Ejemplo n.º 1
def read_image(im_fname, channel_names=None, pattern='..CZXY.'):
    Read CZI, LSM, TIF and INR images based on the 'im_fname' extension.

    im_fname : str
        filename of the image to read.
    channel_names : list(str), optional
        list of channel names to use if im_fname is a multi-channel image
    pattern : str, optional
        CZI data ordering pattern, often '..CZXY.' or '.C.ZXY.'

    im : SpatialImage|dict(SpatialImage)
        SpatialImage or dictionary of SpatialImages if a multi-channel images
    if im_fname.endswith(".inr") or im_fname.endswith(".inr.gz"):
        im = imread(im_fname)
    elif im_fname.endswith(".tif"):
        im = imread(im_fname)
    elif im_fname.endswith(".lsm"):
        im = read_lsm(im_fname)
        if isinstance(im, dict):
            im = {
                k: SpatialImage(ch, voxelsize=ch.voxelsize)
                for k, ch in im.items()
            if channel_names is not None:
                im = replace_channel_names(im, channel_names)
            im = SpatialImage(im, voxelsize=im.voxelsize)
    elif im_fname.endswith(".czi"):
        im = read_czi(im_fname, channel_names, pattern=pattern)
        # try:
        #     im2 = read_czi(im_fname)
        #     assert isinstance(im2, dict)
        # except:
        #     del im2
        # else:
        #     im = im2
        for k, ch in im.items():
            if not isinstance(ch, SpatialImage):
                im[k] = SpatialImage(ch, voxelsize=ch.voxelsize)
        raise TypeError("Unknown reader for file '{}'".format(im_fname))
    return im
Ejemplo n.º 2
def add_channel_regitration(czi_base_fname,
    Add the registered image to tissuelab world.
    for n, (t_ref, t_float) in enumerate(temp_reg):
        # -- Get the reference CZI file names:
        ref_czi_fname = czi_base_fname.format(t_ref)
        # -- Get the reference INR file names:
        ref_path_suffix, ref_img_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(
            ref_czi_fname, nomenclature_file, ch_name)

        if n == 0:
            print "Reading last time-point (t{}) image filename: {}".format(
                t_ref, ref_img_fname)
            ref_im = imread(image_dirname + ref_path_suffix + ref_img_fname)
            if ch_name.find('raw') != -1:
                ref_im = z_slice_equalize_adapthist(ref_im)
            world.add(ref_im, ref_img_fname, colormap='Reds')

        # -- Get the float CZI file names:
        float_czi_fname = czi_base_fname.format(t_float)
        # -- Get the float INR file names:
        float_path_suffix, float_img_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(
            float_czi_fname, nomenclature_file, ch_name)
        # --- Get RESULT rigid transformation image filename:
        res_path_suffix = float_path_suffix + trsf_type + "_registrations/"
        res_img_fname = get_res_img_fname(float_img_fname, t_ref, t_float,

        # -- Read RESULT image file:
        res_im = imread(image_dirname + res_path_suffix + res_img_fname)
        print "Reading result floating (t{}) image filename: {}".format(
            t_float, res_img_fname)
        world.add(res_im, res_img_fname, colormap='Greens')
    return "Done."
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    # - Argument parsing:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert inr images to tif format.")
    # -- MANDATORY arguments:
    parser.add_argument('inr', type=list, nargs='+',
                        help='Image or list of images to convert.')
    input_args = parser.parse_args()

    # Check "images" (list) to convert to *.inr:
    img_list = [''.join(fname) for fname in input_args.inr]
    print img_list
        assert img_list != []
        raise TypeError("Could not understand the list of provided filenames.")

    # Performs czi to inr convertion:
    for input_img in img_list:
        tif_fname = splitext_zip(input_img)[0] + '.tif'
        imsave(tif_fname, imread(input_img))
Ejemplo n.º 4
# Get unregistered image filename:
path_suffix, PI_signal_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(
    czi_fname, nomenclature_file, membrane_ch_name)
path_suffix, PIN_signal_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(
    czi_fname, nomenclature_file, 'PIN1')
path_suffix, seg_img_fname = get_nomenclature_segmentation_name(
    czi_fname, nomenclature_file, membrane_ch_name + "_raw")

