Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_cover_geometry_multipoint2(tiler, mpt):
    """A MultiPoint geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mpt, 12)]
    assert len(tiles) == 9
    assert set(tiles) == {(973, 1203, 12), (974, 1203, 12), (975, 1203, 12),
                          (973, 1204, 12), (973, 1205, 12), (974, 1204, 12),
                          (975, 1204, 12), (974, 1205, 12), (975, 1205, 12)}
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_cover_geometry_multipoint2(tiler, mpt):
    """A MultiPoint geometry."""    
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mpt, 12)]
    assert len(tiles) == 9
    assert set(tiles) == {(973, 1203, 12), (974, 1203, 12), (975, 1203, 12),
                          (973, 1204, 12), (973, 1205, 12), (974, 1204, 12),
                          (975, 1204, 12), (974, 1205, 12), (975, 1205, 12)}
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_cover_geometry_poly_w_hole2(tiler, poly_w_hole):
    """A Polygon geometry with a hole in it."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, poly_w_hole, 9)]
    assert len(tiles) == 77
    assert set(tiles) == set([(297, 82, 9), (301, 87, 9), (294, 87, 9),
                              (299, 88, 9), (300, 85, 9), (292, 83, 9),
                              (296, 83, 9), (298, 89, 9), (295, 82, 9),
                              (290, 86, 9), (291, 87, 9), (297, 88, 9),
                              (292, 87, 9), (298, 86, 9), (298, 84, 9),
                              (294, 84, 9), (294, 88, 9), (299, 89, 9),
                              (292, 85, 9), (300, 86, 9), (294, 82, 9),
                              (290, 85, 9), (298, 82, 9), (295, 84, 9),
                              (296, 87, 9), (293, 84, 9), (299, 85, 9),
                              (291, 85, 9), (299, 86, 9), (296, 85, 9),
                              (297, 85, 9), (296, 89, 9), (293, 89, 9),
                              (292, 86, 9), (293, 87, 9), (291, 88, 9),
                              (298, 88, 9), (298, 87, 9), (295, 87, 9),
                              (296, 88, 9), (293, 83, 9), (301, 86, 9),
                              (291, 86, 9), (297, 86, 9), (297, 89, 9),
                              (292, 88, 9), (294, 86, 9), (294, 85, 9),
                              (292, 82, 9), (300, 87, 9), (295, 89, 9),
                              (290, 87, 9), (296, 82, 9), (298, 85, 9),
                              (297, 83, 9), (291, 83, 9), (295, 83, 9),
                              (300, 88, 9), (293, 86, 9), (299, 83, 9),
                              (299, 84, 9), (297, 87, 9), (294, 83, 9),
                              (297, 84, 9), (298, 83, 9), (293, 82, 9),
                              (294, 89, 9), (296, 84, 9), (290, 84, 9),
                              (293, 88, 9), (290, 83, 9), (295, 86, 9),
                              (293, 85, 9), (295, 88, 9), (292, 84, 9),
                              (291, 84, 9), (299, 87, 9)])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_cover_geometry_poly_w_hole1(tiler, poly_w_hole):
    """A Polygon geometry with a hole in it."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, poly_w_hole, 7)]
    assert len(tiles) == 11
    assert set(tiles) == set([
        (72, 22, 7), (74, 21, 7), (75, 22, 7), (73, 20, 7), (74, 22, 7),
        (73, 22, 7), (74, 20, 7), (73, 21, 7), (75, 21, 7), (72, 21, 7),
        (72, 20, 7)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def post(self, model_id, prediction_id):
        if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws":
            return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501

        payload = request.data

        tiler = tileschemes.WebMercator()

            prediction = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id)

            poly = shape(geojson.loads(payload))

            project = partial(

            poly = transform(project, poly)

            tiles = tilecover.cover_geometry(tiler, poly, prediction.tile_zoom)

            queue_name = "{stack}-models-{model}-prediction-{prediction}-queue".format(

            queue = boto3.resource('sqs').get_queue_by_name(

            cache = []
            for tile in tiles:
                if len(cache) < 10:
                        "Id": str(tile.z) + "-" + str(tile.x) + "-" + str(tile.y),
                        "MessageBody": json.dumps({
                            "x": tile.x,
                            "y": tile.y,
                            "z": tile.z
                    cache = []

            return {}, 200
        except Exception as e:
            error_msg = f'Predction Tiler Error: {str(e)}'
            return err(500, error_msg), 500
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_cover_geometry_empty_geoms(tiler):
    """Empty geometries should return empty iterators."""
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.Point(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.MultiPoint(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.LineString(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.MultiLineString(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.Polygon(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.MultiPolygon(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.GeometryCollection(), 0) == True
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_cover_geometry_empty_geoms(tiler):
    """Empty geometries should return empty iterators."""
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.Point(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.MultiPoint(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.LineString(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.MultiLineString(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.Polygon(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.MultiPolygon(), 0) == True
    assert not cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.GeometryCollection(), 0) == True
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_cover_geometry_linestring2(tiler, ls):
    """A LineString geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, ls, 11)]
    assert len(tiles) == 30
    assert set(tiles) == {(322, 768, 11), (322, 769, 11), (322, 770, 11), (323, 768, 11),
                          (323, 769, 11), (323, 770, 11), (323, 771, 11), (323, 772, 11),
                          (324, 767, 11), (324, 768, 11), (324, 769, 11), (324, 770, 11),
                          (324, 771, 11), (325, 768, 11), (325, 769, 11), (325, 770, 11),
                          (325, 771, 11), (325, 772, 11), (326, 767, 11), (326, 768, 11),
                          (326, 769, 11), (326, 770, 11), (326, 771, 11), (326, 772, 11),
                          (327, 768, 11), (327, 769, 11), (327, 770, 11), (327, 771, 11),
                          (328, 768, 11), (328, 769, 11)}
Ejemplo n.º 9
def materialize_tif(project_name,

