def get_details(html): soup=BeautifulSoup(html) #得到作者、作者链接、微博正文 div_content=soup.find_all(attrs={'class': 'content clearfix'}) #得到发微博时间 div_time=soup.find_all(attrs={'class':'feed_from W_textb'}) #将用户名称,用户主页地址、微博正文、发微博时间初始化 nick_name=[] nickname_href=[] content_text=[] time=[] #print get_content[0] for i in range(len(div_content)): #查找a标签 a_tag=div_content[i].find('a') nick_name.append(a_tag.get('nick-name')) nickname_href.append(a_tag.get('href')) #查找p标签 p_tag=div_content[i].find('p') content_text.append(p_tag.get_text()) #得到发微博时间 for j in range(len(div_time)): a_time=div_time[j].find('a') time.append(a_time.get('title')) return (nick_name,nickname_href,content_text,time)
def diffuseave(self): self.difffile=open('diffusion.xvg','w') diffave=[] diffave2=[] for i in range(self.diffmax): diffave.append(0.) diffave2.append(0.) for iatom in self.atoms: iatom.diffusecalc(self.diffmax) for i in range(self.diffmax): diffave[i]+=iatom.diffusion[i] diffave2[i]+=iatom.diffusion2[i] for i in range(self.diffmax): diffave[i]/=float(self.NAtom) diffave2[i]/=float(self.NAtom) print>>self.difffile,'#Mean square displacement of all atoms' print>>self.difffile,'#Time <r2>' print>>self.difffile,'@ title \"Mean square displacement\"' print>>self.difffile,'@ xaxis label \"Time (reduced time units)\"' print>>self.difffile,'@ yaxis label \"Mean square displacement (sigma^2)\"' for i in range(self.diffmax): print>>self.difffile,'%8.4lf %8.4lf'%(i*self.Step,diffave2[i]) self.difffile.close() #Fit linear regression line to <r^2>=6Dt time=[] for i in range(self.diffmax): time.append(i*self.Step) slope,intercept,r2=regression(time,diffave2) print 'displace^2 vs t: slope=%lf intercept=%lf R2=%lf'\ %(slope,intercept,r2) self.diffconst=slope/6. print 'Diffusion constant from Einstein relation=%lf (reduced units)'%(self.diffconst) diffusion_cgs=self.diffconst*0.1344*self.Step*100000. print 'Diffusion constant from Einstein relation=%lf (x10-5 cm^2/sec)'%(diffusion_cgs)
def lastUpdate(self): time = [self.parser.source.time()] h = inspect.getmro(self.__class__) h = h[:-3] for c in h: time.append(int(os.path.getmtime(inspect.getfile(c))+.5)) return max(time)
def seconds_to_human_time(cls, seconds, suffixes=['y','w','d','h','m','s'], add_s=False, separator=' '): """ convert seconds to human time """ # the formatted time string to be returned time = [] # the pieces of time to iterate over (days, hours, minutes, etc) # - the first piece in each tuple is the suffix (d, h, w) # - the second piece is the length in seconds (a day is 60s * 60m * 24h) parts = [(suffixes[0], 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52), (suffixes[1], 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), (suffixes[2], 60 * 60 * 24), (suffixes[3], 60 * 60), (suffixes[4], 60), (suffixes[5], 1)] # for each time piece, grab the value and remaining seconds, and add it to # the time string for suffix, length in parts: value = seconds / length if value > 0: seconds = seconds % length time.append('%s%s' % (str(value), (suffix, (suffix, suffix + 's')[value > 1])[add_s])) if seconds < 1: break return separator.join(time)
def flux2011( ) : time = [] flux = [] fin = open( "fluxes.txt", "r" ) fout = open( "fluxVsTime", "w" ) for line in fin : a = line.split() if len(a) == 2 : time.append( 24.*float(a[0]) ) # dechrs flux.append( float(a[1]) ) # flux # ... create decimal time array t = numpy.array( time, dtype=float ) print t # ... retrieve tsys, rmspath, tau230, elev arrays rmspath = getVar( "rmspath.log", t ) tau230 = getVar( "tau230.log", t ) source = getSource ( "uvindex.log", t ) elevarray = getVar15( "elev.log", t ) # ... use elev of C1 as the elevation elev = numpy.empty( (len(time)), dtype=float ) for n in range (0, len(time) ) : elev[n] = elevarray[n][0] # ... all array lengths should match, otherwise this routine will crash! print len(time), len(flux), len(rmspath), len(tau230), len(source), len(elev) fout.write("# UThrs S(Jy) el tau path source\n") for n in range (0, len(time)) : fout.write("%10.5f %6.3f %4.1f %4.2f %4.0f %s\n" % (t[n], flux[n], elev[n], tau230[n], rmspath[n], source[n] )) fin.close() fout.close()
def read_coft(): try: with open('COFT','r'): f = open('COFT','r') line = f.readline() s = line.split(',') time = [] flux_1 = [] flux_2 = [] flux_3 = [] while line: time.append(float(s[1])) flux_1.append(float(s[3])) flux_2.append(float(s[4])) flux_3.append(float(s[5])) line = f.readline() s = line.split(',') t = np.asarray(time) f1 = np.asarray(flux_1) f2 = np.asarray(flux_2) f3 = np.asarray(flux_3) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(t, f1, label='gas flow') ax.plot(t, f2, label='liquid flow') ax.plot(t, f3, label='total flow') ax.legend() except IOError: print "COFT WAS NOT GENERATED" return 0
def fivePinjun(self,action): #datetime.datetime.strptime("12:10:20",'%H:%M:%S') #date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime("2012-10-20",'%Y-%m-%d') #.resample(rule="5M",how="mean") #time=pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex time=[] for tab in xrange(len(self.df["Time"])): #print datetime.datetime.strptime(self.df["Date"][tab]+' '+self.df["Time"][tab],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') time.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(self.df["Date"][tab]+' '+self.df["Time"][tab],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) #time=pandas.PeriodIndex(time,freq='S') ts=Series(np.array(self.df[self.df.columns[self.columnChooseIndex[0]+6]]), index=time) #self.ts1=pandas.DataFrame({"DateTime":ts.index,self.df.columns[self.columnChooseIndex[0]+6]:ts}) temps1=ts.resample("5Min") self.ts1=pandas.DataFrame({"DateTime":temps1.index,self.df.columns[self.columnChooseIndex[0]+6]:temps1}) self.dataModel = DataFrameModel() self.dtableView.setModel(self.dataModel) self.dataModel.setDataFrame(self.ts1) self.dataModel.signalUpdate() self.dtableView.resizeColumnsToContents() self.isProcess=True
def Process(self): process=Process(self) process.exec_() time=[] PP=process.combine.split('\\') for tab in xrange(len(self.df["Time"])): time.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(self.df["Date"][tab]+' '+self.df["Time"][tab],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) #time=pandas.PeriodIndex(time,freq='S') ts=Series(np.array(self.df[self.df.columns[self.columnChooseIndex[0]+6]]), index=time) #self.ts1=pandas.DataFrame({"DateTime":ts.index,self.df.columns[self.columnChooseIndex[0]+6]:ts}) #temps1=eval("ts."+str(PP[0])+'.'+'("'+str(PP[1])+'")') if str(PP[0])=="resample": temps1=ts.resample(str(PP[1])) self.ts1=pandas.DataFrame({"DateTime":temps1.index,self.df.columns[self.columnChooseIndex[0]+6]:temps1}) self.dataModel = DataFrameModel() self.dtableView.setModel(self.dataModel) self.dataModel.setDataFrame(self.ts1) self.dataModel.signalUpdate() self.dtableView.resizeColumnsToContents() self.isProcess=True
def elapsedTime(seconds, suffixes=["y", "w", "d", "h", "m", "s"], add_s=False, separator=" "): """ Takes an amount of seconds and turns it into a human-readable amount of time. """ # the formatted time string to be returned if seconds == 0: return "0s" time = [] # the pieces of time to iterate over (days, hours, minutes, etc) # - the first piece in each tuple is the suffix (d, h, w) # - the second piece is the length in seconds (a day is 60s * 60m * 24h) parts = [ (suffixes[0], 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52), (suffixes[1], 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), (suffixes[2], 60 * 60 * 24), (suffixes[3], 60 * 60), (suffixes[4], 60), (suffixes[5], 1), ] # for each time piece, grab the value and remaining seconds, and add it to # the time string for suffix, length in parts: value = seconds / length if value > 0: seconds = seconds % length time.append("%s%s" % (str(value), (suffix, (suffix, suffix + "s")[value > 1])[add_s])) if seconds < 1: break return separator.join(time)