# - To create a mask, edit a MaxIntensityProj with an image editor (GIMP) by adding 'black' (0 value):
# mask = image_dirname+'PIN1-GFP-CLV3-CH-MS-E1-LD-SAM4-MIP_PI-mask.png'
mask = ''

print "\n\n# - Reading PIN1 intensity image file {}...".format(
PIN_signal_im = imread(image_dirname + path_suffix + PIN_signal_fname)
# PIN_signal_im = isometric_resampling(PIN_signal_im)
# world.add(PIN_signal_im, 'PIN1 intensity image', colormap='viridis', voxelsize=PIN_signal_im.voxelsize)

print "\n\n# - Reading PI intensity image file {}...".format(PI_signal_fname)
PI_signal_im = imread(image_dirname + path_suffix + PI_signal_fname)
# PI_signal_im = isometric_resampling(PI_signal_im)
# world.add(PI_signal_im, 'PI intensity image', colormap='invert_grey', voxelsize=PI_signal_im.voxelsize)

print "\n\n# - Reading segmented image file {}...".format(seg_img_fname)
seg_im = imread(image_dirname + path_suffix + seg_img_fname)
seg_im[seg_im == 0] = back_id

# -- PIN1/PI signal & PIN1 polarity quatification:
Ejemplo n.º 5
# -- Output format:
out_fmt = args.out_fmt.split('.')[-1]
    assert out_fmt in SUPPORTED_FMT
except AssertionError:
    raise TypeError("Unkown output file format '{}', supported formats are: '{}'.".format(out_fmt, SUPPORTED_FMT))

# -- Force overwrite existing file:
force =  args.force
if force:
    print "WARNING: any existing image will be overwritten!"
    print "Existing images will be kept!"

# - Loading the LSM to convert:
lsm_im = imread(lsm_fname)

# -- Make the base filename to output (channel name & exrtension added later!)
output_fname =  args.output_fname
if output_fname == "":
    output_fname = splitext(lsm_fname)[0]

# - Save to given format:
img_fname = output_fname + '.{}'.format(out_fmt)
if exists(img_fname) and not force:
    print "Found existing file: {}".format(img_fname)
    print "Use '--force' argument to overwrite it!"
    print "Saving to '{}' format under: '{}'".format(out_fmt.upper() ,img_fname)
    imsave(img_fname, lsm_im)
Ejemplo n.º 6
from timagetk.io import imread, imsave
from timagetk.plugins.registration import z_stack_registration, apply_z_stack_trsf
# root_dir = '/projects/SamMaps/SuperResolution/LSM Airyscan/'
root_dir = '/data/Meristems/Carlos/SuperResolution/'

base_fname = 'SAM1-gfp-pi-stack-LSM800-Airyscan Processing-standard_{}.tif'
ref_channel = 'PI_SR'
float_channels = ['PIN_SR', 'PI_conf', 'PIN_conf']
image = imread(root_dir + base_fname.format(ref_channel))

reg_method = 'rigid'
reg_stack, z_stack_trsf = z_stack_registration(image, method=reg_method, get_trsf=True)

# - Have a look at the z-stack registration results on PI channel:
from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
mid_y = int(image.get_y_dim()/2.)
grayscale_imshow([image.get_y_slice(mid_y), reg_stack.get_y_slice(mid_y)], title="Z-stack {} registration - y-slice {}/{}".format(reg_method, mid_y, image.get_y_dim()), subplot_titles=['Original', 'Registered'], range=[0, 10000])

grayscale_imshow([image, reg_stack], title="Z-stack {} registration - Contour projection".format(reg_method), subplot_titles=['Original', 'Registered'], range=[0, 10000])

from timagetk.visu.mplt import stack_browser
stack_browser(reg_stack, title="{} registered z-stack".format(reg_method))

from timagetk.visu.mplt import stack_browser_RGBA
stack_browser_RGBA([image, reg_stack], channel_names=['Original', 'Registered'], colors=['red', 'green'], title="Z-stack {} registration".format(reg_method))

imsave(root_dir + base_fname.format(ref_channel+"_z-stack_reg"), reg_stack)

# - Apply this registration to the other channels:
for float_channel in float_channels:
    image = imread(root_dir + base_fname.format(float_channel))
Ejemplo n.º 7
from timagetk.plugins import linear_filtering
from timagetk.algorithms import isometric_resampling

import sys
from equalization import z_slice_contrast_stretch
from equalization import x_slice_contrast_stretch
from equalization import y_slice_contrast_stretch
from equalization import z_slice_equalize_adapthist
from slice_view import slice_view
from slice_view import slice_n_hist

dirname = '/home/marie/Carlos/qDII-CLV3-PIN1-PI-E35-LD/SAM4/'
fname = '/qDII-CLV3-PIN1-PI-E35-LD-SAM4-T0_CH2_iso.inr'
img = imread(dirname + fname)
x_sh, y_sh, z_sh = img.shape

z_slice = 107
# Display slice and histograms:
slice_n_hist(img[:,:,z_slice], 'Original image', 'z-slice {}/{}'.format(z_slice, z_sh))