    gdal.SetConfigOption('GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN', 'TRUE')
    gdal.SetConfigOption('VSI_CACHE', 'TRUE')
    # gdal.SetConfigOption('CPL_CURL_VERBOSE', 'YES') # see the http calls

    # a box in australia:
    #aoi_geojson = '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[153.42390060424805,-28.00989892967722],[153.43647480010986,-28.00989892967722],[153.43647480010986,-27.999933788434422],[153.42390060424805,-27.999933788434422],[153.42390060424805,-28.00989892967722]]]}}]}'
    aoi = ops.unary_union([
        for f in json.loads(aoi_geojson)['features']

    #project_name = 'DYNAMIC-Australia-Q32017/1'

    bucket_name, prefix = 'flame-projects', project_name + '/' + version + '/raster_tiles/'

    s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
    tiler = tileschemes.DGTiling()
    paths = []
    for key in (prefix + tiler.quadkey(tile) + '.tif'
                for tile in tilecover.cover_geometry(tiler, aoi, 12)):

        # Check if tif exists.
        print key
            s3.Object(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=key).load()
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
            if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404":

        paths.append('/vsis3/{}/{}'.format(bucket_name, key))

    if len(paths) > 4:
        raise Exception('Too big of an AOI requested.')

    if not paths:
        raise Exception('No data found to materialize.')

    # Build an inmem vrt and translate.
        ds = gdal.BuildVRT('/vsimem/combo.vrt', paths, outputBounds=aoi.bounds)
        ds_out = gdal.Translate(output_filename, ds)
        ds_out = None
        ds = None
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def tile_generator(self, polygon, zoom=14):
        wgs84 = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:4326')
        webMarcator = pyproj.CRS('EPSG:3857')
        project = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84,
        polygon = transform(project, polygon)

        tiler = tileschemes.WebMercator()
        for t in tilecover.cover_geometry(tiler, polygon, zoom):
            # Keep tiles between Noth of Iceland and South of Americas
            if t.y > 4085 and t.y < 11200:
                yield [t.z, t.x, t.y]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_cover_geometry_linestring2(tiler, ls):
    """A LineString geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, ls, 11)]
    assert len(tiles) == 30
    assert set(tiles) == {(322, 768, 11), (322, 769, 11), (322, 770, 11),
                          (323, 768, 11), (323, 769, 11), (323, 770, 11),
                          (323, 771, 11), (323, 772, 11), (324, 767, 11),
                          (324, 768, 11), (324, 769, 11), (324, 770, 11),
                          (324, 771, 11), (325, 768, 11), (325, 769, 11),
                          (325, 770, 11), (325, 771, 11), (325, 772, 11),
                          (326, 767, 11), (326, 768, 11), (326, 769, 11),
                          (326, 770, 11), (326, 771, 11), (326, 772, 11),
                          (327, 768, 11), (327, 769, 11), (327, 770, 11),
                          (327, 771, 11), (328, 768, 11), (328, 769, 11)}
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_cover_geometry_multilinestring2(tiler, mls):
    """A MultiLineString geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mls, 12)]
    assert len(tiles) == 47
    assert set(tiles) == {(2036, 1420, 12), (2036, 1421, 12), (2036, 1422, 12), (2036, 1423, 12),
                          (2036, 1424, 12), (2037, 1421, 12), (2037, 1422, 12), (2038, 1420, 12),
                          (2038, 1421, 12), (2038, 1422, 12), (2038, 1423, 12), (2038, 1424, 12),
                          (2039, 1420, 12), (2039, 1421, 12), (2039, 1422, 12), (2039, 1423, 12),
                          (2039, 1424, 12), (2040, 1420, 12), (2040, 1422, 12), (2040, 1424, 12),
                          (2041, 1420, 12), (2041, 1422, 12), (2041, 1424, 12), (2042, 1420, 12),
                          (2042, 1421, 12), (2042, 1422, 12), (2042, 1423, 12), (2042, 1424, 12),
                          (2043, 1420, 12), (2044, 1420, 12), (2044, 1421, 12), (2044, 1422, 12),
                          (2044, 1423, 12), (2044, 1424, 12), (2045, 1420, 12), (2046, 1420, 12),
                          (2046, 1421, 12), (2046, 1422, 12), (2046, 1423, 12), (2047, 1420, 12),
                          (2047, 1423, 12), (2047, 1424, 12), (2048, 1420, 12), (2048, 1421, 12),
                          (2048, 1422, 12), (2048, 1423, 12), (2048, 1424, 12)}
Ejemplo n.º 13
def tiles_over(coordinates, altitude=0):
    """ Finds all the tiles for an area """
    quads = []
    x_web_m, y_web_m = to_web_mercator(*coordinates)
    zoom = zoom_from_altitude(altitude)
    print zoom
    tiler = WebMercator()
    center_tile = tiler.tile(x_web_m, y_web_m, zoom)
    bounding_box = tiler.bbox(center_tile)
    tiles = cover_geometry(tiler, geometry.box(*bounding_box), zoom+2)