def stop_test(): global record_data global data record_data = False speed = [] time = [] verticalSpeed = [] pitch = [] altitude = [] for i in range(0,len(data)): speed.append( data[i]['speed']) time.append( data[i]['time']) verticalSpeed.append(data[i]['verticalSpeed']) pitch.append(data[i]['pitch']) altitude.append(data[i]['altitude']) plotting.plot_chart(time,speed,"time-speed") plotting.plot_chart(time,verticalSpeed,"time-verticalSpeed") plotting.plot_chart(time,pitch,"time-pitch") plotting.plot_chart(time,altitude,"time-altitude")
def plot_save(af_stat_file, plot_path): #at_time(sec), nonNLP_percentage, insect_percentage, poison_percentage, insecticide_percentage time = [] non_nlp = [] insect = [] poison = [] insecticide = [] line_no = 0 #Expected CSV format with open(af_stat_file) as f: for line in f: if line_no == 0: line_no = line_no + 1 continue line = [x.strip() for x in line.split(',') ] time.append(float(line[0])) non_nlp.append(float(line[1])) insect.append(float(line[2])) poison.append(float(line[3])) insecticide.append(float(line[4])) plt.plot(time, insect) plt.plot(time, poison) plt.plot(time, insecticide) plt.plot(time, non_nlp) plt.legend(['Insect', 'Poison', 'Insecticide', 'Non-nlp'], loc='best') plt.ylabel('Percentage in AF') plt.xlabel('Time(sec)') plt.savefig(plot_path+"/plot.png") plt.clf()
def getdrift_raw(filename,id3,interval,datetime_wanted): # range_time is a number,unit by one day. datetime_wanted format is num d=ml.load(filename) lat1=d[:,8] lon1=d[:,7] idd=d[:,0] year=[] for n in range(len(idd)): year.append(str(idd[n])[0:2]) h=d[:,4] day=d[:,3] month=d[:,2] time1=[] for i in range(len(idd)): time1.append(date2num(datetime.datetime.strptime(str(int(h[i]))+' '+str(int(day[i]))+' '+str(int(month[i]))+' '+str(int(year[i])), "%H %d %m %y"))) idg1=list(ml.find(idd==id3)) idg2=list(ml.find(np.array(time1)<=datetime_wanted+interval/24)) "'0.25' means the usual Interval, It can be changed base on different drift data " idg3=list(ml.find(np.array(time1)>=datetime_wanted-0.1)) idg23=list(set(idg2).intersection(set(idg3))) # find which data we need idg=list(set(idg23).intersection(set(idg1))) print 'the length of drifter data is '+str(len(idg)),str(len(set(idg)))+' . if same, no duplicate' lat,lon,time=[],[],[] for x in range(len(idg)): lat.append(round(lat1[idg[x]],4)) lon.append(round(lon1[idg[x]],4)) time.append(round(time1[idg[x]],4)) # time is num return lat,lon,time
def readInVariable(): gc.disable() print("In readInVariable() function") wb = load_workbook('resources/dbMetrics.xlsx', use_iterators = True, read_only = True) ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name("metrics") numRows = ws.get_highest_row() #print(numRows) date = [] time = [] RCMPL = [] Unblocked = [] timeInitial = #print(numRow) #print(ws.iter_rows('A2:S'+str(numRows))) ws_iter = tuple(ws.iter_rows('A2:D'+str(numRows))) #print("11111") #print(type(ws_iter)) i = 0 j= 1 for row in ws_iter: #if(i%500 == 0): #print(i, for cell in row: if j == 1: date.append(cell.value) elif j == 2: time.append(cell.value) elif j == 3: RCMPL.append(cell.value) elif j == 4: Unblocked.append(cell.value) j = j+1 j = 1 print("Length of date ",len(date), len(RCMPL))
def elapsed_time(self, seconds, suffixes=['y','w','d','h','m','s'], add_s=False, separator=''): """ Takes an amount of seconds and turns it into a human-readable amount of time. From """ # the formatted time string to be returned time = [] # the pieces of time to iterate over (days, hours, minutes, etc) # - the first piece in each tuple is the suffix (d, h, w) # - the second piece is the length in seconds (a day is 60s * 60m * 24h) parts = [(suffixes[0], 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52), (suffixes[1], 60 * 60 * 24 * 7), (suffixes[2], 60 * 60 * 24), (suffixes[3], 60 * 60), (suffixes[4], 60), (suffixes[5], 1)] # for each time piece, grab the value and remaining seconds, and add it to # the time string for suffix, length in parts: value = seconds // length if value > 0: seconds = seconds % length time.append('%s%s' % (str(value), (suffix, (suffix, suffix + 's')[value > 1])[add_s])) if seconds < 1: break return separator.join(time)
def float_float(T,t,n,T1,N): num = T/t num = int(num) print num conc = [] time = [] for i in range(0,num+1): print('input concn at time') print i*t conc.append(float(raw_input(''))) time.append(i*t) print conc print time #time.sleep(15) m=[[]] m[0].extend([conc[0],time[0]]) for i in range(1, num+1): m.append([conc[i],time[i]]) # print tc # conc_time.append(tc) print m
def graph_axis_trajectory(axis, pdf_name): time = [] pos = [] vel = [] acc = [] for t in axis: time.append(t[0]) pos.append(t[1]) vel.append(t[2]) acc.append(t[3]) fig = plt.figure() fig.clf() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311) ax1.plot(time, pos) ax1.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax1.set_ylabel('Position (m)') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312) ax2.plot(time, vel) ax2.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax2.set_ylabel('Velocity (m/s)') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313) ax3.plot(time, acc) ax3.set_xlabel('Time (s)') ax3.set_ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)') fig.savefig((pdf_name + ".pdf"))
def smooth_values(timestamps, values, totals, radius): """ Sliding window >>> t = [dt(2011, 01, 20, 0, 0), dt(2011, 01, 21, 0, 0), \ dt(2011, 01, 22, 0, 0), dt(2011, 01, 23, 0, 0), \ dt(2011, 01, 28, 0, 0), dt(2011, 01, 30, 0, 0), \ dt(2011, 01, 31, 0, 0)] >>> v = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] >>> tot = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8] >>> smooth_values(t, v, tot, 3) ([datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 20, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 20, 12, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 21, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 22, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 24, 8, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 27, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 29, 16, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 30, 12, 0), datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 31, 0, 0)], [1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 13, 7], [2, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 15, 8]) """ time = [] ser = [] tot = [] k = radius / 2 for i in range(-(radius / 2 + 1), len(timestamps) - (radius / 2) + 1): v = i if i > 0 else 0 time.append(dt_average(timestamps[v:v + k])) ser.append(sum(values[v:v + k])) tot.append(sum(totals[v:v + k])) if k < radius: k += 1 return time, ser, tot
def getGains( infile ) : time = [] gain = [] p= subprocess.Popen( ( shlex.split('gplist vis=%s options=all' % infile) ), \ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) result = p.communicate()[0] lines = result.split("\n") ngains = (len(lines) - 3)/23 # caution: this presumes 23 antennas will be listed for each time, and that # gains output has 3 header lines (and one blank line at the end ?) gainComplex = numpy.zeros( (ngains,15), dtype=complex ) ng = -1 for n in range(3, len(lines) ) : a = lines[n].split() if ( (len(a) > 0) and (a[0] != "Ant") ) : ng = ng + 1 time.append( a[0] ) nant = int(a[2]) if ( nant != 1 ) : print "getGains error - unexpected ant number" gainComplex[ng][nant-1] = float(a[5]) + 1j * float(a[6]) elif ( len(a) > 0 ) : nant = int(a[1]) if ( nant < 16 ) : gainComplex[ng][nant-1] = float(a[4]) + 1j * float(a[5]) return [time, gainComplex]
def readfire(s): # reads the output of a fire file and # returns the time vector and the population vector # input file should have two columns: first column is time in generations # second column is population time = [] pop = [] with open(s, 'r') as input_file: for line in input_file: temp = line.strip() if 'f()' in temp: time = [] pop = [] temp = line.strip() a,b = temp.split() time.append(float(a)) pop.append(float(b)) #with open(s, 'r') as input_file: #throwaway = input_file.readline() #while throwaway.strip() != 'START HERE': #throwaway = input_file.readline() #for line in input_file: #print 'hello' #temp = line.strip() #a,b = temp.split() #time.append(float(a)) #pop.append(float(b)) #print a, b print 'readfire is done' return [time, pop]
