileSize / 2 - y
        cropped = image.crop(
                int(sx / 2 - tsx / 2 - offx),
                int(sy / 2 - tsy / 2 - offy),
                int(sx / 2 + tsx / 2 - offx),
                int(sy / 2 + tsy / 2 - offy),

        # get bounds (seems to be slightly off!)
        x, y = tilenames.latlon2xy(lat, lon, self.zoom)
        print tilenames.xy2latlon(x, y, self.zoom)
        ul_lat, ul_lon = tilenames.xy2latlon(
            x - (tsx / 2 + offx) / self.tileSize, y - (tsy / 2 + offy) / self.tileSize, self.zoom
        lr_lat, lr_lon = tilenames.xy2latlon(
            x + (tsx / 2 + offx) / self.tileSize, y + (tsy / 2 + offy) / self.tileSize, self.zoom
        self.bounds = ul_lon, ul_lat, lr_lon, lr_lat
        print self.bounds

        return cropped
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def findEdges(self):
     """Update the projection meta-info based on its fundamental parameters"""
     if(not self.xyValid):
         # If the display is not known yet, then we can't do anything, but we'll
         # mark it as something that needs doing as soon as the display 
         # becomes valid
         self.needsEdgeFind = True
     # Find the map centre in projection units
     self.px, self.py = latlon2xy(self.lat,self.lon,self.zoom)
     # Find the map edges in projection units
     self.px1 = self.px - 0.5 * self.w / self.scale
     self.px2 = self.px + 0.5 * self.w / self.scale
     self.py1 = self.py - 0.5 * self.h / self.scale
     self.py2 = self.py + 0.5 * self.h / self.scale
     # Store width and height in projection units, just to save time later
     self.pdx = self.px2 - self.px1
     self.pdy = self.py2 - self.py1
     # Calculate the bounding box 
     # ASSUMPTION: (that the projection is regular and north-up)
     self.N,self.W = xy2latlon(self.px1, self.py1, self.zoom)
     self.S,self.E = xy2latlon(self.px2, self.py2, self.zoom)
     # Mark the meta-info as valid
     self.needsEdgeFind = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def findEdges(self):
        """Update the projection meta-info based on its fundamental parameters"""
        if (not self.xyValid):
            # If the display is not known yet, then we can't do anything, but we'll
            # mark it as something that needs doing as soon as the display
            # becomes valid
            self.needsEdgeFind = True

        # Find the map centre in projection units
        self.px, self.py = latlon2xy(self.lat, self.lon, self.zoom)

        # Find the map edges in projection units
        self.px1 = self.px - 0.5 * self.w / self.scale
        self.px2 = self.px + 0.5 * self.w / self.scale
        self.py1 = self.py - 0.5 * self.h / self.scale
        self.py2 = self.py + 0.5 * self.h / self.scale

        # Store width and height in projection units, just to save time later
        self.pdx = self.px2 - self.px1
        self.pdy = self.py2 - self.py1

        # Calculate the bounding box
        # ASSUMPTION: (that the projection is regular and north-up)
        self.N, self.W = xy2latlon(self.px1, self.py1, self.zoom)
        self.S, self.E = xy2latlon(self.px2, self.py2, self.zoom)

        # Mark the meta-info as valid
        self.needsEdgeFind = False
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def describe(self, lat,lon):
    """Find the way you're nearest to, and return a description of it"""

    z = vmap_load.getVmapBaseZoom(self.d)
    (sx,sy) = tilenames.latlon2xy(lat,lon, z)
    # download local data
    filename = vmap_load.getVmapFilename(sx,sy,z,self.d)

    if(filename != self.dataFilename or self.data == None):
      #print "road loading %s" % (filename)
      self.data = vmap_load.vmapData(filename)
    # look for nearest way
    (mindist, name) = (1E+10, "not found")
    for wid,way in self.data.ways.items():
      (lastnlon,lastnlat,lastvalid) = (0,0,False)
      wayName = ''
        wayName += way['N'] + " "
        wayName += way['r'] + " "
      if(not wayName):
        wayName = "Way #%d" % wid