    for row in to_grid(tiles):
        for cell in row:

    print '\n'.join(['|'.join([str(q) for q in quads])])

    return quads
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_cover_geometry_multipoly2(tiler, mpoly):
    """A MultiPolygon geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mpoly, 10)]
    assert len(tiles) == 44
    assert set(tiles) == set([(23, 329, 10), (56, 318, 10), (70, 310, 10),
                              (64, 315, 10), (67, 315, 10), (68, 310, 10),
                              (63, 316, 10), (62, 316, 10), (71, 311, 10),
                              (65, 314, 10), (68, 311, 10), (57, 318, 10),
                              (70, 313, 10), (62, 317, 10), (4, 336, 10),
                              (67, 314, 10), (64, 316, 10), (69, 310, 10),
                              (66, 314, 10), (69, 313, 10), (68, 312, 10),
                              (17, 330, 10), (63, 317, 10), (69, 312, 10),
                              (58, 319, 10), (71, 312, 10), (68, 313, 10),
                              (70, 311, 10), (69, 309, 10), (51, 321, 10),
                              (70, 312, 10), (56, 317, 10), (61, 317, 10),
                              (65, 315, 10), (65, 316, 10), (43, 323, 10),
                              (68, 309, 10), (58, 318, 10), (34, 327, 10),
                              (68, 314, 10), (66, 315, 10), (69, 311, 10),
                              (68, 315, 10), (66, 316, 10)])
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_cover_geometry_multilinestring2(tiler, mls):
    """A MultiLineString geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mls, 12)]
    assert len(tiles) == 47
    assert set(tiles) == {(2036, 1420, 12), (2036, 1421, 12), (2036, 1422, 12),
                          (2036, 1423, 12), (2036, 1424, 12), (2037, 1421, 12),
                          (2037, 1422, 12), (2038, 1420, 12), (2038, 1421, 12),
                          (2038, 1422, 12), (2038, 1423, 12), (2038, 1424, 12),
                          (2039, 1420, 12), (2039, 1421, 12), (2039, 1422, 12),
                          (2039, 1423, 12), (2039, 1424, 12), (2040, 1420, 12),
                          (2040, 1422, 12), (2040, 1424, 12), (2041, 1420, 12),
                          (2041, 1422, 12), (2041, 1424, 12), (2042, 1420, 12),
                          (2042, 1421, 12), (2042, 1422, 12), (2042, 1423, 12),
                          (2042, 1424, 12), (2043, 1420, 12), (2044, 1420, 12),
                          (2044, 1421, 12), (2044, 1422, 12), (2044, 1423, 12),
                          (2044, 1424, 12), (2045, 1420, 12), (2046, 1420, 12),
                          (2046, 1421, 12), (2046, 1422, 12), (2046, 1423, 12),
                          (2047, 1420, 12), (2047, 1423, 12), (2047, 1424, 12),
                          (2048, 1420, 12), (2048, 1421, 12), (2048, 1422, 12),
                          (2048, 1423, 12), (2048, 1424, 12)}
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_cover_geometry_linestring1(tiler, ls):
    """A LineString geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, ls, 4)]
    assert len(tiles) == 2
    assert set(tiles) == {(2, 5, 4), (2, 6, 4)}
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_cover_donut_webmercator(wmtiler, donut):
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(wmtiler, donut, 16)]
    assert len(tiles) == 310
    assert set(tiles) == set([(18899, 23458, 16), (18896, 23451, 16), (18888, 23457, 16), (18898, 23457, 16), (18890, 23442, 16), (18894, 23449, 16), (18888, 23454, 16), (18900, 23457, 16), (18898, 23458, 16), (18890, 23447, 16), (18894, 23450, 16), (18895, 23459, 16), (18891, 23460, 16), (18896, 23450, 16), (18900, 23462, 16), (18898, 23463, 16), (18898, 23449, 16), (18894, 23447, 16), (18895, 23462, 16), (18891, 23459, 16), (18892, 23459, 16), (18898, 23464, 16), (18893, 23442, 16), (18898, 23450, 16), (18887, 23453, 16), (18896, 23446, 16), (18892, 23456, 16), (18893, 23445, 16), (18898, 23455, 16), (18887, 23456, 16), (18896, 23466, 16), (18896, 23443, 16), (18905, 23457, 16), (18892, 23461, 16), (18888, 23456, 16), (18893, 23448, 16), (18896, 23458, 16), (18897, 23460, 16), (18897, 23446, 