def format_time(timespan, precision=3): """Formats the timespan in a human readable form""" if timespan >= 60.0: # we have more than a minute, format that in a human readable form parts = [("d", 60 * 60 * 24), ("h", 60 * 60), ("min", 60), ("s", 1)] time = [] leftover = timespan for suffix, length in parts: value = int(leftover / length) if value > 0: leftover = leftover % length time.append('{0}{1}'.format(str(value), suffix)) if leftover < 1: break return " ".join(time) # Unfortunately the unicode 'micro' symbol can cause problems in # certain terminals. # See bug: # Try to prevent crashes by being more secure than it needs to # E.g. eclipse is able to print a mu, but has no sys.stdout.encoding set. units = ["s", "ms", 'us', "ns"] # the save value if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding') and sys.stdout.encoding: try: '\xb5'.encode(sys.stdout.encoding) units = ["s", "ms", '\xb5s', "ns"] except Exception: pass scaling = [1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9] if timespan > 0.0: order = min(-int(math.floor(math.log10(timespan)) // 3), 3) else: order = 3 return "{1:.{0}g} {2}".format(precision, timespan * scaling[order], units[order])
def run_experiment(mode, cmd, t): file.write(" ".join(cmd) + "\n") time = [] timeout = 120 if mode == "stm" or mode == "gen": timeout = 1200 for i in range(t): while (True) : out = timeout_command(cmd, timeout) if out == None: print "Timed out ", cmd continue r ="(?<=Time = )[0-9]*\.[0-9]*", out) if r == None: print "retry ", cmd continue out =; break time.append(float(out)) file.write(out + " ") file.write("\n") file.write("Std dev = " + "%.3f" % (numpy.std(time))) file.write("\n") file.write("min = " + "%.3f" % (numpy.amin(time)) + "\n") file.write("max = " + "%.3f" % (numpy.amax(time)) + "\n") return (numpy.median(time), numpy.amin(time), numpy.amax(time))
def done(): global time time.append( standup_time() tabled() post_message('Bye!') reset()
def processingTimeByPhoto(serie): time = [] last = [] for key, track in serie.items(): time.append(track['pt1']) last = track['pt2'] time.append(last) return time
def gettrack_codar(lon_vel_list,lat_vel_list,u,v,startdate,hours,la,lo,uu,vv,q): # tracks particle at surface # calculate the points near la,la distance,index_lon,index_lat=nearxy(lon_vel_list,lat_vel_list,lo,la) #index_startdate=0#get the index of startdate # get u,v u1=float(u[index_lat][index_lon]) v1=float(v[index_lat][index_lon]) if u1<=-998.0/100:# case of no good data u1=uu[0] v1=vv[0] print "no good data in this lat lon at "+num2date(startdate+q+1).strftime("%d/%m/%y %H")+"h" #nsteps=scipy.floor(min(numdays,jdmat_m_num[-1])/daystep) # get the velocity data at this first time & place lat_k='lat'+str(1) lon_k='lon'+str(1) uu,vv,lon_k,lat_k,time=[],[],[],[],[] uu.append(u1) vv.append(v1) lat_k.append(la) lon_k.append(lo) time.append(startdate) # first, estimate the particle move to its new position using velocity of previous time steps lat1=lat_k[0]+float(vv[0]*3600)/1000/1.8535/60 lon1=lon_k[0]+float(uu[0]*3600)/1000/1.8535/60*(scipy.cos(float(la)/180*np.pi)) # find the closest model time for the new timestep ''' jdmat_m_num_i=time[i-1]+float(1.0/24) time.append(jdmat_m_num_i) #print jdmat_m_num_i index_startdate=index_startdate+1 #index_startdate=int(round(np.interp(jdmat_m_num_i,jdmat_m_num,range(len(jdmat_m_num))))) #find the point's index of near lat1,lon1 index_location=nearxy(lon_vel,lat_vel,lon1,lat1)[1] ui=u[index_startdate][index_location] vi=v[index_startdate][index_location] #if u1<>-999.0/100:# case of good data vv.append(vi) uu.append(ui) # estimate the particle move from its new position using velocity of previous time steps lat_k.append(float(lat1+lat_k[i-1]+float(vv[i]*3600)/1000/1.8535/60)/2) lon_k.append(float(lon1+lon_k[i-1]+float(uu[i]*3600)/1000/1.8535/60*scipy.cos(float(lat_k[i])/180*np.pi))/2) #else: ''' # vv.append(0) # uu.append(0) # estimate the particle move from its new position using velocity of previous time steps # lat_k.append(float(lat1)) # lon_k.append(float(lon1)) return lat1,lon1,time,uu,vv
def start(): global time if len(time) != 0: post_message('But we\'ve already started!') return time.append( post_message('Let\'s get started! What did you work on yesterday? What are you working on today? What, if any, are your blockers?\nWhen you\'re done, please type !next') next()
def done(): global time time.append( standup_time() tabled() post_summary() post_message("Bye!") reset()
def start(): global time if len(time) != 0: post_message("But we've already started!") return time.append( post_message("Let's get started! %s\nWhen you're done, please type !next" % start_message) next()
def retrival(self,objectIdArr): num=[str(len(objectIdArr))] time=[] articles=[] for objectId in objectIdArr: res=self.mongodb[objectId[2]].find_one({'_id':objectId[1]}) time.append(res['time']) articles.append(re.split(u'[\u3002\uff1b\uff01\uff1f\n]#PU ',res['article'].rstrip(' '))) return num+time+articles
def start(): global time if len(time) != 0: post_message('But we\'ve already started!') return time.append( post_message('Let\'s get started! %s\nWhen you\'re done, please type !next' % start_message) next()
def _initPointDet(self): if self._isPointDet and self._useMemoryCache: data = [] time = [] for th5,datapath, timepath in zip(self._h5s,self._paths['data'],self._paths['time']): data.append(th5[datapath[0]][:]) time.append(th5[timepath[0]][:]) self.fields = {'data':[data,time]}
def plot_VEQ_data(all_data): ''' Plot VEQ data Process raw string output from Vokaturi into array of audio emotions Order: [Neutral, Happy, Sad, Angry, Fear][neg, neu, pos, compound, text] ''' #Initialize all empty arrays time = [] neutral = [] happy = [] sad = [] angry = [] fear = [] compound = [] #get all data into arrays for i in all_data: time.append(i[0]) neutral.append(i[1]) happy.append(i[2]) sad.append(i[3]) angry.append(i[4]) fear.append(i[5]) compound.append(i[9]) #Sanity printing # print(time) # print(neutral) # print(happy) # print(sad) # print(angry) # print(fear) # print(compound) trace_neutral = go.Scatter(x=time, y=neutral, name='Neutral', line=dict(color=('rgb(140, 65, 244)'), width=2.5, dash='dash')) trace_happy = go.Scatter(x=time, y=happy, name='Happy', line=dict(color=('rgb(89, 244, 66)'), width=2.5, dash='dash')) trace_sad = go.Scatter(x=time, y=sad, name='Sad', line=dict(color=('rgb(65, 178, 244)'), width=2.5, dash='dash')) trace_angry = go.Scatter(x=time, y=angry, name='Angry', line=dict(color=('rgb(244, 65, 65)'), width=2.5, dash='dash')) trace_fear = go.Scatter(x=time, y=fear, name='Fear', line=dict(color=('rgb(244, 157, 65)'), width=2.5, dash='dash')) trace_sentiment = go.Scatter(x=time, y=compound, name='Sentiment', line=dict(color=('rgb(0, 0, 0)'), width=4)) data = [ trace_neutral, trace_happy, trace_sad, trace_angry, trace_fear, trace_sentiment ] # Edit the layout layout = dict( title='Audio Emotion over Session', xaxis=dict(title='Time'), yaxis=dict(title='Emotion Level'), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) py.offline.plot(fig, filename='audio_emotion.html')
def parse_detail_page(self, source): html = etree.HTML(source) preson_id = html.xpath( "//div[@class='cnt f-brk']/a[@class='s-fc7']/@href") song_name = "".join( html.xpath("//div[@class='tit']/em[@class='f-ff2']/text()")) singer = ''.join( html.xpath( "//div[@class='cnt']/p[1]/span/a[@class='s-fc7']/text()")) album = ''.join( html.xpath("//div[@class='cnt']/p[2]/a[@class='s-fc7']/text()")) comment_sum = ''.join( re.findall(r'<span class="j-flag">(.*?)</span>', source, re.DOTALL))['album'] = album # print(self.message) # print('++'*30)['song_name'] = song_name['singer'] = singer['album'] = album['comment_sum'] = comment_sum try: # 插入数据 self.mysqlCommand.insert_musicData( except Exception as e: print("插入音乐数据失败", str(e)) # 输出插入失败的报错语句 # 获取点击量 points_tags = re.findall(r'<i class="zan u-icn2 u-icn2-12">(.*?)</a>', source, re.DOTALL) point = [] for i in points_tags: point_rag = re.sub('</i> ', '', i) point_rag = re.sub('</i>', '0', point_rag) point.append(point_rag) # 请求评论人详情页 for i in preson_id: preson_url = "" + i try: self.request_preson_page(preson_url, song_name) except: self.driver.close() self.driver.switch_to.window(self.driver.window_handles[1]) name = html.xpath("//div[@class='cnt f-brk']/a[1]/text()") comment_tags = re.findall( r'<div class="cnt f-brk">.*?</a>(.*?)</div>.*?</a>(.*?)</div>', source, re.DOTALL) comments = [] for item in comment_tags: comment = str() for i in item: comment_tag = re.sub('<br />', ' ', i) comment_tag = re.sub('<(.*?)>', '', comment_tag) if item.index(i) == 1 and comment_tag != '|回复': comment_tag = '\n 评论回复' + comment_tag comment += comment_tag comment = comment.rstrip('|回复') comment = ''.join(comment) comment = '""' + comment + '""' comments.append(comment) time = [] times = html.xpath("//div[@class='time s-fc4']/text()") for i in times: time.append(i.replace(' ', '')) # print('++' * 30) for i in range(len(name)): self.message['song_name'] = song_name self.message['name'] = name[i] self.message['comments'] = comments[i] self.message['time'] = time[i] self.message['point'] = point[i] self.message['url'] = "" + preson_id[i] self.mysqlCommand.insert_messageData(self.message)