      for n in way['n']: # loop nodes in way
        (nlat,nlon,nid) = n
          distance =  self.distancePointToLine(nlon, nlat, lastnlon, lastnlat, lon, lat)
          if(distance < mindist):
            mindist = distance
            name = wayName
            #print "Selecting %s at %d" % (name, mindist)
        (lastnlon,lastnlat,lastvalid) = (lon,lat,True)
    #print "Done"
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def ll2xy(self, lat, lon):
     """Convert geographic units to display units"""
     px, py = latlon2xy(lat, lon, self.zoom)
     x = (px - self.px1) * self.scale
     y = (py - self.py1) * self.scale
     return (x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def pdfer(data, page_size=PAGE_SIZES['letter'], output='pdf'):
    shape_overlays = data.get('shape_overlays')
    point_overlays = data.get('point_overlays')

    grid = {'zoom': data.get('zoom')}
    center_lon, center_lat = data['center']
    center_tile_x, center_tile_y = tileXY(float(center_lat), 

    dim_across, dim_up = data['dimensions']
    if dim_across > dim_up:
        page_height, page_width, tiles_up, tiles_across = page_size
        page_width, page_height, tiles_across, tiles_up = page_size
    min_tile_x = center_tile_x - (tiles_across / 2)
    min_tile_y = center_tile_y - (tiles_up / 2)
    max_tile_x = min_tile_x + tiles_across
    max_tile_y = min_tile_y + tiles_up

    # Get base layer tiles
    base_pattern = 'http://d.tile.stamen.com/toner/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
    if data.get('base_tiles'):
        base_pattern = data['base_tiles']

    base_links = generateLinks(base_pattern, 

    base_names = dl_write_all(base_links, 'base')
    # Get overlay tiles
    overlay_pattern = None
    if data.get('overlay_tiles'):
        overlay_pattern = data['overlay_tiles']
        overlay_links = generateLinks(overlay_pattern, 

        overlay_names = dl_write_all(overlay_links, 'overlay')

    now = datetime.now()
    date_string = datetime.strftime(now, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
    outp_name = os.path.join('/tmp', '{0}.png'.format(date_string))
    base_image_names = ['-'.join(l.split('/')[-3:]) for l in base_names]
    base_image_names = sorted([i.split('-')[-3:] for i in base_image_names], key=itemgetter(1))
    for parts in base_image_names:
        z,x,y = parts
        y = y.rstrip('.png').rstrip('.jpg')
        z = z.rsplit('_', 1)[1]
        key = '-'.join([z,x,y])
        grid[key] = {'bbox': tileEdges(float(x),float(y),int(z))}
    keys = sorted(grid.keys())
    mercator = GlobalMercator()
    bb_poly = None
    bmin_rx = None
    bmin_ry = None

    if shape_overlays or point_overlays:
        polys = []
        for k,v in grid.items():
                one,two,three,four = grid[k]['bbox']
                polys.append(box(two, one, four, three))
            except TypeError:
        mpoly = MultiPolygon(polys)
        bb_poly = box(*mpoly.bounds)
        min_key = keys[0]
        max_key = keys[-2]
        bminx, bminy = grid[min_key]['bbox'][0], grid[min_key]['bbox'][1]
        bmaxx, bmaxy = grid[max_key]['bbox'][2], grid[max_key]['bbox'][3]
        bmin_mx, bmin_my = mercator.LatLonToMeters(bminx, bminy)
        bmax_mx, bmax_my = mercator.LatLonToMeters(bmaxx, bmaxy)
        bmin_px, bmin_py = mercator.MetersToPixels(bmin_mx,bmin_my,float(grid['zoom']))
        bmax_px, bmax_py = mercator.MetersToPixels(bmax_mx,bmax_my,float(grid['zoom']))
        bmin_rx, bmin_ry = mercator.PixelsToRaster(bmin_px,bmin_py,int(grid['zoom']))
        if shape_overlays:
            all_polys = []
            for shape_overlay in shape_overlays:
                shape_overlay = json.loads(shape_overlay)
                if shape_overlay.get('geometry'):
                    shape_overlay = shape_overlay['geometry']
                coords = shape_overlay['coordinates'][0]
            mpoly = MultiPolygon(all_polys)
            one, two, three, four, five = list(box(*mpoly.bounds).exterior.coords)
            left, right = LineString([one, two]), LineString([three, four])
            top, bottom = LineString([two, three]), LineString([four, five])