16), (18891, 23447, 16), (18897, 23463, 16), (18893, 23454, 16), (18894, 23460, 16), (18891, 23442, 16), (18887, 23455, 16), (18897, 23458, 16), (18897, 23452, 16), (18901, 23449, 16), (18907, 23456, 16), (18894, 23457, 16), (18903, 23452, 16), (18895, 23450, 16), (18892, 23441, 16), (18897, 23455, 16), (18901, 23452, 16), (18889, 23457, 16), (18885, 23454, 16), (18890, 23457, 16), (18902, 23460, 16), (18891, 23452, 16), (18895, 23449, 16), (18897, 23464, 16), (18892, 23446, 16), (18897, 23450, 16), (18901, 23455, 16), (18889, 23452, 16), (18901, 23457, 16), (18890, 23458, 16), (18902, 23457, 16), (18891, 23451, 16), (18889, 23455, 16), (18901, 23460, 16), (18886, 23456, 16), (18902, 23458, 16), (18899, 23454, 16), (18895, 23443, 16), (18892, 23448, 16), (18889, 23450, 16), (18890, 23446, 16), (18902, 23453, 16), (18890, 23448, 16), (18886, 23455, 16), (18899, 23453, 16), (18895, 23446, 16), (18892, 23453, 16), (18889, 23445, 16), (18893, 23458, 16), (18902, 23454, 16), (18890, 23453, 16), (18899, 23448, 16), (18903, 23453, 16), (18899, 23462, 16), (18900, 23450, 16), (18893, 23461, 16), (18902, 23451, 16), (18890, 23454, 16), (18899, 23447, 16), (18895, 23464, 16), (18899, 23461, 16), (18900, 23455, 16), (18888, 23458, 16), (18884, 23453, 16), (18898, 23454, 16), (18893, 23464, 16), (18890, 23443, 16), (18894, 23454, 16), (18899, 23456, 16), (18900, 23452, 16), (18888, 23455, 16), (18900, 23458, 16), (18898, 23459, 16), (18898, 23445, 16), (18890, 23444, 16), (18895, 23458, 16), (18888, 23452, 16), (18898, 23460, 16), (18898, 23446, 16), (18894, 23444, 16), (18895, 23457, 16), (18891, 23458, 16), (18893, 23455, 16), (18893, 23441, 16), (18898, 23451, 16), (18894, 23441, 16), (18895, 23460, 16), (18891, 23457, 16), (18896, 23447, 16), (18892, 23457, 16), (18904, 23458, 16), (18893, 23444, 16), (18898, 23452, 16), (18904, 23456, 16), (18902, 23450, 16), (18896, 23462, 16), (18896, 23444, 16), (18905, 23456, 16), (18892, 23462, 16), (18893, 23447, 16), (18896, 23459, 16), (18903, 23460, 16), (18897, 23451, 16), (18897, 23445, 16), (18894, 23464, 16), (18903, 23458, 16), (18896, 23456, 16), (18891, 23446, 16), (18897, 23462, 16), (18893, 23453, 16), (18906, 23455, 16), (18894, 23461, 16), (18891, 23445, 16), (18887, 23454, 16), (18897, 23457, 16), (18896, 23448, 16), (18894, 23462, 16), (18903, 23455, 16), (18892, 23452, 16), (18892, 23442, 16), (18897, 23454, 16), (18901, 23451, 16), (18889, 23456, 16), (18885, 23453, 16), (18894, 23459, 16), (18891, 23455, 16), (18895, 23448, 16), (18904, 23459, 16), (18892, 23447, 16), (18897, 23449, 16), (18901, 23454, 16), (18901, 23456, 16), (18890, 23459, 16), (18891, 23450, 16), (18895, 23455, 16), (18892, 23444, 16), (18903, 23456, 16), (18889, 23454, 16), (18901, 23459, 16), (18890, 23460, 16), (18902, 23459, 16), (18899, 23457, 16), (18895, 23442, 16), (18905, 23455, 16), (18889, 23449, 16), (18890, 23449, 16), (18899, 23452, 16), (18892, 23454, 16), (18903, 23457, 16), (18889, 23444, 16), (18893, 23457, 16), (18902, 23455, 16), (18890, 23450, 16), (18899, 23451, 16), (18895, 23444, 16), (18900, 23451, 16), (18896, 23461, 16), (18889, 23447, 16), (18893, 23460, 16), (18890, 23455, 16), (18904, 23452, 16), (18899, 23446, 16), (18899, 23460, 16), (18900, 23448, 16), (18884, 23454, 16), (18893, 23463, 16), (18894, 23455, 16), (18903, 23459, 16), (18899, 23459, 16), (18900, 23453, 16), (18896, 23460, 16), (18900, 23459, 16), (18898, 23456, 16), (18890, 23445, 16), (18894, 23448, 16), (18891, 23462, 16), (18904, 23453, 16), (18888, 23453, 16), (18900, 23456, 16), (18898, 23461, 16), (18906, 23457, 16), (18898, 23447, 16), (18894, 23445, 16), (18895, 23456, 16), (18891, 23461, 16), (18900, 23447, 16), (18900, 23461, 16), (18898, 23462, 16), (18898, 23448, 16), (18894, 23446, 16), (18904, 23457, 16), (18895, 23463, 16), (18891, 23456, 16), (18895, 23445, 16), (18892, 23458, 16), (18893, 23443, 16), (18898, 23453, 16), (18894, 23443, 16), (18896, 23463, 16), (18896, 23445, 16), (18892, 23463, 16), (18893, 23446, 16), (18894, 23458, 16), (18887, 23457, 16), (18905, 23458, 16), (18892, 23460, 16), (18897, 23444, 16), (18893, 23449, 16), (18894, 23465, 16), (18896, 23457, 16), (18896, 23455, 