def generateCharts(totalPoints, totalIssues, totalPullRequest, sprintsIssues, assigneesIssues, statusIssues, sprintsIssuesDevs,statusIssuesDevs, sprintsPoints, assigneesPoints, statusPoints, sprintsPointsDevs, statusPointsDevs, events, graphsURLs, eventGraphsURLs, uploadImage=False): startTimeAuthImgur = print("AuthImgurTime") print(startTimeAuthImgur) try: client = authenticateImgur() except: print("Imgur auth problem") print("Final AuthImgurTime") print( - startTimeAuthImgur) startTimeGraphs = print("GraphsTime") print(startTimeGraphs) #percents = [totalPoints, totalIssues, totalPullRequest] try: pieCharts = [sprintsIssues, sprintsPoints] for pie in pieCharts: pieChart(sorted(pie.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))) if uploadImage == True: image = client.upload_from_path('C:\\Users\\vinic\\Projects\\projet\\pieCharts\\foo.png', anon=False) link_img = image['link'] print("Pie uploaded") print(link_img) graphsURLs.append(link_img) print("Pie appended") except: print("Pie chart error!") try: barCharts = {'assignees':[assigneesIssues, assigneesPoints ],'status':[statusIssues, statusPoints]} for key, value in barCharts.items(): print(value[0]) print(value[1]) barA = sorted(value[0].items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) barB = sorted(value[1].items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)) barChart(barA, barB, "Tarefas", "Pontos") if uploadImage == True: image = client.upload_from_path('C:\\Users\\vinic\\Projects\\projet\\barCharts\\bar.png', anon=False) link_img = image['link'] print("Bar uploaded") print(link_img) graphsURLs.append(link_img) print("Bar appended") except: print("Bar chart error!") #stackedBarCharts = [sprintsIssuesDevs, statusIssuesDevs, sprintsPointsDevs, statusPointsDevs] #for stackedBar in stackedBarCharts: # link_img = stackedBarChart(bar) # image = client.upload_from_path('C:\\Users\\vinic\\Projects\\projet\\foo1.png', anon=False) # link_img = image['link'] # print(link_img) # graphsURLs.append(link_img) try: time = [] eventStatus = [] eventTag = [] print("events " + str(len(events))) for issueEvent in events: for eventID, eventData in issueEvent: for eD in eventData: print(eventID) print(eventData) if eventData['event'] == "labeled" or eventData['event'] == "unlabeled": print(eventData['event']) try: print("Over here") if (eventData['detail']['status'].rfind("-") != -1): print("Status :" + str(status)) if int(eventData['detail']['status'].split(" - ")[0]) >= 0: eventStatus.append(int(status.split(" - ")[0])) else: eventStatus.append(status) date_string = str(eventData['created_at']) print("Date " + str(date_string)) try: int_time = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").timetuple())) print("int_time: " + str(int_time)) time.append(str(int_time)) except: time.append(str(date_string)) print("here") except: print("Error map events to charts") #eventTag.append(eventData) #time.append(str(eventData['created_at'])) else: print("!!!!!!") print("Time:") print(str(len(time))) print("EventStatus") print(str(len(eventStatus))) print("EventTag") print(str(len(eventTag))) print("EventGraphsURLs") print(str(len(eventGraphsURLs))) try: if len(time) > 0 and len(eventStatus) > 0: print(time[0]) print(len(eventStatus)) lineChart(time, eventStatus) print("Ploted") if uploadImage == True: image = client.upload_from_path('C:\\Users\\vinic\\Projects\\projet\\lineCharts\\simpleChart.png', anon=False) print(image) link_img = image['link'] print("Line uploaded") print(link_img) eventGraphsURLs.append(link_img) print("Line appended") except: print("Simple chart error") except: print("Line chart error!") print("Final graficos") print( - startTimeGraphs)
return z for i in range(1,NSum+1): with nidaqmx.Task() as task: task.ai_channels.add_ai_voltage_chan("Dev1/ai{0}".format(port1)) task.ai_channels.add_ai_voltage_chan("Dev1/ai{0}".format(port2)) task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(fs,samps_per_chan=number_of_samples_per_channel) data = np.array( z_1= np.conj(FFT_hanning_Normalised(data[0],number_of_samples_per_channel)) #Take the complex conjugate of the Fourier transform of signal 1 z_2 = FFT_hanning_Normalised(data[1],number_of_samples_per_channel) #Take the fourier transform of 2 cc_0 = np.multiply(z_1,z_2) #Product of the dot product of the two Ldata.append(cc_0[0:int((number_of_samples_per_channel/2)+1)]) time.append(ts),Ldata),time) #print(Ldata[0]) #print(Ldata[1]) stop = timeit.default_timer() print('Time: ', stop - start) for j in range(1,int(NSum/segment_size)): for i in np.arange(j*segment size)): results = [] t = [] a = np.average(FFT_SpecConv(Ldata[i][110:140],1))
continue motion = 1 (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # making green rectangle arround the moving object cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 3) # Appending status of motion motion_list.append(motion) motion_list = motion_list[-2:] # Appending Start time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 1 and motion_list[-2] == 0: print("threshold") time.append( # Appending End time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 0 and motion_list[-2] == 1: time.append( # Displaying image in gray_scale cv2.imshow("Gray Frame", gray) # Displaying the difference in currentframe to # the staticframe(very first_frame) cv2.imshow("Difference Frame", diff_frame) # Displaying the black and white image in which if # intencity difference greater than 30 it will appear white cv2.imshow("Threshold Frame", thresh_frame)
liste4.append(frame[i,j][0]) liste1 = str(liste1) liste2 = str(liste2) liste3 = str(liste3) liste4 = str(liste4) try: if sum(BOX1)/len(BOX1) + 1000 < len(liste1) or\ sum(BOX1)/len(BOX1) - 1000 > len(liste1): cv2.rectangle(frame,(100,100), (150, 150), (255,0,255), 1) pos.append(1) time.append(c) if sum(BOX2)/len(BOX2) + 1000 < len(liste2) or\ sum(BOX2)/len(BOX2) - 1000 > len(liste2): cv2.rectangle(frame,(300,100), (350, 150), (255,0,255), 1) pos.append(2) time.append(c) if sum(BOX3)/len(BOX3) + 500 < len(liste3) or\ sum(BOX3)/len(BOX3) - 500 > len(liste3): cv2.rectangle(frame,(400,100), (450, 150), (255,0,255), 1) pos.append(3) time.append(c) if sum(BOX4)/len(BOX4) + 80 < len(liste4) or\
url = [] title = [] source = [] time = [] ext_date = [] with open(filename, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f: column_names = ['id', 'url', 'title', 'source', 'time'] frdr = csv.DictReader(f, fieldnames=column_names) for row in frdr: url.append(row['url']) title.append(row['title']) source.append(row['source']) time.append(row['time']) last_row = len(url) for l in range(last_row): if l == 0: id.append('id') ext_date.append('extract date') else: id.append(l) ext_date.append( with open(filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f: column_names = ['id', 'url', 'title', 'source', 'time', 'extract date'] frtr = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=column_names)