# Display orthogonal view of ORIGINAL image:
slice_view(img, x_sh/2, y_sh/2, z_sh/2, 'original_image', dirname + fname[:-4] + ".png")

# Display and save orthogonal view of EQUALIZE ADAPTHIST image for various clip_limit:

for clip_limit in [0.005,0.007,0.01,0.02,0.05,0.1]:
    im_eq = z_slice_equalize_adapthist(img,clip_limit=float(clip_limit))
    x_sh, y_sh, z_sh = im_eq.shape
microscopy_dirname = dirname + "/Carlos/qDII-CLV3-PIN1-PI-E35-LD/SAM4/"
filename = 'qDII-CLV3-PIN1-PI-E35-LD-SAM4-T0.czi'

nomenclature_file = dirname + "/SamMaps/nomenclature.csv"
nomenclature_data = pd.read_csv(nomenclature_file, sep=';')[:-1]
nomenclature_names = dict(
    zip(nomenclature_data['Name'], nomenclature_data['Nomenclature Name']))

reference_name = 'TagBFP'
membrane_name = 'PI'
microscope_orientation = -1

membrane_image_filename = image_dirname + "/" + nomenclature_names[
    filename] + "/" + nomenclature_names[
        filename] + "_" + membrane_name + ".inr.gz"
membrane_img = imread(membrane_image_filename)

mask_filename = image_dirname + "/" + nomenclature_names[
    filename] + "/" + nomenclature_names[filename] + "_mask.inr.gz"
mask_img = imread(mask_filename)
membrane_img[mask_img == 0] = 0

# world.add(membrane_img,'membrane_image',colormap='invert_grey')
#world['membrane_image']['intensity_range'] = (5000,30000)

topomesh_file = image_dirname + "/" + nomenclature_names[
    filename] + "/" + nomenclature_names[
        filename] + "_nuclei_detection_topomesh_corrected.ply"
topomesh = read_ply_property_topomesh(topomesh_file)
positions = topomesh.wisp_property('barycenter', 0)
positions = array_dict(microscope_orientation * positions.values(),
Ejemplo n.º 9
from timagetk.io import imread
from timagetk.io import imsave

from timagetk.plugins import morphology
from timagetk.plugins import h_transform
from timagetk.plugins import region_labeling
from timagetk.plugins import linear_filtering
from timagetk.plugins import segmentation
from timagetk.algorithms.resample import resample
from timagetk.algorithms.resample import isometric_resampling

from timagetk.algorithms.exposure import z_slice_contrast_stretch
from timagetk.algorithms.exposure import z_slice_equalize_adapthist

raw_img = imread("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_140/EM_C_140- C=0.tif")
h_min = 2
sigma = 1.5

# raw_img = imread("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_214/EM_C_214 C=0.tif")

print "\n - Performing z-slices adaptative histogram equalisation on the intensity image to segment..."
eq_img1 = z_slice_equalize_adapthist(raw_img)
print "\n - Performing z-slices histogram contrast stretching on the intensity image to segment..."
eq_img2 = z_slice_contrast_stretch(raw_img)

from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
Ejemplo n.º 10
    res_path = float_img_path + '{}_registrations/'.format(trsf_type)
    # - Get sequence registration result trsf filename and write trsf:
    # res_trsf_list.append(res_path + get_res_trsf_fname(float_img_fname, t_ref, t_float, trsf_type))
    seq_res_trsf_list.append(res_path + get_res_trsf_fname(
        float_img_fname, t_ref, t_float, "sequence_" + trsf_type))

print ""
for f in seq_res_trsf_list:
    print "Existing tranformation file {}: {}\n".format(f, exists(f))

list_img = []
print "\n# - Loading list of images for which to apply registration process:"
for n, img_fname in enumerate(list_img_fname):
    print "  - Time-point {}, reading image {}...".format(n, img_fname)
    im = imread(img_fname)
    if ref_ch_name.find('raw') != -1:
        im = z_slice_contrast_stretch(im)

list_comp_trsf, list_res_img = [], []
# if not np.all([exists(f) for f in res_trsf_list]) or force:
if not np.all([exists(f) for f in seq_res_trsf_list]) or force:
    if not_sequence:
        list_comp_trsf, list_res_img = registration(
        list_comp_trsf = [list_comp_trsf]
Ejemplo n.º 11
# filenames = ['Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.8_CH0_iso.inr',
# 'Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.32_CH0_iso.inr',
# 'Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.156_CH0_iso.inr',
# 'Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.32_pinH0.34_CH0_iso.inr',
# 'Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.80_pinH0.34_CH0_iso.inr']

microscope_orientation = -1

# reference_name = "tdT"
reference_name = "PI"

image_filename = image_dirname + "/" + filename + "/" + filename + "_" + reference_name + ".inr.gz"