            left_to_right = left.distance(right)
            top_to_bottom = top.distance(bottom)

            if left_to_right > top_to_bottom:
                page_height, page_width, _, _ = page_size
                page_width, page_height, _, _ = page_size

            center_lon, center_lat = list(mpoly.centroid.coords)[0]

        if point_overlays:
            all_points = []
            for point_overlay in point_overlays:
                point_overlay = json.loads(point_overlay)
                for p in point_overlay['points']:
                    if p[0] and p[1]:
            mpoint = MultiPoint(all_points)
            center_lon, center_lat = list(mpoint.centroid.coords)[0]
            one, two, three, four, five = list(box(*mpoint.bounds).exterior.coords)
            left, right = LineString([one, two]), LineString([three, four])
            top, bottom = LineString([two, three]), LineString([four, five])

            left_to_right = left.distance(right)
            top_to_bottom = top.distance(bottom)

            if left_to_right > top_to_bottom:
                page_height, page_width, _, _ = page_size
                page_width, page_height, _, _ = page_size
            center_lon, center_lat = list(mpoint.centroid.coords)[0]

            print(center_lon, center_lat)
    arrays = []
    for k,g in groupby(base_image_names, key=itemgetter(1)):
        images = list(g)
        fnames = ['/tmp/%s' % ('-'.join(f)) for f in images]
        array = []
        for img in fnames:
            i = cv2.imread(img, -1)
            if isinstance(i, type(None)):
                i = np.zeros((256,256,4), np.uint8)
            elif i.shape[2] != 4:
                i = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
    outp = np.hstack(arrays)
    cv2.imwrite(outp_name, outp)
    if overlay_pattern:
        overlay_outp_name = os.path.join('/tmp', 'overlay_{0}.png'.format(date_string))
        overlay_image_names = ['-'.join(l.split('/')[-3:]) for l in overlay_names]
        overlay_image_names = sorted([i.split('-')[-3:] for i in overlay_image_names], key=itemgetter(1))
        arrays = []
        for k,g in groupby(overlay_image_names, key=itemgetter(1)):
            images = list(g)
            fnames = ['/tmp/%s' % ('-'.join(f)) for f in images]
            array = []
            for img in fnames:
                i = cv2.imread(img, -1)
                if isinstance(i, type(None)):
                    i = np.zeros((256,256,4), np.uint8)
                elif i.shape[2] != 4:
                    i = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
            nuked = [os.remove(f) for f in fnames]
        outp = np.hstack(arrays)
        cv2.imwrite(overlay_outp_name, outp)
        base = cv2.imread(outp_name, -1)
        overlay = cv2.imread(overlay_outp_name, -1)
        overlay_g = cv2.cvtColor(overlay, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        ret, mask = cv2.threshold(overlay_g, 10, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        inverted = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)
        overlay = cv2.bitwise_not(overlay, overlay, mask=inverted)

        base_alpha = 0.55
        overlay_alpha = 1
        for channel in range(3):
            x,y,d = overlay.shape
            base[:,:,channel] = (base[:,:,channel] * base_alpha + \
                                     overlay[:,:,channel] * overlay_alpha * \
                                     (1 - base_alpha)) / \
                                     (base_alpha + overlay_alpha * (1 - base_alpha))
        cv2.imwrite(outp_name, base)

    # Code below here is for drawing vector layers within the PDF             #
    # Leaving it in just because it was a pain to come up with the first time #
    if shape_overlays or point_overlays:
        im = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(outp_name)
        ctx = cairo.Context(im)

        if shape_overlays:
            for shape_overlay in shape_overlays:
                shape_overlay = json.loads(shape_overlay)
                if shape_overlay.get('geometry'):
                    shape_overlay = shape_overlay['geometry']
                color = hex_to_rgb('#f06eaa')
                coords = shape_overlay['coordinates'][0]
                x, y = get_pixel_coords(coords[0], grid['zoom'], bmin_rx, bmin_ry)
                red, green, blue = [float(c) for c in color]
                ctx.set_source_rgba(red/255, green/255, blue/255, 0.3)
                for p in coords[1:]:
                    x, y = get_pixel_coords(p, grid['zoom'], bmin_rx, bmin_ry)
                ctx.set_source_rgba(red/255, green/255, blue/255, 0.5)
                for p in coords[1:]:
                    x, y = get_pixel_coords(p, grid['zoom'], bmin_rx, bmin_ry)