h = [] h.append(120000) v = [] v.append(0) a = [] a.append(-9.81) dp = [] dp.append(0) Dt = [] Dt.append(0) Findrag = [] Findrag.append(0) index = 0 current_height = h[0] time = [] time.append(0) while current_height > 1000: M = Mach(h[index], v[index]) D = 0.5 * CD(M) * current_density(h[index]) * S * (v[index])**2 D_body = 0.5 * 1.14 * current_density( h[index]) * 9.5e-3 * (v[index])**2 #Rough approx for bluff body drag dp1 = current_density(h[index]) * 1 / 2 * (v[index])**2 accel = (D + D_body - W) / m a.append(accel) v_new = v[index] - a[index] * dt current_height = h[index] - v_new * dt v.append(v_new) h.append(current_height) time.append(time[index] + 0.1)
def hello(): flag = 30 flag1 = 0 flag2 = 375 i = 0 h = 0 # Assigning our static_back to None static_back = None # List when any moving object appear motion_list = [None, None] # Time of movement time = [] # Initializing DataFrame, one column is start # time and other column is end time df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=["Start", "End"]) # Capturing video video = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Infinite while loop to treat stack of image as video while True: # Reading frame(image) from video check, screenshot = frame = screenshot blur = cv2.blur(screenshot, (1, 1)) # Initializing motion = 0(no motion) motion = 0 # Converting color image to gray_scale image gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Converting gray scale image to GaussianBlur # so that change can be find easily gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (21, 21), 0) # In first iteration we assign the value # of static_back to our first frame if static_back is None: static_back = gray continue # Difference between static background # and current frame(which is GaussianBlur) diff_frame = cv2.absdiff(static_back, gray) # If change in between static background and # current frame is greater than 30 it will show white color(255) thresh_frame = cv2.threshold(diff_frame, 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] thresh_frame = cv2.dilate(thresh_frame, None, iterations=2) # Finding contour of moving object (_, cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(thresh_frame.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for contour in cnts: if cv2.contourArea(contour) < 10000: continue motion = 1 if flag == 0: cv2.imwrite('opencv' + str(i) + '.png', blur) i = i + 1 flag = 30 flag = flag - 1 if flag1 == 0: threading.Thread(target=msg_siren).start() flag1 = flag1 + 1 if flag2 == 0: threading.Thread(target=email_send).start() flag2 == 375 flag2 = flag2 - 1 (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # making green rectangle arround the moving object cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 3) h = h + 1 # Appending status of motion motion_list.append(motion) motion_list = motion_list[-2:] # Appending Start time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 1 and motion_list[-2] == 0: time.append( # Appending End time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 0 and motion_list[-2] == 1: time.append( # Displaying image in gray_scale cv2.imshow("Gray Frame", gray) # Displaying the difference in currentframe to # the staticframe(very first_frame) cv2.imshow("Difference Frame", diff_frame) # Displaying the black and white image in which if # intencity difference greater than 30 it will appear white cv2.imshow("Threshold Frame", thresh_frame) # Displaying color frame with contour of motion of object cv2.imshow("Color Frame", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) # if q entered whole process will stop if key == ord(' '): mixer.quit() static_back = None flag1 = 0 if key == ord('q'): # if something is movingthen it append the end time of movement if motion == 1: time.append( break # Appending time of motion in DataFrame for i in range(0, len(time), 2): df = df.append({ "Start": time[i], "End": time[i + 1] }, ignore_index=True) # Creating a csv file in which time of movements will be saved df.to_csv("Time_of_movements.csv") video.release() print(h) # Destroying all the windows cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def __init__(self): nodes = np.loadtxt("D:/Tidal_ananlysis_data/analysis/nodes.csv") print("Loading 20 %") t = np.loadtxt("D:/Tidal_ananlysis_data/analysis/t.csv") clear_output(wait=True) print("Loading 40 %") WD = np.loadtxt("D:/Tidal_ananlysis_data/analysis/d.csv") clear_output(wait=True) print("Loading 60 %") u = np.loadtxt("D:/Tidal_ananlysis_data/analysis/u.csv") clear_output(wait=True) print("Loading 80 %") v = np.loadtxt("D:/Tidal_ananlysis_data/analysis/v.csv") clear_output(wait=True) print("loading 100 %") idx = np.loadtxt( "D:/Tidal_ananlysis_data/analysis/nodes_inex(Rm_DCSM_zuno_WDmin=1.5,nl=(1, 1)).csv", dtype=int, ) t = t[::6] WD = WD[::6, idx] v = v[::6, idx] u = u[::6, idx] nodes = nodes[idx] time = [] for timestep in t: tt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestep) time.append(tt) time = np.array(time) WD_t = np.zeros(WD.shape) u_t = np.zeros(u.shape) v_t = np.zeros(v.shape) q = int(0) qq = 1 for node in range(len(nodes)): q = q + int(1) if q == 10: clear_output(wait=True) print(np.round(qq / len(nodes) * 1000, 3), "%") q = int(0) qq += 1 d_n, u_n, v_n = self.Tidal_analysis(node, WD, u, v, time) WD_t[:, node] = d_n u_t[:, node] = u_n v_t[:, node] = v_n bat, nodes_bat = self.bath() bath = griddata(nodes_bat, bat, nodes) print(WD.shape) WD_new = np.zeros(WD.shape) for i in range(WD.shape[0]): WD_new[i] = WD_t[i] - bath WD_new[WD_new < 0] = 0 self.t = t - t[0] self.WD = WD_new self.u = u_t self.v = v_t self.nodes = nodes self.tria = Delaunay(nodes)
def detect_camera(): print('mtav', Motion.objects.all()) # Assigning our static_back to None static_back = None # List when any moving object appear motion_list = [None, None] # Time of movement time = [] # Initializing DataFrame, one column is start # time and other column is end time df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=["Start", "End"]) print(df) time_count = 0 # Capturing video video = cv2.VideoCapture( 'rtsp://admin:@[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/101') while True: time_count = time_count + 1 # if time_count == 60: # break # Reading frame(image) from video # print(video) check, frame = # print(frame,check) # Initializing motion = 0(no motion) motion = 0 # Converting color image to gray_scale image gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Converting gray scale image to GaussianBlur # so that change can be find easily gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (21, 21), 0) # In first iteration we assign the value # of static_back to our first frame if static_back is None: static_back = gray continue # Difference between static background # and current frame(which is GaussianBlur) diff_frame = cv2.absdiff(static_back, gray) # If change in between static background and # current frame is greater than 30 it will show white color(255) thresh_frame = cv2.threshold(diff_frame, 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] thresh_frame = cv2.dilate(thresh_frame, None, iterations=2) # Finding contour of moving object cnts, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh_frame.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for contour in cnts: # print(cv2.contourArea(contour)) if cv2.contourArea(contour) < 10000: continue motion = 1 (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # making green rectangle arround the moving object cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 3) # Appending status of motion motion_list.append(motion) motion_list = motion_list[-2:] # Appending Start time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 1 and motion_list[-2] == 0: time.append( print(, 'start') # Appending End time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 0 and motion_list[-2] == 1: Motion.objects.create(, end_time=time[-1], camera_index=1) time.append( print(, 'end') # Displaying image in gray_scale # cv2.imshow("Gray Frame", gray) # # Displaying the difference in currentframe to # # the staticframe(very first_frame) # cv2.imshow("Difference Frame", diff_frame) # # Displaying the black and white image in which if # # intensity difference greater than 30 it will appear white # cv2.imshow("Threshold Frame", thresh_frame) # Displaying color frame with contour of motion of object cv2.imshow("Color Frame", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) # if q entered whole process will stop if key == ord('q'): # if something is movingthen it append the end time of movement if motion == 1: time.append( break # Appending time of motion in DataFrame print(time) for i in range(0, len(time), 2): df = df.append({ "Start": time[i], "End": time[i + 1] }, ignore_index=True) # Creating a CSV file in which time of movements will be saved df.to_csv("Time_of_movements.csv") video.release()