# Original image
img = imread(image_filename)
size = np.array(img.shape)
voxelsize = np.array(img.voxelsize)

# Mask
## mask image obtein by maximum intensity projection :
# mask_filename = image_dirname+"/"+filename+"/"+filename+"_projection_mask.inr.gz"
## 3D mask image obtein by piling a mask for each slice :
mask_filename = image_dirname + "/" + filename + "/" + filename + "_mask.inr.gz"
if exists(mask_filename):
    mask_img = imread(mask_filename)
    mask_img = np.ones_like(img)

img[mask_img == 0] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 12
extra_channels = list(set(channel_names) - set([membrane_ch_name]))
# By default do not recompute deformation when an associated file exist:
force = False

from timagetk.plugins import sequence_registration

print "\n# - Building list of images for which to apply registration process:"
list_img_fname, list_img = [], []
for n, t in enumerate(time_steps):
    # -- Get the INR file names:
    path_suffix, img_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(
        czi_base_fname.format(t), nomenclature_file, membrane_ch_name)
    print "  - Time-point {}, reading image {}...".format(n, img_fname)
    img_fname = image_dirname + path_suffix + img_fname
    im = imread(img_fname)
    if membrane_ch_name.find('raw') != -1:
        im = z_slice_equalize_adapthist(im)

print "\n# - Computing sequence {} registration:".format(trsf_type.upper())
list_comp_tsrf, list_res_img = sequence_registration(
    list_img, method='sequence_{}_registration'.format(trsf_type))

force = True
ref_im = list_img[-1]  # reference image is the last time-point
time2index = {t: n for n, t in enumerate(time_steps)}
composed_trsf = zip(list_comp_tsrf, time_steps[:-1])
for trsf, t in composed_trsf:  # 't' here refer to 't_float'
# # Extract topological elements coordinates:
# elem = cell_topological_elements_extraction(im)
# # Get the cell-vertex coordinates between labels 1, 2, 3 and 4
# elem[0]
# # Get the wall-edge voxel coordinates between labels 1, 2 and 3:
# elem[1][(1, 2, 3)]
# # Get the wall voxel coordinates between labels 1 and 4:
# elem[2][(1, 4)]

# from openalea.cellcomplex.property_topomesh.property_topomesh_creation import vertex_topomesh
# topomesh = vertex_topomesh(elem[0])
# world.add(topomesh, 'detected_cell_vertex', colormap='Reds')

im_fname = '/data/Meristems/Carlos/PIN_maps/nuclei_images/qDII-PIN1-CLV3-PI-LD_E37_171113_sam07_t14/qDII-PIN1-CLV3-PI-LD_E37_171113_sam07_t14_PI_segmented.inr.gz'
im = imread(im_fname)

elem = cell_topological_elements_extraction(im[300:-300, 300:-300, :])
wall_coords = elem[2]
wall_edge_coords = elem[1]
wall_vertex_coords = elem[0]

import vplants.tissue_analysis.spatial_image_analysis
from vplants.tissue_analysis.spatial_image_analysis import find_pointset_median
from vplants.tissue_analysis.spatial_image_analysis import find_geometric_median

wmv = find_pointset_median(wall_coords, labels2exclude=None, return_id=False)
wemv = find_pointset_median(wall_edge_coords, labels2exclude=None, return_id=False)
wvmv = find_pointset_median(wall_vertex_coords, labels2exclude=None, return_id=False)
Ejemplo n.º 14
tp2ts = dict(zip(time_points, time_steps))
ts2tp = dict(zip(time_steps, time_points))

# - Registered intensity image, segmented images & transformation file path:
reg_path = dir_path + 'registered_sequence/'
trsf_name = "t{}-t{}_{}.trsf"  # t0, t1, trsf_type
except OSError:

# - Load images:
list_image = []
for tp in time_points:
    fname = int_fname.format(tp2ts[tp], '', ext)
    list_image.append(imread(int_path + fname))

ref_tp = time_points[-1]
t_ref = time_steps[-1]
vxs = 0.2415

# - Resample the last time-point (reference) to the registered path:
# -- ISOMETRIC resampling of INTENSITY image:
list_image[ref_tp] = isometric_resampling(list_image[ref_tp], method=vxs, option='gray')
# Save rigid sequence registered intensity images:
fname_res_int = reg_path + int_fname.format(t_ref, '', ext)
print("Saving:", fname_res_int)
imsave(fname_res_int, list_image[ref_tp])
Ejemplo n.º 15
from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow, stack_browser, channels_stack_browser
from timagetk.algorithms.resample import isometric_resampling
from timagetk.plugins.projection import projection

root_dir = '/projects/lsfm/multi_view/20190430_M_lti6b-gfp'
filenames = [
    '20190430_multiangle_top.tif', '20190430_multiangle_0.tif',
    '20190430_multiangle_45.tif', '20190430_multiangle_90.tif',
    '20190430_multiangle_135.tif', '20190430_multiangle_180.tif',
    '20190430_multiangle_-45.tif', '20190430_multiangle_-90.tif',

proj_list = []
for fname in filenames:
    img = imread(root_dir + "/" + fname)
    print "{}: shape={}, voxelsize={}".format(img.filename, img.shape,
    proj_list.append(projection(img, method='contour'))

                 figname=root_dir + "/" + "contour_projections.png")

# filenames = ['20190430_multiangle_top.tif', '20190430_multiangle_45.tif']
# list_img = [imread(root_dir+"/"+im) for im in filenames]

# res_trsf, res_imgs = fusion_on_first(list_img, registration_method='rigid')
Ejemplo n.º 16
std_dev_range = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.arange(1.0, 2.0, 0.2)))
rescale_type = ['Original', 'AdaptHistEq', 'ContrastStretch']
for rescaling in rescale_type:
    for iso_resampling in [False, True]:
        for std_dev in std_dev_range:
            # - build a string collecting list of algorithm applied to the nuclei image
            suffix = '-' + rescaling + ('-iso' if iso_resampling else '') + ('-gauss_smooth_{}'.format(std_dev) if std_dev != 0 else '')
            print "\n\nPerforming detection case: {}".format(suffix)
            # - Get the name of the topomesh file:
            topomesh_file = image_dirname + nuc_path_suffix + nuc_path_suffix[:-1] + "{}_nuclei_detection.ply".format(suffix)
            if exists(topomesh_file) and not force:
                print "Found topomesh file:\n{}".format(topomesh_file)
                detected_topomesh = read_ply_property_topomesh(topomesh_file)
                print "No topomesh file detected, running detection script..."
                img = imread(image_dirname + nuc_path_suffix + nuc_signal_fname)
                if rescaling == 'AdaptHistEq':
                    print "\nPerforming 'z_slice_equalize_adapthist'..."
                    img = z_slice_equalize_adapthist(img)
                    # world.add(img, "reference_image"+suffix, colormap="invert_grey", voxelsize=microscope_orientation*voxelsize)
                if rescaling == 'ContrastStretch':
                    print "\nPerforming 'z_slice_contrast_stretch'..."
                    img = z_slice_contrast_stretch(img)
                    # world.add(img, "reference_image"+suffix, colormap="invert_grey", voxelsize=microscope_orientation*voxelsize)
                # - Performs masked subtraction of signal:
                    img[mask_img == 0] = 0
                    print "Applied mask to nuclei signal...",
Ejemplo n.º 17
from timagetk.components import SpatialImage

from timagetk.io import imread
from timagetk.io import imsave

from timagetk.plugins import registration
from timagetk.plugins import morphology

raw_float_img = imread("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_140/EM_C_140- C=0.tif")
raw_ref_img = imread("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_214/EM_C_214 C=0.tif")

mask_seg_float_img = imread(
mask_seg_float_img = mask_seg_float_img.revert_axis('y')
mask_seg_float_img = mask_seg_float_img.astype('uint8')

mask_seg_ref_img = imread(
    "/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_214/EM_C_214_ C=1_relabeledAndCropped.tif")
mask_seg_ref_img = mask_seg_ref_img.revert_axis('y')
mask_seg_ref_img = mask_seg_ref_img.astype('uint8')

# - Apply morphological filters:

from scipy import ndimage

POSS_METHODS = ["erosion", "dilation", "opening", "closing"]
Ejemplo n.º 18
import numpy as np
from timagetk.util import data_path
from timagetk.io import imread
from timagetk.algorithms.exposure import z_slice_contrast_stretch
from timagetk.algorithms.resample import isometric_resampling
from timagetk.plugins import linear_filtering
from timagetk.plugins.segmentation import auto_seeded_watershed
from timagetk.visu.mplt import profile_hmin

from skimage import img_as_float
from skimage.color import label2rgb, gray2rgb

int_img = imread(data_path('p58-t0-a0.lsm'))
print int_img.shape
print int_img.voxelsize

int_img = isometric_resampling(int_img, method='min', option='cspline')
int_img = z_slice_contrast_stretch(int_img, pc_min=1)
int_img = linear_filtering(int_img,

xsh, ysh, zsh = int_img.shape
mid_x, mid_y, mid_z = int(xsh / 2.), int(ysh / 2.), int(zsh / 2.)