        if point_overlays:
            for point_overlay in point_overlays:
                point_overlay = json.loads(point_overlay)
                color = hex_to_rgb(point_overlay['color'])
                for p in point_overlay['points']:
                    if p[0] and p[1]:
                        pt = Point((float(p[0]), float(p[1])))
                        if bb_poly.contains(pt):
                            nx, ny = get_pixel_coords(p, grid['zoom'], bmin_rx, bmin_ry)
                            red, green, blue = [float(c) for c in color]
                            ctx.set_source_rgba(red/255, green/255, blue/255, 0.6)
                            ctx.arc(nx, ny, 5.0, 0, 50) # args: center-x, center-y, radius, ?, ?
                            ctx.arc(nx, ny, 5.0, 0, 50)
    scale = 1
    # Crop image from center

    center_point_x, center_point_y = latlon2xy(float(center_lat), 

    offset_x = (center_point_x - float(center_tile_x)) + 50
    offset_y = (center_point_y - float(center_tile_y)) - 50

    outp_image = cv2.imread(outp_name, -1)
    pixels_up, pixels_across, channels = outp_image.shape
    center_x, center_y = (pixels_across / 2) + offset_x, (pixels_up / 2) + offset_y
    start_y, end_y = center_y - (page_height / 2), center_y + (page_height / 2)
    start_x, end_x = center_x - (page_width / 2), center_x + (page_width / 2)

    cv2.imwrite(outp_name, outp_image[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x])

    if output == 'pdf':
        outp_file_name = outp_name.rstrip('.png') + '.pdf'

        pdf = cairo.PDFSurface(outp_file_name, page_width, page_height)
        ctx = cairo.Context(pdf)
        image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(outp_name)
    elif output == 'jpeg':
        outp_file_name = outp_name.rstrip('.png') + '.jpg'
        jpeg = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(outp_name, -1), cv2.COLOR_RGBA2RGB)
        cv2.imwrite(outp_file_name, jpeg)
    return outp_file_name
Ejemplo n.º 7
def pdfer(data, page_size=PAGE_SIZES['letter'], output='pdf'):

    shape_overlays = data.get('shape_overlays')
    point_overlays = data.get('point_overlays')

    grid = {'zoom': data.get('zoom')}
    center_lon, center_lat = data['center']
    center_tile_x, center_tile_y = tileXY(float(center_lat), float(center_lon),

    dim_across, dim_up = data['dimensions']

    if dim_across > dim_up:
        page_height, page_width, tiles_up, tiles_across = page_size
        page_width, page_height, tiles_across, tiles_up = page_size

    min_tile_x = center_tile_x - (tiles_across / 2)
    min_tile_y = center_tile_y - (tiles_up / 2)
    max_tile_x = min_tile_x + tiles_across
    max_tile_y = min_tile_y + tiles_up

    # Get base layer tiles
    base_pattern = 'http://d.tile.stamen.com/toner/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'
    if data.get('base_tiles'):
        base_pattern = data['base_tiles']

    base_links = generateLinks(base_pattern, grid['zoom'], min_tile_x,
                               min_tile_y, max_tile_x, max_tile_y)

    base_names = dl_write_all(base_links, 'base')

    # Get overlay tiles
    overlay_pattern = None
    if data.get('overlay_tiles'):
        overlay_pattern = data['overlay_tiles']
        overlay_links = generateLinks(overlay_pattern, grid['zoom'],
                                      min_tile_x, min_tile_y, max_tile_x,

        overlay_names = dl_write_all(overlay_links, 'overlay')

    now = datetime.now()
    date_string = datetime.strftime(now, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
    outp_name = os.path.join('/tmp', '{0}.png'.format(date_string))
    base_image_names = ['-'.join(l.split('/')[-3:]) for l in base_names]
    base_image_names = sorted([i.split('-')[-3:] for i in base_image_names],