fixedTime = datetime.fromtimestamp(ACTime) if l==0: prevACtime=fixedTime rate=False for ra in range(len(contestData)): ranu=int(ra) data=contestData[ranu] if data["id"]==subData["contest_id"] and data["rate_change"]!="-" and not(data["rate_change"]=="All" and data["start_epoch_second"]<1468670400): rate=True break if rate==True: RPS+=subData["point"] time.append(fixedTime) ac.append(RPS) contests.append(subData["contest_id"]) problems.append(subData["problem_id"]) prevTime = fixedTime print(subData["problem_id"]+" "+data["rate_change"]) if RPS>highest: highest=RPS #最終ACから現在の日までx軸に平行な線を引く if! and prevTime.month!=tod.month and prevTime.year!=tod.year: while day<=tod: time.append(day) ac.append(RPS) day+=timedelta(1)
#print(parts[0]) #print(parts[1]) bins.append((int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]))) #for random testing: #voltage = [3.3*random.random() for x in range(len(names))] print(bins) node_voltage = list() time = list() interval = 0.001 count = 0 if "single" in string_to_write: node_position = bins[0][0] for y in bins: node_voltage.append(y[1] * 3.3 / 1023) time.append(interval * count) count += 1 plt.plot(time, node_voltage, 'bo') plt.axis([0, time[-1], 0, 3.3]) sys.exit(0) #Reorganizing for the order of the breadboard layout #Create place holders when all is not called #organizing to operate different modes old_voltage = [0] * 128 #create a list of zeros of 128 elements for y in bins: old_voltage[y[0]] = 3.3 * y[1] / 1023 old_names = list(range(128))
def get_epsolid_reward(self, env, start_time, k1=1.5, k2=2.5, k3=0.5, total_step=10000): ''' 进行PID模拟全程 :param env: 环境 :param start_time: 当前的起始时间 :param k1: kp :param k2: kd :param k3: ki :return: 损失值 ''' self.env = copy.copy(env) alpha = [] theta = [] desired_theta = [] q = [] time = [] control = [] ierror = 0 derror_list = [] error_list = [] dez_list = [] tp = 0 # 峰值时间 ts = total_step # 调整时间 count = 0 loss_sin = 0 if_alpha = False # ----------进行循环控制---------- for i in range(total_step): if count >= belief_times and ts == total_step: ts = i break self.env.pitch_desired = PITCH_DESIRED[i + start_time] error = self.env.pitch_desired * 57.3 - self.env.observation[0] loss_sin += math.fabs(error) derror = self.env.dpithch_desired * 57.3 - self.env.observation[1] error_list.append(error) derror_list.append(derror) ierror = ierror + error * self.env.tau action = k1 * error + k2 * derror + k3 * ierror dez_list.append(action) # ----------系统分析---------- # TODO:超调时间 if (error == 0 and tp == 0): tp = i self.env.step(np.array([action])) alpha.append(self.env.arfa * 57.3) if self.env.arfa * 57.3 < -1 or self.env.arfa * 57.3 > 10: if_alpha = True theta.append(self.env.observation[0]) desired_theta.append(self.env.pitch_desired * 57.3) q.append(self.env.observation[1]) time.append(i) control.append(action) if (abs(error) <= abs(adjust_bound * self.env.pitch)): count += 1 else: count = 0 # ----------系统分析---------- # 超调 Overshoot = max(np.array(theta)) - max(np.array(desired_theta)) if Overshoot < Overshoot_target: Overshoot = 0 else: Overshoot = (Overshoot - Overshoot_target) / Overshoot_target # 调整时间 if ts <= ts_target: ts = 0 else: ts = (ts - ts_target) / ts_target # 稳态误差 st_error = 0.0 for i in range(10): st_error += abs(error_list[-i]) st_error /= 10.0 if st_error < Static_error_target: Static_error = 0 else: Static_error = (st_error - Static_error_target) / Static_error_target done = True # TODO:目前的奖励设置不合理 if if_alpha: loss_sin += 450000 done = False return loss_sin, done, ts, Overshoot, Static_error
def search_article_info(self, name, page=1): """搜索文章 Args: name: 搜索文章关键字 page: 搜索的页数 Returns: 列表,每一项均是{'name','url','img','zhaiyao','gzhname','gzhqrcodes','gzhurl','time'} name: 文章标题 url: 文章链接 img: 文章封面图片缩略图,可转为高清大图 zhaiyao: 文章摘要 time: 文章推送时间,10位时间戳 gzhname: 公众号名称 gzhqrcodes: 公众号二维码 gzhurl: 公众号最近文章地址 """ text = self._search_article_text(name, page) page = etree.HTML(text) img = list() info_imgs = page.xpath(u"//div[@class='wx-rb wx-rb3']/div[1]/a/img") for info_img in info_imgs: img.append(info_img.attrib['src']) url = list() info_urls = page.xpath(u"//div[@class='wx-rb wx-rb3']/div[2]/h4/a") for info_url in info_urls: url.append(info_url.attrib['href']) name = list() info_names = page.xpath(u"//div[@class='wx-rb wx-rb3']/div[2]/h4") for info_name in info_names: cache = self._get_elem_text(info_name) cache = cache.replace('red_beg', '').replace('red_end', '') name.append(cache) zhaiyao = list() info_zhaiyaos = page.xpath(u"//div[@class='wx-rb wx-rb3']/div[2]/p") for info_zhaiyao in info_zhaiyaos: cache = self._get_elem_text(info_zhaiyao) cache = cache.replace('red_beg', '').replace('red_end', '') zhaiyao.append(cache) gzhname = list() gzhqrcodes = list() gzhurl = list() info_gzhs = page.xpath(u"//div[@class='wx-rb wx-rb3']/div[2]/div/a") for info_gzh in info_gzhs: gzhname.append(info_gzh.attrib['title']) gzhqrcodes.append(info_gzh.attrib['data-encqrcodeurl']) gzhurl.append(info_gzh.attrib['href']) time = list() info_times = page.xpath(u"//div[@class='wx-rb wx-rb3']/div[2]/div/span/script/text()") for info_time in info_times: time.append(re.findall('vrTimeHandle552write\(\'(.*?)\'\)', info_time)[0]) returns = list() for i in range(len(url)): returns.append( { 'name': name[i], 'url': url[i], 'img': img[i], 'zhaiyao': zhaiyao[i], 'gzhname': gzhname[i], 'gzhqrcodes': gzhqrcodes[i], 'gzhurl': gzhurl[i], 'time': time[i] } ) return returns
# create a new inlet to read from the stream inlet = StreamInlet(streams[0]) counter = 0 fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Micro Volts') plt.title('EEG Channel 1') data = [] time = [] print("pull samples...") while True: # get a new sample (you can also omit the timestamp part if you're not # interested in it) sample = inlet.pull_sample() counter += 1 data.append(sample[0][0]) time.append(counter) ax1.clear() ax1.plot(time, data) plt.pause(0.05) print(sample)
main_div = soup.find_all( "div", attrs={"class": re.compile("cb-col cb-col-100 cb-lst-itm cb-lst-itm-lg")}) links = [] intro = [] time = [] typ = [] heading = [] print("Processing News") for s in main_div: links.append("" + s.a["href"]) s1 = s.find("div", attrs={"class": re.compile("cb-nws-intr")}) intro.append(s1.text) s2 = s.find("div", attrs={"class": re.compile("cb-nws-time")}) typ.append(s2.text) s3 = s.find("span", attrs={"class": re.compile("cb-nws-time")}) time.append(s3.text) s4 = s.find( "h2", attrs={"class": re.compile("cb-nws-hdln cb-font-18 line-ht24")}) heading.append(s4.text) l = len(heading) with open("out.txt", "w") as file: for i in range(l): file.write(typ[i] + "\n") file.write(heading[i] + "\n") file.write(intro[i] + "\n") file.write("Ref: " + links[i] + "\n") file.write("Posted: " + time[i] + "\n\n") file.close() print("Your News is ready in 'out.txt'")
def generate_time(): time = [] for i in range(240): time.append(i / 10) return time