h_min = profile_hmin(int_img, x=mid_x, z=mid_z, plane='x', zone=mid_z)

seg_img = auto_seeded_watershed(int_img, hmin=h_min)
print seg_img.shape
from timagetk.algorithms.resample import isometric_resampling
from timagetk.plugins import linear_filtering
from timagetk.plugins import auto_seeded_watershed
from timagetk.visu.mplt import profile_hmin

import platform
if platform.uname()[1] == "RDP-M7520-JL":
    base_dir = '/data/Meristems/Carlos/SuperResolution/'
elif platform.uname()[1] == "calculus":
    base_dir = '/projects/SamMaps/SuperResolution/LSM Airyscan/'
    raise ValueError("Unknown custom path to 'base_dir' for this system...")

fname = 'SAM1-gfp-pi-stack-LSM800-Airyscan Processing-high_PI_conf_z-stack_reg.tif'
base_fname, ext = splitext(fname)
image = imread(base_dir + fname)

iso_image = isometric_resampling(image, method='min', option='cspline')

iso_image = z_slice_contrast_stretch(iso_image, pc_min=1.5)
iso_image = linear_filtering(iso_image,

# xsh, ysh, zsh = iso_image.shape
# mid_x, mid_y, mid_z = int(xsh/2.), int(ysh/2.), int(zsh/2.)
# selected_hmin = profile_hmin(iso_image, x=mid_x, z=mid_z, plane='x', zone=mid_z)
Ejemplo n.º 20
from timagetk.plugins import auto_seeded_watershed
from timagetk.visu.mplt import profile_hmin
from os.path import join

import sys, platform
if platform.uname()[1] == "RDP-M7520-JL":
    base_dir = '/data/Meristems/Bihai/20180616_3-global_della_Ler_LD/'
elif platform.uname()[1] == "calculus":
    base_dir = '/projects/SamGrowth/microscopy/20180616_global_della_Ler_LD'
    raise ValueError("Unknown custom path to 'base_dir' for this system...")

fname = '20180616 3-global della_Ler_LD +++.lsm'

base_fname, ext = splitext(fname)
image = imread(base_dir + fname)

iso_image = isometric_resampling(image, method='min', option='cspline')

iso_image = z_slice_equalize_adapthist(iso_image)
# iso_image = z_slice_contrast_stretch(iso_image, pc_min=1.5)
iso_image = linear_filtering(iso_image,

xsh, ysh, zsh = iso_image.shape
mid_x, mid_y, mid_z = int(xsh / 2.), int(ysh / 2.), int(zsh / 2.)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    print "Detected {} seeds!".format(len(np.unique(seed_img)))

    print "\n - Performing seeded watershed segmentation..."
    from timagetk.plugins import segmentation
    std_dev = 1.0
    # smooth_img = linear_filtering(img2seg, std_dev=std_dev, method='gaussian_smoothing')
    seg_im = segmentation(smooth_img, seed_img, method='seeded_watershed')
    seg_im[seg_im == 0] = back_id
    # world.add(seg_im, 'seg', colormap='glasbey', alphamap='constant')

    from timagetk.io import imsave
    imsave(seg_img_fname, seg_im)
    from timagetk.io import imread
    seg_im = imread(seg_img_fname)

# from mayavi import mlab
# from os.path import splitext
# import numpy as np
# from timagetk.io import imread
# from vplants.tissue_analysis.spatial_image_analysis import SpatialImageAnalysis
# dirname = "/data/Meristems/Carlos/PIN_maps/"
# image_dirname = dirname + "nuclei_images/"
# path_suffix = "test_offset/"
# # im_tif = "qDII-CLV3-PIN1-PI-E37-LD-SAM7-T5-P2.tif"
# im_tif = "qDII-CLV3-PIN1-PI-E37-LD-SAM7-T14-P2.tif"
# world.add(L1_expert_topomesh,"L1_expert_seeds")
# world["L1_expert_seeds"]["property_name_0"] = 'layer'
# world["L1_expert_seeds_vertices"]["polydata_colormap"] = load_colormaps()['Greens']

evaluations = {}
L1_evaluations = {}
## Parameters
std_dev = 2.0
morpho_radius = 3
h_min = 230