    for parts in base_image_names:
        z, x, y = parts
        y = y.rstrip('.png').rstrip('.jpg')
        z = z.rsplit('_', 1)[1]
        key = '-'.join([z, x, y])
        grid[key] = {'bbox': tileEdges(float(x), float(y), int(z))}

    keys = sorted(grid.keys())

    mercator = GlobalMercator()
    bb_poly = None

    bmin_rx = None
    bmin_ry = None

    if shape_overlays or point_overlays:
        polys = []
        for k, v in grid.items():
                one, two, three, four = grid[k]['bbox']
                polys.append(box(two, one, four, three))
            except TypeError:
        mpoly = MultiPolygon(polys)
        bb_poly = box(*mpoly.bounds)
        min_key = keys[0]
        max_key = keys[-2]
        bminx, bminy = grid[min_key]['bbox'][0], grid[min_key]['bbox'][1]
        bmaxx, bmaxy = grid[max_key]['bbox'][2], grid[max_key]['bbox'][3]
        bmin_mx, bmin_my = mercator.LatLonToMeters(bminx, bminy)
        bmax_mx, bmax_my = mercator.LatLonToMeters(bmaxx, bmaxy)
        bmin_px, bmin_py = mercator.MetersToPixels(bmin_mx, bmin_my,
        bmax_px, bmax_py = mercator.MetersToPixels(bmax_mx, bmax_my,
        bmin_rx, bmin_ry = mercator.PixelsToRaster(bmin_px, bmin_py,

        if shape_overlays:
            all_polys = []
            for shape_overlay in shape_overlays:
                shape_overlay = json.loads(shape_overlay)
                if shape_overlay.get('geometry'):
                    shape_overlay = shape_overlay['geometry']
                coords = shape_overlay['coordinates'][0]
            mpoly = MultiPolygon(all_polys)

            one, two, three, four, five = list(

            left, right = LineString([one, two]), LineString([three, four])
            top, bottom = LineString([two, three]), LineString([four, five])

            left_to_right = left.distance(right)
            top_to_bottom = top.distance(bottom)

            if left_to_right > top_to_bottom:
                page_height, page_width, _, _ = page_size
                page_width, page_height, _, _ = page_size

            center_lon, center_lat = list(mpoly.centroid.coords)[0]

        if point_overlays:
            all_points = []

            for point_overlay in point_overlays:
                point_overlay = json.loads(point_overlay)
                for p in point_overlay['points']:
                    if p[0] and p[1]:

            mpoint = MultiPoint(all_points)
            center_lon, center_lat = list(mpoint.centroid.coords)[0]

            one, two, three, four, five = list(

            left, right = LineString([one, two]), LineString([three, four])
            top, bottom = LineString([two, three]), LineString([four, five])

            left_to_right = left.distance(right)
            top_to_bottom = top.distance(bottom)

            if left_to_right > top_to_bottom:
                page_height, page_width, _, _ = page_size
                page_width, page_height, _, _ = page_size

            center_lon, center_lat = list(mpoint.centroid.coords)[0]

            print(center_lon, center_lat)

    arrays = []
    for k, g in groupby(base_image_names, key=itemgetter(1)):
        images = list(g)
        fnames = ['/tmp/%s' % ('-'.join(f)) for f in images]
        array = []
        for img in fnames:
            i = cv2.imread(img, -1)
            if isinstance(i, type(None)):
                i = np.zeros((256, 256, 4), np.uint8)
            elif i.shape[2] != 4:
                i = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
    outp = np.hstack(arrays)
    cv2.imwrite(outp_name, outp)
    if overlay_pattern:
        overlay_outp_name = os.path.join('/tmp',
        overlay_image_names = [
            '-'.join(l.split('/')[-3:]) for l in overlay_names
        overlay_image_names = sorted(
            [i.split('-')[-3:] for i in overlay_image_names],
        arrays = []
        for k, g in groupby(overlay_image_names, key=itemgetter(1)):
            images = list(g)
            fnames = ['/tmp/%s' % ('-'.join(f)) for f in images]
            array = []
            for img in fnames:
                i = cv2.imread(img, -1)
                if isinstance(i, type(None)):
                    i = np.zeros((256, 256, 4), np.uint8)
                elif i.shape[2] != 4:
                    i = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2BGRA)
            nuked = [os.remove(f) for f in fnames]
        outp = np.hstack(arrays)
        cv2.imwrite(overlay_outp_name, outp)
        base = cv2.imread(outp_name, -1)
        overlay = cv2.imread(overlay_outp_name, -1)
        overlay_g = cv2.cvtColor(overlay, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        ret, mask = cv2.threshold(overlay_g, 10, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        inverted = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)
        overlay = cv2.bitwise_not(overlay, overlay, mask=inverted)