16), (18897, 23461, 16), (18897, 23447, 16), (18904, 23455, 16), (18896, 23464, 16), (18900, 23454, 16), (18903, 23451, 16), (18891, 23444, 16), (18896, 23452, 16), (18897, 23456, 16), (18894, 23463, 16), (18903, 23454, 16), (18891, 23443, 16), (18896, 23449, 16), (18897, 23459, 16), (18892, 23443, 16), (18897, 23453, 16), (18901, 23450, 16), (18894, 23456, 16), (18895, 23461, 16), (18894, 23442, 16), (18891, 23454, 16), (18895, 23451, 16), (18897, 23448, 16), (18901, 23453, 16), (18889, 23458, 16), (18885, 23455, 16), (18890, 23456, 16), (18891, 23453, 16), (18897, 23465, 16), (18892, 23445, 16), (18889, 23453, 16), (18901, 23458, 16), (18902, 23456, 16), (18891, 23448, 16), (18905, 23454, 16), (18889, 23448, 16), (18901, 23461, 16), (18886, 23453, 16), (18899, 23455, 16), (18892, 23455, 16), (18889, 23451, 16), (18893, 23456, 16), (18902, 23452, 16), (18890, 23451, 16), (18886, 23454, 16), (18899, 23450, 16), (18895, 23447, 16), (18900, 23460, 16), (18889, 23446, 16), (18893, 23459, 16), (18906, 23456, 16), (18890, 23452, 16), (18899, 23449, 16), (18895, 23466, 16), (18899, 23463, 16), (18900, 23449, 16), (18904, 23454, 16), (18893, 23462, 16), (18889, 23459, 16), (18896, 23465, 16), (18895, 23465, 16)])
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_cover_geometry_multipoly2(tiler, mpoly):
    """A MultiPolygon geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mpoly, 10)]
    assert len(tiles) == 44
    assert set(tiles) == set([(23, 329, 10), (56, 318, 10), (70, 310, 10), (64, 315, 10), (67, 315, 10), (68, 310, 10), (63, 316, 10), (62, 316, 10), (71, 311, 10), (65, 314, 10), (68, 311, 10), (57, 318, 10), (70, 313, 10), (62, 317, 10), (4, 336, 10), (67, 314, 10), (64, 316, 10), (69, 310, 10), (66, 314, 10), (69, 313, 10), (68, 312, 10), (17, 330, 10), (63, 317, 10), (69, 312, 10), (58, 319, 10), (71, 312, 10), (68, 313, 10), (70, 311, 10), (69, 309, 10), (51, 321, 10), (70, 312, 10), (56, 317, 10), (61, 317, 10), (65, 315, 10), (65, 316, 10), (43, 323, 10), (68, 309, 10), (58, 318, 10), (34, 327, 10), (68, 314, 10), (66, 315, 10), (69, 311, 10), (68, 315, 10), (66, 316, 10)])
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_cover_geometry_point1(tiler, pt):
    """A Point geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, pt, 4)]
    assert len(tiles) == 1
    assert set(tiles) == {(3, 4, 4)}
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_cover_geometry_multipoint1(tiler, mpt):
    """A MultiPoint geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mpt, 4)]
    assert len(tiles) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_cover_geometry_point2(tiler, pt):
    """A Point geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, pt, 12)]
    assert len(tiles) == 4
    assert set(tiles) == {(973, 1204, 12), (973, 1205, 12), (974, 1204, 12), (974, 1205, 12)}
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_cover_geometry_multilinestring1(tiler, mls):
    """A MultiLineString geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mls, 8)]
    assert len(tiles) == 4
    assert set(tiles) == {(127, 88, 8), (127, 89, 8), (128, 88, 8),
                          (128, 89, 8)}
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_cover_geometry_multilinestring1(tiler, mls):
    """A MultiLineString geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mls, 8)]
    assert len(tiles) == 4
    assert set(tiles) == {(127, 88, 8), (127, 89, 8), (128, 88, 8), (128, 89, 8)}
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_cover_geometry_nonshapely_geom(tiler):
    """Only accept shapely geometries."""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, None, 0):
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_cover_geometry_poly2(tiler, poly):
    """A Polygon geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, poly, 7)]
    assert len(tiles) == 4
    assert set(tiles) == {(90, 47, 7), (90, 48, 7), (91, 48, 7), (92, 48, 7)}
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def post(self, project_id, prediction_id):
        Given a GeoJSON, xyz list, or tile list, submit it to the SQS queue
            - application/json
                description: Status Update