# - EXPERT evaluation:
topomesh_file = image_dirname + xp_filename[:-4] + "_seed_wat_EXPERT_detection_topomesh.ply"
img = imread(image_dirname + xp_filename)
img = isometric_resampling(img)
# world.add(img,"iso_ref_image"+suffix, colormap="invert_grey", voxelsize=microscope_orientation*voxelsize)
size = np.array(img.shape)
voxelsize = np.array(img.voxelsize)

if exists(topomesh_file):
    detected_topomesh = read_ply_property_topomesh(topomesh_file)
    print "Shape: ", img.shape, "; Size: ", img.voxelsize
    # -- Change following values, as required by watershed algorithm:
    #  - '0': watershed will fill these with other label
    #  - '1': background value (outside the biological object)
    vtx = list(expert_topomesh.wisps(0))
    if 0 in vtx or 1 in vtx:
        # --- Initialise relabelling dictionary:
Ejemplo n.º 23
    'Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.8_CH0_iso', 'Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.32_CH0_iso',
    'Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.156_CH0_iso', 'Lti6b_xy0.156_z0.32_pinH0.34_CH0_iso',

#reference_name = "PI"
reference_name = "Lti6b"

microscope_orientation = +1

for filename in filenames:

    image_filename = image_dirname + filename + ".inr"

    img = imread(image_filename)
    size = np.array(img.shape)
    voxelsize = np.array(img.voxelsize)

    x_sh, y_sh, z_sh = img.shape
    # Display orthogonal view of ORIGINAL image:
    slice_view(img, x_sh / 2, y_sh / 2, z_sh / 2,
               filename[:-8] + '\n original_image',
               image_filename[:-4] + ".png")
              voxelsize=microscope_orientation * voxelsize)

    # parameters
    pc_min, pc_max = 2, 99
Ejemplo n.º 24
# -4- Define CZI channel names, the microscope orientation, nuclei and membrane channel names and extra channels that should also be registered:
time_steps = [0, 5, 10, 14]
channel_names = ['DIIV', 'PIN1', 'PI', 'TagBFP', 'CLV3']
microscope_orientation = -1  # inverted microscope!
ref_ch_name = 'PI'
nuc_ch_name = "TagBFP"

nuc_path_suffix, nuc_signal_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(
    czi_fname, nomenclature_file, nuc_ch_name)
memb_path_suffix, memb_signal_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(
    czi_fname, nomenclature_file, ref_ch_name)

# Original MEMBRANE image
img = imread(image_dirname + memb_path_suffix + memb_signal_fname)
size = np.array(img.shape)
vxs = np.array(img.voxelsize)
ori = np.array(img.voxelsize)

# Mask
## mask image obtein by maximum intensity projection :
# mask_filename = image_dirname+"/"+filename+"/"+filename+"_projection_mask.inr.gz"
## 3D mask image obtein by piling a mask for each slice :
mask_filename = image_dirname + memb_path_suffix + memb_path_suffix[:-1] + "_mask.inr.gz"
if os.path.exists(mask_filename) and 'raw' in ref_ch_name:
    print "Found mask image: '{}'".format(mask_filename)
    mask_img = imread(mask_filename)
    img[mask_img == 0] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 25
for tp, t in enumerate(time_steps):
    raw_czi_fname = czi_base_fname.format(t)
    print "\n\n# - Entering segmentation process for {}".format(raw_czi_fname)
    start = time.time()

    # - Defines segmented file name and path:
    seg_path_suffix, seg_img_fname = get_nomenclature_segmentation_name(raw_czi_fname, nom_file, ref_ch_name)
    if os.path.exists(image_dirname + seg_path_suffix + seg_img_fname) and not force:
        print "A segmentation file '{}' already exists, aborting now.".format(seg_img_fname)

    # - Get the image to segment:
    # -- Get the file name and path of the image to segment:
    path_suffix, img2seg_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(raw_czi_fname, nom_file, ref_ch_name)
    print "\n - Loading image to segment: {}".format(img2seg_fname)
    img2seg = imread(image_dirname + path_suffix + img2seg_fname)
    vxs = np.array(img2seg.voxelsize)
    ori = np.array(img2seg.origin)
    # -- Get the file name and path of the channel to substract to the image to segment:
    # used to clear-out the cells for better segmentation
    if clearing_ch_name:
        path_suffix, substract_img_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(raw_czi_fname, nom_file, clearing_ch_name)
        print "\n - Loading image to substract: {}".format(substract_img_fname)
        substract_img = imread(image_dirname + path_suffix + substract_img_fname)
        # substract the 'CLV3' signal from the 'PI' since it might have leaked:
        print "\n - Performing images substraction..."
        tmp_im = img2seg - substract_img
        tmp_im[img2seg <= substract_img] = 0
        img2seg = SpatialImage(tmp_im, voxelsize=vxs, origin=ori)
        del tmp_im
    # -- Display the image to segment:
Ejemplo n.º 26
    rig_seg_img_fname = get_res_img_fname(seg_img_fname, t_ref, t_float,
    res_path = image_dirname + rig_float_path_suffix