def motiondetect(): # Assigning our static_back to None static_back = None # List when any moving object appear motion_list = [None, None] # Time of movement time = [] # Initializing DataFrame, one column is start # time and other column is end time df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=["Start", "End"]) # Capturing video video = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Infinite while loop to treat stack of image as video while True: # Reading frame(image) from video check, frame = # Initializing motion = 0(no motion) motion = 0 # Converting color image to gray_scale image gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Converting gray scale image to GaussianBlur # so that change can be find easily gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (21, 21), 0) # In first iteration we assign the value # of static_back to our first frame if static_back is None: static_back = gray continue # Difference between static background # and current frame(which is GaussianBlur) diff_frame = cv2.absdiff(static_back, gray) # If change in between static background and # current frame is greater than 30 it will show white color(255) thresh_frame = cv2.threshold(diff_frame, 30, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] thresh_frame = cv2.dilate(thresh_frame, None, iterations=2) # Finding contour of moving object (cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(thresh_frame.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) for contour in cnts: if cv2.contourArea(contour) < 10000: continue motion = 1 (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # making green rectangle arround the moving object cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 3) # Appending status of motion motion_list.append(motion) motion_list = motion_list[-2:] # Appending Start time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 1 and motion_list[-2] == 0: time.append( # Appending End time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 0 and motion_list[-2] == 1: time.append( # Displaying image in gray_scale cv2.imshow("Gray Frame", gray) # Displaying the difference in currentframe to # the staticframe(very first_frame) cv2.imshow("Difference Frame", diff_frame) # Displaying the black and white image in which if # intencity difference greater than 30 it will appear white cv2.imshow("Threshold Frame", thresh_frame) # Displaying color frame with contour of motion of object cv2.imshow("Color Frame", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) # if q entered whole process will stop if key == ord('q'): # if something is movingthen it append the end time of movement if motion == 1: print("motion detected") break video.release() # Destroying all the windows cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def fp(self, windows_density=20, denoise=False): windows_size = self.framerate // windows_density #windows_size:每个窗口的帧数 hamming_window = np.hamming(windows_size) if denoise: noise_fft = self.denoise(2, windows_size) self.landmarks = [ ] # 用landmarks储存landmark,landmark是一个tuple:(时间,频率),并根据先时间后频率对landmark在list中从前到后排序 #!!! time = [] frequency = [] # 每次的fft先暂时储存起来!等找出最大的aver_max再秋后算账(处理处landmark) ffts = [] max_aver_max = 0 for i in range(0, self.nframes - windows_size, windows_size): window = self.wave_data[0][ i:i + windows_size] # window即一个窗口(离散的时域函数) fft = np.abs(np.fft.fft(window)) # fft即对这个窗口进行傅里叶转换得到的离散频域函数 #对噪声反向补偿 fft = fft - noise_fft # 滤波并保留landmark----(出现的时间,频率) max1 = np.max(fft[:10]) max2 = np.max(fft[10:20]) max3 = np.max(fft[20:40]) max4 = np.max(fft[40:80]) max5 = np.max(fft[80:160]) max6 = np.max(fft[160:511]) aver_max = (max1 + max2 + max3 + max4 + max5 + max6) / 6 if aver_max > max_aver_max: max_aver_max = aver_max ffts.append(fft[:windows_size // 2]) max_aver_max *= 0.8 for i in range(len(ffts)): for j in range(windows_size // 2): # 只有前一般的频谱是不重复的,所以统计landmark只统计前一半 if ffts[i][j] > max_aver_max: self.landmarks.append((int( (i)), int(j * windows_density))) #!!! time.append(int(i)) frequency.append(int(j * windows_density)) # 计算锚(取targetzone为紧跟在锚点后面的5个点),储存在fps中,每个锚就是一个指纹,用一个tuple表示:(锚点绝对时间位置,锚点频率,目标点频率,时间差)-------全部转换成string! self.fps = [] for i in range(0, len(self.landmarks) - 5): for j in range(i + 1, i + 6): self.fps.append( (str(self.landmarks[i][0]), str(self.landmarks[i][1]), str(self.landmarks[j][1]), str(self.landmarks[j][0] - self.landmarks[i][0]))) #!!! plt.scatter(time, frequency) print(len(self.landmarks)) else: self.landmarks = [ ] # 用landmarks储存landmark,landmark是一个tuple:(时间,频率),并根据先时间后频率对landmark在list中从前到后排序 ''' time = [] frequency = [] ''' #每次的fft先暂时储存起来!等找出最大的aver_max再秋后算账(处理处landmark) ffts = [] max_aver_max = 0 for i in range(0, self.nframes - windows_size, windows_size): window = self.wave_data[0][ i:i + windows_size] # window即一个窗口(离散的时域函数) #下面两行用汉明窗(删除即默认矩形窗) tailored_window = np.array(window) * np.array( hamming_window) # 用haming窗口剪裁 fft = np.abs( np.fft.fft(tailored_window)) # fft即对这个窗口进行傅里叶转换得到的离散频域函数 # 滤波并保留landmark----(出现的时间,频率) max1 = np.max(fft[:10]) max2 = np.max(fft[10:20]) max3 = np.max(fft[20:40]) max4 = np.max(fft[40:80]) max5 = np.max(fft[80:160]) max6 = np.max(fft[160:511]) aver_max = (max1 + max2 + max3 + max4 + max5 + max6) / 6 if aver_max > max_aver_max: max_aver_max = aver_max ffts.append(fft[:windows_size // 2]) max_aver_max *= 0.8 for i in range(len(ffts)): for j in range(windows_size // 2): # 只有前一般的频谱是不重复的,所以统计landmark只统计前一半 if ffts[i][j] > max_aver_max: self.landmarks.append((int( (i)), int(j * windows_density))) ''' time.append(int(i)) frequency.append(int(j * windows_density)) ''' # 计算锚(取targetzone为紧跟在锚点后面的5个点),储存在fps中,每个锚就是一个指纹,用一个tuple表示:(锚点绝对时间位置,锚点频率,目标点频率,时间差)-------全部转换成string! self.fps = [] for i in range(0, len(self.landmarks) - 5): for j in range(i + 1, i + 6): self.fps.append( (str(self.landmarks[i][0]), str(self.landmarks[i][1]), str(self.landmarks[j][1]), str(self.landmarks[j][0] - self.landmarks[i][0]))) '''
elif len(predAmp) < len(predAmpN): predAmpN = predAmpN[:len(predAmp)] cleanTimeN = cleanTimeN[:len(predAmpN)] nonCoalesceLen = len(predAmp) else: nonCoalesceLen = len(predAmp) nonCoalescePeriod = len(ampPeaks['posTime']) - nonCoalesceLen nonCoalescePeriodN = len(ampPeaks['negTime']) - nonCoalesceLen time = list() amp = list() length = max([len(cleanTime), len(cleanTimeN)]) if abs(cleanTime[0]) > abs(cleanTimeN[0]): for t in xrange(length): if t < len(cleanTime): time.append(cleanTime[t]) amp.append(predAmp[t]) if t < len(cleanTimeN): time.append(cleanTimeN[t]) amp.append(predAmpN[t]) else: for t in xrange(length): if t < len(cleanTimeN): time.append(cleanTimeN[t]) amp.append(predAmpN[t]) if t < len(cleanTime): time.append(cleanTime[t]) amp.append(predAmp[t]) #====================================== # During Coalescence
cog = [] sog = [] yaw_gps = [] pitch_gps = [] roll_gps = [] ax = [] ay = [] az = [] for line in urlopen(''+ sys.argv[1] +'.txt'): line = line.strip() raw_data.append(line.decode('utf-8').split(',')) length = len(raw_data) for i in range(1,length): time.append(raw_data[i][0]) roll.append (raw_data[i][1]) pitch.append(raw_data[i][2]) wx.append (raw_data[i][3]) wy.append(raw_data[i][4]) wz.append (raw_data[i][5]) lat.append(raw_data[i][6]) long.append (raw_data[i][7]) cog.append(raw_data[i][8]) sog.append (raw_data[i][9]) yaw_gps.append(raw_data[i][10]) pitch_gps.append (raw_data[i][11]) roll_gps.append(raw_data[i][12]) ax.append (raw_data[i][13]) ay.append(raw_data[i][14]) # az.append (raw_data[i][15])
def model_simulation(self, k1=1.5, k2=2.5, k3=0.5, iterator=0): total_step = 1000 self.env.reset() alpha = [] theta = [] desired_theta = [] q = [] time = [] i = 1 control = [] ierror = 0 derror_list = [] error_list = [] action_list = [] dez_list = [] while i < total_step: """ FOR DEBUG """ # if i % 10 == 0: # print(i,self.env.state[1],self.env.theta_desired) error = self.env.theta_desired - self.env.state[1] derror = -self.env.state[2] error_list.append(error) derror_list.append(derror) ierror = ierror + error * self.env.tau action = k1 * error + k2 * derror + k3 * ierror action_list.append(action) dez_list.append(self.env.delta_z) self.env.step(np.array([action])) alpha.append(self.env.state[0]) theta.append(self.env.state[1]) desired_theta.append(self.env.theta_desired) q.append(self.env.state[2]) time.append(i) control.append(action) i = i + 1 # "绘制$\\alpha$曲线" # plt.xticks(fontproperties='Times New Roman') # plt.yticks(fontproperties='Times New Roman') # plt.xlabel("Number of Iterations") # plt.ylabel("Attack Angle") # plt.plot(alpha, label="$\\alpha$") # plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'family': 'Times New Roman'}) # # 图上的legend,记住字体是要用prop以字典形式设置的,而且字的大小是size不是fontsize,这个容易和xticks的命令弄混 # plt.title("$\\alpha$ In %s Epoch " % str(iterator), fontdict={'family': 'Times New Roman'}) # # # "绘制$\\delta_z$曲线" # # plt.xticks(fontproperties='Times New Roman') # plt.yticks(fontproperties='Times New Roman') # plt.xlabel("Number of Iterations") # plt.ylabel("Elevator") # plt.plot(dez_list, label="$\\delta_z$") # plt.title("$\\delta_z$ In %s epoch " % str(iterator), fontdict={'family': 'Times New Roman'}) # plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'family': 'Times New Roman'}) # # "绘制theta曲线" # # plt.figure(num=2) # # plt.xticks(fontproperties='Times New Roman') # plt.yticks(fontproperties='Times New Roman') # plt.xlabel("Number of Iterations") # plt.ylabel("Pitch Angle") # # plt.plot(theta, label="time-theta") # plt.plot(desired_theta, label="time-desired_theta") # plt.legend(loc='best', prop={'family': 'Times New Roman'}) # plt.title("$ \\theta$ In %s epoch " % str(iterator), fontdict={'family': 'Times New Roman'}) # plt.savefig("%sepoch.pdf" % iterator) # return alpha, dez_list, theta, desired_theta