        if CONFIG.EnvironmentConfig.ENVIRONMENT != "aws":
            return err(501, "stack must be in 'aws' mode to use this endpoint"), 501

        payload = request.data

        tiler = tileschemes.WebMercator()

            prediction = PredictionService.get_prediction_by_id(prediction_id)
            imagery = ImageryService.get(prediction.imagery_id)

            queue_name = "{stack}-models-{model}-prediction-{prediction}-queue".format(

            queue = boto3.resource("sqs").get_queue_by_name(QueueName=queue_name)

            tiles = []
            payloadjson = json.loads(payload)
            if imagery["fmt"] == "wms":
                if type(payloadjson) is list:
                    for tile in payloadjson:
                        tile = tile.split("-")
                            mercantile.Tile(int(tile[0]), int(tile[1]), int(tile[2]))

                    poly = shape(geojson.loads(payload))

                    project = partial(

                    poly = transform(project, poly)

                    tiles = tilecover.cover_geometry(tiler, poly, prediction.tile_zoom)

                cache = []
                for tile in tiles:
                            "Id": str(tile.z) + "-" + str(tile.x) + "-" + str(tile.y),
                            "MessageBody": json.dumps(
                                    "name": "{x}-{y}-{z}".format(
                                        x=tile.x, y=tile.y, z=tile.z
                                    "url": imagery["url"].format(
                                        x=tile.x, y=tile.y, z=tile.z
                                    "bounds": mercantile.bounds(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z),
                                    "x": tile.x,
                                    "y": tile.y,
                                    "z": tile.z,

                    if len(cache) == 10:

                        cache = []

                if len(cache) > 0:

                return {}, 200
            elif imagery["fmt"] == "list":

                r = requests.get(imagery["url"])

                f = StringIO(r.text)
                cache = []
                for row in csv.reader(f, delimiter=","):
                            "Id": row[0],
                            "MessageBody": json.dumps(
                                    "name": row[0],
                                    "url": row[1],
                                    "bounds": row[2].split(","),

                    if len(cache) == 10:
                        cache = []

                if len(cache) > 0:

                return {}, 200

                return err(400, "Unknown imagery type"), 400
        except Exception as e:

            error_msg = f"Prediction Tiler Error: {str(e)}"
            return err(500, error_msg), 500
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_cover_donut_webmercator(wmtiler, donut):
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(wmtiler, donut, 16)]
    assert len(tiles) == 310
    assert set(tiles) == set([(18899, 23458, 16), (18896, 23451, 16),
                              (18888, 23457, 16), (18898, 23457, 16),
                              (18890, 23442, 16), (18894, 23449, 16),
                              (18888, 23454, 16), (18900, 23457, 16),
                              (18898, 23458, 16), (18890, 23447, 16),
                              (18894, 23450, 16), (18895, 23459, 16),
                              (18891, 23460, 16), (18896, 23450, 16),
                              (18900, 23462, 16), (18898, 23463, 16),
                              (18898, 23449, 16), (18894, 23447, 16),
                              (18895, 23462, 16), (18891, 23459, 16),
                              (18892, 23459, 16), (18898, 23464, 16),
                              (18893, 23442, 16), (18898, 23450, 16),
                              (18887, 23453, 16), (18896, 23446, 16),
                              (18892, 23456, 16), (18893, 23445, 16),
                              (18898, 23455, 16), (18887, 23456, 16),
                              (18896, 23466, 16), (18896, 23443, 16),
                              (18905, 23457, 16), (18892, 23461, 16),
                              (18888, 23456, 16), (18893, 23448, 16),
                              (18896, 23458, 16), (18897, 23460, 16),
                              (18897, 23446, 16), (18891, 23447, 16),
                              (18897, 23463, 16), (18893, 23454, 16),
                              (18894, 23460, 16), (18891, 23442, 16),
                              (18887, 23455, 16), (18897, 23458, 16),
                              (18897, 23452, 16), (18901, 23449, 16),
                              (18907, 23456, 16), (18894, 23457, 16),
                              (18903, 23452, 16), (18895, 23450, 16),
                              (18892, 23441, 16), (18897, 23455, 16),
                              (18901, 23452, 16), (18889, 23457, 16),
                              (18885, 23454, 16), (18890, 23457, 16),
                              (18902, 23460, 16), (18891, 23452, 16),
                              (18895, 23449, 16), (18897, 23464, 16),
                              (18892, 23446, 16), (18897, 23450, 16),
                              (18901, 23455, 16), (18889, 23452, 16),
                              (18901, 23457, 16), (18890, 23458, 16),
                              (18902, 23457, 16), (18891, 23451, 16),
                              (18889, 23455, 16), (18901, 23460, 16),
                              (18886, 23456, 16), (18902, 23458, 16),
                              (18899, 23454, 16), (18895, 23443, 16),
                              (18892, 23448, 16), (18889, 23450, 16),
                              (18890, 23446, 16), (18902, 23453, 16),
                              (18890, 23448, 16), (18886, 23455, 16),
                              (18899, 23453, 16), (18895, 23446, 16),
                              (18892, 23453, 16), (18889, 23445, 16),
                              (18893, 23458, 16), (18902, 23454, 16),
                              (18890, 23453, 16), (18899, 23448, 16),
                              (18903, 23453, 16), (18899, 23462, 16),
                              (18900, 23450, 16), (18893, 23461, 16),
                              (18902, 23451, 16), (18890, 23454, 16),
                              (18899, 23447, 16), (18895, 23464, 16),
                              (18899, 23461, 16), (18900, 23455, 16),
                              (18888, 23458, 16), (18884, 23453, 16),
                              (18898, 23454, 16), (18893, 23464, 16),
                              (18890, 23443, 16), (18894, 23454, 16),
                              (18899, 23456, 16), (18900, 23452, 16),
                              (18888, 23455, 16), (18900, 23458, 16),
                              (18898, 23459, 16), (18898, 23445, 16),
                              (18890, 23444, 16), (18895, 23458, 16),
                              (18888, 23452, 16), (18898, 23460, 16),
                              (18898, 23446, 16), (18894, 23444, 16),
                              (18895, 23457, 16), (18891, 23458, 16),
                              (18893, 23455, 16), (18893, 23441, 16),
                              (18898, 23451, 16), (18894, 23441, 16),
                              (18895, 23460, 16), (18891, 23457, 16),
                              (18896, 23447, 16), (18892, 23457, 16),
                              (18904, 23458, 16), (18893, 23444, 16),
                              (18898, 23452, 16), (18904, 23456, 16),
                              (18902, 23450, 16), (18896, 23462, 16),
                              (18896, 23444, 16), (18905, 23456, 16),
                              (18892, 23462, 16), (18893, 23447, 16),
                              (18896, 23459, 16), (18903, 23460, 16),
                              (18897, 23451, 16), (18897, 23445, 16),
                              (18894, 23464, 16), (18903, 23458, 16),
                              (18896, 23456, 16), (18891, 23446, 16),
                              (18897, 23462, 16), (18893, 23453, 16),
                              (18906, 23455, 16), (18894, 23461, 16),
                              (18891, 23445, 16), (18887, 23454, 16),
                              (18897, 23457, 16), (18896, 23448, 16),
                              (18894, 23462, 16), (18903, 23455, 16),
                              (18892, 23452, 16), (18892, 23442, 16),
                              (18897, 23454, 16), (18901, 23451, 16),
                              (18889, 23456, 16), (18885, 23453, 16),
                              (18894, 23459, 16), (18891, 23455, 16),
                              (18895, 23448, 16), (18904, 23459, 16),
                              (18892, 23447, 16), (18897, 23449, 16),
                              (18901, 23454, 16), (18901, 23456, 16),
                              (18890, 23459, 16), (18891, 23450, 16),
                              (18895, 23455, 16), (18892, 23444, 16),
                              (18903, 23456, 16), (18889, 23454, 16),
                              (18901, 23459, 16), (18890, 23460, 16),
                              (18902, 23459, 16), (18899, 23457, 16),
                              (18895, 23442, 16), (18905, 23455, 16),
                              (18889, 23449, 16), (18890, 23449, 16),
                              (18899, 23452, 16), (18892, 23454, 16),
                              (18903, 23457, 16), (18889, 23444, 16),
                              (18893, 23457, 16), (18902, 23455, 16),
                              (18890, 23450, 16), (18899, 23451, 16),
                              (18895, 23444, 16), (18900, 23451, 16),
                              (18896, 23461, 16), (18889, 23447, 16),
                              (18893, 23460, 16), (18890, 23455, 16),
                              (18904, 23452, 16), (18899, 23446, 16),
                              (18899, 23460, 16), (18900, 23448, 16),
                              (18884, 23454, 16), (18893, 23463, 16),
                              (18894, 23455, 16), (18903, 23459, 16),