        assert exists(res_path + rig_seg_img_fname)
        # - Get the result image file name & path (output path), and create it if necessary:
        if not exists(res_path):
        print "\n# - RIGID registration for t{}/t{}:".format(
            time2index[t_float], time2index[t_ref])
        py_hl = 3  # defines highest level of the blockmatching-pyramid
        py_ll = 1  # defines lowest level of the blockmatching-pyramid
        print '  - t_{}h floating fname: {}'.format(t_float, float_img_fname)
        im_float = imread(image_dirname + float_path_suffix + float_img_fname)
        if float_img_fname.find('iso') == -1:  # if not isometric, resample!
            im_float = isometric_resampling(im_float)
        print '  - t_{}h reference fname: {}'.format(t_ref, ref_img_fname)
        im_ref = imread(image_dirname + ref_path_suffix + ref_img_fname)
        if ref_img_fname.find('iso') == -1:  # if not isometric, resample!
            im_ref = isometric_resampling(im_ref)
        print ""
        res_trsf, res_im = registration(im_float,
        print ""
        # - Save result image and tranformation:
        print "Writing image file: {}".format(rig_float_img_fname)
Ejemplo n.º 27
from timagetk.components import SpatialImage

from timagetk.wrapping import BalTrsf

from timagetk.io import imread
from timagetk.io import imsave

from timagetk.plugins import registration
from timagetk.plugins import morphology

raw_ref_img = imread("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_140/EM_C_140- C=0.tif")
raw_float_img = imread("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_214/EM_C_214 C=0.tif")

ref_img = imread("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_140/EM_C_140-masked.tif")
float_img = imread("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_214/EM_C_214-masked.tif")

init_trsf = BalTrsf()

trsf_def, img_def = registration(float_img,
imsave("/data/GabriellaMosca/EM_C_214/EM_C_214-masked_deformable.tif", img_def)

from timagetk.visu.mplt import grayscale_imshow
img2plot = [float_img, ref_img, img_rig, ref_img]
img_titles = ["t0", "t1", "Registered t0 on t1", "t1"]
                 "Effect of rigid registration",
Ejemplo n.º 28
print "\n# - Building list of image filenames for which to apply registration process:"
list_img_fname = []
for ind, t in enumerate(time_steps):
    # -- Get the INR file names:
    path_suffix, img_fname = get_nomenclature_channel_fname(czi_base_fname.format(t), nom_file, ref_ch_name)
    print "  - Time-point {}, adding image {}...".format(ind, img_fname)
    img_fname = image_dirname + path_suffix + img_fname

list_img = []
print "\n# - Loading list of images for which to apply registration process:"
for ind, img_fname in enumerate(list_img_fname):
    print "  - Time-point {}, reading image {}...".format(ind, img_fname)
    im = imread(img_fname)
    if ref_ch_name.find('raw') != -1:
        im = z_slice_contrast_stretch(im)

# - Resample to isometric voxelsize to be able to apply it to isometric segmented image:
print "\nResample to isometric voxelsize to be able to apply it to isometric segmented image:"
list_iso_img = [isometric_resampling(im) for im in list_img]

from timagetk.algorithms import blockmatching
trsf_type = 'iso-deformable'
list_res_trsf, list_res_img = [], []
Ejemplo n.º 29
from os.path import join

import sys, platform
if platform.uname()[1] == "RDP-M7520-JL":
    base_dir = '/data/Meristems/Bihai/20180616_3-global_della_Ler_LD/'
elif platform.uname()[1] == "calculus":
    base_dir = '/projects/SamGrowth/microscopy/20180616_global_della_Ler_LD'
    raise ValueError("Unknown custom path to 'base_dir' for this system...")

fname = '20180616 3-global della_Ler_LD +++.lsm'

from timagetk.io import imread
im = imread(join(base_dir, fname))

from timagetk.plugins import linear_filtering
from timagetk.algorithms.exposure import z_slice_contrast_stretch
from timagetk.algorithms.exposure import z_slice_equalize_adapthist
s = 0.6

smooth = linear_filtering(im, method="gaussian_smoothing", sigma=s, real=True)

stretch = z_slice_contrast_stretch(im)
smooth_str = z_slice_contrast_stretch(
    linear_filtering(im, method="gaussian_smoothing", sigma=s, real=True))
str_smooth = linear_filtering(z_slice_contrast_stretch(im),

eq = z_slice_equalize_adapthist(im)