def alertinfo(request): if 'emp_id' in request.session and 'Username' in request.session: empid = request.session['emp_id'] obje = Alert.objects.filter(cluster="systemlog") for obje1 in obje: ip = obje1.ip_endpoint es = Elasticsearch([ip]) alert_namelist = [] alert_id = [] doc = {"size": 10000, "query": {"match": {"emp_id": empid}}} res ="alertinfo", doc_type='post', body=doc) for row in res['hits']['hits']: alert_name = row["_source"]["alert_name"] alert_namelist.append(alert_name) id = len(alert_namelist) alert_id.append(id) al = set(alert_namelist) alert_nameunique = list(al) sk = len(alert_nameunique) value = [] kibanaquerylist = [] k1 = [] sizelist = [] lastalertsent = [] timestamp = [] mailsentlist = [] smssentlist = [] mailsent = [] for name in alert_nameunique: body = { "size": 10000, "sort": [{ "lastalertsent": { "order": "asc" } }], "query": { "match": { "alert_name": name } } } result ="alertinfo", doc_type='post', body=body) for row in result['hits']['hits']: kibanaquery = row["_source"]["kibana_query"] k1.append(kibanaquery) kibanaquerylist.append(kibanaquery) lastalert = row["_source"]["lastalertsent"] lastalertsent.append(lastalert) mailsent = row["_source"]["mail_sent"] mailsent[:] = [item for item in mailsent if item != ''] mailsent[:] = [item for item in mailsent if item != 'None'] mailsent = [item.encode('utf-8') for item in mailsent] mailsentlist.append(mailsent) smssent = row["_source"]["sms_sent"] smssent = [item.encode('utf-8') for item in smssent] smssent[:] = [item for item in smssent if item != ''] smssent[:] = [item for item in smssent if item != 'None'] smssentlist.append(smssent) s1 = len(k1) size = s1 sizelist.append(size) del k1[:] kibana = [] for ls in lastalertsent: current_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ls).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') timestamp.append(current_timestamp) kibana = [] time = [] mail_sent = [] count = 0 sms_sent = [] for size in sizelist: kibana.append([kibanaquerylist[i + count] for i in range(size)]) time.append([timestamp[i + count] for i in range(size)]) mail_sent.append([mailsentlist[i + count] for i in range(size)]) sms_sent.append([smssentlist[i + count] for i in range(size)]) count += size allist = [] zippedlist = zip(alert_nameunique, kibana, time, mail_sent, sms_sent, alert_id) return render(request, 'application/alertinfo.html', { 'kibanaquery': zippedlist, 'alert': alert_id }) else: return redirect('form')
def get_epsolid_reward(self, k1=1.5, k2=2.5, k3=0.5, is_test=False): total_step = 2000 self.env.reset() alpha = [] theta = [] desired_theta = [] q = [] time = [] i = 1 control = [] ierror = 0 derror_list = [] error_list = [] dez_list = [] # 峰值时间 tp = 0 '''计算调整时间 如果调整时间过大我们就加大惩罚''' ts = total_step count = 0 for i in range(total_step): if count >= belief_times: ts = i - belief_times break error = self.env.theta_desired - self.env.state[1] derror = -self.env.state[2] error_list.append(error) derror_list.append(derror) ierror = ierror + error * self.env.tau action = k1 * error + k2 * derror + k3 * ierror dez_list.append(action) if (error == 0 and tp == 0): tp = i self.env.step(np.array([action])) alpha.append(self.env.state[0]) theta.append(self.env.state[1]) desired_theta.append(self.env.theta_desired) q.append(self.env.state[2]) time.append(i) control.append(action) if (abs(error) <= abs(adjust_bound * self.env.theta_desired)): count += 1 else: count = 0 # ## 分阶段优化,因为每个阶段的任务应该是不同的,模拟人的思想,模拟我们自己的调参经验,先得到一个可行解,然后转移得到带有约束的最优解 ## 虽然我觉得这里应该加入极大值限制,这里是不是应该改环境 if self.env.state[ 0] < self.env.alpha_threshold_min or self.env.state[ 0] > self.env.alpha_threshold_max: count += 1 # 超调量 kp Overshoot = max(abs(np.array(theta))) - max( abs(np.array(desired_theta))) Overshoot = 0 if Overshoot < Overshoot_target else ( Overshoot - Overshoot_target) / Overshoot_target # 调整时间 ts = 0 if ts <= ts_target else (ts - ts_target) / ts_target r = Overshoot + ts # r = Overshoot + ts # 判断是否满足约束,约束判准 if is_test: return ts else: return r
with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(time, '%%H:%%i'), course, marketId FROM races WHERE date = %s ORDER BY time", (date_today)) markets = cursor.fetchall() tab = [] for market in markets: tab.append((market['DATE_FORMAT(time, \'%H:%i\')']+', '+market['course']+', '+market['marketId']+'\n')) time = [] # sample is for gmt+2 for row in tab: # not_dst if time.localtime().tm_isdst == 0: if(row[0:2] == '19'): time.append(('20'+row[2:])) elif(row[0:2] == '23'): time.append(('00'+row[2:])) else: time.append((row[0]+str(int(row[1])+1)+row[2:])) elif time.localtime().tm_isdst == 1: # dst if(row[0:2] == '18'): time.append(('20'+row[2:])) elif(row[0:2] == '19'): time.append(('21'+row[2:])) elif(row[0:2] == '23'): time.append(('01'+row[2:])) else: time.append((row[0]+str(int(row[1])+2)+row[2:])) else:
import ast import time from db_connect import get_conn parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('E', type=int, help='number of exchange transactions in a process') parser.add_argument('P', type=int, help='number of processes') parser.add_argument('I', help='isolation level') args = parser.parse_args() processes = [] for i in xrange(0, args.P): processes.append( subprocess.Popen([ 'python', 'c:/Users/User/OneDrive/NUS/course/CS5421/assigment/project5/', str(args.E), args.I ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)) ##MODIFIED for process in processes: process.wait() time = [] for process in processes: time.append(ast.literal_eval(process.communicate()[0])) print float(sum(time)) / len(time)
BASE = "" session_requests = requests.session() ct = 0 title = [] score = [] hnuser = [] time = [] for i in range(1, 51): URL = BASE + str(i) r = session_requests.get(URL) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html.parser') for node in soup.find_all("a", "storylink"): title.append(node.text) for node in soup.find_all("span", "age"): time.append(node.text) for node in soup.find_all("a", "hnuser"): hnuser.append(node.text) for node in soup.find_all("span", "score"): score.append(node.text) if len(title) > len(hnuser): title.pop() time.pop() class post(Document): title = StringField(max_length=120, required=True) author = StringField(max_length=120, required=True) time = StringField(max_length=120, required=True) score = StringField(max_length=50, required=True)
def random_date(start, end, numero): time = [] for e in range(0,numero): time.append(str_time_prop(start, end, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p', random.random())) return time
continue motion = 1 (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(contour) # making green rectangle arround the moving object cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 3) # we now append status of motion motion_list.append(motion) # we slice the array from the second last element motion_list = motion_list[-2:] # appending Start time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 1 and motion_list[-2] == 0: time.append("%H:%M:%S")) # appending End time of motion if motion_list[-1] == 0 and motion_list[-2] == 1: time.append("%H:%M:%S")) # displaying image in gray_scale cv2.imshow("Gray Frame", gray) # displaying the difference in currentframe to the staticframe(very first_frame) cv2.imshow("Difference Frame", diff_frame) # displaying the black and white image in which if intencity difference greater than 30 it will appear white cv2.imshow("Threshold Frame", thresh) # displaying color frame with contour of motion of object