                              (18899, 23459, 16), (18900, 23453, 16),
                              (18896, 23460, 16), (18900, 23459, 16),
                              (18898, 23456, 16), (18890, 23445, 16),
                              (18894, 23448, 16), (18891, 23462, 16),
                              (18904, 23453, 16), (18888, 23453, 16),
                              (18900, 23456, 16), (18898, 23461, 16),
                              (18906, 23457, 16), (18898, 23447, 16),
                              (18894, 23445, 16), (18895, 23456, 16),
                              (18891, 23461, 16), (18900, 23447, 16),
                              (18900, 23461, 16), (18898, 23462, 16),
                              (18898, 23448, 16), (18894, 23446, 16),
                              (18904, 23457, 16), (18895, 23463, 16),
                              (18891, 23456, 16), (18895, 23445, 16),
                              (18892, 23458, 16), (18893, 23443, 16),
                              (18898, 23453, 16), (18894, 23443, 16),
                              (18896, 23463, 16), (18896, 23445, 16),
                              (18892, 23463, 16), (18893, 23446, 16),
                              (18894, 23458, 16), (18887, 23457, 16),
                              (18905, 23458, 16), (18892, 23460, 16),
                              (18897, 23444, 16), (18893, 23449, 16),
                              (18894, 23465, 16), (18896, 23457, 16),
                              (18896, 23455, 16), (18897, 23461, 16),
                              (18897, 23447, 16), (18904, 23455, 16),
                              (18896, 23464, 16), (18900, 23454, 16),
                              (18903, 23451, 16), (18891, 23444, 16),
                              (18896, 23452, 16), (18897, 23456, 16),
                              (18894, 23463, 16), (18903, 23454, 16),
                              (18891, 23443, 16), (18896, 23449, 16),
                              (18897, 23459, 16), (18892, 23443, 16),
                              (18897, 23453, 16), (18901, 23450, 16),
                              (18894, 23456, 16), (18895, 23461, 16),
                              (18894, 23442, 16), (18891, 23454, 16),
                              (18895, 23451, 16), (18897, 23448, 16),
                              (18901, 23453, 16), (18889, 23458, 16),
                              (18885, 23455, 16), (18890, 23456, 16),
                              (18891, 23453, 16), (18897, 23465, 16),
                              (18892, 23445, 16), (18889, 23453, 16),
                              (18901, 23458, 16), (18902, 23456, 16),
                              (18891, 23448, 16), (18905, 23454, 16),
                              (18889, 23448, 16), (18901, 23461, 16),
                              (18886, 23453, 16), (18899, 23455, 16),
                              (18892, 23455, 16), (18889, 23451, 16),
                              (18893, 23456, 16), (18902, 23452, 16),
                              (18890, 23451, 16), (18886, 23454, 16),
                              (18899, 23450, 16), (18895, 23447, 16),
                              (18900, 23460, 16), (18889, 23446, 16),
                              (18893, 23459, 16), (18906, 23456, 16),
                              (18890, 23452, 16), (18899, 23449, 16),
                              (18895, 23466, 16), (18899, 23463, 16),
                              (18900, 23449, 16), (18904, 23454, 16),
                              (18893, 23462, 16), (18889, 23459, 16),
                              (18896, 23465, 16), (18895, 23465, 16)])
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_cover_geometry_nonshapely_geom(tiler):
    """Only accept shapely geometries."""
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, None, 0):
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_cover_geometry_poly2(tiler, poly):
    """A Polygon geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, poly, 7)]
    assert len(tiles) == 4
    assert set(tiles) == {( 90, 47, 7), (90, 48, 7), (91, 48, 7), (92, 48, 7)}
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_cover_geometry_point1(tiler, pt):
    """A Point geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, pt, 4)]
    assert len(tiles) == 1
    assert set(tiles) == {(3, 4, 4)}
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_cover_geometry_poly_w_hole1(tiler, poly_w_hole):
    """A Polygon geometry with a hole in it."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, poly_w_hole, 7)]
    assert len(tiles) == 11
    assert set(tiles) == set([(72, 22, 7), (74, 21, 7), (75, 22, 7), (73, 20, 7), (74, 22, 7), (73, 22, 7), (74, 20, 7), (73, 21, 7), (75, 21, 7), (72, 21, 7), (72, 20, 7)])
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_cover_geometry_multipoint1(tiler, mpt):
    """A MultiPoint geometry."""    
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mpt, 4)]
    assert len(tiles) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_cover_geometry_poly_w_hole2(tiler, poly_w_hole):
    """A Polygon geometry with a hole in it."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, poly_w_hole, 9)]
    assert len(tiles) == 77
    assert set(tiles) == set([(297, 82, 9), (301, 87, 9), (294, 87, 9), (299, 88, 9), (300, 85, 9), (292, 83, 9), (296, 83, 9), (298, 89, 9), (295, 82, 9), (290, 86, 9), (291, 87, 9), (297, 88, 9), (292, 87, 9), (298, 86, 9), (298, 84, 9), (294, 84, 9), (294, 88, 9), (299, 89, 9), (292, 85, 9), (300, 86, 9), (294, 82, 9), (290, 85, 9), (298, 82, 9), (295, 84, 9), (296, 87, 9), (293, 84, 9), (299, 85, 9), (291, 85, 9), (299, 86, 9), (296, 85, 9), (297, 85, 9), (296, 89, 9), (293, 89, 9), (292, 86, 9), (293, 87, 9), (291, 88, 9), (298, 88, 9), (298, 87, 9), (295, 87, 9), (296, 88, 9), (293, 83, 9), (301, 86, 9), (291, 86, 9), (297, 86, 9), (297, 89, 9), (292, 88, 9), (294, 86, 9), (294, 85, 9), (292, 82, 9), (300, 87, 9), (295, 89, 9), (290, 87, 9), (296, 82, 9), (298, 85, 9), (297, 83, 9), (291, 83, 9), (295, 83, 9), (300, 88, 9), (293, 86, 9), (299, 83, 9), (299, 84, 9), (297, 87, 9), (294, 83, 9), (297, 84, 9), (298, 83, 9), (293, 82, 9), (294, 89, 9), (296, 84, 9), (290, 84, 9), (293, 88, 9), (290, 83, 9), (295, 86, 9), (293, 85, 9), (295, 88, 9), (292, 84, 9), (291, 84, 9), (299, 87, 9)])
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_cover_geometry_point2(tiler, pt):
    """A Point geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, pt, 12)]
    assert len(tiles) == 4
    assert set(tiles) == {(973, 1204, 12), (973, 1205, 12), (974, 1204, 12),
                          (974, 1205, 12)}
Ejemplo n.º 35
def test_cover_geometry_multipoly1(tiler, mpoly):
    """A MultiPolygon geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mpoly, 7)]
    assert len(tiles) == 8
    assert set(tiles) == set([(8, 38, 7), (4, 40, 7), (2, 41, 7), (0, 42, 7), (5, 40, 7), (7, 39, 7), (8, 39, 7), (6, 40, 7)])
Ejemplo n.º 36
def test_cover_geometry_linestring1(tiler, ls):
    """A LineString geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, ls, 4)]
    assert len(tiles) == 2
    assert set(tiles) == {(2, 5, 4), (2, 6, 4)}
Ejemplo n.º 37
def test_cover_geometry_multipoly1(tiler, mpoly):
    """A MultiPolygon geometry."""
    tiles = [tile for tile in cover_geometry(tiler, mpoly, 7)]
    assert len(tiles) == 8
    assert set(tiles) == set([(8, 38, 7), (4, 40, 7), (2, 41, 7), (0, 42, 7),
                              (5, 40, 7), (7, 39, 7), (8, 39, 7), (6, 40, 7)])