        base_alpha = 0.55
        overlay_alpha = 1

        for channel in range(3):
            x, y, d = overlay.shape
            base[:,:,channel] = (base[:,:,channel] * base_alpha + \
                                     overlay[:,:,channel] * overlay_alpha * \
                                     (1 - base_alpha)) / \
                                     (base_alpha + overlay_alpha * (1 - base_alpha))

        cv2.imwrite(outp_name, base)

    # Code below here is for drawing vector layers within the PDF             #
    # Leaving it in just because it was a pain to come up with the first time #

    if shape_overlays or point_overlays:

        im = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(outp_name)
        ctx = cairo.Context(im)

        if shape_overlays:
            for shape_overlay in shape_overlays:
                shape_overlay = json.loads(shape_overlay)
                if shape_overlay.get('geometry'):
                    shape_overlay = shape_overlay['geometry']
                color = hex_to_rgb('#f06eaa')
                coords = shape_overlay['coordinates'][0]
                x, y = get_pixel_coords(coords[0], grid['zoom'], bmin_rx,
                ctx.move_to(x, y)
                red, green, blue = [float(c) for c in color]
                ctx.set_source_rgba(red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255, 0.3)
                for p in coords[1:]:
                    x, y = get_pixel_coords(p, grid['zoom'], bmin_rx, bmin_ry)
                    ctx.line_to(x, y)
                ctx.set_source_rgba(red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255, 0.5)
                for p in coords[1:]:
                    x, y = get_pixel_coords(p, grid['zoom'], bmin_rx, bmin_ry)
                    ctx.line_to(x, y)

        if point_overlays:
            for point_overlay in point_overlays:
                point_overlay = json.loads(point_overlay)
                color = hex_to_rgb(point_overlay['color'])
                for p in point_overlay['points']:
                    if p[0] and p[1]:
                        pt = Point((float(p[0]), float(p[1])))
                        if bb_poly.contains(pt):
                            nx, ny = get_pixel_coords(p, grid['zoom'], bmin_rx,
                            red, green, blue = [float(c) for c in color]
                            ctx.set_source_rgba(red / 255, green / 255,
                                                blue / 255, 0.6)
                                nx, ny, 5.0, 0,
                                50)  # args: center-x, center-y, radius, ?, ?
                            ctx.arc(nx, ny, 5.0, 0, 50)
    scale = 1

    # Crop image from center

    center_point_x, center_point_y = latlon2xy(float(center_lat),

    offset_x = (center_point_x - float(center_tile_x)) + 50
    offset_y = (center_point_y - float(center_tile_y)) - 50

    outp_image = cv2.imread(outp_name, -1)
    pixels_up, pixels_across, channels = outp_image.shape
    center_x, center_y = (pixels_across / 2) + offset_x, (pixels_up /
                                                          2) + offset_y
    start_y, end_y = center_y - (page_height / 2), center_y + (page_height / 2)
    start_x, end_x = center_x - (page_width / 2), center_x + (page_width / 2)

    cv2.imwrite(outp_name, outp_image[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x])

    if output == 'pdf':
        outp_file_name = outp_name.rstrip('.png') + '.pdf'

        pdf = cairo.PDFSurface(outp_file_name, page_width, page_height)
        ctx = cairo.Context(pdf)
        image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(outp_name)
    elif output == 'jpeg':
        outp_file_name = outp_name.rstrip('.png') + '.jpg'
        jpeg = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(outp_name, -1), cv2.COLOR_RGBA2RGB)
        cv2.imwrite(outp_file_name, jpeg)
    return outp_file_name
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def ll2xy(self,lat,lon):
     """Convert geographic units to display units"""
     px,py = latlon2xy(lat,lon,self.zoom)
     x = (px - self.px1) * self.scale
     y = (py - self.py1) * self.scale